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Diarrhea is common to dogs as they are prone to putting almost anything into their mouths. However, there are instances that your dog will contract a type of diarrhea where it has to defecate every hour. Dog diarrhea every hour is quite serious since this is a very severe form of diarrhea.

Chronic Colitis

Severe diarrhea can be cause by an inflammation of the large intestine. This is the condition known as Colitis. Acute Colitis will cause diarrhea but not as severe as the Chronic Colitis. With the chronic type your dog could end up with dog diarrhea every hour causing massive loss of fluids. To help you prevent Colitis in your dog you must know its causes:

1. Infection

This could be from bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli or from viruses like the Coronavirus and Parvovirus. Parasitic organisms like protozoa and worms could also cause Colitis. Most common protozoa are the Amoeba and Giardia while for worms the common causes are the whipworm and tapeworm. Severe infection will lead to dog diarrhea every hour.

2. Severe Allergic Reaction
This can vary from food to medications. Carefully check if you made some changes in your dog's diet prior to the onset of diarrhea. Also remember if your dog is also taking medications for another sickness while you gave it another for diarrhea.

3. Internal Injuries

This is normally from swallowing objects made of plastic, wood and metal. Have your dog X-Rayed if you suspect that there is a foreign object. Do this immediately to prevent further damage like tearing of intestinal tissues which could lead to sepsis.

4. Poisoning

Severe diarrhea could mean that your dog swallowed something poisonous or toxic. Immediately rush your dog to a hospital as the amount of poison ingested could be lethal to your dog.

5. Colon Cancer

If your dog is also vomiting and is losing weight fast then it could be suffering from colon cancer. You will need a veterinary oncologist to know what treatments are available for your dog.

6. Pancreatitis

If your dog has pancreatitis it means it is suffering from several other diseases. The treatment for this condition is not a direct one but a way to aid your dog in healing itself naturally.

7. Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis

You will easily notice this condition from your dog's stool. If your dog is defecating raspberry-like stools then it could be suffering from HGE. Have this condition treated by a veterinarian immediately as this could be lethal if left unattended. Dog diarrhea every hour with this condition could lead to massive blood loss resulting to anemia and death.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Here is what I do if my Ulcerative Colitis Flares Up -

1. Take Probiotics in particular VSL-3 which is specifically formulated for Ulcerative Colitis. In one medical study at The University of Alberta UC patients were given 8 sachets a day for 6 weeks and this produced remission in 77% of them. Also get some Kefir Grains and make your own Kefir with Goats Milk, which is easy to do and provides you with a nourishing drink which is packed with probiotics.

2. Drink Fangocur Clay it is a clay based mineral drink which is a highly effective natural remedy for Colitis. It has been studied at the Medical University if Vienna and was found to be effective in the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis. It fights inflammation of the intestinal wall and reduces diarrhoea.

3. Diet, No Sugar or Alcohol at all, Best to avoid fruit too with the possible exception of the odd banana. Chicken Stock Soup is soothing and nutritious in a flare up- the recipe is on my site Colitisrecovery.com. Avoid all grains, beans and potatoes, with the exception of rice. Eat Chicken and Fish but when you cook them only steam or boil, absolutely no frying. Vegetables are OK if well cooked, again steam them well, but avoid the really fibrous root ones like Swede, also avoid tomatoes and peppers. Avoid all dairy products, I find they make any bleeding worse - except Kefir and homemade probiotic yogurt. Don't overeat, have lots of small meals little and often is best.

4. Take these Herbs - Boswellia, Turmeric and Ashwaganda, all are very effective anti inflammatories, in one study Ashwaganda was shown to be a stronger anti inflammatory than steroids.

5. Elemental Drinks - These are a form of feeding which is completely absorbed in the small intestine, and therefore give the colon a rest whilst still providing nourishment. They have been used in medical studies to induce remission in UC as successfully as steroids. I have had Elemental 028 from my Doctor and they really help in the midst of a Flare Up. You can also get Absorb Plus on the Web.

6. Omega 3 Fish Oils are another excellent anti inflammatory; take 4g of them a day.

Once things settle down, continue with Probiotics, Omega3, and Boswellia & Turmeric. Reintroduce more foods but follow a Palaeolithic diet for autoimmunity. It is also worth having an igg antibody test for food intolerances done in case there is any food which is triggering your Colitis.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Colitis can emerge in diverse forms. All forms of colitis are coupled with inflammation of the colon. Despite the fact that several kinds may be more serious and possibly life-threatening than others it is always important to diagnose the type of Colitis since treatment varies for each type.

Let us look into several common forms:

Ulcerative Colitis

This Colitis is the most widespread form. It is the chronic inflammation of the large intestine or colon. It can also cause inflammation in the joints, the spine, the eyes, skin, liver and bile ducts. The cause of this intestinal disorder is still not known. Usual warning signs of this type of Colitis are irregular bleeding of the rectum, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. Diagnosis is made by means of a barium enema, likewise known as a lower gastrointestinal exam, which is a test that applies x-ray assessment to check over the large intestine. But a more accurate diagnosis is made through utilizing sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. Ulcerative Colitis that has persisted for a long period of time is a risk factor for colon cancer. Treatment may necessitate medications and surgery.

Crohn's Disease

This form of Colitis is closely related to ulcerative colitis. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the intestines. The inflammation mainly involves the entire span of the intestinal wall, which are the small and large intestines, but can also impinge on other parts of the digestive system. This condition can result to the formation of ulcers in either or both the small intestine and colon. The cause of this disease is still unidentified. The most obvious warning signs are acute stomach pain, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and alarming loss of weight. Crohn's disease of the small intestine may lead to blockage of the intestine. This digestive disease can be linked to swollen skin lesions, and joints, spine, eyes, and liver inflammation. Diagnosis is obtained by a barium enema, barium x-ray of the small intestine, and colonoscopy. Treatment will depend on the gravity of the disease and what part of the digestive tract is involved. Choices for therapy include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and surgery.

