目前分類:colitis (593)

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According to studies and surveys performed by the National Institutes of Health, many patients are unhappy with conventional Crohns disease treatment and more than half seek alternatives. Crohns disease symptoms are difficult to live with and affect the quality of a person's life, so it is understandable that those who suffer from the condition would seek alternatives, when traditional therapies are ineffective or cause unwanted side effects.

Crohns disease treatment depends primarily on the severity of symptoms. Crohns disease symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. The primary Crohns disease symptoms may lead to complications including abscesses, ulceration of the deepest layers of the lining of the digestive tract or abnormal openings, called fistulas, in the intestine. There may be intestinal bleeding and that combined with recurrent diarrhea are Crohns disease symptoms that may lead to vitamin deficiencies, malnourishment and anemia.

Initially Crohns disease treatment may include an anti-diarrhea medication such as Imodium A-D, an over the counter product that is designed to stop diarrhea and reduce abdominal pain. When Crohns disease symptoms are moderate to mild, aminosalicylates or corticosteroids may be prescribed. If neither of these is effective or if stopping corticosteroids causes symptoms to return then Crohns disease treatment may include prescription medications that suppress the immune system.

The theory behind Crohns disease treatment plans to suppress the immune system stems from the fact that inflammation is present. Crohns and ulcerative colitis are known as inflammatory bowel diseases and the belief is that the immune system overreacts to bacteria that normally lives in the bowel and attacks it in the way that it would normally attack invading bacteria or infection. It is believed that Crohns disease symptoms may be caused by this dysfunction of the immune system, since inflammation is present, but not infection.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, are not normally included in Crohns disease treatment, because they have been linked in clinical studies to flare-ups and worsening of Crohns disease symptoms. Thus corticosteroids are the most common choice of Crohns disease treatment to control inflammation. Corticosteroids are not safe for long term Crohns disease treatment or for the treatment of any disease, because they have serious side effects including high blood pressure, osteoporosis and increased risk of infection. When used for extended periods of time, some people become steroid dependent, even though they become ineffective after long term use and Crohns disease symptoms return.

When a Crohns disease treatment plan includes medications to suppress the immune system and control inflammation in that way, there is a greater risk of infection. Obviously if the immune system is suppressed, it cannot fight infection effectively. In addition, there is a greater risk of cancer, because the immune system normally attacks and destroys abnormal cells that if left unchecked may eventually become cancer cells.

Aminosalicylates relieve Crohns disease symptoms in some cases, but cannot be used by certain people and may reduce white blood cell counts; once again, lowering a person's resistance to other infections and diseases by impairing the immune system. Prescription medications for Crohns disease treatment are obviously lacking, both in effectiveness and safety. Scientists continue to research new drugs for Crohns disease treatment.

When Crohns disease symptoms are severe, surgery may be recommended to remove the affected portions of the bowel. This choice for Crohns disease treatment is extreme and is understandably avoided by most patients. However, those who have had surgery no longer suffer from Crohns disease symptoms. There are numerous support groups both for people who are considering surgery for Crohns disease treatment and for those who have had surgery, since certain adjustments and lifestyle changes may be necessary at least initially. Most people who have had surgery for Crohns disease treatment report that they are able to lead normal lives and that the relief of Crohns disease symptoms has improved their quality of life.

A recent study (August, 2006) found that 52% of the time, Crohns disease treatment was inappropriate. This was a group of gastroenterologists, surgeons and general practitioners evaluating the prescribed Crohns disease treatment plans of their colleagues. For those who suffer from Crohns disease symptoms, this may be discouraging news. Many people choose self-treatment with aloe, slippery elm or other botanicals. While the effectiveness of these natural products has not been proven, there is evidence of traditional use as digestive aids, which suggests that they may be effective for Crohns disease treatment and the relief of Crohns disease symptoms.

Aloe, in particular, has been scientifically proven to be a natural anti-inflammatory. Many researchers, doctors and scientists believe that natural anti-inflammatories may be gentler to the body, safer overall and more effective, because they target several inflammatory responses; synthetic anti-inflammatories may target only one molecule. Natural anti-inflammatories do not hamper the immune system, as do prescription anti-inflammatories for Crohns disease treatment.

Relieving inflammation can relieve Crohns disease symptoms. While decisions about Crohns disease treatment are a personal choice, those who suffer from the disease should advise their doctor about natural products they are using, particularly when using prescription medications at the same time. Botanicals and herbals have been known to interact with prescription medications typically used in Crohns disease treatment. For more information about natural products that may be useful for the relief of Crohns disease symptoms, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What causes colitis is still a matter of much debate within the traditional medical community. Colitis is basically an inflammatory swelling of the large intestine -- the colon. The basic function of the colon is to produce stools by absorbing fluids and food residues.

Colitis belongs to a group called Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and most forms of colitis are mild to moderate, although an extreme condition known as ulcerative colitis can become debilitating over time, caused by the development of ulcers inside the colon or rectum. This chronic condition seems to afflict mostly people of all ages and can affect both sexes. Crohn's Disease is perhaps somewhat a better-known IBD. Most members of the traditional medical community will tell you that there is no cure for IBDs, and many people suffer for many years with the symptoms.

The most common symptoms of colitis include abdominal pain, cramping, bloody stools, diarrhea, fever, chills or dehydration.

Here are 5 common theories about what causes colitis:

1. Antibiotics: The introduction of antibiotics in the 1950s and its subsequent widespread use saw a marked increase in the incidence of colitis. It is well-known that antibiotics can adversely interact with naturally occurring bacteria within the digestive system, eventually eroding the inner lining of the colon. While suppressing normal bacteria, antibiotics can furthermore aid abnormal growth of other bacterium, the most widely known being Clostridium difficile, an acknowledged producer of toxins that can lead to colitis.

This use of antibiotics destroys the mucosal lining of the intestines, and I believe this to be the primary cause of colitis, and that is the focus of my treatment protocol. This lining is imperative for the health of your colon, as it protects the tissue in GI tract. Once the lining has been damaged, your body's digestive enzymes then work on destroying this lining. As the tissue is eaten away, it causes symptoms like bleeding, bowel urgency, and diarrhea.

In fact, there has been a marked increase in gastrointestinal disorders since the 1950s due to the fact that antibiotics were introduced and popularized during that time. As people began increasing their use of antibiotics, more and more gastrointestinal problems began surfacing in the general population.

