There are people who suffer from poor health and diseases and rather than seek medical help continue to be at the mercy of symptoms and suffer in silence. If colitis is the problem, then it can actually be dangerous to health not to seek medical intervention. For the vast majority of sufferers, whilst they do receive help, it is important to ensure that they are taking advantage of all the colitis treatment available.

It is only natural that the sufferer in the early course of a colitis diagnosis will have concerns and questions that require to be answered relating to the impact the symptoms will have on their life, what exactly all the colitis symptoms are and how to cope through daily life, both during periods of a flare up and remission. It is essential that the sufferer is aware of, understands and uses the treatments for colitis available that will help in coping daily with the effects of the disease.

It is not an unusual scenario that when discomfort and pain occur in the abdominal area, there can be a tendency to just carry on with life or if it persist for a few days then take "over the counter" medication to try and stop the principle symptom of diarrhoea. Unfortunately, the symptoms will not be brought under control by these medicines. What has to be realised is that this is a challenge that cannot be overcome utilising such medication as the cause of the problem is not temporary as with a gut infection. It is essential that the sufferer makes contact with their doctor to discuss the symptoms being endured and in the first instance a course of anti inflammatory drugs will be prescribed to try and reduce the inflammation and ulceration of the large colon, the reasons for the symptoms occurring.

This prescribed medication requires to be taken over a period of time in order for the inflammation to reduce and for the normal function of the colon to return. It is the case that some amount of medication will continue to be used to try and ensure that the inflammation remains dormant but unfortunately there is no guarantee this will happen. Extra assistance will take the form of steroids to fight the inflammation and ulceration. It should be understood that colitis symptoms will not disappear during the few days after the medication is taken, but there is a gradual reduction and slow return to health. This period of time can take from a week to over a month.

Unfortunately, there will be times that the patient will have to enter hospital due to the strength of the symptoms where a period of intense care should have the effect of bringing them under control. There will be more powerful medicine available though its use will only be adopted in instances where the regular treatment has not succeeded as anticipated.

To ensure that every sufferer's colitis experience is as manageable as possible, it can be very advantageous to gain and use the knowledge of others who have experienced colitis to ensure that they are not missing out on a colitis treatment to enable them to make their daily life easier to cope with and, importantly, to ease their anxieties.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by abdominal discomfort or pain that is accompanied by at least two of the following: relief by defecation, change in frequency of stool, or change in consistency of stool. The cause is unknown, and the pathophysiology is incompletely understood. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common medical disorder that is characterized by chronic abdominal discomfort or pain, bloating and changes in bowel habits. The abdominal pain or cramping can be a dull ache but, for some women, it can be intolerable and without relief. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a disorder of altered bowel habits associated with abdominal pain or discomfort. The pain, discomfort, and impairment from IBS often lead to healthcare medical consultation and workplace absenteeism, and associated economic costs. Obviously other conditions can contribute towards or result from this. Is there a connection between irritable bowel syndrome and bipolar disorder?

Stressful situations can cause digestive tract upset in healthy people. Children with irritable bowel syndrome seem to have more digestive problems when stressed or anxious than healthy children do. Stress can make the symptoms worse, but does not cause the symptoms. Stress, or inability to handle stress, is cited in most cases of colitis. We all approach this differently.

Bipolar disorder doesn't seem to necessarily be linked with irritable bowel syndrome, though there does seem to be a potential genetic connection.

Depression is a medical illness which affects an organ, the brain, which in turn affects the rest of the body. One can no more snap out of depression that one can snap out of diabetes or heart disease. Depression is a term used to describe a common condition characterized by feelings of sadness, gloom, misery, or despair. Most people experience temporary depression at various points in their lives. Depression is usually treated with counseling or antidepressant medicine, or both. It sometimes takes a few tries to find the right treatment, and it can take several weeks for the medicine to start working.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Any word ending in 'itis' implies inflammation of a designated part of the physical body. The painful areas manifest certain symptoms which are given a name. All complaints - and it's easy to understand why they are called complaints when you are suffering from them - share a common cause. They are both indicators that the body generally is in a high acid condition. In other words, it is the acidic body (acidosis) that sends the brain signals by the means of symptoms (messages) that there is a problem that REQUIRES ATTENTION.

