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Whenever you hear the word bulrush, do you think of cattails? Oddly enough, most people do. However, there are some differences between the two, although cohabitation is not unheard of. Cattails are known to invade a wetland much faster than bulrushes, taking over large expanses in a single growing season because of their mass quantities of wind-borne seeds. In growing season, cattails are more water dependent than bulrushes. Typically, the hardstem bulrush [Scirus acutus] is used in wetland projects and restoration. Bulrushes are much slower than cattails in establishing and spreading because they proliferate primarily through underground rhizomes rather than seeds. Bulrushes can handle and withstand long, dry periods better than cattails. There are some noted differences between cattail and bulrush, as emergent vegetation, but one noted commonality between them is their special adaptation in transporting oxygen from the air to their roots, enabling them to grow in continually flooded, but shallow water areas. Both cattail and bulrush establish quickly, (although as stated previously, bulrushes are still slower than cattails at establishing), and both can tolerate poor quality water. However, bulrushes tend to grow in deeper water, whereas cattails prefer shallow water.

Bulrushes are various wetland herbs (aquatic) from the genus Scirpus. They are annual or perennial plants that are medium to tall in height. Also known as tule, wool grass and rat grass, this herbaceous plant can grow up to 10 feet tall; they are found all through-out North America and Eurasia.

They are divided into groups of soft-stem [Scirpus validus] and hard-stem [Scirpus tabernaemontani] bulrushes, found in the Cyperaceae family. These two species are quite similar in their appearance and share commonalities regarding the areas they grow in. Bulrushes are often used in constructed wetlands to treat agricultural NPS pollution and for the creation and restoration of wetlands. One of the plants used for this kind of project is the species called the Giant Bulrush aka 'Restorer'. It is considered a superior plant for this, particularly in the south-easterly states. Now you may be wondering, 'What is NPS pollution and where does it come from?' Good question!

NPS is short for 'non-source pollution', which comes from coal and metal mining, photography and textile industries, agricultural and urban areas, failed home septic tank drain fields as well as municipal wastewater, storm water, and other land disturbing activities that detrimentally impact 30 - 50% of the waterways of America. An affordable and efficient means to address and clean up diverse wastewater is with constructed wetlands. For almost 60 years, researchers have investigated and reported on the use of natural or constructed wetlands and their effectiveness and ability to cleanse polluted water. In 1989, one such researcher named Hammer, defined constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment as "a deigned and man-made complex of saturated substrates, emergent and submergent vegetation, animal life, and water that simulates natural wetlands for human use and benefits."

The bulrush [Scirpus spp] is one species of vegetation that is cultivated in shallow beds or channels containing a root medium such as sand and/or gravel are effective in helping to regulate water flow. At the same time, biochemical reactions occur on the submerged portions of the plants and within the wetland soils. Oxygen is passively made available for biochemical reactions mainly by the diffusion of air into the system (Rogers et al, 1991). In the United States alone, over 56 FWS (Fish and Wildlife Service) systems process 95 million gallons a day of runoff and wastewater (Reed, 1991).

Bulrushes are reed-like and have long, firm leaves, olive-green, three-sided stems and drooping clusters of small, often brown spikelets found near the stem tips. The stem bases have a few inconspicuous leaves. The roots (or rhizomes) produce edible tubers. The tips of the bulrushes bloom with clumps of reddish-brown or straw-colored flowers that turn into hard seed-like fruits, during the period of April through August.

They are often found along the shorelines of marshy or swampy areas; such as wet locations like the edges of shallow lakes, ponds, swamps, fresh and brackish marshes, wet woods, slow moving streams and roadside ditches. They can grow as high as 10 feet in moist soils, and in shallow or deep water, respectively, from 1 -9 ft of water. The bulrush is densely rhizomatous with abundant seed production.

The Scirpus species occur almost always under natural conditions in wetlands. They are divided into groups of soft-stem [Scirpus validus] and hard-stem [Scirpus tabernaemontani] bulrushes, found in the Cyperaceae family. These two species are quite similar in their appearance. Soft-stem bulrush can grow to 10 feet and grows in dense colonies from rhizomes. Soft-stem bulrush has a round (in cross section), light gray-green, relatively soft stem that comes to a point with no obvious leaves (only sheaths at the base of the stems). Flowers usually occur just below the tip of the stem, from July through September. They grow in the places mentioned in the first paragraph, where soils are poorly-drained or continually saturated. As far as ecological importance goes, the soft-stem bulrush can triple its biomass in one growing season. One area that benefits from this bulrush are urban wetlands, where soft-stem bulrushes can be and have been used to reduce pollutant loads carried by storm water runoff.

The hard-stem bulrush (tule, black root) is a perennial herb with an obligate [restricted to a particular condition in life], robustly rhizomatous wetland plant that forms dense colonies. The stems of this bulrush are erect and slender, sharp to softly triangular; typically reaching 3-10 feet tall. Likewise, the leaves are slender blades that are sheathed around the long stem. The flowers are brown spikelets. The panicle can have 3 to numerous spikelets, which are oval to cylindrical. The nutlets are completely covered by whitish-brown scales and have 6 basal bristles. Bulrushes have stout rootstocks and long, thick, brown underground stems [rhizomes]. The hard-stem bulrush has a much higher tolerance of mixosaline [water containing saline] conditions, than the soft-stem bulrush. It regrows well after removal and is tolerant of fire.

Submerged portions of all aquatic plants provide habitats for many micro and macro invertebrates. These invertebrates in turn are used as food by fish and other wildlife species (e.g. amphibians, reptiles, ducks, etc.). After aquatic plants die, their decomposition by bacteria and fungi (called "detritus"), provides food for many aquatic invertebrates. Seeds of bulrushes are consumed by ducks and other birds while geese, muskrats, and nutria consume the rhizomes and early shoots. Muskrats and beavers like to use this emergent wetland vegetation for food, as well as for hut construction, thus improving the wetland habitat.

Bulrushes have been and are used by many cultures for medicinal purposes, as well as

In the provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui and Zhejiang, in China use the bulrush in teas, decoctions and extracts. The bulrush is believed to be effective and most commonly used to stop bleeding, whether from an injury or an internal disorder. It is also used to treat painful menstruation and postpartum abdominal pain. Evidence has shown that bulrush extracts can also reduce the amount of lipids in the blood, as well as being effective in treating colitis.

Native Americans would parch the edible rhizomes (seeds), which are high in protein and very starchy, grind them into a powder for flour, mixed it with water, boiled it and ate it as porridge. The young shoots are considered a delicacy, whether eaten in the raw form or cooked. The bulrush can be used for syrup and /or sugar, used in a salad or eaten as a cooked vegetable. The syrup is dried out to produce sugar and the pollen can be used to make breads and cakes.

They also made a poultice from the stems to stop bleeding and to treat snakebites. The roots can be processed and used in treating abscesses.

'Boneset' tea was a popular remedy used by Native Americans and pioneers alike to address general aches and malaise. It was said to have the most effective relief for the nineteenth and twentieth century flu epidemics. It remains popular as a herbal tea and is used as a tonic for colds, reduce sweating and to promote bone healing. It is the belief that it does indeed aid in bone healing that gave 'boneset' tea its name. Modern medical research confirms these benefits, stating that the compounds of 'boneset tea' stimulate the immune system.

Some Native Americans would chew the roots of the bulrush as a preventative to thirst. They also used the ashes from burned stalk to put on a baby's bleeding naval.

