目前分類:colitis (593)

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When there is constant or sharp irritation in the lining of the colon then the problem occurred is called as colitis. It mainly occurs in the large intestine or bowel. The main problem caused can be the causing of ulcer which leads to the swelling with pain which can be occurred in the top most coating in the intestine. Ulcerative colitis doesn't affect the small intestine and ileum which is the inferior part can be infected by it.

It is a kind of challenging bowel illness which can cause irritation in the colon and the small intestine.

Identification of this problem is not an easy job because all the indications which can be comparable with the intestines can be causing internal chaos and also one more type of illness which is known as Crohn's sickness. Crohn's sickness is diverse from other because it leads with causing irritation is the inner part of the intestines and also it can also make it impression in other parts of the digestive system like abdomen, mouth small intestine, and esophagus.

Reasons of Colitis: -

i. The main reason can be the problem in the genes and the disease can be more expanded if a parent or a child is suffering from this illness. According to scientists, the main reason behind this can be the hereditary structure which can be the most casual cost. All it the investigations had to be carried out then weakness can be cause in the body of a person.

There is still some doubt regarding the cause of the problem is irregularities in the impervious system. There is still some confusion in the minds of the doctors whether they can be the cause of this kind of illness or not. The main thinking of the doctors is that the main cause can be the handling the pressure or going on a dieting which are the most frequent cause in causing the ulcerative colitis and Crohn's infection.

ii. Some of the causes can be the surroundings of a person like the factors like pollution. From this reason the microorganisms of the body can be effected and hence lead to the sickness of the body. So it is preferred to stay in bacteria free surroundings.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease both of which are disorders that come under the category of irritable bowel syndrome have certain common symptoms. The three most frequent symptoms are persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever.

Ulcerative colitis is a disorder that is caused due to inflammation of the inner lining of the colon. It is one of the two disorders that fall under the irritable bowel syndrome with the other being crohn's disease.

The symptoms of this condition are similar to crohn's disease and hence, it is difficult to diagnose which disorder of the irritable bowel syndrome a patient suffers from unless detailed medical screening is done. Here is a list of symptoms, some of which are common to both these disorders. These symptoms are also likely to vary depending on the severity of the inflammation or the extent to which the colon is inflamed.

Recurrent diarrhea - Quite often patients refer to loose stools three or four times a day as irritable bowel syndrome. However, it is essential to diagnose the condition to receive proper treatment. Anyone suffering from recurrent diarrhea three or four times a day for several days on end should consult a physician and undergo the prescribed tests for diagnosis of ulcerative colitis.

Abdominal pain - Patients suffering from ulcerative colitis often suffer from cramping in the left side of their abdomen. This is one point of difference from crohn's disease where the pain is usually experienced in the right abdominal region. Persistent abdominal pain in left side warrants medical evaluation to diagnose or at least rule out the disorder.

Fever/fatigue - Since this disorder is caused by an inflammation in the body, a common symptom is fever that could either be mild or very high, but persistent. In some cases, patients suffering from ulcerative colitis could also experience constant fatigue, which is caused by the inflammation and aggravated by diarrhea.

These are the three most common symptoms of the irritable bowel syndrome. Additionally, there could be symptoms such as rectal bleeding, loss of appetite, and urgent need to pass stool after every meal. It is important to address the symptoms early as medication can help control the disorder. Common technique used for diagnosis of ulcerative colitis includes colonoscopy based on which a biopsy of the tissue is carried out. Certain other tests could also be prescribed. Once the physician is able to identify which disorder of the irritable bowel syndrome the patient suffers from and rules out crohn's disease, he can prescribe medication to control the inflammation.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What is the cause of rectal Bleeding? Do you really have Hemorrhoids or a bleeding colon? Do you know for sure what is causing the Blood? Common causes are hemorrhoids, polyps or the colon, Crohn's colitis and other things. Do not assume you know what is causing the bleeding.

A simple visual would be a good place to start. Bright red blood is usually hemorrhoids and dark blood it could be from something internal like the colon. Dark blood can be so dark it is black, so it is not difficult to tell the difference between.

Now that said, if the blood is dark take immediate action. If on the other hand it is bright red, it may likely be hemorrhoids. You can Cure Hemorrhoids, that are not as serious as the other possibilities. To start with if you have been to a physician and determined it is not serious you can do some home remedies for Hemorrhoids.

A diet change is a good place to start. More fiber, fresh fruit, will help your bowel movements to be softer so you will not strain as much. If you do not think you are straining, maybe it is caused by sitting to long and lack of activity. Walking 30 minutes a day, increase your water and fresh fruit should bring quit relief.

Hematochezia, is the word to search. It describes the Bright Red Blood we are talking about. You should know that the bleeding could be coming from the digestive system. Get it checked even if it is Bright Red. However it is usually Hemorrhoids. If you have hemorrhoids you will not be surprise to know that 50% of American's over 50 are affected by hemorrhoids. You are not alone.

Do some research and get healthy. Be sure Hemorrhoids is the real problem, then do your research to find the proper treatment for hemorrhoids.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease are different conditions of the inflammatory bowel syndrome. Since the colon is affected, the diseases need healthy diets to accompany medicines and treatment.

Both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are forms of inflammatory and irritable bowel syndrome. The difference between the two conditions is little and it is indeed difficult to understand the difference. Though the treatments for the two are dissimilar, both the diseases share the same symptoms and need similar diet recommendations.

