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Hartmann's procedure is an operation that involves the removal of part of the large intestines. This procedure is normally used as an emergency measure on patients who do not support extensive surgical operations or where anastomosis is not possible.

What are the indications for a Hartmann Procedure?
Though this procedure was initially developed to address the problem of distal colonic adenocarcionoma, related indications have progressed with time. Some of the common indications addressed through this surgical operation currently include:

~Complicated Diverticulitis
This is one of the most common indications for a Hartmann procedure. It normally occurs at sites of vascular penetration between antimesenteric taeniae and mesenteric taenia. Depending on the magnitude, diverticulitis complications can be categorized into 4 categories namely: parabolic absess, disntant absess, purulent perintonitis and fecal peritonitis. Hartmann procedure is mostly preferred for the treatment of the last two stages.

~Rectosigmoid Cancer
This is the next common indication for a Hartmann procedure. In emergency cases, the predominant Rectosigmoid Cancer symptoms may include perforation and bleeding. On the other hand, in elective cases, palliation is the common symptom. Other rectosigmid cancer related indicators include: Volvulusm ischemia; lymphoma, metastatic cancer; crohn disease; ulcerative colitis; pneumatosis cystoides and retroperitoneal bleeding.

Apart from these two dominant categories, a Hartmann procedure may also be carried out whenever a colon resection is necessary. This is normally done in patients who are malnourished.

What does the operation involve?
A cut is usually made in the tummy. This creates an allowance through which the surgeon removes the affected area of the bowel before making a colostomy. Basically speaking, colostomy is an allowance made at the end of the colon to allow for the passage of fecal waste. In some cases, it is possible to have this allowance reversed in a process called reversal Hartmann's procedure. The wound made after the cut is usually closed with stitches or clips. Any visible clips or stitches are normally removed within 12 days.

What the risk is of involved in this procedure?
Well, Hartmann's procedure is a major operation. As with any other surgical operation, the operation has a fair share of risks involved. Some of the common risks include:

*Nerve damage: This procedure is normally done very close to the anal sphincter (muscles of the back passage). In the process, some muscles may become bruised thus causing damage of the nerves. Occasionally, this can lead to incontinence of feces or wind. In extreme cases, this surgical operation may interfere with the bladder and sexual function although the risks are often temporary.

*Paralysis of the Bowel: Sometimes, this operation may lead to the obstruction of the small bowel (ileus). If this happens, the bowel may need to be rested before an operation is carried out to unblock it.

*Other Risks after the operation
Hartmann's procedure may lead to chest complications, patients are normally advised to avoid smoking and practice deep breathing exercises after this procedure. Apart from chest infections, other complications may include thrombosis, wound infection and blood clot in the lungs.

Benefits of Hartmann's procedure
Through this operation, doctors are able to remove the affected part of the bowel. This provides a good solution to most bowel problems such as colon cancer and divercullitis.

Alternative Procedures
As we learnt in the introductory part of this write-up, this operation is normally performed during emergencies. If incase the problem is still containable, a hollow tube (commonly known as a stent) is usually inserted in the bowel. Once in place, stents help keep the passage open. However, these only relieve the symptoms for a short while.

What to do before the operation
While preparing for the Hartmann's procedure, it is important you prepare yourself physically. Try to eat a balanced diet, perform gentle exercises and get plenty of fresh air. At this point you're strongly advised to stop smoking.

Just to sum it up, it is our sincere hope that you've found this article useful. If in case of related symptoms, do not hesitate to consult a qualified medical doctor for treatment and specialized advice.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I have suffered from Crohn's disease since I was eleven years old. At first the doctors did not know what was wrong with me and put my illness down to growing pains. They eventually diagnosed me with crohn's disease when I was fourteen. I had to endure several months of painful examinations and had two years off school as I was so ill. I was put on steroids and had to have operations to remove part of my intestine. I have tried lots of different prescription drugs over the years but they all had horrible side effects and made me feel so ill. It wasn't until I reached the age of 28 that I started to look for alternative medicines. One natural remedy for Crohn's disease is aromatherapy, which some people believe helps rejuvenate the body and promote healing. Many people believe that there is a strong link between the mind and body and that, by repairing the mind, they are able to repair the body as well. Using calming scents, users of aromatherapy soothe away mental and physical stress, allowing the body a chance to recuperate from the daily stresses that weaken the immune system. Maintaining a healthy immune system is a great natural remedy for Crohn's disease.

Controlling crohn's disease the natural way:

Herbalism is used to treat a multitude of problems by using the whole plant, rather than extracting a key ingredient. While modern medicine and herbalism work best together, they are often in opposition because each side believes their way is best. This natural remedy for Crohn's disease claims to treat the cause of the illness, as opposed to eradicating the symptoms. The theory is that all the medicine a person needs can be found already in nature and, that if they are used properly, the body will repair itself. A combination of herbs and other plants are used as a natural remedy for Crohn's disease in a multitude of ways. The herbs soothe the nervous system which, in turn, calms gastrointestinal distress. One of the best herbal remedies I have used is a product called Aloe MP Plus which is the best crohn's disease medication I have tried and is the ultimate crohn's disease natural remedy. I would not be without it. It has changed my life. The other product I use is called Esdifan which controls any diarrhea and allows me to eat foods which I would not normally be allowed to eat. They are both ways in controlling crohn's disease the natural way, with no side effects, which actually work.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis is considered a serious ailment. Unlike irritable bowel syndrome, it can take a lot of time money and effort to get it treated and not having a health insurance policy can make things difficult.

Ulcerative colitis is considered a serious ailment. Unlike irritable bowel syndrome, it can take a lot of time money and effort to get it treated and depending on the level of severity, treatment could end up being a costly affair. It is a condition very similar to Crohn's disease and is from a group of similar ailments collectively called Irritable Bowel Diseases (IBD). It causes ulceration of the bowels and blood in stool. It is a serious medical condition that might even require hospitalization. And given the ever-increasing cost of healthcare, ulcerative colitis will end up hurting a lot more than just your bowels! So if you have health insurance, now is a good time to use it. Less than one in thousand persons suffer from ulcerative colitis in the United States. If that sounds like a small number, we are talking a quarter million people here!

So how much insurance coverage do you need for ulcerative colitis? Well, that's hard to say, I don't want to throw a number here because it depends on several factors like severity, mode of treatment adopted, where the treatment is administered - small government clinic or up-market private hospital - and most importantly, the reaction of individuals to the treatment and costs can vary over a wide range. I can tell you nothing more informative than "a few dozen dollars to a thousand." Case-to-case differences exist and even within an individual, the symptoms of the disease are intermittent. Sometimes they are barely noticeable and sometimes they are severe. In some cases, the symptoms lessen gradually and eventually disappear on their own, but in some cases it requires medical intervention.

