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Antibiotic Associated Diarrhoea (Clostridium difficile Infection):

A history of any antibiotic therapy in the 6weeks prior to the onset of diarrhoea can be related to the finding of Clostridium difficile or its toxins in the stool.

This is a potent cause of diarrhoea and can produce life threatening pseudomembranous colitis.

This diagnosis is common in the elderly and treated often with metronidazole (Flagyl) for 10days.

Vancomycin may be used where the organism is unresponsive to metronidazole.


Aetiology & Epidemiology:

Cholera is caused by Vibrio cholera, a bacterium. Serotype 01 causes acute watery diarrhoea plus vomiting.

Following its origin in the Gangs valley, devastating epidemics have occurred, especially during large religious festivals.

Pandemics have spread worldwide.

The 7th pandemic due to the El Tor biotype began in 1961 and spread via the Middle East to become endemic in Africa.

In 1990 it surfaced in Peru and spread throughout South and Central America.

Since August 2000, there has been a massive outbreak in South Africa.

The El Tor biotype is more resistant than the classical vibrio and can cause prolonged carriage in about 5% of infections.

A new classical toxigenic strain, serotype 0139, established itself in Bangladesh in 1992 and started a new pandemic.

Mode of Infection/Transmission:

The infection spreads via the stools and vomitus of symptomatic individuals or through the much larger number of subclinical cases (asymptomatic carriers).

Transmission is through infected drinking water, foods contaminated by flies or through the hands of carriers.

The vibrio microorganism survives for up to 2weeks in fresh water and 8weeks in salt water.

Signs and Symptoms (Clinical Features):

Severe diarrhoea starts all of a sudden without abdominal pain or colic and is soon followed by torrential vomiting.

After evacuation of normal gut faecal contents typical "rice water" stools follow, consisting of clear fluid with flecks of mucous.

Classical cholera produces enormous loss of body fluids and electrolytes leading to intense dehydration with muscular cramps. Shock and oliguria develop but mental alertness remains.

Death from acute circulatory failure may occur rapidly unless fluids and electrolytes are replaced quickly. This is why the disease is more dangerous in children.

Improvement however is rapid with proper treatment.

It is to be noted however, that majority of infections cause mild illness, with slight diarrhoea and vomiting.

Occasionally, a very intense illness "cholera sicca" occurs, with massive loss of fluids into dilated bowel, killing the patient before typical gastrointestinal symptoms appear.


Clinical diagnosis is easy during an epidemic.

At other times, diagnosis is confirmed bacteriologically from rectal or stool swab cultures.

*Cholera is a notifiable disease under international health regulations.


Quick, early restoration of the circulation by replacement of water and electrolytes is very important and is the key to survival.

Early intervention improves the prognosis.

Oral rehydration solution (ORS) is effective and safe where vomiting has been controlled by initial intravenous fluid therapy.

The addition of resistant starch to ORS reduces faecal fluid loss and shortens the duration of diarrhoea in adolescents and adults.

Total fluid requirements may exceed 50litres over a period of 2-5days. Ringer lactate is the best fluid for intravenous replacement.

Careful attention to fluid balance is especially important in children and they are prone to low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) during the illness.

3-5days treatment with Tetracycline, or Doxycycline or Ciprofloxacin in adults and children helps to reduce the duration of excretion of vibrio and the total volume of fluids needed for replacement.

*Children should not be given Tetracycline because of discolouration of their dentition.


  • Strict personal hygiene

  • Clean drinking water (pipe borne or boiled)

  • Proper food hygiene to deny flies access.

  • Parental and oral vaccines provide limited protection (6months at most)

  • In epidemics, mass single dose vaccination and treatment with Tetracycline are valuable.

  • Public education, control of water sources and population movement are very important.

  • Disinfection of discharges and soiled clothing.

Meticulous hand washing by medical personnel reduces danger of spread.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Once diagnosed with colitis, periods of remission from symptoms can last for months if not years yet there is a high chance that a flare up will happen at some point in time. You should not spend time blaming yourself and becoming stressed as to why it happened. You need to concentrate your thoughts on what action is required to ensure the colitis symptoms are managed and brought under control.

The symptoms that are being experienced will vary in their intensity and extent according to whether the flare up is of a mild or severe nature, which is determined by the degree of ulceration and inflammation of the large colon. Once there is actual confirmation from your doctor that a flare up is occurring, you should be advised on the additional medications that are required to be taken in addition to any that are continually prescribed. It is normally the case to increase any current dosage being taken of anti-inflammatory drugs plus the introduction of steroid treatment either in tablet or enema form, perhaps even both depending on the extent and location of the inflammation.

It is important to note that when taking steroids, side affects often materialise which the patient just has to accept as part of the effective treatment administered. The most common include weight gain, an increase in blood pressure, changes in mood and increased hormonal levels. Furthermore, when the colitis symptoms have begun to recede and normal health re-emerges, it is very important to continue on the steroid course until complete through a prolonged phased withdrawal of the medication. It can sometimes be the case that the prevailing symptoms don't respond sufficiently well to the medication that has been prescribed and thus further action will be called for. This can be the case where there are poor levels of absorption of the medication or the level of dosage is too low to fight the amount of inflammation being experienced. If the flare-up is still not brought under control, different treatments or a combination of treatments may be considered plus also the hospital consultant may wish to undertake further investigation of the bowel area to determine its the actual condition and how it is responding to the treatment.

There are on occasions that some sufferers have a flare up that does not respond to the usual treatment and the symptoms become severely debilitating. This is explained by both the ferocity and extent of the inflammation leading to the next stage of treatment that involves admission to hospital and the use of intravenous steroids to enable the control and reduction of the symptoms. As one of the symptoms is frequent and persistent diarrhea, there is the potential added problem of dehydration though this can be alleviated by intravenous fluid replacement.

Don't be too alarmed as most flare ups, even if the symptoms appear severe, can be treated effectively without having to spend time in hospital. It is just important, essential even, that as soon as a colitis flare up starts to appear it requires to be dealt with effectively and not ignored hoping that it will just disappear. By acting fast, you can increase the chances of suffering less severe symptoms and perhaps painful complications.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Managing IBS with herbs that help

April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome month. It is estimated that as many as 1 in 4 people in the UK suffer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

If you suffer from irritable bowel, you're not alone. IBS is a common condition that affects an estimated 1.4 million people in the UK. Twice as many women than men are thought to experience IBS.

People with IBS report symptoms such as diarrhoea, constipation, heartburn, bloating and stomach cramps.

What are the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

IBS symptoms may come and go, or they may be constant, the condition affects each person differently.

Common symptoms of IBS include:

- changes to bowel habits such as diarrhoea, constipation or a combination of the two

- stomach cramps or pain that eases when the bowels are emptied

- bloating or hardness of the stomach

- a feeling that the bowels haven't emptied sufficiently

- symptoms that get worse after eating

- mucus in stools

- flatulence

- nausea

According to the Rome III Diagnostic Criteria, IBS is usually diagnosed after you have experienced symptoms, on a regular basis, for 6 months and when tests prove that there is no other cause for your symptoms.

The condition is usually diagnosed after all other possible causes have been eliminated. This is known as diagnosis by exclusion. It is important that other conditions are ruled out as conditions such as Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, Crohn's Disease, Coeliac Disease and Colon Cancer can present with similar symptoms; particularly in the early stages.