Since the diseases take into account irritable bowel syndrome and colon is affected in both cases, the diets should be healthy. If you are suffering from ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, pay heed to the following aspects:
- Increase your fluid intake to keep your body hydrated. Normally, with any of the irritable bowel syndrome thus mentioned, you must drink eight to ten glasses of fluid everyday. This will further help calm down inflamed colon and to prevent constipation. Drink vegetable juices along with your daily dose of water.
- Eat small frequent meals. Eat a high-protein diet. Taking lean meat and fish can be helpful.
- Do not take in caffeine and alcohol.
- Do not eat foods that encourage production of gases. For instance, keep away from dried peas, cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli and lentils.
- You must limit your fat intake while you are down with irritable bowel syndrome. Food rich in fats may result in diarrhea.
- It is advised that you keep away from dairy products.

Whether you suffer from ulcerative colitis or from Crohn's disease, it is advised that you follow a low-fiber diet when you experience a flare-up. A low-fiber diet would include:
- Plain cereals
- Refined pasta, noodles and white rice
- Refined white bread, muffins and buns
- Fruit juices and vegetable juices
- Vegetables like beets, peeled potatoes, beans, cucumbers, lettuce and carrots

The following items must be eliminated from your low-fiber diet chart:
- Whole grains
- Prune juice
- Raw and dried fruits(like berries and raisins)
- Nuts and seeds

When the irritable bowel syndrome is under control, it is recommended that you switch over to a high-fiber diet. Since the colon is affected in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, the diet needs special attention. A proper diet restores health along with medicines and treatment. A high-fiber diet would include:
- Whole grain breads, muffins and buns
- Whole wheat pasta
- Whole grains like brown rice and corns
- Cooked cereals
- Dried fruits like raisins, apricots and dates
- Berries
- Fruits like apples, mangoes, kiwis and oranges
- Green and leafy vegetables
- Nuts and seeds

As a victim of ulcerative colitis or from Crohn's disease, you might find the following tips helpful in controlling irritable bowel syndrome:
- Eat a healthy diet.
- Avoid food that has high fat content.
- Eat six small meals instead of three large meals.
- Drink lots of fluids.
- Learn to deal with stress.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The presentation depends mainly on the site of the disease but also on whether there is a tendency to perforate or fistulate rather than to fibrose and stricture, probably determined by genetic factors. Terminal ileal and ileocolonic disease present with right iliac fossa pain, often with an associated mass. This can present acutely, mimicking acute appendicitis or - more commonly - chronically, when symptoms may closely mimic the irritable bowel syndrome. It can also present subtly, as short stature III a child or adolescent, as weight loss with minimal abdominal symptoms or even as nephrotic syndrome due to amyloidosis.

Colonic Crohn's disease is distinguishable from ulcerative colitis by the presence of skip lesions, rectal sparing, perianal skin tags or fistulas and/or granulomata on biopsy, but in up to one-third of cases the distinction is unclear and in this situation it is usually better not to be dogmatic about the diagnosis.

Initial diagnosis is usually made by barium studies and/or endoscopy. Radiolabelled white cell scanning may be helpful if radiological evidence of small-intestinal disease is equivocal. Serum C-reactive protein concentration is raised in about 95% of cases with active disease. Magnetic resonance scanning is very useful for evaluation of perianal fistulas and abscesses.

Extra-intestinal manifestations of the disease include erythema nodosum, episcleritis and reactive arthritis. With the exception of ankylosing s ondylitis, for which Crohn's disease - like Ulcerative Colitis - is a risk factor, the other extra-intestinal problems usually resolve with appropriate treatmenfofthe underlying bowel disease and do not usually require specific treatment. Sclerosing cholangitis is extremely rare, particularly if colonic disease is absent.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) may help mask lameness while reducing pain, heat, swelling, and inflammation, but they can also be very harmful to the equine, whether pet or athlete.

NSAIDs can contribute to stomach and intestinal ulcers, diarrhea from colitis and colic, all of which may trigger bouts of laminitis and founder. Even short term NSAID use has the potential for renal (kidney) and liver toxicity, and may decrease a horse's health and performance. One study showed that just three days on NSAID administration is enough to start a gastric ulcer in some horses. Some NSAIDs can effect a change in circulating levels of other drugs that are given at the same time due to protein binding and competition.

Research in human medicine has shown that NSAIDs may also slow down the healing process of soft tissues. This means that the patient using NSAIDs may look normal (no evidence of swelling or redness) and not have pain evident, but the tissue is weaker longer and at a higher risk for re-injury during the extended healing period.

The USEF (United States Equestrian Federation) now requires an "NSAID Disclosure form" to be filed with the Steward/Technical Delegate if more than one NSAID is used during a competition or in the five days preceding a USEF competition. The use of Bute and Banamine together has been and still is currently prohibited. Starting December 1, 2011, the presence of only one NSAID will be allowed! The seven NSAIDs currently allowed with quantitative restrictions are Bute, Banamine, Naproxen, Ketofen, Arquel, Equioxx, and topical Surpass.

There are other options available to use for the treatment of inflammation and pain. Many of the natural products are very effective while being much safer than prescription NSAIDs. Some of these may be herbal, botanical, nutritional, and/or homeopathic blends. Keep in mind not all "natural" products are safe or effective and have potential herb-drug interaction. Also, some natural products will test positive on drug screens. In some cases, the addition of a natural product to a treatment protocol using NSAIDs will improve the treatment results. Often the dosage level of a NSAID may be reduced while maintaining an effective treatment result by using it in combination.