That problem basically is acidosis but finding yourself in pain you understandably want to be rid of the symptom. This is fine so long as it is understood that alleviation of the symptom is not going the resolve the condition of the body that is producing the signal. Otherwise it is like receiving bad news from a messenger and treating them well and taking no notice of a vital message that effects your future well-being.

This is the great mistake of conventional medicine: placating the symptoms and not addressing the cause which is simply storing up much worse health conditions in the future. All this means is drug dependency whilst lining the pockets of the 'fat-cats' at the expense of society as a whole. In chronic pain it is understandable to alleviate the present suffering but the cause MUST be addressed too. It is my view that this responsibility must be wrenched back from 'the authorities' and placed firmly in the hands of the individual themselves. This means self-education, awareness of their own body and observing the simple practices of living that the body demands in accordance with the basic natural laws of life.

So, is there a connection between colitis and arthritis? Yes, they are both manifestations of the body in a high state of acidosis that has produced two different sets of symptoms. Cure one and you cure both. I personally can testify to this. It actually took longer to clear up the arthritis than it did the colitis. And even now if I lapse even just a little in my own life habits I find that it is the arthritis that comes a knockin' first. Mild but apparent.

What do I do? I cut out everything for several days other than water and vegetables. That makes a difference within a day or two. Also visualising the healing process in my body taking place NOW aids quick recovery. My sensitivity now is that I eat and live according to my awareness not simply by blind habit or routine.

Bottom line: If symptoms are signals for help then listen to them and act accordingly. Better still, rather than reacting, why not be pro- active and simply take your body into a higher level of health and many of these conditions won't arise? Meanwhile, know that you are facing the direction of improving health. You're doing good - after all you're reading this to learn how to put yourself in a better place with regard to your own health. Congratulations; that's taking responsibility!

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Topical steroids are widely used in medicine to treat dermatitis problems. They are a great agent to reduce skin inflammation, but their use also can bring a long certain health problems that are worth knowing about. In this article I will explore the good, the bad and the ugly of topical steroid creams.

They were first introduced in dermatology back in the 50s, and they became the first line of treatment against skin inflammations (eczema, dermatitis) and other skin conditions. This type of medication is not safe, like with all meds out there an abuse of them will bring along side effects.

Currently we can find steroids classified according to their strength. We have currently 4 classes of these, being Class 1 the most potent. Doctors will be the ones who will prescribe you the use of them, but in general it is recommended to use the cream that is less potent and does its job. In other cases, however, depending on the skin condition doctors can direct you to use a potent class for just a few days and then stop completely.

Side Effects of Topical Steroids

Like any medication, these steroid creams will bring adverse side effects if used incorrectly. Sometimes as an uniformed patient, you may think that using a potent cream every day will help you stay clear of your current condition. This is a wrong idea, some of the effects from the abuse of topical steroids can be irreversible and will make you change your appearance.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

During my research with thousands of patients suffering from almost every kind of illness, including terminal diseases, I found that each person had large numbers of gallstones in the liver and, in many cases, also in the gallbladder. When these people eliminated these stones through the liver flush and introduced simple health-forming habits and supportive measures, they recovered from diseases that defied both conventional and alternative methods of treatment.

What follows is a description of some of the more common signs indicating the presence of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. If you have any of them, you will most likely derive great benefits from cleansing your liver and gallbladder. In my practice, I have found these indications to be highly accurate. In case you are not sure whether you have stones, it may be useful to cleanse the liver anyway; it can improve your health significantly, regardless. There is an old saying: "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." The only way to discover for yourself whether you have gallstones is to do the liver flush. You will find that when you remove all the stones that may be present, the symptoms of disease will gradually disappear, and health will return to normal.