*** It is vital that you see your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

- bleeding from the back passage

- blood in stools

- a lump or swelling in the back passage or stomach

- unexplained weight loss

- unexplained fever

- unexplained changes in bowel habit

- persistent or severe vomiting

Herbs That May Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

One way Western herbal medicine describes herbs is by the actions they have on the body. Current research confirms many of these herbal actions. For example, Meadowsweet, has been used traditionally as an anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic (something that brings a temperature down). Research has confirmed the presence of salicylates, which are similar in action to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs).

Adaptogens:Adoptogens increase resistance to the negative effects of stress - known to exacerbate IBS symptoms - by supporting the function of the endocrine and adrenal systems.

Anti-inflammatories:Anti-inflammatory herbs help alleviate inflammation of the large and small intestine, an important first step in the healing process.

Antispasmodics:Anti-spasmodic herbs prevent, reduce and ease stomach cramps by relaxing contractions of the smooth muscle of the intestinal system.

Anti-microbial:Anti-microbial herbs fight infections; they also help to strengthen the body's natural defence system.

Astringents:Astringent herbs cause contraction of the body's tissues and make them stronger. They are useful for people with diarrhoea predominant IBS.

Bitters:Bitter herbs are used to strengthen the digestive system. They stimulate production of digestive enzymes and enhance the break down and absorption of food.

Carminatives:Carminatives are traditionally used to dispel gas, reduce nausea and improve digestion. They work by reducing the amount of gas formed in the gut, increasing peristalsis within the gut and by increasing blood flow through the gut wall to encourage transportation of gas from the gut.

Mucilaginous:Mucilaginous herbs soothe and coat irritated mucosal tissue of the intestines to prevent irritation of the nerve endings and promote healing.

*** The following herbs can be used to support IBS ***

Meadowsweet - (Filipendula ulmaria)

Actions:Antacid, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, astringent.

Therapeutic properties:An excellent antacid and antispasmodic that can relieve the pain, irritation and cramping associated with IBS. Astringent properties help to heal and protect the gut lining.

Cautions:Do not take Meadowsweet if allergic to salicylates or aspirin, warfarin.

German Chamomile- (Matricaria recutita)

Actions:Relaxant, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic.

Therapeutic properties:Traditionally known as the "mother of the gut" German chamomile alleviates flatulence, muscle contractions and irritation of the gut and is useful in treating stress-related IBS. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Cautions:Can cause dermatitis i.e. irritation of the skin if you have an allergy to the Asteraceae plant family.

Cinnamon- (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

Actions:Antibacterial, antifungal, astringent, antibacterial, carminative.

Therapeutic properties:Helpful for stomach upsets, flatulence, nausea, bloating and diarrhoea. Enhances digestion and protects the gut lining.

Cautions:Avoid during pregnancy.

Licorice- (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Actions:Adaptogen, carminative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory (similar action to cortisone), antiviral, demulcent.

Therapeutic properties:Calms irritated mucous membranes. Useful for heartburn and indigestion as it lowers stomach acid.

Cautions:Avoid if you have high blood pressure and during pregnancy.

Agrimony - (Agrimonia eupatoria)

Actions:Astringent, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic.

Therapeutic properties:Enhances digestion and improves bowel function. Protects the gut lining from irritation. Useful for treating diarrhoea.

Cautions:Avoid with blood thinning drugs such as warfarin. Proceed with caution with diabetes drugs.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Acid reflux remedies are natural and effective in giving relief from heartburn without any side effects. They are safe as compared to chemically formulated drugs that cause some or the other side effects. The most dreaded symptom of this condition is heartburn, which is the persistent burning symptom in the chest, which is annoying and gives a headache. There are many medicines formulated specifically to treat this condition, but those medicines are not safe and are associated with adverse side effects if taken for a longer time. Natural home remedies are safe as compared to chemically formulated drugs and can be taken even by pregnant women and children. Before we move on to these remedies, let us understand this condition.

Acid reflux is one of the most common yet uncomfortable problems that can happen to anyone. It is a medical condition in which the food pipe becomes irritates due to regurgitation of acid from the stomach. Acid reflux is characterized by symptoms such as heartburn, acid or food regurgitation, bad breath and sore throat. Chronic acid reflux can erode the lining of the stomach wall and can cause ulcers or GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). Hence it is important to take care of these symptoms right from the beginning by taking home remedies and corrective measures to treat as well as prevent further occurrence.

Some of the effective remedies for acid reflux are:

1. Apple cider vinegar: This is a quick remedy that works during the acute episodes of acid reflux. Mix one tsp of apple cider vinegar in half glass of water and drink immediately. This calms down the acidity and gives relief. You can also slowly sip this water with your dinner to prevent getting heartburn.

2. Ginger: This natural herb has great absorbing properties. It absorbs all the excess acid in the stomach and calms down the nerves. You can either take ginger root capsules daily after dinner or ginger solution (crushed ginger in half glass of water and then strain the liquid).

3. Fennel Seeds: Fennel seeds are effective acid reflux remedies as they aid in digestive conditions. Fennel seeds contain Anethole that helps in controlling the cramping pain or spasms in the stomach. You can chew these aromatic seeds directly after dinner.

4. Aloe Vera juice: Aloe vera has a soothing effect and is used in treating a number of digestive ailments such as indigestion, diarrhea and ulcerative colitis. Drink one glass of aloe vera juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

5. Licorice root: Licorice root is a popular herbal remedy used for centuries for treating gastrointestinal ailments. Licorice works by forming a protective gel coating on the stomach which helps in preventing acid attack. It is available in the form of tincture or tea.

6. Herbal tea: Drinking Chamomile tea soothes the inflamed mucosal lining of stomach and esophagus. Instead of consuming tea in few gulps, slowly sip the tea to increase its therapeutic effects.

7. Pineapple: Pineapple contains bromelain, which helps in digestion and relieving acid reflux.

8. Aniseed and Lavender tea: This herbal tea helps in reducing the amount of acid in the stomach. To prepare this tea, take equal quantities of lavender and aniseed and mix them in 2 cups of boiling water. Strain it and add one tsp of honey to sweeten it. Drink one cup of this tea daily on the morning to get acid reflux relief.

9. Baking soda: Sodium bicarbonate is a natural antacid that gives relief immediately. Just add one tsp of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it before the fizz goes away.

10. Acid reflux preventive remedies: Apart from natural acid reflux remedies, some corrective steps have to be taken to prevent the recurrence of heartburn. Make some dietary changes such as avoiding processed junk food and sugar, eating larger portions and going to bed immediately after dinner. Alter your meal times and take walk after your dinner. Drink plenty of water as it helps in proper digestion and keeps your body hydrated.

Treating the uncomfortable feelings is not that difficult. Making few lifestyle and dietary changes and using holistic acid reflux remedies can help in getting rid of heartburn.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In Crohn's disease ulcers and inflammation occur deep in the layers of the walls of the intestine. This is concentrated in the second half of the small intestine and first half of the colon. However, rarely, it is found to occur in the upper portions of the stomach and intestine, along with ulcerations in the food pipe, stomach and beginning of the small intestine.

Crohn's disease's helpless victims would be interested in knowing the incredible capabilities of Aloe. After ages of painful abdominal cramps, bleeding, diarrhea, fever, weight loss and several other symptoms you must surely be tired. The last thing you would be want to do is try yet another medication. But aloe vera is a naturally occurring, non-toxic drug without side effects.