Stems are used to weave strong sleeping mats, ropes, baskets, purses, hats, skirts, sandals, curtains, temporary shelters, canoes and rafts, brooms and other household items. The plant must grow in coarse-textured soil that is free of gravel, silt and clay if the roots are to be used for quality basket-weaving. The root was sought for the black color, which was desired to highlight patterns created in the making of a basket.

The benefits and uses of the bulrush, both ecologically, medicinally and creatively, make it worth careful consideration for wetland planting zones and native restoration landscapes.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease can be together termed as irritable bowel syndrome. However certain dissimilarities they posses help physicians diagnosis and treat the diseases appropriately.

Commonly referred to, as irritable bowel syndrome, Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are the two most common bowl diseases. Your small intestine and colon get mostly affected by these two diseases. They may bare a lot of similarities in the symptoms that include pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, fatigue, loss of weight and anemia, but there are some significant differences as well that let the physicians distinguish between the diseases.

The common aspects of the diseases are as follows:
?? Almost 10-14 people in every 100,000 people get affected by the irritable bowel syndrome.
?? They mainly affect the Caucasian and Ashkenazi Jew population i.e., these two diseases are mostly seen in the advanced and developed countries.
?? The main reason for both the diseases seems to be the lesser amount of parasites in the intestine that led to the decreased fitness level of the enteric immune system.
?? One of the significant treatments for the diseases includes Trichuria Tricuriasis parasites that are injected into the intestine to reduce the symptoms of the diseases.

There are many other significant similarities as well. But there are also some differences that mainly help the physicians with the diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Some of the significant differences are as follows:

?? Crohn's disease usually doesn't affect the rectum but Ulcerative colitis doesn't spare it.
?? If you look into the biopsy results you would find characteristic noncaseating granulomas for Crohn's disease while in the case of UC you would find crypt abscesses.
?? UC mainly attacks the mucosa and sub mucosa of the GI tract while Crohn's mainly causes inflammation to all three layers of the GI tract. The latter mainly causes perforation to the colonic wall that can be truly dangerous.
?? Crohn's disease is also responsible for cobblestone appearance and a thick bowel wall due to inflammation and regrowth of the colonic wall. UC is mainly responsible for appearance of pseudo polyps as a result of indentations caused by the ulcerations present in the GI tract.

Usually an X-Ray is used by pathologists to distinguish between the Crohn's disease and the Ulcerative colitis so that the physicians can easily treat the patients with proper diagnosis.

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease may bare a lot of similarities and also a lot of dissimilarities, but proper diagnosis of both of them is extremely necessary, as both require difference methods of treatments.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bleeding of the bowels is a sign that something could be wrong and can occur as a result of a number of different conditions. Most of these conditions can be easily treated and cured but of course the greatest concern of rectal bleeding is cancer.

One cause of rectal bleeding is Hemorrhoids, which are otherwise commonly known as piles. They are dilated blood vessels that can rupture and bleed which can occur on the outside of the anus and are felt as little bumps which can be very painful. They can also occur on the inside of the anal canal where they are usually painless. Hemorrhoids can be treated and cured.

A fissure is a tear in the lining tissue of the anus which can be caused by diarrhea or more commonly constipation. The hard stool stretches the lining causing it to tear slightly, which exposes the nerve endings and blood vessels causing pain. Most patients experience pain on passing a stool. A fissure can be treated with medication or sometimes surgical intervention.

A fistula is an abnormal passage between the rectum and the skin around the anus which can bleed and discharge. Again fistulas can be treated with medication or surgical intervention.

Colitis is where the colon, rectum or both become inflamed or ulcerated and bleed. The patient usually experiences abdominal cramps, urgency to defecate and pain on defecation. When only the rectum is inflamed this is known as proctitis.

Colonic polyps are small growths of tissue on the inside lining of the large intestine. They often cause no symptoms but can result in bleeding, pain and passing of mucus with bowel motions. There are two main types of polyps in the bowel one of which is of no long term significance. However, the other more common polyps are benign tumours called adenomas which if left have the potential to grow and develop into a malignant cancer. One in ten adenomas turn into cancer. Polyps can be identified and removed during a colonoscopy. The tissue sample is then sent to pathology.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Cascara Sagrada comes from the bark of the buckthorn tree. It stimulates your colon to produce stronger contractions than normal. When it does this, it can work on the most difficult and chronic cases of constipation.

It is one of the herbal constipation remedies with a strong laxative effect. It will be found in many herbal combinations that are mixed for constipation. Cascara has Chrysophanic acid, which stimulates your colon wall to produce peristaltic action. Cascara also contains a chemical called emodin, which controls the strong action of Chrysophonic acid thus producing a balanced laxative effect.

If you use cascara in a constipation remedy mixture, do not use this mixture for more than thirty days. After 30 days take a rest from it. Do not use Cascara in large amounts and for long periods since it can cause intestinal distress and become habit-forming. When you use it, you will see results in 1-2 days.

Cascara Sagrada also stimulates secretions from the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and stomach. These secretions give Cascara additional laxative effects.

Do not use Cascara Sagrada if you have irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, ulcers, colitis, or cohen's disease. These conditions require a more soothing herbal treatment. Use Cascara for a limited time. It can become habit-forming and, if used for an extended time, it can increase the risk of colon cancer. Its use also causes you to lose potassium with each bowel movement.

If you have liver problems do not use cascara sagrada full strength. Use it in combination with other herbs. Cascara is known to put a strain on the liver.

You can take Cascara Sagrada as a single herb for constipation. As a single herb, it can cause cramping and nausea. However, I recommend you used it with other herbs. In an herbal combination, the combination can detoxify your colon, tonify your colon walls, cleanse the blood and produce other synergistic actions.

In Michael Murray, N.D., book called The Pill Book Guide to Natural Medicines, he talks about the drug interaction of cascara sagrada,

"Cascara and other stimulant laxatives may decrease absorption of other drugs that pass through the gastrointestinal tract. If you are currently taking an oral medication, talk to your pharmacist or doctor before self-medicating with cascara. Cascara may potentiate the action of digoxin and other heart medications due to potassium depletion. The use of cascara with thiazide diuretics and corticosteroids may further decrease potassium levels."

Recommend dose for the cascara sagrada, as a single herb, is 350 - 1000mg just before bedtime. It you have any cramping or discomfort from cascara, take it with your meals. Gradually increase the quantity, every day, until you get the action your need.

Use 1-4 cascara sagrada powder capsules a night, but do not use these capsules for more than 10 days. Start with 1 capsule a night and increase the amount each day until you get results you want.

For a laxative tea, use one teaspoon of cascara bark in 3 cups of boiling water for 20 minutes. Drink 1-2 cups of tea just before bedtime after it has cooled to room temperature.

Cascara Sagrada is a strong constipation remedy and will help you clean out your colon even if you have chronic constipation. Use it sparely and for a short time.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This article gives you information about ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease etc. You can get information about the various symptoms of this disease.

All of us know that ulcerative colitis is a painful condition. Many people mistake it for Crohn's disease. The reason is that both the diseases affect the intestine. But the difference is that colitis affects the colon part of the intestine, the later affects ileum, or small intestine. Some people confuse colitis with irritable bowel syndrome also. In ulcerative colitis, inflammation of the lining of colon results in ulcers. As a result pus is formed and sometimes bleeding also occurs. So, the patient has diarrhea with bleeding.

It is difficult to differentiate between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. This is because both the diseases have more or less the same symptoms. One of the main difference of Crohn's disease is that it affects the ileum, esophagus and even mouth. This disease can affect any person irrespective of sex and age. Usually it affects people between 15 to 40. Some clinical studies reveal a hereditary factor. According to some clinical studies, this disease runs in some families. So, if you have a case history, you should try to take care to prevent it. Many theories exist for the colitis, though the real reason behind it has not be proven yet. It is known to be an autoimmune disease.