Ischemic Colitis

This form refers to the abrupt inflammation of the colon that comes about when there is temporary loss or a decrease of blood flow to the colon. It arises predominantly in people over 50 and who have a history of peripheral artery disease, heart failure, diabetes, stroke, and low blood pressure. For most cases of ischemic colitis, treatment is not needed as the condition is mild and will improve in the course of time.

Diversion Colitis

It is the inflammation of the lower part of the large intestine which occurs as an after-effect of the gastrointestinal surgical procedures ileostomy or colostomy to remove damaged parts of the intestine. Treatment is not necessary for most people as the symptoms are merely mild and disappear naturally over the course of time.

Infectious Colitis

Infectious colitis is the inflammation of the small intestine or colon caused by infection brought about by disease-causing bacteria or a virus. This form of Colitis can become chronic, but for other people a prescribed amount of antibiotics can eliminate the disease completely.

Microscopic Colitis

This form of Colitis refers to collagenous colitis and lymphocytic colitis, two digestive conditions indicated by persistent, runny, non-bloody diarrhea. Inflammation on the outer surface of the colon is not visible when examined through a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, so a biopsy is required to arrive at a diagnosis.

Chemical Colitis

This form of Colitis comes about when the inflammation of the large intestine is caused by harsh chemicals that filter through the colon by a barium enema or some other method.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hemorrhoids is not an easily defined condition through the observation of symptoms alone. Two people with hemorrhoids can seem to be suffering with entirely different conditions.

It's important to know that even minor symptoms, such as a little soreness, should be followed up instantly because of the potential to escalate from minor discomfort to severe pain. For instance, bleeding can occur suddenly and without warning.

The problem is, many sufferers will wait until they are displaying serious symptoms such as blood loss until they take action.

This piece will explore the symptom that is 'bleeding hemorrhoids'.

"It doesn't matter what the scenario, blood loss is a serious event. Piles is undoubtedly no different."

Bleeding can be started by both internal and external piles so what is the root of this, needless to say awkward, symptom?

Underneath here I have made a list of each area of hemorrhoids leading up to to blood loss:

1. Hemorrhoids propagate to life generally as a result of your lifestyle - your food choices, your daily activities and your general health. All of these factors culminate in the strain that is placed on your varicose veins - examples could be recently giving birth, your diet, your weight and whether you suffer from bowel problems (constipation, IBS).

2. All of these aspects create the stress required for your varicose veins to swell up enough, and transition into hemorrhoids -- at this time you may have either internal or external hemorrhoids.

3. With unrelenting pressure the vein expands so much that after forming into a hemorrhoid it can't do anything but effectively 'explode,' thereby starting to bleed and become sore.

Blood loss represents a later stage of hemorrhoids, and usually there are a host of other symptoms before that point such as itching and soreness. But what if you are someone who found you had piles AFTER bleeding had started?

If this closely resembles your experience, relax, it's quite common. Early development of hemorrhoids can be misidentified as other less important irritations. Most people wouldn't think it necessary to 'waste' their physician's time with an itchy bottom. 9 times out of 10, you'll find that hemorrhoids 'lurk in the background' before letting you know they are there - more often than not with a jolt of pain.

Moreover, perhaps you was aware you had a growing crisis but just pushed the thoughts aside. Trust me, more of us procrastinate than take action immediately, you're going to be fine.

100% Natural Remedies For Piles That Are Continuing to bleed

Comfrey - This well-received plant has organic healing properties and builds new cells fast.

Mango Seed (Dehydrated) - Not only is this great for you but it tastes delicious with honey. 1/2 gram is the ideal amount to have at once.

Apple Cider Vinegar - This is a simple but great little add-on to the food you eat throughout your day.

Padding A Vinegar Dipped Cotton Ball - By applying vinegar to the soreness, you help to lessen then discomfort.

Aloe Vera - I've been using this for years, it's great for inflamed areas.

Witch Hazel - This is another anti-inflammatory that assists to relieve irritation and pressure.

Dry Figs - Soaking dry figs in water over night and eaten on an empty stomach in the morning is a good home remedy.

Sitz Baths (Herbal) - Sitz baths are probably the most popular home remedy for hemorrhoids. Why? Because that what doctors recommend you do! Not only are they good for hemorrhoids, but they are great for handling the pain.

Kegel Exercises - Throughout life, muscles around your pelvis becomes tired and less adept at bodily functions. Kegel exercises are encouraged among older women as they aid continence. These exercises, however, are great for both women and men when it comes to strengthening the body against hemorrhoids.

Last little suggestion here; are you sure there is enough fiber in your diet right now? If you're not sure, eat 5 pieces of fruit a day - pears, apples, bananas and dried fruit are good for fiber.

Other Approaches

Surgical Treatment -

As with any bodily problems, surgery should only be an option if all other options have been explored. Surgery is a broad topic, and thus, beyond the reach of this piece.

Creams/Ointments -

Creams and ointments are a very popular choice for people suffering with bleeding piles. I won't detail this subject either because it is so huge. It's best if I encourage you to find an article specifically about creams and ointments - Google's the best place to start.

Bleeding Detailed...

Chronic Constipation -

Constipation is a large reason for people coming down with hemorrhoids. Over time the results can be compared with pregnancy, which I outline in just a moment. It basically means you have been straining too much.

Giving Birth -

So like I shared with you, strain is the culprit of hemorrhoids. Pregnancy is a prime example of when we are put under a natural examination of our true stamina. Often times, we simply don't have the strength to stay in control.