2. Immune system: Scientists at the Mayo Clinic have suggested that a weakened immune system caused by illness can lead to the digestive system becoming inflamed, thus colitis. Other scientists have offered that the introduction of a virus or pathogens, such as E. Coli, Listeria, Botulism, Salmonella, or Shigella, can also be a leading cause.

3. Blood supply: Restricted or insufficient blood flow to the colon can cause blood vessel inflammation. The causes can range from common ailments such as diabetes, hernias, infections, high blood pressure or cholesterol, and sometimes just from arteries narrowing due to the progress of age.

4. Heredity: In another finding, the Mayo Clinic also suggested that heredity is a predominant culprit leading to what causes colitis. Their research points to the fact that possible gene mutations can be inherited that can predispose patients to developing colitis themselves, although the genes in question have not been pinpointed. However, statistics show that only 15% of colitis sufferers have family members who also have a form of IBD.

5. Stress: Although stress has not been singled out as a direct factor in what causes colitis, it has been emphasized that stress can be the root cause of colitis flare ups. Stress is commonly referred to as a trigger for colitis.

Despite the disagreement between natural medicine and traditional (Western) medicine about what causes colitis, I know that colitis can be permanently cured with a treatment protocol involving use of probiotics to rebuild the GI tract.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

As anyone with colitis knows, there is always a question mark over what foods to consume and what diet to follow whether you are in either remission or suffering from a relapse. A real challenge appears when the patient encounters a period of relapse where the inflammation of the colon becomes active and eating presents a painful problem.

It is of course essential that during a relapse the patient maintains some food intake to provide the fuel to fight the disease. Continual pain, physical and mental tiredness all take their toll and without a planned colitis diet to follow during this testing period, the patient will become even weaker and may not have the sufficient residual strength to fight the attack. As the sufferer's daily intake of food shall be reduced some weight loss is inevitable so it is vital to establish a colitis diet that the patient is comfortable with and for them to try and stick to it.

There requires to be a level of consumption of food that will sustain the patient yet not create the problem of increasing the frequency of painful toilet visits that are already having to be endured. The waste that requires to be evacuated has to unfortunately pass over the inflamed area of the colon which creates discomfort and pain for the patient. So the balancing act is between sustaining the nourishment for the patient yet trying to reduce to a minimum any further resultant pain and discomfort.

A colitis diet during a relapse should thus avoid large portions plus any food that has the tendency to create intestinal gas. Foods with such strong flavours such as herbs and spices should be avoided plus any foods that contain a high acid content. As small portions will be about all the patient can manage, there should be a tendency for higher calorie food to be consumed which can in fact take the form of snacks rather than set meals. It is important to understand that this is not a time to be concerned about putting on weight by consuming foods with a high calorific content. The patient's problem will be trying to stem the weight loss. Plus, the maxim of consuming a certain amount of fresh fruit and vegetables per day does not have to be part of a colitis diet during a relapse.

If during the height of the relapse, the patient feels too unwell to take much food if any, there are special drink supplements available which contain vitamins and minerals and are regarded as food substitutes where the patient still benefits from the intake of such without having to physically eat.

By continually trying out different foods, the sufferer should be able to create their own specific colitis diet for period of a relapse. The target is a small but constant supply of nourishment without an unacceptable increase in the amount of painful toilet visits.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A nagging stomachache, diarrhea and nausea are symptoms that can lead to a number of different diagnoses from food poisoning to the stomach flu. Those symptoms can also indicate Colitis, an inflammation of the colon (large intestine) that can be caused by an infection, poor blood supply, or an autoimmune reaction. Additional symptoms can include abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody stools and fever. Because these symptoms can often be associated with other medical conditions, here are ten things you might not know about colitis:

1. Colitis and other inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's Disease are chronic conditions that can last from years to decades. There is no known cure for colitis, therefore the goal of treatment is to keep the condition in remission.

2. There are several different types of colitis. Infectious colitis occurs when disease causing bacteria are ingested and get into the intestines. Ischemic colitis occurs when the colon loses its normal blood supply and becomes inflamed. Diabetes, high blood pressure and smoking can trigger ischemic colitis. Ulcerative colitis is thought to be caused by over activity of the immune system and its symptoms include abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea.

3. Colitis affects about 500,000 to 2 million people in the US, and affects men and women equally. Colitis typically begins during adolescence and early adulthood, however the condition can also begin during childhood or later in adulthood. The most common age range is between 15 and 40 years old.

4. In addition to a physical exam and a family history, tests to establish a diagnosis may include a colonoscopy with biopsy and barium enema. Other tests may be done depending on the symptoms.

5. Although the condition is found all over the world, colitis is most prevalent in the United States, England and Northern Europe. Interestingly, the incidence of colitis in developing countries is low.

6. Many colitis patients have been able to minimize their symptoms by avoiding certain foods like soft drinks, alcohol and caffeine, and limiting others such as spicy foods, dairy products and foods that are high in fat.

7. Colitis is not contagious. Although it can be caused by an infection that is contagious, a person cannot "catch" colitis from someone else.

8. Colitis is hereditary. A person is more likely to suffer from colitis if they have an immediate relative who suffers from colitis. Approximately 25% of people with ulcerative colitis have a first-degree relative with the disease.

9. Complications of colitis can involve other parts of the body. About 10% of patients develop arthritis and lower back pain. Colitis can also cause inflammation in the joints, skin, eyes and the liver.

10. Colitis cannot be cured; however it can be treated with medications such as antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs, and in some cases, surgery. Adequate hydration is a key element in the treatment of colitis and in some cases IV fluids are required.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Reducing inflammation is the goal of Crohns disease natural treatment options, as well as prescription medications, typically used to treat Crohns. The cause of the disease is unclear, but it is known that natural healing for Crohns disease and general relief of symptoms can only occur when inflammation is reduced.

Inflammation has recently been linked to a wide variety of illnesses, including heart disease and cancer. Doctors have known for many years that Crohns is basically inflammation of the bowel. The reason for the inflammation has been and currently is being studied by researchers. There is some evidence that bacterial infection is the culprit.