The common symptoms are fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea, joint pain, anemia, etc. The most important thing about the symptom is that they occur in periodic intervals. Some may experience muscular cramps, loss of fluid from body etc. In children, it results in growth failure. Whatever the symptom may be, it causes severe irritation in the patient. So, it is better to treat it as soon as possible. Moreover, it is important to rule out the other two diseases like Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Usually doctors do a physical examination followed by a blood sample. A stool check follows. Finally, an endoscopy is done to diagnose the disease.

Once it is diagnosed as colitis, the treatment varies. This is because severity of the disease also varies from person to person. The common treatment is of course drug therapy. Here the patient is administered tablets like aminosalicylates; Sulfasalazine is usually given as tablets, injections or enemas. Corticosteroids are also given to reduce inflammation. In severe conditions, hospitalization may be necessary. And if the patient does not react positively to drug therapy, a colonoscopy is advised.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Based on theory that there might be overgrowth of bacteria in the small bowel (SBO) in patients with IBS antibiotics have been tried as a treatment. Antibiotics have helped some suffering with IBS, especially, those with complaints of diarrhea, excess bloating and gas, and abdominal pain.

Without well-designed scientific studies showing clear cut effectiveness, the use of antibiotics has been somewhat empiric and the questions have continued to be which antibiotic, for how long and how often? Furthermore, the role of SBO has been over stated in past, with an estimate of only 5-10% of IBS patients having confirmed bacterial overgrowth. However, more recently the role of post-infectious IBS and altered gut flora in IBS as well as the availability of non-absorbed antibiotics like Rifaximin and high quality probiotics such as VSL#3 has led to increased interest in antibiotic and probiotic therapy.

Two recent multicenter randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, TARGET 1 and TARGET 2, involving over a thousand patients who were given either Rifaximin or placebo have shown favorable though not "earth shattering" results. The dose of Rifaximin was 550 mg 2-3 times a day versus placebo, for two weeks followed by another 10 weeks of follow-up. Constipated IBS patients were excluded. Bloating and a global assessment of IBS symptoms by a standardized scale were the primary endpoints whereas abdominal pain and stool frequency were secondary endpoints.

Abdominal pain, bloating and stool symptoms were all better following treatment with Rifaximin. When data from both studies were combined it was noted that 41% of those receiving Rifaximin versus 32% in placebo group (30% placebo response rate typical in most treatment studies). Though this achieved statistical significance, it isn't a great response rate, significantly less than 50% noting response. There was a statistically significant improvement noted over the three month study period.

Limitations to the study from my stand are that markers for leaky gut and IBD serology were not checked nor were stains for mast cells done on these patients. Patients did not receive probiotics either.

One major advantage of Rifaximin is that is not absorbed from the GI tract so there are no systemic side effects. It also tends to quickly if it works and has been documented to last up to three months. The disadvantage is that it is expensive, often not covered by insurance and doesn't work in more than half of those trying it. Addition of a probiotic may help though there are limited studies to support this as a formal recommendation. A theoretical disadvantage is possible selecting out more resistant bacteria in the gut.

It is a regimen that may be worth a try if your insurance covers the antibiotic. I would recommend that Celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), and microscopic colitides (lymphocytic colitis, collagenous colitis and mastocytic enterocolitis) be excluded by blood tests and endoscopies with biopsies.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Most individuals are familiar with harmful bacteria - the type that cause infection, respiratory illness, digestive problems, and more. However, with the bad comes the good and there are many beneficial bacteria naturally present in the human body that are crucial in maintaining life and good health. The majority of these bacteria dwell in the mucus membranes of the digestive, respiratory, and genital tissue. These good bacteria play several key roles including aiding food and nutrient metabolism and the digestive process, eliminating waste, protecting and stabilizing the intestinal wall, and strengthening the immune system.

One of these helpful bacteria is lactobacillus plantarum. This hardy bacterium can survive the most extreme temperatures, from just above freezing to nearly 140繙F, as well as a wide spectrum of atmospheric pressure. According to several experts, L plantarum has incredible adhesive properties that render it a highly effective means of combating harmful bacteria like E Coli while it simultaneously repairs the lining of the intestines.

Research has suggested that the unique properties of L plantarum make it a likely candidate for the treatment of such conditions as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and Crohn's disease. Studies have also shown that L plantarum is resistant to repeated rounds of antibiotic therapy. This is significant for patients with chronic intestinal conditions who must take antibiotics due to unrelated illnesses. According to Donna Gates, author of 'The Body Ecology Diet', the L plantarum naturally present in the intestines can survive the antimicrobial effects of the prescription antibiotics, which can help maintain digestive health by preventing yeast overgrowth.

Troubling, however, is the evidence that only 25 percent of Americans consuming a traditional Western diet have sufficient L plantarum colonized in their intestines. This particular strain of bacteria is predominant in vegetarians and cultural populations that consume large amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables. While the benefits of L plantarum are substantial for the majority of individuals, there are certain populations who have an increased requirement for the bacteria. Pregnant women require higher doses of probiotics such as L plantarum to immunize their infants as the babies pass through the birth canal during delivery. These cultures work almost immediately to strengthen the newborn's immune and digestive system functions. Some experts even suggest that newborns should receive L plantarum and other probiotics, either naturally or through supplements, to help prevent colic, improve immunity, aid nutrient absorption in the intestines, and optimize digestive health.

Additionally, young children with developmental, behavioral, or other neurological disorders such as autism and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder have shown improvement when administered increased levels of L plantarum. These children often exhibit symptoms of digestive ill-health, poor detoxification, depressed immune response, and increasing probiotic cultures may ease these issues.

The best sources of L plantarum come from fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as naturally fermented foods such as pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut, and brined olives. However, caution should be taken when purchasing processed alternatives to these cultural staples, as mass-produced foods generally use low quality vinegar solutions to pickle or brine produce; this can destroy L plantarum. In traditional preparation, L plantarum thrives because foods are allowed to ferment naturally or are brined in salt and natural vinegars, which protects them for later ingestion. Many of these small-batch products can be found in specialty ethnic markets or created at home with simple recipes.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Microscopic Colitis Symptoms Overlap

Symptoms of IBS and microscopic colitis overlap. In a group of biopsy proven microscopic colitis patients, there is noted that up to half have symptoms that meet diagnostic criteria for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Microscopic colitis is diagnosed only by biopsies of the colon even when it appears normal. Symptom-based criteria for diagnosing IBS are not specific enough to rule out microscopic colitis. Some people with IBS have Mastocytic Enterocolitis, a newly recognized form of microscopic colitis characterized by increased numbers of mast cells in the intestinal lining. These cells can only be seen when special stains are applied to intestinal biopsies, a maneuver, not usually done by most pathologists or requested by most doctors performing intestinal biopsies.


Patients suspected to have irritable bowel syndrome should undergo biopsies of the colon. This is absolutely necessary to exclude the possibility that they could have one of several forms of microscopic colitis. The diagnosis of microscopic colitis is made when biopsies of the colon have an increase in infection fighting or immune cells or deposits of excess collagen connective tissue in the lining of the digestive tract. In the most common form of microscopic colitis seen without special stains, excess lymphocyte white blood cells, or so called "intraepithelial lymphocytosis", seen under the microscope. This microscopic finding is present when the colon looks normal on the surface. Many doctors don't biopsy the colon when it looks normal despite obtaining a history of diarrhea from the patient. Microscopic colitis is a known treatable cause of diarrhea, bloating, gas and abdominal pain that can only be diagnosed by colon biopsies. In many patients who do get biopsies, special stains are not ordered when the standard stains fail to reveal an abnormality. However, under special stains, excess mast cells may be seen and a diagnosis of a treatable form of IBS known as mastocytic enterocolitis is missed.