Signs and Marks

The Skin

The major function of the skin is to continuously adjust our internal body to the ever-changing external environment, which includes temperature, humidity, dryness, and light. In addition, skin covers the body to protect us against injury, microbes, and other harmful agents. Apart from having to deal with these external influences, the skin also monitors and adapts according to internal changes taking place within the body. Accordingly, the skin reflects the condition of the organs and body fluids, including the blood and lymph. Any long-term abnormal functioning of the body will inevitably show up in the skin as skin blemishes, discoloration, or changed condition, such as dryness, oiliness, wrinkles, lines, and so forth. Almost all skin disorders have their root in an imbalanced liver condition. Gallstones lead to circulatory disorders, which reduce the nutrient supply to, and waste removal from, the skin and prevent healthy development and normal turnover cycles of skin cells. The following marks are particularly indicative of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder:

Black spots and small or large brown patches that are the color of freckles or moles: They usually appear on the right or left side of the forehead, between the eyebrows or under the eyes. They may also show up just above the right shoulder or between the shoulder blades. Most prominent are the so-called liver spots on the back of the hands and forearms, often seen among middle-aged and elderly people. If gallstones, which are spontaneously excreted by the gallbladder, get caught in the colon, such spots may also appear in the area where the thumb and index finger meet. These liver spots usually start fading after the majority of stones are removed from the liver and gallbladder. Most people assume that the liver spots are due to sun damage and "normal" aging. This is a myth. Liver spots, as the name suggests, come from the liver. Sun exposure merely brings to the surface of the skin any existing acidic waste deposits.

Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows:There may be one deep line or two, sometimes three, lines in this region. These lines or wrinkles, which are not a part of natural aging, indicate an accumulation of many gallstones in the liver. They show that the liver is enlarged and has hardened. The deeper and longer the wrinkles are, the more the deterioration of liver function has progressed. A line near the right eyebrow also indicates congestion in the spleen. Furthermore, the vertical lines represent a great deal of repressed frustration and anger. Anger arises when gallstones prevent proper bile flow. A bilious nature is one that keeps toxins trapped-toxins that the liver tries to eliminate via bile. Vice versa, anger can trigger gallstone formation. If white or yellow patches accompany the wrinkles, a cyst or tumor may be developing in the liver. Pimples or growth of hair between eyebrows, with or without wrinkles, indicate that the liver, gallbladder, and spleen are affected.

Horizontal wrinkles across the bridge of the nose: These are a sign of pancreatic disorders due to gallstones in the liver. If a line is deep and pronounced, there may be pancreatitisor diabetes.

Green or dark color of the temple area at the sides of the head: This shows that the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen are underactive because of deposits of gallstones in both the liver and gallbladder. This may be accompanied by a green or blue color on either side of the bridge of the nose, which indicates impaired spleen functions. A horizontal line across the bridge of the nose implies weakness of the pancreas.

Oily skin in the area of the forehead: This reflects poor liver performance due to gallstones. The same applies to excessive perspiration in this part of the head. A yellow color of the facial skin indicates disorders of the bile functions of the liver and gallbladder, and a weakness of the pancreas, kidneys, and excretory organs.

Hair loss in the central region of the head: This mark indicates that the liver, heart, small intestines, pancreas, and reproductive organs are becoming increasingly congested and aggravated. There is a tendency to develop cardiovascular disease, chronic digestive problems, and the formation of cysts and tumors. Early graying of hair shows that liver and gallbladder functions are underactive.

The Nose

Hardening and thickening at the tip of the nose: This indicates chronic liver weakness, resulting in hardening of the arteries and the accumulation of fat around the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, and prostate glands. If the enlargement is excessive and blood vessels are visible, a heart attack or stroke may be imminent.

The nose is constantly red: This condition shows an abnormal condition of the heart, with a tendency toward high blood pressure(hypertension). A purple nose indicates low blood pressure. Both conditions are due to imbalanced liver, digestive, and kidney functions.

Cleft nose or indentation of the tip of the nose: This mark indicates irregular heartbeat and heart murmur. If one half of the cleft nose is larger than the other, this shows that one side of the heart is abnormally enlarged. Arrhythmia and panic attacks may accompany this condition. There may be severe lymphatic congestion caused by digestive disorders such as constipation, colitis, stomach ulcer, and so on. Liverfunctions are subdued because of large amounts of gallstones cutting off the blood supply to the liver cells. Bile secretions are insufficient. (Note: I have personally seen clefts in the nose disappear after liver flushing.)

The nose is bending toward the left: Unless caused by an accident, this asymmetric shape of the nose implies that the organs on the right side of the body are underactive. These include the liver, gallbladder, right kidney, ascending colon, right ovary or testicle, and right side of the brain. The main cause of this condition is an accumulation of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder (the nose is likely to return to center once the stones are removed).

