目前分類:colitis (593)

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Colitis (also called ulcerative colitis) is an acute or chronic inflammation of the membrane lining the colon (your large intestine or bowels) producing sores, called ulcers, in the top layers of the lining of the large intestine. It can be identified using flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. In both of these tests, a flexible tube is inserted in the rectum, and specific areas of the colon are evaluated. Colitis may be acute (lasting only a few days) or chronic (lasting weeks or even many months) and may result in bleeding, ulceration, perforation (a hole in the colon). It is best managed when its cause has been determine and specific treatment can be applied.


Symptoms can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal bloating, increased intestinal gas, and bloody stools and can return in up to 20% of people with this disorder, thus requiring treatment with antibiotics to be repeated. Colitis can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn disease (also called Crohn's disease). The two most common symptoms are abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. About half of the people diagnosed with the disease have mild symptoms. It is not caused by emotional distress or sensitivity to certain foods or food products, but these factors may trigger symptoms in some people. The stress of living with colitis may also contribute to a worsening of symptoms. Some people have remissions, periods when the symptoms go away, that last for months or even years. Occasionally, symptoms are severe enough that a person must be hospitalized.


Treatment for colitis depends on the severity of the disease and usually starts with prescription anti-inflammatory medications, such as mesalamine (Rowasa or Canasa) and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), in order to reduce swelling. Treatment may also include taking nutritional supplements to restore normal growth and sexual development in children and teens. Therapy is directed at the underlying cause of the disease, whether it be infection, inflammation, lack of blood flow, or other causes. The aim is to control the inflammation, reduce symptoms, and replace any lost fluids and nutrients.

Treatment varies depending upon which parts of the colon are involved. Each person experiences colitis differently, so treatment is adjusted for each individual. Sometimes the doctor will recommend removing the colon if medical treatment fails or if the side effects of corticosteroids or other drugs threaten the patients health. If you are already under treatment for inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome, contact your doctor if you experience any prolonged changes or pass blood in your stools.

Also see your doctor if you have any of these conditions: Diarrhea lasting more than 3 days, Severe abdominal or rectal pain, Signs of dehydration such as dry mouth, anxiety or restlessness, excessive thirst, little or no urination, Frequent loose bowel movements during pregnancy, More than 1 other person who shared food with you who has symptoms like yours, for example abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea, Blood or mucus in your stool, Progressively looser bowel movements, Fever with diarrhea, Pain moving from the area around your belly to your right lower abdomen.

You should go to the hospital's Emergency Department for any of these reasons: Abdominal pain with fever, Severe acute attacks in people diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, Signs of dehydration in an old or very young person, Progression or appearance of new symptoms over a few hours, Blood in your stool along with fever and loose bowel movements. Your doctor will consider the possible causes of your colitis and any complications that need urgent treatment.


Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine that can be caused by many different disease processes and is generally found in younger people, before they reach age 30. Up to 2 million people in the US are estimated to have either ulcerative colitis or Crohn disease. Jewish people tend to have more incidence of of the disease than non-Jewish people. It affects men and women equally and appears to run in families, with reports of up to 20 percent of people with the disease having a family member or relative with ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease. Along with people of Jewish descent a higher incidence is also seen in Whites. People with this disease usually have abnormalities of the immune system, but doctors do not know whether these abnormalities are a cause or a result of having the disease.

Many tests are used to diagnose the disease. A colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy are the most accurate methods for making a diagnosis and ruling out other possible conditions, such as Crohns disease, diverticular disease, or cancer. Sometimes x rays using a barium enema or CT scans are also used to diagnose colitis or its complications. There's no known cure for it, but therapies are available that may dramatically reduce the signs and symptoms and even bring about a long-term remission. Your doctor will decide which tests you need based on your symptoms, medical history, and clinical findings.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Golden Seal has long been one of the most important herbs that people have used for many years to provide health benefits that are myriad. It was used by Native American Indians of the Appalachian Mountains hundreds of years ago and in the 1600's settlers to some of those states were introduced to this herb and adopted its use from the Indians.

It is a member of the buttercup family and received its name because of its golden yellow root that looked scarred like a seal's skin. Golden Seal is also called more colloquial names such as yellow root, ground raspberry and eye root. The herb is quite potent and has stood the test of time to remain as one of the most important remedies used in alternative health care.

The herb is generally known for its superb antibiotic treatment and viral suppression properties. In fact, Native Americans used it hundreds of years ago for inflammation of the mouth and eyes. Today, it is an effective antibiotic for treating sinus infections and throat problems like tonsillitis. Infections of the urinary tract and liver issues also respond well to Golden Seal. It is also very effective for colds, flu and some respiratory infections when used in combination with Echinacea.

It is not only used for its antibiotic properties but is works well in treating many types of stomach problems such as indigestion, ulcers and even colitis. Viral infections can be treated quite effectively as well. Herpes sores, mouth and gum problems as well as fever blisters respond to treatment with Golden Seal. Even an earache can be treated with the herb by mixing it with olive oil and dropping it into the ear. You also can brew a cup of the herbal tea, strain the liquid and drop it into eyes that are infected with pink for good results.

Other health issues such as ringworm, candida, and skin problems can be treated with Golden Seal. The herb is effective in balancing blood sugar levels because it is a natural insulin replacement. You can use an herbal laxative made with Golden Seal that can provide regularity. You can even use it to treat Malaria. In fact, it is preferred over the drug Quinine because it doesn't have the side affects that Quinine has.

You can find the herb in various forms such as capsules, tablets, homeopathic liquid, tea or in combination with other herbal supplements. If used by itself, Golden Seal is best used at 250 mgs. to 500 mgs. three times a day for most health condition. There are no major side effects unless you take too much of the herb. Do not take it by itself for more than two weeks because it can develop toxicity in the body if taken too long. Only people with the conditions of hypoglycaemia or high blood pressure should not use Golden Seal.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We are sharing a "glyconutrient truth" that will allow you to reclaim your health. Most who read this will probably reject, condemn, or scoff at this new reality, but that is o.k.. As a society, we have been programmed to trust the medical community and the drugs they prescribe to heal us. We seek, want, and expect an immediate relief for all of our ills and ailments, and look to doctors to fix and cure us. There is no real medical or miracle cure, except for the understanding that with the proper nutrition our body can heal itself. God designed our body to be able to heal itself. We are his children and as children we can again feel and be invincible, even if sick or hurt, provided we are given the proper diet and nutrition. To obtain the best nutrients and healing ingredients, it seems logical to acquire them directly from nature, and that is the case.

