目前分類:colitis (593)

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Organic coconut oil is as good for our dogs as it is for us. We strive for our pets to feel good and healthy and coconut oil is the way to go. When used internally and externally, it treats different health problems due to its composition of medium chain fatty acids. One of these medium chain fatty acids is lauric acid which gives it anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties. Overall, it helps to fight infection and improves the health of your dog.

When used as a nutritional supplement, simply add it to their food and/or water. Most dogs love the taste and take it as a "treat". Most important is its infection fighting properties which come from the lauric acid (makes up 50% of coconut oil). The only other abundant source of lauric acid is through mother's breast milk. As we all know, breast milk plays a major role in keeping infants healthy and protecting them against infection. It can help you and your dog in the same way.

When getting ready to feed your dog coconut oil, you should slowly introduce it to your dog a little at a time. If given too much at first, it my cause stomach upset, diarrhea, or vomiting. This is because it has a detox effect and your dog has to slowly get used to it. It's recommended to start with 1/4 teaspoon for small dogs and 1 teaspoon for large dogs. Every few days, increase the dosage a little. The recommended dose for dogs is 1/4 teaspoon every 10 pounds of weight, twice daily. If you're unsure, you can always check with your vet.

When fed regularly to your dog, it can have many benefits for their skin, digestion, and immune system.

How it benefits the skin:

Helps relieve and clear up skin conditions such as itchy skin, dermatitis, eczema, and flea allergies

Prevents and treats yeast and fungal infections

Promotes wound healing and great for bites and stings

Gives your dog a beautiful, healthy coat

How it helps the immune system:

Contains lauric acid which gives it anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-microbial properties

Increases energy and helps reduce weight

Helps to prevent or control diabetes

Promotes normal thyroid function

Helps with arthritis

How it helps with digestion:

Improves digestion and helps the body to absorb vitamins and nutrients

Treats bad breath and even eliminates it

Helps to heal digestive disorders such as colitis and inflammation

The best kind of coconut oil for pets and for humans would be organic, unrefined, unbleached, extra-virgin coconut oil. You will notice it to be in solid white form when at room temperature but turns into a liquid when above 78 degrees. When applied topically, it actually melts in the palm of your hands and is easily absorbed. My favorite kinds are Nutiva and Nature's Way EfaGold. Your dogs will love you for keeping them healthy and feeling great. Not only is it good for dogs, but coconut oil for pets is also good for cats, birds, and ferrets.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects about 54 million people in the United States, or about 20% of the population. It is an intestinal disorder with no indications of disease, but which for unknown reasons causes discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, gas and mild to severe pain in the abdomen. The pain of IBS can vary from a throbbing "internal bruising" feeling to sharp cramping sensations. Patients often complain that it feels like they got punched in the stomach or stepped on by an elephant. IBS is not known to lead to any other diseases, but can be inconvenient at best.

IBS is a general term to describe general irregular bowel functions that do not show up during examinations, blood tests or x-rays according to the FDA. Yet doctors know that it exists and that it is not completely psychological as previously believed. The National Institute of Health say that people who live with IBS simply have more sensitive digestive tracts. Their colons are more likely to react to stimulus than other adults or children with normal colons. IBS "attacks" can be triggered by eating greasy or fatty foods, some kinds of dairy products, certain medications, depression, gas, stress, lack of exercise, and even by eating raisins or corn.

An FDA report quotes many IBS research subjects as saying that the disorder has affected their everyday life. One teacher in Connecticut told them that she had to give up teaching in a classroom because her condition prevented her from being able to stay with the kids all day. She even purchased a van to give her more "privacy in her time of need" and keeps a fresh pair of underwear, anti-diarrheal tablets and other emergency items in there just in case.

Constipation is also an effect of IBS. Some adults and children have reported not having a bowel movement for up to 10 days at times. When they finally go to the bathroom, it is extremely painful and rectal bleeding often occurs. In both cases of diarrhea and constipation episodes, severe pain usually occurs. This is why this disorder can, and often is, mistaken for other spastic colon disorders such as colitis. While both conditions usually cause spasms in the colon, only colitis causes inflammation. IBS does not. Dr. Marvin Shuster, a gastroenterologist from Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center states that "Irritable bowel syndrome is the most suitable and accurate term... because it emphasizes that the condition is a motor disorder manifesting irritability (that) involves many areas of the gut."

Humans' digestive system has a nervous system that is separate from the brain and does not depend on the brain in order to function properly. Instead, according to Marcelo A. Barreiro, M.D. of the FDA's gastrointestinal division, the intestines "respond to its inputs under various conditions." He also says that in patients with IBS, the central nervous system (controlled by the brain) and the gastrointestinal nervous system are "out of sync". This means that if an individual is under particularly heavy stress, then the brain may send a conflicting message to the intestines that invokes irritability within the digestive system.


Unfortunately, because IBS affects everyone in different ways there is no "cure-all" treatment.

There used to be a medication for IBS called Lotronex. However, it was taken off the shelf just 10 months after being released due to serious side effects and sometimes deaths related to the drug. FDA reports being concerned about mild to moderate damage occurring in the intestines due to reduced blood flow and obstructions and/or ruptures in the intestinal wall.

Other antispasmodic medications are being used to treat IBS especially when other treatments don't work. IBS sufferers should always try to manage their disorder with a high-fiber diet, lots of water and regular exercise. Also, individuals with IBS should avoid certain foods like dairy, cabbage, beans, sorbitol, artificial sweeteners and fructose. But most of the time, that just isn't enough.

Probiotic supplements (a safe alternative to yogurt for individuals who are sensitive to dairy products) are an effective way to reduce gas and harmful bacteria. Although, most healthcare practitioners don't recommend even bothering with probiotic treatments unless you have done a colon cleanse first. While probiotics can promote good bacteria in the intestines, it doesn't do anything for the build up of plaque and waste along your intestinal walls.

Colon Cleansing has been praised as an all natural, safe and very effective way to deal with IBS on all ends of the spectrum from constipation to diarrhea. Using colon cleansers containing psyllium or psyllimax is the best way "reset" your colon and get it back to normal quickly. A good colon cleanser such as Dr. Floras Colon Cleanse, will only take about 14 days to work and users will start seeing improvements in their condition in about 7-10 days.

Colon cleansing will relieve the bloating, water retention and cramping associated with IBS as well as some other symptoms that you didn't even know were related like headaches, acne and fatigue. This is why many doctors and healthcare practitioners recommend that everyone use colon cleansers for good colon health; because it is a safe and effective way to clean out the waste build-up that can accumulate in the intestines. This build-up can cause health problems such as IBS, diarrhea, constipation, cancer, fatigue and even promote the attachment and growth of parasites.

IBS is a difficult disorder to live with especially since an effective treatment can be difficult to find among individuals. However, with good diet, exercise, plenty of water, and regular colon cleansing it can be managed.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis is a disease of the large intestine also known as the colon. It is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) characterized by inflammation and open sores or ulcers on the inner lining of the colon. Ulcerative colitis affects up to a million men and women and is slightly more prominent in women. This type of inflammatory bowel disease IBD is commonly thought to begin during adolescent or early adulthood between the ages of 15-25.