KAM Animal Services offers FRE Choice Liquid as a safe effective NSAID alternative. FRE Liquid has been used in show and race horses for years with great success and is veterinarian tested and endorsed. It will not test positive on a drug screen (blood or urine). It is safe to use in combination with any and all other NSAIDs and any medications your horse may be receiving.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

People with Crohn's Disease and Colitis can expect to live a normal life span. When properly diagnosed, sufferers can get help for these conditions. Although there is no medical cure at present for the diseases, individuals can learn to manage, control, and even eliminate their symptoms.

The danger surrounding Crohn's Disease and Colitis comes from ignoring the symptoms and letting them go untreated for an extended period. Symptoms can vary but include diarrhea, stomach pain, bloating, considerable weight loss, and often blood and pus in the stool. Untreated symptoms can lead to serious complications.

The Danger of Ignoring Symptoms

. Malnutrition

The longer a person with Crohn's Disease and Colitis goes without treatment, the more chance of severe malnutrition. If the body does not have the ability to absorb nutrients, it cannot function properly and will not repair itself.

. Anemia

Bleeding from the rectum can be a symptom of Crohn's Disease. This unpleasant symptom can also lead to anemia.

. Compromised Immune System

Untreated symptoms cause continuous damage. If a sufferer ignores symptoms, they can compromise their body's immune system. Many people with these conditions share specific abnormalities of the immune system. Ignoring one's symptoms continues to interfere with the ability of the immune system to protect your body.

. Blockage in Intestines

A thickening of the intestinal wall is the cause of blockages in the intestine. Thickening can be a result of scar tissue and swelling that narrow the bowel passage and impede digestion.

. Damage to Organs

Tears in linings, as well as lesions, can cause spillage. As a result, surrounding organs might be damaged to the extent that surgery is the only solution. Affected areas can also develop fistulas that lead to infections and damage to nearby organs. The bowel, anus, or even the surface of the skin can be harmed by these infections.

. Chronic Disease

Since Crohn's Disease and Colitis?is a chronic disease, ignoring the symptoms is an unwise move. Sufferers cannot go down to the doctor's office and get a prescription to rid themselves of the disease. There is no cure and the conditions will not just disappear on their own. ?

Yet sufferers can get to the stage where they live symptom-free and stress-free lives. People can manage (and even eliminate) the symptoms but they need to be proactive about their health. Many researchers are convinced that water fasts followed by a regular raw food diet will wipe out and heal Crohn's Disease and Colitis symptoms. Of course, individuals must always check with their doctor before they make dramatic changes to their diet or start intense fasts.

. Individual Health

Paying no attention to symptoms means that you are paying no attention to your health. Good health is priceless and it would be unfortunate if sufferers did not seek help. Different people can experience varied symptoms. In modern times, people can receive treatment for their individual symptoms. Do not ignore symptoms that are associated with Crohn's Disease and Colitis.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Feline bloody stool is something to be concerned about. This can be a sign of a number of medical problems, so it is important to take your cat to the vet. Before you do, you should have a list of the symptoms you have noticed, which will help your vet make a conclusive diagnosis. Beyond that, knowing the best way to treat these symptoms and cure the underlying cause will prevent your cat from having to endure this condition in the future. In the article you'll learn the symptoms, causes and treatments for blood in cat stool and how to help your cat.

Symptoms of Feline Bloody Diarrhea & Blood in Stool

Beyond seeing blood in your cat's stool or diarrhea, you may also notice one or more of the following symptoms. Since noting these symptoms will be helpful to your vet, make sure to write them down:

  • Sudden weight loss

  • Drinking excessive water

  • Loss of appetite

  • Frequent bowel movements (more than usual)

  • Decrease in activity, lethargy

  • Exertion or pain during defecation

Causes of Feline Bloody Diarrhea

The causes of blood in diarrhea can include one or more of the following:

  • Bacterial infection

  • Bowel inflammation or colitis

  • Parasites

  • Ingestion of household poisons or foods that cause allergic reactions

  • Antibiotics

Treating Feline Blood Stool

Since blood in diarrhea or stool can be indicative of digestion problems, make sure to feed your cat quality food. Many pet owners do not understand that canned cat food and kibble are processed foods. Some of these food contain dyes, fillers, additives and preservatives. These are not healthy for your cat. Feed your cat natural food that is high in fiber, low in fat and has good quality protein. Refrain from giving your cat table scraps.

If your cat has worms, use a de-worming medication to get rid of them, but do your research before considering the use of other medications or drugs. One of the causes of feline bloody diarrhea is antibiotics, so administering them to treat a symptom that is caused by them is obviously not a smart course of action. Antibiotics have side effects and suppress symptoms, but do not cure the problem. This is why pet owners around the world are turning to homeopathic remedies to treat and prevent problems in the colon and urinary tract.

These remedies contain ingredients that work as effectively as antibiotics, but have no side effects. They work at the cellular level to heal symptoms like feline bloody stool and the conditions that gave rise to it. They will fortify your cat's immunity and since they are gentle and affordable, they can be used daily to prevent problems from recurring. Best of all, they are convenient: you just sprinkle them on your cat's food or put a few granules in your cat's mouth.

Since all natural remedies are not created equal, be sure to do your research. Look for remedies that contain proven ingredients like berberis, cantharis and uva ursi.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A large number of us are on a continual search for solutions to safe, effective weight loss. In order for us to lose weight and keep it off permanently we need to first understand how fat develops.

"Toxins In, Toxins Out" is a theory that is helping many people begin to understand the correlation between toxins stored in our bodies and obesity.

When our eliminatory systems are bombarded by toxins, which is extremely common in our industrialized world, our body begins to store all the unmanageable toxins in our fat cells. This environment causes the stubborn, unwanted fat deposits that most of us have trouble releasing. When this state of emergency is declared in your body, you will start to store fat regularly to manage the abundance of toxins in your system. The good news is that these toxins can be released quite effectively and painlessly, allowing the body to return to its natural state."