Back in the early 1980s, there was a study involving AIDs patients who responded well to a nonprescriptive natural substance from the plant Aloe Vera. On review, curious chemists studied the plant and extracted an active ingredient from the leaf of the plant Aloe Vera called Mannose, a vital member of a class of necessary sugars or glyconutrients. At the cellular level, this sugar molecule combined with proteins to form glycoproteins. It is known that glycoproteins are critical to defense, repair, healing and balance at the cellular or molecular biochemistry level. Do you remember being told to have an Aloe Vera plant in your house to treat burns? When cooking, one simply had to break off a leaf and apply the sticky gel to the burn area for relief.

Think of all the many patients, friends, or unfortunately family members with advanced AIDs, terminal cancer, refractory ulcerative colitis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and other auto-immune deficiencies who have followed their physicians' orthodox treatment and have ultimately died from the regularly prescribed prescriptive medicines. Medicines or drugs actually mask the problem, suppress symptoms, or actually interfere with biochemistry and physiology. Real healing occurs as the body tries to correct itself at the cellular level through coded instructions located in the genes. On the other hand, many who have sought alternative managed treatment are finding better responses and improved health with the healing power of these glyconutrients. If you are discontent, uncomfortable, miserable, observant and/or are able to think "outside of the box," you will come to know and accept the "truth."

There are actually 200+ simple sugars, but only 8 of the sugars combine with lipids and proteins to allow and enable our cells to communicate to fight disease and to maintain our health. Glyconutrients is a new field and is just beginning to be understood in science, nutrition and medicine. As Allan C. Somersall, ph.D., M.D. in his book, The Healing Power of 8 Sugars, glyconutrients is the wellness solution for the 21st century." In fact, there are over 100 patents and 20,000 research papers being published now in this field of science. Interestingly, many doctors have not been trained or educated in the field of nutrition or glyconutrients. Just talking the other day to a nutritionist in a health food store, he talked about how his brother, an M.D., called him to ask how he should treat his high blood pressure, because the doctor did not want to use any high blood pressure medicine on himself. Does the doctor not want to take the medicine, because he knows all drugs are poisons or have other bad side effects? Some doctors prescribe medicine, because they are supporting the pharmaceutical drug cartel. The pharmaceutical companies is BIG business. The health care system is about one seventh of our economy. Do you think they want some cheap natural "pill" or plant food supplement to disrupt this industry?

Exactly, what are the eight necessary sugars or vital monosaccarides? They are:

  • Glucose

  • Galactose

  • Fucose

  • Mannose

  • Xylose

  • N-acetylglucosamine

  • N-acetylgalactosamine

  • N-acetylneuraminic acid

Now what if there could be an inexpensive nutritional supplement including all the known necessary sugars in a single complex and that was better than any Aloe Vera extract? Drs. McDaniel and McAnalley filed a worldwide "composition of matter" patents to do just that. They know that it is diet and nutrition that will prevent and cure diseases..."food can be your medicine." Ask yourself, why are so many individuals contracting immune system diseases or why are there so many children labelled ADD or ADHD? Perhaps, it is because the commercial foods that we buy today have processed out these glyconutrients and furthermore our commercial farm fields overtime are now lacking in rich nutrients. People are not getting the essential elements and nutrients needed for health and healing. We are nutritionally deficient and overweight Our cells cannot communicate with each other to fight off viruses like the N1H1 virus, bacteria, carcinogens and toxic chemicals, because our immune systems at the cellular level are broken. To strengthen and regulate the immune system, one needs a metabolic therapy using glyconutrients to improve one's diet.

This could be your answer to an affordable healthcare plan, and even better than Obama's Health Care Plan. Americans need to shift their paradigm from treating the "sick" which economically is impossible to do to maintaining a vibrant energetic wellness. It just makes sense.

  1. Improve your health and lifestyle

  2. Improve your immune system

  3. Improve your digestive function

  4. Improve your cognitive skills

  5. Improve your memory

  6. Improve your concentration

  7. Improve your mood

  8. Lose weight

  9. And reduce stress.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The first period of the colitis attack after you have been diagnosed by your doctor will bring more frequent trips to the toilet; that is guaranteed. Now don't get alarmed, but be prepared to have well over a dozen trips to the toilet over a twenty four hour period. It could even be every hour! This will include being woken up during the night with the urge to go. Accept that you will have broken nights sleep for the next few weeks.

As colitis is a debilitating disease, you are going to feel really tired. Therefore, during the day it is essential that you catch up on lost sleep, that being either sleeping in to late in the morning or taking a sleep in the afternoon. Sleep assists the body in fighting disease and aids recuperation and this is going to be a vital component in your fight to become healthy again.

The amount of pain that you will have to bear will unfortunately get worse. This will steadily increase as the inflammation of the bowel becomes more pronounced to the point where the medication that you're prescribed starts to have an effect. One of the most effective ways of reducing the pain is to try and eliminate movement. The effect of movement on the bowel is to antagonise the inflammation which of course means a surge of bloodied stool to be emptied in the toilet. The more movement means more surges which, in turn, means more irritation due to stools passing over the inflamed part of the bowel which creates pain.

Often the most comfortable positions, or least painful, is when lying still in bed or on a sofa. By laying flat on your back, it is the most comfortable position and won't put undue pressure on your inflamed bowel as laying on your side will. This can result in visiting the toilet fewer times from adopting this position.

By trying to eliminate movement, you should forsake venturing outside. Remember, you have to accept that life is put on hold. It won't be you who decides this, it will be the colitis attack making you adhere to this if you wish the speediest possible recovery. You will have plenty of time to join the outside world when you are feeling better. In the meantime, if you are up to it, have the outside world visit you, reminding them that colitis is not infectious in any way.

It is essential to seek out and understand the proven methods of dealing with colitis symptoms in order that the period of a relapse can be endured without unnecessary suffering. The disease can be extremely debilitating and any advice of how to deal with it should be sought and used.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Colon hydrotherapy treatments are often advised to people who are experiencing chronic gastrointestinal discomforts or illnesses. Moreover, colon cleansing is much promoted as a means of enhancing overall sense of wellness and wellbeing. However, before actually having one, it is important that you consult with a healthcare professional. Sound medical advice and diagnosis are very important especially in this kind of treatment.

Although colon hydrotherapy is said to help prevent various diseases, especially ones the ones that are related to the digestive tract, it is always emphasized that such treatment is a preventive measure. Meaning, serious conditions may be avoided by proper administration of the colonics, or any form of cleansing regimen for that matter.

