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Spontaneous remission of cancer occurs when a person recovers either temporarily or fully from the disease of cancer (or other condition) in a way that cannot be solely attributed to medical care. The power of belief is so strong, but can it really help to halt the growth of destructive tumours?

Sometimes NLP practitioners and clinical hypnotherapists have the experience of spontaneous remission in their patients. One practitioner's mother was admitted to hospital suffering serious symptoms of cancer. The doctors didn't expect her to live as she was in a coma which would likely result in brain damage. She recalls that it was hard to treat someone so close to her with hypnosis, however, she persisted and kept talking to her using special techniques and telling her that if it was her time to come back, she could do so and recover. If it was her time to leave, then she could pass away comfortably and peacefully as they would always be together.

Knowing the healing value of something for patients to look forward to, she repainted her mother's bathroom and kitchen telling her she could return home to her own house or come and live with her. She had taken some before-and-after photos and noticed an 'after' photo had captured a strange phenomenon on the bathroom mirror. Somehow the Christian symbol of the fish had appeared on the mirror which wasn't there before. How ever it manifested, this provided a source of hope especially because the mirror had belonged to her grandfather who had recovered from his terminal cancer and was kept in the room where he convalesced. It seemed to be a sign that everything would be fine.

Through her mother's coma, she told her about the auspicious symbol on the mirror describing in detail as at this time she couldn't speak,or even see the photos. Sure enough, slowly but surely, her mother recovered, inspired by the appearance of the auspicious symbol and greatly helped by the regular NLP and hypnotherapy treatments from her daughter.

After nine days, she awoke from her coma which had served as a complete rest, giving the body a chance to heal and repair itself. She did suffer from a variety of other illnesses,including diabetes,angina,high blood pressure, ulcerated colitis and crones disease but had survived the cancer and experienced spontaneous remission which her daughter believes was due to her belief, her hope and the NLP and hypnotherapy treatments.

Read more about this practitioner's personal stories of spontaneous remission of cancer in Part Two by clicking here http://ezinearticles.com/?Spontaneous-Remission-From-Cancer---A-Personal-Story-Part-2&id=6616638

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are many prescription medicines to control moderate to serious acne. Some are topical (applied to the skin surface); others are taken orally, as pills, or subcutaneously (under the skin), as shots. All necessitate at least one visit to a dermatologist, a physician who specializes in skin problems. While your general physician can and may prescribe these medications and treatments, it is recommended that you see a specialist (dermatologist). Fortunately, the majority of these treatments have pros and cons that are comparatively simple to delineate.

Isotretinoin (Accutane)

Accutane is a synthetic Vitamin A derivative that creates potentially long-lasting change in the cells lining the pore. This allows cells to slough off naturally without clumping and clogging the pore - the first step in the development of acne. The quantity of oil produced is decreased, as Accutane temporarily regulates the oil gland to produce less.

Accutane has been the most important drug to date in the arsenal of prescription medication to treat severe and persistent nodular, cystic acne. It has provided dramatic improvement to millions who have been treated with it. More than half of patients treated respond satisfactorily with one course of Accutane; after a second course, only 10% failed to permanently respond. If you have severe acne that has not responded to other treatments, your dermatologist may advise that you are a candidate for a 5- to 6-month course of Accutane.

One of the advantages of Accutane is that its benefits may last years, and in some cases are permanent. In the last decade, however, it has been linked to serious side effects, such as depression and suicidal thoughts. If you are taking Accutane, or have a teenager taking it, you need to be hyperaware of these side effects. Other severe, but rare, side effects include nosebleeds and joint and muscle soreness. Another downside is that it causes drying of the skin, and not just facial skin. However, severe side effects are rare, and most patients who take Accutane suffer only from dry skin and chapped lips.

If your dermatologist has recommended Accutane, don't be afraid to ask questions about its side effects. The dermatology medical community is well aware of the pros and cons and they are prepared to answer questions about it.

Oral Antibiotics

Acne is caused, in part, by a bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes). Oral antibiotics work by removing this bacteria and decreasing inflammation. One of the growing problems, however, is that overprescription of antibiotics is leading to a growing resistance of bacteria to these drugs, and antibiotics should be used only under the direction of a physician, and only as directed by that physician. Do not "borrow" other people's leftover antibiotics or buy them online.

Typically, the first antibiotic a physician will prescribe is tetracycline. It's a broad-spectrum antibiotic and is very inexpensive. Tetracycline has been prescribed for decades to reduce acne inflammation. It is easy to tolerate, with few side effects. Erythromycin is also frequently prescribed; however, it has been so ove prescribed for a variety of conditions that 50% of people are resistant to it. Both have value for moderate to severe acne, because of their anti-inflammatory potential. Side effects include primarily intestinal upset, sun sensitivity and discolored teeth. Patients will be advised to avoid unnecessary exposure to sun and to use sunscreen for necessary exposure, and to take the antibiotic with food. If you are pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant or actively trying to get pregnant, you should consult your obstetrician before taking any medication, as these antibiotics are contraindicated for women who are pregnant.

Clindamycin is a second-line antibiotic used in treatment of acne, but can cause reactions such as serious skin allergies and bone marrow suppression, as well as the digestive tract upset and possible colitis.

Your dermatologist will typically prescribe antibiotics for a course of one to six months, with regular followups to check progress. Oral antibiotics may also be used in conjunction with topical treatments.

Topical Treatments

A few topical antibiotics can attack the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria directly through the surface of the skin. They are typically employed to address less serious cases of acne. They may even be utilized in cases of acne vulgaris, a mild form of acne.

Benzoyl peroxide is probable one of the most popular over-the-counter acne treatments, because it attacks the P. acnes bacteria very effectively. There is also evidence that it may penetrate the oil in the plug, control excess sebum production and less skin inflammation. Benzoyl peroxide has been used for over 40 years, without any evidence that the P. acnes bacteria has developed any resistance to it. If you use it and it works, it will continue to work because the bacteria cannot become immune to it. If you are trying benzoyl peroxide for the first time, buy the lowest-strength (2.5%); only progress to stronger compositions if the lowest strength doesn't appear to work, but give it at least 2 weeks.

Topical antibiotics, such as clindamycin, erythromycin and sodium sulfacetamide, remove bacteria. However, topical erythromycin loses effectiveness within a few months, because bacterial resistance develops quickly. Clindamycin is a favorite topical antibiotic, but it also is showing more and more bacterial resistance.

Benzoyl peroxide and erythryomycin (benzamycin), and benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin (Benzaclin or Duac) are formulas combining an antibiotic with benzoyl peroxide; they may work better than either medication used alone.