Intestine is a very complex organ that serves many functions. It controls allergy and provides immunity against many diseases. Its role in the daily functioning of our body is very important. Therefore it is very important that the intestine is in perfect shape. Our intestine has the fastest growing cells in our body which are replaced once every four days. In order to regenerate them fast enough we require amino acid I-glutamine which is poorly included in our diet.

This is where Aloe vera comes to the rescue. It contains copious amounts of the said compound and helps in repairing the intestine. Aloe vera is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties which are used to relieve abdominal pain caused due to intestinal spasms. It also contains long chain polysaccharides which repair tiny holes that appear in the intestine due to leaking gut syndrome. Complete with vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and minerals aloe vera contains about 200 nutrients that help our body stay in shape. As all the ingredients are natural they are easily processed by our body in promoting good heath.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease affecting the large intestine. This illness is classified as an autoimmune disorder disrupting the digestive and immune systems of the body. The immune system becomes confused by attacking the microorganisms in the digestive tract that aid the digestion process causing severe inflammation that is mainly restricted to the colon itself. This inflammation begins in the mucous lining of the large intestines leaving ulcers that become infected over time. If left untreated, these ulcers can become abscessed and rupture requiring the need for emergency surgery of a colectomy.

One must understand the symptoms of ulcerative colitis to develop a better prognosis of the disease in question. The illness begins as inflammations lining the inside of the colon that develop into ulcers which can lead to explosive diarrhea and intestinal bleeding. Several stages of abdominal pain that may include mild to severe stomach cramps also accompany this disorder. Fatigue, fever and extreme weight loss are also complicated by a weakened immune system that has been compromised.

The length of the area involved will also dictate the treatment remedies available. Ulcerative colitis' severity depends mainly on the patients bowel movements which can range from four stools per day to ten and beyond. Some affected regions are limited to the rectum, while others extend to the ileum which may require surgery. Persons with ulcerative colitis usually have periods with no flare ups. Usually this depends heavily on the extent and location of the disease. This illness has been known to adversely affect the persons quality of life with the constant flare ups of diarrhea and abdominal pain leaving many to seek remedies for their disease.

Standard treatment options for ulcerative colitis vary depending on the severity and location of the illness at hand. The main objective is to induce remission without harm to the patient. Modern medicine uses many different drugs for this task that have altering side effects. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to reduce swelling inside the mucous lining while antibiotics control and relieve infections and keep them from spreading to other parts of the colon. Other drugs used in this treatment are known as immunosuppressives. They function by limiting the operation of the immune system, which in turn poses great health risk to the patient by exposing them to possible infections putting other organs and systems in danger. Anti-inflammatory drugs have mild to severe side effects such as headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and a lower white blood cell count.

If drugs are not successful in treating extreme cases then removal of the large intestine is generally considered a last resort. In view of all the standard treatment options proposed by hospitals and cancer centers alike, one must also consider the use of natural therapies, sometimes referred as alternative therapies. There are other alternative therapies that have been shown to produce major improvements in symptoms with no dangerous side effects. Some of these remedies are diets based on natural foods and simply require proper food combining of certain high fiber raw fruits, vegetables and whole grains cereals.

These diets also prohibit the intake of processed junk food that is loaded with chemical toxins that can upset the colons chemical balance. Along with the diet treatment, herbal plants and probiotic cultures are taken as well to provide correct balance in the intestinal flora to help rebuild the immune system and aid proper digestion.

To eliminate the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, one must understand the full treatment options and take a proactive approach to finding alternative remedies that are safe and effective.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis is a disease that is very similar to Crohn's disease. Both these diseases fall under a category of diseases that are classified under the blanket term "Inflammatory Bowel Disease" or IBD for short. Ulcerative colitis refers to inflammation of the colon. Endoscopic images show ulcerative colitis as patches of red inflammation. The symptoms of this disease, that's right, I used the word disease, not ailment because it is not a minor ailment like irritable bowel syndrome. It is quite serious and requires medical attention. Like I was saying, the symptoms of this disease are constant diarrhea and sometimes bloody stools. The severity of the disease varies from person to person. Sometimes, the symptoms just disappear on their own. But sometimes they keep getting more serious and require medical intervention.

Crohn's disease is also a type of inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the digestive system from the mouth to the anus. It is an auto-immune disease, that is, a disease where the body's immune system starts fighting against the body. Crohn's disease is said to be a man-made disease - a disease caused by the excesses of modern life and the demands it places on our health. This conclusion was made based on the fact that the more industrialized western countries report more cases of Crohn's disease. About half a million people in North America are affected by Crohn's disease and in Europe and about 30 people for every 100,000 people in Europe are affected.

The point is, there is definitely a link between Crohn's disease and modern, unhealthy lifestyles. So the question is, will diet help cure Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis? Actually, rather than cure, you should prevent ailments and diseases like ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and crohn's disease by following a healthy diet. There is no arguing the fact that a healthy diet indeed helps overall health and prevents many ailments, not the least of which are stomach and digestive system ailments. So yes, a healthy diet can help you fight these diseases. Cut down on fat, oil, grease, sugar, refined starch, white bread, artificial and processed foods full of sugars and artificial colors and sweeteners and preservatives and chemical. Eat more of whole grain bread, lean cuts of meat, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, nuts and legumes. Just follow a few basic universally accepted rules of healthy lifestyle and you'll do just fine.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Aloe vera is a plant that was originally found in Africa. It looks like a lily, with thick, green, spiny, succulent leaves. The plant usually has up to 25 leaves. It is used to make aloe gel which is the made from the entire leaf, aloe juice which is made from the nutritious liquid inside the leaf, aloe-vera latex which is a yellow fluid in the leaf with laxative properties and aloe vera capsules which are used as dietary supplements.

Used as digestive, laxative and skincare preparations aloe is known to produce no allergic reaction. Having said that when aloe is internally ingested diuretics, steroids, digoxin, drugs that cause potassium loss and drugs for irregular heartbeat need to be avoided. If drugs for controlling blood sugar are being taken you should not use aloe as it reduces blood sugar levels.

Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides (AMP), one of the components of aloe is what gives aloe its healing abilities. AMPs are sugar molecules consisting of separate mannose and glucose sugar molecules in combination. This discovery of the medicinal abilities of AMP has been widely considered to be a major breakthrough in the autoimmune and gastrointestinal fields of medicine.

Aloe vera is used in the treatment of digestive tract ailments like ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease (IBD) and Crohn's disease. An ailment of the colon, ulcerative colitis is the inflammation of the digestive tract. This could result in permanent dilation of the colon or even perforation of the colon. The reason why aloe vera is used in treating this disease is that its anti-inflammatory abilities help calm the inflammation in the digestive tract. In addition aloe vera also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that help the condition. Though Aloe is used widely to treat various digestive disorders, from mild to moderate to severe, Aloe is usually used successfully in the treatment of ulcerative colitis.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are a good many people out there that take the same approach with their bodies as they have with their automobiles. That is, they run them as hard as they can, without taking much, if any responsibility for them, until the body finally breaks down from neglect, at which point, they drive it into the doctor's office, and expect the doctor to get them tuned up again, and back out on the road. Other people take the motto to heart that "if it ain't broke (the body) don't fix it". The problem with this way of thinking is it doesn't work too well in handling Crohn's disease or a host of other similar chronic diseases like IBD, and Colitis. At a certain point, the body becomes too ravaged or run down from the effects of the disease to exist any longer, and it just stops working. By the way, you don't get to trade the old body in for a new one, like the old jalopy in the garage.