Also, it should not be neglected that colonic irrigation is only advised to be performed in cases that the colon is indeed experiencing blockage due to accumulated waste products. Such treatments are typically advised to be performed by a trained and experienced colon hydrotherpists to avoid unnecessary and undesirable side effects. On top of that, one must always check the sanitation standards of a colonic spa or clinic. Unsanitary administration and unsterilized or non-disposable tools such as the speculum or tubing can lead to disease contamination. Thus, it is important to go to clinics and spas that are known to observe proper sanitation routines.

Most colonic machines and home colonic kits are cleared by the FDA. However, there are some companies that release their products in the market without clearance from the FDA. Thus, people who are advocates of, as well as those who are greatly considering colonic treatments should be wary of such products. Research about the machine or kit must be done before purchasing any. The same goes to the colonic clinics and spas that you are planning to go to for your colonic treatments.

One very tempting benefit of colon hydrotherapy is that it promotes weightloss. However, the procedure must not- should not be treated as a weightloss program. Immediate weightloss can be achieved through colon hydrotherapy when the colon indeed contains several pounds of accumulated toxic wastes. Overuse of colonics can often lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, or overhydration which can lead to cardiac arrest.

Such circumstances are exactly why colonic irrigation is not advisable to be performed on individuals that have heart diseases, and other medical conditions including appendicitis, severe hemorrhoids and anemia, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, intestinal tumors, and several other diseases.

To sum it all up, colon hydrotherapy treatment is immensely beneficial if only done appropriately. Thus, it is strongly advised that the procedure is administered by trained and experienced therapists. Also, diagnosis and advice from healthcare professionals are essential in this type of treatment.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Crohn's Disease and Colitis are manageable diseases. When sufferers have the correct information, they can manage their condition. Patients with these diseases should always keep up to date about the latest research and developments.

10 Things You Need To Know

1. Patients can control uncomfortable symptoms.

When people have Crohn's Disease and Colitis but have not sought help, they can suffer needlessly from several symptoms such as diarrhea and stomach pain. When they receive a diagnosis, sufferers can seek out the proper care and soon they will learn to control their symptoms.

2. Sufferers should never ignore symptoms.

When symptoms are left untreated, they can cause serious complications. If sufferers ignore the signs, symptoms continue to intensify and the longer the situation continues, the worse the damage. Complications can result in numerous areas of the body. Serious effects can include malnutrition, bone fractures, arthritis, kidney stones, and other adverse conditions. Even organ damage can result from ignoring symptoms.

3. People live a normal life span.

Men can live for 78 years and women live for 79 years - a normal life span. Crohn's Disease and Colitis are not terminal illnesses. Though the true culprit in lifespan goes unaccounted as these are commonly know as the complications such a bowel cancer which can be terminal.

4. Sufferers can resume a normal life.

Life does not end with the diagnosis of these conditions. Crohn's Disease and Colitis sufferers can lead a normal lifestyle. When people are diagnosed and receive treatment, they can learn to manage or even heal their disease. They can begin to enjoy life again - to the fullest.

5. Crohn's Disease and Colitis are slightly different conditions.

Usually, Colitis is confined to the colon, but Crohn's Disease could be present anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract.

6. The Western Diet will play havoc with Crohn's Disease and Colitis.

It is not surprising that patients do not feel well on the Western diet. The average North American diet has plenty of sugars, fats, chemical additives, and processed foods.

7. Vitamin A might help these conditions.

Researchers are working to see if there is a link between Vitamin A and improvements in patients' conditions. The research findings have not been released at this point.

8. People have found relief from symptoms with a water fast and a regular raw food diet.

Many patients claim that they have found a way to control (and even eliminate their symptoms). Several patients have had success by participating in a water fast and changing to a diet of fruits (including fatty fruit such as avocado) and vegetables. Patients can also eat small servings of nuts and seeds.

9. Check with your doctor or naturopath.

Sufferers should not try water fasts or extreme changes to their diet - unless they have checked with their doctor or naturopath. A fruit and vegetable diet is a healthy choice. Yet people cannot make drastic changes to their diet or put their body under extra duress without getting a medical opinion.

A raw food diet and reasonable fast may not cause any problems for most people. Yet sometimes individuals have multiple conditions. When it comes to one's health, people must exercise caution.

10. There is no cure for Crohn's Disease and Colitis.

These conditions are 'chronic' conditions. Although there is no cure, both conditions can be managed or even healed and people can live healthy, active lives. Diagnosis is the first step to regaining your health. Modern health techniques are well-equipped to help sufferers to control or heal their conditions. Once you know more about your condition, you can combat and win against Crohn's Disease and Colitis.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) has helped thousands of people recover from bowel problems, including Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Celiac Disease. But will it cure your Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Cell science researcher, Elaine Gottschall MSc, popularized the SCD in her book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle. Gottschall learned about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet in a successful attempt to cure colitis in her 8-year-old daughter. Then she did the science to figure out why it worked.

The SCD is a way of eating that is gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, and almost completely dairy-free-only lactose-free dairy products are allowed. It is designed to heal and prevent bowel problems when there has been damage to the intestinal wall.

Does this apply to you if you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Probably not. Lots of people with IBS don't need to eat gluten-free and do well on a diet that includes white rice, oatmeal, and crackers and bread made from white flour. On the gluten-free, wheat-free Specific Carbohydrate Diet, these foods are big no-no's.

Secondly, there's no bowel damage in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. There is inflammation and damage in conditions like Celiac, Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis but not with IBS, so there's no need to heal the bowel.

So, what's the story? Why do some people with IBS thrive on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and not others?

One answer comes from James Braly MD and Ron Hoggan MA, authors of Dangerous Grains. According to them, as many as one out of three people is grain-sensitive and will react to gluten, wheat and all grain products, even when they don't show reactions on a conventional allergy test. Fortunately, that means the majority of us-two out of three-are okay with grains.

Among people with IBS, you could be in either group, the one-out-of-three or the two-out-of-three, which is why some IBS folks are fine with grains and flour products and some aren't.

But how can you tell?

Braly and Hoggan recommend a blood test they describe in detail in their book, and believe this is more accurate than allergy scratch tests or challenge tests. There are also services in most cities that test for reactions to grains by computer or with applied kinesiology.

