The colon (together with the rectum) are part of the large intestine (bowel). The colon is a muscular tube that is about five feet long. It absorbs water and nutrients from food passing through. The rectum, the lower six inches of the digestive tract, serves as a holding place for stool, which then passes out of the body through the anus. The colon is divided into four sections: the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon. Most colorectal cancers arise in the sigmoid colon -- the portion just above the rectum. They usually start in the innermost layer and can grow through some or all of the several tissue layers that make up the colon and rectum. Cancer can, however, develop in any portion of the colon. The extent to which a cancer penetrates the various tissue layers of the colon determines the stage of the disease.

What is Colon Cancer? Colon and rectal cancers are the second most prevalent type after lung cancer among men, and the third most prevalent after breast cancer and lung cancer in women. Most colorectal types grow slowly over a period of several years, often beginning as small benign growths called polyps. Removing these polyps early, before they become malignant, is an effective means of preventing colorectal cancer. If the epithelia cells (the cells in the mucous membrane of the colon) turn cancerous and begin to grow and replicate in an abnormal and uncontrolled way, the body cannot organize these cells for normal function and the cells form a mass that is called a tumor. Malignant tumors in the colon can eventually penetrate through the colon and spread to other parts of the body, crowding and destroying normal cells.

Everyone is potentially at risk of developing colon cancer at some point in their lifetime. Although colon cancer occurs mostly in mature individuals, it can also occur in younger men and women as well. Some of the risk factors include a personal history of colonic or rectal polyps, a personal or family history of colon or rectal cancer, and certain conditions, such as chronic ulcerative colitis (CUC) and Crohn's disease. Diet also appears to be a factor in the development of colon cancer.

Warning Symptoms Of Colon Cancer: There are symptoms or warning symptoms that should raise the suspicion that one has cancer. These include: Obstruction As the colon cancer grows, particularly if it is located in the transverse colon or in the descending and sigmoid colons, it may cause obstruction, leading to a build-up of pressure. This can result in pain and in swelling of the abdomen. In more extreme cases of obstruction, there may also be nausea and vomiting. Bleeding As tumors expand, they can be traumatized by the fecal stream, causing them to bleed. The blood is often hidden in the stool and not readily visible. In some cases bleeding may be visible on the stool or there is rectal bleeding. Anemia In some cases, as the tumor bleeds, it causes iron deficiency anemia to occur. Pain Once the tumor penetrates the wall of the colon and begins to invade adjacent tissue, it can cause pain, together with additional symptoms. For example, if the cancer spreads to the bladder, it may cause urinary problems. Wasting Syndrome In some cases, colon cancer can cause a loss of appetite, weight, and strength.

While the above warning signs can occur even in individuals without colon cancer, if someone does exhibit these symptoms, appropriate diagnostic procedures should be recommended in order to rule out colon cancer.

Colon cancer generally grows slowly over a period of years. Once the cancer breaks through the colon, it can enter blood or the lymphatic system grow and spread very rapidly. As the cancer grows, it often spreads into the liver and the lungs. It can also spread to the bones, especially in the pelvis. Depending on the location of the tumor, it can also spread to the clavicle.

The American Cancer Society recommends that screening for colon cancer in individuals without any symptoms commence at age 50. Screening should consist of a yearly digital rectal examination (DRE) and a fecal occult bloot test (FOBT). Sigmoidoscopies, preferably flexible endoscopic sigmoidoscopies, should occur every three to five years. For anyone with a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) who has had colon cancer under the age of 55, screening should start by age 40.

Facts - Colon Cancer Is the second leading of death from cancer in the U.S. Over 50% of all new cases of colon cancer involve metastasis by the time of diagnosis Approximately 102,900 Americans will be diagnosed with colon cancer this year. Approximately 48,100 Americans will die from colon cancer this year. 80 to 90 million Americans are at risk of developing colon cancer If colon cancer is detected and treated early, the survival rate is high.

Screening The American Cancer Society and the American College of Gastroenteroloy recommend that screening for colon cancer in individuals without any symptoms commence at age 50. The recommended method for screening is a colonoscopy (repeated every ten years if no polyps or tumors are found and the person has no risk factors). The recommended alternative method for screening is a yearly digital rectal examination (DRE) and a fecal occult bloot test (FOBT). Sigmoidoscopies, preferably flexible endoscopic sigmoidoscopies, should occur every three to five years. For anyone with a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) who has had colon cancer under the age of 55, screening is recommended starting at age 40.

Medical Malpractice and Colon Cancer The incidence of medical malpractice related to the diagnosis of colon cancer is alarming. It is the second most common type of cancer in the U.S., resulting in an expected 48,100 deaths this year. Nonetheless, too many men and women have their cancer diagnosis delayed when the doctors in whose hands such men and women entrust their well-being fail to perform appropriate screening tests, fail to properly interpret test results, and fail to take necessary steps when symptoms of cancer are reported. When this happens, the physician has been negligent. And the tragic result of this negligence is too often the loss of treatment options and/or the loss of chance of survival.

My law firm is devoted to explaining how medical malpractice arises in the context of a failure by a physician to timely diagnosing colon cancer; to describing what is involved in pursuing a medical malpractice claim; and to offering a convenient and free attorney consultation to those who believe they have been the victim of medical malpractice.