Blood tests should be done to screen for Celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Without these blood tests and intestinal biopsies, Celiac disease, Crohn's disease and various forms of colitis especially microscopic colitis are frequently missed.


Microscopic irritation or inflammation of the intestine can be patchy. Therefore, anyone undergoing colonoscopy or upper endoscopy with symptoms, especially diarrhea, bloating, gas or abdominal pain, should have multiple intestinal biopsies. Inflammation that is the cause of these symptoms is often only seen microscopically and may be patchy. However, once a diagnosis is made treatment with medications and/or diet is often effective.


The earliest intestinal biopsy findings of Celiac disease and microscopic colitis is increased number of lymphocytes per 100 epithelial (intestinal lining) cells. In the colon intraepithelial lymphocytosis is considered diagnostic for microscopic colitis if 20 or more lymphocytes per 100 epithelial cells are found. Interestingly the criteria for abnormal intraepithelial lymphocytosis in Celiac disease has more recently been reduced from 40 IELs per 100 utilized for nearly thirty years to 30 per 100. Even more recent studies have indicated that this should be reduced further to 20-25 per 100 because it is noted that early gluten injury occurs with lower levels of lymphocytes in the intestinal lining and is associated with a favorable response to gluten free diet. Microscopic colitis frequently responds favorably to a gluten-free diet.


Numerous patients have come to me with a diagnosis of IBS for years who I have confirmed to have Celiac disease, microscopic colitis or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. These patients typically respond dramatically to a gluten free diet even in the absence of a diagnosis of Celiac disease. Several of my patients have both Celiac disease and a form of microscopic colitis such as lymphocytic or collagenous colitis.


People often experience years of unnecessary suffering due to delays in diagnosis of Celiac disease, microscopic colitis, Mastocytic Enterocolitis, Crohn's disease, and food intolerance. Many developed preventable secondary complications such as osteoporosis, infertility, iron deficiency or autoimmune diseases. Most live for years with pain, stomach pains, and diarrhea under the false conclusion that they have IBS. Frustation occurs when you are told there is little to nothing that can be done besides taking anti-diarrhea and anti-spasm medications combined with a high fiber diet and fiber supplements. Yet, most note they are no better or even worse with increased fiber. If you have complained to your doctor that such agents seem to cause more severe bloating, gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain you are often scoffed at or told you are not being compliant. Little did you or your doctor know that increasing fiber intake can make you worse if you are gluten intolerant.


Don't accept a diagnosis of IBS without adequate diagnostic testing or consideration of a trial of gluten free diet. Before accepting IBS learn more about the various forms of colitis, Celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, Crohn's disease and altered gut flora and be your own advocate when you visit your doctor.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The colon is a very important aspect of an individual's health. It is a vital part of the digestive system of the body. Surprisingly, the colon is approximately five to six feet in length. If a disruption occurs in this part of the body, sensitive digestion may occur.

It is very important to be aware of colon health and sensitive digestion. The colon is actually responsible for assisting in eliminating waste from the body. Once the body retrieves the necessary nutrients from the foods and drinks that we consume, the leftovers are transported to this part of the body.

When the materials pass into the colon, water is retrieved from the waste. This helps to ensure that the water stays properly hydrated. The colon may also eliminate material that is considered harmful in order to destroy it. However, if it takes too long for the waste to pass through the colon, it may result in health complications.

When there is a complication with colon health and sensitive digestion, an individual may suffer from a variety of medical problems. It may be something as simple as constipation or diarrhea, or something as serious as irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, colitis, hemorrhoids, crohn's disease, and similar conditions.

One of the most common conditions that involve colon health and sensitive digestion is constipation. Normally, an individual will suffer from this condition at least once over the course of a lifetime. It is a very uncomfortable, painful occurrence. Any person, of any gender, or age may suffer from this.

When a person becomes constipated, it means that the movements of the bowels are becoming less frequent. While each of us experience bowel movements in our own timing, it is generally agreed among medical professionals that if it is not experienced after a matter of three to four days, the stools will begin to harden.

There are a number of issues that can lead to the development of constipation. If you are concerned about colon health and sensitive digestion, it is important that you learn as much as you possibly can about the causes of constipation. Listed below are some examples.

1) One of the main things that can cause constipation is a general lack of water in the body. It is important to consume at least ten glasses of water on a daily basis. This will ensure that there is plenty of moisture in the body to avoid the hardening of the stools, and will keep situations with colon health and sensitive digestion in check.

2) Many that experience complications with colon health and sensitive digestion have very limited amounts of fiber in their diet. This can lead to the onset of constipation. One should ensure that they consume foods that have a lot of fiber, or select to purchase fiber supplements at the local pharmacy.

3) Many may not be aware of it, but stress can cause problems with colon health and sensitive digestion. Many times, if an individual experiences a large amount of stress, they will become constipated.

Diarrhea is another complication when it comes to colon health and sensitive digestion. When an individual experiences diarrhea, it means that the movements of bowels are very watery and extremely loose. Many will experience this situation throughout their lives. There are a number of causes for this, they are listed below:

1) If an individual experiences diarrhea, it may be a direct result of an infection in the body that is caused by various types of bacteria. This is most common in situations in which an individual has consumed foods that did not agree with them, or experienced food poisoning.

2) Many individuals who suffer from colon health and sensitive digestion problems that involve diarrhea are taking some sort of medication that does not agree with them. Many types of medications often result in diarrhea as a common side effect.

3) There are a number of gastrointestinal problems that can lead to the development of diarrhea. Many of these colon health and sensitive digestion diseases will naturally produce diarrhea as a natural way to eliminate waste that is proving to be toxic to the body.

Irritable bowel syndrome is another complication associated with colon health and sensitive digestion. This is a disease that occurs in the intestines of the body. There is no known cause for this particular complication, but there are many uncomfortable symptoms associated with the condition.

An individual who suffers from this particular colon health and sensitive digestion complication may experience pain in the abdomen, frequent and/or infrequent bowel movements, extreme fatigue, headaches, complications in sleeping, and even problems that are related to the urinary health. If you find that you suffer from this, it is imperative that you meet with your doctor.

Colon cancer is another complication that may affect the colon health and sensitive digestion. This occurs when there is a development of abnormal cells within the colon. These cells have the ability to grow and multiply rapidly. This makes this one of the main concerns when it comes to colon health and sensitive digestion.

When an individual has colon cancer, symptoms may not appear for a while after developing it. However, if this is left untreated, this cancer can spread to other areas of the body. This can prove to be fatal if it is left untreated.

Colitis is another complication that occurs when it comes to colon health and sensitive digestion. This occurs when an individual experiences ulcers in the colon. It can result in many complications in the lining of the colon and many uncomfortable symptoms. If an individual experiences this, it is absolutely necessary to seek medical treatment. There are many different symptoms associated with this complication of colon health and sensitive digestion. Weight loss, pain, and bleeding from the rectum are a few of these complications.

As you can see, there are quite a few issues that are related to colon health and sensitive digestion. If you experience any of these conditions, it is important that you seek help from your doctor as they may be able to alert you to some treatments that will prove effective.

