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1. Flaxseed oil is a great part of an overall cure for yeast infections and is a good source of omega-3- and omega-6-EPA fatty acids. Evening primrose oil, borage oil, and black currant seed oil are excellent sources of omega-6-EPA fatty acids. All are antifungal. Flaxseed oil has many important roles in the creation of health.

Its major properties are:

o natural anticoagulant: helps prevent blood clots
o reduces risk of heart attack and stroke
o protects arteries from damage
o reduces blood triglycerides
o lowers LDL blood cholesterol
o lowers blood pressure
o improves symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases like lupus, multiple sclerosis, and scleroderma
o helps migraine headaches, asthma, gastritis, and colitis
o anti-inflammatory agent
o prevents cancer

2. Glutamic acid hydrochloride is a part of a cure for yeast infections and is a stomach-acidifying digestive aid that works better in some individuals than betaine hydrochloride. It is usually effective for improving the absorption of trace minerals and killing off unfriendly microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.

Glutamine (L-Glutamine) may be very important for those Candida cases where leaky gut syndrome has been identified, such as in severe cases of chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. Glutamine is produced primarily in skeletal muscle. Its mechanism of action is to work as an inter-organ nitrogen and carbon transporter. Glutamine is traditionally classified as a nonessential amino acid because it can be made in the body from other amino acids. Regardless of this classification, glutamine is essential for maintaining intestinal function, immune response, and amino acid homeostasis during times of severe stress or greater physical activity.

Glutamine is an important metabolic fuel for all the white blood cells, fibroblasts (cells involved in tissue repair and healing), and enterocytes (cells lining the gastrointestinal tract). Glutamine also functions as a precursor of other amino acids, glucose (blood sugar), purines and pyrimidines (DNA and RNA), and glutathione, the body's most important self-generated antioxidant.

Glutamine as part of a cure for yeast infections can also be an effective treatment for sugar cravings, hypo-glycemia, peptic ulcers, depression, moodiness, poor memory, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, short bowel syndrome, and Crohn's disease. It also has been shown to enhance stamina and exercise performance. The usual aches and pains after heavy exercise are significantly reduced by regular use of this supplement.

Glutamine is used for HIV wasting, abnormal intestinal permeability in people with HIV, chemotherapy-induced mucositis, protection of the immune system and gut barrier function in people with esophageal cancer undergoing radiochemotherapy, cystinuria, ulcerative colitis, and sickle cell anemia; for improving recovery after bone marrow transplant; and for alcohol withdrawal support. Glutamine is also used for preventing morbidity in n.mm.i p.nu-uts and preventing infectious complications in critically ill patients.

Glutamine helps sustain mental ability, regulates brain metabolism, and, along with glutamic acid, is used as a brain fuel. Glutamine is used in the treatment of alcoholism and can protect against alcohol poisoning. It has been documented to benefit both schizophrenia and senility.

Studies show that glutamine is well tolerated and without side effects in doses up to 40 grams per day and is a great part of an overall cure for yeast infections.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are different ways you can promote self healing colitis and crohns if you suffer from either of these inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Self healing remedies, which are essentially non-drug alternative treatments, are the preferred choice of treatment for many IBD sufferers because most of these remedies are free of negative side effects and encourage the body to heal itself.

The following are 10 self healing colitis and crohns methods you can look into -

1. Diet - Many IBD symptoms are triggered by food products. Therefore, it's a good idea to create a food diary and eliminate the foods that aggravate your condition (I.E. fat, sugar, acid foods) and increase those that lower the risk (I.E. most fruits, vegetables, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids). Talk to a dietician or your doctor about good food choices and to start a diet plan that works for you.

2. Herbal remedies - There are many herbal remedies for self healing colitis and crohns treatments. Herbs from plant have been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes including treating gastrointestinal disorders such as crohns and colitis. Popular herbal remedies that may be used as treatment for inflammation include: cat's claw, green tea, ginkgo, slippery elm, wild indigo, etc. Herbs may be taken as supplements, added to recipes, in tea, or eaten whole, depending on the herb. It's in your best interest to talk with a professional herbalist.

3. Acupuncture - Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into specific acupoints in the body to help bring balance back to the body. Acupuncture can help treat painful symptoms as well as, diarrhea and constipation. This treatment should be sought from a professional acupuncturist.

4. Hypnosis - Known as body/mind medicine, this form of self healing colitis and crohns is a treatment that helps to increase relaxation, improve immune function, decrease stress and ease feelings of anxiety. Hypnosis improves conditions by allowing a patient to use their subconscious to gain control over their symptoms. Hypnosis should be sought from a psychologist or psychiatrist.

5. Homeopathy - This is a type of treatment that focuses on treating individuals as a whole. The course of treatment is determined after a person's physical, psychological and emotional makeup is studied. This form of treatment is given by a homeopath.

6. Naturopathy - Naturopathy treats a person as a whole - mind, body and spirit. Naturopathy does not treat the illness, and promotes self-healing by determining what lifestyle changes a person needs in order to achieve and maintain good health. Many alternative treatments may be recommended including acupuncture, homeopathy, massage therapy, herbs, etc.

7. Probiotics - Some research has found that probiotics, also known as good gut bacteria (I.E. lactobacillus) can improve the symptoms of crohns and colitis. By providing the stomach with beneficial bacteria it helps to keep other "bad" bacteria under control and bring more balance to the gut flora.

8. Reduce Stress - Anxiety and stress have been shown to trigger and worsen symptoms related to IBD. Therefore, part of a good self healing colitis and crohns treatment plan is to make sure you find ways to reduce stress. Stress can be reduced through meditation exercises such as Yoga and Tai Chi, and massage therapy.

9. Reduce bad habits - If you have bad habits such as smoking, overeating, and drinking alcohol, it is imperative you put a stop to these habits right away to avoid triggering and worsening symptoms.

10. Joining a support group -Suffering from crohn's and ulcerative colitis can be difficult and embarrassing to live with. It helps to talk with people who understand your physical and emotional conditions. Treating emotional and psychological symptoms of IBD helps to reduce stress and is an important part of the self healing process.

Despite which self healing colitis and crohns remedies interest you, make sure you consult with your doctor before starting any treatment. It is important to first obtain his/her advice, and it is a good idea to allow your doctor to monitor your condition to see how you respond to self healing treatments.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you've found blood in cat stool, you are right to be concerned. Blood in feces can be the sign of a serious medical condition. In this article, you'll learn the symptoms to watch for, possible causes and how to treat this condition and then prevent it from coming back.

Symptoms of Cat Blood in Stool

Besides seeing blood in your cat's feces, you may also see one or more of the following symptoms. Be sure to write them down, so you can report them to your vet:

  • Exertion while defecating

  • Excessive intake of water

  • Appetite loss

  • Frequency of bowel movements increases

  • Excessive urination

  • Lethary, decrease in activity

  • Weight loss

Since these symptoms can be the signs of something serious, take your cat to the vet right away.