Exercise (Lack There of) -

I would hazard a guess that this is the main reason why people suffer with hemorrhoids - A lack of exercise leads on to so many issues health related. Just so you know, this isn't related to that day you boycotted the 10 mile jog you promised to do with your best friend... I would argue that unless you make daily exercise a part of your daily routine, it's benefits will be wasted on you. Enjoy it! Some people find that they get plenty of exercise within the work they do, and others have to find hobbies and a gym membership. No mattter what you opt for, just make sure it's good for both your mind AND your body - enjoy running to the gym, don't haul yourself to the gym in the car!

Poor Circulation -

This is absolutely an issue you want to resolve, both because there are medicines that can resolve it quite easily, and there are many negatives to poor circulation. Your reactions to stimuli slow down, you suffer with pains in the extremities of your body, and gradually your muscles waste away - not good.

Needless to say, poor circulation can also lead to piles. Arrange a consultation with your doctor and he/she will give you the appropriate medicine.

Further Actions:

* Water is truly the elixir of life - drink it, then drink it some more

* Wear Loose clothes

* Ensure you are up and walking at least once an hour; certainly when you are using the toilet. Rectal veins have to work over-time when you are seated on the toilet. 'Working overtime' means higher potential of hemorrhoids.

Scenarios That Attract Rectal Bleeding:

Problems/ Explanation

Varicose veins - Swollen varicose veins become piles for the reasons already outlined in this article.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease -

-- Diverticulitis, this is when pockets are formed in the intestines.

-- Colitis, pain and bleeding result from ulcers formed due to the wearing away of the rectal/colon wall.

Celiac Disease -

Celiac/ coeliac disease finds the small intestines incapacitated and unable to extract nutrients from food.

Fistulas -

A fistula is an uncommon relationship between two cell-walled vessels or organs that don't normally connect. The best solution to these is to change your diet but see your physician first is there are any problems.

Fissures -

These are deep furrows within the mucous membrane of the innermost intestinal wall.

Polyps -

These are potentially cancerous growths within the body.

Prolapses -

In common language they are known as external hemorrhoids. The varicose vein becomes placed under so much pressure it's retraction is lost and it dips to a point where you can physically see it in the flesh.

Going into detail about these topics is out of this articles purpose but it's definitely advisable to do some further research into these.

If you are on concerned with piles, however, focus your energies on varicose veins and prolapses alone.

I will finish this article with the most important point. Get your doctors advice before trying anything - find out what the TRUE problem is first.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Mastocytic enterocolitis is a new clinical entity characterized by increase mast cells of 20 or more per high-powered field in the duodenum or colon. Jakate et al. described 47 patients with intractable diarrhea and abdominal pain without other cause who had elevated mast cell numbers in intestinal biopsies and responded to therapy directed at mast cells. The patients generally met criteria for diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Normal subjects had much lower levels of mast cells of an average of 12 per HPF. My experience indicates that this condition may be another hidden epidemic that should be added to the that of celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). My colleague Dr. Rodney Ford has suggested the term 'gluten syndrome" for the broader problem of non-celiac gluten sensitivity and I agree that this may be a more appropriate term. Now, I am suggesting that mastocytic inflammatory bowel disease (MIBD) be considered as a better term for the newly recognized mastocytic enterocolitis. I review my reasons below.

Until recently the presence of increased mast cells was either missed due to lack of ability to see mast cells on biopsies in the background of normal cells or was only noted in association with inflammatory bowel diseases and celiac disease. A few pediatric studies have noted increase mast cells in the esophagus in association with eosinophilic esophagitis or "allergic esophagus". Systemic mastocytosis has been known for years and has been associated with bowel symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. Now two new studies are shedding more light on this covert cell and its role in postoperative ileus and association with stress. Mast cells have been linked to diarrhea predominant IBS in a few studies but it wasn't until the Jakate article that a distinct entity defined.

The problem with linking mast cells with IBS and other digestive symptoms has been hampered by the difficulty seeing these cells in intestinal biopsies. However, now commercially available special stains utilizing immunohistochemistry for the enzyme tryptase allows the mucosal mast cells to be seen and counted in intestinal tissue obtained from routine random intestinal biopsies. Over the past year I have been asking the pathologists to perform mast cell stains on intestinal biopsies in my GI patients with diarrhea and abdominal pain. Recently, I began expanding this to include as many patients as possible as well as requesting these stains be done on biopsies performed previously in patients who I suspected might have this condition.

I have now accumulated fifty patients meeting criteria for mastocytic enterocolitis or mastocytic enteritis. These patients are in various stages of evaluation and treatment. I am collecting and analyzing the clinical information with the intent to submit the data for publication. What I have observed on initial review is that appears to be a higher than expected prevalence of the celiac disease risk genes DQ2 and DQ8. In particular, DQ8 appears to be overrepresented compared with the incidence in the general population. There also appears to be an association with celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity and multiple food intolerance.

The latter finding of multiple food intolerance determined by mediator release testing abnormalities (MRT, Signet Diagnostic Corporation and Alcat) makes sense. The principle of these tests is the detection of changes in cell volumes that occur due to chemical mediator release from cells present in the blood. The tests are not specific for the mediator or mediators released but is assumed that the greater the reaction the greater the number of mediators released and more likely a particular food, chemical or food additive can cause an adverse reaction.

The laboratories that provide mediator release testing report great success in treating a variety of symptoms commonly attributed to food intolerance or chemical/additive sensitivity. It is my belief that mast cells are heavily involved in this process. This would make sense since success with conditions now being associated with mast cells are reported to respond favorably to dietary elimination of foods or substances with abnormal MRT reactions. Classic examples include IBS, headaches, and interstitial cystitis that have been linked to mast cells as well as stress that is now linked to increase mast cells and mast cell degranulation releasing mediators.

Mediator release tests are criticized by some U.S. doctors, in particular quackwatch.com as being unproven or not validated for "food allergy" evaluation. However, they are not food allergy tests. Food allergy is an IgE mediated type I immediate immune response known as allergy. MRT tests for non-immune delayed type reactions resulting from mediator release from immune cells. The point is that mediator release testing is not a form of food allergy testing. MRT is a form of non-immune food intolerance or sensitivity reaction.