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis are chronic and vary depending on the degree of inflammation and also where the ulcers are located. Generally, there is rectal bleeding and almost constant diarrhea. Some people experience mucus as well as blood in their stools, while others experience gas and bloating. The symptoms typically start out mild and progress as the inflammation increases.

The cause of inflammatory bowel disease is still unknown but many doctors believe its origin is outside of the colon. Outbreaks occur largely at irregular times with the symptom's first causing abdominal pain along with diarrhea. These symptoms are able to be controlled and put into remission for extended periods of time with the use of the appropriate medication. During a relapse of this inflammatory bowel disease the inflamed colon lining accelerates the loss of vitamins and water causing dehydration and the related side affects.

Poor eating habits, stress, and possibly food allergies are thought to be linked to ulcerative colitis. Sufferers are predominantly from the northern regions of the world. There is evidence that there is possibly a genetic link to the susceptibility of inflammatory bowel disease. Ulcerative colitis in African Americans is extremely rare.

Though diet can be a factor in the intensity of symptoms experienced, it is not altogether believed to be directly related in cases of ulcerative colitis. For instance, while eliminating dairy products from the diet reduces the symptoms, it has not been proven to be the cause or a cure for ulcerative colitis.

To understand individual symptoms of ulcerative colitis, those who suffer are encouraged to keep a journal daily record of what is eaten, what symptoms were experienced and if such outside factors such as stress were present. By keeping track elimination of certain colon allergens can be targeted. Common allergens are yeast, wheat, and diary products. They should be eliminated one at a time to target the correct irritant. By eliminating the culprit we can then find a way to permanent wellness.

As for a diet, it is thought that one of low carbohydrate, high vegetable protein is best. Include alfalfa and barley in ulcerative colitis diets. Stick to low fat meats such as turkey or chicken with the skin removed and baked or broiled fish for your animal proteins. Eat as many vegetables as you can, preferably raw, as this adds to the quality of fiber going through the digestive system. Include oat bran, lentils and some soy products and eliminate butter, fats, oil and diary from the diet altogether until you are sure of what is aggravating the situation.

Following these few simple guidelines will create a healthier digestive tract and lead to improved overall health. If these dietary tips are hard to follow try fiber supplements [http://ibsrelief.selishealth.com/ibs-treatment/fiber-supplements/] to help improve colon health. The addition of probiotics has also been found to be extremely beneficial to overall colon health.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are many reasons you may discover blood in your stool, and some of them are life threatening. Some are less so, but finding the cause is very important.

How do you know there's blood?

Seeing something red is one way, but that is not the only thing to watch for. If the blood has been in or through the stomach, it won't be red. It'll be black and have the consistency of tar or coffee grounds. Both types can be a sign of something bad.

What causes it?

1) Medications and herbs: Aspirin, willow bark and blood thinners can cause bleeding in the intestines. Anti-platelet medications can do the same thing. This is something you should speak to your doctor about, as you may need a change in these medications.

2) Ulcers: Whether it's in your stomach or your intestines, an ulcer can bleed. Stomach ulcers can cause this to exit on both ends of the alimentary canal. This is a potentially life threatening problem, so getting treatment fast is important.

3) Hemorrhoids: This burning, itching problem around the anus can actually rupture. If so, the color will be fairly bright red. Diverticulitis (an abnormal pocket in the intestines) can also bleed.

4) Crohn's Disease: Another name for this is ulcerative colitis, and as the name suggests it causes ulcers in the digestive tract.

5) Colon Cancer: This is obviously not something that can be treated at home, and one of its symptoms is bloody stools.

Some of these problems can be dealt with using herbal remedies and lifestyle changes. Others may need the help of your doctor, especially if cancer is the cause. It's always best to consult your doctor, especially in the above cases. The doctor can give you a diagnosis and help you come up with a plan that will be beneficial for you.

For ulcers and Crohn's Disease, you may be able to use marshmallow or licorice root to coat the digestive tract. You will probably also need an antibiotic, at least in the case of regular ulcers. Don't take any medications at the same time as the herbs, as it can prevent proper absorption. Don't use licorice root if you have high blood pressure.

Hemorrhoids may be eased by sitz baths, witch hazel and aloe vera. The witch hazel acts as an astringent, and may shrink the hemorrhoid. Aloe will help reduce inflammation. Don't drink the juice, as it can cause explosive diarrhea, which would be an irritant.

Colon cancer, as mentioned above, cannot be treated at home. If the doctor approves, oats and marshmallow may be useful. Due to the side effects, licorice root would be a bad idea.

There is one more thing to consider if you see an off-color stool. Some of the things we eat can change the color and not be a threat. Black licorice and pepto-bismol, lead, iron tablets and blueberries can turn the stool dark. Tomatoes can give a reddish color, especially if a great many are eaten.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Despite the body's competence to maintain the integrity of the epithelium, the intestine is vulnerable to breaches that can trigger inflammatory responses. Induction of a localized intense inflammatory response is needed to entail disruption or invasion of the epithelial barrier. The onset and period of an chronic inflammatory response is limited, yet in some instances persistent immune activation promotes intense intestinal inflammation, resulting in detrimental pathological consequences.

Inflammation is defined as the composition of immunologic events in response to a variety of damaging stimuli, including tissue injury and infection. The signature clues of extreme local inflammation are swelling, heat, pain, redness, and loss of function. Colon inflammation is characterized by infiltration of the mucosa by leukocytes, damage to the epithelium and lamina propria matrix, and loss of normal nutrient absorptive function. Although extreme inflammation is primarily focused on resolution of a local event, the process is also accompanied by a systemic chronic phase response, which is mediated by the action of cytokines produced within the mucosa that diffuse through the vasculature. As a matter of fact, the structure of events characteristic of colon inflammation involve local vasodilation of small vessels within the mucosa, chemotatic signaling and recruitment of circulating leukocytes, and subsequent leukocytic infiltration and activation that ultimately promotes resolution of the inciting event and promotes tissue healing.

An acute colorectal inflammatory response can be triggered by multiple stimuli. In the gastrointestinal tract, stimuli include infectious pathogens, chemical irritation, and food allergy. In addition, an effective iatrogenic factors of mucosal inflammation include radiation damage, drug reactions, ischemia, and treatment-induced pathology, such as pseudomembranous colitis and ulceration induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) agents. While the mechanisms of action of factors forming intestinal inflammation are not absolutely understood, several common features and mediators of severe intestinal inflammation have been identified.

Acute colorectal inflammation developes as a result of persistent immune response, either due to continual presence of an antigen or dysregulation of the immune response. While neutrophils play a central role in severe inflammation, intensification and activation of T cells and macrophages is the commomly known of extreme intestinal inflammation. Initially the insult is contained, neutrophils are no longer recruited, and their presence is diminisheddiminished. If the site becomes chronically inflamed, monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells predominate in the lesion. The monocytes and macrophages provide two vital functions during the severe state. In the beginning, they phagocytose remaining debris or pathogens unattended by the neutrophils, and second, they modulate T cell function through antigen presentation and cytokine secretion.