Inflammation is the body's natural response to infection or injury, but when no infection or injury can be found, the reason for the inflammation is unclear. Researchers believe that, in the case of Crohns, the immune system may be reacting to bacteria that normally lives in the digestive tract. Other theories exist, but regardless of the root cause of the disease, reducing inflammation is the key to relieving symptoms.

Many people are interested in an alternative to prescription drugs or a Crohns disease natural treatment plan. People seek alternatives or natural healing for crohns disease, because conventional treatment is lacking.

The best known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen are ineffective in relieving the symptoms of the disease and actually cause flare-ups in many people.

Aminosalicylates, a different type of anti-inflammatory drug, are effective in only about one third of Crohns cases and cause unwanted side effects. Corticosteroids may be effective for short term relief of symptoms, but become ineffective over time and can lead to steroid dependency, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. When none of these anti-inflammatory prescription medications are effective, doctors prescribe immune system suppressing drugs, which can cause complications and decrease a patient's resistance to other diseases and infections.

A complete Crohns disease natural treatment plan usually includes some dietary changes, such as identifying and eliminating foods that cause flare-ups. Regular moderate exercise is often recommended for its natural pain relieving effects. Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics (yogurt) may be helpful, but not when diarrhea is present. Including dietary fiber is important, but may require some experimentation to find the right amount. Focusing on nutrition is important, because chronic diarrhea can prevent the body from absorbing essential nutrients from foods; a daily multi-vitamin is a good idea.

Natural healing for Crohns disease may be found by increasing plant foods that have anti-inflammatory effects. Some researchers believe that natural anti-inflammatories may be more effective and have fewer side effects than synthetic anti-inflammatory drugs. Of the known natural anti-inflammatories, the most powerful are components of the mangosteen fruit. The rind was used in traditional Asian medicine to relieve pain and swelling, to reduce diarrhea and to treat infections. A modern puree of the fruit and rind is sold worldwide as a health supplement.

Including mangosteen supplements in a Crohns disease natural treatment plan may reduce pain, inflammation and diarrhea. Scientific research has shown that the anti-inflammatory in the mangosteen is COX-2 inhibiting, but does not inhibit the production of COX-1 enzymes. COX-2 enzymes cause pain and inflammation. COX-1 enzymes protect and maintain the gastro-intestinal tract. Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit both COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes, causing the stomach upset and other side effects associated with them. Researchers may eventually find a cure, but currently natural healing for Crohns disease may be the best alternative.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Research into new ulcerative colitis treatments is currently being conducted in numerous universities and medical research facilities. The NIH (National Institutes of Health) in the United States reports that there are currently about 270 clinical studies underway or recently completed. More than 600,000 individuals in the U.S. alone - and millions more around the world - could benefit from drugs and therapies developed in these trials.

Approximately 300 ulcerative colitis patients die each year in the United States, so the mortality rate for this disorder is fairly low. Regardless, doctors consider it to be a serious digestive illness. It accounts for 80,000 hospitalizations every year, and doctors prescribe more than two million drugs for it annually.

This disease gets its name because inflammation causes ulcers to grow in the lining of the colon and intestines. These ulcers may produce pus and often bleed.

Medical researchers have not been able to develop any cures for ulcerative colitis. Certain medicines have been developed that alleviate pain from symptoms. These drugs may also reduce inflammation, slow down the progress of the disease, prevent complications, and replace blood and nutritional losses. Plus, these medications may help damaged tissues heal, prevent new flare ups, and lower the necessity of surgery in the future.

In choosing ulcerative colitis medications, your doctor will evaluate the progression of the disorder, the part of the colon that is affected, and any complications that may have developed.

If the disease is in the mild to moderate stage, the first choice of medications is usually aminosalicylates. Drugs called sulfasalazine or mesalamine are often the first choice in these situations. Aminosalicylates focus on reducing any current inflammation, promoting remission, and keeping the disease from becoming active again. Frequently, aminosalicylates are all you need to keep it in remission. Remission means you are not experiencing or suffering symptoms.

When aminosalicylates don't work well enough, corticosteroids are usually the next choice. The main purpose of corticosteroids is to eliminate inflammation, and they'll only be used as long as it takes to bring inflammation under control. As soon as there's no longer inflammation, your doctor will probably resume treatment with aminosalicylates.

When neither aminosalicylates nor corticosteroids bring about remission, your doctor will probably have to try other medications. Typically, such medicine would include immunomodulators, cyclosporine, and infliximab. These medications help reduce or eliminate inflammation by controlling how your immune system responds to your disorder.

Pregnant women with this condition should discuss medications with their doctor. Aminosalicylates and corticosteroids are generally considered to be safe for pregnant women, especially if the doctor believes the disease is more of a threat to the unborn child than any effects of the drugs. Several ulcerative colitis drugs are available that are formulated for use according to the stage of the pregnancy and the severity of symptoms.

Several recent research studies have revealed that the nicotine patch may actually help. But right now it's not really clear how long the benefits last or whether the patch can prevent flare ups. Not only that, but there can other harmful side effects from nicotine - including addiction. So most doctors will hesitate to try the nicotine patch before all other options have been found to be ineffective.

As mentioned above, there are literally hundreds of research studies and clinical trials in progress aimed at discovering new treatments and ulcerative colitis medications. Their efforts, we hope, will soon pay off with the development of new drugs and ulcerative colitis treatments - possibly even in an ulcerative colitis cure.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When it comes to medicine, myths are a dangerous thing. If you are wondering about Crohn's Disease and Colitis, there is no shortage of information out there. Yet you need to separate facts from fiction. There are many widespread myths dealing with various aspects of these diseases.

Top 5 Myths

1. Outcome

Sometimes uninformed people offer dire predictions about the fate of patients with these conditions. Yet Crohn's Disease and Colitis are not fatal diseases. Sufferers with these conditions have a normal life span (women, 79 years, men, 78 years). Crohn's Disease and Colitis are 'chronic' conditions. There is no 'cure' at present for these diseases. Yet people can manage their symptoms and live normal lives.

2. Treatment

If you hear that these conditions do not require treatment, pay no attention to this horrible myth. People need to seek help to treat their Crohn's Disease and Colitis symptoms (including diarrhea, weight loss, and stomach pains). If symptoms are left untreated, individuals can suffer serious complications - blockages, malnutrition, and even damage to organs.