Even the predominant advertising media seems to promote the quick fix idea that implies that all you need to do is find the right doctor, who can give you the right prescription drug or surgery procedure to correct the problem and you'll be all fixed up right?...wrong. To begin with, even a M.D. specialist in gastroenterology with several years of experience in their background cannot quickly nor easily diagnose and treat someone who has Crohn's disease. Prescription drugs are really the only viable treatment method for Crohn's in the traditional medical community, because surgery is mostly only considered as a life saving last resort. In holistic medicine there are vastly more weapons to use against Crohn's. While drugs are usually successful in calming most or all of the Crohn's symptoms down, they frequently can cause serious side effects as well. One young lady wrote why she decided to explore the holistic alternatives to her Crohn's problem... "Once the side effects began adding up I considered my life with treatment even worse than my life without it. I began searching for alternatives." Every patient has different stages of the disease, and will respond differently to all the kinds of drug treatment options depending on their own metabolisms. For example, a drug that may work well in curbing most of the symptoms in one person's Crohn's condition, may cause another to experience violent, painful and even life threatening reactions. Another Crohn's sufferer wrote this about their experience with the steroid drug Prednisone..."My symptom is that my knee hurts a whole lot. If I am sitting down for a little while, I will limp for my first couple steps of walking, and try to stretch out my leg, but it hurts too much when it is fully extended. So I feel as though I'm stuck keeping my leg at the middle position with only about 60 - 75% of my normal flexibility. Here's the catch. I'm 22 years old and I don't know if this will continue". Toxic drugs can also cause damage to normally healthy functioning organs as a side effect to treating the general Crohn's symptom. Also, in order to reverse the effect of the inflammation caused by Crohn's, drugs effectively shut down the body's natural immune system. This process in itself can lead to serious complications with infections. In addition to drug allergies, people can experience adverse reactions to hosts of different kinds of foods that may be exacerbating the Crohn's condition. With all the complexities related to Crohn's disease, and how it effects so many people in so many ways, it is nearly impossible for a doctor to single handedly bring a patient back to good health just using prescription drugs and without some cooperation from the patient themselves in lifestyle changes. There is simply no easy quick fix for Crohn's disease period.

Enter the healthier Holistic treatment approach! This alternative treatment of Crohn's is rapidly catching on as a viable treatment approach of choice for many Crohn's suffers in addition to prescription drug therapy. As the name holistic implies, it means using a more encompassing way to fight the disease, with more techniques than were ever available before. Holistic medicine offers a far less invasive, gentler and effective treatment model than the traditional drug based one used to treat Crohn's in the past, yet it does require a more patient work and effort to guarantee its success. But, what is so bad about people taking responsibility for their own improved health anyway? The Holistic approach is based on making targeted sustained lifestyle changes, including a reliance on natural non-toxic supplements like grape seed and pine bark extract, wine extract, aloe juice, papaya, Slippery Elm and many more... all natural antioxidants derived from plants, fruits or vegetables that actually boost the immune system's ability to help the body to heal itself and also give it more strength and energy to perform. Even the skin becomes more smooth, pliable and youthful looking when exposed to the healing properties available from taking natural supplements Many of these supplements are now available in powder form that are, easily and quickly absorbed into the stomach lining in less than five minutes. Upon taking these supplements, many people experience a boost in energy within seconds of taking them. There are not many truly redeeming qualities with prescription drugs other than being convenient to take (usually in pill form) and being relatively fast acting. The only way drugs can stop the autoimmune produced inflammation that accompanies Crohn's is to effectively shut down the body's natural immune system in the process. The downsides effect of this action is that while the immune system is shut down, the body is left defenseless against a host of infections, and infectious diseases like tuberculosis or even cancer. Prescription drugs often only mask the true symptoms of Crohn's disease namely the pain and discomfort, but generally do nothing to help heal it. Since prescription drugs are chemically made (not natural), they can pose a toxic threat to vital organs like the liver, kidneys, bones, joints and even the skin. With the holistic model also comes the responsibility of the Crohn's patient of eating healthier and placing an emphasis on routine exercise along with maintaining healthy sleep patterns to insure control over their Crohn's. The trade off of accepting the increased responsibility over your health, by educating yourself on the holistic way and making the effort to take the necessary steps to do so, instead of choosing the traditional drug treatment model, can lead you to a far more satisfying, active and even youthful lifestyle that can add years to your life. The other choice (the easy route) of staying only with the old traditional drug therapy approach, can give a degree of control over your Crohn's symptoms (the pain) but risking permanent damage to vital internal organs in your body, and pain in other parts of the body. You make the decision.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Having traveled to India after graduating with my Masters degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and becoming a newly licensed acupuncturist in Boston, I know enough about Indian food to get me in trouble. I can still smell the fragrant dishes I ate while I was there and remember being amazed at the different textures and colors that were present in many of the dishes. One of the more unique colors in Indian cuisine is orange and a key ingredient of these dishes is the spice turmeric. But did you know that it is an important herb in Chinese herbal medicine as well? Recent press on the use of turmeric has focused on its anti-inflammatory properties. Let's take a closer look at this common kitchen spice.

Turmeric is called Jiang Huang in Chinese herbal medicine. It is bitter, warming and has an acrid nature to it. Bitter and acrid substances are very effective Qi and Blood movers. When Qi or Blood becomes stagnant, pain arises, hence the anti-inflammatory nature of turmeric root. It travels most often to the Stomach, Spleen, and Liver organs. The Stomach and Spleen are the organs most involved in digestion of food which explains turmeric's use as a treatment for ulcerative colitis and indigestion. The Liver is involved in the free flow of Qi through the body and when boosted by the actions of turmeric, could work more effectively at relieving the stagnation that causes pain.

Western scientific research focuses on the active ingredient of turmeric, curcumin, a powerful anti-oxidant which has been shown to lower levels of inflammatory enzymes and inhibit platelet aggregation in the body. It is a popular supplement added to joint health remedies and anti-oxidant supplements. Besides joint health, turmeric can treat systemic inflammation found in inflammatory bowel disease. Research on the ability of the herb to maintain remission in patients with ulcerative colitis that were also taking conventional medications showed that only 5% of the patients taking curcumin relapsed versus 21% in the placebo group suggesting it may be an effective supplement for the treatment of this condition. Early research using test tube and animal experiments has shown that curcumin may even be effective in preventing or treating different types of cancers. As always it is important to discuss any herbal supplement with your doctor before taking it as some interactions can occur. In particular, due to curcumin's platelet inhibiting properties, it may be unsafe for patients taking blood thinning medication.

Turmeric is considered food safe and has been utilized in cuisine around the world for thousands of years. It is a very tasty spice and is great in eggs, soups, stews, and curries. Of course, while you enjoy your next Indian curry dish, it is also nice to know that you might be easing your pain a little bit as well.

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The goals and intentions of treatment for Crohn's disease are to ease the cramping, pain, rectal bleeding, and diarrhea that are that are so prevalent in patients with the condition. Drugs, diet, supplements, surgery, or some combination of these things are used to attempt to control the symptoms. Unfortunately, there is no known cure. And they way it is treated depends entirely on what part of the digestive tract it is in, any complications you might have had, and how severe the disease is.

Treatment for Crohn's disease may include the following:

Steroids (cortisone) - Prednisone, the most common drug of this type, has been known to be very effective in some cases. However, it comes with some serious side effects of its own, such as water retention, mood swings, and lowering your ability to fight off other infections.