Inflammation inside the gut develops as an outcome of interactions between somatic intestinal cells, such as IEC and fibroblasts, and effect or cells of the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system. These interactions are mediated by both soluble factors and cell-to-cell contact. Extreme colorectal inflammation is either resolved or develops into extreme intestinal inflammatory reactions, which can result in fibrosis and loss of function. Understanding the molecular and cellular events in intestinal inflammation aids in efforts to develop new approaches to control the pathologic effects of inflammation.

Most people probably heard about an annual medical checkups after the age of 40 for colon cancer. Prevention is always way better than a cure, why wait till age 40 for colon screening if there are historic cancer trends within family history. As a matter of fact, ensuring the colon is performing at healthy condition is highly essential. Chronic inflammation could already occur inside your colon without you realizing it.

In conclusion, this is trigger by a cumulative of harmful toxins inside the colon. In addition, an excessive infestation of harmful bacteria & other micro organism are causing oxidative stress in your colon which will ultimately lead to colon inflammation. Colon cleansing is worth considering if you are new or just learn about this remedy. Always use only natural product while performing colon cleansing.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When meat is a part of your Crohn's Disease diet it can be a problem that is making you worse, you may have an allergy to some meats but you would need to be tested to be sure. Eating a lot of meat triggers the inflammatory response in the body and your Crohn's Disease symptoms can get worse. Diet can be quite individual when you have Crohn's Disease, although there are common foods to eliminate as suspects that could be causing or contributing to your symptoms making you unwell.

Meat fits this criteria and needs to be eliminated as a possible cause or contributor to your Crohn's Disease issues. Decreasing meat in your diet or stopping it completely for awhile to see if you have an improvement in your Crohn's Disease symptoms can be helpful. I don't eat meat as it makes my Crohn's worse if I do, so I avoid it. I have no allergies to meat that I know of but my digestion suffers if I eat it so stopped quite some time ago. Not eating meat I feel much better; it was a bit of an adjustment to start with as I didn't know all the things about diet that I know now which would have made it much easier.

One thing I would suggest if you are beginning a new diet eliminating something such as meat is have a resource of recipes that you can look to so you can find your new way of eating much easier. I don't know how many times I forgot to do this and ended up not succeeding on the diet I was trying to follow to because I felt restricted with food. This was not the case but I felt it was, as I was trying a new diet that I knew little about nor did I not have much information to make it easy to follow that diet.

If you do eat a lot of meat you may want to cut back the meat you eat gradually instead of all at once. If you know what meat is the worst for you start by eliminating that; pork was the worst meat for me, one of the worst things I could eat. If you are the same you may want to first eliminate pork from your diet. Red meat could be the next contender, chicken, fish and so on.

While I do believe it is best to not have any meat in your diet, a little meat every now may be ok for you and may not affect you too much. This is not the case for me but it may apply to you. Having a small piece of meat every now and then is better than try to stop meat completely and after a short time pigging out on meat because you miss it. Yoyo dieting all the time between the two is not very healthy than a small amount of meat every so often is the better choice.

If saying goodbye to meat would be very hard for you and you just can't do it, there is a Crohn's Disease diet that could help you while you still eat meat. Watch this video you will see that you can still eat meat and get in to remission when you have Crohn's Disease. It involves avoiding processed foods, grains, dairy products, and instead choosing meat and vegetables. ?

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Symptoms of anemia normally include a pale skin and gums, with fatigue. It's caused by the lack of haemoglobin in your blood. Haemoglobin carries oxygen around your body. So if you are anemic, you're not getting enough oxygen delivered to your tissues.

No wonder you have no energy.

The cause of anemia can be wide, such as after a considerable blood loss, a poor diet, exposure to toxins, taking medication as well as a lack of production, or destruction, of blood cells.

The most common way to treat the symptoms of anemia, almost without thinking, is to flood your system with an isolated and synthetic form of iron.

And in many cases, this does give you some relief, in the short run.

But it's not getting at the cause, it's only treating the effect. And isolated and synthetic minerals have their own problems.

If the anemia is from a substantial blood loss, this will come good in time, once your body has replaced the lost blood.

If the anemia is caused by a bad diet, then the obvious thing to do is to start eating proper, nutrient dense food. A super food, supplement such as blue green algae, will also speed up the deficiency.

If your anemia is as a result of toxins, then this needs to be treated by a professional homeopath. But if you also take a blue green algae, this can eliminate toxins from your body.

If the anemia is caused by a lack of production, or a destruction of your blood cells, no amount of iron will help you. This is an imbalance in your body and professional help should be sought.

If your anemia is as a result of taking medication, then a homeopath will be able to help you here.

Homeopathy is a wonderful way of rebalancing your troubled body, of restoring peace within. Your symptoms of anemia, will disappear forever.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Manifestations of different colitis symptoms can vary in severity. Colitis symptoms are very similar to those of pathological hemorrhoid and without proper diagnosis, are easily mistaken to be cases of infected hemorrhoids. Colitis symptoms include abdominal pains, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, cramping of gastrointestinal muscles, tenesmus, and bloating.

Colitis symptoms manifest in several physical conditions such as tenderness of the entire abdomen, abrupt weight loss, more frequent bowel habits, fever, excretion of bloody stools, and distension.

As the name implies, colitis refers to the inflammation of the colon. However, it can also be used to describe the inflammation of the large intestine in general which encompasses cecum, colon, and rectum. Colitis can be acute and restricted to itself, or chronic. It can be caused by several factors such as underlying infections, poor blood supply, or a weakened immune system.

The colon, in particular, collects and temporarily stores the waste products of food digestion. It is a long tube made of smooth muscles, that pushes undigested food through the anus for excretion. This process is collectively called the bowel movement. However, when the walls of the colon get irritated and inflamed, the movement of the bowels through the canal creates further pressure and friction on the walls. This, in turn, makes the underlying tissues more inflamed, ultimately leading to what is known as colitis.

The colon is situated within the abdominal cavity and is divided into segments - the cecum, the ascending and descending colons, and the rectum. The end part of the colon is the segment most prone to developing colitis since it contains more concentration of tissues and membranes. The colitis in this area eventually ends up as the hemorrhoids in the anus. As the canal runs through the end, the walls tend to be more susceptible to underlying infections that causes colitis symptoms to be felt.

The wall of the colon is made up of different layers. First, there is a smooth muscle layer, which wraps the exterior and is responsible for squeezing and pushing the waste products all the way through the colon. The inner layers, also called as mucosa, touches these fluid waste products, which will then absorb remaining water and electrolytes in it, thus solidifying it into feces. It is in the mucosal layer where the colon inflammation occurs and serves as one of the stages where colitis symptoms manifest.

Colitis symptoms are identified and diagnosed through a physical examination, and laboratory tests including medical imaging, such as x-rays, and colonoscopy.