Probably the least expensive way to get a sense of whether or not you react to grains is to look at your blood relatives and their health patterns. Do your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, or siblings have Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac, chronic diarrhea or constipation, food allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, brain disorders, intestinal disease, chronic pain, digestive disorders, infertility & problematic pregnancies, diabetes mellitus, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, kidney disease, or lupus?

According to Braly and Hoggan, when your family members have any or several of these conditions, they can be a sign of the inability to digest grains even if there are no obvious bowel problems. (Many more diseases and chronic conditions are listed in their book which details over 100 health problems that are linked to grains.)

So will the Specific Carbohydrate Diet cure your IBS? It depends on what is stressing your digestion in the first place. If it's largely a grain- or mould-related stress, then the SCD could be your best friend. But if your IBS is more typically caused by stored trauma and you have no markers of grain-sensitivity, then you need a treatment that goes beyond food. For more information, see the article on this site called: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Breakthrough in Brain Research Helps You Heal IBS.

穢 Results in Healing Inc.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A colon ulcer is a sore that appears inside the lining of a person's colon. Often people who have a colon ulcer will suffer from bleeding and infection and as a result of this inflammation the cells within the colon begin to deteriorate. Unfortunately a colon ulcer may be the first signs of a much more serious condition known as Ulcerative Colitis or Colon Cancer or even Crohn's Disease (an inflammatory bowel disease).

So if you have at some time suffered from at least one colon ulcer and are now starting to experience unusually severe abdominal pain, constant fevers, loss of weight, loss of appetite and fatigue then it would be wise to make an appointment to see your doctor. Although these are common symptoms of a colon ulcer they could also lead to the diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis. As yet it can not be proven what actually causes this condition, but doctors have certainly found that the immune system is affected. For many people suffering from colon ulcers they can be treated with drugs which puts the condition into remission or for the more severe cases then surgery may be the best course of action.

A very small percentage of people who are diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis are at risk of developing colon cancer in the future even if pre-cancerous cell are not found that the time of them being tested for a possible colon ulcer. Also it will depend on how severe the damage is to your colon and the more severe the damage then the chances of developing colon cancer is increased. However, a doctor can carry out a colonoscopy which can determine at any time if you have any pre-cancerous cells present in your colon. So the earlier that this cancer can be diagnosed then it will make it easier for it to be treated effectively.

Now we are going to look at Crohn's Disease which is an inflammation of the bowel and is very much like Ulcerative Colitis but can cause a lifetime of discomfort and complications to the person affected. As yet there has been no definitive evidence as to what causes this disease, but in most cases where people have been diagnosed with this disease it has been found that someone in the family also suffers from an inflammatory bowel disease as well. Yet again this form of disease can be treated with either drug therapy, surgery or them having a more restrictive diet.

So for anyone who is diagnosed with a colon ulcer it is advisable that they get a thorough examination carried out by their doctor in order to check to make sure that there aren't any more serious conditions involved. Also by diagnosing the condition of a colon ulcer earlier on then you will find that recovery from such an ulcer will be much easier.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Nutrition plays an important role while trying to treat ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease. By eating the right food and in the right quantities, one can take stock of condition and avoid the situation from getting out of control.

Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis also called inflammatory bowel disease or IBD can have certain adverse effects on your diet and nutrition. The common food related problems faced in IBD are inability to digest and absorb food eaten and the medicines taken by you may result in inability to eat. In order to combat this irritable bowel syndrome and improve your food intake, you may need to include more minerals and vitamins in your diet. However, the nutritional recommendations for both these diseases vary and also depend on each individual patient. It becomes necessary to discuss your case with the doctor to get the right nutrition guide.

There is no specific diet recommended for IBD. Information available only talks about restricting and controlling your food intake and trying to get a balanced, wholesome and nutritious diet. This helps in proper functioning of the digestive system and enhances your overall health. Since ulcerative colitis causes inflammation of the colon and large intestine often resulting in bloody diarrhoea, usually a low residue diet is suggested to ease you of abdominal pain and diarrhoea. Try to reduce your intake of concentrated sweets such as candy and juices as this pulls water into the intestine which may lead to watery stools. It is advisable to cut down on alcohol consumption. Since omega-3 fatty acids have an anti inflammatory effect, including more of this in your diet can be beneficial. Ulcerative colitis patients benefit from taking smaller meals at more frequent intervals. This not only gives relief to irritable bowel syndrome but also give you better nutrition in day. In acute cases where it is difficult to consume solid foods and in case of poor appetite, certain nutritional supplements are normally proposed.

In case of Crohn's Disease, since it results in strictures and fistulas, it is vital to avoid seeds, nuts, kernels etc. In order to avoid diarrhoea which is common in Crohn's Disease, it is better to reduce your intake of fresh fruits, prunes, beverages containing caffeine and vegetables that increases your stool output. Instead intake of cold foods may help in reducing diarrhoea. For those who are lactose intolerant, it is important to follow a lactose free diet as it can bring some relief to irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhoea and also reduce flatulence, bloating and cramping. Follow a low fat diet if your stools are oily or smell terrible. Eat smaller meals at frequent intervals and take supplementary nutrients if required.

By knowing what to include in your diet and what to avoid, you can considerably improve your lifestyle and condition while suffering from ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease. This also helps in easing you from irritable bowel syndrome and help in keeping the other symptoms under check.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Let us start with the basics first. What is ulcerative colitis? It is a condition of the bowel that
causes sores and inflammations within the colon lining, called ulcers. You may also find these
ulcers in the rectum, and they bleed. This condition causes chronic diarrhea in some.

Before you can find out what's wrong with your digestive tract and to figure out if you've just
eaten something bad, or are not eating correctly, several things you need consider. An ulcer is
something that doesn't go away, so if you have occasional bouts of diarrhea or problems like
constipation, pain, bloating or swelling, go see your doctor, but don't automatically assume that
you have an ulcer. Some of the more common symptoms of an ulcerative ulcer are:

  • Fatigue

  • Anemia

  • Rectal bleeding

  • Skin lesions

  • Loss of appetite

These are only a few symptoms of an ulcerative ulcer, so if this condition concerns you, visit
your doctor sooner rather than later. Inflammation in the bowel, also known as IBD, or
inflammatory bowel disease, which is a blanket name given to a few conditions that strike the
large and small intestines. Because so many of the symptoms are similar to other conditions, your
doctor may take some time to decide on a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. It is especially similar to
Crohn's disease, which causes inflammation in deep tissues of the intestinal wall as well at to the
stomach, esophagus and mouth.