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Leaky gut syndrome is a condition that affects people around the world. It is sometimes misdiagnosed by a professional in the medical profession. Many doctors do not test for leaky gut nor do they recognize that the situation exists in the human body. Today, there are people that are not aware that they are suffering from such a condition. In the paragraphs below, we are going to tell you about the causes, the symptoms and how to deal with it, so pay close attention to what we have to tell you.

The Causes

Various factors can cause this illness. Some of those factors may include stress, hypochlorhydia, alcoholism, pharmaceutical drugs, poor diet and allergies. Those are just some causes of the illness - there are still many things that can cause leaky gut.


There are various symptoms that you need to watch for. Some of the symptoms include abdominal pain, heartburn, malnutrition, insomnia, cramps, gluten intolerance and food allergies. The illness has also been related to different diseases such as multiple sclerosis, autism, celiac disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and dermatitis.

Unfortunately, this syndrome could trigger other disorders that you may currently have. For example, leaky gut can trigger or worsen celiac disease, Crohn's disease, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

How to Deal with it

If you believe you have this form of ailment, it would be a good idea to get some tests done. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms we mentioned above, then you need to seek help from a professional. One of the main solutions to this illness would be proper nutrition. If you are diagnosed with leaky gut, it is important that you eat the right foods and avoid those that are rich in preservatives. Foods that are rich in preservatives can aggravate the damaged part of your intestine. Healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables will help create a healthy digestive system.

As of right now, there is no form of medication that can directly "cure" this illness. Until then, you need to pay attention to the causes and take care of your body.

Mind you, it isn't just the food you consume that can cause this problem. Some of the beauty products you apply to your skin can cause the condition. Some of the beauty products contain chemicals that can aggravate leaky gut. You should also avoid NSAIDS and alcohol. You need to make sure you eat plenty of fiber. A good supplement to take would contain Lactobacillus. An anti-inflammatory diet would be a good idea. In addition, you may want to take advantage of an amino acid, because it will help maintain intestinal metabolism.

This problem is easy to cure. All you have to do is go back to your once healthy lifestyle and get rid of those things that can damage your intestine. Through research and professional help, you will be able to get past this problem.

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Symptoms of colon cancer do not appear in all the patients when the disease is in an early stage but only after it has advanced in gravity. This is why doctors recommend that after a certain age people should ask for screenings regularly.

Colorectal cancer can give a lot of symptoms but they all match other diseases too like: inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulosis, and irritable bowel syndrome. All these diseases can be treated but they first must be diagnosed in order to apply a right treatment.

Patients come at the hospital because they are constipated, or have diarrhea for more than a week. Sometimes people observe that their stool is much thinner than before and that it comes with blood. They might be feeling abdominal pain, cramps, and bloating. Most of the patients loose a lot of weight in a short period of time and they feel that they have not defecated sufficiently.

Cancer determines cells to divide in an uncontrollable way. Generally the cells of the body divide only when needed, like when they grow old and other cells need to be produced in order to replace them or when they are in a small amount and the body needs more of them. Because the cells are produced in an increased number, a mass of unknown tissue will form, known as a tumor (this tumor can be benign or malign). Doctors believe that this type of cancer is developing from polyps situated in the large intestine. These polyps are considered to be benign but left untreated for years they can transform in malign tumors.

There are several types of polyps: adenomas, which can become cancerous but are easily removed during a colonoscopy; inflammatory polyps which appear after an ulcerative colitis and can also become cancerous and hyperplasic polyps which rarely transform into cancer.

If the cancer passes to a next stage it can affect the local lymph nodes and then get into the blood stream and affect other organs giving metastases.

The colorectal cancer can affect old people as well as young people but most of the cases are recorded at those aged over 50. There are several factors that increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer: those who have a family history of colon cancer or other type of cancer is at risk; those who drink alcohol and follow an improper diet can develop this disease. Also, people who suffer of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diabetes, and familial adenomatous polyposis are exposed at a greater risk than others. There is a type of nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome which also occurs in the same family members but now people who are at risk can be identified through genetic screening.

Those who have adopted western diets, are obese, are smoking and also follow a diet that is rich in proteins and fats and low in fiber are at risk to develop colorectal cancer.

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The purpose of this experiment is to determine is Anthemis nobilis, Roman chamomile, will effect the growth of Candida albicans in the human body, candidiasis.


Candidiasis is a common overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans in the human body. This overgrowth can occur due to a poor diet consisting of refined sugar and processed foods, high stress, and minimal exercise. Yeast is part of the human body's normal micro flora however, if left to overgrow will compete with probiotics needed for proper immune, digestive, and integument functions. Anthemis nobilis, Roman chamomile has antibacterial properties due to its high ester content. My hypothesis is that Roman chamomile will inhibit the growth of C. albicans. I will design an experiment to be performed in a controlled microbiological laboratory, execute the method, and determine if my hypothesis is correct based on results obtained.


Ancient Egyptians were aware of the benefits of chamomile and this herb was used traditionally throughout the Roman Empire. In the book, Peter Rabbit, it is said that he drank the tea of chamomile to soothe himself after he ate too much out of Mr. McGregor's garden. The word chamomile comes from the Greek word, Chamomaela meaning "ground apple". Romans used this flower to flavor incense and beverages. Rome gave its name Roman chamomile due to the plant collector who happened to find some growing in the Roman Coliseum. In the Middle Ages it was used as a "strewing" herb to improve the atmosphere at gatherings and festivals. At these times it was also used as the bittering agent in beer-making.


Also know as English chamomile, Roman chamomile is a perennial with feathery fern-like leaves and daisy-like flowers. It is part of the Asteraceae family and is predominately composed of aliphatic esters. It is native to Western Europe and today is cultivated in England, Belgium, France and Hungary. The flowering tops are used to distill the fine, sweet-smelling essential oil. It prefers cooler climates and not too much direct sunlight. The essential oil is pale-yellow and does not leave a stain on the blotter. Its scent is sweet, tea-like, middle-note, and has a strong herbaceous flavor.

Therapeutic Uses

Roman chamomile is known to be an analgesic, anti convulsant, anti depressant, anti inflammatory, anti neuralgic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiallergenic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, sedative, tonic, and ant parasitic.

The physical benefits of chamomile are: asthma, allergies, headache (migraine), acne and boils, dermatitis, arthritis, inflammations, burn, blisters, wounds, ulcers, broken capillaries, herpes, psoriasis, gastritis, colitis, teething/toothache, PMS, and menopause.

The psycho-emotional benefits of chamomile are: stress, nervous tension, insomnia, anxiety, anger, irritability, fears and worries. The high ester content is associated with its antispasmodic, sedative properties as well as when used topically to reduce inflammation and promote healing.


Chamomile should be avoided during first trimester of pregnancy. One must avoid long-term use with estrogen dependent cancer. Chamomile is gentle enough for young children and is safe to use to help with anxiety, teething, and dermatitis for infants.

Roman chamomile essential oil has been reported to be non-toxic, non-irritant, and non-sensitizing. This herb is not be used if allergies to the Asteraceae family exist.

Candida albicans


Candida albicans is a diploid fungus (a type of yeast). It is part of the normal human mouth, vaginal, and gut flora and is partly responsible for proper digestive function. When C. albicans has a chance to over grow in the body it can be the main cause of numerous host ailments such as oral and/or vaginal thrush, skin disorders including eczema, itching, flaking skin especially on feet and heels, depression, exhaustion, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, a weakened immune system, and many more. To infect host tissue, the usual unicellular yeast-like form of C. albicans reacts to environmental cues and switches into an invasive, multicellular filamentous forms. These cues are most commonly a poor diet, lack of exercise, and high stress in the individual. C. albicans lives in about 80% of the population without harmful effects. It reproduces by budding and is typically 10-12 μm in diameter.