Since colitis symptoms are similar to hemorrhoids, relief could be achieved through the same three natural ways used in treating infected hemorrhoids. These treatments involve eating foods that are rich in fiber, such as green leaf vegetables and fruit, in order to induce proper digestion and bowel movement. Natural products like apple cider vinegar and Cayenne pepper can help mitigate internal bleeding and prevent further infection. Natural herbs promote good digestion and help maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is a very common thought and question every colitis sufferer will ask themselves and their doctor but the need for surgery for colitis is not inevitable. Only a small percentage of all those diagnosed with the disease have to ultimately undergo the surgical processes and they can be grouped into different categories depending on the extent of their colitis and how it affects their life.

The standard surgical procedure for colitis will involve the removal of the entire large colon and this will also include the complete removal of the rectum as well. It has to be understood and acknowledged that such an operation is the only permanent cure available for colitis. It is an important point to note where the patient may have been introduced to so called cures, and whilst some may have the effect of reducing symptoms they will never actually cure the disease.

So which people who have been diagnosed with colitis are most at risk of having to consider surgery? The first group will be those who suffer from fulminant colitis, where the extent of the inflammation affects over half of the entire large colon. Whilst remission is possible with such extensive coverage, when a relapse happens the symptoms are severe and there are cases when they do not respond sufficiently to medications. At this stage, the symptoms can appear out of control resulting in the only solution being surgery as a further danger of perforation of the bowel can materialise.

A second grouping of colitis sufferers who could face the prospect of surgery is those with long standing pancolitis or left-sided colitis, which describes the area of the bowel leading down to the rectum. Again, the symptoms may not be able to be brought under control or the sufferer has over a period of time be unable to attain a satisfactory amount of time in remission. A patient who is unfortunate to be diagnosed with this extent of colitis could also be facing an increased risk of developing colon cancers. It is important to understand that the removal of the large colon is very important when precancerous changes have been detected in the colon lining.

In addition to this, a third group that could be faced with the surgical procedures. These are sufferers who have been unable to gain much respite from colitis symptoms. In some cases where the evidence of inflammation is contained to a small area of the colon, there are some patients who just can't bring their symptoms under reasonable control and continue to live in such a state for years. Aspects such as lifestyle, medications that are prescribed and diet have all been trialled and tested but to no avail. In the quest to achieve a reasonable quality of life, many sufferers choose surgery to rid themselves of this debilitating disease for good. Life does change when surgery happens, but at least these patients can look forward to a less painful and more normal and active life ahead.

It can either be a considered decision to opt to have surgery for colitis to bring some kind of normality back to a life for those that have moderate yet continuous symptoms or the decision to have surgery can be forced upon the patient due to symptoms being out of control and unresponsive to the treatment. Whatever the reason for surgery for colitis, it is a life changing event that, whilst bringing its own challenges in the immediate aftermath and requiring the need to alter daily habits for the remaining lifetime, it can offer welcome respite from the painful grip that colitis has over so many sufferers.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you are suffering from diverticulitis symptoms, you certainly don't want to be eating a lot of food and especially not processed foods. You need to check into some diverticulitis diets. Ones with lots of homemade vegetable and fruit juices is a smart choice, or if need be add some juices to the diet, like making your own carrot, papaya, cantaloupe or watermelon juice, which are all well known for there digestive enzymes, or you can even mix and match them.

You can find a diet for diverticulitis which can and will help all digestive problems. My holistic journey started back in the early 1980's with a natural colon cleansing product that I tried for about 6-8 weeks and boy did it work. Next I purchased a juicer called the champion juicer and I have personally known the benefits for many years.

It changed my life in and astounding way. Not to mention weight control, overall feeling more healthy and energetic.

I have been using a juice man junior juicer for quite some time now and you can buy several different juice machines for under a hundred dollars these days. Cutting back on your fiber intake during flare ups will reduce bowel movements, there by reducing inflammation, irritation and possible infection.

As for diverticulitis diets, carrot juice is practically a miracle food in most nutritionists opinions, lettuce, potatoes, beets, celery can all be eaten or juiced for part of a correct diet for diverticulitis. Prunes, prune juice, cabbage and many dried fruits and nuts are some of the foods to avoid during an attack. Lots of healthy fluids are needed including water, and stay away from fruits and vegetables that may be to acidic.

You should begin to slowly add a proper high fiber diet back in as soon as your feeling well and moving away from any previously bad eating habits that contributed to the signs and symptoms. This will also help to prevent any and all future health problems as well. Be sure though to continue any of the new healthy habits you picked up along the way.

There are actually some very good diverticulitis diets and books on digestive problems available online.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome can lead to repeated flare-ups and other associated symptoms that are best controlled through continuous medications, proper diet and exercise and adequate rest.

Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome are GI tract diseases whose symptoms appear to fade away with medications and diet management; although the diseases themselves are never totally cured thus increasing the risk of a relapse. Hence, the best way to avoid the symptoms of the trio would be to control those factors that lead to a relapse.

It is best to remember that ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome are conditions that do not like to remain dormant. Hence, the ideal way to prevent them from raising their ugly heads would be through a continuous management program. This includes taking prescribed medications continuously and adhering to a given diet plan consisting of nutritionally balanced foods and small and frequent meals.

Maintenance of the overall health is equally crucial in sidestepping the painful symptoms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. This is because the steroids that are usually prescribed against these inflammatory conditions negatively affect the immune system thereby making you more prone to infections. In the event of an infection, you might reach out for an aspirin or some other drug that might in fact kindle a fresh flare-up. Hence, maintenance of the general health is the best solution.

In addition to continuous medications and proper diet, adequate exercise is also a must to avoid the symptoms of colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Exercise has been shown to boost the immune system that is necessary to fight off infections and maintain normal health. Exercise can also help you to effectively counter fatigue that is a common symptom of ulcerative colitis.

One of the most important aspects to be taken care of is stress management as more often than not stress is the underlying cause for ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. To avoid the symptoms of these diseases, you must know how to handle stress and if possible, avoid the cause of the stress itself. Additionally, getting ample physical and mental rest during a flare-up is crucial in reducing the time-period for which the flare-up lasts.

Essentially, flare-ups due to ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and hampered bowel movements in irritable bowel syndrome can re-occur at any time. Unfortunately, such relapses can never be banished; they can only be controlled. Constant vigilance with respect to medications, diet, exercise and rest is the best way to handle sudden flare-ups and to relieve the painful symptoms at the earliest.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For the last several years, there has been an abundance of research on the effects of green tea and the many health benefits that it can offer. For centuries, Asians have used green tea for health, both to prevent disease and treat illnesses.

Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. There are many different types of tea, but they all come from this plant. The differences occur from the differences in how the tea is processed. Green tea is not fermented during processing, but black tea does go through a fermentation process.

Tea leaves naturally contain anti-oxidants. Fermenting the tea leaves, converts the catechins to other compounds. These new compounds are not as healthy as the unaltered catechins in a tea leaf in its original state. For this reason, green tea has more healthy anti-oxidants and therefore more health benefits than black tea.

Anti-oxidants are critical to our health because they combat free radicals. Each day, as we convert food to energy, we create these free radicals in our body, which damage our cells and our DNA. Over time, these unchecked free radicals cause disease and aging.

