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Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) such as Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis, is an inflammation of the intestines in the digestive system. These ailments cause the intestines to form ulcers and swellings, and scars. The most widespread symptoms of IBD are diarrhea, acute abdominal pain, cramping, fever and weariness. Diet and nutrition may play a vital role in IBD management to avoid becoming malnourished and severe weight loss.

Recommended IBD Diet for People with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis:

• Drinking eight (8) to ten (10) glasses to prevent dehydration and constipation.
• Your doctor or your trusted dietitian may propose a daily multivitamin-mineral supplement to replenish lost nutrients in the body whilst experiencing IBD disease.
• Have a food intake that is high in fiber when IBD is still manageable like grain products, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Cooking and steaming the vegetables before eating is more tolerable than eating them raw for most patients.
• During a disease flare, lower intake of high fiber foods and pursue a low fiber diet or even a low residue diet may give the bowel a rest and reduce symptoms.
• Refrain away from lactose-containing foods like as dairy products if you are lactose intolerance, or else, you may have lactase enzymes and lactase pretreated foods.
• It is essential to maintain nourishing your body even at some point of a disease flare. You may have small meals taken frequently in a day. Eating a diet that is high in protein such as lean meats, fish and eggs, may aid you alleviate symptoms of IBD. Your registered dietitian may give you pre-digested nutritional drinks (an elemental diet) to give your bowel a form of relaxation and recover lost nutrients to allow the body to recuperate.
• Reduce coffee, alcohol and sorbitol (a kind of sweetener usually used in making ice creams) as these may aggravate IBD symptoms.
• Reduce intake of foods that has high gas contents like those vegetables that belongs to the cabbage family (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and brussels sprouts). Additionally, dried peas and lentils, onions, chives, and peppers, and even carbonated drinks should also be taken with limitations.
• Lower fat intake if a portion of the intestines has been removed by virtue of Crohn's surgery. High fat foods typically cause diarrhea and gas build up on the body.
• If the ileum in the small intestines has been resected, an injection of Vitamin B12 injection may be needed.
• According to some studies fish and flax seed oil may aid you manage IBD. Some also cites the part of prebiotics like psyllium in the treatment of the ailment. Alas, probiotics may also be useful in the recovery of the intestines from inflammation and damage.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Incontinence underwear can help you manage your problems with ulcerative colitis. What is ulcerative colitis and how do you know if you are suffering from it or not? There are many symptoms to this problem and you need to speak with your doctor to be sure that you do have it. Abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis but the main indicator is dealing with rectal irritation.

Many people find that one of the big causes of ulcerative colitis comes from the way in which you handle the emotional stress in your life. Emotional stress will take its toll on your body and it can often lead to many of the painful symptoms. It can flare up without any type of reason, which can baffle doctors. This often causes you to be in a lot of pain or to have fecal incontinence. When this happens you need the protection of quality adult diapers or incontinence underwear that will capture the fecal matter and prevent you from being embarrassed.

An infection of the bladder or of the bowels can end up causing you to struggle with incontinence and the pain of ulcerative colitis. Diarrhea often causes many infections to occur and this can lead to a flare up with your disease. It also makes it painful to pass gas or to pass the fecal matter. This is why you need to have adult diapers or other incontinence products that will give you the protection you need.

You will need to take medications if you have ulcerative colitis. This will help the inflammation in the large intestine and will prevent the ulcers from forming in the colon. If you have chronic abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and diarrhea you likely have ulcerative colitis and you need to seek out medical treatment immediately. It is vital to be tested as you could have Crohn's disease and you will need to have additional treatments. You can learn about treatment options as well and figure out common triggers that doctors believe lead to flare ups with ulcerative colitis.

Changing your diet is one of the best things that you can do in order help manage ulcerative colitis. You need to avoid certain foods that are believed to trigger problems. These foods include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and fried foods. The dietary needs for individuals with ulcerative colitis is hard for you to manage and adapt to but the longer you are on the diet, the easier it will be for you to adjust to it. Reduce your intake of dairy products as they too lead to problems with the digestive track. Increasing your intake of folic acid is a great way to manage your condition.

Depending upon the severity of your condition you may need to go in for surgery. This is a great option as it may help you get back to normal. A part of your rectum and colon will be removed and it helps to allow for normal bowel movements again. For individuals that have been dealing with rectal leakage because of ulcerative colitis, this can be a blessing as you may no longer need to wear adult diapers.

Maintaining a healthy body is also important to help you with ulcerative colitis problems. You need to work hard on exercising the body to help relax the bowels and give you control over them again. Having a relaxing workout session helps to decrease stress and many believe that it causes them to gain control again so they do not need adult diapers or other incontinence products.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Candida Albicans is a type of parasitic yeast-like fungus that inhabits the intestines, genital tract, mouth, esophagus and throat. Normally this fungus lives in healthy balance with the other bacteria and yeasts in the body, however, certain conditions can cause it to multiply weakening the immune system and causing the infection known as Candidiasis. When Candida infects the vagina it results in Vaginitis characterized by large amounts of white, cheesy discharge and intense itching and burning.

When the fungus infects the oral cavity, white sores may form on the tongue, gums and inside the cheeks. In a baby, the white spots of oral thrush may resemble milk spots. It is most common in babies and in persons with compromised immune symptoms. Virtually all people with AIDS have some type of fungal infection. Anyone who has been on long term antibiotic therapy, or has taken antibiotics often, probably has an overgrowth of Candida somewhere in the body. Antibiotics weaken the immune system and also destroy the "friendly" bacteria that normally keep Candida under control. As Candida spreads the fungus releases toxins that weaken the immune system further.


Constipation, diarrhea, colitis, abdominal pain, headaches, bad breath, impotence, memory loss, canker sores, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, nagging cough, acne, night sweats, burning tongue, and white spots on the tongue and in the mouth


  • Raw, organic garlic inhibits and destroys Candida Albicans. Two separate studies showed that that garlic inhibited the growth of candida albicans in vitro. Appl Environ Microbiol, 53(3), march 1987, p. 615-617. AND Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 30(3), September 1986, p.499-501

  • Eat plenty of raw vegetables and gluten-free grains such as brown rice and millet. See foods that heal.

  • Drink distilled water only.

  • To prevent re-infection, replace your toothbrush every 30 days and wear white cotton underwear as synthetic fibers lead to increased perspiration which creates a hospitable environment for Candida.

  • Herbal colon formulas may be helpful in cleansing the intestinal tract which can help eliminate a yeast infection. If interested, click here to take a look at a high quality colon cleanse.

  • If you have chronic and/or unusually persistent Candida infections, consult your healthcare provider.

Things to Avoid:

  • Avoid foods that destroy, including aged cheeses, alcohol, baked goods, chocolate, dried fruits, ham, pickles, soy sauce, raw mushrooms, and nut butters.

  • Eliminate citrus and acidic fruits such as orange, grapefruit, lemon, tomato and limes from your diet for one month.