3. Lifestyle

Your work life, social life, and love life are not over because you are diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and Colitis. This fear is perpetuated by a nasty myth. No doubt, these conditions have uncomfortable symptoms. Yet Crohn's Disease and Colitis are manageable conditions and in many cases the symptoms can be totally eliminated.

When people learn how to manage their symptoms, they can regain their lives - even with more vigour than before diagnosis. Before people are diagnosed, they suffer through the pain on their own. After diagnosis, individuals have a wealth of modern medical knowledge and a professional team to help them.

4. Cure

At present, the medical profession can offer no cure for these conditions. Yet sufferers have found methods that worked for them - even to the point of eliminating their symptoms. These plans can work effectively to manage symptoms.

Numerous patients claim to have found relief by taking part in a water fast and sticking with a raw food diet. Medical researchers are looking into the benefits of Vitamin A for treating the symptoms of Crohn's Disease and Colitis. This research is still underway but many sufferers feel better if they stay away from the Western diet of processed foods, sugars, and fats.

Choosing organic produce over fat-laden foods is always the better choice. Yet nobody should undertake a water fast or a dramatic change in diet without their doctor's permission. Sufferers who change to a raw food diet must understand that their body needs time to adjust to its new "fuel."

5. Success

There is a myth that sufferers cannot find an effective treatment for Crohn's Disease and Colitis. Since everyone has different symptoms, people worry that a standard treatment procedure will not work for patients. It is a fact that people experience varied symptoms but proper diet can help you cope with or heal your symptoms. Your doctor if enlightened can help work out a customized treatment plan and diet that works for you.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many families have pets that are loved and cared for like children. They provide unconditional love just by being there. There is sweetness in coming home to be met by our favorite furry friends. Most are cats and dogs; a few are horses, or farm animals; some are exotic like birds and reptiles. Nevertheless they fill an important part of our lives.

There are many similarities between humans and other animals. As humans, we have more advanced thought processes and we have levels of consciousness beyond other mammals. Animals on the other hand, have highly developed senses of instinct. However, we are all still mammals. This is especially true of our digestive systems.

A number of years ago, I spoke at a break out session for physicians and other health professionals in Kentucky, the land of beautiful horses grazing in blue grass. One of the physicians asked if I used only human strains of probiotics in my formulation. With a smile, I reminded him that our bodies are mammals just like our four footed furry friends. They can struggle with diseases just like we do, in fact they can get ulcerative colitis (UC) too.

Here's my first experience with UC and a puppy. I arrived at my hairdressers for my quarterly haircut and styling to find her sobbing about her puppy, a 10-week-old bulldog. He was bleeding out of the rectum; the vet had diagnosed ulcerative colitis and recommended putting the dog to sleep. Certainly I had empathy but I was scheduled for a haircut and could only imagine what I might look like when we were done, given her emotional state of mind.

As she talked about the puppy, I realized that my research in probiotics could give relief from symptoms in humans, why not animals. After all, I had helped my friend's Springer Spaniel. I offered to return home and fix my natural treatment for her puppy provided I got the best haircut she had ever done. So we began and true to her word, I got a great style.

When I returned, I spoke to her about Carlie, the springer spaniel with "hot spots" and how it cleared up overnight with these special probiotics. I showed her the little kit and gave her explicit directions. Several days later we spoke by phone. Her puppy was doing well; there was no more blood, the vet suggested waiting until symptoms returned. I suggested that she speak with her vet about a low allergy dog food of lamb and rice. It's been nine years since that day. My hairdresser still cuts my hair and her dog is alive, well and absolutely darling.

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If you are one of those many people suffering from Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and are tired of taking numerous different medications day in a day out with very little effect, there are a lot of things you can do to make your health better. You can go for several complementary and alternative therapies which are known to have very good effect with no side effects. Both Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are sometimes together called irritable bowel syndrome which is actually a milder version of both the diseases and is greatly impacted by the food that one consumes. You can choose to go for the biologically based products and practices which are found to be very effective in fighting Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

The food that you take in will help you ease the discomfort caused by the bowel diseases. Even though there are no certain foods which will cause the conditions, there are a few foods which will make the symptoms more severe. By getting a good knowledge about the nutrition and its effect on bowel diseases, you will be able to deal with them more aptly.

Food and nutrition are the main things that the doctor will try to change in an effort to help you fight these conditions. The nutrition plan will have to be tailor made just for you keeping in mind the condition that you have, the part of the intestine that is affected and several other parameters. You will have to focus on consuming a healthy and well balanced diet if you wish to overcome Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

You will have to take special care to ensure that you do not consume any kind of contaminated food. The contaminated food that you intake will result in food poisoning and dysentery which will make the condition even worse. It is hence recommended that you consume healthy and clean food to keep irritable bowel syndrome at bay.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Home remedies for thrush should be used whenever there are creamy white lesions, usually on your tongue or inner cheeks.

Oral thrush is the fungus "Candida albicans" and manifests as it accumulates on the lining of your mouth. Thrush can be treated at home and should not be viewed as a disease, but rather as a need to build the immune system up again.

The lesions can be painful and bleed some when you scrape them. Oral thrush can spread to the roof of your mouth, your gums, tonsils or the back of your throat.

Oral thrush can affect anyone, but it's more likely to occur in people that have compromised immune systems, like babies, people who wear dentures or those who use inhaled corticosteroids. If you have a weakened immune system, symptoms of oral thrush may be severe and difficult to control.

In the beginning, you may not even notice the symptoms of oral thrush. Signs and symptoms may develop suddenly and persist for a long time, before you realize what it is.

Home remedies for thrush should be started as soon as you notice any of these symptoms:

- Loss of taste
- White lesions on your tongue, cheeks or roof of your mouth, gums and tonsils
- Lesions with a cottage cheese-like appearance
- Pain
- Bleeding if the lesions are rubbed or scraped
- Cracking or redness on your mouth (especially denture wearers)
- Cotton feeling in your mouth

In severe cases, the lesions may spread into your esophagus. This is called Candida esophagitis. When that happens, you may experience difficulty swallowing, or feel like food is getting stuck in your throat. Another good reason to implement home remedies for thrush as soon as possible.

Babies may be fussy, irritable, and have trouble feeding. The infection can be passed back to their mothers during breast-feeding.