It is recommended to work with a health care professional to develop a cleansing program that focuses on the use of colon hydrotherapy, a.k.a. colonics, to remove excess debris and toxic waste from your body.

When you can introduce colon hydrotherapy treatments combined with a diet focused on healthy, living foods you'll notice immediate results in achieving weight loss goals and overall well-being. You will also find that the weight-loss is permanent, as the toxins are not reabsorbed from the colon back into the fat cells.

Many people agree that bowel cleansing is a good idea, yet they may have many pre-conceived notions about receiving Colon Hydrotherapy. One misconception is that colon hydrotherapy is painful, smelly and just plain gross. When done in a professional, relaxing environment the treatment can actually be relieving and invigorating. You want to make sure you find a colon hydrotherapist who uses a closed system FDA-approved machine to ensure you're receiving the best and most state-of-art treatment available.

There are a few contraindications for colon hydrotherapy. If you have any of the following please contact a colon hydrotherapist or your health care practitioner prior to your appointment:

Severe cardiac disease/hypertension, Congestive Heart Failure/recent Heart Attack, Aneurysm, Severe Anemia, GI Hemorrhage/perforation, Cancer of the Colon or GI Track, Severe Hemorrhoids, Severe Diverticulitis, Cirrhosis, Carcinoma of the Rectum, recent history of GI Bleeding, Intestinal Perforation, Fissures/Fistulas, Pregnancy, Abdominal Hernia, Recent colon, rectal, or abdominal surgery (within 6 months), Renal Insufficiency, Advanced Crohn's, Ileitis or Ulcerated Colitis, Epilepsy or Psychoses, history of Seizures.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Aloe Vera has proven to be a wonderful natural remedy to treat bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis with it anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidizing and many other properties.

People suffering from ulcerative colitis have some good news in the form of Aloe Vera treatment. This herbal medicine has become an effective drug for the treatment of intestinal disorders. In fact, thousands of people have found this treatment effective. Some of the major advantages of this drug are:

• It causes internal healing
• It restores the health
• It is 100% natural
• It has no side effects

Therefore, you can use it without any worry. This drug is not only effective in treatment of ulcerative colitis, but also other disorders like Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. This natural drug is also known to eliminate constipation.

Aloe Vera drug is safe for children and people of all age groups. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used along with other medicines. In fact it can recover the effects of other medicines in the body. The healing property of the plant is mainly due to AMP molecules. AMP is the short form for Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharide. It acts on each cell of the body and heals them. It can also eliminate diarrhea.

Aloe Vera also has anti-oxidizing property. It helps to rebuild the tissues of the whole body. Thus the mucosal lining inside the colon, which has been damaged by colitis, is repaired once the tissues get back to normalcy. This drug has helped in the elimination of crohn's disease in many people. The leaves of aloe Vera are well known for their antiviral and anti fungal properties. They also act against bacteria that attack the body.

Aloe Vera also helps with digestion. It also boosts the immune system of the body. Altogether, it helps the body to get back its strength after the being affected by ulcerative colitis. People who have been suffering from various forms of colitis have benefited from this herbal drug. Since it helps in building the lining of intestine, it is also helpful in eliminating irritable bowel syndrome. There are many online stores that sell this drug. Some may even offer buy one get one free deals. You can get information from various stores through phone or email.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis may be mild, moderate or severe. Mild ulcerative colitis symptoms may be treated at home, while moderate symptoms typically require prescription medications to put the disease into remission. Severe symptoms of ulcerative colitis will require medications and possibly surgery to remove the affected portion/s of the colon.

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis typically present before the age of 30 and may include diarrhea, with blood or mucus present in the stool. Rectal bleeding is sometimes one of the ulcerative colitis symptoms, but without the presence of diarrhea, rectal bleeding may indicate another condition. A gastrointestinal physician can perform tests to determine the cause of rectal bleeding.

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis vary depending on the amount of the colon (large intestine) that is inflamed and the intensity of the inflammation. There are different types of ulcerative colitis and they are classified according to the portion of the colon that is inflamed. For example, it is referred to by physicians as ulcerative proctitis when only the rectum is inflamed and the only symptom in this case may be rectal bleeding. In more severe cases the symptoms of ulcerative colitis that is confined to the rectum may include rectal pain and bleeding, sudden need to empty the bowels or a painful urge to move the bowels without result.

When other portions of the colon are affected, ulcerative colitis symptoms typically include bloody diarrhea and cramps, as well as the symptoms experienced by those who only have inflammation in the rectum. If the left side of the colon is inflamed, the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may include weight loss and pain on the left side of the abdomen as well. If the inflammation affects the entire colon, it is referred to by physicians as pancolitis or universal ulcerative colitis; symptoms in this case are the same as in the other types of colitis but may include the additional symptoms of fatigue, fever and night sweats. In the most severe form of ulcerative colitis, symptoms may include dehydration, severe abdominal pain, continuous diarrhea, bleeding and even shock.

In children the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may include growth failure due to the lack of nutrients and fluids caused by persistent diarrhea. This lack of nutrients and fluids also causes problems for adults and may lead to dehydration and anemia if bleeding is present. Joint pain and skin rashes have also been experienced by people with other ulcerative colitis symptoms.