What Causes Cat Blood in Stool

Below is a list of possible cause of blood in your cat's feces:

  • Clotting disorder

  • Ingestion of foods or antibiotics that the cat is allergic to

  • Colitis or bowel inflammation

  • Colitis (which is inflammation of the bowel)

  • Benign tumors in the colon or rectum

  • Parasites (roundworms, hookworms, etc)

  • Ingesting household poisons

  • Bacterial infections

The Best Remedies for Cat Blood in Stool

The treatment will depend on which factors are causing blood in the stool.

  • Stop feeding your cat packaged and canned cat food. Processed food is not good for humans and it's not healthy for cats because it's full of chemicals, additives and fillers.

  • Instead, feed your cat a diet that is high in fiber, has good quality protein and is low in fat.

  • Follow the vet's advice and don't give your cat leftovers.

  • If you cat has parasites, administer a de-worming medication

  • Give you cat drugs to slow the passage of the food through the intestine and/or use antibiotics.

The problem with treating your cat drugs or antibiotics is that they have side effects and can actually worsen your cat's symptoms and increase your pet's chance of having recurring problems. It's important to understand that drugs suppress symptoms but do not actually cure them.This is why many pet owners are turning to natural remedies.

Natural remedies work at the cellular level to heal blood in cat stool and the conditions that cause inflammation and disease in the colon, rectum and bladder. Since they do not have side effects and are gentle enough to be used every, they can also be used for prevention. They are inexpensive and work to support your cat's immunity, eliminate infection, soothe tissues and improve quality of life. In addition they are convenient for the pet owner because they come in granular form, so you just put a few crystals on your cat's tongue or sprinkle it on your pet's food. Since all natural remedies are not alike, make sure to do your research and look for one that contains proven ingredients like uva ursi, berberis, cantharis and staphysagris.

So there you have it. By following some common sense guidelines and giving your cat a natural remedy, you can treat cat blood in stool and fortify your cat's immunity, which will improve your furry pet's overall health.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The best place to get ulcerative colitis info is from your doctor, but knowing that friends and family members as well as patients sometimes do not get as much information as they need, this article attempts to answer questions such as "what is ulcerative colitis", as well as provide some information about ulcerative colitis nutrition recommendations. None of this is meant to take the place of your doctor's advice, but merely supplement the information that you already have.

What is ulcerative colitis? It is an inflammatory bowel disease. All or part of the colon may become inflamed. Sores may form on the inner walls of the colon. Depending on how much of the colon that is affected, symptoms may be mild, moderate or severe and typically include diarrhea with mucus and/or blood present.

What is ulcerative colitis caused by? According to the latest ulcerative colitis info, no one knows exactly why the colon, which includes the large intestine and the rectum, becomes inflamed. It has been noted that patients tend to have immune system problems, but it is unclear whether the ulcerative colitis causes the problems with the immune system or if an overactive immune system causes the ulcerative colitis. Nutrition is particularly important, because diarrhea, a major symptom, may prevent the body from absorbing adequate nutrients from food.

What is ulcerative colitis cured by? According to the latest ulcerative colitis info, surgery that removes the affected portion of the colon is the only "cure". But, it is possible to live with and control the disease, particularly when symptoms are mild to moderate. Ulcerative colitis nutrition recommendations, medications, herbal remedies and other treatment programs are designed to relieve symptoms and prevent the necessity for surgery. It is a chronic disease, which means that it has a tendency to flare up again and again over time. It is helpful for patients to keep a food and symptoms diary, in some cases they are able to determine what foods cause flare ups and avoid those foods.

What are ulcerative colitis nutrition recommendations? Most doctors advise a multi-vitamin, but particularly supplementation of Vitamins D and B12. Vitamin D deficiencies can cause diarrhea. B12 is needed for energy and to help the body properly absorb other nutrient. Supplements containing the botanical aloe have been recommended by doctors and naturalists alike, because of its ability to heal wounds and reduce inflammation. In 2005, ulcerative colitis info concerning the results of a research program using omega-3 from fish oil was released. The results were promising, but there is no plan to market the formula that was used.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis is a serious condition wherein ulcers, which are open sores, form on the lining of the rectum and colon causing pain, bleeding and pus. A sufferer might also experience frequent diarrhea. It is quite an unpleasant and painful condition. There are several types of treatments available for sufferers of ulcerative colitis depending on the severity of the person's condition. For instance, medication might be enough for some while others will require hospitalization and surgery. All of this treatment can become expensive and that is why it is important to be aware of your insurance coverage as soon as you receive your diagnosis.

There are several different types of insurance coverage available to everyone. With your ulcerative colitis diagnosis in mind, here are a few important facts about each of the types of insurance available. A Health Management Organization (HMO) if often low cost, but you have less by way of options when choosing your health care provider and treatments. If you need treatment by a specialist and you are insured under a HMO, then you will need to get a referral from your primary care provider in order for there to be coverage.

A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) allows you to choose your provider within a specified list of providers.

There are also insurance policies whereby you pay for the service ahead of time and then your insurance company reimburses you up to about 80% of the total cost. This might sound reasonable, but keep in mind that some treatments with ulcerative colitis might be in the thousands. If you choose this type of insurance coverage, then you might be paying a lot out of pocket for your various treatments. Many insurance policies are called group health insurance policies because they involve insurance granted to a large group, such as a group of employees. The employer pays a majority of the premium, and the employee pays for a smaller part of the premium as well as the deductible amounts, if any. This is often a low-cost alternative in the world of insurance.

Regardless of whether you have a HMO, PPO and individual plan or a group plan, there are costs and benefits associated with each type of insurance. When you have ulcerative colitis, you want to take into account your condition when you are choosing your health care policy. Be sure to ask questions so you understand what you are getting out of the policy in return for your premiums.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Embarrassment, Fatigue, Pain
Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, can severely impact every aspect of a patient's life. IBS can also complicate other chronic health conditions such as clinical depression, hemorrhoids and generalized anxiety disorder. IBS taps into the fears children have about not being able to control their bowels. This lack of control and pain may evoke feelings of low self-esteem in a sufferer. Sometimes potentially dangerous attempts to self-medicate are made because the patient may be too ashamed or too embarrassed to go to a doctor.

Adding to the problem is that IBS is a mysterious condition, often acting as a catch-all phrase for many types of chronic digestive problems such as spastic colon and colitis. The world-renowned Mayo Clinic notes that there are no diagnostic tests for IBS, so a doctor may have to run tests in order to eliminate more severe problems such as cancer before making a diagnosis. Symptoms of IBS are also similar to Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, so there is a chance of misdiagnosis. The misconception that IBS does not exist and that patients are merely exaggerating their symptoms still persists in society.

Symptoms of IBS
Another factor making IBS difficult to diagnose is that each person experiences their own set of symptoms. The most common symptoms include severe abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, diarrhea, excessive flatulence, mucus-coated stools, hemorrhoids or a lack of bowel control. Pain is eased after a bowel movement. The Mayo Clinic reports that less common symptoms include fever, nausea, vomiting and sudden weight loss. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) reports that patients with IBS often cycle between periods of diarrhea and constipation and rarely have a normal bowel movement.