Retinoids are another topical treatment in the acne treatment arsenal. These stop the formation of microcomedones, the precursors of pimples. The brand name most people are probably familiar with is Retin-A. All retnoids cause dryness, redness, chapping, irritation, flaking, and sometimes an initial worsening of acne. In the first months of treatment, acne impurities are brought to the surface and these will cause a flare. However, it improves over the next three to four months.

Anyone who has attempted over-the-counter medications or treatments and not experienced acceptable results has numerous additional alternatives. Almost all acne can be treated medically with success.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Inflammation is the underlying cause of Colitis. Colitis literally means inflammation of the colon. The chances are that if you have Colitis you will also have other signs of inflammation in the body as a whole such as skin rashes and joint pains. What is going on is that your body's immune system has got out of control and is working to hard - it's forgotten when to take a break! And it starts attacking your body by mistake. The main place this is happening if you have Colitis is in your colon, but there may be signs of inflammation elsewhere in the body as well.

Why You Need to Lower Your Inflammation Levels

o Inflammation is the root cause of Colitis

o When we become inflamed our body is literally attacking itself

o If you lower your inflammation levels you will have less aches and pains

o Inflammation is now thought to be the trigger for many other modern chronic diseases

Ways to Reduce Inflammation

Omega 3 Fish Oils

Omega 3 fish oils are one tool we can use to reduce inflammation in the body, not only that - they are good for your brains as well! There have been several studies showing positive results from the use of Omega 3 Fish Oils in people with Ulcerative Colitis. I take 4 grams of Omega 3 Fish Oils a day, and as an added bonus I find that my eyesight is clearer as a result of taking them.

Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

Boswellia - is a herb that is often used in Ayurvedic Medicine from India. It has been found in studies to block chemical reactions involved in inflammation. It is safe to use and a study in 1997 of people with Ulcerative Colitis found that 82% of the people in the study who took 350mg three times a day experienced remission.

Turmeric - is spice often used in Ayurvedic medicine and is also used in Indian cooking. It contains a flavanoid called Cur cumin that is showing promise in the treatment of Crohn's and Colitis. It inhibits an inflammatory agent called NF kappa-B that has been linked to autoimmune diseases.

I take a combination supplement of Boswellia and Cur cumin daily as part of my treatment plan as well as the fish oils, I find both to be very beneficial to my Colitis and overall wellness.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Acne Pills and Supplements Are They Good For Me?

There are many acne pills and supplements which can both help to clear existing acne and prevent future flare-ups. One of the most well-known acne pills is Accutane (isotretinoin). Often used for severe acne, Accutane has several serious side-effects but is also very effective for acne treatment.

Some of the possible side effects from using Accutane:

  • Ulcerative colitis

  • Crohn's Disease

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • Liver damage

  • Birth defects

  • Depression

  • Suicidal thoughts

There are many other side effects that are slightly less severe but also very concerning. Accutane is a retinoid that is similar to Vitamin A and works by altering DNA transcription which decreases the size and output of sebaceous glands which produce sebum. It also reduces the amount of bacteria and makes sloughed off cells less sticky. All of these properties account for huge successes in the treatment of acne, but it should never be used without full awareness of the possible effects. It is usually taken for 4-5 months, often after several rounds of unsuccessful antibiotic treatment.

Other acne pills that may be prescribed are antibiotics. Some of the more commonly prescribed are:

  • Clindamycin

  • Erythromycin

  • Tetracycline

  • Amoxicillin which also come in creams.

These help reduce acne bumps and inflammation, in addition to treating any pimples that may have become infected. Dietary supplements also may help reduce acne.

Zinc supplements will likely be beneficial for acne sufferers. Zinc is found in many different foods, but since there is only as much zinc in foods as there was in the soil the food was grown in, and modern day farmers use fertilizers with little to no zinc, many people need more of this mineral in their bodies. Zinc is important in keeping the immune system healthy and functioning. It also minimizes scarring that may result from acne, because it aids in tissue healing.

If the immune system is working at less than 100% efficiency, a hormone imbalance may easily occur. Hormone imbalances are often blamed for causing acne, because hormones are responsible for producing sebum which clogs pores.

Vitamin A is recommended for acne sufferers because it promotes skin healing, but like Accutane it can be very dangerous in excess. To clear up skin, Vitamin A must be taken in mega-doses. BUT Vitamin A in mega doses can cause depression and liver malfunction for some individuals. Since it is a fat-soluble vitamin, the body does not break it down very easily, so toxicity build-up must be carefully monitored.

Vitamin E is also a good supplement if your body is not getting enough of it, because it is good for the skin, oxidizing free radicals which cause havoc for the skin. Omega-3 fatty acids should also be supplemented in one's diet, if fish is not a regular part of someone's diet. These acids have anti-inflammatory impacts on the body and also provide antibacterial effects. Therefore, they help transportation of nutrients to the cells remain normal and unimpaired and keep cell membranes healthy and intact.

For Information: http://www.acneridguide.com

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Homeopathic Services - when you need a Professional Classical Homeopath with the letters DCH, CCH or HMC?

Recently at a presentation I was speaking at, it became very obvious what a confusing struggle it is to know when you've found the appropriate holistic practitioner for your specific health concern. In Vancouver, North Vancouver, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, East Vancouver, Burnaby and all of the Lower Mainland, this is a particularly challenging.

The positive aspect of the fact that this is such a challenge in Vancouver is that there are many holistic practitioners to choose from. There are many highly qualified Homeopaths, Naturopaths, TCM practitioners, TCM Doctors, Acupuncturists, Shiatsu, Craniosacral Therapists, Osteopaths, Reiki Masters etc... in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. Within the different modalities to choose from, there are various levels of education. Usually this is indicated by the letters behind the practitioners' name.

When choosing a well educated and experienced Homeopath, look for the following letters: DCH, CCH and HMC. They will often be shown somewhat in this order. The significance of these letters is that they have received four years of up to date/contemporary education. That is what the DCH stands for (Diploma of Classical Homeopathy).

I will define the significance of the term 'Classical Homeopath' in another article. The CCH signifies that the Homeopath has completed the Board exams for Certification as a Classical Homeopath that apply to all North American Homeopaths. The CCH letters are very important when looking for a properly trained Homeopath. CCH stands for Certified Classical Homeopath.

In the Vancouver area (specifically Bowen Island and West Vancouver), we are fortunate to have an upper level Homeopath and Professional Teacher, Louis Klein. Between the Vancouver Homeopathic Academy (DCH) with Murray Feldman and Louis Klein's Homeopathic Master Clinician (HMC) courses, the Vancouver area is brimming with the best trained Homeopaths in North America.