Ulcerative colitis can strike people of any age, though symptoms usually start to present in those
between 15 and 30 years old. It is rare for someone between 50 and 70 years old to develop
suddenly an ulcerative ulcer, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Both men and women can
be affected and it does run in families, so watch for genetics. More Caucasian people suffer from
the disease than other ethnic groups, which may be good news or bad news, depending on which
group you belong to.

Most often, people suffering from ulcerative colitis experience bloody diarrhea and abdominal
pain. Any time you see blood in the stools is a time to go see your doctor, even though you may
not have any accompanying symptoms. For about half the people diagnosed with ulcerative
colitis, the condition does not come with severe symptoms. The other half, however, experience
nausea, abdominal cramping and bloody diarrhea, as well as fevers and other issues.

If left untreated, ulcerative colitis may lead to arthritis as well as liver disease and inflammations
in the eye, though doctors and researchers do not yet know the reasons behind such factors. Most
people believe that early inflammation within the colon can also affect the entire immune system.
It is important to see your doctor whenever you have a condition that does not go away within a
few days. Don't take chances with your health. Your doctor can treat ulcerative colitis, and the
sooner you seek such treatment, the better you will feel.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The disease known as colitis refers to the inflammation of the lining of the
large intestine. The Colitis may be an acute or chronic membrane inflammation.
Individuals with colitis may experience stomach pains, diarrhea, and other
abdominal disturbances. To understand colitis, one must be know what the colon is all about. The colon is the part of the large intestine extending from the
cecum to the rectum. The colon is largely responsible for maintaining water
balance in the intestine. Another function of the colon is the absorption of
some vitamins such as vitamin K.

When a colon is healthy, stools have enough liquidity to be soft
and pass on the intestines. When the liquidity reaches a high level,
dehydration may occur. A injury on the colon, or instances that necessitate
the removal of the colon, would mean that stools would have have high liquidity
or would be so watery.

In individuals who have colitis, the colon will appear read and swollen when
viewed through a scope exam. The stomach pain is partly caused by the frequent
ejection of stool or diarrhea since the colon cannot absorb water. The result
brought about by the malfunctioning colon may result into the damages on the
lining of the large intestine. With this damage, the release of surface cells
occur with the passage of stools with blood and mucus. The kind of white blood
cells that are in the lining of the intestine determines some reasons of the
inflammation in the intestine itself. An examination of the stool may reveal
the presence of white blood cells. The very fact of the presence of white
blood cells indicate an infection somewhere in the body.

There are some natural remedies that may help in the reduction of inflammation
associated with some forms of colitis, particularly ulcerative colitis.
Colloidal Silver, and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil and flaxseed, are available in
pill form or as enemas.

To reduce the risk of contracting colitis, a balanced diet that focuses on
fiber and protein are important. Protein is especially important since
adequate amounts of protein affects healing and reduces the possibility of
muscle loss. (Note that the intestine if a kind of muscle.) Fiber is broken
down in the colon into short chain fatty acids. The colon uses these short
chain fatty acids as an energy source. Adequate fluid intake also helps in
reducing the risk of contracting the disease.

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Hemorrhoids are soft tissues that act as supporting vestments for a stool during defecation. They can get swollen when irritated and cause major discomfort in the anal area. If you've never had Hemorrhoids yet, but think you have it now, here are some things you need to consider before trying to jump into conclusions.

Some people have hemorrhoids on a regular basis, they always suffer the same pain, discomfort, itchiness and bleeding over and over. Hemorrhoids can appear and disappear all by itself, but come think of it, why do hemorrhoids swell at the first place? Researchers around the world found a direct relation between the amount of a person's fiber and fluid intake, exercise, strenuous activities and hemorrhoids; though, the exact pathophysiology for hemorrhoids is still unknown.

If it's your first time to experience hemorrhoids like symptoms, don't fret, do further research about the ailment instead. If you are uncertain of what really is happening to your behind, I would recommend finding a physician's attention. Hemorrhoids is not the worst case scenario of diseases, but if you mistake another ano-rectal disease, like colon cancer or colitis with hemorrhoids, that's a different, more gruesome story.

Fighting hemorrhoids is just as easy as fighting and hopefully defeating common colds; that is, if you know what to do, of course. In this write up, as you can see in the title, I'm going to teach you how to get rid of hemorrhoids for good; especially to those who are new in this kind of game.

Eat Your Way out of it

Hemorrhoids are found at the finish line of your Gastro Intestinal Tract, most likely, something along the way, might have happened, which got worst at the finish line. In a real life race tract, a busted tire or engine trouble; it could also be a sabotage which was planted before the race has started.

I like the sound of "sabotage" better; it's a little more of a Sherlock Holmes case to me. Going back to hemorrhoids, this sabotage could be something with the food you eat; you could be sabotaging yourself in to getting hemorrhoids. If you are one of those who have been having hemorrhoids often, you may want to think now. What do you eat?

Hemorrhoids are caused by many factors; one of those is strenuous defecation. How do we get rid of this? Here are a few doable home remedies for hemorrhoids.

Fiber - Eating at least 20 grams of fibrous diet would help your GI tract digest food a lot better, get rid of toxins and make softer but stable stools. Rich in fiber foods are brown rice, whole wheat (you can also try whole wheat breads and cereals), leafy vegetables and fruits.

Water - proper hydration hastens gastrointestinal activities, the more water your body has, the softer your stool is. Your intestinal walls are also going to get healthier because of they get properly hydrated and moisturized, which means lesser possibilities of frictional damage.

Do the Muscle

Having at least 30 minutes of work out a day keeps your body active and muscular coordination better. There are two types of muscles in the body, the skeletal muscles, which are the usual muscles we see on TV, and the smooth muscles, which are a bit more disgusting than the skeletal muscles and only activate when your body is at rest. Making your skeletal muscle's tone healthy also affects the healthiness of the smooth muscles when you rest.

That was most likely like a "one-two step" treatment to hemorrhoids, it does not take a genius to understand what it means, and all we just need to do is eat, workout and just a few strands of self-discipline. If a beginner can do it, you surely can.

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The genus Clostridium is a group of anaerobic bacteria (they can thrive in conditions where oxygen is not present) which have been linked to several important diseases in dogs. Two of the most common clostridial infections in dogs are caused by Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium difficile.

Some healthy dogs have been found to harbor C. difficile in their gastrointestinal tract without suffering any infection. However antibiotic treatment can create a favorable environment for this bacterium to increase in number and cause a condition called pseudomembranous colitis, a serious local infection affecting the colon.