In order for a doctor to diagnose IBS, the patient must have exhibited symptoms for at least 12 weeks in the past 12 months. Although many patients wait until conditions are severe before seeing a doctor, many patients may not be able to obtain an IBS diagnosis because they are in the early stages of the condition. The Mayo Clinic also recommends a colonoscopy for all patients with IBS symptoms to rule out colon cancer. Colonoscopy preparation involves completely clearing the bowels through a lengthy period of a liquid diet which may exacerbate IBS symptoms.

Women's Condition
The Mayo Clinic reports that over 50% of IBS patients are women. It is not known why women are more prone to IBS than men. The typical IBS patient is not only female, but has a relative with IBS and is under 35 years of age. Again, it is unknown why younger women are more susceptible to IBS than older women. There are some theories that younger women may be subject to greater stress than older women or that older women may have learned greater stress management skills than their younger counterparts. It is also unknown just how much of a role genetics plays in developing IBS.

Another theory is that hormones such as estrogen and progesterone may play a large role in IBS. The NIDDK reports that women with IBS often have attacks just before or during their periods. But this does not explain why men are diagnosed with IBS. Both men and women report IBS attacks at times when they are under severe stress. Perhaps the female sex hormones weaken a woman's digestive system when she menstruates. The NIDDK notes that many IBS patients of both sexes also have a depressive illness or an anxiety disorder. There is still much that needs to be learned about why women suffer from IBS more than men. But one thing is clear - IBS is treatable in a majority of cases.

Treatment for IBS involves dietary changes and learning how to manage stress. IBS patients have more frequent attacks if they consume large meals, so IBS patients are encouraged to eat small, frequent meals every day rather than two or three large meals. The Mayo Clinic notes that a majority of IBS patients regularly are afflicted after consuming certain foods. The IBS patient is encouraged to keep a food journal of all food and beverages consumed to determine which foods trigger attacks, and thus avoid or drastically reduce such foods or beverages.

Prescription medications have also been used to help ease IBS symptoms but are in no way considered a cure. Some drugs such as laxatives are only to be used short-term because the body becomes reliant upon laxatives to push the stool through the colon to be eliminated through the rectum. If the body becomes dependent upon laxatives, the digestive muscles are not used and they atrophy. Other medications such as muscle-relaxants may cause bladder incontinence or excessive flatulence. The Mayo Clinic reports that anti-depressants and antibiotics are prescribed off-label for IBS.

The Dangers of Self-Medication
Many patients with IBS postpone visits to the doctor for treatment. It is unknown how many try to self-medicate, but IBS symptoms can cause sufficient anxiety that a patient will quite literally try anything in an effort to gain relief from their symptoms. Medications can include over the counter laxatives or alcoholic beverages. The alcohol acts as both a painkiller and a muscle relaxant. But long term use not only leads to addiction but also a worsening of symptoms. If the patient also has an illness such as depression, then alcohol will act to worsen symptoms or counteract antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications.

Irritable bowel syndrome is not something to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. Treatment and advice should be sought as soon as the illness presents itself. Patients can be helped to learn to live with IBS and to reduce the impact that the illness has on their daily lives.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The digestive system, like all other body organs, is susceptible to various diseases too. Depending on what you eat and how you eat it and also when you eat, your dietary habits do determine what diseases affect your digestive system.

Did you know that farting is considered a sign of a healthy digestive system.

Digestion starts in the mouth. With the aid of saliva, the teeth break down the food into smaller portions. As the saliva moistens the food, it digests starch into maltose. After digestion in the mouth, the food is rolled into little balls and pushed down the throat through a process called peristalsis, into the stomach.

In the stomach, the food is mixed with gastric juice. Together with the hydrochloric acid, these digestive juices further breakdown the food into absorbable substance. After about three or four hours of digestion, the absorbable substances leave the stomach for the duodenum.

In the duodenum, the rest of the substances that had not been digested or fully digested in the stomach are then further converted into absorbable elements. After the duodenum, the digested substances leave for the intestines where absorption does take place.

Nearly all the digested food is absorbed in the small intestines. With substances such as mineral salts, water, cellulose and vegetable?fibre?which are not?absorbed?here, they are passed on to the large intestines where they are absorbed into the blood. What is not absorbed is then passed out of the body through the anus.

There are many diseases and health conditions that affect the digestive system. Many of these diseases are lifestyle related illnesses, and thus are common among people. They include indigestion, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, colitis, flatulence and Crohn's disease. Here is a brief description of these diseases, their causes and their symptoms.

Mouth sores. These are painful ulcerations that are white and red. These are cold sores that can be caused by allergic reactions, deficiencies, a weak immune system or a viral infection.

Bad breath. Have you met a person with a foul smell from the mouth? This?condition?is known as halitosis and it is caused by poor digestive, constipation, oral hygiene, alcohol and other substance consumption.

Dental carries and gingivitis. This is the inflammation of the gums and the teeth. Both are caused by oral bacteria and sugar intake. Gingivitis leads to peridontitis, which is the loss of teeth.

Indigestion. This is painful digestion characterized by flatulence, discomfort and acidity. Medical studies illustrate that it can be an early symptom of a serious illness such as ulcers. Its causes are usually organic, a result of unhealthy diets that compromise the digestive process.

Gastritis. This is the inflammation of the gastric mucus. It is caused by reaction of the mucus linings to certain types of foods and fluids, consumption of alcohol and other substances such as drugs and tobacco.

Flatulence. This is where you have excess intestinal gas. This is usually as a result of its production by intestinal bacteria.

Ulcers. This is the inflammation of the stomachs linings. This condition can be fatal if not treated and effectively managed. ??It is caused by excess stomach acid and is aggravated by intake of spices, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, drugs and stress.

Constipation. This is a condition where food does travel too slowly in the intestines. It does produce toxins which are then absorbed into the blood resulting into autointoxication of the body. It can be caused by substances such as drugs, alcohol and lack of adequate physical activity.

Diarrhoea. This is where the food does travel too fast in the intestines. This condition renders absorption inadequate since the mineral salts and water are not absorbed into the blood stream.

Ulcerative colitis. This is the inflammation of the colon. It is characterized by loose?faeces?which sometimes can be accompanied by blood.? It is caused by an allergic reaction to certain foods and medication such as antibiotics.

Crohn's disease. This is the inflammation of both the small and large intestines. Those who are highly at risk of this disease are those who are regular consumers of junk and fast foods.

It is a natural instinct in animals to eat, at least per day. Eating is essential anyway, we need food for survival. To benefit from the food you eat, the body has to digest and then absorb the nutrients into your blood and to all your cells.?Do you eat to live or do you live to eat??You must be familiar too with the phrase "you are what you eat".