Louis Klein's HMC course is an excellent three year follow up to the Diploma years. After these seven years of focussed, professional training - a Classical Homeopath is well equipped to help you with any range of health concerns - even the ones that conventional medical doctors might not know how to address (undiagnosed).

Seek Homeopathic Treatment from a Classically trained, professional homeopath for any chronic or acute health concerns. At Access Natural Healing Centre, we have the highest calibre, professional Homeopaths to serve you and your families natural health care needs.

We offer homeopathic treatment for, but not limited to: Allergies, Asthmatic Bronchitis, Headaches, Many psychological problems and disorders including Anxiety and Depression, Constipation, Diarrhea, Insomnia, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, ADD, Autism, Weight Control, Menopausal symptoms, Chalazion, Eczema, Hepatitis-C, IBS, Psoriasis, Tonsillitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Urticaria, Vitiligo.

Good luck and remember to research responsibly. The internet can be a great first start to your research but follow it up with grounding contact with a professional of your choice.

Elena Cecchetto ("El" for short) DCH, CCH (pending), HMC (pending)

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are usually addressed together as irritable bowel syndrome because of the similarity of their symptoms and treatment.

A chronic pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and rectal bleeding are clear symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Another disease with similar symptoms is the Crohn's disease. Most medical journals together classify these diseases as the irritable bowel syndrome. These diseases can lead to weight loss and anemia as well. The Crohn's disease and the ulcerative colitis cause inflammation in the digestive tract and their symptoms are so similar that sometimes doctor's are unable to directly diagnose both at an early stage.

These two diseases are positively not caused due to any external infection and there is evidence that they are autoimmune disorders. This means that the body's own defense or immune mechanism starts acting against the digestive process and ulcers or small pus cells get formed and in acute ulcerative colitis perceptible rectal bleeding is noticed. The process of diagnosis normally involves a stool examination and also a colonoscopy which will establish the ulcerations. The cause of the disease is not known till date and the only alleviation from the symptoms is possible through medication. Usually anti-inflammatory drugs are administered to restore good health in the patients.

The aim of the medical practitioners is to limit the inflammatory response. As there is rectal bleeding in ulcerative colitis, oral iron therapy and even blood transfusion in rare cases may be needed. When the colon is affected there is discomfort. Normally pan colitis or universal colitis is a condition that involves the inflammation of the entire colon. This is an unhealthy condition to deal with and caregivers of the patients as well as the patients themselves get easily depressed and disillusioned by their state. Crohn's disease can also affect the liver, the joints, the lungs and even the kidneys at some time.

At this time it is known that both crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are rampant in Canada and many Canadians are known to be affected by the disease. They are often treated with Cannabis or medical marijuana. The irritable bowel syndrome caused by either crown's disease or ulcerative colitis can cause fever and vomiting as well as pain in the abdomen and rectum. The simplistic symptoms of these two ailments are easy to ignore, however an early diagnosis can save the pain and the disillusionment that comes from a chronic lifetime ailment.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Does Ulcerative Colitis trouble you? Does a permanent solution for Ulcerative Colitis elude you? Your search is about to end. May we interest you in nature's own solution? Aloe vera. Aloe has the capability to heal you internally nurturing your digestive system back to good health. It is a completely natural, non-toxic drug with no unwanted side effects.

The significant feature of Aloe is that there is no internal resistance that builds up in your body against aloe vera and using it daily can only help in regularizing functions of your body. Also being safe for use in the elderly, adults and even children is only one advantage. Another benefit is that it can be used by people in all health conditions. Also, it can be used along with any other medication prescribed to you without any side effects.

All the medicinal qualities of Aloe are because of one of its components called Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides (AMP). Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides are sugar molecule compounds made up of separate mannose and glucose sugar molecules united together. Though the most powerful, AMP molecules form only one of approximately 200 different ingredients found in the Aloe plant. Finding out the medicinal values of AMP was a significant breakthrough in areas of medicine including autoimmunity and gastrointestinal fields.

Ulcerative Colitis is a disease of the lower small intestine which causes inflammation of the digestive system. It is categorized under irritable bowel disease (IBD). This ailment often results in dilation of the affected area or even grave effects like perforation of the colon which could prove fatal. Why aloe vera is used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis is because of its anti-inflammatory properties. This particular property will help calm the angry inflammation present in the digestive tract. Its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial functions are also supposed to aid the condition.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Colitis is a serious condition affecting many today. It is not only a painful and sometimes embarrassing health problem to go through, but it can also be life threatening if allowed to reach a cancerous state. Individuals are always encouraged to nip this illness in the bud before it reaches that stage. Talk to your doctor about methods of early detection so that treatment can be well underway before it gets worse. These treatments include prescription drugs and changes in one's diet. In the most serious of cases these treatments are done along with the surgical removal of the affected part of the colon.

Specifically, Colitis is an inflammatory disease of the large intestine, or the colon. Reasons for this occurrence include a poor blood supply - which inevitably contribute to diarrhea, dehydration, anemia and shock- infections, and autoimmunity of the body. Colitis usually results in diarrhea, dehydration, malnutrition, as well as a bleeding ulcer producing mucus and pus at intervals. Diarrhea causes the body to lose far more fluids than usual. Diarrhea is usually the symptom that is seen in every type of colitis known to man. Cramps and sporadic abdominal pains are also a common feature of this condition. Other signs include fever and chills, the constant urge to use the bathroom, and the presence of blood in one's stool.

Now as mentioned earlier, this occurrence can be quite embarrassing for the victim and often times requires a support system such as close relative and friends. This becomes a greater concern where in almost all cases of colitis, one's daily activities have to be changed to necessitate the demands of this terrible ailment. A great way in which help can be given to someone dealing with the symptoms of Colitis is by being available to them during tests and examinations of this disease. Such tests include examining the blood to check the factors that might lead to this condition, conducting a colonoscopy to scrutinize the walls of the colon and finally, by way of a computerized tomography that visualizes the colon and abdomen.

Many people suffering from colitis have gotten to the point that they have difficulty leaving the house. They never know when they'll have to find a bathroom. This can make work and travel very difficult. Helping a friend or family member discover that colitis is the problem and that there are ways to treat it can help them get their life back again. It is helpful to research and talk about treatment methods with the colitis sufferer, and to carry out proactive measures such as encouraging a doctor's visit for medicinal aids to the aches and pains (which people might easily mistake as just ordinary abdominal pains and diarrhea) and eating healthy foods that don't cause colon distress!