Remicade (also known as Infliximab) - This drug is used only for severe cases which have resisted other treatments. It is called an anti-TNF substance, but needs much more research to be done to test its usefulness and possible side effects.

Drug Therapy - This treatment for Crohn's disease is an anti-inflammatory that uses mesalamine. The most frequently used form of this drug is Sulfasalazine. If it doesn't help the patient, they may then try Pentasa, Asacol, or Dipentum. Headaches, heartburn, nausea and vomiting may occur as a side effect.

Immune System Suppressors. Crohn's pain may also be treated with drugs whose purpose is to suppress your immune system. Like prednisone they lower your resistance to infection, in fact, they are often used together in an attempt to fight the inflammation.

Antibiotics - These are used to kill the bacteria that grown in the small intestine as the result of surgery or fistulas. Most commonly prescribed are tetracycline, ampicillin, cephalosporin, metronidazole, and sulfonamide.

Additional treatment for Crohn's disease might come as fluid replacements or anti-diarrheal meds. If dehydration is present in the patient, fluids and electrolytes will be pushed. Your doctor might recommend codeine, diphenoxylate, or loperamide.

At some point in time, when no medication is working to ease Crohn's pain, surgery may be recommended. Unfortunately, as many as three fourths of all patients will need surgery at some point. Usually, it is performed to resolve complications, such as perforation, blockage, intestinal bleeding, or abscesses. Removing a portion of the intestine sometimes helps, but is by no means a cure.

In extreme cases, treatment for Crohn's disease may require the removal of the entire colon, in an operation called a colostomy.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Crohn's disease (CD) is an inflammatory disease of the intestines but it may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is an inflammation of the large intestine (the colon) although some people with UC may have inflammation in the last section of the small intestine. Most doctors use drugs and surgery to 'control the symptoms' of the disease - not to 'cure' the condition.

Although Crohn's disease and Colitis are not life-threatening diseases, they are life-altering conditions. Causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting, as well as complications outside the gastrointestinal tract, including skin rashes and tiredness, Crohn's disease and Colitis can have a huge, negative impact on one's life. Until scientific research discovers a cure, people with these conditions can expect to endure suffering from bouts and flare-ups -?unless they find a solution that works for them.

Some researchers are looking at the Western diet (with processed foods, fat, and sugar) as being a big contributor to the onset of Crohn's disease and Colitis. Some medical professionals recommend removing all meat, dairy, eggs, and other processed foods from your diet. Other researchers believe that the answer is to change totally to a raw food diet of raw fruits and vegetables with small portions of certain nuts, seeds, and some fatty fruits. Although most fruits contain less than one gram of fat per serving, some fruits have extra fat such as avocado with 31 grams of fat per fruit. Yet ripe avocado is one of the richest sources of easily digestible fats.

One school of thought says that those who suffer from? Crohn's disease and Colitis ?should eat only organic fruits and vegetables. If you suffer from either of these conditions, you want to know the score. Will a raw food diet wipe out the symptoms of these diseases? According to numerous testimonials, a raw food diet has stopped the symptoms -?completely - for many people afflicted with these diseases.

Nobody, however, should change to a raw food diet without consulting their doctor. Obviously, fruits and vegetables are healthy options. Yet everyone's metabolism differs and people may have other conditions for which a complete raw food diet may not be the best choice. Check with your doctor before making drastic changes to your diet.

Your doctor can explain how fruits and vegetables work within your body. If you are planning to begin a raw food diet, you have to understand that there will not be instant results. Indeed, vegetables can be hard to digest and may even bring about undesirable symptoms at the beginning.

Within one month, however, sufferers should begin to see and to feel changes in their system. It might take a year before a person is free of all symptoms.?Keep in mind that implementing an effective raw food diet will be a process for sufferers of Crohn's disease and Colitis. Yet common sense will tell you that (based on your doctor's approval) a diet of raw fruits and vegetables is always a better choice than a diet of fats, processed foods, and sugar.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

While there are many factors that contribute to Ulcerative Colitis, it is a disease that can be managed naturally instead of treated. There are natural treatments for ulcerative colitis out there and one of them is diet. Diet is one of the factors contributing to the severity of this disease and must be managed. While it is not the only thing that needs to be monitored by those suffering from this ailment, it is certainly an important factor to consider. Certain foods can exacerbate the problem, making it important to monitor a proper diet for Ulcerative Colitis sufferers.

One the issues that people suffering from Ulcerative Colitis face is managing their fiber intake. While soluble fiber is good for them, insoluble fiber is bad since it irritates the colon and causes inflammation. This includes all whole grain foods, as well as vegetables like cabbage and broccoli. Other foods to avoid include skins of fruits like grapes and apples since these are entirely insoluble fiber.

Another food group to avoid is anything containing gluten. All breads, grains, and most processed foods include gluten and must be avoided. Most processed foods have thickening agents which contain gluten, so seasonings, sauces and canned goods cannot be eaten by those suffering from Ulcerative Colitis. People suffering from this disease can easily avoid gluten by cooking at home from scratch, using fresh produce, but there are many gluten-free products available in the market as well. Some beverages, like beer and packaged drinks, also contain gluten which is why labels should be read carefully.

Dairy can also cause trouble in the digestive tract, but only in large quantities. Anything over two to three ounces per day will cause inflammation which will lead to lactose in the colon. Therefore, it is not necessary to completely avoid dairy, but its intake must be monitored closely. The amount suitable for each person can vary as well.

Since everyone's body is different and reacts to various foods differently, the best thing to do is monitor food intake and watch how the body reacts. Some foods, like caffeine, are fine for some people but others might find them difficult to digest thus causing them distress. Write down foods that have caused you stomach distress in the past and avoid them in the future. The best way to do this is to keep a food journal so you can write down how various foods make you feel, and after a while you will be able to make educated choices without looking at the diary every time you eat.

While Ulcerative Colitis can be a distressing condition, it is one that can be managed with proper care. It is important to monitor food intake closely, best done with a food journal, and cook from fresh produce at home. More and more, it is becoming easier to eat out since many restaurant and companies offer gluten- free options, including some bakeries. Conduct research on the options available around you and incorporate them into your lifestyle so you can ensure you live the most normal life possible for you.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Back in January of 2009 I was started on Remicade. This is a drug which you take via an infusion, and it is approved by the FDA for Ulcerative Colitis. For me, I travelled down to the PAMF Infusion center which is actually in Mountain View, California where Google is headquartered. I am guessing you have probably heard of Google. I will go into details on a later post about the Remicade and the infusion process. The long story short is the Remicade was not working as planned, and I was then started on Humira for my ulcerative colitis.

I can remember the first day I started Humira clearly. I made my way up to my GI doctor's office to meet with his nurse, a woman who at this point was one of my closest friends. (for those of us who have had been given the present of severe Ulcerative Colitis, it is truly amazing how close you can become with your nurses/doctors/even receptionists since they are the first person you see when you arrive at the doctors.

How many people on this planet really don't mind having shots? I feel like I am a macho person sometimes. Fell down playing ice hockey when I was 12 or thirteen and slammed my face against the ice, blood was flying out of my mouth since my teeth cut some things up along with the impact blowing a hole in my lower lip. But needles...for some reason never got used to them. All along, my doctor was telling me how it was no big deal. Well, my doctor was right. Needles like the Humira needle are no big deal. It is so small, I had to blow the picture up to the left just so you could see the thing. Once I arrived, I had my actual prescribed Humira in my hands.

