目前分類:colitis (593)

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Many patients suffering from ulcerative colitis have been observed to have abnormalities of the immune system. However, it is not known if these abnormalities are a cause or are a result of this type of irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease. Many doctors opine that in case of ulcerative colitis the immune system reacts abnormally to bacteria present in the digestive tract leading to an inflammatory and ulcerative condition.

Inflammation in case of ulcerative colitis resulting from an abnormally functioning immune system leads to the formation of sores called as ulcers in the inner lining of the colon and rectum. These ulcers form in areas where the epithelial cells lining the colon and rectum have been lysed due to inflammation. These dead cells then bleed and produce pus that in turn leads to an infectious condition. Inflammation also increases the urge to clear the large intestines thus causing bleeding diarrhea.

Since inflammation is a major cause for ulceration in ulcerative colitis, the disease is also termed as inflammatory bowel syndrome. If the inflammation occurs deeper within the walls of the intestines and also occurs in other parts of the digestive tract including mouth, esophagus, stomach and small intestines then the same condition is termed as Crohn's disease.

As a result of inflammation, patients might also suffer from other inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, eye inflammation, liver diseases and osteoporosis. Although the exact reason as to why symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome occur outside the colon is not known, it is postulated that inflammation caused by the immune system might be the predominant reason.

Other causes of ulcerative colitis have been outlined as stressful lifestyles, emotional problems and allergies to certain types of foods. These three are also known to lead to inflammatory conditions. No wonder then that people suffering from any one, two or all three of these are more prone to suffer from Crohn's disease.

In consonance with the fact that ulcerative colitis appears to be caused by inflammatory reactions, its treatment also involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids and immunomodulators. Being a systemic problem involving the immune system rather than just the colon, there is also a chance for contracting cancer if it is left untreated. Therefore, timely treatment of irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease is mandatory not only to relieve oneself of its unbearable symptoms but also to overcome the risk of suffering from cancer.

Thus, those suffering from ulcerative colitis might also have immune system abnormalities that in fact might cause the inflammatory condition.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Your thoughts have a direct influence on your life's outcomes. If you think negatively, think that colitis is in control, think that you will succumb to a relapse, think that it won't be long before another relapse will happen, think that you won't get better any time soon, think that the colitis symptoms will always control your life, then you are right.

And why is that? It is simply because that is what will happen. If your thoughts are negative, you will not help yourself heal. Turn this around and think positively and imagine yourself healthy, visualise yourself healthy, then your subconscious mind will influence the thoughts that are allowed to occupy the conscious mind. You need to alter your thought pattern to achieve this. You need to feel this way. Close your eyes and visualise yourself healthier. Colitis is not in control, you are.

It all comes from the number one lesson for life. Control the thoughts in your mind and you can achieve what you desire. What you think is ultimately what you become. If you think "I probably will never be able to do that" then surprise, surprise, you won't be able to do it. Your mind will be sent negative messages by the subconscious telling it that you can't do it and, of course, you end up failing.

So use the power of your mind to ensure a positive healthy outlook. If you are in a period of relapse, envisage yourself getting better. If you are enjoying good health, reaffirm to yourself that you are healthy and will stay that way.

Colitis can not only be physically challenging but mentally draining also. When during a colitis attack, you are faced with yet another trip to the toilet after already going ten times and it is still only midday. You can sit there and wish it would all go away. You don't want to move as this can not only be painful but will bring on an even more immediate need to get to the toilet. It is all too easy to let the attack consume you. You can submit to it and let it just run its course.

Alternatively, you can start by defending yourself. You can start by changing the way you mentally tackle an attack. By accepting that the attack will do whatever it wants to you, to have the thoughts of "I can't", you will be at the mercy of it. By adopting and maintaining mental strength, this will see you through the attack quicker and give you goals and promises to work to. Yet that is not to say just ignore what is happening to you. It is all about effective colitis management and how it can reduce the impact that a colitis attack has on you not only during a relapse, but also in remission.

By adopting a positive mental outlook and not having colitis dictating that you can't do something just because of "what might happen", you can grab hold of life again. By discovering what other sufferers have achieved by facing up to the disease and living life through a positive attitude you too can attain the desired effect of reducing the impact that colitis symptoms have on your life.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis can be a maddening illness to deal with. We may be concerned in an UC support cluster. From time to time it is obliging now to be familiar with so as to we are not on our own as well as there are further individuals who are bothered. For UC victims, talk about indicators, investigations and handling decisions might cause discomfiture, though an UC support collection is prepared for people who have the similar or comparable knowledge.

Constant illness may show the way to depression in addition to nervousness. Several doctors who think about ulcerative colitis patients counsel psychotherapy along with UC support group. If our general practitioner or our family associate's doctor does not have information regarding support, we may get it on the net. Various people oppose the thought of counseling or UC support group, although both may be extremely helpful. Even now discussing with others who are concern for UC patients might be helpful. Moreover, if we have had the illness for some time, we might be able to present insight to persons who are recently detected. The following are at present a few of the various programs we might find attractive and cooperative.

The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) is a non-profit association so as to provide learning concerning care meant for UC, finance investigating studies, clutch an UC support group for patients and their families and sponsors activities for members. The CCFA currently has over 50,000 members and 40 chapters nationwide. At their website, you can learn more about the disease and connect with a local ulcerative colitis support assembly or else find out regarding existing investigation, decisions used for medication as well as concern for UC.

There is the Crohns illness and UC Support Group Australia, which recommends affiliates a meeting on behalf of on-line conversation, playoffs, recipes, information regarding care for UC and a support site meant for persons who have had surgical treatment or will require surgical treatment.

The majority of healthcare experts think with the aim that support groups are essential for any person who undergoes as of several chronic sicknesses, in addition to their family associates. Discovering a UC support group might reduce the probability with the intention of becoming miserable and might reduce nervousness. At the same time as anxiety is not supposed to be the cause of illness, it is assumed to make worse indicators.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Crohn's Disease is a severe inflammation of the bowel tract that can cause a variety of symptoms that interfere with daily life - including work activity. Crohn's can be found in both men and women, and it is believed to run in families, with 20% of people diagnosed with the disease having a blood relative with some form of inflammatory bowel disease. Although people of all ages can suffer from Crohn's, the disease is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20 to 30. Here, the cause, symptoms and treatments of Crohn's will be discussed in addition to applying for Social Security Disability benefits when Crohn's interferes with one's ability to work.

About Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes inflammation of the lining of your digestive tract, therefore leading to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea and possibly malnutrition in severe cases. The inflammation caused by Crohn's disease often spreads deep into the layers of bowel tissue. Crohn's disease can be both painful and debilitating and sometimes may lead to life-threatening complications. There is no known medical cure for Crohn's disease.

The exact cause of Crohn's disease remains unknown. Previously, diet and stress were suspected as causes. Today, doctors know that although these factors may aggravate existing Crohn's disease, they do not cause it. Now, researchers believe that a number of factors, such as heredity, specifically mutations in a gene called NOD2, and a malfunctioning immune system unable to fight a virus or bacterium that may cause Crohn's, play a role in the development of the disease.

Signs and symptoms of Crohn's disease can range from mild to severe and may develop gradually or come on suddenly. Signs and symptoms may include the following:

  • Diarrhea. Diarrhea is the most common problem for people with Crohn's.

  • Abdominal pain and cramping. Inflammation and ulceration may cause the walls of portions of your bowel to swell and eventually thicken with scar tissue. Blood in your stool.

  • Ulcers.

  • Reduced appetite and weight loss.

  • Fever

  • Fatigue

  • Arthritis

  • Eye inflammation

  • Skin disorders

  • Inflammation of the liver or bile ducts

  • Delayed growth or sexual development, in children

The goal of treatment for Crohn's is to reduce the inflammation that triggers the signs and symptoms. In the best cases, this may lead not only to symptom relief but also to long-term remission. Treatment for Crohn's disease usually involves drug therapy or, in certain cases, surgery.

Doctors use several categories of drugs that control inflammation in different ways. But drugs that work well for some people may not work for others, so it may take time to find the appropriate medication for the individual. In addition, because some drugs have serious side effects, the benefits and risks of each treatment will need to be considered. Some of these medications include anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system suppressors, and antibiotics.

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits based on Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease is not differentiated by diagnosis in the Social Security Disability Impairment Listings. However, the symptoms and degree to which someone may suffer with the symptoms classified in listing 5.06 Inflammatory Bowel Disease must be considered; therefore, this does not mean that those who suffer from Crohn's disease cannot qualify for social security disability benefits. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal program designed to pay monetary benefits to qualified applicants who have worked long enough and paid their social security taxes. Based on medical evidence, work history, and education history, the Social Security Administration determines whether or not applicants qualify for benefits and how much each applicant can receive.

In cases where Crohn's disease is interfering with one's ability to work, medical evidence and work history are important in assisting Social Security with determining one's monetary claim. The degree to which the symptoms of Crohn's disease, or the side effects of the medications taken to treat the symptoms of Crohn's disease, limit one's ability to work must be clear in the evidence presented in the case. Evidence needs to include medical records, employment records, medication lists, and statements from supervisors and/or co-workers. Once this information is collected, it is presented to the Social Security Administration for consideration in whole for determining a monetary award for benefits.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When there is an overgrowth of Candida in the large intestines of an individual, leaky gut syndrome can begin to manifest. It is true that Candida albicans and other microbes are naturally occurring flora in the human colon, but their population may sometimes become too large as a result of our poor feeding habits or use of drugs such as antibiotics, and corticosteroids. When this overpopulation occurs, the lining of the intestines, especially the colon may develop holes through which usually paves a way for toxins, parasites and other impurities to leak into the blood stream and cells. There are many methods of treating this condition, and these include: diet, dietary supplements, and colon cleansing.

Gluten and sugar are contained in many of the foods we eat, and when the systemic yeast feeds on these two substances, leaky gut syndrome can be the result. Most of the breads, cereals, pastas, and milk that we eat contain gluten and sugar. Treatment of leaky gut is easier when you do not eat those foods that have gluten and sugar. Some examples of gluten free and sugar free foods are brown rice substitutes for milk, many other popular staple foods, most meats, vegetables, fruits, potatoes, yams and nuts. You will be doing yourself a lot of good by avoiding gluten and sugar-free foods. You may want to know for how long you should continue to avoid these foods. My advice is to avoid them for as long as possible for you but it should not be less than 60 days.

Raw vegetables and non-sweet fruits have some benefit in offloading Candida from your gut. Certain special digestive enzymes that can repair leaky gut are contained in vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables also have many other vitamins and minerals, which aid healthy cell growth.

Some common vegetables used in juicing are kale, parsley, carrots, celery, cucumbers, radishes, garlic and beets while some very useful juicing fruits are bananas, mangoes, papaya, kiwi, oranges, grapefruit, blueberries and strawberries.

Treatment of leaky gut usually erodes the beneficial bacterial floras that are present in the gut, and this flora can be replaced by using probiotics, which are available at most health food stores. Certain digestive enzymes that can also eliminate overgrowth of Candida and leaky gut syndrome are available as dietary supplements, but I usually recommend vegetables and fruits since they have these enzymes naturally.

The fact you should know about leaky gut treatment is that when you colon cleanse, whether with natural methods such as diet or any other method, though I often recommend natural, you have automatically removed Candida from your system, and so many people do not know this secret. And after cleansing, just make sure you avoid gluten, sugar, and all other foods that can encourage the growth of Candida.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis, also known as UC, shows up in people of any age. The disease shows up as inflammation in the large intestine with open sores, also known as ulcers. These ulcers usually appear and disappear at random if not treated. Most people who get treatment however can go into periods of remission. What actually causes UC is unknown. There appears to be a genetic component. But environmental triggers often accompany flare-ups of the disease. It may also be an autoimmune disorder according to some research experts. No matter the cause, anyone suffering with the disorder wants treatment as soon as possible.

What are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis? The most prevalent and noticeable symptom is diarrhea with blood and mucus. Some people have weight loss as well as abdominal pain and cramps. Some people show signs in other parts of the body. These include ulcers in the mouth, lesions in the skin, clubbing in the fingers, and ulcers on the skin. After years of dealing with UC, patients have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. Without health insurance, sufferers likely look at a painful future without much hope of getting better. However, treatment options are available.