New articles published in the January 2008 issue of the journal Gut reveal exciting new associations of mast cell degranulation with postoperative ileus and a link to a stress hormone. The first study may be the first to show that mast cells in human bowel release mediators when the bowel is handled during surgery resulting in temporary bowel paralysis known as postoperative ileus. The minimally invasive surgery technique of laparoscopy results in less mechanical stimuli to the bowel and has a lower incidence of postoperative ileus.

Stress association with IBS and inflammatory bowel diseases (Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease) has been long known but a mechanism had not been determined definitely. In the same issue of Gut investigators showed that the stress hormone corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) regulates intestinal permeability (leaky gut) through mast cells. The investigators even identified specific receptors on mast cells. This new information sheds new light on the possible link of leaky gut and mast cells with IBS, IBD and celiac disease.

So, how do I believe this new information may help us? Since stress can increase mast cells in the bowel and these cells can release mediators that cause gut injury and symptoms, stress reduction important. These cells can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation as well as other symptoms outside the gut so they are important. Yet, the significance of these cells is generally not recognized because most doctors, including gastroenterologists and pathologists are unaware of their presence and importance.

These cells cannot be seen in the intestine without special stains done on intestinal tissue obtained during upper endoscopy or colonoscopy. Those stains are not routinely done but generally require the doctor performing the biopsy to request them. If no biopsy is performed then obviously these cells cannot be found. There may be a genetic predisposition for what I think may be better termed mastocytic inflammatory bowel disease (MIBD) rather than mastocytic enterocolitis. There also may be the same genetically determined white blood cell protein patterns that are associated with Celiac disease playing an important role in MIBD.

As note above, stress reduction and probiotic therapy may be helpful to reduce mast cells and leaky gut but what about once the mast cells are increased in the gut. Once elevated mast cells are present, treatment may include medications and dietary interventions. Antihistamines, both type I (e.g. Claritin, Allegra, Zirtec) and type II (e.g. Zantac, Tagamet, Pepcid) to block histamine effects have been used successful in reducing abdominal pain and diarrhea in people with mastocytic enterocolitis. A very specific mast cell stabilizer, sodium Cromalyn (Gastrocrom), also has reduced symptoms. It is an accepted therapy for the more severe condition of generalized mastocytosis.

Searching for food allergies and food intolerance (by mediator release testing) followed by dietary elimination of problem foods until leaky gut resolves and mast cell numbers in the bowel reduce is also helpful in my experience. Food allergy testing consists of skin testing and IgE RAST antibody tests. These tests do not exclude non-allergic food intolerance and sensitivity. Antibody tests for IgG in blood or IgA in stool or saliva have been used for food sensitivity. In my experience MRT tests are much more helpful as they look for any abnormal mediator release to a variety foods, chemicals, or additives, regardless of the nature.

Stay tuned for new developments about the role of mast cells and look for more interest in mastocytic enterocolitis in the future. I propose that the GI community should adopt the broader term mastocytic inflammatory bowel disease since there is information indicating mast cells have an important role in allergic esophagus and stomach problems.

Selected References:

The, FO et al. "Intestinal handling-induced mast cell activation and inflammation in human postoperative ileus." Gut 2008; 57:33-40

Wallon, C et al. "Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) regulates macromolecular permeability via mast cells in normal human colonic biopsies in vitro." Gut 2008; 57:50-58.

Jakate, S. "Mastocytic Enterocolitis: Increased mucosal mast cells in chronic intractable diarrhea." Arch Pathol Lab Med 2006; 130:362-367.

Copyright 2008 Dr. Scot M. Lewey http://www.thefooddoc.com

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There are a lot of prior questionnaires about aging and dying. More people are afraid of growing old rather than dying! This has been the fear of many humans for hundreds of years. That is why there has always been scientists who try to develop ways to stop the aging process. It even goes back as far as people searching for the mythical fountain of youth so that they could stay young forever. While this is impossible, modern science has found a way to slow the aging process. The miracle is Human Growth Hormone.

HGH, or Human Growth Hormone, is a genuinely created hormone in the body that is made up of more than 190 amino acids. It is produced and released into the body via the anterior pituitary gland. HGH is exceptionally beneficial for the body in two major ways. One of the notable ways HGH assists the body is by regulating the use of body fat. It finds fat cells in the body and prohibits them from becoming body fat by breaking them down and allowing the body to utilize them for energy. HGH also has a direct effect on beneficial muscle growth. HGH also helps the body put off IGF-1, which assists appropriate muscle growth.

HGH Supplementation

HGH injections are the most powerful way to get additional Human Growth Hormone within your body. Due to the potency of HGH shots, you will need a prescription to receive them. The benefits are great but the risk for side effects is also great. A great doctor can possibly eliminate the serious risks. If you decide that you would like HGH injections, and you have a proper prescription, make sure to choose a qualified doctor that has experience in the field.

Human Growth Hormone injections are obviously the most effective method of Human Growth Hormone supplementation, but oral supplements have been proven to work very well. There are two types of Human Growth Hormone oral products, the type that actually has Human Growth Hormone in the product and the type that contains natural ingredients that help your body produce its own HGH. The supplements that do contain HGH usually produce better results than the all natural approach. Natural supplements work, but not as much as they may advertise. They don't produce the same results because it still wants your body to produce the Human Growth Hormone itself.

Boosting HGH Naturally

If you are not supplementing with HGH, or even if you are, you can help your body make more naturally. Human Growth Hormone injections, which are the most effective, require a prescription to use and the prescriptions aren't always the right thing for you. Many people use injections for serious health issues that other medications won't help. You can get real HGH over the counter through homeopathic Human Growth Hormone supplements if injections aren't an option for you. Along with proper supplementation you can help your body out. Exercising is one of the best ways to help your body produce more HGH naturally. Also, you have to make sure you get enough sleep, which is another time that your body naturally produces Human Growth Hormone.