Treatments include chemotherapy, surgery and alternative treatments. So if the mode of treatment adopted is chemotherapy - do you benefit from you health insurance policy? Depends. Most of the health insurance policies I know do not cover the costs of drugs. I know mine doesn't. It covers only hospitalization and surgery charges but I have to buy my own drugs. But then again, it could depend on the way the terms and conditions are phrased and defined. If drugs are an inevitable part of the treatment, you might get reimbursed. I know for sure that most policies pay nothing in case of a relatively minor ailment like irritable bowel syndrome which has no more weight than a headache but crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis can sometimes even lead to surgery.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Microscopic colitis is a disease that causes an inflammation of the colon, resulting in chronic diarrhea and occasional abdominal pain. It was given the name "microscopic colitis" because the inflammation can only be viewed through a microscope.

What causes microscopic colitis?

Research shows that microscopic colitis is a result of the immune system attacking bacteria living in the colon. Scientists are still unsure, however, about what instigates the attack to these bacteria. It is suggested that consumption of certain antibiotics or certain types of foods may trigger the attack. It is likewise believed that the body's immune system attacks non-foreign elements in the intestine after erroneously identifying them as foreign elements. Why this anomaly happens is uncertain.

Tests have also suggested that a certain gene present in the body may be the cause of the attack, but due to the lack of consistency in the results, there is no conclusion that can be drawn from the test.

Studies have also suggested that estrogen could be the cause of microscopic colitis. Research has yielded convincing findings that there are more women affected by this disease than men, and that these women are usually affected much later their in life when the supply of estrogen in the body is much higher.

Although it is not the actual cause of microscopic colitis, the body's reaction to glutinous food products could be the trigger for the inflammation of the colon. Gluten is the protein found in wheat, barley, rye and oats.

Treatment and prevention

The first step of treatment for microscopic colitis is the modification of the diet. The patient is usually asked to stick to gluten-free foods.

A new medical process is being developed to rid the body of immunogenic strains of bacteria that cause microscopic colitis. The process involves replacing these bacteria with good bacteria called lactobacilli.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Mastocytic enterocolitis (entero=small intestine, colitis- colon + -itis= inflammation) is a newly discovered disorder defined by the presence of increased mast cells in the intestine. Mast cells are a type of immune cell. They are involved in allergy reactions, infection fighting and nerve regulation in the body. They have numerous granules that contain a variety of chemicals that mediate body reactions i.e. chemical mediators. Histamine is one of the main chemical mediators in mast cells that are released when mast cells are triggered. Mast cells present in the superficial intestinal lining or mucosa in small numbers except when there are parasites, food allergies, increased stress or the presence of other chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. When mast cells release histamine and other chemicals, this irritates or inflames the bowel making it more permeable or leaky. This can set up a vicious cycle of pain and further gut injury.


The most common symptoms are diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. However, constipation may occur due to gut paralysis. Nausea, vomiting and various non-GI symptoms such as flushing, headaches, and fatigue may also commonly occur. When histamine is released, it can cause leaky gut, increased contractions of the gut or decreased contractions, increased secretions and increased pain.


When you have an endoscopic procedure, the doctor takes samples of tissue, called biopsies, from the lining of your intestines. The tissue is then sent to a pathologist who looks at it under the microscope. Mast cells may be hard to see on biopsies without a special stain for tryptase, an enzyme present in mast cells. Mastocytic enterocolitis is diagnosed when excess mast cells are present in the small bowel or the colon.


There are medications that can reduce or block the release of the chemicals by the mast cells. The most common are antihistamines, both type I and type antihistamines. Type I antihistamines are typically used for allergies symptoms such as Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin etc. The type II antihistamines are also acid blockers such as Zantac, Tagamet and Pepcid. The most specific therapy for mastocytic enterocolitis is a medication that stabilizes mast cells known as cromolyn sodium (Gastrocrom). This drug prevents the release of chemicals including histamine from mast cells. It is typically prescribed four times a day for about 4-6 weeks. Along with medication, you should have allergy testing done for the most common allergies, work on reducing or coping better with stress and consider taking a probiotic supplement.

Copyright 2008 Dr. Scot M. Lewey, "Dr Celiac, the Food Doc" http://www.thefooddoc.com All RIghts Reserved

This may be reprinted for non-commercial patient use provided the contact information above is included.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Colitis is a condition of the human body that is marked by an inflammation of the colon. It can be caused by a variety of infections as well as a lack of blood supply and autoimmune reactions. The colon, which is also commonly called the large bowel or the large intestine collects and stores the residual waste after digestion. It is also the passage that channels this waste matter towards the rectum for excretory purposes. During the passage of the liquid waste matter through the colon it is mixed with mucus and bacterium, while the water part of the waste is reabsorbed and channeled into the blood stream solidifying the feces.

The colon is made of layers of tissues with the outside wall layered with smooth muscle tissue that is instrumental in generating a movement to push the undigested food towards the rectum. The inner mucosa layer secrets mucus and bacterium for the formation of the feces and also helps in the electrolyte absorption of water through the layer to solidify the waste matter. During a colitis condition it is the inner mucosa layer that gets inflamed. Similar to all other organs in the human body the colon has a supply of arteries and a nexus of veins on its outside wall to supply oxygen and exhaust carbon dioxide and lactic acid.

Infections: Colitis can be caused by infection to the colon through bacteria and virus that reach the organ mostly through food. The condition is commonly called 'food poisoning' and some of the regular causes include Campylobacter, Escherchia Coli, Shigella, and Salmonella. Another similar condition, pseudomembranous colitis happens due to the bacteria Clostridium Difficile (C. difficile). This condition occurs in patients, who have been taking antibiotic medication because of an infection already present. This condition is often accompanied by fever and non-bloody diarrhea.

Ischemic Colitis: This condition is caused when the arteries in the colon narrow due to an atherosclerosis cutting up the blood supply to the organ and causing often-severe inflammation. This condition can occur because of a low blood pressure, anemia, dehydration, or shock. In other circumstances-like volvulus, when the bowel starts twisting, and incarcerated hernia, when the colon is obstructed by the abdominal wall-also the colon can suffer from a lack of blood supply, considerable pain, passage of blood through the bowers, and fever to the body.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: There are two types of inflammatory bowel diseases that can cause colitis. The first being ulcerative colitis and autoimmune illness where the surrounding body parts start an immunological attack on the organ. The second is technically called Crohn's Disease and can be interspersed and spread along the digestive tract from the esophagus to the rectum.