What treatments are available for ulcerative colitis? The first line of drugs helps to control the disease and bring it into a remission state. After that, patients take maintenance drugs to stay in remission. Some medications used for treatment and remission include aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, and immunosuppressive drugs. All of these treatments require ongoing medical monitoring of the disease and remission. That means medical costs will go higher with each passing year of dealing with UC. If you have health insurance, consider switching to an individual policy so you can maintain health care coverage even if you lose your job.

Many people live long health lives after a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. But, most of those success stories come with ongoing medical monitoring and fast treatment of flare-ups. That means you will need good health insurance coverage to cover the costs that come with treatment. Your doctor and specialists are your best allies in fighting the battle against UC. You need your allies available when you have a flare up of the disease. Get health insurance in your life and keep it there with affordable rates. Don't let a chronic condition such as UC dictate the rest of your life. Take charge now and make a difference.

If you need assistance in locating particular coverages at a pre-determined price, we can help you find a Free health insurance quote and save up to 50% on your monthly premium.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are many different bowel disorders affecting adults and children, males and females alike.  They come in a variety of different forms and affect people differently.

Bowel problems affect our bowels which consist of the large and small intestines.  Bowel disorders all affect different parts of the intestines.

Some Common Bowel Disorders and Their Symptoms

- IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very common disorder in the United States.  Characteristic symptoms include chronic abdominal pain which is not localized in one area, bloating, stomach discomfort, and altered bowel habits such as constipation or diarrhea.

- Ulcer - Ulcers are crater-like sores that can cause mild to severe pain.   Some common symptoms include a burning or gnawing pain that is localized in the upper abdominal area, pain that is either relieved or worsened after eating, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, tiredness, weight loss, vomiting, and sometimes blood in the stool.  Any bowel disorders that include blood in the stool should be addressed immediately by a doctor.

- Crohn's Disease - This is an example of an inflammatory bowel disease and can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract.  Some of the more common symptoms can include abdominal pain, weight loss, vomiting, and diarrhea.

- Colitis - This bowel disorder includes inflammation of the large intestines (colon). Some common symptoms include tenesmus (constant urge to have a bowel movement), abdominal pain that comes in waves, diarrhea, chills, fever, blood in stool, and other signs of infection.

- Gastroenteritis - These are very common bowel disorders.  Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the intestines and/or stomach lining and can often be caused by viral infection. Common symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, etc.

- Colon Cancer - Colon cancer is very common although these symptoms can be due to a variety of other bowel disorders so a doctor's diagnosis is necessary to be sure.  Some common symptoms include tenesmus, changes in bowel habits, reduction in stool's diameter, bright red blood, increased mucus in stools, black and tarry stool, etc.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

General Description

Garlic belongs to the same family as the onion. Both these herbs have been given special importance in Ayurveda due to their immense curative properties. The first recorded incidence of garlic as a medicinal herb dates as back as 4500 B.C. when the pyramid builders in Egypt were made to eat garlic cloves everyday for building their health. It has also been recommended by Hippocrates, who is regarded as the Father of Medicine.

Garlic is a biennial herb, but it is generally cultivated as an annual herb for convenience. Morphologically, it is a short herb with fibrous roots, a condensed stem and flattened leaves. The separate cloves of the garlic are enclosed together to form a single bulb. There could be anywhere between six and thirty-five cloves in one bulb of garlic.

It is called as lahsuna in the Indian language and its binomial name is Allium sativum. It contains all the vitamins necessary in the human diet, such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin (B complex vitamins) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Garlic contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron. It also contains iodine, sulfur and chlorine in trace amounts. Besides all these, garlic contains allicin, allisatin I and allisatin II, all of which have been identified to be agents helpful in bringing down high blood pressure.


Garlic is known for the following curative properties:-

(i) Garlic contains antiseptic properties. Hence it is used in preventing infections.

(ii) Garlic is hypotensive, i.e. it has capacity to bring down blood pressure.

(iii) Garlic is a stimulant for appetite.

(iv) Due to its rich vitamin and mineral content, garlic is very good for the hair.

(v) Garlic increases the inner body strength and vitality.

(vi) Garlic can reduce cholesterol accumulated in the arteries. That explains its widespread use in the treatment of heart problems.

(vii) The strong juices of the garlic dissolve the mucus content in the respiratory tract.

(viii) Garlic increases perspiration, which helps in the removal of the toxins from the sweat pores.

(ix) Garlic is anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic in nature.

(x) Garlic has notable aphrodisiacal properties. It is used in the treatment of many sexual problems.


Garlic is almost worshipped in Ayurvedic medicine since it is a single treatment for a wide variety of diseases. The following are the diseases in which garlic proves to be very beneficial.

(i) Acne

Garlic is used in the treatment of acne. If the pimples are rubbed with a cut clove of garlic several times a day, then they will disappear without leaving a scar behind. Garlic must also be included in the diet since it is a blood-purifier and can treat acne from within.

(ii) Asthma

Garlic is a sure remedy for asthma patients. Each night before retiring to bed, asthmatic patients must drink a glassful of milk in which three cloves of garlic have been boiled. Another remedy is very popular in making asthmatic attacks less severe. It is as follows: Peel a clove of garlic, crush it and boil it in 120 milliliters of pure malt vinegar. Cool it, then strain it and add an equal quantity of honey in it. Preserve this syrup in a clean bottle. Take one or two teaspoons of this syrup with a decoction of fenugreek twice each day, after darkness sets in.

(iii) Digestive Problems

Garlic is unanimously considered by all Ayurvedic doctors to be the best herb in the treatment of digestive problems. Daily consumption of garlic in the food helps in the proper movement of the intestines, which helps in digestion. Due to its antiseptic properties, garlic is also good remedy for preventing the inflammations of the gastric canal. Garlic aids in the treatment of colitis, dysentery and diarrhea.

(iv) Heart Problems

Garlic has only recently been proven in the west to be a suitable remedy for heart ailments. It can disintegrate the cholesterol that collects in the arteries, and hence treat the problem of atherosclerosis. It is clinically proven that the chances of a heart attack are significantly lowered if a person who has suffered a minor heart attack begins taking three cloves of garlic on a daily basis.

(v) High Blood Pressure

Due to the rich chemicals present in it, garlic is taken as an effective treatment for high blood pressure. Garlic reduces the spasms of the arteries and reduces the pressure. In addition, it also modifies the heart rhythm and dizziness, shortness of breath and flatulence.