So, on my first day to start Humira, I arrived with my 4 Humira pens and the 4 yellow pages of side effect information that is included. When it came time to do the actual shots, this is when I really started to stall with the nurse. You could ask her, but I believe we may have counted down doing the "ten,nine, eight, seven, wait wait wait wait...." anyways, I was there for about 45 minutes before I had all 4 shots of Humira in me. I was hoping that, when I was supposed to take the medications next(in two weeks) that I would get it going much faster. (That never really was the case, but I did start taking them at home which must have made the physicians assistant happy!)

So that is my story of the first encounter with treating my ulcerative colitis via Humira.

Did Humira Treat My Ulcerative Colitis?
Great great question. One that is a topic of debate among the medical world. Going into taking my Humira I was really severe with Ulcerative Colitis. Has anyone ever been prescribed Humira for Chron's or UC when they were just dealing with a "mild" case of their respective disease? I guess I just assume they save the Humira for when people are not responding to any of the "less dangerous" medications. Well, the fact of the matter is that I was very severe. In looking back on the situation, I would probably only take Humira again if I had tried all the other medications available on this planet including crack cocaine, PCP, opium etc... and going to the bathroom 150 times/day. But that is just my personal decision on when to try Humira again.

Within Two or Three Weeks of Starting Humira:
This was probably about the time where things started getting a bit weird. Someday if the Ulcerative Colitis community thinks it would be valuable, I will pull up my medical records and transcribe them on this website, but for now, I think it was about two or three weeks after starting Humira that some side effects start to appear. It all began as some aches and pains in my upper back/shoulder area. It is the type of thing that anyone can easily pawn off as "oh, I must have slept wrong" or "maybe I pulled a muscle yesterday..."

That is exactly what I did for several days if not a week or more. But as all good things must come to an end, I eventually said no way jose, and dragged myself back the gastroenterology department of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. My favorite gastro doctor was on vacation while this was happening, so I began working with another excellent doctor until the return of my main one. At this point, I had been under the influence of Humira for maybe about 3 or 4 weeks and I simply could not move. Again I don't remember how bad the skin problems were at this point, but my joints were all messed up. It felt like they emptied out oil in my elbows, shoulders, sternum, and some other parts and I simply was all locked up. To give an example, when it was time to sleep at night, my wife had to push a pillow under my head since my arms were useless. I basically would sit down on the side of the bed, and lay back. Wherever I landed was where I laid. It was almost like dropping off a scuba diving boat, just Humira style. Yeah that's right, my upper body was all messed up including my elbow area. From the waist down, things were fine, thankfully. At least I could walk.

Decision to Stop Humira
As I mentioned, all good things come to an end, and I stopped Humira. This was a decision that was made by me, my temporary GI doctor, and the rheumatologist doctor I saw at the Palo Alto Med. One great part about going to the doctor this day was they prescribed me some Vicodin to take care of the pain. One thing is for sure, Vicodin works on me. Humira does as well, just not how I would have liked, but Vicodin definitely works as intended. The vicodin gave temporary relief, which was better than any present or gift I have received. At this time, there was also a decision made for me to go and up my dose of prednisone to 60mg/day which for a 160lb guy like me is a high amount. But, these were bad times, and drastic measures had to be taken.

Even stranger side effects from Humira:
Along with the Ulcerative Colitis, I now had some horrible joint pains in many spots. The consensus as to what I had come down with was some type of Arthritis. This is actually interesting because Humira is normally prescribed to Arthritis patients to help that. In all honesty, I have a very good friend who is on Humira for arthritis and is doing reasonable good. He has not had any fingernails fall off yet.

For me, another little bonus to go along with the ulcerative colits and joint problems was some real strange bumps on my head. They were something like really large pimples, and they were on my scalp under my hair. And man were they itchy sometimes. The doctors all thought this combination was rather strange, as did my family. I can only imagine what it is like to watch someone in your family go through such strange ordeals. Also, for many of us who have UC, it is not something that just happened overnight, there is usually a long history that goes along with it. So to be adding some more fun on the fire, well lets just say if it don't kill you it makes you stronger. I must be pretty darn strong then!

Time to go to Vegas
After leaving the doctor's office this time, I was heading home with my dad, and the plan was to start up the steroids and also some Vicodin and to get ready for azathioprine. At this point, I was very familiar with all the names of the medication, and this was just another situation where I was going to try out another medication since the previous ones were not getting me better. WRONG. For some reason I can't explain, I always thought the word Azathioprine was scary. maybe its the "z" in there. I did pick up that prescription, but this was the first time I decided not to take it. Basically this was the first time I was going against the doctors orders for any of my treatments up to this point. I wanted to wait until my main gastro doctor was back in the office before popping some more pills. That night, I got home and told my wife the deal, and went online to buy a plane ticket via Orbitz.com and flew on down to Las Vegas, Nevada. I stayed at the Monte Carlo and tried to take my mind adrift, which surely happened.

How much did I like my Ulcerative Colitis at this Point?
Most of the doctors I have met with in the past few years have at times asked me this question: "On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is the pain?" I was asked some variation of this when I went to meet with the doctors from the previous paragraph. I think this is when I started responding with this type of line: "If I had to choose from UC or this joint problem for the rest of my life, I would chose the ulcerative colitis!" That is what was starting to go on in my head, simply based off how limited you are if you can't move. It would be better to need to go to the bathroom 10-15 times per day, then to not be mobile at all right?

Lets fast forward about 8 months to January 2010.
So, now, it is time to share some photos my current skin problems that started developing back in May of 2009, and its January 2010. Most definitely, the skin problems have gotten much better, but they are still there for sure. I have been prescribed things like Clobetosol which is a very strong steroid cream. UV Rays, other rx creams, and other stuff I don't remember. I really don't think these skin problems are here to stay forever right? But, again, the consensus from the doctors at Stanford Hospital, Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale Arizona, and the Palo Alto Medical Foundation is that my skin problems are a direct side effect from the Humira.

If anyone has similar side effects as this, please contact me, supposedly it is a very small group of people who have this type of reaction to Humira, and I would be truly honored to speak live with someone in the same shoes. Lastly, this particular post is very negative on Humira, or at least that is what I am expecting some people may think. Please realize that my goal is the same as every doctor that is exists on this planet. That is to see as many people as healthy as possible. If you or someone you know is currently taking Humira, and is having great results(much like my good friend) than please congratulate those people. My hope would be that someone considering Humira as a treatment option for ulcerative colitis may actually find a way to treat their UC with a much much smaller chance of having these side effects. Had I treated myself with my diet, I am convinced none of this stuff would be taking place now or in the past.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Those diagnosed with colitis should be aware of and utilise available methods and practices to reduce the occurrence and strength of colitis symptoms, particularly when it can be identified that stress has been a contributory factor. One stress reducing method that should be considered is meditation as it is easy to implement and has wider health benefits.

The exercise of meditation is in reference to the specific state where both the body and mind are conscious, yet are relaxed and focused. The purpose is to achieve a state of both physical and mental calmness to purposely remove stressful, negative thoughts and influences and calming the state of the mind. In a sense it cleanses the mind and allows the uninterrupted focus on one particular thought. Some people require total silence in order to achieve this mental state where all sounds, however small are required to be blocked out. Often this can be very difficult to achieve yet with practice, the mind can be trained to close out any background noise.