The Eyes

Skincolor under the eyes is yellowish: This indicates that the liver and gallbladder are overactive. A dark, even black color in the same area results when the kidneys, bladder, and reproductive organs are overtaxed because of a prolonged disorder of the digestive system. A grayish, pale color occurs if the kidneys and, occasionally, the lungs are malfunctioning owing to improper lymphdrainage from these organs. Also, the endocrine system may be affected.

Water-containing bags under the lower eyelids: These are formed as a result of congestion in the digestive and excretory organs, which results in inadequate lymph drainage from the head area. If these eye bags are chronic and contain fat, this points toward the presence of inflammation, cysts and, possibly, tumors in the bladder, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and prostate.

A white cloud covers the pupil of the eye: The cloud consists mostly of mucus and degenerate protein particles. It indicates the development of cataracts brought about by longstanding poor liver and digestive performance.

Constant redness in the white of the eye: This condition is caused by the protrusion of capillaries, indicating disorders in the circulatory and respiratory functions. White or yellow mucus patches in the white of the eye show that the body is accumulating abnormal amounts of fatty substances because the liver and gallbladder have amassed large quantities of gallstones. When this occurs, the body has a tendency to develop cysts and both benign and malignant tumors.

A thick white line covers parts of the periphery of the iris, particularly the lower parts: This indicates the accumulation of large amounts of cholesterol in the blood circulatory system. The lymphatic system also has major congestion and fat retention. (Note: If you wish to understand the connection of the eyes and iris with the various parts of the body, I recommend that you study the science of iridology, or eye interpretation.)

The eyes have lost their natural luster and shine: This signals that both the liver and kidneys are congested and unable to filter the blood properly. "Dirty" blood, loaded with toxins or waste products, is heavier and more sluggish than clean blood. The thickened blood slows circulation and reduces oxygen and nutrient supply to the cells and organs, including the eyes. If this condition persists, the cells will deteriorate and inevitably age or die off. The eye and braincells are especially affected because the blood has to flow against gravity to reach them. Most vision problems are the direct or indirect result of reduced blood-cleansing capacity by the liver and kidneys. Clean and nutrient-rich blood from a healthy, efficient liver can flow easily and nourish the eye tissues better, thereby improving most eye problems.

The Tongue, Mouth, Lips,and Teeth

The tongue is coated yellow or white, especially in the back part: This indicates an imbalance in the secretion of bile, which is the major cause of digestive trouble. Toxic residues of undigested and fermented or putrefied food linger in the intestinal tract. This blocks lymph flow in the thoracic duct and prevents toxins and microbes in the throat and mouth area from being removed.

Teeth impressions on the sides of the tongue, often accompanied by white mucus discharge: This indicates weak digestion and inadequate absorption of nutrients from the small intestine.

Pimples on the tongue: They are indicative of poor digestion and the presence of fermenting and putrefying food in both the small and large intestines.

Cracks on the tongue: These are signs of long-term intestinal trouble. When food is not being mixed with a sufficient amount of bile, it remains partially undigested. Undigested foods are subjected to bacterial putrefaction and, thereby, become a source of toxicity. Constant exposure of the intestinal wall to the toxins that these bacteria produce irritates and injures it. The resulting lesions, scars, and hardening of the intestinal walls is then reflected by the cracks on the tongue. There may be little or no mucus discharge on the tongue.

Repeated mucus discharge into the throat and mouth: Bile may regurgitate into the stomach, thereby irritating its protective lining and causing excessive mucus production. Some of the bile and mucus may reach the mouth area. This can create a bad (bitter) taste in the mouth and give rise to frequent attempts at clearing the throat, which sometimes involve coughing. Mucus discharge without this bitter taste results when food is not digested properly, and toxins are generated. The mucus helps to trap and neutralize some of these toxins, but as a side effect, it causes congestion.

Bad breath and frequent burping: Both signs point toward the presence of undigested, fermenting, or putrefying food in the GI tract. Bacteria acting on the waste material produce gases, which can be very toxic at times, hence the bad odor emanating from the breath.