(vi) Parasites

Garlic is an excellent worm expeller. It is also used in treating bacterial infections in the alimentary canal. The best thing about using garlic as a remedy for bacterial parasites is that it kills the harmful bacteria without harming the useful ones.

(vii) Pneumonia

A decoction of garlic is boiled in milk. This is prepared by mixing one gram of garlic in 250 milliliters of milk and one liter of water. All this is boiled till it reduces to one-fourth of the amount. This is to be taken thrice a day. This is a wonderful remedy for pneumonia.

(viii) Ringworm

Garlic is rubbed over ringworm. This burns out the infection and the skin falls off, leaving healed skin behind.

(ix) Rheumatism

Garlic is used in rheumatism treatment due to its anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to rheumatism, garlic is also used for the treatment of lumbago and arthritis.

(x) Sexual Problems

Garlic has aphrodisiac properties. It is used to enhance libido in men and women. It is used as a sex rejuvenator, i.e. it can improve sexual activity that has been damaged due to accident or disease. It is important for people who overindulge in sex to protect them from nervous exhaustion.

(xi) Tuberculosis

Garlic is used for tuberculosis in the form of a decoction boiled in milk.

(xii) Whooping Cough

In cases of whooping cough, syrup of garlic is given in doses of five drops sweetened with some sugar. This is given thrice a day, and the dosage must be increased if the problem becomes more violent.

(xiii) Wounds

Due to its antiseptic properties, garlic can be effectively used in the treatment of wounds and ulcers. A good antiseptic lotion can be prepared for washing wounds by dissolving one part of garlic juice in three parts of distilled water. When the wound is washed with this lotion, there is marked improvement in a very short time. This also relieves the pain that is associated with wounds due to damage to the nerves.

Special Ayurvedic Preparations

Mostly garlic is eaten raw, and is prescribed to be an integral part of the diet.


Garlic is a component of the main Indian diet, and there are no problems associated with its intake. Up to six cloves of garlic can be taken per day without any side-effects. The only problem with garlic is that it gives a bad taste in the mouth and pungent breath due to its sulfur content.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Colitis is just one of numerous digestive diseases out there. The goal of this article is to target the most crucial and most commonly asked questions using easy and uncomplicated terms. What is colitis? It is a chronic digestive disease identified by the inflammation of the colon. The following factors can activate Colitis in those who are at risk:

o Allergies
o Food poisoning
o Medication such as antibiotics for example
o Poor diet
o Smoking
o Genes and heredity
o Stress
o Viral or bacterial infections in the intestines

Watch out for these most frequent early signs & symptoms of colitis:

o Anemia
o Bleeding of the rectum
o Stools surrounded by blood and mucus
o Constipation
o Diarrhea
o Fever
o Excessive farting or flatulence
o Erratic bowel movements
o Irritation of the outer walls of the colon
o Intense pain and sensitivity in the stomach
o Enlargement of the surrounding tissues of the colon
o Slow destruction of the colon by ulcers

The immune system can set off further irritations throughout the entire body as a reaction to any of the causes of the inflammation. The following resulting indicators can also be spotted at the same time with the principal symptoms:

o Eye complications
o Unusual pain in the joints, the lower back or neck
o Liver and kidney disorders
o Skin rashes

The physician is aided by these medical procedures to arrive at a correct diagnosis for Colitis:

  • Patient History

  • Physical Exam

  • Blood tests

  • Blood chemistries

  • Stool samples

  • Imaging such as ultrasound or CT scans

Colitis is treated depending on the cause of the condition. Always and most important, the preliminary treatment no matter what the cause of Colitis must be to:

  • Rehydrate the patient - rehydration consist of replacing the water and electrolytes lost through dehydration either by using oral therapy for mild dehydration or intravenous therapy for more severe or rapid dehydration and if the patient is unable to take in fluids

  • Relieve the pain

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It can be very difficult to get a correct diagnosis for leaky bowels. Very often, doctors are unable to pin down a reason for the patient's malaise, and will attribute the reason for the illness to the wrong factor. Some doctors do not even believe that leaky gut syndrome exists. Part of the blame can be put on the condition itself - the symptoms are often so vague and general that they could be attributed to other diseases. A diagnosis of this condition can sometimes be brought about through leaky gut testing, but is more often arrived at by a process of elimination. Once everything else has been ruled out, there may be nothing left but LGS.

Leaky bowels occur because increased intestinal permeability occurs when the integrity of both the large and small intestines is broken down. There are quite a few factors which can cause this, including pollution, stress, alcohol abuse, chlorinated water, and yeast overgrowth. It is quite probable that these factors can also work in combination to produce leaky bowel syndrome symptoms in many people.

Undoubtedly, the first symptoms of leaky guts will manifest themselves in the gastrointestinal system. It is not unusual for diarrhea, nausea, and acid reflux syndrome to result. It can not only cause diarrhea, but this condition can alternate with spells of constipation. Many people suffering from leaky bowels will also experience abdominal pain and bleeding. Small wonder that leaky guts are often misdiagnosed as some form of IBD, inflammatory bowel disease.

As toxins, undigested foods, and fats are leaked from the intestines into the rest of the body, an autoimmune reaction can occur. When this happens, the immune system of the body has been so overloaded that it actually begins to attack the body itself. These diseases are notoriously difficult to treat and include colitis, Crohn's disease, arthritis, celiac disease, and perhaps lupus. As the connection between leaky guts and these conditions is often not recognized, they will be treated with steroids and/or antibiotics. Sadly, these medications will only make leaky gut syndrome worse.

Leaky bowel syndrome symptoms do not confine themselves to the conditions mentioned above, but can also produce a range of vague symptoms that can be difficult to diagnose correctly. One of the most common symptoms will be headache, which can progress to migraine headaches. The treatment for migraines includes pain relievers and a medication based on ergot, a fungus contamination of wheat. If Leaky Gut Syndrome is the cause of migraine headaches, these treatments will only serve to make it worse. While perhaps alleviating the pain and nausea of migraine headaches, these treatments will do nothing to cure the underlying cause, and the ergot will only add more fungus to the body.

This syndrome can also affect your mood and outlook, and many who are suffering from leaky bowels will find that they will be subject to emotional swings and depression.