Women need to use home remedies for thrush when they experience the following signs or symptoms:

- Red, sensitive or itchy nipples
- Shiny or flaky skin around the nipple (areola)
- Pain during nursing or in nipples between feedings
- Deep stabbing pains within the breast

Home remedies for thrush will strengthen the immune system, since oral thrush and other Candida infections occur when your immune system is weakened. Anytime you have to take antibiotics, your good intestinal flora is damaged. Your immune system can also be damaged from disease, drugs like "prednisone," (Prednisone is used to treat allergic disorders, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis and arthritis) or anything that disturbs the natural balance of your bodies microorganisms.

Normally your immune system works to repel viruses, bacteria and fungi, but sometimes, when the immune system has been weakened, these protective mechanisms fail, which can allow an oral thrush infection to invade.

Home remedies for thrush will help weakened immune systems from related diseases like HIV/AIDS. The human immunodeficiency virus or (HIV) causes AIDS. Repeated signs of oral thrush may be the first sign a person has HIV.

Use home remedies for thrush if you've been receiving treatments for cancer, like chemotherapy and radiation.

Both the disease and treatments increase your risk of having a Candida infection like oral thrush.

Home remedies for thrush should be started also, if you have untreated diabetes or the disease isn't well controlled. When your saliva has large amounts of sugar, which encourages the growth of candida, you may develop thrush.

I recommend home remedies for thrush for vaginal yeast infections too. These infections are caused by the same fungus that causes oral thrush. Even though a yeast infection isn't dangerous, a pregnant woman can pass the fungus to their baby during delivery.

You don't want your baby to start out with "oral thrush."

Some people insist that the extract of grapefruit seed is one of the best home remedies for thrush that you can use.

Grapefruit seeds contain certain chemicals that act as anti microbial agents. The grapefruit seed extract actually works as a "natural antibiotic."

The recommended dosage is one teaspoon of grapefruit seed extract, with a glass of lukewarm water, twice a day.

Unrefined raw coconut oil has also been said to be an excellent home remedy for thrush. A compound known as caprylic acid is the benefit of raw coconut oil, which is a strong antimicrobial agent.

Simply apply a small amount directly on the areas of the body with thrush symptoms. Raw virgin coconut oil is also excellent for diaper rashes, as well as thrush of the mouth areas.

Since home remedies for thrush and home remedies for yeast infections have the same "causes and affects," the need to balance your good intestinal flora is the same.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When looking for cures for yeast infections you should definitely know as much as possible about the beneficial aspects of probiotics.

Another probiotic that has recently generated a great deal of interest is the friendly yeast known as saccharonryces boulardii, an organism that belongs to the brewer's yeast family, not the Candida albicans group. S. boulardii is not a permanent resident of the intestine but, taken orally, it produces lactic acid and some B vitamins, and has an overall immune-enhancing effect.

Cures For Yeast Infections: Benefits Of Probiotics:

o Weaken antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, attack new types of pathogens (supergerms) and infections in immuno-compromised people requiring treatment (i.e., resist opportunistic infections);
o Manufacture B vitamins (biotin, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, B12) and vitamin K;
o Secrete lactase, an enzyme required to break down lactose in milk;
o Act as anticancer factors (especially for bladder and bowel) by inhibiting bacteria that convert nitrates into nitrites and secrete carcinogens;
o Function as natural antibiotics against unfriendly bacteria, viruses, and yeast such as Candida albicans;
o Enhance bowel function and elimination;
o Reverse diarrhea conditions (Crohn's disease, AIDS, traveler's);
o Prevent skin problems, especially acne and other skin infections;
o Protect against the adverse effects of radiation and pollutants;
o Reduce the blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides;
o Fight stress and food cravings;
o Help eliminate bad breath;
o Optimize sex hormone levels, enhance fertility, and prevent osteoporosis;
o Produce lactic acid, improve the digestibility of foods;
o Oppose putrefactive bacteria such as bacteroides, associated with a
meat-rich diet; and
o Treat allergies, eczema, psoriasis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, duodenitis, diverticulitis, urinary tract infections, vaginitis, other chronic infections, and autoimmune diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, alopecia areata, scleroderma, etc.)

When looking for cures for yeast infections you need an overall plan that will help you eliminate the infection for good. Probiotics are a beneficial part of that plan.

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Probiotics are known as "good" bacteria. These healthy forms of bacteria are present naturally within the digestive system. Factors such as the common use of antibiotics can reduce the number of good bacteria as well as the harmful bacteria for which the antibiotics are taken. For this reason a probiotic supplement should be considered. Especially for those suffering from diseases of the digestive system, such as Ulcerative Colitis.

As a remedy for Ulcerative Colitis probiotics can be beneficial. There are also additional benefits of probiotics in your diet.

  • Remedy for diarrhea, especially helps after treatment with antibiotics

  • Helps in treating vaginal yeast infections and urinary tract infections

  • Aids in treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

  • May help in reducing bladder cancer recurrence

  • Aids in treatment of many intestinal infections

  • Useful in treating eczema in children

  • Can help in Preventing or reducing the severity of colds and flu

One thing we know for sure is that there needs to be a balance of good bacteria in our system. Some people have come to believe that this may be one of the leading factors in occurrence of Ulcerative Colitis. With the very common uses of antibiotics nowadays, there is probably some truth to that.

Here's what can happen. Lets say your feeling down with a sinus infection (happens to me at least once a year). You stop in at the Dr. and of course a round of antibiotics is prescribed. During the course of your prescription the antibiotics are killing off the "bad" bacteria that are present in your infection and in turn you feel better. Antibiotics aren't selective killers though and they kill off the "good" bacteria in your system just as well.

Herein lies the problem of yeast. We all have yeast in our system. It is kept in check by, you guessed it, good bacteria. When we kill off good bacteria we allow yeast to take hold in our system and many believe that the over-use of antibiotics and the presence of yeast has at least part to do with all these problems we are seeing with our immune systems attacking us (auto immune disorder).

Regular ingestion of probiotics, I believe, can have positive benefits for those suffering from Ulcerative Colitis and can act to a degree as a remedy. I don't believe probiotics will cure you of Ulcerative Colitis, but I do think as part of an overall plan of attack against Ulcerative Colitis it can be effective as a remedy against those things that are at the root of our problem.