Crust formations at the corners of the mouth: This indicates the presence of duodenal ulcers, caused by regurgitation of bile into the stomach, or by other reasons discussed earlier. Ulcers in various parts of the mouth or on the tongue show that inflammation or ulceration is occurring in the corresponding parts of the GI tract. For example, a mouth ulcer on the outside parts of your lower lip points to the presence of ulcer lesions in the large intestine. Herpes ('cold sores') on the lip corresponds to more severe inflammation and ulceration of the intestinal wall.

Dark spots or patches on the lips: These marks occur when obstructions in the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys have resulted in slowness and stagnation of blood circulation and lymph drainage throughout the body. There may be advanced, abnormal constriction of blood capillaries. If the color of the lips is reddish (dark) or purple, this indicates that heart, lung, and respiratory functions are subdued.

Swollen or expanded lips: This condition indicates intestinal disorders. If the lower lip is swollen, the colon suffers constipation, diarrhea, or both, alternating between them. Toxic gases are formed from improperly digested foods, which give rise to bloating and abdominal discomfort. A swollen or enlarged upper lip indicates stomach problems, including indigestion, frequently accompanied by 'heartburn'. An abnormal, tightly closed mouth shows that a person suffers from disorders of the liver, gallbladder, and, possibly, the kidneys. If the lower lip is dry, peels, and splits easily, there may either be chronic constipation or diarrhea, with large amounts of toxic acids prevalent in the colon. This condition is accompanied by advanced dehydration of the colon cells.

Swollen, sensitive, or bleeding gums: Any these symptoms occurs when lymph drainage from the mouth area is inefficient as a result of intestinal lymph congestion. The blood has an overload of acid compounds. Inflammation deep in the throat, with or without swelling of the tonsils, is also caused by lymphatic blockage. Tonsillitis, which often occurs among children, is a sign of constant retention of toxins contained in the lymph fluids and back-flushing of waste from the GI tract into the tonsils.

Toothproblemsare generally caused by nutritional imbalance: Poor digestion and overconsumption of refined, processed, and highly acid-forming foods, such as sugar, chocolate, meat, cheese, coffee, soda, and so forth, deplete the body of minerals and vitamins. Adults usually have thirty-two teeth. Each tooth corresponds to a vertebra of the spine, and each vertebra is connected to a major organ or gland. If any of the four canines are decaying, for example, it indicates the presence of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. A yellow color of the teeth, and of the canines in particular, indicates the presence of toxins in the organs located in the mid abdominal region, that is, the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, and spleen. Bacteria are not the cause of tooth decay. They only attack tooth tissue that already has an unbalanced acid-alkaline ratio. Proper saliva secretions also play a major role in the protection of the teeth. Truly healthy teeth last a lifetime and are maintained by a healthy digestive system.

Hands, Nails, and Feet

White, fatty skin on the fingertips is a sign of dysfunctional digestive and lymphatic systems. In addition, the liver and kidneys may be forming cysts and tumors. An excessive discharge of fats may occur, seen as oiliness on the skin.

Dark red fingernails point toward a high content of cholesterol, fatty acids, and minerals in the blood. The liver, gallbladder, and spleen are congested and underactive, and all excretory functions are overburdened with waste products. Whitish nails indicate the accumulation of fat and mucus in and around the heart, liver, pancreas, prostate, or ovaries. This condition is accompanied by poor blood circulation and low hemoglobin levels (anemia).

Vertical ridges in the fingernails generally indicate poor absorption of food and the disruption of important digestive, liver, and kidney functions. There may be general fatigue. Strong vertical ridges on the thumbnails, possibly with split ends, show that a person's testicles and prostate or ovaries are not functioning properly. This is caused by the ineffectiveness of the digestive and circulatory systems.

Horizontal indentations in the nails show unusual or drastic changes in dietary habits. The changes can be either beneficial or harmful.

White dots on the nails appear when the body eliminates large amounts of calcium and/or zinc in response to excessive consumption of sugar or sugar-containing foods and beverages. Sugar has highly acid-forming properties and leaches out these minerals from the bones and teeth.

A hard protrusion at the ball of the foot: This condition shows progressive hardening of the organs located in the middle of the body, including the liver, stomach, pancreas, and spleen. It points to the accumulation of numerous gallstones in the liver and gallbladder.