Microscopic Colitis: Collagenous colitis and lymphocytic colitis are the two conditions in this type of colitis. These conditions happen because of layers of the colon getting enlarged due to collagen or lymphocytes.

Chemical Colitis: If chemicals find an external passage into the colon it can get inflamed causing this condition. It is extremely common as fallout of enema.

A mild case of the disease can be treated at home with bland and watery diet, while if the condition persists or if the patient gets blood in the stool, or fever accompanied by diarrhoea immediate medical care may become necessary.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Budesonide Side Effects

Budesonide is a steroid, which is a class of organic compounds that includes cholesterol and testosterone. It is specifically a glucocorticoid steroid because it is manufactured by the adrenal gland and it regulates the breakdown glucose within the body. Drug manufacturers sell budesonide under a variety of trade names, depending on the specific preparation. Physicians use budesonide to treat several conditions, although this powerful drug also has significant side effects, like other glucocorticoids.


The treatment of asthma, allergies and other types of non-infectious rhinitis are the most common applications for budesonide. It is also used to treat Crohn's disease, a form of inflammatory bowel disease that may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Budesonide is most effective against Crohn's disease that affects the right colon and ileum. Additional uses of budesonide include the treatment of nasal polyps. Budesonide is currently being tested in clinical trials for its effect on ulcerative colitis.


Budesonide has different preparations, depending on its purpose. Inhalant preparations are used for nasal problems, while oral capsules and enemas are made for gastrointestinal disorders. The pharmaceutical firm AstraZeneca makes a nasal inhalant under the trade name Rhinocort and an oral inhalant under the trade name Pulmicort. Symbicort is a combination of budesonide and formoterol that AstraZeneca markets under the trade name Symbicort.

Prometheus Laboratories makes an oral capsule and enema preparation of budesonide under the trade name Entocort. It also makes an oral capsule of budesonide under the trade name Entocort EC. The primary difference between these two preparations is that Entocort is a modified-release formula while Entocort EC is a sustained-release formula.

Mild Side Effects

Oral preparations of budesonide may cause muscle cramps and an upset stomach. The most common side effects of inhalant preparations include the following:

  • Change in mucus color

  • Bad taste

  • Dry mouth

  • Hoarseness

  • Coughing

  • Nasal bleeding

  • Lightheadedness

  • Rash

  • Sore throat

  • Nasal irritation

Severe Side Effects

Budesonide may cause severe side effects, which require immediate medical attention:

  • Breathing difficulty

  • Facial swelling

  • Acne

  • White patches in the mouth, nose or throat

  • Irregular menstruation

Children who use budesonide may also exhibit behavioral changes such as aggression in rare cases.


Budesonide side effects generally compare favorably with those of other corticosteroids. It has a lower rate of systemic side effects that affect the whole body and does not have the strong association with bone density loss that prednisolone does. Unlike budesonide, other corticosteroids reduce the synthesis of hormones in the adrenal cortex, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This property means that patients do not have to taper off budesonide as they do with other corticosteroids.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


  • Diarrhea is the passing of watery or loose stools.

  • It is the body's way of eliminating toxic wastes.

  • Diarrhea is also an indication that the digestive system is unable to absorb nutrients, salt and water from food which are subsequently lost from the body through the watery bowels.

  • Acute diarrhea accompanied by fever and blood or mucus in the stool may indicate bacterial or parasital infection.

  • Most diarrhea lasts up to 3 or 4 days, even if left untreated. Consult a physician if diarrhea persists for more than 4 days.

  • Diarrhea depletes the body of electrolytes, which are important minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and calcium. A lack of these minerals can cause fatigue, tiredness and dehydration.

  • Breast fed babies are less vulnerable to diarrhea.

  • A body-detoxifying program can bring about a cleansing effect that could result in watery loose stools. This is the action of the removal of fecal matter from the intestinal walls and it should not last more than 2 days.

  • Excess protein in an athlete can lead to dehydration, loss of appetite and diarrhea. Protein in excess requires more energy to digest and metabolize it.

    Reference : "Protein Supplements and Body Building Programs" Cathy K, et al. Journal of the American Medical Association (1978) 240:481


  • People with lactose intolerance (the inability to digest lactose) who have consumed dairy products will allow the lactose to ferment in the large intestine where it can cause bloating, flatus, diarrhea and pain.

  • Consuming large quantities of artificial sweeteners such as hexitols, mannitol and sorbitol can cause diarrhea.

  • Food poisoning leading up to diarrhea is caused by bacteria such as salmonella, E.coli and campylobacter.

  • Diarrhea is often a symptom of many health conditions such as diverticulosis, irritable bowel syndrome, hyperthyroidism, celiac disease (gluten sensitivity,) vitamin overdose, caffeine overdose and alcohol overdose.

  • Emotional stress and anxiety can have an unpleasant effect on the digestive system and can spark off diarrhea. Once the stress or anxiety is gone, diarrhea stops.

  • Some women experience diarrhea immediately before or during menstruation.

  • Antibiotics can upset the healthy balance between the good and bad bacteria in the intestine, resulting in diarrhea. Such antibiotics include doxycycline, digoxin, ampicillin, clindamycin, tetracycline and dirithromycin.

  • Diarrhea can be a side-effect from drugs like immunosuppressants and those used for lowering cholesterol; for treating rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, cancer, osteoporosis, urinary tract infections, HIV and manic phase of bipolar disorder.

Brainerd diarrhea

  • Brainerd diarrhea is a condition characterized by 10 to 20 diarrheic episodes per day of explosive, watery non-bloody stools and often, fecal incontinence, lasting for 4 weeks or more. Other symptoms include gas, mild abdominal cramping and fatigue. It is named after a town called Brainerd in Minnesota, USA where the first outbreak took place in 1983. Neither bacterial, viral nor parasitic pathogens were found to be the cause of this strange disease. A chemical toxin was thought to be involved.

The relief plan


    Replace lost fluids by taking lots of water, juices, broth and decaffeinated teas. Avoid either very cold or very hot fluids.


    Avoid milk, dairy products, raw vegetables, acidic fruits, bran, whole-grain cereals, sugary foods, spices, fried food, fatty food, caffeine and alcohol. All of which are tough on the digestive system.