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Public awareness is growing about the dangers of certain acne drugs and their link to bowel diseases. Studies have shown that isotretinoin, the primary active ingredient in various acne medications, can cause serious gastrointestinal problems.

A study at the University of North Carolina set out to find whether there is a cause and effect relationship between isotretinoin and bowel conditions. Based on their analysis, the research team concluded that patients who used isotretinoin to treat their acne had a four times greater chance of having ulcerative colitis than people who did not use the drug.

Types of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Isotretinoin has been linked to inflammatory bowel disease, also known as IBD. IBD is a condition that causes inflammation in the gastrointestinal system. There are several types of inflammatory bowel diseases, including:

-Crohn's disease

-Ulcerative colitis

-Ulcerative proctitis

-Indeterminate colitis

Although the different types of IBD are related, they have their differences. For example, ulcerative colitis normally affects only the colon. On the other hand, Crohn's disease can affect any portion of the intestinal tract.

Side Effects and Treatment

The symptoms of IBD are very similar regardless of the specific type of IBD. Common side effects include abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, rectal bleeding, vomiting, loss of appetite and other problems. The type, progression and severity of the side effects vary from patient to patient.

Unfortunately, inflammatory bowel disease can have serious complications. The disease results in ulcers in the intestines. Over time, these ulcers can cause obstructions, infections (abscesses), narrowing (strictures), bleeding (hemorrhage) and an increased risk of cancer.

The treatment for IBD varies depending on the patient. Some patients are rarely bothered by the disease while others have regular flare-ups that can be painful and inconvenient. Strong medications may be used to manage the disease. In some cases, invasive surgery is required.

How Can Isotretinoin Cause IBD?

Isotretinoin is a form of vitamin A, so how can it be so dangerous? The drug was originally developed as a chemotherapy medication to treat serious cancers. It is effective at killing cells that are rapidly dividing. Inflammatory bowel disease occurs a result of improper immune system activity, and cancer drugs are known to damage a person's immune system. If a cancer medication can damage the immune system, then it makes sense that it can cause IBD.

What Should You Do if You Took Isotretinoin and Have Bowel Problems?

Many people who took isotretinoin and developed Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or another form of IBD do not know the two are linked. As a result of growing media exposure, more people are finally learning about the connection. Knowing the cause of a problem can help answer the question of where the disease came from, and it may also help in treating the condition. If you took isotretinoin and have bowel problems but have not been tested for inflammatory bowel disease, you may want to ask your doctor about getting tested.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease that is characterized by the formation of ulcers in the inner wall of the colon and rectum of the large intestines. Crohn's disease is also a similar condition except that it affects not only the large intestines but also other parts of the digestive tract and extends through the thickness of the bowel rather than just affecting the inner lining. However, both are quite different from the irritable bowel syndrome, which is not an inflammatory disease and does not cause any injury to the intestines.

Ulcerative colitis can affect people at any age; however, it generally commences at the age of 15 to 20 years and rarely starts at above 50 years. It affects both the genders equally and White's appear to be more susceptible to the disease than other races. Family history also increases the risk for contracting the disease. Symptoms of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease include fatigue, anemia, loss of appetite and weight, rectal bleeding, joint pains, fever and nausea. When compared with irritable bowel syndrome that elicits symptoms that are restricted to bowel movements such as abdominal distress, constipation or diarrhea and bloating, the symptoms of the former are more severe and systemic.

Although the exact cause of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease is not known, it is postulated that abnormal functioning of the immune system with respect to colonic and rectal bacteria might be the main causative factor. Sensitivity to foods and stress are said to be the other causes for this condition.

Diagnosis is done through blood and stool tests and colonoscopy that helps to locate the site of inflammations and ulcers. Treatment predominantly consists of anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids and immunomodulators although in severe cases with massive bleeding, surgical removal of the colon might be required. A major concern with ulcerative colitis is that around 5% of those suffering from this condition generally develop colon cancer. To avoid such a serious condition, it is better to follow correct dietary practices that include consumption of fresh foods, small and frequent meals and balanced diets in addition to taking regular medications. After all, a stitch in time saves nine.

Thus, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are types of inflammatory bowel diseases that are etiologically similar, although symptomatically quite different, from irritable bowel syndrome. Correct dietary practices along with medications are the key to managing all the three conditions.

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The Crohn's bowel disease is a continual inflammatory ailment that can have an effect on any part of the gastrointestinal tract in the digestive system of a person, from mouth to the anus, as well as affecting other organs of the body. Crohn's disease is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease. The Ulcerative colitis also belongs to this group and shares some similarities with the symptoms and effects of the Crohn's disease. Nevertheless, ulcerative colitis only causes problems to the large intestine while Crohn's disease affects the small intestine. Crohn's disease affects the three layers of the bowel wall that are the inner lining, muscular layer and outer lining. The difference between these two diseases further is that the ulcerative colitis only affects the mucosa (inner lining). The prototypes of intestinal connection in Crohn's ailment are separated into large bowel (colonic) (around 25%), small and large bowel (ileocolic about 40%), and small bowel (30%). The duodenum is infrequently involved (at only 2%). The main pathological facets of the Crohn's disease are ulcers (which can be shallow and deep), correlation of the bowel lumen with adjacent structures (fistulae) and scar tissue, which may lead to contraction of the bowel lumen (strictures which can cause lumen stumbling block). The extra-intestinal structures engaged in Crohn's illness could either be local or systemic. Local can take place when fistulae are at hand, such as between the excrement and the vagina or the bladder. Systemic extra-intestinal manifestations can be pronounced in the skin, mucous membranes (shallow ulcers of the mouth and vagina), eyes (iritis, swelling of the iris), liver and gallbladder (arthralgia and arthritis, hepatitis and cirrhosis)

Crohn's disease fatality is an important cause of morbidity in the Australia continent as it affects about 50 people per 100 000 of the inhabitants. The rate is set to pile up in the coming years. The disease is prevalent among the adolescents and young adults with up to 60% of patients being detected of having the ailment 25 years of age or below. Nonetheless, Crohn's bowel disease can take place at any age. Females have a slight edge over their male counterparts as far as involvement with the disease is concern

The reasons of having this disease is not yet known as of this point of time, but a variety of genetic and environmental factors are considered to having a role in acquiring the disease. Moreover, a proof for a genetic component is present as siblings of Crohn's patients are 20-35 times more probable to have a Crohn's disease. Smoking, and higher sugar content in the diet may augment the threat of having the disease. A rudimentary diet or the so-called Crohn's Diet may control the Crohn's Disease symptoms. Crohn's ailment is more widespread in Western nations and more frequent in Caucasians in contrast to black-skinned populace.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Colitis masquerades by many names, and the symptoms of colitis are no fun. They include severe stomach pain, diarrhea, and constipation, to name a few. Colitis is a serious problem that causes the lining of the large intestine to be inflamed and swollen.