A yellow color of the feet indicates the accumulation of many gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. If the color of any part of the feet is green, then spleen and lymph functions are severely disrupted. This may lead to cysts and to benign and malignant tumors.

Hardness at the tip of the fourth toe or a callus in the area under the fourth toe: This symptom shows that gallbladder functions are stagnant. General rigidity, a bent condition, and pain in the fourth toe imply a long history of gallstones in the gallbladder and liver.

Curving of the first toe: If the large toe curves inward toward the second toe, it shows that liver functions are subdued owing to the presence of gallstones in the liver bile ducts. At the same time, spleen and lymphatic functions are overactive because of the accumulation of toxic residues from inadequately digested foods, metabolic waste, and cellular debris.

White color and rugged surfaces on the fourth and fifth toenails: This indicates poor performance of the liver and gallbladder, as well as of the kidneys and urinary bladder.

The Constitution of Fecal Matter

The stool or fecal matter emits a sharp, sour, or penetrative odor: This indicates that food is not being digested properly. Fermented and putrefied food and the presence of large quantities of 'unfriendly' bacteria in the feces give rise to an abnormal odor and sticky texture. Normal stool is coated with a thin mucus lining, which prevents the anus from being soiled.

Dry and hard stools are an indication of constipation, and so are sticky stools. Diarrhea is yet another sign of weak performance of the digestive system and the liver, in particular.

Pale or clay-colored feces: This is still another indication of poor liver performance (bile gives the stool its natural brown color). If the stool floats, large amounts of undigested fats are contained in it, making it lighter than water.


There may be many more signs and symptoms indicating the presence of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder than those listed above. Pain in the right shoulder, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, numbness in the legs and sciatica, for example, may have no obvious relation to gallstones in the liver. Yet when the gallstones are removed, these conditions usually disappear.

The body is a network of information, and every part influences and communicates with every other part. Seemingly insignificant marks or signs on the skin, in the eyes, or on a toe may be the harbingers of serious health issues. When you recognize them and flush your liver and gallbladder, in concert with adopting a healthy regimen of diet and lifestyle, you will find that the signs of wellness and vitality begin to reappear. To prevent illness and make permanent health a practical reality in your life, it is important to understand what actually causes gallstones in the first place.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

OPC (or Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) belongs to the family of Antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that protect our body's cells and tissues from being damaged by oxygen free-radicals that contribute to aging and illness. Free radicals are created by environmental pollution, food additives, growth hormones, high fat diets, excessive alcohol, smoking and second hand smoke, radiation, growth hormones and nutrient deficiencies. While OPC itself does not specifically cure any disease or condition, what it does do, is cut down on the free radicals in the body. Without the onslaught of free radicals, the body has the ability to heal itself. Given the chance to work like it should, your own natural immune system is capable of amazing healing properties.

Although it is seldom mentioned in the traditional medical community, there are a surprisingly large number of medical doctors who use natural antioxidants like OPC in their own personal care. This phenomenon is documented as far back as 19 years ago. In a 1992 issue of the Medical Tribune it was written that "8 out of 10 Doctors Take an Antioxidant for Long Term Health". If this is the case with a majority of doctors, why is it that they are reluctant to recommend them to their own patients?

Studies from the National Cancer Institute On Aging, John Hopkins University and the American Heart Association have found how antioxidants isolated from fruits and vegetables and natural herbs function within our body's cellular and tissue systems. Fruits, vegetables and other plants have hundreds of protective nutrients that protect our bodies from "free radicals" which enter and destroy our bodies. In many instances, the damage can even be reversed by antioxidants.

These natural antioxidant nutrients found in fruits and vegetables along with herbs are called bioflavanoids. the most commonly known bioflavanoid is of course Vitamin C, but there are literally thousands of other types of them in nature. Some others include, Vitamin A, E, Zinc, Selenium and Beta Carotene. But the most powerful of all is the Bioflavanoid OPC. OPC is found naturally in grape seed extract, red wine, and pine park, and is considered to be by far, the most potent of all antioxidants. It has twenty times the strength of Vitamin C and 50 times the strength of Vitamin E. Actually OPC has been shown to enhance the healing properties of Vitamin C when the two are used together.