    Works by absorbing and binding harmful or irritating substances found in the stomach and intestines, thereby preventing them from getting absorbed into the body system. Charcoal digested makes the stool black, naturally. Powder form is said to be better than tablets. Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of charcoal powder with water and drink with a straw. Must not be taken at the same time with the syrup of ipecac, a common remedy for poisoning used to induce vomiting.

  • NONI

    A natural tropical fruit found to contain over 150 nutraceuticals which include 20 amino acids, 9 of which are essential because they are not produced in the body, vitamin A, all the B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, ursolic acid, linoleic acid, proxeronine (bromelain), scopoletin, pectin, phytosterols, calcium, magnesium and zinc.

    As an adaptogen, noni qualifies to be the Yin/Yang regulator, helping to enhance resistance to stress and disease, normalize metabolic functions and improve the body's ability to adapt to differing external or internal disturbances.

    Noni has also been blessed with anthraquinone compounds such as alizarin, acubin and L-asperuloside that fight against bacterial strains like E.coli, salmonella, shigella, staphylococcus aureus and baciillis subtilis.

    Author of 76 Ways to Use Noni Fruit Juice suggests the tummy treatment as an alternative to get noni's healing compounds into infants and children. This simple treatment uses a cotton ball soaked with warm noni to cover the bellybutton.

    More about noni : http://www.tipsofallsorts.com/noni.html.

    Reference : "Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A literature review and recent advances in Noni research" Wang Mian-Ying, et al. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (Dec, 2002) 23(12):1127-1141


    Take 1 tablespoon (mix with apple sauce and honey) on an empty stomach with acidophilus. Carob soothes irritated intestines.


    Diarrhea caused by antibiotics can be handled by acidophilus (friendly intestinal bacteria) which will help restore a healthy flora in the digestive tract.


    An alkaloid compound present in the roots and bark of many medicinal plants such as goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis), bayberry (Berberis vulgaris), goldthread (Coptis chinensis) and Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium). It is responsible for the yellow color in the roots. Bererine has anti-microbial action against bacteria (e.g. E. coli and cholera), protozoa (e.g. giardia, amoebas and chlamydia), yeasts, certain viruses and worms. It also has anti-inflammatory and astringent effects, especially on mucous membranes. Berberine may reduce healthy bacteria in the gut, which can be corrected with the supplementation of acidophilus once diarrhea has stopped.

  • RASPBERRY LEAF (Rubus idaeus)

    Used for diarrhea, motion sickness and menstrual cramps.
    Recommended dosage : 2 capsules twice or 3 times daily with food; as a tea, up to six cups a day for acute problems.

  • BLACKBERRY (Rubus macropetalus)

    Blackberry juice is used to treat diarrhea, acid indigestion, colitis and gallstones. The tannin content in blackberry has an astringent effect, tightening the mucous membrane tissue along the intestinal tract which discourages the formation of watery stools. Drink 1 cup tea up to 6 times a day. Avoid blackberry remedies when suffering from Crohn's disease or any chronic gastrointestinal disorders.


    A suspension formula made from an absorbent clay. It works by absorbing and binding to substances irritating or harmful to the gut. The concentrated tablets are free of additives.

Complete article link : http://www.tipsofallsorts.com/diarrhea.html

Copyright tipsofallsorts.com All Rights Reserved.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A unique combination of fatty acids are found in green-lipped mussels that cannot be found anywhere else, including glycosaminoglycan which is said to aid in the repair of damaged joint tissues and prevent inflammation. This rich blend of natural proteins, minerals and mucopolysaccharides are necessary for maintaining cartilage, increasing the mobility of the joints, and preventing pain and damage to the body from inflammation. Several chemical mediators of inflammation are actually produced in the human body itself, with higher levels being detected in people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis compared to those who don't experience any rheumatic symptoms at all. Therefore, controlling the production of these mediators through treatment with green-lipped mussel extract can help improve the conditions of those who suffer from arthritis, asthma, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel disease (including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease) which all include elements of inflammation.

Green-lipped mussel extract is essentially an anti-inflammatory supplement that helps provide the temporary relief of arthritis pain and reduce the inflammation of joints which is commonly associated with arthritis. In addition, green-lipped mussel extract also contains essential Omega 3 fatty acids as well as Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulphate that are important building blocks of joint cartilage and aid in the repair of the structure of your joints. There are many uses for green-lipped mussel extract such as for the treatment of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulphate. Commercial extracts are generally formulated with vitamin E for its antioxidant properties and other Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Not only is it able to suppress the symptoms of inflammation such pain and joint discomfort, green-lipped mussels also promote faster healing and is tolerated more by the body compared with other anti-inflammatory pain medications.

Supplements containing the freeze-dried tissue of the green-liped mussel are sold all over the world to relieve arthritic symptoms to aid in the regeneration of injured and arthritic joints. Although inflammation is normal under certain conditions, excessive pain and joint damage can result from too much inflammation.

Studies were conducted on rats that had inflammation induced through collagen and were then subsequently treated with green-lipped mussel extract. Rats showed reduced symptoms after taking the supplement showing reduced polyarthritis. The mussel even acted as an immunomodulating agent which affected both the humoral and cellular immunity.

There are no known major side effects to the extract although there are minor effects such as stomach upset, gas, skin rash, fluid retention and nausea due to the high protein content. Allergic reactions can include itching or hives, swelling of the face or hands, swelling or tingling in the mouth or throat, chest tightness, breathing difficulties or rash. It is recommended to take green-lipped mussel during a meal and not before it. It can also be taken with milk. If one notices any tenderness in the joints it is usually a result of the joints being "fed" and can last anywhere from 3 to 10 days. Continued use is recommended although pregnant or nursing women should consult a physician before taking any form of supplement.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I was told by my naturopathic doctor that eczema skin symptoms can also be a sign of repressed anger from within. I initially refused to believe it but the more I research into eczema and natural healing, the more I realised that there could be some truth in it.

What is repressed anger? Repressed anger simply means that you deny your thoughts and emotions and keep them all inside. You then become unresponsive and numb to several things that may affect you. If you keep all your negative thoughts to yourself, then it is possible that you develop eczema skin symptoms as your body seeks to find an outlet.

Every emotion is a potent force that suffuses your entire body, including your skin. What you feel emotionally can be easily observed by others on your skin level. The effect on your skin can be easily seen by others and can be electrically recorded. For instance, your skin blushes when you feel love or embarrassment, breaks out in cold sweat when you are afraid, and flushes with shame or anger.