Take a look at all the causes of these diseases. It is common that, the dietary choices you make influence a lot on the development of these diseases. To avoid these digestive system illnesses, give your digestive system time to rest. Eating even if you are not hungry or just because it is the hour of serving, only overwhelms your digestive system.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is usually asymptomatic in healthy individuals, but exhibits significant symptoms affecting almost any body organ in immunocompromised patients. In addition, an infected mother can pass on this infection to her unborn child, resulting in significant congenital abnormalities.

The Ayurvedic treatment of CMV infection is aimed at controlling the symptoms and treating the basic viral infection. Medicines which have an anti-viral activity and which improve the immune status of the body are used to treat the CMV infection. Medicines like Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Bhrungraj (Eclipta alba), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) and Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa) are used as anti-viral medicines.

The choice of medicines is made according to the organ or system predominantly affected with the infection. Medicines like Shatavari (Asperagus racemosus), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Naagbala (Grewia hirsuta), Samudrashosh (Argyreia speciosa), Abhrak-Bhasma, Suvarna-Bhasma and Suvarna-Malini-Vasant are used to improve the immune status of the body.

In addition, other medicines are given to treat the symptoms of the affected organ or body-system. Laxmi-Narayan-Ras, Chandrakala-Ras and Sutshekhar-Ras are used to treat fever of unknown origin. Ras-Sindur, Malla-Sindur, Sameer-Pannag-Ras, Shrung-Bhasma and Pushkarmool (Inula racemosa) are used to treat pneumonia. Arogya-Vardhini, Shankh-Vati, Bhunimbadi-Qadha and Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea) are used to treat hepatitis.

Panchamrut-Parpati, Kutaj-Ghan-Vati and Bilva-Avelaha are used to treat colitis. Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu, Sameer-Pannag-Ras, Bruhat-Vat-Chintamani, Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Amalaki, Musta (Cyperus rotundus) and Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) are used to treat encephalitis and myelitis. Saptamrut-Loh, Punarnavadi-Guggulu, Triphala (Three fruits), Shatavari and Tulsi are used to treat uveitis and retinitis. Tapyadi-Loh, Ekang-Veer-Ras and Kaishor-Guggulu are used to treat neuropathy. Post-infection fatigue can be treated using medicines like Laxmi-Vilas-Ras, Shrung-Bhasma, Abhrak-Bhasma and Suvarna-Bhasma.

As a part of TORCH infections, CMV can cause congenital abnormalities in the new born. In order to prevent this, mothers-to-be can be given Ayurvedic herbal medicines like Bhumiamalaki, Yashtimadhuk, Manjishtha, Saariva and Haridra. These medicines reduce the risk of frequent abortions and also prevent congenital abnormalities in the child.

The prognosis for patients with CMV infection usually depends upon the underlying disease. Since most affected individuals are immunocompromised, they should be under the regular care and supervision of an infectious diseases specialist.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

People that suffer from Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis cannot describe what it feels like to suffer everyday from it. They can only say that it is like having a stomach flu that never goes away. The pain of is occurs randomly or is triggered by eating the wrong food or even stress. There is no wonder why discovering and treating it early is so important.

These two digestive conditions are incurable chronic diseases that affect your intestinal tract and are often grouped together as inflammatory bowel diseases since they share similar symptoms. They both cause abdominal pain and frequent diarrhea as well as swelling and sores along the tissue that lines your intestines. Crohn's disease attacks the digestive tract, from the mouth to the rectum; while ulcerative colitis usually normally is found only the outermost layer of the colon.

Here are a few ways you can learn how to diagnose inflammatory bowel disease and begin treatment immediately.

  • A sigmoidoscopy test lets your doctor correctly diagnose ulcerative colitis through examining the rectum and left colon from taking detailed pictures. This procedure is done with inserting an endoscope, a tube with a camera on end, into your rectum. If you have any questions about your colon's health, expect to have one this performed.

  • A colonoscopy is used by your doctor uses an endoscope to look at the rectum and entire large bowel while the patient is under sedation. They are routinely used to diagnose bowel issues such as Crohn's disease or IBS. Ask your doctor to perform one on you. This way they can have a complete picture of your rectum and in turn your colon's health. There are even times when tissue samples are taken for further examination. as well.

  • After you doctor is finished with your colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy, he will get a copy of the pictures he took with the endoscope and use them to make a diagnosis. For example, with Crohn's disease, a doctor must find random patches of deep ulcers or looks for an even amount of inflammation in the colon that bleeds with contact to identify ulcerative colitis.

  • If your doctor took a tissue sample, then they should look at it under a microscope for inflammatory cells called granulomas. This procedure helps better diagnose Crohn's disease and other health conditions.

  • Another procedure your doctor may recommend you to undergo is a magnetic resonance spectroscopy. It is a variation of magnetic resonance imaging, also called an MRI, to help determine which of the two diseases you are suffering from. This helps to properly diagnose Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

  • Finally as a final precaution, ask your doctor to examine your small intestine for Crohn's disease with an upper barium X-ray. In this procedure, you have to drink a barium shake in order for the X-ray pictures taken and the images to properly show any potential issues.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If your doctor wants to put you on antibiotics or antifungals, for either a gut or secondary infection, there are several natural alternatives you can consider. These include: Garlic, Olive Leaf Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract and Wild Oregano Oil. All of these substances also have varying levels of anti-viral, anti-yeast, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic activity. Of these, Wild Oregano Oil and Olive Leaf Extract are the most potent and powerful. The only drawback to Wild Oregano Oil is that it feels very 'hot' (chili pepper hot) for about 2-3 minutes after you take it orally, therefore, it can be difficult to use with young children.

Grapefruit Seed Extract is also quite potent, but I don't recommend you use it if you have any tendency towards diarrhea as it will exacerbate your condition. It is also extremely bitter and so may be quite difficult to get children to take. If you have no problems with loose stool or diarrhea, then you can take 10-15 drops in 5 ounces of filtered or spring water 3x/day, on an empty stomach for best results - but it still works okay when taken with food. For kids under age 10, take 6 drops in 5 ounces of filtered or spring water 3x/day. To maximize antibiotic therapy, also take Olive Leaf Extract at the same time. And remember to follow with probiotics during and/or at the end of treatment.

Garlic may also cause diarrhea and/or bloating in susceptible individuals, the only way is to try it and see. However, I would only use it on mild bacterial infections. For robust infections I don't think it would be strong enough as "it exerts an antibacterial effect estimated to be equivalent to 1% of that of penicillin" (Prescription for Nutritional Healingby Phyllis Balch and James Balch, MD, pg. 71). Garlic is also quite effective against yeast, fungus and viral infections. Therefore, it's excellent to consume garlic daily in your food. For therapeutic use, I recommend you use Kyolic from Wakunaga of America in either capsule or oil form - it is one of the most potent garlic products on the market and it is also odorless.