Some people will find themselves irritable and even aggressive in their dealings with others. Many who are suffering from leaky guts will feel fatigued all the time, but also may have difficulty in falling to sleep.

As many cases of this condition are caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeast, it is possible to have leaky gut testing performed to see if the yeast is at the heart of the problem. The most effective test is a urine test where the patient drinks a solution containing two sugars. The urine is tested for six hours afterwards, and the results will help to determine whether leaky gut is the cause of the problems. If both sugars are present in high concentrations, this will indicate that the patient is suffering from leaky bowels. Blood work can be valuable in providing an answer to leaky guts if it shows the presence of antibodies that would attack Candida yeast. A stool sample can provide information not only about the presence of yeast, but also any other infections that might be present.

While leaky gut syndrome can present a number of sometimes perplexing symptoms, those who suspect that they are suffering from it should never simply give up on finding relief because their doctor is unable to provide an answer. A change in diet, as well as introducing probiotics, can often cure this uncomfortable disease naturally.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, often referred to as IBS or colitis, is a gastrointestinal disorder, and the recommendations for how to treat IBS run the gamut. Because it is a very common disease, with statistics showing that every one out of five adults suffer from IBS in the United States, there is a great deal of misinformation online about treatments for the condition.

The common symptoms of the disease include abdominal pain, bloated stomach, heart burn and abdominal cramps. Some patients may have constipation while others may have diarrhea, fever, bleeding and weight loss. IBS is a disease that causes a great deal of discomfort and life upset. If you have one or more of these symptoms, you'll probably begin searching the Internet for cures and treatments for your condition. Most of the information that you will discover may help mitigate your symptoms but won't cure the disease, even though the treatments are recommended as cures.

Here are 7 examples of commonly-prescribed treatments that you will discover as you research how to treat IBS that do not work to cure IBS:

1. Yoga: Yoga was practiced by the ancient sages of India. There are some specific yoga asanas to improve the digestion and to manage the symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, bloating and others. Yoga is a combination of physical and mental exercises. The exercises focus on deep breathing, de-stressing and restoring balance to all organs and systems of the human body. The yoga asanas for IBS include the forward bend, the abdominal twist, the gas-relieving pose and breathing exercises. While these practices may help alleviate some IBS symptoms, yoga is not a cure.

2. Acupuncture and acupressure: These are Chinese medicinal practices that involve treating diseases by pricking fine needles or apply pressure on specific points in the body. Both of these procedures are effective in treating many diseases. An acupuncturist can help in relaxing muscle spasms and improve bowel function. While these practices may help mitigate some IBS symptoms, acupuncture and acupressure are not cures.

3. Home remedies: Home remedies like taking ginger and asafoetida are commonly recommended for IBS. Ginger paste mixed with lemon juice and honey and taken after every meal is recommended to make sure the food you eat is digested well. Drinking gooseberry water and eating pomegranate seeds are other common home remedies recommended for how to treat IBS. While these practices may help alleviate some IBS symptoms, home remedies are not the cure.

4. Stress management: Stress is often listed as a primary cause of IBS. Therefore, the recommendation to manage stress is to indulge yourself in a hobby that you like. Exercise regularly. Go for brisk walking or vigorous swimming or jogging or cycling to reduce stress. Sleep well. Practice yoga. While these practices may help reduce some IBS symptoms, stress management is not the cure.

5. Hypnosis: A trained hypnotist helps you in relaxing and can help you learn how to relax tense abdominal muscles to avoid cramps. While these practices may help overcome some IBS symptoms, hypnosis is not the cure.

6. Diet: Avoiding processed foods, spicy foods, fried foods and acidic foods is a commonly recommended protocol for treating IBS, as is eating a diet rich in fiber. Actually, the best diet for IBS is one in which you eat low fiber foods that won't aggravate the already-inflamed intestinal tissue. This means no raw fruits or vegetables, and no nuts, seeds, or corn until you get your IBS fixed. While these practices may help alleviate some IBS symptoms, a different diet is not the cure. Actually, when you're cured of IBS, you can eat whatever you like.

7. Life style modifications: Typical modifications include no alcohol and smoking, drinking plenty of water, regular exercise, and getting plenty of sleep. While these are all generally good recommendations for enhancing your lifestyle and may alleviate some IBS symptoms, lifestyle modifications are not the cure.

Here's the best way to treat your IBS -- naturopathy. IBS is caused from antibiotics you have taken over your lifetime. These antibiotics have caused damage to the mucosal lining of your intestines. If you want to get rid of IBS permanently, the damaged mucosal lining must be rebuilt. Naturopathic treatment does wonders in rebuilding the mucosal lining and intestinal wall through ingesting natural nutritional compounds. Naturopathy also helps to reinoculate beneficial organisms to help rebuild your GI tract.

The above commonly-recommended treatment options may help you manage your IBS symptoms. However, rebuilding the mucosal lining of your intestines is the only cure for IBS that works and is how to treat IBS.

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Ulcerative colitis is the condition that causes the lining of the colon and the rectum to be chronically inflamed and develop ulcers or sores that produce pus and bleed. The most common symptoms of this inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are diarrhea containing blood and abdominal pain.

Ulcerative colitis is a serious condition that can cause many complications including some that are life-threatening. While there is no known cure for ulcerative colitis, many patients are able to manage their symptoms and sometimes experience a remission through various forms of treatment.

The Different Types and Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

There are several different type of colitis that are basically categorized by the areas that are affected and each type has a slight variation on the symptoms, however, the most common symptoms associated with all forms of colitis are bleeding, diarrhea, and pain. Ulcerative proctitis is when the inflammation primarily occurs in the rectum.

Symptoms that are associated with this type of colitis include rectal bleeding, and in some cases rectal pain and difficulty emptying the bowels even when having the urge to do so. Left-sided colitis is when the inflammation occurs begins at the rectum and continues up the left side of the colon including the sigmoid and descending colon. The symptoms that occur with left-sided colitis include abdominal pain and cramping that is felt on the left side, bloody diarrhea, and weight loss that is unintentional.

When the colitis is present at the lower end of the colon or the sigmoid colon and the rectum, it is called proctosigmoiditis and causes the symptoms of abdominal pain and cramping, bloody diarrhea, and tenesmus which is the urge to have a bowel movement with the inability to pass stool or passing very little.