When your eczema skin symptoms are observed as red and inflamed rashes, you may well be having an underlying fire fuelled by suppressed anger. If your emotions are spent or if you feel stuck, then these feelings are likely to result in dryness or even cracking of the skin. In contrast, excessive emotions are tied to oily skin. Should you be having conflicting emotions, overwhelming feelings of grief and anguish, self-hatred, or inappropriate passions, then you may find yourself breaking out in the form of rashes or blemishes.

Repressed anger not just manifests in eczema skin symptoms but can also have a negative impact on the rest of your body. These include migraines and ulcers, and in the long term, to strokes or tumours. Prolonged fears and repressed angers increase tensions and stresses. As you well know, stress can aggravate and worsen your bodily reactions such as eczema, shingles, psoriasis, or arthritis.

Naturopathic doctors say that the first body system that reacts to repressed anger is the gastro-intestinal or digestive system. You can experience difficulties in swallowing, nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, constipation, or gastric ulcer. Bear in mind the repressed anger is the most common cause of ulcerative colitis.

An interesting study of 128 patients in a hospital outpatient department was conducted to determine the relationship between repressed anger and the twelve symptoms or diseases. Among the 27 patients who suffered eczema, it was found out that eczema flared up whenever the individual could not quite handle the intense frustration of being prevented from doing something or simply interfered with.

Hence, if you have eczema skin symptoms, then you may wish to approach healing from looking at your emotional well-being. Are you having repressed anger? If so, you will need to look for ways in dealing with your anger, rather than suppress it. Seeking open communication with your loved ones help. Alternatively, find outlets that can help you discharge the unspent emotions that smoulder but remain alive in you. Channels, such as religion or taking up meaningful work, that help you gain some perspective about your life can also assist in diffusing the anger that you feel.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Boswellia (standardized to contain 55% Boswellic Acid) (Boswellia serrata) (leaf): Boswellia, also known as boswellin or "Indian frankincense," comes from the tree Boswellia serrata, that grows in the dry hills of India. For centuries, traditional Indian healers have taken advantage of the anti-inflammatory properties of the tree bark's gummy resin, called salai guggal. Modern preparations made from a purified extract of this resin and packaged in pill or cream form are used to reduce inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Unlike conventional NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen - the accepted treatments for joint inflammation - boswellia doesn't seem to cause stomach irritation. It also may be effective for back pain and certain chronic intestinal disorders.

Health Benefits: Research has identified specific active anti-inflammatory ingredients in this herb, which are commonly referred to as boswellic acids. In animal studies, these acids have been shown to reduce inflammation significantly in several ways. Boswellic acids deter inflammatory white cells from infiltrating damaged tissue. They improve blood flow to the joints. They also block chemical reactions that set the stage for inflammation to occur in chronic intestinal disorders such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Boswellia may help to ease symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Boswellia can be taken internally as well as applied topically to affected joints to relieve inflammation associated with these joint disorders. This may lessen morning stiffness and increase joint mobility.

In a study of 175 patients with rheumatic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, 122 participants experienced reduced stiffness and inflammation two to four weeks after starting on a boswellia regimen. Boswellia's anti-inflammatory properties can help to reduce aching and stiffness, especially when associated with low back pain. Although research indicates that boswellia is best taken orally for this purpose, creams appear to be soothing as well. Boswellia also appears to reduce the inflammation associated with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, both painful intestinal disorders. It seems to accomplish this without the risk of further gut irritation associated with many conventional pain relievers. In a 1997 study of ulcerative colitis sufferers, 82% of those who took boswellia extract (350 mg three times daily) experienced a complete remission of their disease.

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It is a question asked frequently by those who have experienced some bowel problem and thankfully for the majority, they will not have ulcerative colitis. For the unfortunate few, and the numbers are growing every year, to be diagnosed with the disease will change their life though to what degree can only be determined by the passage of time.

The disease causes ulceration of the large bowel. This may only be located on a few inches at the end of the bowel, often referred to as proctitis, or the ulceration may be more extensive within the left hand side (descending) of the colon. An investigatory teat known as a colonoscopy will be undertaken to determine the extent of the colon's ulceration and perhaps give an indication as to how severe the attack will be.

The main symptom of ulcerative colitis is frequent, watery diarrhoea that can have blood and/or mucus in it. The more severe cases can witness very bloody stools. There will be associated abdominal pain when passing stools. Depending on the ferocity of the relapse, the number of times of having to go to the toilet can vary widely but can easily get into double figures within a twenty four hour period during cases of a serious relapse.

But there are also other symptoms to face other than the problem of regular trips to the toilet. As can be imagined, tiredness will be a major factor when enduring a relapse and this can be extenuated by a loss of appetite and a feeling of nausea. These factors taken together can create the problem of weight loss and an insufficient intake of essential vitamins and minerals. Medication that is prescribed such as steroids can produce side effects such as increased hormonal activity and if taken for a long period have been know to cause problems of inflammation of the joints.

The condition, though once diagnosed is permanent, can fluctuate in the appearance of the symptoms. An unfortunate few can have almost perpetual symptoms though the vast majority of sufferers will have periods of relapses and remission. The periods of relapses can be a few days to several months whilst the remissions can last for weeks even years before the next relapse. Whilst experiencing periods of remission, it is common to have no symptoms at all and thus it is possible to achieve life full of normal routines.

If any abdominal pain or blood is found in the stool, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible where they will conduct an examination and test. It can often be that the symptoms the patient is experiencing is in fact inflammatory bowel syndrome which is a mild colitis like condition that can be easily treated and ultimatley kept under control. However, if colitis is diagnosed, then the patient will have to brace themselves and take, what for them will probably be a huge step into the unknown.

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Does your dog have bowel problems?

Bowel problems can show up as lots of gas, diarrhea and possibly passing blood. This also can come under the title of digestive problems. The saying that "Life and Death" begin in the colon. That not only applies to humans, but dogs as well.

Many dogs live a very uncomfortable life daily with these digestive problems. They have cramping, pain and are not able to fully digest their food. Sometimes, it passes right through them after they have had a meal.

I have a lot of experience in this area, as I had a Yorkie that had these issues all of his nearly 14 years. The veterinarian never suggested anything.

When he would have bad diarrhea, I would give him small doses of kaopectate from a syringe. He always had loose stools, never constipated, but sometimes would pass a mucous like substance, it would glisten like jelly. I was always scared that he was going to die when he was a puppy. I would hear these loud gurgling sounds coming from his gut area. When they would begin, he would not eat anything until that passed. Sometimes, he would vomit a lot.