Olive Leaf Extract is probably the most palatable of the remedies listed here. You can get it in powder (capsule) or liquid form. For children the powder can be mixed with applesauce or mashed banana and can also be mixed with an herbal salve and used as a poultice on topical infections. Dr Morton Walker, who wrote the book Nature's Antibiotic: Olive Leaf Extract, writes:

"Seagate Olive Leaf Extract offers a 450 mg capsule recommended to be taken preventively in a dosage of one or two to four capsules daily. For treatment of a microbial illness, the better dosage would be four to eight capsules daily for one week, but the daily dose must be spread out throughout the day. When the illness comes under control or disappears, the dosage may be reduced once again to one, two, three, or four capsules per day." ("Medical Journalist Report of Innovative Biologics" Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, #214, May 2001).

In the same article, Dr. Walker also relates the story of a female patient infected with three different mycoplasma organisms, she suffered from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and IBS. She took 2 pills (of Seagate brand Olive Leaf Extract), 3 times a day (following meals) for three and a half months and then her lab reports came back completely clear of infection. She reported her condition as "excellent" and also that she was completely cured of IBS. Dr. Walker recommends you only use Seagate brand since it is a cold-extracted formulation of the whole leaf (not just an oleuropein extract) and therefore more effective than anything else he's tried.

Olive Leaf is antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiyeast. It is more palatable than Wild Oregano Oil and so is a good natural antimicrobial to use for children. Again, remember that anything that is an effective antibacterial needs to be followed with probiotics. If you're taking it long-term, I would also supplement simultaneously with probiotics.

Wild Oregano Oil is the antimicrobial that I've had the most experience with. I can confidently state that it is the most effective antimicrobial I've ever seen for topical or acute infections. It is also very effective for chronic infections such as Candida albicans (yeast), mycobacteria (bacteria/fungal hybrid), and mycoplasmas (prokaryote bacteria). Wild Oregano Oil also has a fairly large amount of data regarding its ability to kill pathogenic bacteria in the food industry in incredibly minute doses.

If you dilute Wild Oregano Oil with extra olive oil (7:1 dilution) it is easier to use with children, or directly on sensitive mucous membranes. To avoid the "hot" feeling when taking it orally: Take a sip of water and hold it in your mouth, tip your head back and drop the pre-measured dose of Wild Oregano directly into the mouthful of water at the back of your throat. Swallow and then chase it with lots more water immediately.

Wild Oregano Oil (Origanum vulgare) is an anti-inflammatory in addition to being an extremely potent antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, (anti-everything!) agent. It is extracted from a particular species of oregano that grows wild in rocky regions of the Mediterranean and it has only been used in North America for about 15 years. As such, it is a relatively 'new' herbal medicine in the U.S. and not many physicians are even fluent in its uses and amazing efficacy. I expect it will gain momentum quickly in the coming years and like all really effective herbal medicines the FDA will probably try to ban it before too long!

Most of the scientific research on Wild Oregano Oil is currently coming from the Applied Microbiology field in the area of food preservation. Microbiologists have found that Wild Oregano Oil is so powerful that even minute amounts of it can kill common food-borne pathogens responsible for a lot of the food poisoning incidents with processed food.

To give you just one example, scientists in The Netherlands found that Carvacrol (one of the active ingredients of Wild Oregano) at a dilution of only.25 mM led to cell death of the bacterial soil organism Bacillus cereus, "a spore-forming food-borne pathogen often associated with food products such as meat, vegetables, soup, rice, milk and other dairy products. Between 1 and 20% of the total number of outbreaks of food infection in the world is cased by B. cereus."

The scientists summarized their results by saying, "From this study, it could be concluded that carvacrol interacts with the membranes of B. cereusby changing its permeability for cations like H+ and K+. The dissipation of ion gradients leads to impairment of essential processes in the cell and finally to cell death." ("Mechanisms of Action of Carvacrol on the Food-Borne Pathogen Bacillus cereus" by A. Ultee, E.P.W. Kets, E.J. Smid, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Oct. 1999).

What this means for the layperson, is that even very small amounts of the phenolic compounds within Wild Oregano Oil (such as Carvacrol and Thymol) can disintegrate the cell walls of pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms, resulting in their death.

For Wild Oregano Oil to be effective, it must be high in naturally occurring Carvacrol (ideally 75% or more) - not just have extra Carvacrol added in later. Effective, good quality Wild Oregano Oil should also be low in Thymol. Thymol is a naturally occurring compound in Oregano Oil that must be present as it works synergistically with Carvacrol. But, too much is hard on the liver, so check that levels do not exceed 5% maximum. Remember to always dilute pure (undiluted, essential) Oregano Oil in a carrier oil before using internally or externally, or it can cause tissue damage. Most commercial brands have already been diluted with olive oil, so you don't need to dilute them further before using. Joy Of The Mountains and NAHS are my favorite brands for potency and purity.

Whichever substance you decide to use to address infection and prevent drug antibiotic use, remember that these are very powerful compounds and you must use them intelligently. Also, remember to always follow usage with a potent probiotic, to maintain a beneficial gut flora.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Fistulizing crohn usually happens around the anal area. It's normally the first sign to manifest as a sign of crohn's disease. Patients are known to experience pus, stool and drainage of mucus from this opening. Fistula creates tunnels from places affected by ulceration to the surface of the organ or the surface of a nearby skin. It also forms between parts of the intestine and another organ.

Organs affected include the bladder, vagina and the skin. These abnormal connections allow the bacteria that normally live in the intestine to enter other areas of the body, causing potentially serious infections.This terrible illness occurs in 25 to 33% of people with Crohn's disease. Fistula can effect the quality of life of its victims. It's known to be one of the most troublesome aspects of crohn's disease and often requires surgery in most cases.

Symptoms of Fistulizing Crohn
Symptoms are dependent on the segment of the bowel involved. In some patients these fistulae do not cause symptoms but they can lead to malabsorption or dehydration, abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. These symptoms vary depending on the location of the inflammation. Due to inadequate absorption of dietary nutrients, patients with fistula experience weight loss and nutritional deficiencies. Instances where fistulas causes no symptoms does not require treatments.

Fistulizing Crohn's Treatment

Treatment with medication is the first therapeutic option for people with fistulizing crohn. However, about two-thirds to three-quarters of people with Crohn's will eventually undergo surgery as part of the therapeutic management of their illness. Treatment of fistulas varies with the cause, location, size, and type. Some small fistulas resulting from injury heal on their own after a while.

Infliximab is approved for patients with fistulous disease. Other related drugs are being studied. This drug targets the inflammatory protein tumor necrosis factor (TNF).This protein is what causes inflammation that leads to fistula. Infliximab finds TNF in your bloodstream and removes it before it causes inflammation in your intestinal tract and which contributes to the formation of fistulas. Infliximab has been shown in research to reduce symptoms in patients and to heal fistulas over a limited period of time.

Infliximab Side Effects

All anti inflammatory drugs has side effects, including infliximab. Infliximab suppresses the immune system to enable it to control imflammation. In so doing patients experience weak immune system that makes them vulnerable to infections. Infections such as TB has been reported in patients using Infliximab over a period of time.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Chronic colitis is also known as ulcerative colitis. It is usually blamed on autoimmunity, which is the process where the body's immune system mistakenly interprets otherwise good elements as invaders and attacks them.