When the entire colon is affected by colitis this is called pancolitis and produces the symptoms of bloody diarrhea, weight loss that is significant, abdominal cramps and pain, as well as fatigue. There is also a very rare form of colitis called fulminant colitis that affects the entire colon and can cause serious complications and is a life threatening condition. Patients who suffer from this type of colitis experience severe pain and diarrhea, and sometimes become dehydrated can go into shock.

Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis

Unfortunately, there is no cure for ulcerative colitis and a patient will have this condition for life. Treatment for ulcerative colitis focuses on reducing the inflammation that causes the symptoms. Some individuals may experience a long-term remission of their colitis after treatment.

The first form of treatment that is typically used for colitis is anti-inflammatory medications, however, there are several different types of these drugs of which one that may work for one individual will not work for another. A patient may have to try several different types of medication before finding the one that works for them.

Medications may also be prescribed to treat other underlying medical condition or complications that may have occurred from having ulcerative colitis. Surgery may also be recommended if other forms of treatment have failed. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with colitis, it is essential that you contact your physician as soon as possible to obtain a medical evaluation in order to prevent any further damage or serious complications from occurring.

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In this series of articles on Leaky Gut Syndrome, we have discussed what Leaky Gut Syndrome is, its causes and symptoms. In addition, we have discussed how you can diagnose Leaky Gut Syndrome, what foods to avoid and what to eat. In this last article of the series, we will see how to cure leaky gut naturally.

In two of the articles on constipation and what foods to eat, we have already discussed two of the important steps in the fight against Leaky Gut Syndrome. We will not go into details but would reemphasize that following a healthy diet that consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and nuts etc., and staying away from processed foods is the key to defeat Leaky Gut Syndrome. You may occasionally digress but do not cheat regularly. Same is the case with constipation, do not take it lightly and try to use natural laxatives to deal with the problem.

Inflammation is one of the main causes for occurrence of Leaky Gut Syndrome and in its aggravation. It is caused by pathogens, bacteria, parasites, yeast and fungus. When the harmful pathogens increase in numbers, they tend to overwhelm the friendly bacteria. The situation needs to be reversed, if we are to cure Leaky Gut Syndrome. To reduce and ultimately eliminate inflammation, stick to the recommended diet. You may also use natural anti-pathogenic supplements. If you are still unable to deal with pathogens, maybe it is time to get the stool tested in a lab. A word of caution, you may experience worsening of the symptoms before you get better. It is called Herxheimer Reaction and shows that your treatment is working.

Digestive process is one of the victims of Leaky Gut Syndrome. Because of the damage to intestinal lining, the gut is unable to produce the digestive enzymes in required quantities. A common example of this is dairy intolerance which happens when the tips of Microville that produce the enzyme to digest milk sugar lactose are damaged. The system needs to be helped with enzyme supplements providing pancreatic, liver and digestive enzymes, as well as Hydrochloric Acid. In this regard, you can use any of the enzyme products in the market. The second step is to re-inoculate with friendly bacteria whose density has been reduced by harmful bacteria so as to aid body's natural ability to fight disease. This is done with probiotices and prebiotics. First are friendly bacteria and second is the food it needs to thrive. Again, go for quality products that have greater number of strains, as it increases the chances of finding a strain that works best for you. The number of friendly bacteria in the probiotic is not the deciding factor in this case.

Repairing the damaged intestines is the next step. It ensures that the tiny open doors through which harmful substances were flooding the system are closed and we throw the keys away. This would require the help of amino acids and digestive herbs. There are some excellent products available in the market and you can go for any one of these. One amino acid product is L-Glutamine that comes in powder form and is readily and quickly absorbed. As far as digestive herbs are concerned, you can try Clear 8 - Aminos and Herbs for Digestive Support.

When you recover from Leaky Gut Syndrome, it is not a lifelong clean bill of health. I have intentionally used the word 'when' in the first sentence because I sincerely believe that there is no chance of failure, if you follow the advice. Anyway, the disease can recur if you return to your old ways. Although it is beyond me to understand why would anyone give up a healthy way of life to one of suffering.

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Of all of the chronic illnesses that one can experience, perhaps one of the most painful has got to be the ulcer. It does make you a bad day to se sign of an ulcer attack appearing in your body. The churning and burning sensation of this terrible illness can be incredibly painful, and if not treated, can go on for week after week with seemingly no end in sight.

However, for those of us that suffer with ulcers, there are a variety of different treatments available that can get your body back up to par in no time. The most important thing to remember, though, is that all ulcers are different and can be caused by different bacteria and viruses, so you must be sure that you get the right treatment for the type of ulcer when you see common sign of an ulcer coming. Usually a few simple tests are all that is needed to determine the cause of your ulcer and how subsequent treatment should go.

If you are one of the millions of people who have the sign of an ulcer, you should go seek treatment as soon as you can. Since most ulcers conditions are quite easy to treat, there really should not be anything holding you back from receiving treatment immediately. Remember, the sooner you go to the doctor the sooner you will recover from this debilitating condition.

Many people in the world today suffer this most common type of ulcer that is known as an aphthous ulcer. It is a type of ulcer which grows in a person's mouth. The common sign of this ulcer is that it is especially painful in your mouth where it is affected since you use your mouth on a continual basis for everything from eating to talking. Luckily though, if you have a mouth ulcer, there are lots of mouth ulcer care products available to help you treat it.

Other sign of an ulcer attack can be pain in the stomach caused by stomach ulcer or peptic ulcer. Another one could be sore on your skin due to decubitus ulcer. What ever type of ulcer you may have, seek medical treatment when you start to see sign of an ulcer attack and you will have a good chance of a speedy recovery.

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Stomach ulcers are a painful open sores found in the digestive tract. Ulcers can be triggered by stress, and poor dieting, but the primary cause for an ulcer is an infection caused by the H. pylori bacteria. This bacterial organism weakens the protective coating of the stomach and duodenum and allows the damaging digestive juices to irritate the sensitive lining below. The bacteria has been found in the saliva of some infected people so it is believed to be spread through kissing, as well as possibly through food or water. Overuse of aspirin and ibuprofen is also documented as a common cause of ulcers. There are a number of risk factors that increase the chance of developing ulcers including increasing age, alcohol abuse, diabetes, and smoking. The pain experienced from ulcers comes from contact between the open sores and acidic digestive juices. Eating brings temporary relief as the acids are neutralized, but the pain returns once the food is digested. Using a control group consisting of 100 people with peptic ulcers, Dr. Cheney found that drinking 4 glasses of raw cabbage juice led to healing of peptic ulcers within 4 to 10 days, with no other changes in their diet.. X-ray exams confirmed more rapid healing from cabbage juice when compared to treatments given in hospitals that took an average of 30 days. Peptic ulcers are found on the stomach lining, while duodenal ulcers are found on the lining of the upper small intestine.