Obviously, Human Growth Hormone is one of the more important hormones produced in your body. Testosterone is another hormone that is very significant. When you are sleep deprived, testosterone levels are known to lower significantly over time. It shouldn't be a shock that the same exact relationship exists between sleep and HGH levels. When you are lacking sleep, HGH production in your body slows down. HGH levels can be higher if you get the right amount of sleep. Obviously, increasing HGH levels isn't the only good thing to getting your rest.

HGH Benefits

Around 60 years ago, science evolved and found that HGH supplementation can be used on underdeveloped children. The HGH was only given to kids that weren't growing or developing at the normal rate. The results from the HGH supplementation were outstanding. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that HGH would probably benefit adults as well. The only form of Human Growth Hormone that requires a prescription is HGH injections. There are also homeopathic oral sprays and Human Growth Hormone-stimulating supplements. While there are risks with the treatment, it is relatively safe because Human Growth Hormone naturally occurs in the body. This reduces the risk for your body going crazy from an unknown foreign substance.

As you get older, you start to lose your beauty that you once had. Now that HGH supplementation is available, your skin can look as young as it used to. Wrinkles will start to disappear after you being your HGH treatment. It helps produce more collagen in your skin, which helps it keep from sagging. Another factor of flabby skin that people don't think about is muscle deterioration, which makes the skin hang loosely from where the muscle tissue used to be. Sagging skin will not be a factor because of muscle breakdown, as HGH is great at developing and maintaining muscle tissue. Lower HGH levels allow muscle tissue to break down easier, causing skin to sag even more as you age. If you want to get rid of wrinkles, HGH is the right supplement for you.

Some people use Human Growth Hormone for external beauty and anti-aging. Wrinkles, age spots, and loss of muscle are all decreased with HGH treatment. It also have a positive effect on fat loss, although this is one of the major uses. It is also used a lot as a healing aid. The healing purpose of Human Growth Hormone is what athletes use it for most of the time. It has been known to treat Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. It is used on children in their youth who are suffering from growth problems, whether it be bone or muscle related. HGH is also a treatment for multiple sclerosis. If you can name one steroid in the world that has the same amount of medical uses, you can personally contact me and tell me I am wrong when I say they are different!

HGH & Safe Usage

Human Growth Hormone supplementation can make your body more youthful and healthy. So what is the reason that Human Growth Hormone has a bad reputation? Some people think that HGH is a steroid. These people are very mistaken however. Steroids are only used for muscle hypertrophy. Human Growth Hormone is supposed to be used for anti-aging purposes and proper body development. However, people do use Human Growth Hormone for muscle growth and that gives it a bad name. People also abuse Human Growth Hormone illegally for weight reduction purposes. HGH has received a terrible reputation because of unintelligent people misusing it.

While using HGH as intended is much safer than other uses, there are still some risks involved. Most of the time, a doctor that knows what they are doing can limit any side effects. Talking to an experienced doctor will let you know if you should use HGH or not. Just make sure that you know exactly what is going into your body and the risks. Chances are, the risks will be nominal and the rewards will be great.


As declared throughout this piece, Human Growth Hormone can create fantastic results for your body. Of course, you should never abuse HGH, or any sort of supplement, as it can be enormously harmful for your health. It's no shock that people turn to HGH supplements as their body stops putting off its own HGH. Along with sustaining your body perfectly, HGH is also a notable anti-aging supplement.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The role of diet and nutrition is very significant in Crohn's disease. A proper diet is important in addition to medical therapies for maintaining and correcting any nutritional deficiencies and for reducing disease activity. Just like everyone else, people with Crohn's disease need to take in enough protein, calories, vitamins, minerals such as calcium, iron, and zinc, and other nutrients to stay healthy. People with Crohn's may have increased nutritional requirements to make up for the nutrients they lose. Generally, the patient is advised to have a nutritious, well-balanced diet, with adequate proteins and calories. Crohn's disease is a tough condition to deal with and to add to your frustrations you may have to do away with your favorite dishes if your doctor advises so.

Some Crohn's disease friendly recipes that patients may try out include banana bread, lactose free pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread, soy cheese and macaroni, banana muffins, mashed potato and meat casserole, almond crusted chicken, barbequed chicken, chicken sausage, roasted chicken, pot roast, butternut squash soup, grilled turkey breast, microwave broccoli, oven French fries and raspberry ring. You can come across delicious, easy to prepare low-fiber and non-dairy recipes for those with Crohn's disease in most magazines as well as the Internet.

There are no foods known to essentially injure the bowel. However, during an acute stage of the Crohn's disease, bulky foods, milk, and milk products may add to diarrhea and cramping. Diet may have to be restricted based on the symptoms or complications. Patients with strictures should try to avoid recipes high in fiber content. Patients should keep away from recipes that they know would bother them and seek specific recommendations from their physician. Instead of eating heavy meals, patients should eat small meals throughout the day. Many nutrition counselors recommend that patients with Crohn's disease eat five or six half-sized meals a day. This should be done evenly at regular intervals and probably the last meal should be consumed at least three hours prior to bedtime. In addition to eating sufficiently, you also need to drink adequate fluids to keep your body well hydrated.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Aloe vera is one of the most important medicinal plants in the world. It is a magical plant that cures innumerable number of diseases.it is used in a variety of products. It can be taken in raw as well as processed. It cold nature can be a relief to heat burns and suntans. Gel form of the plant is available for application on the skin.

It is a well-known moisturizer that gives instant relief to dry skin and other skin irritations. It can be used in sunscreens, soaps, perfumes etc for its smell as well as its medicinal use. Aloe vera's medicinal value extends to even animals. It is used in cats and dogs to cure symptoms of cancer. It is also used in the artificial fertilization of sheep.