In order to undertake effective meditation, you require adopting a comfortable position though it does not have to be the stereotypical straight backed cross leg pose associated with meditation. As long as you are relaxed and comfortable, the mind will be able to focus more easily. Additionally, there is associated with meditation some ritualistic humming. This is used as a means of concentration, to help the person with the same aim of focusing the mind. Again it is not essential that such an action is adhered to. People have different ways of focusing, just as long as the method adopted achieves an intense state of mind focus.

For sufferers of colitis, the occurrence of stress can often bring on symptoms and techniques to reduce these by creating the aura of both physical and mental calmness should be utilised. The process of meditation creates this very state with the added bonus of the requirement to focus on one object. Consider the large colon to be the centre of this focus. While doing this you should be aware of any tension within the large colon and on your body as a whole. Now mentally visualise the release of this tension. Start to imagine the inflammation reducing as the stress and tension floats away. You should feel the release of this and you should find yourself in a refreshed state when your session has ended.

If this action can be incorporated into a daily routine, this will not only be rejuvenating for your mind and body but may also reduce the likelihood of colitis symptoms appearing due to a build up of stress that has no mechanism of release. This should be used as part of effective management to reduce the impact that colitis has yet it is only one method for the reduction of stress in colitis sufferers.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The usefulness of juice-treatment for some common diseases are numerous e.g. cleansing the body, expelling toxic & other harmful elements from the body, prevent degeneration of the body and procure ingredients necessary for the reformation and regeneration of body cells. That is why either independently or in conjunction with other modes of treatment juices gives sure benefits in almost all diseases.

There are several definite reasons for the cause of diseases over and above improper food-habits. A disease can't completely be cured unless such reasons are warded off or prevented e.g. if one is under the treatment for cold but continues taking cold eatables, or does not protect oneself from violent cold winds and rain, it's not possible to get cured.

Juice-treatment does not claim to be the only remedy for every disease. It's a fact which can be well understood that in the cases of some diseases & especially when it's a serious one, one has to take the help of other therapies. If a certain therapy has been proven useful and effective in a particular disease, there's no reason why one should be deprived of therapeutical benefits e.g. hip-bath gives benefit in most abdominal diseases. You must not hesitate to accept this sort of treatment. Each therapy has a purpose which is the same to all physicians - to cure the disease completely and as soon as possible.

It is necessary to comprehend the disease thoroughly before treatment commencement. Juice-treatment should be planned and finally implemented with regularity, perseverance and zeal.

Acidity: Take a mixture of juices of cabbage and carrot. In addition to it, one can take juices of cucumber, potato, apple, mosambi and watermelon. Milk also should be taken. Avoid chillies, fried food and sweets.

Acne: Take a mixture of carrot and spinach-juices. Take a mixture of juices of potato, beet-root, cucumber and grapes. Watermelon and papaya-juice may also be taken. Massage papaya or potato-juice on the face. Vapour-bath is advantageous. Do not allow greasiness to remain on the face. Avoid using cosmetics.

Anaemia: Mixed juices of leafy vegetables, juice of alfalfa and juices of beet-root, cabbage, bitter-gourd, apricot and grapes are useful in this disease.

Aphthae: First of all abdominal disorders, if any, should be cured. Constipation should be relieved. Juices of pot-herb (spinach) and cabbage should be taken.

Asthma: Take mixed juices of carrot, beet-root and cabbage. Take a mixture of juices of leafy vegetables or a mixture of juices of potato and apple. Besides, garlic and papaya juices can also be taken.

Bronchitis: Take warm water with ginger, honey and lemon-juice in the morning or take warm water with garlic and onion juices. Besides, take juices of radish, cabbage, beet-root, cucumber and carrot. Avoid smoking.

Cancer: Opinions are divided as to which juice gives the maximum benefits in cancer. Normally these juices are beneficial juices of carrot, grape, beet-root, apple, ginger, papaya, tomato and wheatgrass. One should try to maintain the health of the liver. Magnet therapy might prove useful.

Cardiac troubles: Take honey, coconut water and juices of papaya, pomegranate, pineapple and garlic.

Cholera: Juice of beelee fruit mixed with juices of mint, garlic and onion should be taken with warm water. Coconut water is very much useful in cholera.

Cold: Lemonated warm water should be taken. Juices of ginger, orange, carrot, radish, garlic, etc can also be taken. Water vapour is also useful.

Colitis: Take a mixture of carrot and spinach-juices. Juices of cucumber, apple, beet-root, papaya, beelee and oranges are also beneficial.

Constipation: Raw whole fruits and vegetables are as beneficial as their juices. Proper exercises should be done. One should form regular habits of evacuating bowels. One should take a mixture of juices of spinach and carrot or a mixture of juices of potato, cucumber and apple. One can also take juices of fig, beelee (eagle marmaloss), guava and orange.

Contagious diseases: Take on an empty stomach a glassful of lukewarm water mixed with lemon-juice and a teaspoon of honey. Take a of glassful water mixed with a teaspoon of garlic and onion-juices. A mixture of carrot and mosambi-orange juices can also be taken.

Cough: Take warm water mixed with honey and lemon juice in the morning. Also take a glassful of carrot-juice added with a tablespoon each of garlic, onion and basil-juices. Avoid smoking.

Diabetes: Juices of rose-apple, tomato, cucumber, lemon, bitter-gourd, carrot, spinach, cabbage and French beans should be taken.

Diarrhoea: Take juices of beelee fruit, apple, garlic and green turmeric. Juices of beet-root and pineapple are also recommended. Take complete rest.

Diptheria: Requires immediate medical treatment. Take pineapple-juice and turn it over and over in the mouth before swallowing it. Take warm water mixed with garlic and onion-juices.

Dysentery: Regimen of thick buttermilk is one of the best antidotes. Pomegranate-juice is also effective. Rose-apple juice gives benefits also.

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In general, the infection is of two types. Ectoparasitic (Auchmeromyia leuteola) and Endoparasitic (Cutaneous and Tissues or cavities). Examples of the cutaneous type are the Dermatobia hominis and Corylobia antrhopophaga. Examples of the Tissues or cavities type are the Sarcophaga, Wohlfartia, Fannia Oestrus, Chrysomia and Callitroga.

Deep Tissue Myiasis

Larvae of the flies belonging to the families Callitroga (Cochliomyia), Chrysomyia, Sarcophaga, Wohlfartia, Fannia and Oestrus invade tissues extensively when the eggs are laid on open wounds, damaged tissues or discharging surfaces, by the adult flies. The larvae of Wohlfartia can penetrate even unbroken skin. The lesions are commonly seen in the nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses, middle ear and orbit. Cartilage and bone may also be destroyed by the screw shaped larvae which may extend intracranially leading to fatal meningitis. The lesions are very painful and the larvae may be discharged from these sites. Treatment is manual removal of larvae or extraction after spraying the area with chloroform. Repeated sessions may be necessary. Secondary infection has to be treated with broad spectrum antibiotics like ampicillin.

Ophthalmic Myiasis

Flies of the genus Chrysomyia and Oestrus may lay their eggs in the conjuctival sac. The larvae hatch out and produce lesions resembling acute conjunctivitis with severe irritation. Rarely corneal ulceration and loss of sight may occur. Removal of the maggot after anaesthetizing the eye and application of topical antibiotic drops will relieve the condition.