1) James F. Balch, M.D, Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," (1997)

2) S. yoshida, et al., "Antifungal Activity of Ajoene Derived from Garlic," Appl Environ Microbiol, 53(3), march 1987, p. 615-617.

3) M. Adetumbi, et al., "Allium Satvium (garlic) Inhibits Lipid Synthesis by Candida Albicans," Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 30(3), September 1986, p.499-501

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Blood in stool is often discovered with some perplexity, accompanied appropriately by exclamations of 'bloody' (not expletive). Dots of blood, scarlet red, stand out unmistakably on excrement. Maroon red blotches of blood besmirches the toilet tissue. Bright red spots of blood dribble into the toilet bowl or down the legs. Quite naturally, a sudden bout of fear causes our hearts to jump a beat or two.

No undue alarm is warranted yet as the hemorrhaging (technical word for bleeding) could be any one of 7 possible causes arising from the colon. Mindful attention to ensure early diagnosis and correct treatment will reduce any unsettling lifestyle changes as the best part of the 7 causes are treatable. Do not be unconcerned. Commence close monitoring. Without delay, consult your doctor if bleeding and pain lingers for more than a week.

Appropriate treatment following proper diagnosis can often quickly resolve the problem. More critically, blood in stool may be the consequence of some type of cancer.

Melena or Hematochezia

Hematochezia (maroon or bright red colored blood) or melena (black sticky or tarry stools) are two medical categorizations for the less technical term rectal bleeding. Whilst recognised as rectal bleeding as the exit is the rectum, the origins of the blood may be any of 7 causes in the colon (large intestine). Cancer, colon polyps, diverticulosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, intestinal ischemia and peptic ulcer are the 7 known causes in the colon.

Colorectal Cancer

This is the third most frequent form of cancer on earth and the third most frequent reason for of cancer-related death with a fatality toll of around 640,000 annually. It is the reason why one should see a medical specialist for continual blood in stool.

Tumours in the colon, appendix and rectum are classified as colorectal cancer. Colonoscopy (visual inspection by micro-camera inserted via the anus) is the chief means of ascertaining colorectal cancer. Treatment focuses on surgical excision and chemotherapy. Timely discovery often leads to a total cure. Those over 50 and those with family history of cancers are classified under the higher risk group. Colorectal cancer is gender blind, affecting both women and men, with no conspicuous bias for either sex.

This next point bears taking note. Quite in contrast to what is reported elsewhere, colorectal cancer commonly produces occult (not visible to the naked eye) blood in feces i.e it is NOT a regular reason for visible blood in stool! According to the University of Michigan Health System, colorectal cancer does cause bleeding but special tests are requisite to confirm the presence of occult blood. Crucial accompanying symptoms to watch out for are diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, weight loss, appetite loss and incessant fatigue.

Colon Polyp

Affixing on the walls of the intestines or the rectum, polyps are frequently benign and may be raised or flat. Those above 50 years of age and with a family history of polyps and colorectal cancer are prone to polyps. Contributory factors include lack of exercise, obesity, alcohol and smoking. It would seem that no one knows the real cause.

Whilst benign, polyps are usually excised during colonoscopy as they can become malignant. Polyps do not usually cause noticeable symptoms. But in others, blood in stool is present.


Pouches (diverticula) stretching from the colon wall is distinctive of diverticulosis. Diverticula growth is postulated to be a result of abnormal colon pressure, the causes of which are not entirely distinct. Contributory factors include deprivation of dietary fiber. If food gets embedded in diverticula, infection may set in leading to diverticulitis. Complications from diverticulitis can ensue if an infected diverticulum ruptures and disseminates bacteria to the abdominal cavity lining. The possibly deadly peritonitis can materialise.

Diverticulosis do not cause distinct symptoms in most people. Mild cramps, constipation and bloating are some noted symptoms. Yet others suffer more acutely, including nausea, vomiting and rectal bleeding as the most common symptoms. The peril of peritonitis emphasizes the need that blood in stool should first be examined by a doctor. A CT (computed tomography) scan is 98% efficacious in diagnosing diverticulitis.

Ulcerative Colitis

IBD or inflammatory bowel disease, under which colitis is classified, affects the large intestine (colon) and the small intestine. Inflammation by itself is a healthy bodily response to heal damaged tissue. Like a tap that must be turned off, inflammation sets off curing of injured tissue but must terminate thereafter or greater tissue harm may ensue. Ulcerative colitis is caused by ulcers which are erosion of the mucous membrane lining.

Apart from other symptoms, blood in stool is frequent. The risk of peritonitis from colitis is the key reason for diagnosing it as the cause of rectal bleeding.

Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease is an auto-immune disease whereby the body's immune system provokes harmful inflammation by assailing the gastrointestinal tract. It can develop in any part of of the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus. But it usually affects the small and large intestine (colon).

Smoking, genetic makeup and industrial environmental exposure are believed to be contributory causal factors even though definitive causes are unknown. The symptoms are blood in stool, abdominal cramps, severe bloody diarrhea, blood on toilet tissue or in the toilet bowl, fever and weight loss.

Often termed as granulomatous colitis, Crohn's disease can go into abeyance and happen again periodically throughout life. Currently, there is no known surgical or pharmaceutical solution for Crohn's disease. Early detection is important for efficacious control of the symptoms and checking recurrences.

Intestinal Ischemia

Ischemia is a suppression in blood supply to any part of the body. Dysfunctional arteries result in tissue damage due to the deprivation of blood nutrients and oxygen. Intestinal ischemia is the depletion blood supply causing inflammation of the large intestine; a result of blood clots, blood vessel constriction and general high blood pressure.

Symptoms include blood in stool, urgent and violent bowel movements, weight loss, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramps, abdominal bloating and fever. Urgent medical attention is needed to rejuvenate intestinal blood supply if there is serious consistent pain. It may be crucial to surgically circumvent blocked blood vessels and remove blood clots and damaged tissue. To arrest clots and infections, respective medication includes anticoagulants and antibiotics.

Peptic Ulcer

An exceedingly painful ulcer, this is located in the gastrointestinal tract. An erosion of the mucosal membrane that is at least 0.5cm in diameter is an ulcer. Commonly mistaken to occur in the stomach, peptic ulcers are actually prevalent in the duodenum (initial part of the small intestine). Peptic ulcers are largely presumed to be caused by a bacterium that inflicts chronic gastritis.

Symptoms include blood in stool (melena), abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, appetite and weight loss, vomiting of blood and at the extreme, perforation of the intestine. This can lead to possibly deadly peritonitis and requires emergency surgery. Antibiotics and antacids can be used to cure milder cases.


The above 7 causes is the rationale why rectal bleeding demands the skills of a medical doctor who can render a precise diagnosis. Appropriate treatment and medication, possibly including surgery, can accelerate the path to recovery.