It can be consumed as well. It is used to make desserts and juices. It is used as an additional ingredient in yogurts. In some parts of India, it is used to make curries. The juice of this medicine is used to cure irritations in the bowel. It is an excellent remedy for Ulcerative colitis and also Crohn's disease. It works by flushing out unwanted substances that might be poisonous to the body which might result in less absorption of essential nutrients. This can in turn lead to loss of energy, weight fluctuations and various other body illnesses.

Aloe vera plant acts as a natural immune booster. The extract from the leaf is known for increasing the natural immunity of the body. Digestive disorders like constipation, irregular bowel movements etc due to toxic residues are best reduces by drinking its juice or other processed products that removes aloin content from it. Sores that are formed in the stomach are cured if this medicinal plant is used. The cooling effect produced by the medicinal plant is used to treat conditions caused due to excessive amount of stomach acid produced.

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An age old substance could offer new hope for sufferers of inflammatory arthritis and the more common osteoarthritis. That substance is frankincense, a resin derived from the hardy Boswellia tree. Frankincense has been traded for over 5000 years, and is best known for its aroma. It is commonly used in incense and perfumes.

Frankincense is also widely used in various religious rites, and was said to be among the gifts presented to baby Jesus by the biblical Magi, or wise men, along with gold and myrrh (a similar reddish resin). Frankincense is still burned in the Roman Catholic Church.

Frankincense has also long been valued for its medicinal properties. The resin is edible, and is used in Asian traditional medicine to aid digestion and promote healthy skin. Frankincense has also been used in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine for hundreds of years, and is called dhoop. Dhoop is used for treating arthritis, healing wounds, strengthening the female hormonal system and combating germs and mosquitoes.

Scientists have been investigating frankincense as a treatment for chronic inflammatory conditions such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, asthma, cancer, and rheumatoid and osteoarthritis In 2008, researchers from John Hopkins University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem reported that frankincense smoke was a psychoactive drug that relieved depression and anxiety in mice.

In another 2008 study at the University of California, 70 osteoarthritis patients taking a frankincense extract showed a significant improvement in their condition in less than seven days, with no major adverse effects. The extract was a proprietary product developed by Laila Nutraceuticals.

Recently, scientists from Cardiff University in Wales, noting that frankincense was a traditional herbal remedy for arthritis in the local Somali community, began to research it in the lab. Their research focused on whether and how extracts of frankincense could help reduce arthritic inflammation and reduce pain.

They were able to demonstrate that an extract of a rare frankincense species, Boswellia frereana, inhibited the production of key inflammatory molecules, helping to prevent the painful breakdown of cartilage that is characteristic of arthritis and gouty arthritis.

"What our research has managed to achieve is to use innovative chemical extraction techniques to determine the active ingredient in frankincense," explained Dr. Ahmed Ali, "Having done this, we are now able to further characterize the chemical entity and compare its success against other anti-inflammatory drugs used for treating the condition."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), arthritis is the most common form of disability in the US, impacting nearly 21 million adults. Arthritis can be classified as either inflammatory or non-inflammatory. Inflammatory arthritis is characterized by the presence of inflammatory white blood cells in the joint fluid.

Gout is an inflammatory form of arthritis, as is rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory form of the disease. Both forms are incurable, but can be managed with lifestyle changes and arthritis or gout medications.

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Not just a seasoning, Ginger Root is also a very good choice to battle illness and its symptoms. This potent root protects the stomach and is beneficial in dealing with digestive tract issues, cleansing the colon. In treating stomach upsets, it is actually powerful enough to alleviate the nausea of chemotherapy patients and mild enough to relieve morning sickness connected with pregnancy or intestinal colic in babies. Whether it's diarrhea, indigestion, vomiting or motion sickness, Ginger is a powerful remedy.

Ginger decreases spasms and cramping, so that it is an effective treatment for muscle pain along with the discomfort related to menstruation. A circulatory stimulant, it can help alleviate poor circulation.

An anti-inflammatory, herbalists recommend Ginger Root to aid with the symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. Ginger has been beneficial in managing the symptoms associated with ulcerative colitis. Studies suggest that this herb could lower cholesterol levels and prevent blood clots. Other research has concluded that ginger may also have anticancer properties.

A powerful antioxidant, effective antimicrobial and an anti-viral: Ginger Root helps fight pathogenic microorganisms like bacteria, fungi and viruses. These qualities also make it an effective addition to poultices for the treatment of wounds and skin irritations.

Taken internally, this herb helps safeguard the liver and detoxify the kidneys while moving excess toxins out of your body. It's typically used to treat the common cold, flu-like symptoms, headaches and other pains.

It isn't unexpected that this herb is utilized in many vintage herbal tonics and cleansing herbal blends. In our household, we like to put it to use in a tea at the earliest sign of sinus congestion and enjoy the taste it adds to stir fry meals. Search for ways to incorporate this advantageous herb in your daily living today.


Mince a Tbsp each of ginger root and fresh garlic, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey for flavor.

Place ingredients inside a mug and add 8 ounces of boiling water. Cover, and let sit for ten minutes. Strain this through a sieve and drink the liquid.


To be taken upon rising, before eating breakfast.

Whirl these ingredients in your blender until smooth. Adjust the ingredients to suit your taste preferences.

* a whole inch fresh ginger, minced
* 1 tablespoon extra virgin cold pressed olive oil
* one clove of garlic
* two Tbsp apple cider vinegar
* one apple, chopped small
* one half small beet, diced
* 1 stick celery, chopped small
* a few sprigs of parsley, chopped small
* a whole cup filtered water

The apple cider vinegar facilitates the emulsification of the oil and water. Garlic will lose its effectiveness once it is cut. Therefore, it's best to drink this tonic before it separates.