Intestinal Myiasis

The larvae or pupae of Musca, Fannia, Sarcophaga and Tubifera may be passed in stools or appear in vomitus. The eggs may be laid by the flies around the lips or anus while sleeping, especially if there are foul smelling discharges around these orifices. The larvae hatch out from a few hours to two days and are swallowed to reach the upper gastrointestinal tract or they may crawl up into the rectum and large intestine. They develop in the stomach or in the intestines. Sometimes, larvae may be swallowed along with infested food stuffs. The larvae cause symptoms of gastritis or colitis which may persist from weeks to months. If reinfection does not occur, the condition is self-limiting. Treatment consists of administration of purgatives and reassurance about the self-limiting nature of the illness.

Urinary Myiasis

Larvae of Muscae, Fannia or Sarcophaga may enter the bladder, when the eggs are laid around the external genitalia and produce symptoms of lower urinary tract infection with proteinuria, pyuria and hematuria. The larvae may pass in urine. Rarely urinary system may be involved by maggots eroding their way from the gastrointestinal tract.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Support groups helping patients with Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome to share their experiences and managing the disease.

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease are diseases of the intestinal tract. These are incurable diseases and are quite immune to treatment. Quite often, this disease is associated with irritable bowel syndrome as some of the symptoms are the same. Millions worldwide suffer from this disease.

People suffering from Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease find that they are unable to perform their normal work duties resulting in heavy absenteeism from work. This results in low productivity and is a major concern for companies.

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease have common symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and nausea. Both the diseases are different in manner in which they affect the digestive tract. It is a most frustrating disease to deal with as patients find it difficult to discuss the problems with friends and close ones.

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease sufferers go into depression and anxiety. The doctors who care for these diseases advise counseling and encourage patients to join support groups. The Ulcerative Colitis support groups encourage members to discuss their problems with each other. Members also feel freer to discuss symptoms that they have. They also compare the various tests they have undergone and the treatment that is being carried out. Discussing with others having the same problem gives many patients relief and comfort. However, there are some people who resist the idea of counseling or group support because they are shy to discuss with other members about the problems they have.

There are various Crohn's disease support groups in most of the developed countries. In the US, there are currently about 50 such groups. Similarly, there are numerous organizations in Australia and New Zealand. These groups also undertake research studies for the benefit of the members.

In some countries, these support groups have well structured online forums on Crohn's disease. They also support social interaction, provide information about care of the disease and other subjects which are of general interest. Members are encouraged to actively participate and share any benefits they have derived from their individual treatment program.

Doctors and health care professionals encourage patients suffering from ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome to actively participate in these support groups. They feel by joining the support group, patients would overcome depression and anxiety that they sometimes feel. The support groups have been found to play an important role in helping patients manage the disease.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Using natural treatments for ankylosing spondylitis appeals to many who are afflicted by this condition. ankylosing spondylitis is a form of spinal arthritis that can be both painful, and debilitating to the body of the sufferer. While almost all treatment protocols within the medical community will involve physical therapy to combat the tightening of muscles and to keep the joints as mobile as possible, as well as offering pharmaceutical drugs that are aimed at taking away the inflammation. We are going to look at 5 Supplements that can help alleviate some of the discomfort of ankylosing spondylitis, as well as being to treat some of the underlying causes that may be the true issue.

1. Curcumin

Curcumin is a member of the ginger family, and is found in the indian spice turmeric. Curcumin has shown in studies to reduce inflammation and combat against the diseases of inflammation, such as ankylosing spondylitis. Curcumin is an excellent supplement to add to your regime for it's anti-inflammatory property.

2. Zinc-Carnosine

Zinc-Carnosine attack what many researches believe is the root cause of ankylosing spondylitis; leaky gut syndrome or chronic inflammation of the large and small intestine. Zinc Carnosine in many studies has been proven to help stabilize the lining and gut mucosa. Oral supplementation with zinc carnosine has been found to reduce gastric inflammation and possible injury to the lining of the digestive system. This supplement is used in natural medicine to treat ulcers.

3. N-Acetyle Glucosamine:

N-A-G supplementation can help provide the body with what it needs to repair wounded tissue in the gut. NAG can also be used as for musculoskeletal health, which makes it an even better candidate for the treatment of ankylosing sondylitis. NAG is often used to help reduce the symptoms of IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis as well as has been used as a treatment for Osteoarthrtis. Bottom line reduce inflammation in the gut, reduce the inflammatory effects of ankylosing spondylitis.

4. Deglycyrrhiziniated Licorice (DLG)

DLG has been traditionally used in Chinese and Aurvedic medicine for a long time as a treatment for intestinal inflammation. This powerful supplement. The studies suggest it helps improve blood flow to damaged areas of the digestive tract, to help remove inflammation and promote healing of the stomach

5. L-Glutamine
L-glutamine is an amino acid that is commonly used in the gym world as part of the supplementation routine of those who exercise frequently, this is because L-glutamine is the fastest absorbing amino acid that body can absorb. The body can use this to repair muscles, but it repairs damaged tissue in general, it has been researched to have a very positive impact on the stomach and digestive system. L-Glutamine is a part of many natural medicine practitioners protocols for healing the stomach

With regards to natural treatment for ankylosing spondylitis, it can be used as a side effect free way to help reduce some of the symptoms of this painful condition. Seeing as the underlying cause ankylosing spondylitis is inflammation of the digestive tract, working to reduce this inflammation treats the real cause, which will in turn help provide relief.

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Yoga is such a great exercise for everyone.

Yoga is especially good for patients with Crohn's disease and Colitis.

Yoga is great for IBS, too. Some natural practitioners use Yoga for pain reduction, tension and stress reduction. Many people benefits from relaxation techniques because our lives are so stressful. We were simply not made to be under constant stress.

Here is a sample Yoga pose for patients with Crohn's disease, colitis, IBS, celiac disease and other gastro-intestinal disorders:

Cobra position

Breathe in and, as you breathe out, try to tighten your stomach and buttock muscles and slowly raise your chest and middle torso by pressing your palms and hips into the floor.

Try lifting as far as you can without causing back pain, but the more flexible you are, the more you will be able to straighten your arms and raise your torso into full cobra.

Hold for a few breaths then slowly roll back down to the start position.

Having a natural health coach or wellness coach can be very useful for those suffering with chronic diseases. Functional medicine is a great healing method to regain your health back. Many Functional medicine practitioners recommend Yoga for Crohn's disease, colitis and other chronic problems. The key here is to get to the root/cause of the problem to health the existing condition.

Yoga can set your mind to stay calm, peaceful, forgiving and rested. That state of mind is the key for natural healing. Medications are wonderful for many cases, especially for emergency situations. But there's so much can be done with medications. No one with a conventional medical practice can cure Crohn's disease yet. so you need to become proactive with out healing process and look for alternative ways to get better.

Another Yoga pose for Crohn's and Colitis:

Standing Forward Bend

This posture is suppose to help with digestion. Most Crohn's disease patients have digestion problems. This pose can stimulate the liver and kidneys. Standing forward bend can help relieving anxiety and mild depression.

Start by standing up straight then, as you breathe out, slowly hinge forward at your hips.

Then bend over with a straight back, stretching your spine out and away from your hips as you fold forward. If you're flexible enough, place your palms flat on the floor with your legs straight. If not, try bending your arms and hold onto your elbows and relax deeper into the stretch with each exhalation. Try staying in this posture for at least 30 seconds, breathing deeply throughout.

I wish you great health!

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