Lest you be too distressed by the above narrated causes, blood in stool is most usually due to the relatively innocuous internal or external hemorrhoids.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis is a severe ailment that is typified by recurring incidents of abdominal tenderness, fever, shivers and profuse dysentery. It is a persistent inflammatory bowel ailment wherein the internal coating of the large intestine or the colon or the bowel and rectum become sore.

Treating the disease characteristically involves an ulcerative colitis medication in addition to unconventional or supplemental treatments. Selecting the most suitable medication is dependent on identified allergies and also on how bad is the extent of the colon inflammation. An ulcerative colitis prescription is normally given to decrease the extent of inflammation and to avert recurrence of the symptoms. Since this is a chronic disease, surgical removal of the colon wholly or in part is an alternative. Mild indications can usually be successfully treated by means of ulcerative colitis medication.

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory disease of the bowel and the intestines that might distress any region of the GI tract - right from the mouth to rectum, leading to a wide assortment of symptoms. It mainly causes abdominal soreness, dysentery, nausea or weight loss. It may also engender symptoms like skin inflammation, arthritis, and irritation of the eyes, fatigue and loss of focus. Crohn's disease is considered to be an autoimmune disorder, wherein the body's immune response assails the GI tract, causing irritation.

Mild symptoms of Crohn's disease can be treated with medicines that have mesalamine. These pills are diverse for different regions of the bowel that require treatment. A few of these medicines contain Sulfasalazine, and Dipentum, apart from Asacol and Pentasa. If the symptoms are a result of inflammation of the rectum, then one can utilize suppository therapies in conjunction with mesalamine, since it is extremely successful in preventing remission.

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is fairly common to some extent and has an effect on many people. Basically, people with IBS have an excessively susceptible GI tract. IBS can have diverse medical appearances. The symptoms may range from dysentery, constipation, abdominal cramps or the urge for bowel movement shortly after consuming food. All these symptoms are expressions of the same disorder.

There are quite a few over-the-counter medicines which are usually considered harmless and are suggested by medical professionals for treating the various symptoms of patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. These medications like Kaopectate, Imodium, Maalox, etc. can sometimes cause side effects like giddiness, parched mouth, constipation, and abdominal cramping. Taking the low dosages may possibly be more of help.

In short, many people suffer from these inflammations of the GI tract. Getting to know some of the medications used may be helpful for these people.

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In the initial interview with a patient the therapist may be trying to decide if the patient is saying "I cannot feel" or "I cannot think". If the client is saying they cannot feel the therapist may decide to employ gestalt therapy but if the client is saying they cannot think then the preferred method of treatment may be transactional analysis.

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy is a system of psychotherapy that enhances the patients self-awareness and their personal responsibility. In gestalt therapy the goal is to raise the awareness of the patient concerning how they function in their social environment. The focus of the therapy is on what is happening in the here and now rather than focusing on the past. During the therapy sessions the patients become more aware of what they're doing in the present and they learn how to change themselves, except themselves and value themselves.

When you arrive for a gestalt therapy session you will soon become aware of an extra empty chair in the room. This chair is used for what is called "empty chair technique". This was the favored technique developed by Fritz Pearls, the founder of the present day gestalt therapy. When a patient reveals a conflict with another person they are directed to imagine that person in the "empty chair" and to talk to that person. This technique will help the client understand their feelings more fully and work through their conflict with the other person more quickly.

Gestalt therapy has been used to treat a wide assortment of "psychosomatic disorders" including such things as ulcerative colitis, migraine headaches, and to back problems. Gestalt therapists have also been very successful in working with many intra-psychic conflicts such as coping with authority figures. There is an emphasis on personal responsibility and back and help the client re-own "alien" parts of themselves and can help them resolve the conflicts between different aspects of their personality.

Transactional Analysis

Transactional analysis is a very useful form of therapy in which the behavior of both other people and ourselves is defined in a fascinating framework. Transactional analysis or "TA" was developed by the psychiatrist Dr. Eric Berne. His thesis described what he called "ego states"which are easily recognized by what we say, our body language, gestures, mannerisms, and tone of voice.

Berne hypothesized the existence of three ego states that he called "child ego state-adult ego state-parent ego state". He believed that individuals would continually switch between these ego states, sometimes even within one sentence. Since each person was capable of vacillating between any of the three ego states, according to his theory, when two people are communicating it is as if there were six people. Some of the possibilities are one persons parent ego state talking to the other persons parent ego state, adult ego state, or child you state.

Complementary transactions happen when both people are talking to each other and communicating from the same ego state level such as (parent to parent, adult to adult, child to child). The problem is most frequently occur when there are "crossed transactions". In this case people are talking to each other when they are in different ego states (I. E. Parent to child). If one person is being controlling (acting from the parent ego state) and treating the other person as if they are a child that person may retort with a parent to child response which is a classic example of the crossed transaction.

Another key component in transactional analysis is the theory of games. These games, in transactional analysis, our thoughts of being more like a war game than a fun game. In TA theory if you wind up feeling bad you have either started a game or participated in a game.

By analyzing these transactions and games between individuals the therapist can assist the patient in understanding the conflicts that arise in their interactions with other people.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are many ways to treat Ulcerative Colitis such as -

Modern Medicine- has drugs which can treat and maintain remission. Steroids are mostly used to treat a flare up and get it under control; if they fail there are other more powerful drugs like cyclosporine which can settle things down. Then drugs like mealazine or colazide are used to keep the inflammation in check. Often anti inflammatory enemas are used as well.

Homeopathy - can be very effective in cases of Colitis, a homeopath will provide specific remedies for each individual patient, I have tried this myself and it worked very well indeed.

Probiotic Treatment - Has been shown in several medical trials to be as effective as anti inflammatory drugs in maintaining remission in Ulcerative Colitis, and they have also even used to treat colitis flare ups successfully.

Herbs - such as Boswellia, Turmeric and Ashwaganda are very effective anti inflammatory and can be used successfully to maintain remission in patients. Boswellia alone was used in one study and proved to be effective as pharmaceuticals in maintaining remission.

Surgery - can be used to remove the colon, which is sometimes necessary in extreme cases, although not so much these days.

Diet - can be very helpful in reducing symptoms, following a good anti inflammatory diet can often be one of the best things a colitis sufferer can do.

Helminthic Worm Therapy - This is where helminthic worms are ingested and has shown promise in the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis, although it doesn't sound very appealing - but if it works!

Bio Energy Healing - This may sound a bit unusual but science is proving it to be real these days and if you can find a really good energy healer they can do some amazing things.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

IBS is the acronym for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, while IBD is the abbreviated form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. IBD might lead to serious chronic ailments like Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD). Often people tend to confuse IBS with IBD as IBS symptoms are in many ways similar to that of IBD. Also both IBS and IBD are diseases that affect the digestive system. But IBD is much more serious than IBS with grave consequences. IBS is not a very serious gastrointestinal disorder but IBD ruptures the bowel linings and causes intestinal ulcers.