If you want to heighten the impact of this tonic, raise the number of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and the number of garlic cloves over the span of a few days. For the second day utilize two tablespoons of olive oil and 2 cloves, on the 3rd day use three tablespoons and three cloves, and so forth, but don't exceed 5 tablespoons and cloves.

Blend and enjoy!

NOTE: This text presents ideas and information intended to enrich the reader. This is not presented instead of sound medical advice. The ideas and viewpoints conveyed are that of the author and fallible. It's the obligation of the reader to reach his own conclusions and be knowledgeable.

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Neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, also referred as the back pain complex, have many causes. One the principle, least understood causes of back pain, and there are myriad causes, is commonly referred to as the musculoskeletal pain syndrome. Musculoskeletal pain syndrome is expressed in one of two forms, fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome. The two pain syndromes are responsible for pain in various parts of the body, to include the neck, back, both upper and lower, and the legs (sciatica). This article will deal with the former, fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia results in pain to the affected area when touched, these areas are known as trigger points. Fibromyalgia may also be responsible for fatigue, stiffness, and sleep disturbances. Fibromyalgia is a more widespread condition than myofascial pain syndrome and is found throughout the body. Both pain syndromes are thought to be related to a change in or alteration of the body's pain threshold, meaning that the pain reported is out of proportion with the actual pain stimuli. Fibromyalgia is an often disputed classification and in fact has been referred to as the "non-disease."

Fibromyalgia is defined as muscle and connective tissue pain. The condition is characterized by widespread, chronic pain combined with an overly sensitive reaction to allodynia, or gentle touch. As noted above, fibromyalgia is not only responsible for widespread pain, to include neck pain, back pain, and sciatica but may also be characterized by debilitating and disabling levels of fatigue, sleeplessness and sleep dysfunction, stiffness and soreness, difficulty breathing and swallowing, and a myriad of symptoms expressed by and affecting various body systems. The concert of symptoms, not always present in full, are generally referred to collectively as the "fibromyalgia syndrome." In addition to the above mentioned symptoms, fibromyalgia may also be expressed in terms of cognitive dysfunction, as in difficulty shaping and expressing concepts and thoughts, and an increase incidence of anxiety and affective symptoms. The link between stress and fibromyalgia appears to be a significant one, with a number of psychological manifestations being present, to include depression. In fact, there is a powerful link between major depression and fibromyalgia. The etiology or cause remains highly speculative, as it has not been shown that there is a true causal link between the two. It has been suggested, and this author concurs, that depression may be a consequence of having to endure multiple symptoms, including sleeplessness and sleep dysfunction, with no clear cause or treatment options.

Fibromyalgia, as noted above, is defined as widespread, chronic pain and a response to allodynia or gentle touch, particularly at various trigger points on the body. Additionally, pain expressions or symptoms may include deep muscle aches and pains, at times deep, almost burning sensations; muscle cramps and spasms, mild to severe and debilitating, particularly low back pain radiating into the legs (sciatica); nerve pain, to include prickly or needle-like sensations on the skin; generalized weakness, particularly in the limbs; and, disturbances of the bowel, to include colitis-like spasms.

Sleeplessness and sleep disturbances are common in fibromyalgia sufferers, and may grow in severity and frequency over time; and, as psychological symptoms become more prevalent, particularly anxiety and depression. Significantly, a kind of "fibrofog" or "brain fog," manifesting itself as cognitive dysfunction, may be a consequence of sleeplessness and dysfunction. There is a clear and demonstrable link between fibromyalgia symptoms and the inability to concentrate, difficulty with memory, both short and long term, and impaired attention span and an inability to multi-task. There are many more symptoms expressed by fibromyalgia sufferers but they are beyond the scope of this article.

Ultimately, there are a multitude of symptoms and consequences linked to this devastating and debilitating syndrome. Neck pain, back pain, and sciatica are certainly significant in fibromyalgia patients but the concert of symptoms, the syndrome, has multiple expressions and possible causes, physiological and psychological. The fibromyalgia treatment focus must be a holistic one, primarily because of the multiple-system, multi-symptom nature of the syndrome. There is no clear and systematized approach to the handling of, much less a cure for, fibromyalgia sufferers. Treatment strategies often include analgesics such as NSAIDS (naproxen-sodium) for aches and pain. Antidepressants are often prescribed for depression and for possible serotonin dysfunction and its impact on the central nervous system's ability to properly process pain impulses. The impact of norepinephrine and serotonin affecting and stimulating drugs is being explored, a link has been discussed and it is suggestive but the outcome is still unclear. Additionally, behavioral intervention and alternative medicine are options many pursue. As with most cases of neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, exercise is an essential component in the treatment strategy, more so due to the wide-ranging, often ambiguous constellation of pain symptoms. Again, a holistic approach is vital if there is to be a resolution for not only the neck pain, back pain, and sciatica but the myriad of additional symptoms collectively classified as the fibromyalgia syndrome.

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Laminitis is sometimes called Founder. When the laminae in the hoof of horses, ponies, and donkeys swells the animal is said to have Laminitis. Concussive forces to the hoof can cause Laminitis in horses although the disease can also result through a decrease in blood supply and flow to the laminae. This leads to ischemia, necrosis, and edema of the laminae. What causes a decrease in the flow of blood in this way is still not yet known however, a number of pathophysiologic mechanisms have been suggested.

Laminitis, irrespective of the precise cause, is a really debilitating disease that can have a very detrimental effect on the animal. For the owner it results in frustration, expense, and is demanding when it comes to treatment. Thankfully, our knowledge about the disease is expanding. With this growth in knowledge comes the possibility for effective treatment. Indeed, treatment has progressed from what it was a few short years ago. Nevertheless, much about Laminitis in horses is yet to be learned.

Some horses can be predisposed to Laminitis. Those that are fed an improper diet top the list. It has been known for some time that horses that consume too much grain and/or lush green grass rich in clover are more susceptible to developing Laminitis. Likewise, horses whose diet is changed suddenly to a diet that is high in energy are also more at risk.