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many of my clients ask me the question, "Why can't my doctor cure IBS?" When referring to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), the client is referring to the other names by which IBS is known, including colitis, UC, leaky gut, Crohn's Disease, Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) and others. In the medical community, there are many questions and much misinformation as to what these conditions are and what causes them. In turn, many patients are getting inaccurate information and are being misled, which causes frustration and fear in these patients. Because of this fear, several individuals seek out alternative medicine to cure IBS.

The inability to understand IBS and its cure are primarily due to the fact that the same "old paradigm" is being used to try and understand it. Older forms of medicine state that most diseases are caused by germs, but IBS is not. Therefore, there exists much misinformation and confusion about the issue, which exacerbates the IBS problem.

The most common method to cure IBS symptoms is to prescribe antibiotics, which is the polar opposite of what should be done, and I believe that this one action is the primary cause of IBS.

Another common treatment includes putting the patient on steroids, which does little but mask the patients' symptoms but doesn't cure any actual problems. Moreover, pumping in steroids can lead to various toxic side effects, which can prove to be fatal in some cases.

A third misdirected choice is to perform surgery to cure IBS. All this accomplishes is simply cutting out the patient's intestines. This treatment stems from a commonly held belief in the traditional medical community of, "if you can't fix the problem, simply cut it out."

Because the actual cause of IBS is the use of antibiotics, it becomes much clearer why your physician (the prescriber of the antibiotics) is unable to explain its cause or to cure it.

The most effective way to treat and cure your IBS is through a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in holistic gastroenterology. The only way to cure IBS is to fix the problem by completely rebuilding the GI tract tissues, and this is done by using organic substances from which the tissues are made, and not drugs or other medications that most traditional doctors use to cure diseases and illnesses.

Since the wrong diagnosis has been made and the wrong medicines have been used to try and cure the illness, your doctor is not going to have the ability to fix your GI problem. Instead, seek out an alternative solution to your problem, like a holistic gastroenterologist, who can outline the steps you need to take to cure IBS.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Crohn's disease is often confused with other inflammatory bowel disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, thus making it difficult to diagnose. Crohn's disease can affect any part of the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus. Crohn's disease is characterized by an inflammatory reaction throughout the entire thickness of the colon and bowel wall. This inflammation can penetrate deeply into the affected organ, causing pain and diarrhea.

Symptoms associated with Crohn's disease include abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding (which may lead to anemia), weight loss, malabsorption syndrome and nutritional deficiencies. The onset of Crohn's disease is typically between the ages of fourteen and thirty. Cases of this disorder tend to be 2-4 times more common in Caucasian whites than non-Caucasian, and 4 times more common in Jews than non-Jews.

Crohn's disease is typically experienced as flair-up, with attacks occurring every few months to every few years. Over time, if the disease is active, bowel function can gradually deteriorate, with the risk of cancer increasing by 20 fold.

Scientists believe that chronic imbalances in the intestinal flora set off a chain of events that, in the end, damages the intestinal mucosa. This theory is strongly supported by the parallel in the number of cases of Crohn's and other inflammatory bowel disorders and use of antibiotics over the last 50 years. In turn, it has also been found that the incidence of Crohn's disease is higher in cultures consuming a "western diet", while it is virtually non-existent in cultures consuming a more primitive diet. Studies also reveal that patients with Crohn's disease were found to be individuals who habitually ate, prior to the onset of symptoms, more refined sugar, less raw fruits, vegetables and dietary fiber when compared to their healthy counterparts.

While the exact causes of Crohn's disease is still unclear, there is much that can be done to lessen symptoms and even put this disorder into remission. The goal for treatment of this disorder is to control inflammation, correct nutritional deficiencies and relieve symptoms such as pain, diarrhea and rectal bleeding.

Recommendations for Wellness

1) An elimination diet, such as Gottschall's Specific Carbohydrate Diet have been shown to reduce the symptoms experienced within 3 - 12 weeks.

2) Avoid sugar, both white sugars, and the sugars contained in white flower, white rice etc.

3) Keep a food/flair-up journal. Identify foods you are eating, or your emotional state just before and during a "flair-up". In time, you may find a pattern forming

4) To reduce intestinal inflammation and begin the healing process, try products such as UltraInflamx - by Metagenics, Robert's formula - by Phytophamric, or aloe vera juice.

5) Flax seed or fish oils (Omega 3 Oils) have been known to greatly reduce the inflammatory process. If you find you have a hard time digesting them, try freezing the gel caps before taking them.

6) Extra vitamins and minerals are important at this time, especially if you are not absorbing nutrients correctly. Incorporate a liquid meal replacement (one that is loaded with vitamins, minerals and protein, and low on sugar!) into your diet as well as taking a high quality vitamin and minerals supplement. Try to find one that is in a gel casing or capsule.

7) Find a good mineral supplement such as Alfalfa, barley greens, liquid chlorophyll or colloidal minerals. Many of these come in a powdered form that you can mix with water or juice.

8) Because of blood loss due to rectal bleeding, and the anemia associated with it, incorporation of additional iron is important. Look to find an herbal iron alternative, especially one that comes in liquid form for better/easier assimilation. If you decide to look to a single herb, Yellow Dock would be my choice. (Consult with your health care provider before introducing additional iron into your diet.)

9) Starting a program of re-inoculating the intestinal tract with Friendly Bacteria, namely lactoacidopholis can enhance recovery and restore bowel function to normal.

© Copyright 2001 Body, Mind & SoulHealer, All Rights Reserved.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis is when a chronic inflammation is present in the colon (large intestine), which is a part of our digestive system. This chronic inflammation causes ulcers or open sores to form. In most cases, people suffering from this condition do not display any symptoms, and even when warning signs do exist (such as fatigue, weight loss, loss of nutrients, joint pain), they will diminish on their own. Contrary to what most people believe, environmental factors contribute greatly to the development of this disease, not poor diet. But having said that, dietary modification can actually help lessen the effects caused by ulcerative colitis.

If you have ulcerative colitis, it is very important for you to modify your diet. Although there is no specific ulcerative colitis diet, many people find that avoiding or increasing the intake of certain foods can greatly reduce the symptoms.