Ulcerative colitis is considered a chronic disease, meaning that the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may come and go and vary in intensity throughout a person's life. Diet may worsen ulcerative colitis symptoms, but no foods are specifically known to aggravate or cause the condition. In fact the cause is not known. Vitamin supplements and botanical remedies like aloe are sometimes recommended to reduce ulcerative colitis symptoms. A recent study using fish oil for omega 3 supplementation showed promise, but there is no plan to market the supplement that was used in the study. Treatment is important, even when the symptoms of ulcerative colitis are mild. For more information about treatment and diet, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you're reading this article, chances are you've been diagnosed with protruding hemorrhoids. This painful condition is caused when the veins that carry blood to the tissues around the rectum become swollen and inflamed, creating internal hemorrhoids, and then during a straining bowel movement they are expelled through the anal canal to form protruding or prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Doctors aren't sure exactly what causes hemorrhoids or 'piles' to enlarge. There are several theories, mainly relating to the pressure on the sphincter caused by hard stools - the kind you have if you're constipated. If the pressure is great, it can force the lining of the rectum to lose its proper position and suddenly protrude outside the body. This is known as a prolapsing internal hemorrhoid.

Often, these piles will return to the rectum on their own. If not, they can be pushed back with a finger each time the extend, until the bout of piles has ended.

If it cannot be pushed back inside, the hemorrhoid becomes strangulated and needs immediate medical attention.

If you have not been diagnosed, but just have symptoms, it's critically important that you do get an expert medical check up. The same symptoms can indicate more serious conditions such as cancer, polyps or colitis.

How Can You Prevent Them?

The best way to prevent this situation is to ensure that your stool remains soft, so that you aren't straining with bowel movements. There are a number of steps you can take to make this happen:

  • drink 6-8 glasses of water a day, in addition to other beverages you may consume

  • add fiber-rich fruits and vegetables to your diet

  • reduce your consumption of dairy products

There is also a small field of scientific research showing that squatting, instead of sitting, when you have a bowel movement, can also help prevent protruding hemmorhoids.

How Can You Heal Them?

There are several ways to treat hemorrhoids, both surgical and non-surgical.

Surgical treatments, such as stapling, rubber band ligation, and laser surgery that can be used to treat the condition. Your physician will work with you to determine the best option for you.

There are numerous over-the-counter remedies on the market for treating the symptoms, as well. Look for a solution that contains witch hazel, butcher's broom or horse-chestnut - all three are natural anti-inflammatories.

I hope you've found this explanation helpful. If you'd like to end the itching, burning, and pain of protruding hemorrhoids once and for all, visit my website for practical advice you can use.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Between relapses, Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is usually symptomless. In relapse, the severity of diarrhoea and systemic upset depends on the extent of the disease and the depth of mucosal ulceration. Active sub-total or total UC, involving the large intestine from the rectum at least to the hepatic flexure, causes frequent bloody diarrhoea, often with fever, malaise, anorexia, weight loss, abdominal pain, anaemia and tachycardia. By contrast, active proctitis is characterised by rectal bleeding and mucous discharge - often with tenesmus - but the stool is usually well-formed and general health maintained. Rarely, patients may present initially with complications of UC, such as arthropathy and sclerosing cholangitis.


Local complications
Severe attacks may be complicated by toxic megacolon (or colonic dilatation with less severe systemic upset), perforation and, rarely, massive haemorrhage. Patients who have had sub-total or total UC for over ten years are at increased risk of colonic carcinoma (cumulative risk 10-15% at 20 years).

Extra-intestinal complications
Most commonly these affect the skin (erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum), eyes (uveitis, episcleritis), joints (large joint arthropathy, sacro-iliitis, ankylosing spondylitis), liver (sclerosing cholangitis, choangiocarcinoma) and vasculature (arterial and venous thrombosis).

To establish the diagnosis and disease extent
The diagnosis of DC is suggested by finding inflamed mucosa at sigmoidoscopy and confirmed by rectal biopsy. If the upper limit of inflammation is not visible then colonoscopy, with further biopsies, is usually preferred to barium enema to confirm the diagnosis and its extent, and to exclude Crohn's disease. Where relevant, irradiation, ischaemic and other types of colitis should also be excluded (see Table I). Stool microscopy and culture is essential to exclude specific infections.

To assess disease severity in relapse
Disease activity can be quantified clinically (stool frequency, rectal bleeding, fever, tachycardia, and abdominal tenderness and/or distension), and by laboratory tests (for anaemia, leucocytosis,thrombocytosis, hypoalbuminaemia, and raised ESR and C-reactive protein). Cautious sigmoidoscopy is safe, but colonoscopy and standard barium enema may cause colonic dilatation or perforation in very active disease. Alternative assessment measures include plain abdominal Xray, 'instant' barium enema (without bowel preparation), and radiolabelled leucocyte scanning.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Frequently, the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pelvic disorders is conducted in error because of difficulty to diagnose the actual condition responsible for the pain. In these cases, the patient is denied an effective rational treatment aimed at the underlying disease.

Sometimes, undiagnosed proctitis is the cause of the pelvic pain. Term proctitis generally means inflammation of the lining of the rectum, called the rectal mucosa. Proctitis can be short term (acute) or long term (chronic) and may have many causes. It may occur as a side effect of certain medical treatments like a course of antibiotics. Inflammation of the rectal mucosa may be related to ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids, yeast infections, herpes, conditions that cause inflammation in the colon or small intestine. Other causes include rectal injury, bacterial infection, allergies, chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

Some of the symptoms often correlate with chronic pelvic pain disorders, specifically anal and/or rectal pain, itching, left-sided abdominal pain, bloating, gas, indigestion, heaviness and discomfort after meals, constipation. It is easily explained because urinary bladder, prostate, rectum and colon share sympathetic, sacral parasympathetic nervous system and mucosal epithelium permeability.