The healing properties found in cabbage come from two anti-ulcer compounds, glutamine (an amino acid that fuels the cells that line the stomach and intestine) and S-methyl-methionine (labeled as Vitamin U by Dr. Cheney). Glutamine is available in capsules for those who are too busy to juice cabbage, and is proven as a superior cure to antacids. Juicing cabbage is simple, and done by cutting the head into segments small enough to fit into your juicer's feeding chute. When using cabbage juice it is recommended not to drink more than 4 oz at a time to avoid over stimulating the gastric juices, which can lead to cramping of the intestine and gassiness due to the sulfur in the juice reacting with existing intestinal bacteria. Mixing cabbage juice with carrot juice can help cut the effect of sulfur and tone intestinal walls. Beyond its ability to heal stomach ulcers, cabbage is also recognized as a successful treatment for a number of other health conditions including colitis and constipation. It is also known to help clear up acne, and heal infected gums. It's important to choose heads of cabbage that are firm with no loose leave or discoloration, which means loss of nutritional value. 

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Seeing traces of blood in a pet's stool can upset you tremendously especially if it happens to your cat. Though small traces of blood or streaks in the stool do not signify anything serious, considerable amount of blood that occurs frequently should be a cause for concern. The presence of blood in the stool is termed clinically as hematochezia. Most often people tend to confuse this with melena which is characterized by dark or tarry stools whereas hematochezia has fresh traces of blood in stool.

The reason for the presence of bloody stool may be something minor that can be easily rectified or it may also be indicative of some serious or fatal disorder your pet has. Frequent bowel movements or diarrhea should always be looked into immediately. Some of the most possible causes for bloody stool in cats are listed here.

The most likely cause for hematochezia is the presence of infection. Bacterial infection especially the ones caused by salmonella, clostridium and E Coli cause colitis and diarrhea with presence of blood in the stool. Salmonella and E coli can be identified only by culture tests done on the sample whereas clostridia are easily recognized in fecal sample tests.

Presence of parasites like tape worms, hook worms and round worms in the intestinal walls also lead to internal bleeding and hematochezia. Intestinal parasites can be identified by doing stool sample tests.

The cat may sometimes ingest rat poison or chemicals like house cleaning supplies that are left lying around the house and yard. This will irritate the intestinal wall and cause bleeding which appears as blood in the stool.

Benign tumors like intestinal polyps present in the colon and the rectal areas also cause the appearance of blood in cat stool. Malignancy is another important reason for concern that causes bloody stool in cats. The lower bowel area is the most prone region for malignancy to occur.

Other than the above listed reasons, inflammatory bowel disease, colitis and other intestinal disorders can also initiate bleeding. Allergic reactions, ingestion of antibiotics that the cat is allergic to and foods that cause allergy can also cause blood to be seen in the stool. Coagulation disorders are another important cause for the appearance of bloody stools.

Symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea along with the appearance of blood in the stool should be treated immediately. Get the help of the pet's veterinarian who will suggest a series of diagnostic tests like fecal and rectal examination, radiographs, blood tests, coagulation tests and ultrasound of the abdomen. These will help identify the specific cause for the bleeding.

The treatment given in case of hematochezia is usually a regimen of antibiotics if infection is present and a change in the regular diet pattern of the pet. The diet is changed to a high protein content one with less of fats and more of fibers included. In case of inflammatory bowel disease a hydrolyzed dry diet is given.

When you notice blood in cat stool you should know the various reasons for the presence of blood so that you can take appropriate measures and get veterinary help to treat the condition immediately if it is a serious one.

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Very little is known about this serious digestive disorder. A basic outline about this condition will help victims and their loved ones come to terms with colitis.

Colitis is the inflammation of the colon or large intestine. Colitis is the general term applied when referring to several disorders involving the large intestine.

Common causes of this digestive disorder are viruses, bacteria, parasites, disorders in the immune system, also poor hygiene practices and the prolonged use of antibiotics.

Common symptoms of Colitis that physicians look for in making a diagnosis of this condition are:

  • diarrhea

  • presence of blood and mucus in the stool

  • abdominal pain

  • fever

  • persistent urge to have a bowel movement

  • lack of appetite

  • fatigue

Colitis can be diagnosed in all the gender categories from between 15 to 40 years of age. It is uncommon in children. This condition appears to be hereditary as people diagnosed with colitis reveal that they have family members who are ill with this disorder.

The most widespread forms of colitis are ulcerative and Chron's disease. Ulcerative colitis is the chronic and severe inflammation and ulceration of the lining of the large intestine. This form of colitis causes inflammation & formation of ulcers or sores in the top layers of the lining of the colon only; hardly ever does it affect the small intestine. Chron's disease is an inflammatory disease of the colon marked by the thickening of the lining of the intestinal wall. The inflammation characteristic to Chron's disease generally occurs in the small intestine but it often spreads deep into other parts of the digestive tract.

There is no known medical cure for colitis. When the condition arises, the cycle of relapse and remission begins.

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A significant number of people who have acid reflux disease also claim to suffer from frequent IBS or irritable bowel symptoms. But is this coincidence or connection. The answer is there does appear to be a connection. There is at least one affiliation between acid reflux and diarrhea, and there could be more. In this article, we will briefly explore the implication of these connections.

The Connection

The first of the two connections is a natural one. This could possibly mean that both acid reflux and diarrhea are symptoms of a larger root problem. In this case, the problem is digestion. Medical sources note that acid reflux disease can occur when the intestinal and lower-stomach muscles involuntarily relax. This, also, can lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea.

The other link between acid reflux and diarrhea is not naturally occurring, but rather drug related. Several current studies show that drugs taken to alleviate acid reflux are actually helping to cause diarrhea. There are two basic categories for acid reflux medical treatment - protein pump inhibitors (PPI's) and H-2 blockers. Some common brand name versions of these drugs you may recognize are Prilosec & Nexium for PPI's, and Zantac and Pepcid for H-2 blockers. Diarrhea has been found to be a side effect of taking both of these drug categories.