Warning signs

One of the most evident symptoms you may encounter when you have chronic colitis is diarrhea that is accompanied by pain in your abdomen.

You may have to visit the bathroom 10 to 20 times a day due to diarrhea attacks that may contain mucous, bloody purulent and tenesmus. The pain in your abdomen is usually at the left, middle or lower portion. In more severe cases, you may also experience fever, nausea, loss of weight, anemia, edema, and others. You may also experience colon spasms and deformity, and your mucosal folds may become disordered.

Simple cures

There are simple treatments you can do for yourself at home to relieve your chronic colitis. You can give your body lot of clear fluid like water, lemonade, light lemon tea, and light soup. Consume at least eight to 10 glasses of water to prevent dehydration.

As your condition progresses, start to take low-fiber foods. Do not take in greasy or fatty foods. Do not eat raw, cold or deep-fried foods. Remember to eat regular meals and avoid overeating or drinking too much at meals. Avoid mental stress and never overstrain yourself.

Contact your doctor immediately if a sudden change in your bowel routine occurs. Also see a doctor when there is blood in your stool, if you experience continuous diarrhea for 3 days, or if you feel severe abdominal or rectal pain. You should also see a physician as soon as you can when you are unable to urinate. If someone who shared food with you is starting to display your symptoms, bring that person to a doctor, too.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Take it from me: an ulcerative colitis diet can be very helpful in relieving the symptoms of this painful disease.

Here are some facts about whether an ulcerative colitis diet can help you and tips for implementing a program that works with your lifestyle.

The Symptoms

Though the causes of ulcerative colitis are unknown we do know what it does; it causes problems in the large intestines and rectum. Symptoms of this disease can be anywhere from slight abdominal pain to severe weight loss--more severe still, there are sometimes complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers.

Because certain foods are known to be triggers of attacks, a specially-designed ulcerative colitis diet can sometimes be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of this often debilitating disease.

What is an Ulcerative Colitis Diet?

A typical diet for this disease will have you eating small amounts of food throughout the day. This helps to avoid overloading the intestine and possibly triggering an acute attack. It will also be low in fatty foods like nuts, beans, bran, popcorn and seeds; consumption of fats is also a common trigger.

Does it Work?

A diet of this kind will commonly allow only small amounts of dairy. Typically, a diet plan for ulcerative colitis is the same as any nutritionally-based diet. Full of protein, good fats, fruits and vegetables and grains while limiting fat and sugar intake.

Foods to Avoid

Though there is no scientific evidence that any specific foods cause flare-ups in the disease, people who suffer from this disease have found triggers that are common to them all. Some of them, like alcohol, caffeine and carbonated drinks, are things that should be avoided in any diet; at least in excess.

Dried fruit, beans, and foods containing sulfur or sulfate as preservatives are also prone to causing attacks. The list continues with spicy foods, nuts, some meat, popcorn, high-fiber foods, seeds, raw vegetables, and things that contain sorbitol.

Balancing Life With a Colitis Diet

The trick with ulcerative colitis is balancing medications with a diet. In some cases, a person may choose to avoid medications in favor of a diet.

Similarly, some may choose to take medications and eat whatever they desire. However, these plans work best in conjunction. The medications are primarily designed to heal damage, while the diet plan is designed to minimize the damage before it is done to the body.

Importance of Nutrients

More important than the diet, though, is a vitamin regimen. Because the disease is so depleting, nutritional supplements are essential to the health of the sufferer. Without these, medication or a diet plan will not do much good.

If you or a loved one are suffering from this horrible disease, rest assured that there are things that can help. An ulcerative colitis diet plan can help alleviate the symptoms, and can even prevent some occurrences. Though the cause is unknown, and there is not yet a cure, there is always room for hope. Until then, though, consider managing your symptoms with a specially-designed diet plan.

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This article is part of a series giving information about herbs and their medicinal properties. We are going to look at periwinkle in this article. You will find out what this herb is, how you can use it and the conditions that could be helped by periwinkle.

What is Periwinkle?

Periwinkle is a perennial shrub that also flowers and is a member of the Apocynaceae family. There are two varieties of Periwinkle, lesser and greater. The lesser periwinkle originated from Spain and France but can now be found growing all over the world whereas greater periwinkle is native to Southern Europe. It is important to mention that this is not the same as Madagascar periwinkle which probably has greater healing properties than lesser and greater periwinkle. The flowers of the periwinkle shrub a purple and in ancient times was often called sorcerer's violet due to the fact it was thought to have magical properties.

How to use Periwinkle

There has been very little research done on periwinkle and so the exact dosage that should be taken when making your own remedy is not known. For that reason you should not make your own remedy at home and should visit a health food store in order to get your remedies. These can be bought in a variety of forms as with so many herbs and it is important to follow the directions on the side of the packet. In addition you could consider visiting a herbalist in order to get more advice on the best way to use periwinkle and the correct dosage.

Uses of Periwinkle

Although there is very little evidence on the health benefits of periwinkle is has been used for centuries for various different conditions. For example it is thought to be an astringent and many herbalists may recommend it for excessive bleeding during menstruation. It is believed that lesser periwinkle can help improve circulation particularly in the brain. Greater periwinkle is thought to be useful at treating anxiety or nervousness and also to reduce blood pressure. In addition both types are thought to be a useful treatment for diabetes.

The astringent properties of periwinkle may mean it is also useful for things such as colitis, diarrhea, bleeding gums, nosebleeds, sore throats, and mouth ulcers. One supplement that is derived from periwinkle is vinpocetine and studies on that have shown it can improve brain function and memory. This suggests that there could be some benefits for sufferers of dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Side Effects and Precautions

Periwinkle is not thought to be harmful when taken in recommended dosages however little research has been done on the long term effects and so you should limit the length of time that you take it. It is also not recommended for people suffering from low blood pressure or constipation. In addition care should be taken when giving periwinkle to children or pregnant women. Large doses can cause a large drop in blood pressure and medical advice should be sought immediately.

Side effects of taking periwinkle may include flushing and gastrointestinal problems. In addition it is not known to interact with medication or other supplements and can be taken with a number of other herbs for extra benefits. If you are at all concerned it is a good idea to consult not only a herbalist but also your doctor to ensure you get the relevant advice. Also if you are taking it and feel you are having side effects that are not reported in this article then you should stop taking periwinkle immediately and discuss your response with your herbalist and your doctor.

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Do you suffer from embarrassing symptoms that you just can't seem to ignore? Certain conditions have symptoms that you really wish you didn't have. These can be extremely annoying and embarrassing in public. I know how it feels. If you have these symptoms then you should definitely do something about it before it becomes a real problem for you.

These symptoms include:

  • symptoms of ibs

  • symptoms of ibd

  • symptoms of crohn's disease

  • symptoms of acid reflux

  • symptoms of colitis

  • symptoms of diverticulitis

  • diverticulosis symptoms

If you suffer from any of the above items, then it might be a good time to find some sort of treatment for your condition. Most of the conditions above don't really have cures and so the best thing you can probably do is to just find something to use that hides your symptoms and is comfortable for you to use. This can include natural treatments, pills, capsules, and certain diets. These can all help give you some relief from your condition and other problems.