As diarrhea, cramping, and abdominal pain are evident in both IBS and IBD, those cannot be used to pinpoint the exact disease. Laboratory tests and the endoscopic results are successfully able to discriminate between the two. The lab results would clearly show that inflammations have occurred in the stool and blood in case of IBD. IBS patients would not show any abnormalities in those tests. Also, in IBD there is a distinctive swelling of the intestinal lining while in IBS the lining would appear normal.

Discomfort in the bowel region, vomiting, fever can be all considered as common IBS symptoms. Many people even after coming out from the lavatory feel that their bowels have not been completely evacuated. Abdominal distention is another common symptom associated with IBS. The exact reason due to which IBS is caused has not yet been identified. But medical practitioners all over the world believe that a close gastrointestinal connection is definitely present. Problems with a person's weak immunity or gut flora can also lead to IBS. IBS is alternatively called 'spastic colon', but that is not totally accurate. When the nerves in the intestinal linings become oversensitive, a person needs to be cautious about IBS.

For the purpose of digestion, the guts need to be in constant notion (peristalsis). Normal human beings are not able to make out this constant churning that occurs inside the gut. But in case of people suffering from IBS, since the nerves are hypersensitive, these normal movements also cause lot of uneasiness. Even though IBS symptoms tend to stay for the entire life of the person, the disease can be kept under control with dietary and lifestyle changes. But IBD calls for more serious and drastic measures. Some IBD symptoms are quite different from the IBS symptoms. Weight loss, oral ulcers, bloody stool, fever, skin rashes, and joint pains are not evident in IBS but are characteristic indicators of IBD.

IBD can cause immense pain in the abdomen and ulcers in the large intestine and rectum might occur. Crohn's disease causes ulcers in both the small and the large intestines. If diarrhea is caused due to IBS, doctors prescribe anti-diarrheic medicines. Diet treatment for IBS would focus on consumption of fibrous foods and avoidance of coffee and alcoholic beverages. Anti-inflammatory drugs have to be prescribed for IBD patients to alleviate inflammation in the rectum. IBD has several other forms like lymphocytic colitis, diversion colitis, etc. Hence in spite of the similarities existent between IBS and IBD symptoms there are many differences too.

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Bananas have a special place in diets low in fats, cholesterol and salt. In the mythological ages in Europe, a banana was called the apple of paradise. In the traditional medicine in India and the ancient Persia this golden fruit is regarded as nature's secret of perpetual youth. To this day, banana is known for promoting healthy digestion and creating a feeling of youthfulness. Banana is one of the oldest and best known fruits of the world. It is delicious and available in all seasons.

Banana is of great nutritional value. It constitutes almost a complete balanced diet in combination with milk. It is a good source of quick energy and an excellent means of recovery from fatigue.

Hypertension and Heart Problem: Potassium salt, like beta blockers, can reduce the risk of hypertension and therefore heart problems. Banana, being a rich source of potassium and low in sodium is beneficial for high blood pressure patients.

Certain compounds in banana behave like angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. ACE is responsible for rise in blood pressure. ACE inhibiting property has been found in six varieties of banana.

Obesity: A diet of half banana and skimmed milk during breakfast is considered as an effective remedy for weight reduction.

Intestinal Disorder: Banana is used as a dietary food against intestinal disorders. As chronic ulcer patients need to avoid any acidic fruit it is the only fruit they can consume without distress. It neutralizes the hyperacidity of the gastric juice and reduce the irritation of the ulcer. Ripe banana is highly beneficial in the treatment of ulcerative colitis as it is bland, easily digestible and slightly laxative. It relieves the acute symptoms and promotes the healing process.

Constipation and Diarrhea: Banana helps in both constipation and diarrhea as it balances the colonic functions in the large intestine. It absorbs large amount of water, which helps in proper bowel movement.

Dysentery: Mashed banana with little salt is a valuable remedy for dysentery. According to traditional naturopathy a combination of ripe banana, tamarind and common salt is most effective in this disease.

Anaemia: Being high in iron content, banana is beneficial in the treatment of anaemia. It stimulates the production of haemoglobin in blood.

Allergies: The fruit is very useful for those who are allergic to certain foods and thus suffer from skin rashes, digestive disorder or asthma. Banana contains compounds which in most cases are not allergic. The fruit, however, does cause allergic reactions in certain sensitive individuals and they should avoid it.

Tuberculosis: Bananas are considered useful in the treatment of tuberculosis. The juice of the plantain or the ordinary cooked banana works miracle in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Urinary Disorder: Juice from banana stem is a well known remedy for urinary disorders. It helps to improve kidney and liver functions. It has been found that it is of great help in the treatment for the removal of kidney and gall bladder stones.

Menstrual Disorder: Cooked banana flower eaten with curd is considered an effective medicine for painful menstruation and excessive bleeding. Banana flower increases the concentration of progesterone hormone which reduces the bleeding.

Other uses: Ripe banana is chiefly eaten in a dessert or as a breakfast fruit. Unripe fruits can be cooked. Banana chips made from fully mature unripe banana are tasty and healthy. The flour prepared from the dried unripe banana is three times richer in minerals than the wheat flour. It is also easily digestible than cereal starches and is an ideal food for the infants and patients. Banana is also helpful in arthritis.

Precautions: Banana must be thoroughly ripe otherwise it is difficult to digest. The raw banana contains 20 to 25 per cent starch. But during the process of ripening this starch is fully converted to a sugar which is easily assimilated.

The fruit should not be consumed by those suffering from renal failure because of its high potassium content.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The purpose of the treatment that your doctor recommends in case you have a peptic ulcer caused by H. Pylori is to destroy the bacteria, to lower the quantity of acid from your stomach and duodenum and to preserve the lining of your stomach and duodenum.

Antibiotic treatment will kill the bacteria if taken for 2 weeks in combination of two drugs. Some of the most efficient antibiotic drugs are: Metronidazole, Tetracycline, Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin. Also, one of the antibiotic drugs might be switched with bismuth salicylate which coats and soothes the stomach, protecting it from the damaging effects of acid.

In order to reduce the level of acid in your stomach, the doctor will prescribe you: H2-Receptor antagonists (Famotidine, Cimetidine, Nizatidine, and Ranitidine) and inhibitors of the proton pump (Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, and Pantoprazole). By decreasing the quantity of acid, the stomach and duodenum will not be injured any more by it, and the pain will be reduced.

For protecting the line of your stomach and duodenum, you will receive antacids like TUMS and ROLAIDS that will preserve the lining from the acid's action.

Treatment must be followed exactly as the doctor has prescribed it. Also, smoking and drinking alcohol and coffee must be eliminated or at least reduced. Stress is also a factor that contributes to the extent of ulcer, so you should avoid getting stressed. Some herbs and even acupuncture can be helpful.