Other factors that predispose horses to Laminitis include systemic illness such as:

  • Intestinal Inflammation

  • Obstructions of the Small Intestine

  • Colitis

  • Diarrhea

  • Uterine Infection

  • Septicemia

  • Toxemia

Further contributing factors include:

  • Excessive weight on one leg

  • Working unshod horses

  • Working horses on hard surfaces

  • Weight gain

  • Over trimming of hooves

  • Certain medications

What To Look For

Laminitis in horses presents hooves that are distorted in their appearance. Founder rings on the wall of the hoof will also be discernible, and they will have overgrown heels, flat soles, and long toes.

Laminitis in horses leads to lameness that can be either mild to severe. It is usually found in the front feet rather than in the back feet simply because horses support roughly sixty percent of their total body weight on their front legs. The degree or severity of the lameness is determined using Obel grades ranging from one to four. If the horse has grade one Laminitis they will be seen to alternate their weight between their front feet repeatedly. Horses that have grade two Laminitis or higher show an affected gait as they attempt to carry more weight on their back limbs.

Because of the pain associated with Laminitis in horses it is characteristic of affected horses to attempt to walk their heels and avoid pressure to the toes. They are reluctant to move around due to the pain and discomfort. Affected horses will also have a stronger arterial pulse in the front feet as well as experiencing swelling and heat.

Diagnosing Laminitis in Horses

Lateral radiographs of the affected limb are critical in making a diagnosis and for determining the prognosis of the animal.

Treating Laminitis in Horses

Successful treatment hinges a lot on discovering the cause of the Laminitis. Initially treatment can vary depending upon the causes. Treating Laminitis might involve IV Fluid Therapy, Anti-inflammatory drugs, Systemic Antimicrobials, and Mineral Oil.

The goal of treatment is to lessen or reduce the swelling in the hoof as well as to lessen the pain the animal experiences. To this end, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are administered. Another major goal in treatment is to improve or increase the blood supply to the laminae and there are a number of drugs that are used for this purpose.

Frog support is very important as part of the treatment process and this is achieved through the use of frog support devices or special shoes. It is advisable that the animal is kept in the stable and on a soft bedding of 10cm or more. If the horse has passed the initial stages of Laminitis special care of the foot will be required. Proper trimming and shoeing is.

Some biotin supplements have been known to promote and encourage faster tissue growth which is beneficial to the successful treatment of Laminitis. Because the horse is recumbent for much of each day skin abrasions and ulcers can develop. These must be addressed without delay.

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Diabetics are not the only ones to suffer foot pain, people with arthritis are also prone to foot pain. Due to the fact that the foot has 33 joints, it is especially prone to arthritis. Arthritis is characterized by the inflammation and swelling of the cartilage and lining of the joints, and often includes an increase of joint fluid. Walking and moving is often extremely difficult for those with arthritis foot pain.

What causes arthritis foot pain? There are different causes, but those that put a person at greater risk include:

- Injury and strain not properly taken care of

- Bacteria and viral infections

- Certain disorders such as ileitis and colitis

- Certain prescription drugs and illegal drug use

- Genetics

In addition to the above causes, there are two forms of arthritis that can lead to foot pain:

1. Rheumatoid arthritis - This is a systemic disease that causes non-specific inflammation of joints belonging to the hands and feet. Over time, rheumatoid arthritis may result in the destruction of the joints and cause serious, chronic foot problems including hammertoes, bunions, etc.

2. Osteoarthritis - This is a degenerative form of arthritis, and it often affects more than one joint. Osteoarthritis is more common among the elderly, obese or those who've suffered a physical trauma. Osteoarthritis can cause changes in the foot bones such as cartilage destruction, spurs, narrowing of joint space and cystic changes.

How can arthritis foot pain be treated? Arthritis foot pain shouldn't be ignored, and should be treated as soon as possible. The following are 10 treatments you can try to help relieve inflammation and pain, as well as improve the flexibility of joints -

1. Exercises - Stretching, range of motion, and functional exercises are all ideal for preventing arthritis foot pain. These exercise help to improve blood flow to the feet, improve flexibility, and keep bones and muscles strong. It's best to ask your podiatrist to recommend exercises.

2. Lose weight - Weight puts plenty of stress and strain on your joints. If you are overweight, shedding excess pounds can make a significant difference to your feet.

3. Supportive footwear - It is imperative that you invest in shoes that provide your foot with support, and feature a high, wide toe box. Shoes with rocker-bottom soles are a good choice for those suffering from heel pain. You should avoid wearing high heel shoes and shoes with pointed toes. In fact, it's a good idea to have your shoes custom made or ask a podiatrist for recommendations.

You should also consider acquiring removable insoles or orthotics for your shoes to provide your foot with more support.

4. Knee, ankle and foot supports - Tensor bandages and braces that provide mild compression and support can help reduce stress placed on the joint.

5. Heat/cold therapy - Applying heating pads or ice packs to the inflamed joint can help relieve inflammation and sooth the aching joint.

6. Physical therapy - Talk to your doctor about physical therapy treatment.

7. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplements - These supplements help to slow the deterioration of cartilage between joint bones and reduce pain. Talk to your doctor about these supplements before taking them.

8. Over-the-counter pain medication - If you are suffering from pain due to joint inflammation, common over-the-counter medications that may be effective at reducing inflammation and pain include aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

9. Anti-inflammatory creams and topical ointments - There are topical medications that help relieve acute pain (I.E. "JointFlex"), and those that relieve pain and reduce inflammation (I.E. "Aspercreme").

10. Surgery - Those who suffer from severe, disabling foot pain may require surgery to realign or replace joints.

Finally, remember that it is not normal for joints to hurt anywhere in your body. If you are experiencing frequent or recurring foot pain, it's time to visit your doctor.

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