People suffering from this condition should maintain a well balanced diet, preferably a balanced combination of complex carbohydrates, good fats, whole grains and protein. Soluble fiber is very helpful for this condition and is better than insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber can be found in foods such as peeled apples, peeled potatoes, oat bran, and white rice; while insoluble fiber can be found in cabbage, wheat bran, sweet corn, and fruit and vegetable skins. You are advised to avoid insoluble fiber because it can't be digested by our body, and it will irritate the colon even more. Fish oils that come from sardines or any other oily fish will help you treat ulcerative colitis. The fatty acids contained in fish oils are believed to reduce inflammation in general. Do include more oily fish in your diet to help heal the ulcers in your colon. If you are a vegetarian, you can include dairy products or high protein plants in your diet. Soy products can be a good replacement for meat, fish, or poultry, and it gives the same benefits to the body.

As mentioned previously, poor diet is not the cause of ulcerative colitis. However, there are foods that may worsen inflammation or cause previously unseen symptoms to occur; these foods are often referred to as food triggers. The types of food that might be considered as food triggers vary among sufferers. One individual might be highly sensitive towards coffee or caffeine in general, while others are not. The most common foods which can cause further irritation are alcohol, carbonated beverages, popcorn, raw vegetables, nuts, pepper, or spicy foods in general.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

According to a research conducted in the United States, it has been proved that over sixty million american people suffer from stomach acid reflux symptoms and heartburn. Some of these symptoms include a burning sensation, pain in the stomach, behind the breast bone, bloating, nausea, gas and shortness of breath.

These symptoms occur as soon as the hydrochloric acid used to digest food backs up and began to irritate the esophagus lining.

In case, you suffer from a hiatus hernia, you may get to experience frequent heartburn. There are many other causes of heartburn and these include frequent consumption of fried foods, fatty foods or acidic foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes.

There are many herbal remedies one can try to prevent symptoms of acid reflux. One of the most common remedy is chamomile tea. It relieves esophageal irritation. All you require to do is to pour a cup of boiling water over two to three teaspoons of fresh or dried flowers and then allow it to steep for fifteen or twenty minutes. You can easily drink three cups on a daily basis. Fennel tea is also known to be very effective remedy for acid reflux.

Another remedy is to have raw potato juice mixed with equal portions of fresh water thrice daily. Some people also get good relief via mixing a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar inside a glass of pure water. This concoction is supposed to be consumed with meal. Here, one needs to stay away from having any other beverage or alcohol.

Here are some other tips for self help treatment for acid reflux:

a) Tip 1 - Eat smaller meals

If you eat large meals, it tends to remain in the stomach for many hours and this in turn, increases the chances for gastro esophageal reflux. Hence, if you have gastro esophageal reflux, try to distribute your food intake over four to five smaller meals on a daily basis.

b) Tip 2 - Relax while eating
Stress tends to enhance the acid production inside the stomach. Hence, it is important to make meals a soothing experience. Try to sit down and relish your food via eating slowly. Make sure that you chew your food completely. If possible play soothing music.

c) Tip 3 - Relax between meals

You may try many of the relaxation therapies such as meditation, massage, deep breathing, yoga or tai chi in order to prevent as well as relieving heartburn.

d) Tip 4 - Sit upright after meals

Make sure that you maintain postures that tend to minimize the risk for reflux for at least three hours after the meal. Try not to bend over or lift heavy objects.

e) Tip 5 - Nothing within three hours of going to bed

Avoid eating bed time snacks completely.

f) Tip 6 - Loosen up
Do not tie tight belts or waist bands that tend to put excess pressure on your stomach.

g) Tip 7 - Abstain from smoking

It is very important because Nicotine tends to stimulate stomach acid and disturbs LES functions.

h) Tip 8 - Lose weight

Excess weight puts pressure on the stomach and can even push acid on your stomach.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you happen to be having abdominal pain, there is a high probability you will want to go to the medical professional to get yourself checked out. Pain in the abdominal area could be a sign of a variety of diseases, ranging from the harmless (overeating) to the cancerous (stomach cancer). The important thing in determining how you get the pain is to take note of its frequency, its area, its severity, and all other details you may notice about it.

Clinically speaking, the abdomen area is defined as the vicinity from the bottom part of the ribs to the pelvic bone. This includes your liver, stomach, bowels, bladder, gall, as well as some other internal organs. Due to the wide array of very important internal organs associated with the abdominal area, it is critical to pay attention to the exact area of your abdominal problems.

Your kidneys and lungs are not in the abdominal area. And for women, be aware that the ovaries are not really considered to be portion of the abdominal area either. Yet all of those organs may cause pain that feels like it's in the abdomen, and that kind of pain is something worth noting too.

Probably the most typical causes of pain in the abdominal area are inflammatory illnesses such as diverticulitis, colitis, and appendicitis. Each of these diseases distends or stretches the afflicted organ. Other factors that cause abdominal pain, for example gallstones, create a blockage, which in turn triggers painful signs and symptoms. Furthermore, other conditions such as ischemic colitis result in a reduction in circulation to a particular organ, which in turn leads to pain.

Nevertheless, swelling, inflammation and blood loss may not be the sole factors that cause abdominal pain. IBS, which stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is often a chronic source of abdominal pain for lots of people; nonetheless it's one with no clear cause or method of remedy. Some physicians have postulated that muscle jerks are in fact the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, although some have indicated nerve hyper-sensitivity could be to blame. In either case, no conclusive evidence has been discovered one way or the other, yet the health care industry do believe that IBS is a serious, significant problem that affects countless Americans each year.

Among the many approaches to determine what causes the abdominal pain is to identify what eliminates the pain. With regard to something like constipation, or, obviously, IBS, you will discover short-term alleviation by having a bowel movement. On the other hand, if you have a blockage of the small intestine, vomiting may bring short-term relief. This is the type of details that your medical professional can use to triangulate and eventually identify the reason for your abdominal problem.

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Unfortunately one of the first hemorrhoid symptoms is usually hemorrhoids bleeding. It can appear with both internal and external hemorrhoids. In case of internal hemorrhoids you must be even more cautious because bleeding can be a sign of additional gastro-intestinal troubles such as fissure, fistula, colorectal cancer, diverticulosis or colitis.

Cause of bleeding hemorrhoids

Usual reason for hemorrhoids bleeding is that veins in rectum grow to be so enlarged with blood that they rupture because of it.

Most often it happens either during or just after the bowel movement. With internal hemorrhoids it is usually caused by a pallet like, hard stool.

Stool this hard is difficult to push out and straining caused by this is responsible for hemorrhoids swelling with blood even more. Stool this hard can easily tear open the already injured, inflated hemorrhoid tissue and cause the bleeding.

And in case of hemorrhoid prolapse, the cause can be external (too much rubbing with toilet paper, extended sitting periods or even synthetic underwear).

With external hemorrhoids similar to hemorrhoid prolapse, anal bleeding is usually caused "mechanically" by excessive wiping and cleaning of an already irritated area.