Also, a diet is recommended to be followed. Cranberries, apples, onions kill the H. Pylori; fruits and vegetable that are rich in fiber are also good for you. Try to see what kind of aliments are causing you discomfort after eating them and then reduce them from your diet. Another rule is not to eat within two hour of bedtime. Also, if you have a cold avoid using aspirin because it will only injure your stomach more.

There are some rare cases when treatment is not effective and other measures must be applied. Surgery is a solution for treating peptic ulcers but only the doctor will be able to pronounce whether you need a surgery or not.

Treating ulcer from its beginnings is essential for your life. Left untreated ulcer can give you anemia (the blood has a lack of blood cells and can not transport oxygen properly) and perforation, meaning that the ulcer injures your stomach until it goes through its wall. Also, hemorrhages can appear and even death.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis is a serious condition involving inflammation, ulceration, and bleeding of the colon. It is considered to be an auto-immune condition for which conventional medicine has no cure. The person is generally given steroids and other drugs to control flare-ups and bleeding. The only cure conventional medicine has is to remove a person's colon. This disease can either be minor with occasional flare-ups, or debilitating and severe. The internal bleeding can cause severe anemia. The diarrhea can cause a loss of fluids and electrolytes. The pain from intestinal spasms can be extreme. It can get to the point that a person does not want to eat for fear of the pain and the problems they have due to ulcerative colitis.

There are a number of natural ways to manage and control this disease, and even potentially put it into remission.

First of all, there are methods of modulating the immune system and reducing its tendency to create inflammation without the use of steroids. Steroids can have numerous side effects, especially used long term for a chronic condition like this. They can cause bone loss, water retention, severe insomnia, psychosis (means you go crazy), and impairment of organs. Researchers are also looking into the possibility that the euphoric high some people get from steroids like prednisone may cause psychological dependency.

A number of essential fatty acids and enzymes can reduce the inflammatory response of the immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oil and in flaxseed oil. This has been shown to be beneficial for people with all sorts of auto-immune conditions including ulcerative colitis. Another fatty acid is called cetyl-myristolate, also called CMO. CMO has been used successfully to treat a number of auto-immune conditions, including ulcerative colitis. One enzyme that seems promising for the treatment of ulcerative colitis is serrapeptase. Serrapeptase is excellent for managing the pain and reducing inflammation in the colon, and in other areas of the body.

Certain vitamins are helpful for ulcerative colitis. Highest on the list is vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to regulate the immune system's response and reduce inflammation. Sublingual B-vitamin complex can also be beneficial. The B-vitamins can aid the nervous system, reducing a negative response to stress, which is often the source of people's flare-ups.

Pectin and liquid soluble fiber have been shown to be useful in controlling ulcerative colitis, and preventing flare-ups.
Many people have found that colloidal silver, taken regularly, can put their ulcerative colitis in remission.

The long chain mucilaginous polysaccharides found in aloe vera gel, made from the inner leaf of the aloe vera plant, can heal the damage and the ulcerations formed in the colon during a flare-up of ulcerative colitis.

The Chinese herbal formula, Jianpiling, has been used on over 10,000 people in China with ulcerative colitis. It has been shown to put 66% of cases into remission within 3 months of taking the formula. Some people needed to take the formula again a year later to go back into remission, but the majority still had no flare-ups one year after the study. When examined via colonoscopy, erosions, mucous accumulation, and bleeding spots were shown to be eliminated in 90% of patients.

A Chinese herbal remedy that has been commonly used for all sorts of internal bleeding has been shown to help stop bleeding from ulcerative colitis as well. This formula is called Yunnan Paiyao. It contains pseudoginseng, which has hemostatic properties. Other Chinese herbs used to stop bleeding from ulcerative colitis include mume and sanguisorba.

If a person does take corticosteroids to control ulcerative colitis, they can reduce the dosage they take by also taking licorice root. Licorice root has components that are similar to cortisol. As a result, taking the root magnifies the effects of corticosteroids, making it possible to get similar effects from a smaller dosage. If you take this route, be sure to work with your physician to wean yourself to lower dosages slowly.

As you can see, there are many natural methods of managing ulcerative colitis. All natural remedies require consistency over time to see the best results, since they are generally milder than chemical drugs. Natural approaches also work best if you work on your health in between flare-ups and don't wait for the situation to become extreme before addressing it. If you are ready to be diligent and take charge of your own health, then the natural route to treating ulcerative colitis may be the best option for you.

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There are many issues that have to be dealt with when suffering from colitis symptoms and most of these are fairly obvious. Others, though, are less well known yet their effects can certainly add to the overall challenge that is faced by everyone diagnosed with the disease. There are however easy solutions to ensure that they are two fewer problems that have to be dealt with.

Firstly, the sufferer must be aware of the loss of important minerals during a period when colitis symptoms are experienced. When the inevitable diarrhoea starts to flow it shall contain more mineral loss than you are probably aware of, including such as potassium and magnesium. One of the principle medications used to bring inflammation of the large colon under control, namely steroids, can result in calcium deficiency and, if taken for extended periods of time, loss of bone density.

There should also be an awareness of a potential iron deficiency attributable to the blood loss in the diarrhoea and stools. It should not be forgotten that the body's level of salt will require to be replenised therefore additional amounts should be added to food consumed. Don't ignore the importance of discussing these issues with the doctor and decide on a program of vitamin and mineral supplements in order to replace what is being lost.

The other danger that has to be addressed when suffering from colitis symptoms is that of ensuring an adequate intake of fluids. If insufficient fluids are being consumed, there is an increased risk of impaired kidney function, leading to a higher risk of kidney stones forming. As diarrhoea will be one of the main symptoms, it is so important to ensure the fluids that are lost are subsequently replenished. By drinking an adequate amount of fluids on a daily basis will ensure that fluid replacement is being achieved plus also the body toxins are being flushed out appropriately. If fluids are not being consumed in an adequate quantity, the colitis sufferer will risk feeling extra tired and weak, something that they can have some control over.

When the sufferer has to face a period of colitis symptoms, they will have a lot of challenges to face, including trying to get through each day with what can be very uncomfortable abdominal pain, tiredness and lack of energy plus diarrhoea that appears, at times, to be out of control. What is not needed at such a challenging time are additional ailments that can so very easily be avoided by simple actions, as long as the sufferer is aware of them. All the focus requires to be on getting though the period of symptoms by adopting effective colitis management. It requires being aware of such potential problems and how to effectively stop them from happening in order to achieve remission as soon as possible.

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Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE or EE) Treatment Options

Eosinophilic Esophagitis is a rare condition in which the esophagus becomes inflamed due to an allergic response in the esophagus. Since the disorder is complex, it can sometimes be difficult to treat. There has been a significant rise in the number of patients diagnosed with EoE so more treatment options are being explored by allergists. It is important to first understand that while there are drug therapy options available for those suffering from Eosinophilic Esophagitis, none of them are currently FDA approved.