For this reason, large doses of anti-oxidants, particularly those like the ones found in green tea, have been found to prevent many types of disease, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and potentially other diseases, as well. Fruits and vegetables are also great anti-oxidant sources.

But, recently there has been powerful news about the possible effects of green tea on gastrointestinal problems, like inflammatory bowel disease. One study reported by the UK Tea Council found that green tea's anti-oxidants spend a lot of time in the intestinal tract, and have an anti-inflammatory effect on this part of the body. For this reason, green tea seems to calm the inflammation that accompanies inflammatory bowel disease and other gastrointestinal problems.

This theory stands to reason, since green tea is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect all over the body. These powerful anti-inflammatory effects are also thought to be one of the reasons that green tea is effective at preventing and treating heart disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease refers to a group of disorders that cause the intestines to become inflamed (red and swollen). The inflammation often lasts a long time and comes back repeatedly. Over 600,000 Americans suffer from some sort of inflammatory bowel disease every year.

Inflammatory bowel diseases can cause cramping, pain, diarrhea, weight loss and bleeding in your intestines. Two of the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease are Chron's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Crohn's disease causes ulcers along the small and large intestines. However, it can sometimes also cause inflammation around the rectum, too. Ulcerative colitis causes ulcers in the lower part of the large intestine, sometimes starting at the rectum.

We don't fully understand what causes inflammatory bowel diseases, though we do know that it runs in families. It may be caused by a germ or problem with your immune system. It is usually diagnosed through x-rays and other tests that look directly into your intestines to find evidence of damage.

Inflammatory bowel diseases are not life threatening, but they can be very painful and disruptive to your life. In most cases, they are treated with anti-inflammatory medications, and sometimes anti-biotics, if the particular problem seems to be caused by an infection. In extreme cases of ulcerative colitis, surgery is sometimes performed to remove part of the colon. Surgery doesn't seem to have any effect on Crohn's disease.

Because the typical treatment is designed to reduce the inflammation in the intestines, it stands to reason that green tea would hold much promise in treatment. It is likely that many inflammatory bowel disease patients could find some relief very quickly by incorporating green tea into their diets.

Because sufferers of inflammatory bowel diseases are often placed on diets that call for reduced amounts of fiber, they often don't eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. The fiber in fruits and vegetables can further irritate the bowels. This means that they may not be getting all the anti-oxidants they need, particularly since they may need more than the average person to reduce the inflammation in their systems. This makes green tea the perfect alternative; it provides powerful anti-oxidants with zero fiber.

If you suffer from any form of irritable bowel disease, it's a good idea to give green tea a try. It has no side effects and is well tolerated by most people, regardless of their health issues. While it does contain caffeine, it is usually well tolerated even by the caffeine sensitive, because its caffeine level is very low. Adding some green tea to your diet may be a simple way to get some relief from the painful symptoms of irritable bowel diseases.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the principal that in a planned dilution, 'like cures like'. Consequently a homeopathic remedy is one that should produce the same symptoms as that displayed by the patient. A minimum homeopathic dose is used to support the body's self-healing ability.

Apart from the symptoms of the disease, homeopaths use aspects of the patient's physical and psychological state in prescribing remedies. Homeopathic remedies are relatively inexpensive, with limited or no side effects, and offer the possibility of a natural cure for hemorrhoids.

The following are a few, of the wide variety, of products which may be used.

Aloe Vera (the medicinal aloe) can help relieve a painful and bleeding rectum. It has excellent astringent qualities and is usually combined with other ingredients, to make an outstanding soothing treatment for the skin. This can be used with great success on hemorrhoids (piles). The herb is used internally to combat most digestive problems, including constipation.

Whole honey bee (Apis Mellifica) may be used for treating the swollen, red, itching and burning symptoms of external hemorrhoids.

Calendula, most health food stores carry calendula soaps, oils, lotions, salves and creams. It has a long history of being used as a wound-healing and skin-soothing botanical. Homeopathic ointments are notable healing agents when applied to hemorrhoids. Calendula is useful for open wounds, wounds that will not heal and ulcers as it promotes healthy granulation and healing.

Stone Root (Collinsonia Canadensis), the roots, leaves and flowers of Collinsonia are used in herbal remedies for conditions such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins, benign prostatic hypertrophy and chronic laryngitis. It also has a long history of use as a remedy for dysentery, colitis, rectal pain and other disorders of the digestive system.

Graphites (Black Lead) are a wonderful, deep acting remedy prepared from mineral carbon. This remedy suits people with metabolic imbalances that may cause skin complaints, such as psoriasis and dry, cracked skin. Graphites help to relieve constipation, knotty stools, burning and itching hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Nitric Acid (Nitricum Acidum) is indicated for unremitting constipation, for fierce pains after bowel movements as well as hemorrhoids that have stopped bleeding but are very painful and protruding. Also if passing stools is very difficult and the hemorrhoids bleed easily.

Nux Vomica can be used for itching, painful hemorrhoids with a constricted sensation in the rectum and chronic constipation. Homeopaths may prescribe Nux vomica for a patient who is impatient, tense, and irritable or one who may have a tendency towards the use of stimulants, alcohol or drugs.

Paeonia Officinalis (Peony) is suitable for relieving anal itching, hemorrhoids, fissures, ulceration's of the anus and perineum and a burning sensation in the anus after bowel movements.

Pulsatilla is indicated for hemorrhoids with sharp stabbing pains. These hemorrhoids typically protrude. This is a very useful remedy for hemorrhoids that appear during pregnancy or around the time of the menstrual period.

Ratanhia, the symptoms are most important as an indicator for this remedy. These include, a cutting grinding pain in the rectum, the anus burning for hours after passing stool and a constricted anal feeling. There may also be severe constipation and protruding hemorrhoids.

Sulphur (Sublimed Sulphur) could be prescribed where the symptoms present as redness, itching and burning around the anus with protruding hemorrhoids accompanied by a feeling of fullness and pressure in the abdomen.

Although homeopathic substances listed in this article are generally not known to cause serious side effects, their effectiveness has not been proven by scientific research. Consumers should check labels carefully since a homeopathic product that is not correctly diluted could contain ingredients that cause allergic reactions, side effects or interactions. It is always advisable to discuss any new treatment program with your health care practitioner.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Tumors are one complication anyone with or without a diagnosis of diabetes wants to prevent. According to research performed in the Department of Internal Medicine at I-Shou University in Taiwan, people who have diabetes and who have also controlled their blood sugar levels consistently, were likely to find this a good means for the prevention of tumors.

The study, reported in November 2011 in the journal Cancer Causes Control, included 2,776 volunteers who enrolled in a comprehensive health management program that included:

  • fasting blood sugar levels,

  • hemoglobin A1c levels, and

  • screening colonoscopies.

Six hundred and five of these participants were found to have colonic tumors, 68 of which were at a high risk for becoming malignant. Among the volunteers with diabetes, both the blood sugar levels and hemoglobin A1c levels were highest in those with tumors. It was also found the highest hemoglobin A1c levels (HbA1c) were also associated with tumors.