The infection known as candidiasis is due to the overgrowth of C. albicans in the body. This infection can travel through the blood thus causing many symptoms that vary from person to person. If this condition persists, it can cause depression, loss of memory, PMS, fungal infections such as athlete's foot and tinnea. It can also cause food intolerances, which can result in abdominal distension, bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation. There are predisposing risk factors for these conditions such as altered bowel flora, prolonged antibiotic use, low digestive secretions, poor diet, and high stress.

Candida Cleanse

Ways in which to eliminate the over growth of C. albicans in the body is to make sure one has proper digestion. The most important key here is to ensure that waste does not stay long inside the colon. Taking a multivitamin and probiotic supplement are also excellent ways to help support the healthy gut bacteria and keep the growth of C. albicans down. Aromatherapy is a wonderful and non-invasive way to help eliminate the overgrowth of C. albicans in the body. Essential oils with anti microbial properties such as Melaleuca alternifolia, Australian Tea Tree, Lavendula angustifolia, Lavender or Rosmarinus officianlis, Rosemary are all excellent oils to help alleviate yeast. In addition to aromatherapy and supplementation, proper nutrition is vital to help eliminate yeast. Avoid all yeast-containing foods, refined carbohydrates, and dairy products.

Experiment involving the effect on growth of Candida albicans by Anthemis nobilis

Experimental Outline

This experiment was designed to determine what effect, if any, R. chamomile essential oil had on the growth of C. albicans. This experiment took place in a controlled laboratory setting by a qualified Quality Control microbiologist.


1.) Sarboaurd Dextrose Agar (SDA) plated media
2.) C. albicans, ATCC # 10231
3.) Rehydrating fluid 2mL
4.) Calibrated incubator 20-25簞C
5.) Micro pipettor and sterile micro pipette tips
6.) Sterile spreader
7.) Anthemis nobilis essential oil
8.) Calibrated incubator 36簞C
9.) Digital camera with USB cable


1.) Drop two (2) lyophilized pellet of C. albicans into 2mL hyrdating fluid.
2.) Allow fluid containing pellets to incubate at 36簞 C for no less than 30 minutes.
3.) Administer 0.1mL using micropipettor and sterile pipette tips of reconstituted C. albicans onto duplicate SDA plates.
4.) Pour 2 drops of R. chamomile essential oil onto both plates.
5.) Spread contents evenly onto both plates using sterile spreader.
6.) Inoculate a third SDA plate with only 0.1mL C. albicans. This will serve as positive control.
7.) Incubate at 20-25簞C for 3-5 days.
8.) Examine plates after 3-5 days of incubation and take pictures of growth, if any.


Roman chamomile will inhibit the growth of yeast (C. albicans) in vitro. Chamomile contains high ester content and is found to be a strong anti microbial.


After 5 days of incubation the three (3) plates were examined. The positive control had growth of 58 colony forming units (CFUs). The two (2) plates containing R. chamomile essential oil had no growth. All 3 plates were inoculated with 10-100 CFU of C. albicans. The first 2 plates also contained 2 drops of R. chamomile e.o.


Based on the result of this experiment it is safe to say the R. chamomile essential oil completely inhibits the growth of C. albicans. The plates that were inoculated with both the e.o. and the yeast showed no growth (0 CFU). The positive control plate that contained only the yeast had growth of approximately 58 CFUs.

Based on this experiment I would recommend R. chamomile as an effective treatment of yeast over growth, candidiasis, in the human body. In vitro the e.o. demonstrated powerful antifungal capabilities by completely inhibiting the growth of yeast. Due to its gentleness R. chamomile would make an effective and noninvasive treatment for yeast in the body.

Modern Day Use of Roman Chamomile

As our modern day lifestyles continue to become more hectic and stressful as we try to incorporate too much into schedules and connect less with nature, aromatherapy will become more mainstream once again. Today's use of R. chamomile can range from a tea and used to treat digestive disorders such as gas, bloating, constipation, or as a sleep aid all the way to skin care products such as eye creams to help reduce inflammation, puffiness, dark circles and wrinkles. As essential oils continue to gain in popularity we will see the use of chamomile become more prevalent to help treat anxiety, hypertension, candidiasis, dermatitis, insomnia, worries, fear, and much more.


Chamomile Tea

1 tsp of dried R. chamomile flowers
1 cup of boiling water
tea ball

Add the flowers to tea ball and immerse in hot water for 5-7 minutes. Remove flowers from water and enjoy.

Chamomile Ice Cream

1/3 cup water

1/3 cup sugar

2 teaspoon powdered chamomile flowers

1 cup heavy cream

1 cup light cream

Combine the water and sugar in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring, until the sugar melts, and simmer the syrup for 5 minutes. In a separate bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of the syrup with the powdered chamomile, then add that mixture to the syrup in the saucepan, and stir until evenly mixed. Add the light cream and heavy cream, pour into an ice cream freezer, and freeze according to manufacturer's instructions.

Chamomile -Vanilla Bread

2 eggs, beaten
1 1/3 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups of ground chamomile flowers
2/3 cup melted unsalted butter
2 teaspoons baking soda
Pinch salt
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 Preheat the oven to 350簞F (175簞C). In a large bowl, mix together the sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Mix in the chamomile and then the melted butter. Sprinkle baking soda and salt over the mixture and mix in. Add the flour, a third at a time. Sprinkle in the cinnamon and nutmeg and mix.
2 Divide the batter equally between 2 buttered 5 by 9 inch loaf pans. Bake for 1 hour (check for doneness at 50 minutes) or until a wooden pick inserted in to the center comes out clean. Cool in pans for 10 minutes. Turn out onto wire racks to cool thoroughly.
Makes 2 loaves.

Diaper Rash Formula

4 Tbsp. of Sweet Almond Oil
1 Tbsp. of Beeswax
2 Tbsp. of Cocoa Butter
1 Tbsp. of Lanolin
4 drops of Lavender
4 drops of Chamomile
2 drops of Geranium

Over double boiler combine all ingredients except for essential oils. Once beeswax melts entirely remove from heat and stir. Add essential oils and stir. Pour into container and allow to cool. Allow the ointment to settle for one day. Apply to infected area 3 times a day.

**Can add these essential oils to a Calendula gel base to create a wonderful baby eczema gel. Apply over infected areas twice a day. Use only 3d chamomile, 4d lavender, 3d geranium into 1.5oz gel to create a safe 1% dilution.**

Baby Diaper Powder

翻 c of dried chamomile flowers
翻 c of dried lavender flowers
翻 c of dried calendula flowers
4 c of pure cornstarch
4 drops of R. chamomile essential oil

Mix all ingredients together in plastic ziplock bag. Allow mixture to dry for approximately 2-3 days. Once dry pour into container with holes. Apply during each diaper change.

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Colitis is somewhat of a broad term encompassing a number of digestive ailments and causes. Some of these are more severe and debilitating than others, some can even require surgery. The one thing in common between all of them is that the colon is inflamed and agitated to the point that it sends you into misery.

Mitigation of the problem often involves taking drugs and eating anything that... well, seems bland. You're not eating all that bland food because you're seeking the glory of god, you just want a little peace. You have probably also noticed that the food you are eating doesn't really matter in the scope of reducing your colitis symptoms. It may help a bit, but ultimately the colitis symptoms are still there.