In many cases that I have been involved in, occurrence of these symptoms is connected with particular occupation of the patient. My office is located in Northwest suburbs of Chicago, major transportation hub and I have seen significant above average numbers among Chicago area truck drivers, limo and taxi drivers that pursue my services. Based on these cases that is available in my practice, I've come to a subjective but logical conclusion that one of the possible overlooked causes of this problem is rectal traumatic injury caused by extended hours of prolonged seating in the same positions in addition to constant vibration and frequent bumps of the pot holes. These small but frequent and repeated traumas can cause neurological abnormalities and inflammation and/or irritation which lead to pelvic floor dysfunction and may be one of the underlying causes of these conditions: chronic abacterial prostatitis, prostatodynia, painful bladder syndrome, interstitial cystitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. All of the above have similar, overlapping urinary symptoms of the following: frequency, urgency, and pain.

All these pelvic conditions are considered to be non-manageable and incurable by conventional medicine. Unfortunately, pharmaceutical treatment and surgical procedures have proven to be insufficient and costly. In United States alone 10 to 15 million men and women suffer from these debilitating conditions. Luckily, there is hope to those people that are diagnosed with Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and IC and Chronic Prostatitis. It is acupuncture, which have been around for thousand of years delivering great results without side effects and has been proven as effective treatment for chronic inflammation.

Specific acupuncture protocol will deliver great results. The use of multi-level approach and focus on addressing underlying cause of the problems, not just the symptoms, guarantees success.

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Ulcerative colitis symptoms and signs can generally differ, depending on how severe and where the inflammation occurs. Consequently, categorization of ulcerative colitis symptoms depends on its site. The course of ulcerative colitis varies, with episodes of acute ulcerative colitis frequently periodic with intervals of remission. Ultimately, the gravity of the disease typically remains the same.

If a you suffer from ulcerative colitis symptoms and are pregnant or thinking about starting a family you and your partner will naturally worry about the effects of the ulcerative colitis symptoms on the pregnancy, and about the consequence the of pregnancy on your disease. After the birth it is likely that worries will be raised about the effects of the ulcerative colitis medications on breast milk. The good news is that most of women with ulcerative colitis symptoms have normal fertility and can anticipate a normal pregnancy, delivery and growth of a healthy baby.

You can increase the chances of having a healthy baby by eating a varied and balanced diet for ulcerative colitis which is enhanced with supplements of vitamins and minerals. If you have active disease, on steroid medication or are underweight, then it is essential to increase nutrition and seeking advice from a dietician who can advice you about ulcerative colitis symptoms and diet. A good way to remain healthy throughout your pregnancy is regularly exercise.

A folic acid supplement should be taken before conception and for the first twelve weeks of your pregnancy. This is normal practice for any pregnant woman and helps to lessen the risk of spina bifida in the baby. It is however more important for people with crohn's disease because folic acid is more difficult to absorb when this disease is present. If you are taking ulcerative colitis medications such as sulphasalazine, you will require additional folic acid because this also interferes with the absorption rate of folic acid. Daily supplements of 2000-5000 micrograms are recommended for pregnant women with ulcerative colitis symptoms rather than the typical 400 micrograms daily.

The most important message for sufferers of ulcerative colitis symptoms and pregnancy is that the baby can be expected to be healthy if your ulcerative colitis health is good and kept under control. Ulcerative colitis drugs and medications should therefore be taken as advised before and during your pregnancy.

Parents who have been given an ulcerative colitis diagnosis are to some extent more likely to have a child who contracts ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease. However, even with genetic tendency, other added factors are required to trigger the disease. Research has suggested that parental smoking during pregnancy is another factor linked to the development of ulcerative colitis symptoms in children

If your ulcerative colitis symptoms are in remission at the start of your pregnancy, the likelihood of delivering a perfectly healthy baby are similar to those of a woman without ulcerative colitis signs and symptoms. If you have flare-ups during pregnancy or the disease is active at the beginning the risks to the baby are doubled and it is more likely to be premature or have a low birth weight. This is still a small risk and the baby is likely to be healthy. However, severe flare-ups are very dangerous and a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Another concern you will probably have will be the side effects of ulcerative colitis drugs. Usually however the threat to the baby is related to the action of the disease rather than the ulcerative colitis medications.

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Not all foods are good for the stomach. When the stomach is suffering from ulcers, it is but wise to know what are the good and bad foods for stomach ulcers.

Ulcers are sores in the lining of the digestive tract. Types of ulcers are identified where they occur. Doudenal ulcers are ulcers in the duodenum. Ulcers in the stomach are known as gastric ulcers and ulcers in the esophagus are called esophageal ulcers.

What Causes Stomach Ulcers

There are various causes for stomach ulcers to occur but all are linked to food and proper hygiene. Before, most doctors believed that ulcers are mainly caused by stress and by eating too much acidic foods. But that all changed after a laboratory experiment discovered that a bacteria called H. pylori causes the infection in the digestive tract forming sores. Acidic foods and gastric juices can only aggravate the sores by burning the digestive tract walls.

Ulcers in the stomach are also caused by some anti-inflammatory medicines. These medications are what doctors usually give to patients with arthritis. These can be corrosive to the stomach lining, so if taken for a prolonged period of time, can increase the risk for ulcers. Naproxen, ibuprofen and aspirin are some of the known anti-inflammatory medicines that may trigger stomach ulcers.