It was concluded further research could clarify how useful hemoglobin A1c levels might be in estimating the risk for colorectal tumors.

Colon, or colorectal, cancer starts in the colon or large intestine, or rectum at the end of the colon. Besides diabetes, several other risk factors exist:

  • age over 60,

  • African American or eastern European descent,

  • a diet high in red or processed meats,

  • colorectal polyps,

  • Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis,

  • a family history of colon cancer, of polyps, of colorectal cancer, of breast or other types of cancer,

  • smoking and the consumption of alcohol.

Colorectal cancer can exist without symptoms, so screening should be performed for those over age 50 or who are at high risk. Signs and symptoms that can exist include:

  • lower abdominal pain or tenderness,

  • blood in the stool,

  • constipation or diarrhea,

  • narrow stools, or

  • unexplained weight loss.

When colorectal cancer is found, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy can be prescribed.

1. Surgical treatment can consist of the removal of tumors or even of sections of the colon.

2. Chemotherapy can be given before surgery to shrink the tumor as much as possible for removal. Chemotherapy can be given instead of surgery:

  • if the tumors are advanced to the point of being inoperable, or

  • it can be given after surgery to kill any cancer cells that might not have been removed.

3. X-rays can also be used to:

  • shrink tumors,

  • ease symptoms, or

  • kill diseased cells that have not been surgically removed.

When the disease is caught in its early stage the prognosis is good, with 74 percent of sufferers living at least 5 years after diagnosis.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Crohn's disease is characterized by chronic inflammation of the colon. Most patients also experience abdominal pain and weight loss. The treatment for Crohn's disease is similar to that of ulcerative colitis in the sense that it can be treated with sulfasalazine, mesalamine preparations, glucocorticoids and 6 mercaptopurine, as well as crohns herbal remedies.

Antibiotics such as Ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole can also be effective for the complications that come along with Crohn's disease. Metronidazole is very useful in treating fitulous disease in some patients.

The origin of Crohn's disease is still a mystery in the medical world, however some researchers believe that overeating, chemical poisoning, bacterial and a lack of response by your own immune system may all be connected to Crohn's disease.

Crohn's disease can often be confused with regional ileitis, which is also a severe, progressive, inflammatory disease of the bowel. Its symptoms include diarrhea with pain. Bowel movements usually contain blood, mucus and pus, brought on by the infection. What makes Crohn's different is that it can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract and does not necessarily involve constant unhealthy bowel movements, sometimes bowel movements are regular, other time they are not.

No symptoms are noticeable when your Crohn's is in remission. In fact, most patients in remission may think that they are healed. But the truth of the matter is that there is still chance for the disease to reoccur, unless you take all necessary precautions and pay close attention to your health. If surgery becomes necessary for Crohn's your disease, you can rest assured it is a well tolerated, reasonably safe procedure, with an operative mortality rate of only 6%.

Since diarrhea is one of the main symptoms of Crohn's disease, it's not unusual for patients to have some fissures, fistulas or thickening of the anal skin. The skin may also become swollen and discolored around the anus.

Crohn's can also bring about biochemical disturbances in the liver. Many patients hat exhibit this symptom have a family history of allergies that includes hives and asthma. Additional symptoms can include enlargement of the ends of the fingers (called clubbing), thrush in the mouth, lesions in the eyes and arthritis that effects the large joints.

Even today there is no effective cure for Crohn's disease. Although the disease may exhibit relatively mild symptoms, it still can interfere with work and your personal life. Medications that treat the disease can sometimes end up causing other problems.

Many Crohn's patients were found to be eating a similar diet -- lots of refined sugars, less dietary fiber, less raw fruits and vegetables. The trouble is that sugary foods tend to contain chemical additives that influence intestinal bacteria, causing them to produce toxic substances that end up, over time, destroying the intestinal lining. This is the reason sugary foods should be avoided (or limited) by Crohn's patients.

Seasonings as well as cold liquid are also not well tolerated. It's also common for a milk sugar mal-absorption to cause milk intolerance in most Crohn's patients. Crohn's disease is also believed to be responsible for providing favorable conditions where substances that produce allergic reaction can develop, especially if the Crohn's has penetrated the lining of the bowel.

If you suspect you have Crohn's disease, you should first consult your primary care physician before taking other steps, such as self diagnosing crohns herbal remedies. Careful diagnosis and monitoring are the key to living comfortably with Crohn's.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Colon cancer symptoms may not be present in many cases. However, if symptoms are seen they can include a variety of changes in the stool or bowel habits (i.e. diarrhea, constipation). Colon cancer also known as Colorectal Cancer, is a malignant (cancerous) tumor growth found in a portion of the large intestine, which is a common cancer site.

Colon Cancer Symptoms And Causes

In many cases of colon cancer no symptoms will be apparent in the early stages of the disease. Later symptoms may develop such as:

  • Bloody or black, tarry stools

  • Abdominal pain or cramps

  • Diarrhea or constipation or narrow stool

  • Unexplained weight loss

  • Anemia

Most cases begin as benign (non-cancerous) polyps, which slowly become cancerous. The cause of colon (or colorectal) cancer is not well understood but risk factors include being over the age of 60, eating a diet low in fiber and high in fat and red meat, being of African American or eastern European descent, a prior diagnosis of cancer elsewhere in the body or colorectal polyps, the presence of an inflammatory bowel disease (i.e. Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), a family history of colon cancer, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.

Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the United States. However, a complete cure is often possible with an early diagnosis.

Colon Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment

Observation of the aforementioned symptoms may lead to a diagnosis but many times the condition is detected through a routine physical exam. Early detection kits may be available for those at high risk, which can detect blood in the stool (available at most pharmacies).

If symptoms have appeared, a physical examination, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, or barium x-rays of the large intestine may be performed to make a definitive diagnosis. Blood tests may be taken to check for anemia and a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) may be ordered to detect small amounts of blood in the stool, which could indicate colon cancer.

Treatment will depend on how much the cancer has progressed and if it has spread to other areas of the body. Surgery to remove the cancer cells is often performed. Surgery may result in a need for a colostomy, which is a diversion of the bowel through an opening in the abdominal wall. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be prescribed as well to destroy cancerous tissues.

Prognosis improves with early detection and treatment.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One has to wonder why after the billions of dollars put into research and development of cancer treatments it is reported that you have a higher chance of getting cancer today than you did in 1950. As a matter of fact if you are diagnosed with cancer today your chances of survival are what they were in 1950, in a lot of cases, most in fact.

Our health care system and our government have been lying and misleading the public about the effectiveness of the traditional medical treatment for cancer. Chemotherapy, drugs, surgery, and radiation are the most profitable health industry services and products on planet. There is more profit in the treatment of cancer than any other disease. Most of us have no idea what a big business this is. Some families make billions of dollars a year in profits from treating cancer. When we say treating cancer that’s exactly what is meant. There is much less profit in curing it. Think if we cured cancer now so that cancer were eradicated from the planet trillions of dollars would be lost! And the treatments are government mandated. So those at the top of this economic pyramid would rather you had cancer than not. You are forced to treat it in the manner that makes money for those who profit from disease. And that is obviously true since they actively keep alternative cures off the market or make it very difficult to provide and to choose an alternative method to cure cancer.