Symptoms of hemorrhoid bleeding

First thing you are going to notice is going to be small blood streaks in your stool, on your underwear and toilet paper. Before bleeding starts sometimes you can also feel other hemorrhoid symptoms like general discomfort in your rectal area, anal itching and burning sensation.

But you can equally experience hemorrhoids bleeding as the very first symptom of hemorrhoids without experiencing any of the less alarming symptoms at first. In case of external hemorrhoids you will notice hemorrhoids symptom very easy and very fast.

Usually you are going to sense the bulge or swelling around your anus, you might also experience itching and burning feeling but with external hemorrhoids you always have the option to use the hand held mirror and check what is going on.


Treatment is never quick, but you have more than a few methods that can help your body heal the damage faster.

First thing you have to do is to soften your stool in order to prevent the damage that can be done to your colon by hard stool. This is going to help the injured tissue restore to health quicker and stop the anal bleeding. This is crucial for internal as well as for external hemorrhoids.

You should also try to avoid using toilet paper, use instead moist wipes or better yet take a shower or wash up in a bidet after the bowel movement. This is essential for external hemorrhoids because most of the rectal bleeding in this case is caused by mechanical damage done to the damaged tissue by wiping, also try to use soft, cotton underwear.

You can also use suppositories and natural creams for speeding up the healing as well as for lubrication of the colon, this way it will be much easier for you to pass the hard stool.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This is a record of my own, personal, experience with Ulcerative Colitis. In 1997 I was suddenly very sick with Colitis, or Crohns Disease (Doctors weren't sure at the time, and still are not), but I was pleasantly surprised when, after visiting a nutritional therapist, I made a fast and full recovery. This, despite being told there was nothing that could be done apart from downing a fistful of steroids (not at one sitting of course). Talk of possible surgery was not appealing either!!

I walked out of the hospital feeling very unrelaxed about their diagnosis and hopes for the future. I was informed that my condition was among the worst cases they had seen and I should take my pills. Well, I am a bit of a rebel so I decided to check out alternatives. And, soon enough, I was in the care of a natural health practitioner in a small Hampshire town called Brockenhurst. My weight returned to normal, skin regained its colour and I felt energetic again. Needless to say, I did not take the steroids, but this was a personal choice. Between then and now I have experienced one minor bout during a period of heavy stress.

Prior to my diagnosis I was in the "care" of my GP for 3 months and, now realise, was manifesting all the symptoms of Colitis/ Crohns, diarrhoea, blood in stools, major weight loss and vomiting. Two months into my "treatment" I was advised by my doctor to take a well known heartburn remedy, with no mention of my requirement for extra water to rehydrate myself. Three months into my "treatment" I begged to be seen by a specialist, was diagnosed, and the rest is history.

I was clear of symptoms for nearly 7 years until, during a period of stress, minor symptoms did re-appear, but on this occasion, armed with new knowledge returned to good health in record time. This seemed to be a clear indicator that stress and nutrition play an important part in illness and disease.

It is not fully understood what causes Colitis or Crohns. They are both inflammatory diseases, also known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), which, it is thought, might result in our immune systems mistakenly attacking the good bacteria in the bowels as it would normally attack invading organisms. This is known as an autoimmune response.

In the year leading up to my illness I was exposed to the heavy metals, tin and lead while working with solder on circuit boards. During this period I also ate more junk food along with 2 pints of milk per day. This was out of the ordinary for me and it may have been a factor leading to my illness. Of course, it is impossible to know for sure but it's a gut feeling (excuse the pun). The nutritionist advised me to cut out the usual suspects, wheat and dairy, for at least 6 months and to eat a varied, healthy diet. I followed the advice strictly and my weight and skin tone returned to near normal levels within a few weeks. I was symptom free for 7 years. I went through a period of heavy stress and neglected my diet, as a result minor symptoms did reappear for a week or two. But, this time, I was armed with valuable knowledge and knocked the IBD on the head in record time.

In my opinion, based on personal experience, environmental and nutritional factors play a large part in how you feel. Processed foods are laced with all sorts of toxic elements and our household environment, for example, is filled with chemical poisons. It is not surprising people get sick. Try your best to eat a diet consisting of whole foods and avoid toxic chemicals to the best of your ability. This is not to say you cannot eat the occasional junk meal but you will learn to read what your body is telling you. Just don't overdo it. You do not have to live like a monk, but in the early stages of your recovery you do need to follow instructions from your health practitioner to the T. Once you are fit and well again the occasional lapse should not be the end of the world.

Remember, this account is based on my own, personal experience and the road taken was my choice. I took the alternative route and it worked for me. I believe it was the correct decision. If you get nothing else from this article I hope it will encourage you to check out all the options available to you before making big decisions regarding surgery and drugs. Find out what you can about your condition before blindly taking the route of toxic drugs and irreversible surgery.

My personal experience with Ulcerative Colitis was very painful indeed but, if I knew then what I know now, I am certain I would not have suffered for so many months. And, in the words of my specialist, I had a very serious case. I now understand it can be overcome with certain lifestyle changes including nutrition, reducing exposure to environmental toxins and stress control etc. People have controlled, or eliminated UC and Crohns and you can too, but it takes determination and a commitment to be strict with yourself, at least until you have made a full recovery.

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In today's fast food society and poor eating habits, have given way to serious health problems. One of these is hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is an ailment where the thyroid gland doesn't produce the required thyroxine hormone useful in balancing the body's metabolic functions.

The human body is made up of many crucial elements; all of them performing a key part in the nurturing of human life and enabling the optimal functioning of the body system. Part of these important components are the different hormones. One of which is thyroxine. When the body lacks of these important hormones, the person begins demonstrating certain symptoms. However, symptoms evidenced as a result of hypothyroidism are as well common to other ailments. The symptoms may include weight loss, weight gain, sluggishness, extreme fatigue, dry flaky skin, and in a few cases, acute depression. Therefore you can see how that it might look like any other common ailment that you probably recognize. That's why it's important to check with your doctor as soon as you notice these symptoms.

The foods we eat can adversely affect our thyroid function. Individuals who suffer from hypothyroidism have been known to experience a slower metabolism and as a result, the food they eat doesn't get broken down fast enough resulting in weight gain. Also, some drugs used in treating extreme depression and mood swings have been known to restrict the amount of thyroxine created by the thyroid gland

Treating hypothyroidism with natural medication is a combination of eating a healthy diet with food that's free of pesticides and chemicals, approaching life with a positive attitude, and setting aside a time of rest and relaxation. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural products that include herbs, metals, and plants. Helping improve other organs to function properly has a positive impact on the performance of the thyroid. To operate at it's fullest, the thyroid gland needs iodine and amino acids.