It is truly a wonder, why the wondrous healing properties exhibited by bioflavanoids like OPC have been a secret for so long! Maybe it's time now, to share the secret to the thousands, even millions of people suffering worldwide from inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's and Colitis.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

From the earliest Egyptian settlements everyone has been applauding the incredible medicinal features of aloe. It is a plant with succulent green leaves arranged in a rosette pattern. The scientific name of the common aloe plant is Aloe barbadensis or aloe vera. Discovered in Africa, this medicine is now common in America, Europe and Asia. For their medicinal qualities, parts of the Aloe plant used are the gel, the latex, the extract, the juice and capsules.

Aloe vera is known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory attributes. Aloe is also a very powerful laxative. It is rarely used as a laxative because it causes severe stomach cramps. Aloe gel used topically on burned or broken skin is used as a soothing agent and also a pain killer. Studies in animals have shown aloe to reduce inflammation. In a study that tested the use of aloe in the treatment of ulcerative colitis aloe gel (internally ingested) showed better results than a placebo in aiding disease treatment. Due to its anti-inflammatory property it is considered an excellent cure for easing digestive problems.

Aloe extract has aloemannan which aids the growth of kidney cells and also in slowing down kidney stone production. Aloe juice is a very good antidote for ulcers and heart burns. However, its effectiveness is limited to peptic ulcers and does not extend to ulcers caused due to stress. In asthma patients who have not been on corticosteroids, use of aloe orally has been found to give good results. Use of aloe vera during pregnancy needs to be discussed with your doctor. One of the components of aloe vera, Aloe-emodin, is a very good laxative. Additionally it also kills the herpes virus which causes painful shingles and cold sores. Aloe vera is infused in base oils (almond and apricot) and used in aroma therapy. Astringent, anti fungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties are shown by such treated oils.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are various natural remedies to reduce the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. These natural solutions could prove to be effective in alleviating pain, cramps, bloating and diarrhea.

More and more patients suffering from ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are now going the natural way to bring their situation under control. Natural solutions are mainly preferred to avoid the side effects caused by conventional medicines. Natural remedies are known for their safety and you feel in greater control without any worry about surgery. You also need not worry about the nutritional value while resorting to natural methods. Natural treatments are also beneficial to keep a check on irritable bowel syndrome.

When conventional methods of treatment are not helping in healing ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, then alternative medicine or natural therapy may be resorted to. However it is always advisable to take the opinion of your physician before doing so because any wrong move could further aggravate your condition. Most doctors also advise natural supplements to be taken along with conventional medicine and not as a replacement.

Some commonly referred natural solutions for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease includes peppermint oil, Boswellia, probiotics, psyllium and elm. Other vitamin and mineral supplements for colitis and Crohn's include omega-3 fatty acids, garlic and ginger. Probiotics is extensively used, as they are known to benefit the intestinal tract. If you have an inflammation in the intestinal region, then probiotics helps fight the infection. Similarly, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome may also be contained with probiotics.

Capsaicin is used as a natural remedy for pain. It also helps bring down diarrhea, cramps and bloating. The lemonade detox diet is a very old therapy which uses mineral water, maple syrup, pepper and lemon. This diet is supposed to improve your digestive system, liver and bile ducts. Aloe Vera has a calming effect and is used as a natural ingredient for the symptoms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. But it has to be taken in mild quantity else may aggravate diarrhea.

Peppermint oil is supposed to reduce abdominal pain and bloating. It is also said to have properties that help relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Fish oils, which contain omega-3 fatty acids, are believed to be a natural solution for colitis and Crohn's. Ginger and peppermint has shown to reduce some symptoms of colitis and Crohn's. Certain teas, which use these ingredients, have proven to be beneficial. They are also quick remedies to ease bloating and cramps.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Medical marijuana has developed into a treatment for painful gastrointestinal disorders that involve bowel inflammation and cramping. These diseases include colitis, Crohn's disease, and Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Often with these diseases patients can suffer from cramping, inflammation, chronic pain, weight loss, and diarrhea. Medical marijuana is often able to alleviate these symptoms substantially.