Clostridium perfringens is also considered a normal bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract. However when conditions are favorable for their multiplication and colonization, the infectious agent can cause Clostridial enterotoxicosis, an abnormal condition of the intestinal tract which is manifested by diarrhea and abdominal pain. Vomiting and fever may also be present. There are certain types of Clostridium perfringens that produce toxins and have been linked to food poisoning in dogs. These are bacteria which are acquired when dogs eat poorly cooked meat or poultry.

Most dogs suffering from food poisoning often recover from the gastrointestinal symptoms after a day or two without any serious complications. However, there are those that develop into clostridial necrotizing enteritis, an infection which may be fatal for dogs.

There are several predisposing factors that may pave the way for proliferation and colonization of Clostridium perfringens which includes a sudden change in diet, deficient antibodies, high intestinal pH, exposure to sick dogs in a kennel or hospital, and concurrent conditions affecting the digestive system such as gastroenteritis, parvovirus, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Diagnosis of Clostridial infections in dogs is based on a complete history and thorough physical exam. Your veterinarian may also recommend specific diagnostic tests such as complete blood count, urinalysis, and biochemical blood profile. Microscopic analysis of a fecal sample is also indicated. An endoscope can be used to get a clear view of the condition of the dog's intestines and also to get tissue samples for further examination and bacterial culture.

The latest state of the art diagnostic tool for Clostridium perfringens infection is an immunologic test which can identify the presence of the bacterial toxin in the fecal sample. The test is made more accurate when combined with the PCR testing to detect the Clostridial gene which has been linked to enterotoxin production.

Clostridium infection in dogs can be treated with a round of antibiotics which can be given orally for several weeks. Some of the most common antibiotics of choice include metronidazole, ampicillin, tylosin, amoxicillin, and tylosin.

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Crohn's disease is a chronic disease which cannot be cured. It can be healed only. Even today, there is no effective and promising treatment or cure. However, there are diverse symptoms to indicate its occurrence in the body.

This disease exhibits symptoms that interferes the work and personal life of patients. It may disturb the quality of life too. It can bring biological disturbance in the liver, thrush in the mouth, lesions in the eyes and arthritis that effect as causing pains at large joints.

For medications to treat the disease can end up causing some other problems or side effects in the body. Several treatments have been invented to heal but till date there is no full-fledge treatment to cure it.

Acupuncture is one of the traditional treatments popularly known to heal Crohn's disease. Acupuncture can heal this disease but cannot cure it fully. Acupuncture is originated from China. It has many traditional therapies employed to cure most illnesses and Crohn's disease is one of them.

Acupuncture works through the nervous system and energy channels of the body. It is a therapy in which painless needles are injected in different parts of the body to stimulate brain cells. Theses needles work for the brain to release endorphins and encephalon's, which are natural pain killers to boost the immune system of the body. It also rejuvenates to calm the nervous system. It is considered that acupuncture is the best way to heal psycho-physiological health problems.

Acupuncture is one of the popular treatments as it does not have any side effects on the human body. Even though, there is no evidence, which can support the use of acupuncture for treatment Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome.

The therapies recommended for acupuncture are generally directed as gastrointestinal sensory, gastrointestinal motor, or central nervous system processing. Though, the efficiency and performance of these therapies vary on diversity of symptoms. It is difficult to analyze the results of these therapies on basis of short- term studies. Due to limited options of these therapies, people are inclined to use other alternative therapies for curing Crohn's disease.

Acupuncture is widely accepted by western countries for curing certain gastrointestinal disorders and bowel infections. However, on estimating randomly, the trails of acupuncture used for treating irritable bowel syndrome are, some trials shown no clear evidence in support of acupuncture as an effective treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. So it is concluded that combination of acupuncture and Crohn's disease needs further investigation for successful implementation.

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For you or someone you care for, ulcerative colitis can be a frustrating disease to deal with. You may be interested in an ulcerative colitis support group. Sometimes it is helpful just to know that you are not alone and that there are other people who care. For ulcerative colitis sufferers, discussing symptoms, tests and treatment options may cause embarrassment. But an ulcerative colitis support group is made up of people who have had the same or similar experiences.

Chronic disease can lead to depression and/or anxiety. Many doctors who care for ulcerative colitis patients advise counseling and/or an ulcerative colitis support group. If your physician or your family member's physician does not have information concerning support, you can find it on the web. Some people resist the idea of counseling or an ulcerative colitis support group, but both can be very helpful. Even just chatting with others who care for ulcerative colitis patients can be helpful. And, if you have had the disease for some time, you may be able to offer insight to those who are newly diagnosed. The following are just a few of the many programs you may find interesting and helpful.

The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) is a non-profit organization that provides education about care for ulcerative colitis, funds research studies, holds an ulcerative colitis support group for patients and their families and sponsors activities for members. The CCFA currently has over 50,000 members and 40 chapters nationwide. At their website, you can learn more about the disease and connect with a local ulcerative colitis support group or learn about current research, options for medications and care for ulcerative colitis. The website address is http://www.ccfa.org.

If you live in New Zealand, there is the Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Support Group (CCSG). The CCSG provides advice, information and educational material about care for ulcerative colitis. It is the largest group in New Zealand. They offer newsletters, a specialist library and a community contact service among other things. There website address is http://www.ccsg.org.nz.

There is the Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Support Group Australia, which offers members a forum for on-line discussion, games, recipes, information about care for ulcerative colitis and a support site for those who have had surgery or will need surgery. It is a very nice site and has live chat. That website address is http://pub15.ezboard.com.

Most healthcare professionals believe that support groups are important for anyone who suffers from any chronic disease, as well as their family members. Finding an ulcerative colitis support group could decrease the likelihood that you will become depressed and may decrease anxiety. While anxiety is not believed to cause the disease, it is believed to aggravate symptoms. It also may be helpful to learn about different treatment options and methods of care for ulcerative colitis patients.

For more information about ulcerative colitis and other digestive disorders, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.

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There, I said it - the big C word. No one wants to hear it. You may have a family member who has it, be a survivor yourself, or know someone who has died from it.

Since I have PBC (primary biliary cirrhosis) I am concerned about liver cancer. I have blood tests every so many months to keep an eye on my liver enzyme levels. There is a high incidence of liver cancer resulting from individuals who have had liver cirrhosis.

You may have been curious how doctors can tell what stage of cancer a person has.