With any disease if you find the cause then the cure follows. So, then what is the cause of cancer? Researchers tell us that we don’t know the cause. That is just not true. According to “Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About”, by Kevin Trudeaux, “The causes of cancer are known at the highest levels of the health industry, and this information is being suppressed and hidden from the American public. This is exactly the same situation that occurred with big tobacco and with Ford and General Motors. Big tobacco knew as early as 1950 that their product caused cancer and disease. They lied about this to the American public, and even in congressional hearings. They hid the truth. Ford and General Motors knew that some of their products, including the Pinto and Corvair, would cause people to be maimed, deformed, injured, and die. They hid this information and lied about it. Today, the pharmaceutical companies and the heads of various organizations know the various reasons people come down with cancer. They have this empirical data, but they are lying about it and hiding this from the public.”

There are those such as Kevin Trudeaux and Dr. Hulda Clark who are actively getting the word out and helping numerous people.
Dr. Hulda Clark has been doing extensive research and actively curing this disease for many years. Below is taken from The Cure for All Cancers, which you can purchase from the [http://www.drclarkuniversity.org]

“The Cause

The Cause For many years we have all believed that cancer is different from other diseases. We believed that cancer behaves like a fire, in that you can't stop it once it has started. Therefore, you have to cut it out or radiate it to death or chemically destroy every cancerous cell in the body since it can never become normal again. NOTHING COULD BE MORE WRONG!
And we have believed that cancers of different types such as leukemia or breast cancer have different causes. Wrong again!

In this book you will see that all cancers are alike. They are all caused by a parasite. A single parasite! It is the human intestinal fluke. And if you kill this parasite, the cancer stops immediately. The tissue becomes normal again. In order to get cancer, you must have this parasite.

How can the human intestinal fluke cause cancer? This parasite typically lives in the intestine where it might do little harm, causing only colitis, Crohn's disease, or irritable bowel syndrome, or perhaps nothing at all. But if it invades a different organ, like the uterus or the kidneys or liver, it does a great deal of harm. If it establishes itself in the liver, it causes cancer! It only establishes itself in the liver in some people. These people have isopropyl alcohol in their bodies.

All cancer patients have both isopropyl alcohol and the intestinal fluke in their livers. The solvent, isopropyl alcohol, is responsible for letting the fluke establish itself in the liver. In order to get cancer, you must have both the parasite and isopropyl alcohol in your body.”

From the book "The Cure for all Cancers." Page 1.

Cancer can now be CURED:

From the book The Cure for All Cancers: Cancer can now be CURED, not just treated. We are not accustomed to thinking about a cure for cancer. We think of remission as the only possibility. But this book is not about remission. It is about a cure. This is possible because in 1990 I discovered the true cause of cancer. The cause is a certain parasite, for which I have found evidence in every cancer case regardless of the type of cancer. So lung cancer is not caused by smoking, colon cancer is not caused by a low-roughage diet, breast cancer is not caused by a fatty diet, retinal blastoma is not caused by a rare gene, and pancreatic cancer is not caused by alcohol consumption. Although these are all contributing factors, they are not THE cause. Once the true cause was found the cure became obvious. But would it work? I set a goal of 100 cases to be cured of cancer before publishing my findings. That mark was passed in December, 1992. The discovery of the cause and cure of all cancers has stood the test of time and here it is!

It is the pollutants in food and other products that leave us vulnerable to parasites and disease. Dr. Clark has invented a device called the Syncrometer, which is used to identify various toxins in food and products and ourselves. She has also developed a device called the zapper which kills the parasites in the body.

From the book "The Cure for all Diseases." Before contents, by Dr. Hulda Clark, and also available at www.drclarkuniversity.org or www.drhuldaclark.org .
“You may not have time to read this entire book first if you have cancer and are scheduled for surgery, chemotherapy or radiation treatment. You may wish to skip the first pages which describe how cancer develops.

Go directly to the cancer curing recipe and order your supplies. Using the herbal recipe together with the zapper is best. It only takes days to be cured of cancer regardless of the type you have. It does not matter how far progressed the cancer is, you can still stop it in 5 days.

After you have stopped the cancer, you can turn your attention to getting well. Read the case histories to see how easy it is to stop even terminal cancer. Learn from them to avoid mistakes.

Does this mean you can cancel your date for surgery, radiation or chemotherapy? YES! After curing your cancer with this recipe it cannot come back. This is not a treatment for cancer: It is a cure! But if you do not wish to make your doctor angry, you could follow her or his wishes, too. Be careful not to lose any vital anatomical parts in surgery though, because you may need them later when you are healthy!

Remember that oncologists are kind, sensitive, compassionate people. They want the best for you. They have no way of knowing about the true cause and cure of cancer since it has not been published for them. I chose to publish it for you first so that it would come to your attention faster.”

From the book "The Cure for all Diseases." After cover.
Different solvents accumulate in different organs, in the liver, Isopropyl alcohol, which completes the life cycle of Fasciolopsis, intestinal fluke. This begins the malignant process.

From the book Cure For All Diseases, also available at www.drclarkuniversity.org:

…The killing of all parasites and their larval stages together with removal of isopropyl alcohol and carcinogens from the patients' lifestyle results in remarkable recovery, generally noticeable in less than one week. Cancer could be eradicated in a very short time…

The success rate for advanced cancer is about 95%. So you can count on this method, not merely hope it will work for you. It is a total approach that not only shrinks tumors, but also normalizes your blood chemistry, lowers your cancer markers, and returns your health. The small failure rate (5%) is due to clinical emergencies that beset the advanced cancer sufferer. However, if you combine the advice in this book with access to hospital care, even "hopeless" patients can gain the time necessary to become well again.

The promise

Step into a new world a world without chronic diseases. Step out of your old world. It has kept you a prisoner. Try something new.

The prison has no walls. It has only lines; Lines that mark the ground around you. Inside the lines are your old ideas. Outside are new ideas that invite you to step over and escape your prison. Dare to try these new ideas and your illness promises to recede. In a few weeks it can be gone.

From the book "The Cure for all Diseases." Page 1.

I highly recommend any of Dr. Clark’s books. They are remarkable and once you read them I believe you to will be convinced that the cause and the cure are now readily available and very affordable. In the Cure for All Diseases you will find cures for cancer, diabetes, MS, and many, many others it is a book I would not want to be without. If you already have cancer you might want to also pick up The Cure for All Cancers, and or the Cure for All Advanced Cancers.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the two inflammatory bowel diseases of Crohn's and Colitis (IBD) share some of the same symptoms: pain, cramping, bloating, urgency, gas, even anxiety and depression. And, of course, a change in bowel habits. So is there one natural treatment that is best for all three of them?

Before answering that question, it will help to look at the differences between IBS and IBD.