Crohn's disease represents a chronic autoimmune inflammatory bowel disorder that causes intense, severe pain. The cause is unknown. Digestion is adversely affected, and in very rare cases it can be fatal. The disease is destructive to the intesting. There are over 500,000 people in the US who suffer from Crohn's disease. In most states who have approved medical marijuana, Crohn's disease is an accepted condition for usage.

Traditional medications utilized for Crohn's include immunosuppressive ones such as Imuran, methotrexate, 6 MP, steroids, Mesalamine, and Remicade. These medications may cause the same symptoms as the disease including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Steroids have some side effects that may include adrenal dysfunction, bone thinning, ulcers, and glucose intolerance.

Various studies have shown promising results for medicinal marijuana alleviating the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohn's.

A 2005 study published in O'Shaughnessy's found that cannabis helped a lot with the symptoms of Crohn's disease. It was a pilot study using marijuana at the Society of Cannabis Clinicians in a dozen patients with Crohn's and patients described significant improvement for appetite, nausea, fatigue, vomiting, and depression. There were less flare-ups and fewer stools per day. Patients were able to decrease the amount of immunosuppressive medications necessary as well.

Another study from 2001 called Cannabinoids and the Gastrointestinal Tract found that the cannabinoids found in marijuana represent a potentially excellent option for the treatment of numerous GI disorders - including inflammatory bowel diseases, functional bowel diseases, gastro-esophageal reflux conditions, secretory diarrhea, gastric ulcers, and colon cancer. There are receptors both in the brain and the GI system named CB1 receptors. In animals the study showed that agonists for these receptors delayed gastric emptying and inhibited gastric acid secretion. CB1 receptors are mostly located in the brain.

A 2006 study published in the Journal of Endocrinolog Investigation demonstrates that activation of the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors exert biological functions on the gastrointestinal tract.

There are CB2 receptors in numerous cells outside of the brain, including in the GI tract lining. Marijuana contains cannabinoids which activate the CB2 receptor - this is thought to decrease inflammation in the GI tract along with reducing pain and swelling. There is another compound in cannabis named beta-caryophyllene which turns on the CB-2 receptors as well.

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Aloe Vera is a plant that originates in Africa and has long been regarded as having anti-inflammatory medicinal properties. The gel from the plant can be taken orally for Ulcerative Colitis. Initially there wasn't real evidence that the plant could have a proven benefit as an Ulcerative Colitis remedy. Proponents believed that it did but there were definitely skeptics as well. More recently there have been blind studies conducted that have shown that there actually is a marked positive effect for sufferers of the disease who consume the gel orally as compared to those who don't.

In the studies a number of patients were given a regime of Aloe Vera gel. Another set of patients were given the same regime but the in this case were administered placebo. The results indicated that there were definite benefits for those who were given Aloe Vera. For instance:

  • Clinical remission occurred in 30% of Aloe Vera patients as opposed to 7% of those who took placebo

  • Improvement was documented in 37% of those who took Aloe Vera in contrast to only 1% of those who didn't

  • Response occurred in 47% when Aloe Vera was used but for only 14% of the patients who received placebo

In light of these findings it seems very obvious that a clinical benefit exists. Many in the medical field often discredit natural remedies for diseases in favor of expensive manufactured drugs. Hopefully this proves to them that alternatives to harsh medicines may exist and can benefit those who suffer from illness. It is important to remember to always heed the advice of a medical professional, but it never hurts to research ways to supplement and maybe even replace harsher prescription drugs in favor of a natural remedy for Ulcerative Colitis. Aloe Vera gel has other significant uses as a natural remedy as well. Here are some examples:

Can be used topically for

  • Minor burns

  • Wounds

  • Sunburn

  • Radiation-related skin reaction

  • Genital herpes

  • Psoriasis

Can be used orally for

  • Ulcers

  • Diabetes

  • Crohn's disease

  • Immune Support

  • Constipation

Since Aloe Vera gel has also been proven as a safe natural remedy for Ulcerative Colitis there is definitely good reason to make use of this supplement in your routine. Many have already done so and are gladly reaping the benefits of this wonderful natural remedy. In addition, using natural supplements can also mean a great cost savings especially if the patient can reduce the amount of the costly prescriptions drugs that are required.

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