Food Combining - Shelve the Monk Cookbooks

There is a method of food combining that involves having an alkaline balanced body. If you mix foods that require alkaline digestive enzymes and acid digestive enzymes, you will run into problems. Normally this would be fine, but if you have colitis symptoms it is something you want to avoid.

You can break foods down into 3 groups:

  • Type A - which can break down easily in your stomach.

  • Type B - which need alkaline digestive enzymes.

  • Type C - those are the foods that require the big guns in your stomach to it break down, namely hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

Mixing type A and B foods are fine to do, as well as type A and C. If you mix B and C together, you will have problems.

Eating any food you want can be done, you just need to know the method in order to do an end run around your colitis symptoms. In fact doing this can conceivably still your colitis and give you more energy.

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There are many types of back pain with many different causes.? Chances are if you've been to a doctor, hospital or chiropractor they have had difficulty in diagnosing the problem.? Perhaps you've had X-rays taken and other tests as well as taken drugs to ease the pain but you were not cured.?

Possible causes of back pain involving the lower left side indicate intestinal problems of some sort possibly including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), muscle imbalance, kidney stones, excessive or improper exercise, lifting objects that are too heavy, pregnancy, obesity or an improperly aligned spine such as a herniated disc.

With IBS, you may experience bouts of diarrhea and vomiting due to certain foods you may have eaten that you may be allergic to such as gluten in wheat or rye.? Chances are your doctor will tell you to remove gluten from your diet, which should bring some relief.? There are no cures for IBS which also includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis but it can be managed.? In some cases Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis have come about due to some prescription medication you have taken such as Fosamax.? Fosamax is used to treat osteoporosis in women and men as well as Paget's disease.

Kidney stones are a common cause of lower left back pain.? Chances are you will experience difficulty urinating and possibly have blood in your urine.? Your doctor will have no problem diagnosing his problem.? Depending exactly where your stones are and how big they are, your doctor will determine how to get rid of them.? Sometimes it is just a matter of letting them pass through your system.? Laser technologies have been used to blast these stones into smaller pieces, which will pass through your system as well.

A muscle imbalance can also cause lower left back pain.? There are many causes including a pulled muscle.? This can generate pain in other parts of the body as well including spinal pain and intestinal pain.? You may experience pain on the opposite side of your back because your right side is working harder to take over lost function from your left.? Sometimes muscle relaxers and pain killers are prescribed to allow you to do certain exercises that aid in recovery of the damaged muscle.? If the damage is serious, you may require surgery.? Alternating hot and cold compresses are recommended to keep inflammation down and allow for good blood circulation for a faster recovery.? Lower left back pain will remain until your muscles return to normal.

Pregnancy is another cause of lower left back pain.? As the fetus develops it gets bigger and bigger causing the uterus to expand shifting your center of gravity not to mention weakening of the stomach muscles.? This puts tremendous strain on your lower back.? Remember, you are also carrying around extra weight from the fetus plus any weight you are gaining.? This increase in body mass may begin pinching nerves which will cause pain as well.? I'm afraid the only cure here is delivery and that you will have to wait for.? Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs may bring some relief in the mean time.

Many back problems can be avoided if you maintain proper weight and exercise regularly.? Be careful how you pick up heavy objects and make sure you do your exercises properly.? Back problems can start out small but if ignored can become a serious issue.?

Make sure to:-

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Crohn's Disease and Colitis are not terminal diseases. The life expectancy for a man diagnosed with Crohn's Disease is about 78 years. Women who have these conditions are expected to live for 79 years. These life spans fall in line with the average statistics for a person without the conditions.

These facts do not mean, however, that people with Crohn's Disease and Colitis can rest on their laurels. Both conditions cannot be left untreated as complications (infection and inflammation) from the diseases can do damage over time. As well, due to the uncomfortable symptoms of both conditions, people need to find ways to control them.

People with Crohn's Disease and Colitis should educate themselves about the possible complications. They must understand that the symptoms can intensify and do further damage if they are not kept under control. Complications can include intestinal blockages, stomach abscesses, abdominal fistulas, and gastrointestinal bleeding. Other complications can range from the inability to absorb nutrients to peritonitis to intestinal cancer. There can be bone fractures, bone loss or osteoporosis, arthritis, kidney or gall stones, and liver disease, as well as other infections.

The extensive list of possible complications may seem daunting to some. Yet there is no need for Crohn's Disease and Colitis sufferers to feel discouraged about their diagnosis. These complications set in when symptoms are left untreated by a sufferer. Be aware that people are finding more (and better) ways every day to control their symptoms.

Indeed, the methods being discovered to manage the conditions do not involve surgery or steroid treatments. People with Crohn's Disease and Colitis have found relief by going through a water fast followed up a daily raw food diet.?Nobody, however, should take on the water fast or the raw food diet without consulting their doctor.

Every person is different and often people may have multiple health issues. Even though water fasts and a raw food diet have eliminated symptoms for many sufferers, every person has to make their own 'informed' decision. The Crohn's and Colitis water fasts and raw food diet may or may not be the solution to one's symptoms.

Yet it is easy to understand why a water fast and raw food diet just might do the trick. The cleansing qualities of the water fast and the vitamins in fruits and vegetables are a powerful combination. Vitamin A encourages growth and cell repair in the lining of both intestines.

Researchers continue to test the effectiveness of vitamin A in the treatment of Crohn's Disease and Colitis. Meanwhile, many sufferers report favorable results from changing to a raw food diet. In fact, many people claim that the water fast and raw food diet have eliminated (over a period of time) all their symptoms.?

The proper raw food diet includes raw fruits and vegetables, small portions of certain nuts and seeds, as well as some fatty fruits, such as avocado. The key to managing Crohn's Disease and Colitis is to learn as much as possible so that you understand your condition.

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sensitive digestion can have a massive impact on ones life. The pain it causes can effect well being not to mention the emotional distress it can cause from family and friends being impatient and not understanding the impact it is having on your health. Furthermore, for some being told that the pain is all in your head after medical tests have ruled out serious conditions like cancer or ulcerative colitis can be insulting and cause further distress.

As most of digestion occurs in the small intestine, the colon is responsible for the removal of waste. Colon cleansing is helpful in the removal of any excess waste that is present in the colon and is said to alleviate a lot of diseases and prevent the onset of cancer.

There are various symptoms that may occur from colon obstruction and sensitive digestion, therefore different treatments will be more effective for different situations. For example, if you suffer from occasional constipation then a colon cleanser might be the best solution. If you are one who suffers more from diarrhea, then a colon control treatment may be the best option.

Other effective treatments for the best alleviation of stomach pain may be to implement lifestyle changes such as increasing the fiber and water intake in one diet. Furthermore, increasing the intake of colored fruit and vegetables which strengthen the immune system. This is a more natural solution and there are less risks that can occur in comparison to a colon cleanse. However this method may take time for results to be seen and if the pain is too strong, perhaps a colon cleanse may be the best option for you.

The best and most effective first step that can be taken to reduce stomach pain is to alter your diet. The best treatment for sensitive digestion should be properly researched. Make sure that the procedures are safe and consult a doctor before going through with a colon cleanse.

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A healthy person's bowel movements are normally yellowish brown and comprise of 75% water and 25% solid matter, the latter of which would include waste materials, undigested particles of food and intestinal bacteria. But at times, poops of unusual colors might appear, such as white, dark brown, black, green or reddish because of various reasons. Green stools, whether in darker or lighter shades might be completely harmless. Still, it should be remembered that it could be a sign of underlying intestinal or digestive problems, most of all if these dark green stools are frequently passed. Therefore, it would be recommended to identify the risk factors, causes and overall treatment options for dark green stool.