EoE Treatment: Swallowed Inhaled Steroids

Swallowed Inhaled Steroids, otherwise known as topical steroids, are one of the most popular Eosinophilic Esophagitis treatments. This particular drug therapy requires the patient to swallow what was originally intended to be an inhaled medication for asthmatics. People with asthma use these medications to treat lung inflammation, and those who are in need of an EoE treatment use the medication to rid the inflammation that is prevalent in the esophagus. For those who have Eosinophilic Esophagitis from allergies, topical steroids are one of the main ways to treat it; in fact, it is often the only way in which these particular patients choose to treat this disease.

The two most popular types of steroids are budesonide (Pulmicort) and fluticasone (Flovent). If a patient decides to use Flovent, they should know that it is a metered dose inhaler (MDI). This type of medication is pumped manually in order to aerosolize the steroid. It is then pumped into the mouth and dry swallowed. Pulmicort, on the other hand, usually comes in a solution that is aerosolized through a nebulizer that is used for asthma patients. For those who want to use Pulmicort as an EoE treatment, it is typically combined with another element such as Splenda to produce a type of Slurry that is swallowed.

People who have an issue dry swallowing the Flovent medication prefer to use the Pulmicort. Patients who use swallowed steroids should not eat or drink anything for at least half-an-hour afterwards; this way, it will have enough time to properly coat the esophagus. In addition, it is highly important for anyone using these steroids to brush their teeth after every use to remove any residue. This is extremely necessary because if there are remnants of these steroids left over they can cause negative side effects.

EoE Treatment: Swallowed Inhaled Steroid Side Effects

Unfortunately, using swallowed inhaled steroids as an Eosinophilic Esophagitis treatment can lead to negative side effects. The most common side effect is called esophageal candidiasis, and it is basically a yeast infection of the throat. This condition begins with an intense pain in the throat. If a patient is experiencing this, it is imperative that they notify their physician immediately; esophageal candidiasis is typically treated with anti fungals. There are some who cannot use swallowed inhaled steroids as an Eosinophilic Esophagitis treatment because they have repeated throat yeast infections. Another side effect that has occurred with topical steroids is dry mouth. In addition, there has been one report of a patient contracting herpes infection of the esophagus after using fluticasone.

EE Treatment: Multidisciplinary Centers

Due to the fact that Eosinophilic Esophagitis is a highly complex disease that is still not very well known, patients who have it need to be seen by different physicians with different specialties. Furthermore, it is important for a patient to visit an allergist in order to go through an allergy evaluation, and it is also wise for them to visit a gastroenteologist in order for their symptoms to be analyzed, and the EoE to be observed through endoscopies (EGD).

It is also in the patient's best interest to see a pathologist because they will have the ability to decipher the findings of the esophageal biopsy. A dietician is also very important to help the patients who decide to use dietary therapy as their Eosinophilic Esophagitis treatment. There are many patients who benefit greatly from the help of a therapist or social worker because of the stress this disease can cause. There are numerous physicians a patient with EoE should consult with, but it is also important for all of the doctors to communicate with each other. For this reason, it is in the patient's best interest to go to a multidisciplinary center. Typically, at this type of center that specializes in Eosinophilic Esophagitis treatment, they schedule patients for multiple appointments in one day; this way the patient can be evaluated as quickly as possible thus making everything extremely more convenient.

Although EE is a very complex disorder, there are several treatment methods that have proven effective for eliminating symptoms. By using a combination of medication, diet, and multidisciplinary therapies, patients can learn to live a normal lifestyle.

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Low Thyroid Symptoms and Stress are a Dangerous Combination

We all know stress is bad for us. But how does it relate to the way you are feeling when you have low thyroid symptoms?

First of all, when you are stressed, you release interleukin 17, or IL 17 for short. They are cytokines that are highly inflammatory in nature.

As I have talked about in many other posts, the majority of people suffering with low thyroid symptoms in the United States have an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. It is a condition where your thyroid tissue is attacked and destroyed by your own body. As you can imagine, when the body attacks itself, there is a large amount of inflammation produced. So when you release these other chemicals in the body that cause more inflammation, it only makes your symptoms worse.

Symptoms that are commonly associated with low thyroid or high TSH are:

• Often feeling cold
• Cold hands and feet
• High or rising cholesterol
• Constipation
• No eyebrows or thinning outer eyebrows
• Exhaustion in every dimension-physical, mental, spiritual, emotional
• Dry Hair
• Sore feet
• colitis
• irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
• painful bladder
• Heart disease
• Hair Loss
• Requires naps in the afternoon
• Depression
• Raised temperature
• Headaches and migraines
• Joint pain
• Major anxiety/worry
• Acne on face and in hair
• Breakout on chest and arms
• Hives
• Bizarre and Debilitating reaction to exercise
• Hard stools
• Less stamina than others
• Less energy than others
• Long recovery period after any activity
• Chronic Low Grade Depression
• Palpitations
• Hard stools
• Dry cracking skin
• Insomnia
• Brain Fog
• Decreased sex drive
• Nausea
• Aching muscles
• Lack of motivation
• Swollen ankle
• Inability to lose weight (even with exercise and low calorie diet)
• Sleep Apnea
• Inability to get pregnant; miscarriages

So when you have any of these symptoms, and you get stressed out, it is like throwing gasoline on the fire.

Another reason that stress is bad for low thyroid sufferers is because the pituitary gland gets suppressed secondary to elevation of cortisol. Cortisol is produce by your adrenal glands and is released when you have stress. The adrenal glands are part of you autonomic nervous system. It is the system that has to do with fight or flight and with all the organs in the body, including the heart, lungs, stomach, GI system, pancreas, etc. What controls the autonomic nervous system? Your brain controls the autonomic nervous system, and the brain doesn't like large fluctuations in the cortisol either.

Chronic stress can cause elevation in the cortisol which causes suppression of the pituitary and reduces the amount of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) released. I won't get into all the pathways associated with the brain, thyroid, and adrenal glands because you don't have to know them. But your doctor does.

Don't go run out and buy supplements to support your adrenals. That mentality could just rob Peter to pay Paul. You have to look at how all of the body is functioning before you ever start thinking about supporting the adrenals.

The easy answer is to not get stressed out.....but that is unrealistic.

The key to stress is finding a way to deal with it in an appropriate manner.

Find something that you enjoy and that relaxes you, and then do it on a daily basis. Some of you reading this are probably saying that you love to exercise, but can't due to fatigue, pain, etc. I understand. There is another key to stress.

The other key to stress is finding out why you are not feeling the way you should. It is not normal to have symptoms.

You need to find a doctor that understands what we have talked about and who can look over your lab results, sit down and listen to your symptoms, examine you, and come up with a way to get your body to heal itself back up, the way it was designed to do. You need a doctor that will look at everything happening in your body- not just your thyroid or adrenals.

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Pelvic pain is the pain located in the pelvic region or lower abdomen and can affect both men and women. Sometimes this pain can radiate to the lower back and to the thighs. Different types of diseases may cause the pelvic pain and it may be a part of a symptom. This pain is more commonly found in women than in men.