I came home one day from grocery shopping and he had bled all over the house. There was so much blood that I was surprised that he was still alive.He was fine when I had left him to go grocery shopping. It came on suddenly. We rushed to the vet which was after hours, 6 p.m. She was anything but helpful. She gave him a couple of shots and said to see my regular vet the next day. She charged $80.00.

His diet was always very good, as I home cook for all my dogs. Sometimes, diet can cause diarrhea and other problems.

Is your dog suffering with any of these symptoms that I am describing?

Some vets prescribe drugs that do not work, so it's really up to you to try to learn as much as you can about your dog's condition. No one knows your dog as well as you do.

At the time, I did not know what was wrong. I have since realised that I could have helped him more with his bowel problems, instead of resorting to Kaopectate. By the way, Kaopectate is a natural product and safe for your dog. It definitely does stop diarrhea. My Yorkie never really liked it very much, but he took it without spitting it out. It is a great medicinal product to have in your medicine chest, since you never know when you might need it yourself.

Many pet parents are worrying with these conditions daily and going to the vet is not always helping. There are many dog breeds, not just Yorkies, that suffer with bowel problems. Large or small, they can all be affected.

Dogs can not tell you when they have a tummy ache. They just seem to go on as best they can, but if you know what to look for and how to help your dog, you'll both be happier. I wish that I had known about products that could have helped my Yorkie.

Presently, all of my dogs are healthy and I am happy to say that none of them have any bowel problems.

And I am more informed today, so that I know what to look for.

Knowledge is power.

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Anorexia Nervosa is a serious condition where we can literally starve ourselves to death, thinking we're fat. The disorder can stem from physical, psychological and, sadly, intentional causes. In this article, we'll consider the different causes of anorexia, and discuss symptoms and treatment needs.

Physical Causes Of Anorexia: Studies are underway to determine if there is a genetic predisposition for anorexia, but short of that, any of a number of illnesses can actually cause a person to be anorexic. These include arthritis, colitis, kidney failure and cirrhosis of the liver. Also, advanced alcoholism and drug addiction can result in anorexia. If our diet is deficient in certain nutrients, like vitamins A, B3, or B8 we could develop anorexia as a deficiency symptom. Anorexia can be a medical drug side effect, too, so see your doctor. The cool thing about anorexia that had a physical cause is, once the physical condition is cleared up, the anorexia usually goes away, too.

Psychological Causes Of Anorexia: More difficult to treat are the psychological causes stress, depression and anxiety. In fact, anorexia nervosa is a severe anxiety over body weight. We actually see ourselves as being fat, even as we look in a mirror and see a body that's wasting away from hunger, with bones sticking out. It's this body image that's at the root of anorexia. Even when medical treatment restores a normal body weight, until the body image is corrected, the person will just lose it all again.

Intentional Causes Of Anorexia: This is probably the saddest part of the anorexia story. Some people actually cause themselves to become anorexic, accidentally, through fad diets or worse, intentionally, through a sick idea that the "anorexic look" is sexy. There are websites and companies making money by promoting self-starvation as a weight management tool. This creates the mindset of the negative body image which is at the heart of the disorder. I'm all for web freedom, but I think websites promoting anorexia are as bad as those promoting kiddy porn, and for the same reason...they're destroying lives.

Anorexia Symptoms And Treatment: Because the heart of anorexia is an irrational belief you're fat, most people are unlikely to look in the mirror and say, "I'd better get to the doctor." Since denial is a big part of the illness, the best way to see if you or a loved one needs to see a doctor is to take a self-test like this signs of anorexia nervosa quiz. Anorexia is never a self-treatment issue. You must see a doctor, get a proper diagnosis and get professional treatment. Anorexics, left to their own devices, often die. Often, treatment includes medical tests to determine the cause, food supplements to restore body weight, antidepressants or anxiety medicine and psychological therapy to get at the body image issue. How you see yourself is usually the key to the whole thing.

The cause of anorexia can be as simple as a vitamin deficiency or as complex as the human self-image. Often, those causes are physical, psychological and even intentional in nature. Whatever started it, anorexia is a serious condition that can be deadly if not treated. With proper treatment, though, recovery is very likely. If you suspect you or a loved one suffers from anorexia, get it checked by a doctor as soon as possible, so recovery can begin.

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Aloe vera supplements are taken to alleviate a number of ailments including constipation, digestive disorders, stomach inflammation and ulcers. Aloe vera uses also include immune system improvement and easing arthritis symptoms. It has also been shown to balance the blood sugar level and decrease body odor. The plant contains many substances such as enzymes, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins among others.

Even though only the leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, the leaves are used for many different purposes. For instance, aloe vera gel is commonly integrated into creams, lotions and ointments and used to treat minor burns and cuts and to soothe lesions and rashes. Not only is it believed to speed the healing process of irritations such as these and insect bites, but it also relieves dandruff and itching. Aloe vera juice has been used as a laxative substance. The supplement has also been made into chunks, liquids and powders and is often made into soothing dairy-based beverages.

Aloe vera supplements may have various side effects. For example, when used as a topical treatment for itching or rashes, one can have an allergic reaction. Overusing the juice can cause imbalances in the electrolytes leading to diarrhea or severe intestinal cramps. People taking arrhythmia medication, diuretics, drugs causing potassium loss and oral or topical steroids should not take the substance. Furthermore, aloe in the form of latex rather than the gel can be dangerous, especially when taken orally.

Still, some may try oral dosages of aloe latex to treat asthma, bleeding, colds, colitis, constipation, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, hemorrhoids, missed menstrual periods, multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis, varicose veins and vision problems such as glaucoma. However, aloe latex in high doses has been linked to cancer and kidney disease, so those who may want to try the substance should speak with a health professional first to discuss its safety.

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If you include wheat as part of your Crohn's disease diet it can be an issue, this is especially true when you have an allergy to gluten or wheat. Many people around the world do have trouble with digesting wheat and other grains that have high levels of gluten.

A reason people can have issues with gluten and other high gluten grains is that they are not part of our ideal diet your body is designed to digest. There are many people without Crohn's that can eat gluten or wheat with no obvious issues, but it can rob them of their true energy and vitality as their body works to make sure all the gluten/grains are removed before any damage is caused to the body.

Having a diet that is high in glutinous grains can be an issue when you have Crohn's, especially if you have a bad allergy to gluten. When you have Crohn's Disease there can be a problem with digesting gluten containing grains. Having a blood test to see if you have a gluten allergy can tell you if wheat is an issue for you. ?