The Risk Factors

Bowel movements that are green aren't necessarily something of concern as long as it only happens on occasion. If it happens recurrently, it would be recommended to look for medical attention. If it happens to be related to therapeutic medications or ingested food, there is no cause for worry. On the other hand, passing odd colored stool has to be treated if caused because of digestive disorders or food poisoning. Doctors need to be consulted if dark green stool is in any way associated with diarrhea, rectal pain, constipation, weight loss or fever.

The Causes

A lot of the time, mothers report breastfed babies passing unusual colored stools. As a matter of fact, dark green stools can be seen most often within babies and toddlers. Occasional odd-colored stool passing is fairly common in adults, as well, though. When it comes to the causes of dark green stool, there are various possibilities that could result in them, such as the following:

1. Diets - One common dark green stools cause would be the consumption of green vegetables like lettuce, spinach, broccoli and peas. Dark green stool passing might also be an indication that a diet is filled with iron, food coloring and sugar.

2. Digestion Problems - weird colors in the stool could be caused by abnormal processes of digestion. When it comes to food particle malabsorption within intestinal tracts, stools might get green coloration. Additionally, if bile salts get passed into the rectum with no undergoing intestinal changes, stools become dark green.

3. Too Much Bacteria - Defecate usually consists of colonies of bacteria. If there is too much bacteria present in the form of salmonella, the color could possibly turn green.

4. Medication - abnormally colored stool might result from particular medications. People that administer antibiotics and laxatives have higher chances of dark green stool passing.

5. Others - Other causes of abnormally colored stool would be intestinal problems, food poisoning, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and starvation stools.

The Overall Treatment Options

Before treating irregular colored stools, physicians have to analyze stool samples for abnormal changes. Several conducted diagnostic procedures for weird colored stools include stool culture, blood tests, colonoscopy and X-ray. The therapeutic options for odd-colored stool treatment will vary depending on the related symptoms, diagnostic results and underlying health conditions, if there are any. Doctors might prescribe eating habit and diet plan changes with various medications to make one's digestive health better. Drinking lots of water for body hydration would be another effective treatment from home for dark green stools.

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If you often lack the energy and motivation to accomplish your daytime activities, you need to discover how to cope with tiredness and fatigue. It is important to know how to deal with this kind of problem because lack of energy and feeling tired all the time could be a very dangerous and disabling condition.

Common symptoms of fatigue are poor concentration, drowsiness, lack of energy and motivation to accomplish daily tasks, depression and daytime sleepiness.  These symptoms can be very dangerous and can interfere with your school, work and daily activities. You need alertness and concentration in almost everything like driving, accomplishing tasks at work and school. It is necessary to find a way to get rid of these debilitating and dangerous symptoms.

Here are some tips on how to cope with tiredness and fatigue:

Consult your doctor. It is best to consult your doctor. Your symptoms could be a sign of other health issues. It is better to rule out possible causes other than chronic fatigue.  Your doctor may recommend medications and other coping techniques after proper diagnosis and testing.

Good sleeping routine.  Getting enough rest and sleep is important to be functional and alert on the following day.  Have a regular sleeping pattern, go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday. If you find it hard to fall asleep, rituals like reading, listening to soft calming music and a warm bath will help you to get sleepy. It is important to have at least 8 hours of sleep everyday to cope with tiredness and fatigue.

Good eating and drinking habit. Get the nutrients you need from your diet and avoid too much junk foods. Modify your diet and start eating a nutritious well balanced diet. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits and cut down on saturated fats, refined carbohydrates and processed foods. Drinking 8 glasses of water is also recommended.  Nutrients deficiency, artificial ingredients of junk foods and dehydration can cause fatigue and tiredness.

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Keeping to a strict diet plan has been proven to be effective in controlling Colitis attacks. A diet plan is just not a matter of watching what foods you eat, but a change in your eating and drinking habits as well.

There are very helpful methods in successfully keeping Colitis attacks at bay and maintaining a healthy digestive system as a whole. Here are some excellent guidelines to incorporate into your daily diet routine:

  • Observe proper sanitary precautions when preparing, cooking, serving and storing food items as a preventive measure to keep bacteria and viruses from setting in. This should include washing your hands before eating or handling food in general.

  • Drink plenty of fluids every day. This is not limited to just water, but can include even fresh fruit juices, vegetable juices, and black coffee and tea (keep away from flavored coffee or tea which are overloaded with sugar)

  • Take in a superior multi-mineral vitamin daily to supplement regular food intake and replace lost nutrients

  • Follow a diet high in fiber only when the disease is in remission but avoid this during an attack or relapse as fiber can act as an abrasive to the lining of the intestinal wall.

  • Eat three heavy meals a day but if you do not feel like eating at all then take in smaller meals spaced at regular intervals like every 1 to 2 hours. It is important that the stomach contains food to digest in order to balance acid and alkaline levels.

  • Foods high in fats or are very oily can aggravate the intestinal walls further and is a common trigger for attacks.

  • Limit your drinking of alcohol to 1 glass per meal only, and control caffeine intake to only 1 to 2 cups daily as alcohol and caffeine are natural irritants.

  • Avoid foods that contain lactose such as milk, soy, ice cream.

  • Steer clear from foods that can be the source of too much gas in the intestines especially when there are bouts of diarrhea and abdominal pain.

  • Recommended food add-ons such as fish oils and probiotics are popular suggestions which help in the treatment process of Colitis.

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Ferrets are very active, agile and exploratory by nature and are awake for a maximum of seven or eight hours in a day. They are extremely boisterous and active while they are awake. During their waking hours they are liable to be mischievous and tend to chew up and swallow anything they find like rubber, furniture, cloth and so on. No wonder they are susceptible to indigestion and diarrhea. Ferret diarrhea brings stomach pain, vomiting and fever which can be hard to handle. Here is how to manage it.

Diarrhea is caused due to mal-absorption of content in the intestines, which can occur due to intestinal blockage, food poisoning or some stress that the ferret undergoes.

Moreover, as diarrhea is only a symptom of internal disorder it may also be a manifestation of some gastrointestinal infection which is caused by parasites, virus or bacteria. Diarrhea is the passing of liquid stools frequently. If it is an occasional manifestation, it may well be normal requiring no medical attention. However, if persistent and recurrent it requires the attention of the vet.

You can work out a plan to treat your ferret diarrhea by examining its stools, blood, and conducting radiography, biopsy and/or exploratory surgery. You can treat viral infections by supporting methods such as feeding it by tube or syringe and fluid therapy. If there are any alternative bacterial infections antibiotics may be given.

Some effective antibiotics include amoxicillin, bismuth subsalicylate, chloramphenicol, cimetidine, erythromycin and trimethoprim-sulfa. If symptoms are due to eosinophilic gastroenteritis or proliferative colitis, steroids like metronidazole and prednisone are used supported by anti-inflammatory drugs.

Contaminations that are protozoa are usually treated with sulfadimethoxine and giardia treated with metronidazole. However, if diarrhea is caused due to Cryptosporidium parvum and Lymphosarcoma, there is no available treatment for these. If there are changes in the diet of the ferret or intake of a high protein diet, these can also cause diarrhea. To treat the infection, make changes in the nutrition and diet of your pet.

If it is a case of dehydration, it can also result in the death of the ferret if not immediately hospitalized. To give first aid, feed the ferret with plenty of fresh water to replace the loss of fluids as well as restore its electrolytes.

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