Alpha-fetoprotein or AFP is a type of tumor marker which is used to diagnose cancer. These markers are used to determine which stage of cancer a patient has. Tumor markers are substances (mostly proteins) that are produced by the body or by the tumor itself in response to cancer.

A high reading of certain proteins in a urine or blood sample may indicate a more aggressive cancer. Usually, the higher the resulting number of the marker, the higher the stage of cancer.

Where symptoms suggest cancer in a patient, urine and blood samples are taken and submitted to a laboratory to be tested for cancer tumor marker levels.

The results assist the physician in determining if a patient has cancer. They can also help diagnose the type of cancer the patient has.

Cancer markers also are useful in determining the prognosis for the patient. They are also used to check to see if cancer has returned after remission.

A biopsy is taken once a diagnosis of cancer has been made, and again tumor markers can help to determine the amount of cancer that is present in the patient's body.

Advanced cancer is indicated by higher tumor marker levels and the prognosis is less positive.

With the help of cancer markers, a doctor can then determine the best treatment for the patient.

Types of Cancer Markers

Some of the most common cancer markers (AFP) are used for diagnosing the following cancers:

  • Liver

  • Ovarian

  • Breast

  • Gastrointestinal

  • Pancreatic

  • Lung

  • Colon

  • Prostate

Cancer research is ongoing in hopes to discover tumor markers for other types of cancers.

Not just one tumor marker is used for all cancers, and not all cancers have tumor markers that work specifically for their diagnosis and treatment.

Once cancer treatment has been started by a patient, they will need to have further testing with tumor markers to see if their particular treatment is working.

If the tumor marker level declines, it usually is an indication that the current treatment is working.

If the level increases or stays the same, the physician may try a different form of treatment.

It is important that a certain amount of time has passed between cancer marker testing to give the treatment a chance to work on the tumor.

Drawbacks of Cancer Markers

There are only a few cancer markers that are able to find cancer in the early stages. In fact, there are certain noncancerous diseases which may contribute to a high tumor marker level.

On occasion, cancer marker levels may not be elevated in a person who really has cancer. It is important that all tests are taken into consideration, including a complete physical examination, history of the patient, other laboratory tests and scans.

Another drawback of testing with markers is that sometimes you get a false positive. There are a few factors that might contribute to an inaccurate lab test. Certain medications can alter the results of blood and urine tests, including Vitamin C, Naproxen Sodium or Tylenol. Some antibiotics can also affect the tests.

False positives rates for cancer marker tests are usually 5 per cent. For other false positives or false negatives and their causes go to this link.

Personally, I have lost a boss to cancer from smoking. It was not lung, but nose cancer. He was way too young to die, and was a very kind man. He was a chain smoker.

I am glad that research continues on these types of markers to help in detecting cancer cells early on so a person has a better chance of surviving.

If you have peculiar symptoms, breast changes, weight loss, unusual bleeding, unexplained fatigue, gnawing pain, indigestion, changes in lymph nodes, depression, or persistent cough or sore that will not heal, go to see your doctor. It is better to be tested early rather than wait until it is too late to treat it.

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Far removed from prominent view, exists an age old substance in nature, known as "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay." There are only a limited number of "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" deposits around the world. The first site was discovered in Montmorillon, France in the 1800's, hence the name, Montmorillonite. For centuries Native American healers used it internally and externally in the treatment of a variety of illnesses. In years past sailing vessels departing from France were known to store clay on board for the treatment of dysentery as well as other ailments. Animals, domestic and wild alike, instinctually drawn to clay deposits have been observed licking the clay as part of their everyday diet, and rolling in it to obtain relief from injuries.

A recognized detoxifying agent, nutrient and bactericidal "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" is in the smectite group of clays. Only those clays within the smectite group have the ability to absorb. Its power as a detoxifying substance comes from its inherent ability to adsorb and absorb. Its unique ability to grow and change (adsorb) is the reason for its classification and recognition as a "Living Clay". While there is more than one Montmorillonite, the red "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" of the smectite group remains a favorite for human use. Clay, which has been hydro-thermally altered and seasoned in the arid desert is rich in content. The color of clay is determined by the mixture and ratio of elements contained within it. Hydro-thermal exposures over long periods of time affect the clay in two important aspects; it becomes negatively charged and crystallized. As a result of the crystallization process the clay is reduced into small particles that make it easy for the body to assimilate. The negative charges on the clay give it the ability to adsorb or attract positively charged toxic matter, which is then absorbed into the clay and dispelled from the body as waste.
In addition to the role it plays as a potent detoxifier, "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" has also been used extensively in the treatment of pain, open wounds, colitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, intestinal problems, acne, anemia, and a variety of other health issues.

"Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" is reported to contain no less than 67 minerals. This impressive assortment of minerals includes calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica as well as trace elements, those appearing in very tiny amounts. The mineral content being extremely high sets the stage for replenishing dietary deficiencies. Today more than ever before, diets are lacking essential trace minerals and micronutrients. Without the basic minerals, life cannot exist; without trace minerals, major deficiencies may develop. Lack of either will make it impossible for the body to maintain good health and function properly. In clay the minerals occur in natural proportion to one another encouraging their absorption in the intestinal tract. Natural "Calcium Montmorillonite" restores minerals in the tissues where they are needed. Furthermore, minerals are the carriers of the electrical potential in the cells which enable the hormones, vitamins, and enzymes to function properly.

As mentioned above "Living Clay" is known to have been used historically as an effective antibacterial in the treatment of dysentery, and as a means of decontaminating water. Presently it is being used internationally to clarify and balance small and large bodies of water. This is so because "Living Clay" particles are smaller than many bacteria; when bacteria encounter an environment abundant in clay it becomes surrounded by the clay, and imbedded in it. The immediate result is that the bacteria are unable to receive nourishment and cannot survive.
The dominant approach in health care today is from the viewpoint that considers the notion of parts. The diagnosis of illness is often arrived at by looking for a specific disease by relying on symptoms surfacing in an apparently localized part or parts of the body. Once identified a specific medication for a specific problem is applied. Only recently has medical science begun once again, to explore the idea that health problems surface as a result of disease in the whole system, not just one or more of the parts. The immune system intimately affects each organ on a fundamental level, which spans the boundaries of all the body's vital functions. This is critical to understanding the cause of chronic and degenerative disease. The body's vital systems are dependent on each other. The presence of disease in any system impacts all systems. A lifestyle without substantial nutrition, sufficient rest, a proper balance of stress, and numerous other factors can weaken the immune system. Malfunction of the immune system leads to infectious disease. It is unrealistic to treat parts, and expect a whole result.