You shouldn't let these diseases or conditions take over your life. It is your body, so take control and do something about the disease or condition that you have to deal with. You will lead a better life if you take action to rid yourself of these awful symptoms. No longer will you have to hide your condition from others because you would have treated it and therefore would have no need to hide anything. Treating your conditions is not just important for these, treatment is an important thing to do no matter what you have.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The presence of mucus in stools can be disturbing for the individual that may not be familiar for the reasons behind the appearance of mucus in stools. There are several reasons why mucus may appear in one's stools including hemorrhoid formation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, obstructions, Crohn's Disease, and infections. By understanding the causes of mucus in stools an individual can be better prepared to deal with the situation when it arises.

Some mucus in stools is considered quite normal; one's intestine produces mucus to keep the inner region of the intestines properly lubricated, and some of this mucus can be passed during bowel movements. A sudden increase in mucus in stools should be duly noted however, and it may be necessary to seek medical treatment if the mucus is excessive.

Mucus in Stools and Hemorrhoid Formation

Occasionally, when an individual develops hemorrhoids he or she may also develop mucus in stools too. Often times the first indication that an individual will receive that he or she is developing hemorrhoids is the presence of mucus in their stools. Internal hemorrhoids may also bleed but the individual will not often experience any further discomfort with the formation of internal hemorrhoids. In contrast, the formation of external hemorrhoids may be accompanied by mucus in stools, pain, swelling, irritation, discomfort, itchiness, and bleeding.

Mucus in Stools and IBS

When an individual develops irritable bowel syndrome, otherwise known as IBS, he or she may note an increase in mucus in stools. When a person develops IBS, the intestines will often increase the production of mucus and this mucus will then appear in passed bowel movements.

Mucus in Stools, Colitis, and Other Intestinal Issues

Colitis is a condition where the inner intestines swells, becomes grossly irritated and aggravated, and the area forms ulcers. The latter ulcers create both mucus as well as pus and the latter productions are then passed during bowel movements. Meanwhile, an individual might also develop an obstruction within the intestines which will result in the passing of mucus in stools. The obstruction will need to be assessed by a physician in order to be properly treated and in some cases, surgery is warranted.

Crohn's Disease and Mucus in Stools

Crohn's Disease is another cited source for mucus in stools. Crohn's Disease is an issue that affects one's digestive tract and adjacent tissues. Often times, when an individual has developed Crohn's Disease the mucus in stools is accompanied by other symptoms like unexplained fevers, exhaustion, malaise, blood in stools, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, and weight loss. This condition can become quite serious and requires both the assessment and treatment from a qualified professional. In many instances, an individual with Crohn's disease requires treatment via prescribed medications and surgical procedures to minimize the effects of the disease.

Infections and Mucus in Stools

A number of different infections are cited as a source for excessive mucus in stools. If an individual has developed an infection it will be necessary to seek medical attention so that the infection can be properly addressed with antibiotics. Once the infection is treated the excessive mucus in stools will subside.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

No, no, everyone sit down and stop applauding. It may not be quite as exciting as you think.

In the world of digestive disorders, fiber is probably the most controversial subject. There is a lot of true and a lot of false information about this subject.

Let's start with what everyone agrees on. In a healthy person, fiber is good. Most people get too little fiber in their diet. A diverticulitis diet, one rich in fiber, will assure you you're taking positive steps toward your own recovery.

The real problem with lack of fiber is low volume in the intestines, a direct link to diverticulosis; here too, a diverticulosis diet is one of the keys to good health. It might help to think of your intestines, and especially your colon, like a tube of toothpaste. When you get down to the last toothpaste in the tube, it is a lot more work to push it out of the tube. This is the danger too low fiber and too low residue eating has on your system. Eating a diet low in fiber is much harder on your intestines than a higher fiber diet would be to "move things along."

I do have to tell you, however, once you already have diverticulitis or colitis, adding a lot more fiber suddenly is not necessarily a good idea. Consider for a moment you have a much damaged colon. If you have pain, diverticula, fistulas, sores, wounds, and tears to begin with, then you're already on a road with a sign at the end, reading "Watch out." Here's why. Your colon like the contents in a tube of toothpaste is weak, injured and may even have small tears in it. Suddenly adding a large volume of anything can actually cause complications and lots of pain. When the "tube" is weak you don't want to add to the physical pressure it is under. Again a diet for diverticulosis is one of the closest remedies you have in your control to rectify a life of bad eating habits.

Only you and your doctor can assess whether or not you have open wounds and tears. Most people with colitis or diverticulitis are not at this level of crisis. If you know your colon is sound, gradually adding fiber is healthy and very tolerable for nearly everyone. When you increase your bulk by adding fiber to your diet, you move material through your colon much like you squeeze toothpaste through a tube of toothpaste. You make it easier for your colon to move the material through successfully. This process of movement is called peristalsis. Think of peristalsis as the motion of your hand squeezing the toothpaste tube. Lots of toothpaste makes it easy to dispense, while smaller amounts of toothpaste makes it difficult to move out of the tube, and the tube gets traumatized in the process of forcing the small amounts through it. This analogy is not far from the truth.

If you don't eat at least 25% to 50% of your diet from the produce section of the grocery store or from your garden, you probably have a low fiber diet. A diverticulitis diet can treat or prevent diverticulitis. Some good examples of diverticulitis foods are canned or cooked fruits without skin or seeds, and vegetables such as green beans, peas and potatoes (without the skin). The less fresh produce you eat, the more you should add fiber back to your diet. In the meantime, supplement your fiber with something from the grocery store or health food store. I don't like naming brands, but concentrate on healthier fiber choices. They all help. The one thing I recommend against is choosing a fiber source which is loaded with sugar, or worse yet contains artificial sweetener. I know it is annoying to listen to me sometimes telling you why "nearly everything is bad," but my first passion is telling you the truth. I am not going to tell you what you want to hear instead of telling you the truth.

If you won't listen to this advice, here is simple list to give you "best, better, good, and bad" choices.

Best: When your colon health is decent (no wounds or tears), gradually increase your fiber intake with fresh produce until you have at least one substantial movement per day and preferably two to four times per day (although they may not all be substantial). Once you get use to a diverticulitis diet, it'll become easier for you to make the right food choices for you.

Better: Same as above regarding colon health, but gradually increase your fiber intake by taking a supplement such as a psyllium seed, psyllium husk or psyllium powder. Flax seed (crushed or powdered) is also a great fiber choice and includes some omega oils and nutrients as well. When choosing your fiber, avoid too much sugar and avoid all artificial sweeteners. In my opinion, they are toxic.

Good: Same as above regarding colon health, but take any type of fiber you can tolerate well, sugared, artificial sugar, pills, tablets, etc. Do something to improve your volume and it will still benefit you.