How to Treat Ulcers

As mentioned earlier, stomach ulcers are mainly caused by an infection. So the primary recommendation that your doctor will give you will be to treat the sores by killing the bacteria first. This medication will last for 2 to 3 weeks or until there's no more trace of the bacteria in your stool. However, this treatment may not always be effective for people suffering from other diseases like diabetes and arthritis.

So to avoid any complication, why not treat stomach ulcers naturally?

The Bad Foods

Obviously, you wouldn't want to experience its symptoms. You don't want to feel the pain and see blood in your stool. Hence, you must avoid acidic foods that may trigger these symptoms. Alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods and high intake of sodium (or salt) can all contribute to this ailment. The first three increase the production of acids in the stomach while sodium can irritate its walls.

Sodium is not only contained in salt but most medicines and vitamin supplements contain sodium at a level unnecessary for our bodies. If you are taking some other medications, you must drink lots of fluids, especially pure water to help eliminate excessive sodium fast.

The Good Foods for Stomach Ulcers

Adding oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and halibut in your diet is very effective in treating ulcers naturally. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in high levels in oily fish, and studies show that Omega-3 increases the production of prostaglandins, a compound known to protect the walls of the digestive tract.

Antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables also help lower the risk of developing ulcers by protecting the lining of the stomach. They also help relieve symptoms when ulcers are already present. Dieticians recommend bananas, kiwi, apricots, raw cabbage juice, carrots and bell peppers.

Other good foods for stomach ulcers are almonds, whole grains, wheatgerm, cheddar cheese, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. These foods are good sources of amino acids, the building block of proteins which are proven to help repair damaged portions of the stomach lining.

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Causes Of Extreme Pains In the Lower Back.

Extreme lower back pain has a number of causes. This type of pain becomes more common as we age. This is due to changes in bone density, muscle strength and disc structure. Although back pain can occur anywhere, it is most common along your lower back in the lumbar region. Quite often, it is due to lifting objects that are too heavy that in turn causes your muscles or ligaments to overstretch generating great pain. Lower back pain may include dull, sharp or persistent pain that may be chronic or acute.

When the spine is overworked, this may cause a disc (connective tissue pad between vertebrae) to rupture or bulge. This type of damaged disc may place pressure on nerves/blood vessels of the spinal cord sending pain signals to the brain as well as generate a malfunction of the body part they innervate.

Extreme lower back pain may also be caused by muscle damage or bone lesions due to injury. Scar tissue may develop from injury that may generate a weak spot. Other causes may include arthritis, osteoporosis, viral infections, joint disease or congenital spine malformations. Being over weight, pregnancy, lack of exercise and improper sleeping positions can contribute to lower back pain as well.

In some cases, extreme lower back pain may be caused due to an internal medical condition. Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, kidney dysfunction and pancreatitis may contribute to lower back pain. If you are diabetic, you may experience bad back or leg pain related to nerve damage. All of these symptoms require immediate medical attention as this may develop into permanent damage.

Treatments For Extreme Pains In The Lower Back.

With extreme lower back pain, you should be properly diagnosed by a physician to make sure the appropriate treatment is applied. Listed below are some simple treatments that are recommended to get relief from extreme lower back pain.

• Rest

More often than not lower back pain is due to some form of muscle strain. Resting the spine for a few days

is good to prevent further damage to your muscles. However, more than a few days of rest will do more harm than good. You will need to begin physical therapy as soon as possible. Exercise is necessary to strengthen the muscles that are damaged.

• Anti-inflammatory Medications

Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as aspirin are helpful in reducing the amount of inflammation and decreasing the amount of pain, you may experience. Your doctor may prescribe a stronger NSAID depending on the severity of your pain.

• Warm Compresses

Heat packs or a warm bath will help relieve tension in the muscle as well as increase blood circulation to the area. Greater blood circulation to the affected area will bring in more oxygen and nutrients and carry away wastes allowing for rapid healing.

• Exercise

The most important part to relieving back pain for the long-term is to exercise. You need to increase muscle strength and flexibility. It's a good idea to consult a chiropractor or physical therapist initially so that you learn the right exercises to do as well as do them properly. Later you can exercise on your own.

• Muscle Relaxers

Physicians will sometimes prescribe muscle relaxers to keep your damaged muscle from tensing. This may also happen with other muscles that have not been damaged because they are trying to take over lost function. Either way, this will allow you to continue your exercises with greater ease.

• Epidural Steroid Injections

These injections are often used around the spinal nerves to decrease inflammation at the site of damage.

• Spinal Surgery

If medications and physical therapies are not giving you the relief you need, you may have to consider surgery. Back surgery is considered the last resort and requires serious consideration. Your doctor will help you determine if this is right for you.

With any kind of back pain that persists, you should see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis. This will determine proper treatment. Even with extreme, severe lower back pain, proper exercise, warm compresses and pain/inflammation medications may work wonders. If the pain isn't responding to these treatments, you may require some form of surgery.

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The natural treatment for diverticulitis varies in which discipline of health care you choose. But none are invasive or carry the often serious side effects found with that offered by mainstream medicine.

First let's look at what diverticulitis is. The dictionary explanation of a diverticulum is a blind tube leading from a cavity. In medical terms, this can be translated as the colon or the lower intestine. Diverticulitis is the inflammation of the colon, which causes pain and discomfort.

Whenever you have a disturbance in the digestive tract, the first thing to consider is the diet. The typical western diet is so poor in so many ways, it is one of the leading causes of all digestive disturbances. Your body was simply not designed to digest and utilise the processed foods, the denatured foods, the high animal protein, the preservatives, the colours and flavours, the pesticides. The list is endless.