I used to eat wheat and other high gluten products for a long time as part of my Crohn's Disease diet before I knew they were a problem for me and that I had an allergy to them, using Prednisone for many years didn't help either. Prednisone can be a large factor when food allergies are concerned especially when taken over a long period of time.

Foods that you eat a lot of or consume them often can be a candidate for food allergies when long term Prednisone is involved. I did find out eventually it would be good for me to remove wheat and gluten from my diet as it was a factor that was stopping me regaining my health. I was reacting to wheat and some other grains which were making my Crohn's Disease symptoms worse.

Is Wheat and High Gluten Grains Part of the Natural Human Diet?

Modern humans or Homo sapiens have been roaming about for around 100,000 years and our digestive systems are the same today as they were back then. Grains were not part of our ancestor's diet because grains require processing so they can be eaten and our early ancestors didn't have the technology to do that.

The new types of grains are not good for digestion because they have been cross breed to make the gluten levels higher, so bread makers can make bread that is more soft and fluffy than bread that was made with the older breeds of grain.

Old varieties of grain with lower gluten levels are far easier to digest than the new cross breed grains that have much higher gluten levels. This is one possible reason for more cases of gluten and grain intolerance in recent times, as the grains that are being used today contain so much more gluten than in the past.

If you have Crohn's Disease eliminating grains from your diet can be beneficial, but there is still choice if you want to have grains in your diet even if you are sensitive to gluten. If you have a very bad allergy to gluten then these grains may be no good for you, seek the appropriate health professional who helps you with diet before adding them to avoid adverse reactions.

Some options may include in your Crohn's Disease diet are grains like rice, millet, quinoa, oats, and barley to name a few. These grains still can have some gluten in them so be smart and check with your health professional or doctor to see if they will be good for you. Having a blood test to see if you are sensitive to gluten, wheat and other grains is a good way to eliminate which ones will be an issue for you.

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The bowel contains over 400 species of bacteria weighing almost 4 pounds (1.5 kilos). Live bacteria make up about 30% of the mass of a stool. Some of these bacteria are potentially harmful and can cause disease. However, many are friendly bacteria and have a beneficial effect in our bodies. These beneficial bacteria are often referred to as 'probiotics' - this literally translates as 'for life'. Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus are the 'good' bacteria that normally inhabit our bowels and they are responsible for keeping 'bad' bacteria and fungi such as, candida albicans, under control. If the harmful bacteria dominate in the bowel essential vitamins and enzymes are not produced and the level of toxins in the body rises. This rise in harmful toxins can potentially cause cancer, liver and kidney disease, high blood pressure, artery disease and poor immunity.

The lactobacillus, acidophilus, bifidus and other friendly bacteria are able to do the following.

  • Weaken antibiotic resistant bacterial strains and 'supergerms' and infections in people who have a compromised immune system.

  • Manufacture B vitamins (biotin, B3, B5, B6, folic acid and B12) and vitamin K.

  • Inhibit the bacteria that convert nitrates into nitrites and secrete carcinogens - therefore they act as anti-cancer agents (especially in the bowel and bladder).

  • Act as a natural antibiotic against 'bad' bacteria and viruses and yeasts such as candida albicans.

  • Improve bowel function and elimination.

  • Improve diarrhea conditions in irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, AIDs and in travellers.

  • Relieve and prevent skin conditions such as acne and skin infections.

  • Can assist in the protection against the adverse effects of radiation and pollution.

  • Helps to reduce high blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • Helps to manage high stress levels and food cravings.

  • Helps to eliminate bad breath.

  • Helps to balance sex hormone levels and enhances fertility.

  • Produces lactic acid and enhances the digestibility of foods.

  • Assists in the prevention of osteoporosis.

  • Can assist in the treatment of:

  • o Allergies,

  • o Eczema,

  • o Psoriasis,

  • o Colitis,

  • o Irritable bowel syndrome,

  • o Gastritis,

  • o Duodenitis,

  • o Diverticulitis,

  • o Urinary tract infections,

  • o Vaginitis,

  • o Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, alopecia areata, scleroderma and so forth, and

  • o Other chronic infections.

Probiotics have also been shown to have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period. It is a far safer prescription than antibiotics and probiotics have been demonstrated to reduce the incidence of postpartum complications. Also if the mother has a healthy bowel population then the beneficial bacteria are transferred to the baby at birth (including when the delivery is by cesarian section). This means that the baby is less likely to develop fungal infections such as thrush and cradle cap. How do probiotics work?

There are several different ways that the probiotics work.

  • They produce anti-microbial substances - organic acids, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins. These inhibit pathogen adhesions and degrade toxins produced by the 'bad' micro-organisms.

  • They compete with 'bad' bacteria for binding sites as well as for nutrients.

  • They secrete various proteins that stimulate the immune system both locally and throughout the body.

  • They can prevent the movement of harmful micro-organism through the intestinal wall and into the lymph nodes, spleen, kidneys, liver and blood.

The adverse effects of probiotics Probiotics are generally considered to be very safe and well tolerated in the usual dosages. Highly sensitive individuals have reported the occasional occurrence of indigestion, nausea and heartburn. Very rare cases of liver abscesses due to L. acidophilus have been reported in cases of chronic pancreatitis undergoing surgery. Dosage The safe and effective dosage for most people is 1 to 10 billion viable L. acidophilus, L casei GG or B. bifidum organisms daily. Dosages in excess of 10 billion can cause intestinal disturbances.

Factors that suppress probiotics There are a number of things which will adversely affect probiotics. These include:

  • a diet high in sugar and refined foods,

  • caffeine,

  • alcohol,

  • chlorine in drinking water,

  • tobacco,

  • prescription antibiotics,

  • steroids,

  • vaccinations and

  • X rays.

It has also been found that the casein and antibiotics found in most commercially available dairy produces will also adversely affect the probiotics. Probiotics are a natural part of the healthy bowel and have many beneficial effects on the body. In particular they are able to counter the effects of harmful bacteria and yeasts such as candida albicans. Taking a friendly bacteria supplement containing lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidus and other beneficial bacteria can be of benefit in many conditions and can help to improve health.


Appleton, N. 1995, Secrets of Natural Healing with Food. Rudra press.

Chaitow, L. 1998, Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics. Thorsons.

Davies, S. and A. Stewart., 1997, Nutritional Medicine. Pan.

Hoffman, D. 1990, The New Holistic Herbal. Element.