The primary cause of colitis is the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics destroy the mucosal lining of the intestines. Without this lining, the health of your colon declines dramatically, since the lining protects the tissue in your gastrointestinal tract. Once damaged, your body's digestive enzymes then work on destroying the lining, which causes the tissue to be eaten away.

These are the five most common symptoms of colitis:

1. Diarrhea: This can range from mild and occasional to frequent with unpredictable urgency. Diarrhea is often triggered by eating and then having to run to the bathroom. Some people have a condition known as IBS-C, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome with constipation. This latter condition is found most commonly in someone genetically pre-disposed to constipation. This condition is caused by failing to properly hydrate the stool.

2. Intestinal/stomach pain: While this may indicate a stomach bug (stomach flu) or food poisoning, it is also a symptom of colitis and/or constipation.

3. Bloody stools: Along with fever and dehydration and diarrhea, these symptoms may indicate ulcerative colitis.

4. Mucus in stool: When you add the above symptoms to mucus, it may be Crohn's Disease.

While not a physical symptom, this last symptom may be the most paralyzing side-effect of colitis and IBD:

5. Paranoia: This is seen in someone who is too afraid to leave home to attend social events, go the mall, go out to eat, go to a movie, etc. Paranoia is most commonly found in those suffering from a more severe irritable bowel disease. Many have had "accidents," and even when cured, find it difficult to leave the safety of their home for more than a short period of time.

The progression in the severity of the syndrome from colitis to Crohn's is based on the fact that all of these are the same condition. The primary difference is the amount of damage done to intestinal tissue, which has a strong correlation to how long you have suffered through the symptoms without treatment.

Bottom line -- don't tolerate this pain and these symptoms any longer than you have to. Taking drugs isn't the answer -- there is an alternative that works that involves rebuilding your gut. Do your research, discover the tissues that comprise your colon, and don't ignore these five primary symptoms of colitis.

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The South Korean government has recently announced a research program on how to keep their aging population young and active.

In that study, and many others on-going around the world, one natural hormone stands out as giving the greatest promise. That is DHEA.

DHEA - or dehydroepiandrosterone

This is a natural hormone produced in our bodies by the adrenal gland. During our growth period, there are very high levels of it in our blood. The older we get, the more we seem to need, but its production often lags behind our own deterioration state.

DHEA is associated with youthfulness, energy levels, good memory, strong sex drive, good mood, active metabolism, and muscle tone. Yet as early as our 18th year, its levels start to drop, as aging begins.

Aging is often associated with falling libido, muscle wasting, bone loss, reduced strength and stamina...and not just a physical appearance of aging. It appears the DHEA targets just these elements.

DHEA and Scientific Research

The role of DHEA is being researched actively and internationally in the following areas:

Adrenal Insufficiency
Bone Density
Burn Out (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
Chrohn's Syndrome (and Ulcerative Colitis)
Erectile Dysfunction
Treatment of HIV
Treatment of Cholesterol
Immune System
Insulin Resistance
Libido Problems
Aging Problems (especially of the skin)

There are another two special areas where DHEA is having focused interest. These are the areas of DHEA and the brain, and its role with fats.

The Brain and DHEA

While DHEA's exact functions in the brain are (and they are under active study), there are some effects that are known, some of them very important. Firstly DHEA is a proven mood enhancer. This means that DHEA could be treatment for depression, and the symptoms affecting most people after the age of 50. A lot of that depression is associated with decreased libido, energy and motivation depravation, anxiety, and emotional imbalances. DHEA have been shown to positively effect these conditions, so DHEA may help postpone the aging process in general, and specifically, make it a harmonious transition.

In another important study, it was shown that brain stem cells (in the laboratory) grew about 1/3 faster in a medium that contained DHEA, than in mediums with out it. There are ideas now to correlate this phenomenon to possible treatment of both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

The Heart and DHEA

There is nothing that worries doctors more about heart disease than poor cardiovascular states. That means high cholesterol levels, platelet aggregation, high blood pressure, and high levels of triglycerols. Being overweight, and having too much fat on one's body is a sure way to insure the above conditions.

DHEA has been shown to lower insulin levels. Lower insulin levels have themselves been linked to higher plasma ratios between lipolytic hormones and insulin. Also DHEA has been associated with a high efficiency level of lipolysis (weight loss of fat).

Ask your doctor for the proper doses of DHEA.

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There are many people who are suffering needlessly with inflammatory diseases of the bowel. Medical doctors treat the problems of inflammation in the intestines with drugs which only cover symptoms, doing nothing to heal the condition. This information comes from many years of working with herbal remedies and from my own experience with irritable bowel and diverticulitis.

Two of my siblings have been hospitalized with acute inflammatory bowel diseases. Had they known what to do they could have saved themselves thousands of dollars while eliminating the pain within minutes. I know how painful an inflammatory condition of the large intestine can be and have been successful every single time in eliminating the pain within less than a half hour of time. This treatment works well for all inflamed conditions of the bowel; Diverticulitis, Crohn's, IBS, and Colitis.

The herbs of choice are what are known as mucilaginous. They act as a 'mucilage' in that when mixed with water the herb becomes slippery, cooling and healing to the digestive tract. One of the herbs even has the word slippery in it. That would be Slippery Elm. Slippery Elm is the inner bark of the Slippery Elm tree and during the 1st and 2nd World Wars when food and medicines were scarce the bark of the Slippery Elm tree was used as a porridge for babies and children because it is highly nutritious and has a pleasant, sweet taste. Often it was added to oatmeal because it was high in vitamins.

The other mucilage that soothes the intestines is Marshmallow. Marshmallow root is another nutritious herb that is cooling and soothing to inflamed tissues.