Treating hypothyroidism with herbs are natural sources of iodine and minerals.

Here are some natural supplements that help to support overall thyroid health and function:

1. Ginger: Ginger is an herb that dates back to ancient times as a medicine for treating a variety of ailments such as inflammation (arthritis, colitis), upset stomach, nausea, and heart disease. Cholesterol levels are associated with healthy thyroid function and although studies are still being conducted, there's rising evidence that Ginger could help in lowering cholesterol.

2. Nori: Nori (porphyra, laver) contains iodine which is essential in helping replenish thyroid hormone T3 and T4. Nori, is a sea plant (or seaweed) that is high in calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, and rich in all the carotenes.

3. Guglipid: This is another ancient herb that dates back 3,000 years to India. An extract from the Guggal tree, studies report that Guglipid keeps bile acids in check, thereby regulating cholesterol metabolism. Guglipid is especially useful where T3 (Triiodothyronine) values of the thyroid are low.

4. Piper Longum (Indian Long Pepper or Pippali): This plant is grown in India and used for centuries treating digestive and respiratory ailments and is a powerful stimulant that plays a vital role in helping to increase thyroid hormone levels.

5. L-Tyrosine: Tyrosine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in protein foods such as fish, meats, vegetables, and dairy products. Tyrosine helps the body create neurotransmitters which assist the brain and nervous system to function properly. Increasing levels of tyrosine helps support healthy thyroid function.

6. Coconut oil: Coconut oil is comprised mainly of medium chain fatty acids which increases metabolism by removing stress on the pancreas and promotes weight loss including proper functioning of the thyroid and enzymes systems.

Always consult with your physician if you think you have a thyroid disorder before beginning any treatment.

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease covers a number of bowel disorders. It can describe colitis, which affects the colon, or regional enteritis (known as Crohn's disease), which affects the small intestine.


The cause of colitis, an inflammation of the large intestine, is not properly understood, although a lack of fiber in the diet is thought to be partly to blame. Symptoms of this illness include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and sometimes blood or mucus in the motions.


Diet and Nutrition Follow a wholefood diet with plenty of brown rice, fruit (stewed apples especially), and vegetables. As colitis can sometimes be caused by allergies to certain common foods - milk products and cereals such as wheat or oats, for example - cut them out of your diet for at least two weeks to see if there is any improvement. Eat plenty of garlic or, if you do not like it, take garlic capsules.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Herbal Medicine Slippery elm to reduce inflammation is often prescribed. Homeopathy Podophyllum 6c and Arsenicum alb. 6c are particularly helpful. Acupressure and Acupuncture Both of these can be effective.

Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease is caused by recurrent inflammation of the small intestine. The digestive system can also become damaged, reducing its ability to absorb nutrients from food. Symptoms of the disease include pain, fever, diarrhea, and weight loss.


Relaxation Techniques Yoga, meditation, and biofeedback can reduce stress, which often plays a major role in this disease.

Aromatherapy Essential oil of lavender is particularly beneficial. Massage This, together with regular exercise, is very beneficial. Herbal Medicine Slippery elm is recommended, alternated with astringent teas such as agrimony.

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Specialized white blood cells known as lymphocytes are present in the tips of the villi of small intestine. They are believed to be important in surveying the digestive tract for potential invaders or attacks from viruses, bacteria and parasites. In the context of leaky gut that can occur from eating gluten containing grains and flour, these lymphocytes can increase in numbers at the tips of the intestinal villi. This change is critical in the development of celiac disease (CD).


Though not specific for CD, increased lymphocytes in the tips of the villi, also known as increased intraepithelial lymphocytosis, is accepted as the earliest sign of gluten intolerance in the gut. This increase when significant is obvious to most pathologists reviewing biopsy slides from tissue obtained from the intestine during a scope examination. However, this may not be obvious without an objective count of the number lymphocytes in the tips of the intestinal villi.


Most pathologists either report the number of IEL's per 20 intestinal lining cells (enterocytes) or per 100 enterocytes. Generally there are only 1-4 lymphocytes in the tips of each villous where there are typically 20 intestinal cells. When the pathologist or a computerized counting microscope reports or counts the lymphocytes per 100 intestinal cells there are usually no more than 12-15 per 100 intestinal lining cells. In the past, 40 lymphocytes per 100 intestinal cells (or about 8 per villous tip) was considered the cut off for abnormal. More recently that number has been lowered to 30 lymphocytes per 100 intestinal or epithelial cells (about 6 per villous tip). There are some researchers who believe the number should be lowered to 25 per 100 (or about 5 per villous tip).


Celiac disease is the most common but infection from the ulcer causing bacterium Helicobacter pylori or the parasite giardia can be a cause as well as recent viral infection. Cow's milk protein sensitivity and allergy is also a cause. Though not well established, it is believed that the number of lymphocytes in conditions other than Celiac disease or gluten intolerance may not be as high.

Inflammatory conditions in the esophagus, stomach, distal small bowel or colon may be associated with increased IEL's in those areas but the number has not been well studied. There is a concern that some pathologists may falsely attribute increased duodenal lymphocytes to associated inflammation going on in either the esophagus or stomach. Increased lympnocytes have been noted in the gut above the duodenum (esophagus and stomach) and below the jejunum (ileum and colon) in both celiac and microscopic or collagenous colitis caused by gluten sensitivity.


Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease of gluten intolerance or sensitivity not a food allergy though many people mistakenly refer to it as gluten allergy or wheat allergy. Previously thought to be rare it is now known to be very common, affecting 1/100 worldwide.

Celiac Sprue, as CD is also commonly known, is definitively diagnosed by the combination positive results for specific blood antibodies for CD, either endomysial (EMA) or tissue transglutaminase (tTG); a characteristic small intestine biopsy; and response to a gluten-free diet (GFD). Classically, flattening of the intestinal villi, known as villous atrophy, has been the gold standard for diagnosis. Positive EMA or tTG tests without villous atrophy on biopsy but increased IEL's is accepted as diagnostic in the context of response to GFD, especially when an individual is positive for one of the two predisposing genes, DQ2 or DQ8.


A recent study of biopsies of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum of 46 people without Celiac disease reached several conclusions. Though there may be a slight increase in lymphocytes in esophagitis and gastritis, the difference in lymphocyte numbers is not significantly different in normal biopsies of the esophagus and stomach. Though general ranges of duodenal lymphocytes found in active esophagitis (2-13, average 8.8), active gastritis with Helicobacter pylori infection (2-13, average 7.2) and chronic gastritis without H. pylori infection (4-20, average 10.2) was very similar to those with negative esophagus, stomach and duodenal biopsies (2-18, average 6.7) the average number of lymphocytes was slightly higher, though not statistically significant.