Because of its inherent healing properties, clay has long been recognized as a subject worthy of study. It is included as such, in many educational institutions today, which teach pharmacology, herbology, and nutrition. "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" is currently being utilized in hospitals outside of the United States where it has already proven its effectiveness. In recent years clay has become a topic of discussion in numerous publications. Recently more information has become available outlining the important role "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" can play in the recovery and maintenance of health. It has also been receiving significant recognition by the health care community, as a proven and much overlooked natural alternative remedy in the prevention and cure of disease.

Recent exposure has spurred the interest of people around the world, prompting them to seek out reliable high quality resources for clay. This well deserved notoriety is serving to educate the public about this natural healing agent, as a true "Miracle of Life".

While "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" is a powerful nutrient and detoxifier it is important to recognize that it is a part of a total health care system. Healing benefits may result from internal and/or external clay applications. The clay may be ingested, applied as a poultice, and/or used in a bath. An appropriate lifestyle and the proper guidance of a health care practitioner are essential to one's well being. Determining the most beneficial and appropriate application of "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" is best discussed with someone familiar with its properties.

Natural medicines serve as catalysts triggering our bodies built in healing mechanisms as they work to restore health. I was prompted to write this article because of my personal experience with the far reaching healing powers of natural "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay". My hope is that the information provided here will encourage others to consult with their respective health practitioners, in considering its use as a part of their daily health regime.
I wish you one and all a lifetime of good health.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In addition to being a tasty and nutritious
food, grapes can provide wonderful therapeutic
benefits. Grapes are rich in phosphorous, potassium,
and vitamin A. Grapes contain polyphenol,
a heart-protective chemical.

Grape seed extract, a currently popular herbal
treatment thought to improve vision by increasing
blood flow in the eye's capillaries, is touted by
alternative medicine practitioners as a treatment
for macular degeneration and cataracts.

Cayce's Grape Therapy

Concord grape juice was suggested by Cayce as a dietary
supplement to aid in reducing weight in cases of obesity. Grape
monodieting was also sometimes recommended for internal

Edgar Cayce sometimes prescribed grape therapy for abdominal
discomfort associated with bowel disease (see companion article).
In such cases, Cayce often recommended that Concord variety
grapes be eaten, drunk as juice, and used in abdominal poultices.
Although he never prescribed grape seed extract, he insisted
that the grapes contain the seed. He said the action of the
tartaric acid in the seed is desirable.

The regimen for grape therapy in colitis varies depending
upon the condition of the individual. Including quantities of
grapes and grape juice in the diet is encouraged. The grape poultice
should be used at least once each week. For acute conditions,
the poultice may be used almost continuously until relief is
achieved. Here are some tips for making the grape poultice:

  • Use Concord variety grapes with seeds.

  • Crush the grapes and use the hull and pulp.

  • Place about 1 to 1 1/2 inches of grape hull and pulp between
    layers of gauze.

  • Use the poultice over the whole abdomen from the stomach
    to the caecum.

  • Leave the poultice on until it is dry and warm.

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Epstein Barr virus infection is usually short lived, lastly only a few weeks in most people. However in some people it can become chronic, lasting for weeks, months or even years.

Symptoms of chronic Epstein Barr virus can include ongoing fatigue, muscle pain, brain fog, dizziness, and in some people recurrent sore throats and swollen glands. When the relapsing fatigue lingers for more than 6 months, some doctors reclassify the condition as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS.

The true definition of CFS is "unexplained relapsing fatigue for six months or more which is accompanied by at least four of the following symptoms: recurrent sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches or pains, headaches of a new pattern or intensity, unrefreshing sleep, poor concentration or short term memory and post-exercise tiredness that lasts more than a day".

Other conditions that can mimic the symptoms of CFS also need to be ruled out. These conditions include anemia, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, auto immune disease, hypothyroidism, chronic bacterial infections and gastrointestinal problems like Crohn's disease, colitis or celiac disease.

If your doctor has reclassified your chronic Epstein Barr virus as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, then you need to make sure your doctor is up to date with the latest information on this illness. Treatment for CFS is along the same lines as that for chronic Epstein Barr Virus. Focus should be on boosting immunity, repairing the adrenals, cleansing the liver, starting a gradual exercise program and managing stress. An understanding doctor who can offer emotional support is also essential. Understanding and love from family and friends can go a long way in helping you through chronic illness. If you do not have this type of help then you can access the many CFS and EBV forums available or even use the social networking sites like Facebook to connect with others with the same condition.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For managing ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease over an extended period of time, it is important to look at self healing remedies that will help keep these diseases under control.

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease are both disorders that fall under the irritable bowel syndrome. Both these diseases are caused due to an inflammation in the colon and this can cause a lot of suffering to the patient. While allopathic medicines help in treating the inflammation, for a long-term management of these diseases, an individual needs to make lifestyle and dietary changes that will help in the healing process. Here is a look at a few remedies that can promote self healing of these disorders.

Homeopathy - Since long-term treatment with steroids for ulcerative colitis is not a practical solution for an individual's health, the use of homeopathy is a popular choice as it helps in tapering off the steroids. Several patients have experienced remission up to 75% after using homeopathic medicines for treating irritable bowel syndrome.

Herbal remedies - Several herbs have been found to be successful in the treatment and management of colitis and crohn's disease. Boswellia, which is part of a bark of a tree that is found in India, has an active ingredient in its resin that reduces inflammation. Other natural remedies include flaxseed, calendula, green tea, fenugreek, slippery elm and aloe Vera.

Naturopathy - This system of alternative medicine helps in the management of irritable bowel syndrome by promoting self healing through the use of several techniques including diet, lifestyle changes, homeopathy, acupuncture, yoga and meditation techniques. The focus is not so much on treating the disease but helping to manage it in the long run.

Diet - Certain foods in the diet could aggravate the inflammation of the colon in persons suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. This may vary from person to person ranging from milk products to sugars or fats. It is advisable to keep a diary and make a note of foods that aggravate the condition and slowly eliminate them from the diet by replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables or foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. An individual can also get a diet plan prescribed by his physician or a nutritionist.

Lifestyle changes - To control the long-term effect of ulcerative colitis on the health of a patient, it is vital that changes are made to his or her lifestyle to alleviate the effects of stress or bad habits such as overeating, smoking or alcohol consumption. Reducing stress levels contribute to a great extent in reducing symptoms of this disorder as well as crohn's disease.

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