It can be of two types: acute or chronic. Acute pain is severe, short duration and immediate and is common. It is often seen in people who have had surgery. Chronic pain is which extends and lasts much longer. The pelvic pain experienced may be mild, moderate or severe which increases gradually. It could be a sudden sharp pain which comes and goes or a constant dull aching pain. These pains may be noticeable during menstruation, while passing urine or during sexual intercourse. Pelvic pain may take place due to problems in areas like urinary system, reproductive system, nervous system or the lower intestinal tract. The pain in women is often related to the menstrual cycle or the female reproductive system. Acute Pelvic pain in women could be due to the following reasons:

1. Miscarriage: Miscarriage is the loss of pregnancy and one of its symptoms may be pain or cramps in abdomen area.

2. Ectopic Pregnancy: When the fertilized egg attaches or implants itself somewhere other than the lining of the uterus, it is known as ectopic pregnancy. This may cause pelvic pain and the woman may feel cramping or lower abdominal pain in this condition.

3. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: This is the condition of infection of the reproductive organs in female and can be detected if one has chronic pelvic pain.

4. Ovarian Cysts: Most of the cysts in the ovary are harmless but some can cause pain that is constant and dull. This pain may radiate to the lower back and the thighs too.

5. Endometriosis: Pain in pelvic area is the main symptom of this condition.

6. Ovarian Cancer: This cancer can result in pelvic discomfort and pain.

7. Menstrual Cramps: This causes dull cramping pain in the lower abdominal area.

8. Uterine Fibroids: These fibroids may cause pressure or pain in the pelvic area.

Some of the other causes of pelvic pain can be constipation, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, appendicitis, Colon cancer or ulcerative colitis.

If one experiences pelvic pain, you should visit the doctor to get a checkup. Since there are a number of possible causes for pain in the pelvic region, the doctor may do various tests to diagnose the underlying problem. Some of the tests the doctor might do are MRI or magnetic resonance imaging, ultra sound imaging or computed tomography to detect the problem by the process of elimination. The treatment will depend on the type of problem diagnosed. For some condition, simple medications may be used like anti inflammatory, oral contraceptive pills or anti depressants. For other problems surgery like hysterectomy or laparoscopy may be performed. Other treatments include muscle relaxants, exercises, heat therapy or nerve blocks. It is important to get the right treatment for pelvic pain according to the cause.

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The peptic ulcer damages the lining of either the stomach or the duodenum.The symptoms of indigestion caused by peptic ulcers may harm a person by a severe pain.They can be treated with medicines, but without treatment serious complications may appear.There are two kinds of peptic ulcers: one is gastric and the other one is duodenal ulcer.The diameter of peptic ulcers is between 1-2cm,which seems with a mouth ulcers.

One to ten people at some point in their lives are affected by the duodenal ulcers, especially younger men.Stomach ulcers are more common. The peptic ulcer may be acute or chronic.One of acute ulcers may heal without any long term consequences. On the other hand chronic ulcers are deeper and they causes symptoms leaving a scar even they heal.The stomach contains acid which helps to protect the body from infection.The stomach and duodenum has its lining covered in mucus which protects it from acid.When the stomach produces excess acid an ulcer may appear.

There are some factors which leads to the apearance of the peptic ulcer like: infection with bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori; certain medicines like aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac;smoking and alcohol.In many cases the majority of people have abdominal pain, below the chest bone,but there are also people without symptoms.In the case of gastric ulcer a sharp pain may occur soon after eating, and the pain caused by the duodenal ulcer is relieved by eating or by drinking milk. Other unpleasant symptoms of the peptic ulcer are belching, general discomfort in the stomach,loss of appetite,nausea, vomiting, loss of weight.

Nowadays there are many tests that deals with the detection if there is any infection with H. pylori, needed in the diagnosis of the gastric or duodenal ulcers or even for stomach cancer.Through several methods we may see if a person has or has not peptic ulcer. One of these methods can be realized by breath or by blood test to observe the presence of H. pylori. Another method is the one with a given substance to swallow called barium, which appears white on X-rays.The X-rays may show the presence of an ulcer.The gastroscopy is another method which uses a tube called endoscop with a fibre-optic cable; the last one being passed through the mouth and into the stomach.

If any person accuse such kind of pains should immediately consult a doctor.

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When we look at what can cause stomach pain, high on the list is irritable bowel syndrome with it's many symptoms. We will touch briefly on foods that cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or irritable bowel disease (IBD). IBD can be effectively cured by natural means if you get on the right program. As you might imagine diet has a huge effect on this condition as we will see.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms (IBS) range from intestinal gas and stomach pain to bloating to flatulence or farting. These are the commonly occurring symptoms that lead to a lot of stomach pain. Everyone will sometimes eat something that causes a one-time stomach condition. This is not IBS, but if you are having these symptoms all the time then you probably have IBS.

Major Irritable Bowel Syndrome Signs And Symptoms

Belching or burping expels gas through the mouth. This can happen when the stomach is bloated due to swallowed air or gas trapped in the stomach. This causes additional stomach pain as the stomach becomes more and more bloated. As when a mother pats a baby on the back to burp it, likewise your discomfort will be relieved when the extra air or gas is expelled by belching. With irritable bowel syndrome you may experience unusual abdominal bloating that can aggravate the condition and can cause even more stomach pain.

Another condition, aerophagia, is caused by rapid gulping of food and drink and by frequent consumption of carbonated beverages. There are lots of reasons to avoid soft drinks but if you are suffering from IBS then you want to stay far away from these gut bombs.

Here are two conditions which may seem related but which are different. In bloating, described above, the stomach feels larger than normal as the air and gases push against it. A condition known as distention is the actual enlargement of the stomach and abdomen. Both can create great discomfort and stomach pain. Distintion is often accompanied by bloating. Distintion can be caused by an actual increase in abdominal tissue or by extra air and fluid in the abdomen.

Flatulence (farting) is gas passing through the anus. This can be caused by intestinal bacteria further digesting food that was not properly digested in the small intestine. Often this improperly digested food is high in sugar. Foods that cause irritable bowel syndrome includes orbital (used in low-calorie foods), lactose - lactose intolerance is common with IBS sufferers and they are often told to avoid milk, the food with this kind of sugar. Finally fructose, this is the sweetener used in soft drinks and candy, although recently it has begun to appear everywhere and aside from causing IBS sufferers more difficulty, it is making everyone fat because the body cannot properly digest it. Common diets for irritable bowel syndrome often limit these foods to a good effect.

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Ulcerative colitis is a common chronic long-term disease that causes inflammation of the colon. It is a form of inflammatory bowel disease that has some similarity to Crohn's disease, in that both conditions are characterised by inflammation, which is not caused by infection.