In my opinion, I believe this study showed that the numbers of lymphocytes in people with normal biopsies, esophagitis and gastritis were significantly lower than those reported in people with Celiac disease (>30/100 ) and early gluten injury (20-25/100 enterocytes) but not meeting diagnostic criteria for Celiac disease. I believe this study is helpful because it argues against attributing more than 20-25 lymphocytes/ 100 enterocytes to other inflammatory processes in the esophagus or stomach. It also supports the findings of other studies that have found that >20-25 /100 as an early sign of gluten sensitivity.


In the context of elevated gliadin antibody levels I believe that intestinal lymphocyte counts in the villi of 25 or more likely indicates gluten sensitivity though it does not necessarliy mean Celiac disease. Strict criteria for diagnosing of this disease require a positive specific blood test such as endomysial antibody or tissue transglutaminase antibody and >30 IEL's/100 enterocytes and evidence of villous atrophy on small intestinal biopsy.


If you have had an intestinal biopsy but were told you did not have signs of Celiac disease, I recommend you consider asking that biopsy be reviewed by another pathologist who has experience in Celiac disease and you ask them to provide you with the number of lymphocytes in the villi. If they provided the number and you find there were 30 or more then that is clearly abnormal and can be diagnostic of Celiac disease if you have a positive specific blood test such as the endomysial or tissue transglutaminase antibodies, especially if you carry either the DQ2 and/or the DQ8 genetics. If you have less than 30 lymphocytes per 100 enterocytes but 20 or more and have a gliadin antibody elevation I would recommend you get HLA DQ genetic testing and try a gluten free diet.

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Often referred to as "bee glue", bee propolis has been popular due to its essential benefits. Based on facts, bee propolis is a resinous mixture which is made by bees using tree buds, sap flows or other botanical resources. Typically, the highlight benefits of bee propolis focuses on the health wellness whereas its advantages evolves in folk medicine since the ancient times.

The propolis unique composition as well as its capability to promote general nutritional health as well as its supplemental benefits in promoting optimal health is the reasons why most people do consider this type of health regimen. Basically, the benefits of bee propolist are due to it components such as protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and flavonoids. Hence, in order to know more about the well known health benefits of bee propolis, here are some of the advantages belonging to this amazing type of bee product.

繚 Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects: since prehistoric era, researches have shown that propolis can internally combat certain unwanted manifestations in the body such as bacterial, fungal, parasitic or viral infections which are found in tuberculosis, malaria or even in colds. Furthermore, it has been also known to promote faster wound healing as it inhibits inflammation as well as prevent the occurrence of infections.

繚 It can manage ulcers and ulcerative colitis: the tough healing effect on digestive organs as well as in the stomach and bowls are mainly due to its flavonoid components. In addition, since peptic ulcers as well as ulcerative colitis can cause inflammation in some of the parts in the digestive system, the proplis essential anti-inflammatory benefits can prevent the occurrence of such condition.

繚 Dental anti-plaque agent: as subject by recent dentistry studies, one of the benefits of bee propolis that experts must look upon to is its ability to protect the oral cavity against dental caries and other forms of oral diseases. Its antimicrobial properties have made this treatment possible as it fights against different kinds of infections. Furthermore, the benefits of bee propolis can also be used as a treatment for canker sores which is a painful open sore in the mouth as well as in canal debridement for endodontic procedures.

繚 Anti-tumor growth agent: in actual fact, bee propolis can also be an effective agent against tumor growth as it inhibits tumorigenesis which literally the origin of cancer. Fundamentally, studies have shown that propolis can induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Moreover, it can also reduce growth expression and other transcription factors particularly caffeic acid phenethyl ester which is considered to be responsible for the resistance of cancer cell to chemotherapeutic agents.

繚 Good source of antioxidants: studies have shown that one of the most useful benefits of bee propolis is due to flavonoids. Essentially, researches have reported that certain flavonoids such as chrysin are good source of antioxidant compounds which is basically a good thing. Antioxidants are substances that may protect the cells against the effects of free radicals which include damaging of cells and can practically trigger heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Finding mucus in stool could prove to be quite disturbing for people who might not know the reasons behind its appearance there. There are various reasons as to why mucus might appear in a person's stool, including irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoid formation, colitis, Crohn's disease, infections, and obstructions. If you understand the causes behind mucus in stool, you can prepare yourself better when it comes to dealing with this particular situation every time it arises.

Mucus in stool can be considered as normal sometimes. The intestines happen to produce mucus to maintain a properly lubricated inner intestine region and bits of the mucus can be eliminated through bowel movements. Sudden increases of mucus in stool have to be noted, though, and it might be a necessity to look for medical treatment if there is too much of it.

Every now and then, when a person gets hemorrhoids, he might also get mucus in stool. Usually, the initial indication of getting hemorrhoids would be this mucus presence in the stool. Inner hemorrhoids might even bleed, but people will usually not experience more discomfort with internal hemorrhoid formation. Conversely, outer hemorrhoid formation might come with mucus in stool, swelling, pain, irritation, itchiness, bleeding, and discomfort.

Whenever a person gets irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, he might notice an increase in the mucus in stool. Whenever a person gets IBS, the intestines usually increase mucus production, which will be visible within bowel movements.

Colitis refers to a condition where there is swelling of the inner intestines that gets grossly aggravated and irritated, forming ulcers in that area. The latter ulcers produce both mucus and pus while the latter productions get passed through bowel movements. At the same time, a person might also get intestinal obstructions that will result in passing mucus in stool. These obstructions will have to be assessed by doctors to get proper treatment and in several cases, surgery might be warranted.

Crohn's disease refers to yet another known source for mucus in stool. This issue affects the digestive tract and its adjacent tissues. Usually, when a person gets Crohn's disease, mucus in stool comes with various symptoms such as unexplained fevers, malaise, exhaustion, blood in stool, abdominal pain, weight loss, and diarrhea. This condition could get quite serious and would require treatment and assessment from qualified professionals. In a lot of instances, a person with Crohn's disease might require treatment through surgical procedures and prescribed medications to reduce the disease's effects.

Various different infections have also been cited as sources of too much mucus in stool. If a person gets an infection, it would be vital to look for medical attention so the infection can be addressed properly with antibiotics. After the infection gets treated, the excess mucus in stool is going to subside.

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