Both herbs may be taken singly or in a combination known as Intestinal Soothe and Build which also contains Bugleweed, plantain and rosehips to help tone the tissues. Chamomile is in along with the other herbs in this combination to act as a nervine and an anti-inflammatory.

Infection is suspected if the pain is intense and may be assuaged by taking one or two capsules of Golden Seal powder. Known as "nature's anti-biotic", true Golden Seal is a rich gold color in a clear capsule. Since it is in high demand and there is only moderate supply, the price is usually about $20-$30 for 100 capsules. Don't be fooled by producers who try to sell you a cheap Golden Seal. If it is 'cheap' it is not Golden Seal. Never use Golden Seal if you are hypoglycemic because it will lower your blood sugar even more.

Limiting your intake of sugar, dairy, and peanuts in any form, especially peanut butter which is highly acidic, is another recommendation for a healthy digestive tract. If you want to eat something that is nutritious and more alkaline in nature, then try Almond butter. The almond is the only alkaline nut and much better for the bowel than peanut butter.

If diarrhea is keeping you at home, then make sure you always have plenty of Hydrated Bentonite around. Just one capful in water will stop those rapid trips to the bathroom in minutes.

Taking the herbs suggested in this article may be just the ticket to getting you back to a pain-free, more active life.

References: The Ultimate Healing System by Dr. Donald LePore
Back To Eden by Jethro Kloss

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The first thing that needs to be established is that an unhealthy and malfunctioning colon doesn't only affect one's digestive system; it actually takes its toll on the whole body.

The primary function of the colon is to remove excess wastes from the body. This mainly involves the excretion of feces that needs to be eliminated to ensure that the body is able to function effectively, without any unnecessary hindrances. However, an unhealthy colon means that it is likely that the excretion of the feces is hampered, causing a build up of unwanted toxins in the body. These harmful toxins remain in the body and are circulated in the bloodstream which makes the body react. This is the point where people start getting sick.

Although it may begin with a simple allergic reaction or a series of loose bowels, these toxins continue to accumulate over time. Unless they are removed, they can lead to more severe conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn's disease. Even worse, these toxin build ups are also known to have ties with the development of grave illnesses such as colon and bowel cancer.

The Symptoms of Unhealthy Colon

There are a lot of ways to tell if one's colon is unable to get rid of the body's wastes effectively. It is necessary to learn and understand these symptoms in order to realize the need for a colon cleanse as soon as possible. Here are a few tell-tale signs that simply demand a detoxification program.

People that have unhealthy colons usually wake up sluggish and tired despite the fact that they've had more than 7 hours of sleep. The inability to lose weight is also a problem for these individuals even though they stick to healthy, low calorie diets. Skin problems such as pale skin with spots or acne are also common among this type of people. They may also experience irregularity in their bowel movements and have stools that are either liquid or have paste-like consistencies. Unhealthy colons may also cause bad breath and body odor even if best hygienic practices are done.

If two or more of these symptoms are present, then it may be time for a colon cleanse.

The Causes of Unhealthy Colon

Although there are dozens of different reasons why people tend to have unhealthy colons, one of the main reasons is a bad diet. Unhealthy diets are usually constituted by low levels of fiber. The lack of fiber in the system leads to blockages and feces that are moved at an irregularly slow rate. Fiber is needed by the body because it is indigestible and easily goes through the digestive system. It works like a broom that sweeps the bowel and excretes it together with the feces.

Low fiber diets may eventually lead to a build up of internal sludge in the colon. This gluey harmful substance takes up so much space and causes so many blockages that nothing is able to pass through. This then usually results to constipation. A healthy body will have high levels of fiber that act as magnets that take with them any unnecessary wastes out of the entire system.

The question now is how to ensure that the colon is clean. The answer is a combination of a high fiber diet and a simple colon cleanse procedure.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other functional digestive diseases are significant contributors to workplace absenteeism. IBS in particular is a pervasive disease with estimates placing the number of those affected at 25 to 55 million people in the United States alone. Though I do not suffer from a digestive disease myself, I have become familiar with IBS through the experiences of a friend who was facing termination from work due to chronic lateness. He came to me for legal advice on how to handle the situation. This prompted me to look into what legal protections may be available to someone having attendance issues at work due to the symptoms of IBS and other digestive diseases. I previously wrote on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with a special focus on digestive diseases.

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows employees with a serious medical condition to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid but JOB PROTECTED leave in a 12 month-period. FMLA has several advantages to someone suffering from IBS, Crohn's Disease or other digestive diseases. First, although the leave is unpaid, the employee's position is protected while on leave. Second, the leave does not have to be taken all at once but may be taken intermittently, and even on an hour by hour basis. For my friend who had particular difficulty with getting to work on time due to the IBS flaring up most frequently in the morning, being able to take a hour here or there to cover lateness would obviously be a helpful protection. Third, all-too-important health insurance benefits are continued during the period of leave.

For an employee suffering with IBS to qualify for leave under the FMLA, there are several fact-specific criteria that must be met. First, the person's employer must be covered by the FMLA. All public entities, including Federal, State, County and Local agencies (including schools) are covered. In regard to private (e.g. non-government) businesses, an employer is covered so long as it employed 50 or more employees in 20 or more work weeks within either of the last 2 calendar years.

For the employee to be covered by the FMLA, he or she must have worked at least 1,250 hours within the last 12 months for his or her employer. The employee must also work at a location where 50 or more employees of that employer work within a 75 mile radius.

Finally, in order to qualify for Family Medical Leave, the employee's IBS or other digestive disease must meet the definition of a "serious medical condition" as defined in the FMLA. This means a condition which prevents the employee from working, and which resulted in an in-patient stay at a hospital or other medical care facility, or is the subject of ongoing treatment by a medical professional. The FMLA regulations also specifically recognize chronic health conditions that can qualify for leave. These conditions occur over a period of time and "may cause episodic rather than continuing periods of incapacity." This would certainly seem to describe the situation faced by most sufferers of IBS.

The reader should understand that the Family Medical Leave Act is a complex statute which is supported by voluminous and complex regulations. There are going to be rules, exceptions to those rules, and then exceptions to the exceptions. The entitlement to leave is a fact specific determination made on a case-by-case basis and there is the potential for confusion and/or conflict. If you feel you are being treated unfairly by your employer, or you have questions or concerns, I recommend speaking with an employment attorney to discuss your specific set of circumstances.

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