Bad: Keep doing what you are doing now and pretend you are going to get better. It is true, the program alone will cure diverticulitis and colitis, but the volume of stool moving through you is always going to be a factor in your internal health.

One definition of insanity is: Keep doing the same thing you have always done, but expect or hope for a different result.

Fiber is good for us for other reasons as well. The shape and non-softening nature of fiber makes it an internal "scrub brush" as it moves through us. It is the most effective internal cleanser we can use. If you look at people as a machine, such as a car for example, the internal dirt and buildup needs to be addressed periodically. In a car, this is handled with the 3,000-mile oil change. In people, especially in the UK, Australia, Canada and the U.S., we no longer fast (go without food periodically). We are rich enough and food is accessible enough we have come to think of missing a meal or two as some type of plague which has us "starving."

Because we no longer get enough fiber, and we almost never fast for a 24-hour period (a natural cleanse), we are never getting cleaned out. As a group, our plumbing is filthy inside. Please consider adding some fiber to your diet. When you take in fiber you also need to drink a full glass of water, per dose (except produce fiber), above and beyond what it takes to mix the fiber. This is because you want to make the material moving through your tubes the consistency of toothpaste, and not the consistency of a brick. Add fiber, add water, and get healthier. Adopt a sound diet for diverticulosis and you're on your way to a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Please do what it takes to get over this horrible disease.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome are discussed with respect to their nature, occurrence, symptoms and treatment.

Chronic inflammation and ulceration of the inner lining of the colon is called Ulcerative Colitis (UC). There is another condition of inflammation of the intestines closely related to UC known as Crohn's disease. Together UC and Crohn's disease are known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Ulcerative Colitis can last for years and decades. Both men and women can develop UC at any stage of their lives but mostly it begins during adolescence. It is more prevalent in US, UK and northern Europe, and is rarely seen in people from Eastern Europe, Asia and South America.

Abnormal activation of immune system in the absence of external invading microorganisms results in inflammation of the inner lining of the large intestine causing Ulcerative Colitis. Inflammation per se is an important mechanism of defense against foreign microorganisms entering the human system. However, abnormal activation, which in the absence of invading microorganisms, appears to be genetically inherited causing chronic inflammation and ulceration.

It has symptoms like rectal bleeding, diarrhea, urgency to defecate, and painful urge to move one's bowels etc. depending on the extent of inflammation and whether it is confined to only rectum or rectum and the sigmoidal portion of colon or the whole colon. Accordingly in the increasing order of the seriousness of the symptoms Ulcerative Colitis is named: a) Ulcerative Proctitis, b) Proctosigmoiditis, c) Left-sided Colitis, d) Pancolitis or Universal Colitis and e) Fulminant Colitis.

Medication that can cure Ulcerative Colitis is not widely reported. Medication is only to prolong periods of remission and decrease the periods of relapse. Towards this end, anti-inflammatory drugs such as 5-ASA compounds such as sulphasalazine, olsalazine, mesalamine and some immunomodulators that suppress the body's immunosystem are useful. Natural remedies like Omega-3-Fatty acids, Oral Aloe Vera Gel, Boswellia (a resin from a tree bark native to India), Dietary folic acid supplements, Acupuncture and a mixture of protein digesting enzymes (called Bromelain) derived from pine apple stem including meditation, controlled breathing etc, are recommended. Homeopathic medicines like Mere Sol, Mere Cor, Sulfur and Phosphorus are specified to treat UC. Ayurvedic Ulcerine-I and II compounds are available as total curing agents without the problem of relapse. Ulcerative Colitis cure by surgery is done in extreme cases of inflammation.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of the most common diseases among people is ulcerative colitis. This is a serious bowel disease in which open sores is developed by intestines and they start to bleed. Some of the symptoms of this disorder include thick and white mucous discharge and bloody diarrhea. It is highly recommended to get the treatment at the right time; else it may result in significant weight loss, fever and anemia. It has been discovered that the disease can spread via colon. There are several medicines available in the market for the treatment of Ulcerative colitis.

The ingredient known as Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharide is helpful in reducing inflammation in human body. This serves as strong anti-inflammatory agent and provides relief from the discomfort of reflux. It is known to have the healing effects. This will help stop diarrhea in the patients. This is because of the reason that it acts as detoxifier and helps increase the immunity system. It must be noted that when you are taking AMP, you must follow a diet plan. Healthy and balanced diet is the key to healthy life. In order to get better results, you must take diet as prescribed by your doctor.

People have been using this product since long time and getting the benefits. If you are looking for the treatment of Ulcerative colitis and want to take Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides; you must go to health care provide who will analyze your condition and give you AMP depending upon the analysis and your medical condition. Aloe Vera is known to be one of best natural remedy for the disease related to gastrointestinal disorders.

There are numerous websites providing the information about Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides. You can buy it online by opting one of the payment methods available on the websites. This is one of the most effective products for the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In the realm of disorders that affect the digestive tract there is often some confusion over diagnosing specific conditions. Many of these disorders tend to overlap in terms of symptoms and signs. Since it is often difficult to distinguish one form of irritable bowel disease (IBD) from another, diagnosis is often a time-consuming procedure wrought with the painstaking approach of trial-and-error.

Two forms of IBD that are frequently confused are Crohn's Disease and colitis. Each of these diseases is strikingly similar in symptomology. Each condition can result in severe diarrhea, extensive episodes of abdominal cramping, loss of energy, fever, reduced appetite, and weight loss. Each of these diseases is caused by tissue inflammation. According to current data up to two million people in the United States have either Crohn's Disease or colitis.

Crohn's Disease usually affects the small intestine, however, it can manifest in other places throughout the body including the esophagus, stomach, appendix, anus, duodenum, and large intestine, colitis, on the other hand, strictly affects the colon.

Sufferers of both Crohn's Disease and colitis experience periods where the respective diseases fade into remission. Each, however, is marked by the tendency to experience sudden flare-ups which can drastically reduce quality of life. While the physical symptoms are similar, the psychological effects from the diseases also mimic one another. Many sufferers fall into depression and withdraw from social situations due to the fear of sudden flare-ups. Surprisingly, one of the most commonly prescribed medications for Crohn's and colitis is antidepressants.

Treatment, disregarding the emotional impact of these forms of IBD, is also similar. Drugs are generally the first option. The classes of these drugs include antibiotics, immune suppressants, biologic therapy, immunomodulators, and corticosteroids.

Drugs will not cure either disease. Colitis can be cured, but surgery to remove the colon is required. Since Crohn's can affect a wider region of the body, surgery can alleviate some of the more severe symptoms, but this does not mean that the disease cannot spring up in other places, thus it remains incurable.

Experts on IBDs recommend similar methods of approaching the maintenance of each disease on a daily basis. Exercise, reducing stress levels, maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding certain foods, taking various vitamins and supplements, and keeping a food diary can all be excellent ways of keeping the diseases in check. With either condition it is important to schedule regular medical check ups to ensure serious damage to the digestive tract is avoided.

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