Continue reading to find out why these medications can cause diarrhea and what the treatment options are. You can also sign up for the free acid reflux newsletter at the bottom of the page for natural methods of treating acid reflux that won't cause diarrhea.

The Cause

H-2 blockers and protein pump inhibitors both have been shown to facilitate the excessive growth of the bacteria Clostridium difficile (C-diff). Excessive amounts of C-diff growing rampant in the large intestine, or colon, are responsible for causing diarrhea. And to make matters worse, antibiotics taken for separate problems (or related) can kill the "good" bacteria that are needed to ward of C-diff in the large intestine.

Colitis, a painful form of cramping intestinal inflammation, can result from too much C-diff. Compounding matters, these infections can spread very easily in populated places such as hospitals and dorms.

The Reason

Basically, taking drugs to combat acid reflux actually weakens the body's defenses. The stomach acid in a person's body is not just for digesting food, but also acts as a barrier to prevent unwanted bugs from entering our bodies. The drugs used to suppress stomach acid can actually weaken this form of defense, allowing access to certain bacteria (like C-diff) that would otherwise not be admitted.

This is also a reason that doctors often recommend more natural methods of fighting acid reflux before resorting to medicine. Some of these methods include losing weight (if applicable), eating smaller meals more frequently, eating less fatty foods, eating less spicy foods, limiting alcohol and smoking, and elevating the head when sleeping. These can often go a long way in controlling acid reflux if followed carefully.

Acid reflux and diarrhea are related, probably in more ways than one. If you haven't exhausted these possibilities already, you may want to try utilizing some of the lifestyle and diet related treatments listed above. If you're stuck using the medicinal treatments, then just remember to be aware of infections that can result from a weakened line of defense. And, maintain frequent contact with your physician as a result.

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Moldable Hollister stomas flange has made it a bit easier for people with stoma to manage their situations. Especially if the case is life-long, anything that will make caring and protecting the stoma easier and simpler is a great help.

About Stoma Surgery

Stoma surgery was created and first done in the US in the late 70's. Every year now, it is estimated that around 75,000 Americans undergo the operation and millions of people all over the world have been cured from illnesses because of this procedure. Stoma surgery is being used to treat several illnesses which mostly include problems on the excretory and digestive systems. The three main types are; ileostomy for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, colostomy for anus or colon cancer and urostomy to treat problems in the excretory system. Among these types, urostomy has the least number of cases.

At pre-surgery, patients will have to do some important preparations. One is to have a couple of sessions with a psychologist. This has become a necessity, according to medical experts. The idea of having a hole in one's body to release body wastes can be traumatic to any patient - it definitely is life-changing which needs to be fully accepted. Another is the physical preparation where patients need to undergo exercises and diet so the body will be able to sustain major transformations.

During the surgery process doctors eliminate some parts of the body insides as part of treating the decease and then create a hole, a stoma, in the abdominal wall where part of the intestine can be connected to a pouch to collect body wastes.

The Stoma Pouch

At post-stoma surgery the stoma pouch will be the patient's constant companion. This is where body wastes will be collected and patients, including family members sometimes, will spend a great amount of time caring and maintaining cleanliness of the area. These pouches would have a flange that should always be attached securely to the skin to prevent any leakage. In the past, ring seals of the pouches need to be cut according to the size of the stoma. Due to constant developments in caring for stoma patients, flanges have been made to attach on the stoma securely without any measuring and cutting. They are made of elastic materials that moulds according to the shape and size of the stoma so there is more protection from leakage.

A stoma pouch needs to be changed regularly, especially if there is leakage. Even with a moldable Hollister stomas flange leakage is still possible when the backing is starting to wear off. Pouches should not be used for more than 7 days, shorter if the stoma is new, even without leakage. Gladly, many stoma patients are able to adjust and still enjoy life.

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Often people with Crohn's Disease and Colitis suffer uncomfortable symptoms for a long time before they seek medical treatment. The symptoms of these conditions can vary from person to person. The more common ones are diarrhea, abdominal pain, and cramping. If you experience these ill effects on a regular basis, you should seek a medical opinion.

See Your Doctor

Everyone will experience one or more of these symptoms at some point in their life (diarrhea accompanying flu, gas pains, or other temporary distress). Yet there is a difference between regular and acute bouts of distress and an occasional stomach upset. Often people have a sense when something is not quite right with their health but many people will ignore the signs.

It seems easier to bury one's head in the sand. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. If Crohn's Disease and Colitis symptoms go untreated over time, they can do serious damage to one's body.

The effects of ignored symptoms can include malnutrition, intestinal blockages, and even organ damage. As well, people are enduring needless pain and suffering. It is foolhardy to ignore uncomfortable symptoms.

All the time that people spend in discomfort could be eliminated almost right from the start - if sufferers sought professional attention. When a person is diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and Colitis, they can begin to be treated for their condition. Although there is no medical cure at present for these diseases, they are manageable conditions.

People can learn to control (and even eliminate) their symptoms. A physician or naturopathic doctor will set up a customized plan that suits the individual. Yet none of this can happen if a person sits at home, suffers in silence, and does not seek medical help. If you are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms, do not delay that all-important trip to your medical professional.

Watch Your Diet

Unless it is an emergency situation, there might be a lapse in time (from hours to days) before you get an appointment. In the meantime, go easy on the processed foods, fats, and sugar. Try healthier options. Whether or not you are diagnosed with these conditions, follow a healthy diet in the future. The Western diet is not considered a good diet for anyone and it causes extra distress for Crohn's Disease and Colitis sufferers.

A diet that includes lots of fruit and vegetables is a wiser choice. Many people with Crohn's Disease and Colitis claim that they have controlled (and even eliminated) their symptoms by taking part in a water fast and eating a regular raw food diet. Of course, nobody should go on a water fast or make an extreme change to their diet without checking with their medical professional.

Maybe a raw food diet is right for you but be prepared for a few initial challenges. If you change from the Western diet to a raw food diet, your body will need time to adjust to its new fuel. You may experience temporary discomfort. Yet in the long-term, fruits and vegetables are a better choice than sugars and fats.

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