Sadly, medical doctors are not trained to recognise this simple fact. Instead they are trained to match a drug to every condition. While this can give temporary relief to some, it is not addressing the cause, so the problem, or the health of the sufferer, will inevitably worsen.

Natural therapists, in particular homeopaths, are trained to look at the cause of every problem. However, it would be pointless to treat any condition with a medicine if the cause is in the diet.

Whether or not you are open to the idea of making changes in your diet probably depends on how much you want to rid yourself, permanently, of the pain you may be suffering. There will always be some people who are happy to close their eyes to the reality of what is happening, as long as a pill gives them temporary relief.

But a change in diet to healthy food has the potential to do more than resolve a single health concern. It can also eliminate all your other health issues, boost your energy, de-tox your struggling system and improve your circulation.

There are times where the health of a person is too low to allow them to recover from a health condition, even when the cause is removed, such as a poor diet. There are also people who may have inherited this condition, so a change of diet, although may improve the condition, may not fully cure it.

The treatment for diverticulitis using homeopathy offers help in these situations. Every person will have their own personal experience of the condition. In some the pain may be the biggest symptom. For others, the bloating or the nausea and vomiting may be the main concern. For others, the diarrhoea may be the most pressing concern.

In addition to the varying symptoms someone may have, there will also be variations within each symptom. The character of the pain will vary in each person. One person may have a burning pain, while someone else may have an aching pain.

Personal aggravations and ameliorations of the condition will also vary. For one person, they may get temporary relief from bending double. For someone else the relief may come from applying a heat pack.

Everyone is different. Everyone expresses life stresses differently. Therefore everyone should be treated differently, according to their story. This is exactly what homeopathic treatment does. It treats you, who has a problem, rather than the problem, as if it was separate from you.

You created the problem, albeit unknowingly. Now you have the capacity to fully resolve it. The homeopathic treatment for diverticulitis has the potential to improve more than your digestive problem, as it works at a deep and curative level.

To find out more about homeopathy and a healthy diet, click on the link below.

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Constipation is a condition that many of us suffer from at some point in our lives. This is particularly true in the western world where so much junk food is consumed. For some people it is a temporary problem, but for others it is a constant problem that won't go away. As regards treatments, there are various options, but one thing you could try is aloe vera.

This herb is taken from the aloe vera plant and it has been used for many years to treat various different conditions. Some people use it to improve their skin, whilst many others use it for digestive problems, and this inevitably includes constipation as well.

Constipation is basically where you have highly irregular bowel movements, and they are generally hard to pass. There may be various causes but if it is a long term problem, you should definitely see a doctor. They will generally suggest various treatments for you to try. You may simply have to improve your diet, but it certainly cannot hurt to give aloe vera a try as well.

Aloe vera helps relax the muscles in the digestive tract and restore the healthy bacteria that are needed by your body. It will also help to cleanse the colon, removing any toxins in the process. So as a result of all this, you should start to see more regular bowel movements.

This will certainly be the case if you start drinking a lot more water every day and eating healthier foods. Fruit and vegetables and other foods high in fibre will all help cure your constipation problems.

As regards aloe vera, there are various different ways you can consume this cleansing ingredient. One of the simplest ways is to take some pills that contain this active ingredient every day because they can be bought very easily from all the major health stores. However you may prefer to take some juice instead. Simply take it instead of your usual cup of tea or coffee in the morning, for instance.

However whichever one you take, you should find that aloe vera is a very effective treatment for constipation because it works extremely well from inside the body. Plus it has very few, if any, side effects for the majority of people. It has long been known to improve digestion problems, and many studies have found that it can really help with constipation as well. So if you start taking this cleansing ingredient on a daily basis, you should start to see a big improvement after a few weeks.

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The inflammatory bowel disease denotes a group of idiopathic chronic gastrointestinal disorders and is characterized by the inflammation or swelling and ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract. The other symptoms of this medical condition include abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, bloody stool, and weight loss. Irritable bowel syndrome is another abdominal disorder that is characterized by many symptoms, including abdominal bloating, cramping, pain, and diarrhea. This is not a serious disease, but can cause constant uneasiness and agony to the patient.

The most widespread inflammatory bowel diseases are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Unlike irritable bowel syndrome, the inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are very serious medical conditions and at times can result in life-threatening situations. Ulcerative colitis typically causes inflammation and ulcers or sores on the inmost lining of the large intestine or colon. This is a hereditary disease and is usually found in the age group of 30s, although it can happen at any age, even in fifties and sixties.

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure to this disease. However, certain kinds of therapies are useful to achieve the long-term remission of this condition. The symptoms can be controlled with various types of medications, including anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system suppression medications, pain medications, anti-diarrheal medications, and antibiotics. It should be noted that a medication that is effective for some patients might not be perfect for other patients. Hence, the treatment for ulceration should be done under the care and management of a qualified gastroenterologist.

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis also can be managed by following some dietary and lifestyle changes. Certain food items can worsen the condition. People with ulcerative colitis are recommended to follow a low-fiber diet and to avoid or limit the intake of all types of gassy foods, carbonated beverages, alcohol, fruits, fresh fruit juices, caffeine, cabbage, broccoli, beans, and popcorn. Instead of raw vegetable and fruits, they can use steamed or baked vegetables. They should also try to drink large quantities of water every day. The Mayo Clinic has proposed that the patients suffering with this condition consume five or six small meals a day instead of having three or four heavy meals.

It has been noted that stress can trigger symptoms in individuals with ulcerative colitis. Hence, it is suggested that the ulcerative colitis patients should perform mild exercises and practice stress reduction techniques and breathing exercises to reduce stress.

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