Holden, S., Hudson, K., Tilman, J. & D. Wolf, 2003, The Ultimate Guide to Health from Nature. Asrolog Publication.

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Conditions which affect the stomach, esophagus, bowel, colon, liver or pancreas are considered digestive system diseases and disorders. Many people wonder about nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract and conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress and emotional trauma may all aggravate symptoms, but it is unclear whether any of these cause digestive system diseases and disorders. In fact, in most digestive system diseases and disorders the causes are unclear. There are only theories about what the causes may be and what may worsen the conditions or aggravate symptoms.

There are many digestive system diseases and disorders. Some are very common and easily treated, while some are more serious, difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat. There are some nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract. These are sometimes classified as symptoms or related conditions and sometimes as possible causes of digestive system diseases and disorders, because in some cases it is unclear which came first, the digestive disorder or the nervous disorder.

The most common of the digestive system diseases and disorders is heartburn. Heartburn affects an estimated 25% of people in the United States on and other western countries on a monthly basis according to a study from the Mayo Clinic. In contrast only 11% of those living in Eastern Asian countries have heartburn once or more per month. Excess stomach acid is what causes heartburn, but stress and anxiety are nervous disorders that can affect the digestive tract and increase stomach acid. Heartburn is a symptom of another of the common digestive system diseases and disorders; acid reflux.

Acid reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms include heartburn, difficulty swallowing, regurgitation of stomach acid and/or food, hoarseness, coughing and irritation of the larynx, throat and/or esophagus. This is one of the digestive system diseases and disorders that can lead to more serious conditions if left untreated. For example, acid reflux or GERD is one of the major risk factors for esophageal cancer. As with heartburn, anxiety and stress are nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract and can aggravate acid reflux symptoms.

Ulcerative colitis is another of the digestive system diseases and disorders. This one can be very serious and when symptoms are severe may require surgery to remove diseased portions or the entire colon. Anxiety, stress, depression or emotional turmoil (all nervous disorders that can affect the digestive tract) are often experienced by people with ulcerative colitis and can worsen symptoms. It is an inflammatory bowel disease, similar to Crohn's disease. Whereas irritable bowel syndrome is not considered an inflammatory disease, but because the names are similar, people sometimes get them confused.

Irritable Bowel System or IBS is one of the common digestive system diseases and disorders. Somewhere between 25 and 55 million Americans suffer from IBS and most of them are women. IBS is not life threatening and it does not lead to other more serious digestive system diseases and disorders, but it can still be hard to live with. IBS and nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract, such as stress and anxiety may cause a vicious circle in a person's life. Meaning, IBS may make a person anxious about when he/she will have to find a bathroom and the anxiety can aggravate symptoms of IBS, which increases anxiety, etc.

These are only some of the many digestive system diseases and disorders and while nervous disorders that affect the digestive system are not believed to cause any of these conditions, it is possible that they may aggravate symptoms, particularly when it comes to stress and anxiety. Eating too fast, too much, on the go, in the car, in front of the TV or computer are all poor eating habits that are very common. When treating digestive system diseases and disorders like IBS, acid reflux and heartburn, doctors typically advise that these eating habits may worsen symptoms. It has been shown that by slowing down and reducing stress in one's life, many of the symptoms of the most common digestive system diseases and disorders may be reduced or prevented entirely.

For more information about digestive system diseases and disorders, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.

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A type of the diet in the offing is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), which is thoroughly tackled in the book Management of Celiac Disease by medical experts Dr. Sydney Valentine, Dr. Haas Gottschall and Dr. Merrill P. Haas. Dr. Sydney Haas. Dr. Haas Haas Gottschall who is pediatrician got interested in the diet of his patients with celiac disease. He discovered that there are specific carbohydrates that can be tolerated in some people, and from then on he went on to whip out the SCD as a cure for celiac disease.

A distressed mother who is searching for a cure for her daughter who is experiencing treatment-unresponsive ulcerative colitis stumbled upon Dr. Haas Gottschall. The girl followed the SCD and her health gradually improved. This was a remarkable development as it inspired Gottschall to study and research further on the SCD and then later, wrote and published the book entitled, Breaking The Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet, which contains comprehensive information and details about the SCD.

SCD a Useful Undertaking in Fighting Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Although it is not yet proven that SCD can fully treat IBD such as the ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and at the same time difficult to implement and follow, it can provide a big help for the patients. Any medical professional organization and patients advocacy associations don't support the SCD yet. Nonetheless, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America are not throwing any words that it will not diminish the inflammation and an attempt to use the diet is unsafe.

The Principles Behind The SCD

The diet doesn't allow grains, lactose, and sugar. The main idea is the exclusion of complex carbohydrates from the diet. Only plain carbohydrates are permitted. The conjecture is that complex carbohydrates are food for the detrimental bacteria in the gut. If these bacteria are famished, they will not be able to reproduce and go on with stirring and creating gastrointestinal symptoms.

Moreover, complex carbohydrates are not easy to digest. The undigested carbohydrates are suspected to contribute to the furthering of harmful toxins in the gut. The toxins can aggravate gastrointestinal symptoms and the unfinished digestion of carbohydrates.

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Expecting mothers may wonder how shingles and pregnancy interact together. Can the virus pose a danger to their baby? Are the drugs used in treating shingles safe to use when pregnant? Since infections can be passed along from mother to child, these are important questions to ask.

Shingles and chickenpox are caused by the same virus, the varicella-zoster virus, or VZV. It can pose a risk to your unborn child if you develop shingles or chickenpox before you hit the 30-week mark in your pregnancy. If you do, it is possible your baby may have a birth defect. It is very rare for this to happen, however. More of a risk comes from developing chickenpox than shingles, and since most pregnant adults will have already had chickenpox, there is very little risk involved.

It is possible to have an outbreak of shingles while you are pregnant, but it doesn't happen very often. Treatment is the same as treating shingles in women who are not pregnant. The main antiviral medications are all safe for use while pregnant. The main pain medications used with shingles outbreaks, however, are not safe-pregnant women should not take aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medication once they reach the third trimester.

If you do develop chickenpox late in your pregnancy, it is possible for your baby to be infected with chickenpox. If you develop the illness more than five days before you give birth, you may transfer the disease to your child. However, since your body will have had time to develop antibodies to battle chickenpox, you will also pass these antibodies to your baby. This will help their undeveloped immune system battle the chickenpox.

The problem comes from developing chickenpox right before giving birth. Since your body won't have developed the antibodies, your newborn will be in danger. However, there are medications that can help protect him or her from the illness.

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