First of all, as its name reveals, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a syndrome rather than a disease. Even though IBS can be extremely painful and debilitating, the bowel itself is not damaged. Diagnostic tests typically show no sign of disease or inflammation. However, people with IBS have usually experienced some kind of trauma, whether physical or emotional. We'll look at why this is important to choosing the best natural treatment later in the article.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease shows definite injury to the digestive tract. Inflammation is a sign that something is wrong in the body. With Colitis, the inflammation is usually confined to the colon and rectum, while in Crohn's Disease, the inflammation can spread all the way up the intestines to the stomach and sometimes to the esophagus and mouth.

Conventional medicine seems to be better at diagnosing IBS and IBD than treating it, and believes the cause of IBS, Crohn's and Colitis is unknown. There is no single drug or surgery that has proven to be the final answer for these health problems.

The most helpful treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's and Colitis takes the whole person into account. This approach recognizes that your digestive system is affected by food, stress, chemical toxins, your lifestyle habits, your emotional background, and your own natural ability to heal.

In fact, trauma researchers, including Robert Scaer MD and David Berceli PhD, have clearly linked IBS and trauma. It's no secret that many war veterans have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. These people suffer from stored trauma reactions that have not been fully processed through the mind and body systems.

But plenty of civilians experience trauma as well. It can be from physical causes such as a car accident, house fire, or breaking your leg while skiing. Or from emotional causes like bullying, verbal abuse, or neglect. Or combination of both, as when people go through a plane crash or natural disaster.

Trauma can be dealt with in a fairly short period of time (weeks rather than years) with methods including Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique簧 which is a highly effective form of acupressure tapping, Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing, or David Berceli's Trauma Release Exercises. Dr Scaer believes that unreleased trauma is the primary cause of IBS. Once the trauma is cleared, the body is no longer triggered to react with irritable bowel symptoms.

While people with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis may have emotional or physical trauma factors, it's vital to look at diet and exposure to chemical toxins. Removing wheat, sugar and other grains from the diet or using Elaine Gottschall's Specific Carbohydrate Diet is extremely helpful for these two inflammatory bowel diseases.

In his book, Dangerous Grains, Dr James Braly links gluten cereal grains to both IBD and IBS (along with a shocking list of other health problems), although not everyone with Irritable Bowel Syndrome is grain-sensitive. It's important to find out if you are, as some people with IBS can tolerate grains and some can't.

So what is the best natural treatment for IBS, Crohn's and Colitis? A combination of dealing with stress and trauma, choosing the right diet, and getting toxic chemicals out of the home environment can make the healing difference.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Colitis is an inflammation of the lining of the large intestine. This condition is a form of chronic inflammatory disorder of the colon referred to as chronic nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Another, less common type of inflammatory bowel condition is called Crohn's disease of the colon. In both, small ulcers form throughout the lining of the colon, but they tend to be deeper in Crohn's disease. The incidence of ulcerative colitis is not high; about 250,000 Americans suffer from it. Colitis occurs across all ages from children to older adults but is most common in people aged 15 to 40.

The major symptom of colitis is frequent bloody diarrhea, which may be accompanied by stomach pain or cramps, fever, fatigue, and loss of weight. Complications may be local, such as perforation of the wall of the colon, or systemic, such as anemia, vitamin deficiencies, arthritis, or skin lesions.

The causes of colitis are unknown. Possibilities are genetic, bacterial, or viral, allergic reactions, immune mechanisms, or most likely, some combination of these factors. Many people with colitis are depressed and have feelings of hopelessness and despair. They may exhibit underlying hostility with unexpressed chronic resentment. It is not clear whether these emotions contribute to the development of colitis or whether they may be a response to being ill.

Mild attacks of colitis can be treated on an outpatient basis; acute attacks are usually treated in the hospital, where the inflammation can be controlled and nutritional losses can be replaced. In addition to bed rest, treatment often includes only clear liquids for food and intravenous feedings to replace lost fluids. This also allows the bowel to rest. In order to correct anemia, blood transfusions are required for those who have extensive bleeding.

Corticosteroids are sometimes administered to reduce inflammation, pain, and fever. Steroid medication is gradually reduced over a two- to six-month period, although some people need to take it indefinitely. Sulfasalazine is given concurrently with the steroid medication. Surgery is required for perforation, severe bleeding, or failure to improve after two to three weeks of intensive medical treatment. Psychotherapy is sometimes prescribed to provide emotional support and to treat depression if it is present.

Colitis is a highly variable condition. About three-fourths of the people who develop colitis have recurrences, with 10 to 15 years elapsing before the next attack. Others have chronic and unremitting symptoms over long periods of time. Most have periods of good health interspersed with intermittent symptoms. If the condition is properly treated, the prognosis is favorable.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Once the sufferer has endured the worst of a colitis relapse, their strength slowly returns and having no doubt been confined to indoors for a period of time, they will be anxious to get out and start living life to the full again. Unfortunately, if key points are not understood and adhered to, the colitis symptoms that were so painful and discomforting to endure, could well make a fast reappearance.

Having been stuck indoors for several weeks, the feeling of freedom can be amazing. Now that you have entered the phase where the discomfort has disappeared, it really can feel wonderful to be outside again and undertake the little things that you would normally take for granted. The sense of being able to undertake usual daily activities again without any discomfort, reintroduce your normal diet, every thing that you normally take for granted when well. But you must be on your guard.

It is essential to be very cautious about what you do and undertake until you know that the relapse had ended completely and that the inflammation of the colon had reduced entirely. It is not the case to assume that once the symptoms such as the passing of frequent diarrhea and blood have stopped that the sufferer can assume that the relapse has passed and life can begin as normal once again. The inflammation of the colon takes many weeks to be eliminated through the use of medication such as steroids and therefore whilst the symptoms may have reduced or disappeared, the safe haven of remission mode has not as yet been reached.

The effective action to take in the short term is the very cautious approach. Reintroduce daily activities back into your life very slowly in a restrained way so as not to put too much mental and physical pressure on your body. Yet some sufferers do not do this and before they have enjoyed the start of remission their health takes a downward turn. Through incorrect advice that they receive, their own actions, their lack of understanding of colitis and lack of appreciation of how strong this disease is in fighting back colitis makes an unwanted return.

The cause can be incorrectly returning to your work far too soon. And whilst the pressure to return to work will most likely exist, the sufferer must consider the impact it will have on their recovery and overall health. Through undertaking both physical and mental tasks far too soon, and it is so easy to do this, there is the increasing chance that the relapse will not be given the full opportunity to pass whereby colitis symptoms could re-emerge. There requires to be more rest taken than usual when in the early days of remission to give the body greater time to recover and ease back into the pattern of everyday life. Ignorance of this can be very costly.

It is imperative to realize that one of the most susceptible times for a colitis sufferer is the period just after a relapse has died down. There may not be the feeling of any discomfort any longer, in fact the sufferer might be feeling really quite well again, but that does not mean they are out of the immediate danger zone. By using the knowledge of other colitis sufferers they can find the answers to avoid unintentionally provoking what were dying colitis symptoms into a second life.

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