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis are unpleasant and usually occur when the patient is having a flare up, however they can usually be treated through a number of different ways including medication and a change of diet. Though if the symptoms are severe enough for medication to be ineffective, surgery may be required to remove the affected portion of the colon. Common symptoms of ulcerative colitis usually include rectal bleeding and diarrhea, however there is a wide range of symptoms among patients with this disease.

As diarrhea is a common symptom, patients may also feel an urgency to have a bowel movement and can have diarrhea up to 10 to 20 times a day. This urge can be so desperate that it may wake a patient up at night. Rectal bleeding is caused by the ulcers located in bowel, which are disturbed by feces when it passes through the colon. When the ulcers are disturbed, they expel blood therefore causing the bloody diarrhea and mucus; this may also cause the patient to have rectal pain.

Due to constant diarrhea, other symptoms may appear including growth failure, dehydration, anemia and joint pain. Growth failure and dehydration occurs when the patient has a lack of nutrients and fluids in their body; this is usually caused by the persistent diarrhea. Anemia only occurs when there is blood within the feces that is being expelled, thus leading to a low iron count. This can be treated through taking iron tablets and eating red meat.

It's also important to note that the patient's stomach may feel tender and be sore when touched; this is due to the ulcers. A doctor will usually test to see if the stomach is tender during a checkup as a way to assess the severity of the sores. Although ulcerative colitis is incurable, doctors are able to control and keep these symptoms away through the use of steroids and anti-inflammatory medication. Steroids are effective for inducing remission, however are tapered down after the disease is in remission.

Also, it's extremely important to know when to see your doctor. If you experience a persistent change in your bowel habits or if you have any of the signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis, including,
• Abdominal pain
• Blood in your stool
• Ongoing bouts of diarrhea that don't respond to over-the-counter (OTC) medications
• An unexplained fever lasting more than a day or two
Then it is imperative that you see your doctor as soon as possible.

For more information on ulcerative colitis including causes, diet, pregnancy, risk factors and treatment, please visit Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms and more.

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Ulcerative colitis is a disease that affects the bowels. The cause is not known, though it is presumed to be a type of allergic reaction. Some theories state that it is hereditary or that when the immune system of the bowels is weakened, it causes irritation of the bowels. Let us examine the symptoms before we proceed further.

The most visible symptoms of Ulcerative colitis are pain and cramps in the abdomen. Other symptoms include blood in your stool, diarrhea, loss of appetite but these symptoms are common to other diseases of the bowel region as well. They are inconclusive unless further tests are done to lead towards a proper confirmation. Some other symptoms are fever, mucus in the stool, and ulcers in the large intestine. Nevertheless, a good physician will diagnose by examining a biopsy of tissue swab from the colon during colonoscopy.

A very similar condition known as Crohn's disease also has similar symptoms. Both Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis are jointly called irritable bowel syndrome. Blood tests can offer helpful information leading to the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome by monitoring depletion levels of important electrolytes like sodium and potassium.

The system of treating Ulcerative Colitis is in using two types of drugs. One type is prescribed to stop an occasional spurt of the disease. The other type is to be taken regularly to prevent such spurts in advance. Some of drugs that are usually prescribed are Azulfadine (sulfasalazine), Asacol (mesalamine), Immuno suppressants (Imuran, 6-MP, cyclosporine), Methotrexate, TNF-alpha inhibitors (Remicade and Humira) and Corticosteroids (Entocort and prednisone)

Of all these, the Corticosteroids are taken for a short term and the doses are tapered off and stopped for a while, since Corticosteroids are known to weaken the bones if taken in the long run. Some people resort to surgery, if the affected portion is small and is detected very early. But, this is inconclusive, since irritable bowel syndrome can still prop up in other healthy areas.

Treatment with natural Aloe Vera has been showing promising results. Aloe Vera has an anti-inflammatory action on the inner linings of the intestines. This is not only safe, but it also does not have any negative side effects other than regenerating dead cells in other parts of the body, including the intestines. Aloe Vera heals, and if taken regularly, restores your digestion and absorption. Besides, Aloe Vera can be taken by anyone right from infants to the elderly. With Aloe Vera, you can continue your doctor's prescriptions for Ulcerative Colitis.

Aloe Vera has Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide molecules which benefit all cells and tissues in your body. As it works to soothe the inflamed inner linings of your intestines, it stops diarrhea as well as constipation. Simultaneously it acts as an intercellular antioxidant. It removes toxic wastes from the human body as it rebuilds and repairs the protective mucus lining. It helps in ensuring proper digestion and better absorption and assimilation of nutrients from food. It then restores the immune system in the intestines by promoting friendly bacteria and eliminating new unrecognized ones. In addition to treating ulcerative colitis it also eliminates the unhealthy side effects of using drugs.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

First of all, don't panic. Don't immediately start to worry about the future and what this will mean for your life. Yes your life will change but probably not to the exaggerated extent that your racing mind is suggesting.

The symptoms that you maybe suffering from could well not be colitis. Don't get inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) mixed up with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). With IBS, you will experience a mild version of IBD. Yes you may have some discomfort in your bowel when going to the toilet and you will probably have some very small evidence of passing blood. It is imperative to seek your doctor's advice for colitis (IBD) to be discounted and if you are fortunate that you are given the all clear then just celebrate. Why did I just say this? Well, you have been spared the difficult journey that more people each year have to endure when they are diagnosed with colitis.

So what should you look out for as the early signs of colitis? You may notice a slight discomfort of feeling in your lower abdominal area. It can be brought about by the movement of walking. Normally, for example when an infection begins you feel its strength slowly building up. You are aware of its gradual influence over your body's health and how it influences then takes control over it. It is normally gradual. Colitis can often be very different. From very mild symptoms, such as the burning sensation in the abdominal area, to the onset of diarrhea, things can start to change very quickly.

Colitis is no respect of time, whatever is going on in your life, you can't just take a tablet or two to delay the symptoms. If you are going to get a colitis attack, it is going to happen no matter how you may wish to delay it or think "I will be okay to keep going for another week before it hits me" to the point where you will have to slow down and stop what you are doing. Furthermore, it is essential to understand that you can't assume that it will "just go away" if you ignore it. You must understand that ulceration of the colon is very serious and once occurred, it certainly will not "just disappear". If someone took this stance, they would be storing up a lot of trouble and discomfort for themselves.

If the colitis attack is not treated with the appropriate prescribed medication, the ulceration of the colon will go unchecked and the symptoms will worsen. The bleeding will intensify and coupled with an increase in the need to go to the toilet and the resultant pain, the sufferer will inevitably be faced with the no choice scenario of going to their doctor for a diagnosis and then undergoing treatment. Unfortunately, the patient might have endured a longer period of greater discomfort that could have been reduced had assist been asked for sooner. At this time, it is also important to seek the experience and knowledge of others who have experienced exactly what it is like to live through their first colitis attack and learned how to live life as normal as possible with ulcerative colitis. Little pieces of advice really can make a big difference.

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