Why You May Have a Claim According to a report by the Institute of Medicine, medical errors are responsible for at least 44,000 deaths each year in the United States and possibly as many as 98,000 each year. The following are among the more common forms of negligence or medical malpractice by physicians in diagnosing and/or treating colon cancer: Failing to perform a routine digital rectal examination (DRE); Failing to identify a cancerous mass in the rectum or lower colon during a routine digital rectal examination; Failing to perform a screening sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy; Failure to order appropriate diagnostic examinations (such as a colonoscopy) to test for colon cancer when a patient exhibits symptoms that can be caused by colon cancer; Misinterpreting the biopsy results; Failing to react to biopsy findings; Failing to recommend appropriate treatment options; and Failing to follow-up with the patient. The above are only examples and are by no means intended to be an exhaustive list of acts of malpractice. If you suspect that your doctor failed to detect and/or properly treat your colon cancer, you should contact a competent attorney immediately.

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Please feel free to contact me directly at or 516.358.6900 if you or a family member have been diagnosed with Colon Cancer and a doctor or other medical professional discounted complaints of rectal bleeding as just hemorrhoids, failed to screen for colon cancer by recommending a colonoscopy or testing for blood in the stool and a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, or failed to follow up after an abnormal test result.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of the most important things to do when you have been diagnosed with colitis is to listen to your body, though what is meant by this? Simply, always be aware of how you are feeling and how your bowel is functioning, and understand how to recognise the signals that your health's default mode is changing when either in remission or at the approach of or during a relapse.

When in remission, is the bowel functioning as per normal without any deviations to these patterns and how would you assess any abdominal discomfort? When having a relapse, is the period in question becoming too long, are the trips to the toilet becoming ever greater, and is the pain at its usual intensity or greater? When the default mode is breached, however slightly, this could indicate a potential developing problem.

As everyone who has been diagnosed with colitis is fully aware, the chances of a relapse hitting them sometime in the future is most likely to be 100%. Unfortunately, there is never any certainty of knowing when it will appear. The problem is all too often it can occur out of nowhere when it is least expected. If a colitis relapse could be timed with a degree of accuracy then life would be that little bit easier. Until such a day arrives, colitis sufferers have to continue to live their lives as normally as possible, yet always at the back of their mind there is the thought that a relapse might appear from nowhere.

It is therefore essential for a sufferer to be aware of their default health mode and be able to recognise any changes that occur immediately. If this is undertaken, then time is not lost by not taking the required medication to assist the body in defending itself from the colitis symptoms. And in addition, it is imperative to have developed a specific method to ensure that when a relapse does occur, its progress can be measured effectively. If there is deviation from the established plan, then you will know to take further action with wasting time.

By adopting these simple procedures, the sufferer can avoid the unnecessary situation whereby they leave themselves open to the mercy of colitis and all the potential suffering that it brings. Whilst there is no cure for colitis, there are methods to reduce the impact that it has on a sufferer's daily life when both in remission and when a relapse occurs. And this is only possible if the person starts to listen to their body.

It is thus exceedingly important for a sufferer's future wellbeing to anticipate and be aware of their own state of health in order to manage this difficult disease. There is some personal responsibility required in addition to the advice and help offered by a doctor or hospital consultant and they will find that fellow sufferers who have taken these actions are better able to reduce the impact that colitis symptoms have both in times of remission and relapses. Discovering these exact steps can make a huge difference in making colitis much more manageable.

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Can zinc really protect against kidney damage?

I came across this really interesting study while reading the Journal of Renal Nutrition. It talks about how the humble mineral zinc is showing amazing protective benefits for those undergoing chemotherapy (chemotherapy drug cisplatin). Now it must be said that these studies are being performed currently on rats, but most promising studies all start out on rats and follow on to humans. They found that zinc picolinate (a type of zinc) treatment significantly reduced urea-N, creatinine, and oxidative stress and inflammatory markers.

Zinc is an "essential trace element" because tiny quantities of zinc are required for human health. However, it only second to iron (as a mineral) in the total amount present in the body. Zinc is one of the most under-rated minerals in the body (calcium and vitamin C get all the lime light it seems lately) as it is involved in over 200 biochemical processes in the body, and is a powerful antioxidant. Only out done by magnesium which is involved in over 300. Zinc is found in all bodily tissues and therefore lends it self healing many conditions, such as: colds and flus, cuts and wounds, alzheimer's, dementia, diabetes, acne, AIDS, dandruff, psoriasis, stretch marks, hearing loss, coeliac disease, ulcerative colitis, hair loss, depression, fertility, and on and on it goes... oh, and of course kidney disease.

The chemotherapy drug used in the study was Cisplatin, a seriously toxic drug in anyones language which has a history of causing nephrotoxicity (kidney toxicity).

The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of zinc picolinate on cisplatin-induced kidney damage. The study used 28 rats, divided into four groups consisting of 7 rats each: Group 1. control, group 2. zinc picolinate, group 3. cisplatin, and group 4. cisplatin plus zinc picolinate.

The fantastic news for you is that results were a clear illustration of the benfits of zinc. Zinc was shown to significantly reduce urea-N, creatinine, malondialdehyde, 8-isoprostane, and tumor necrosis factor-α -α levels (the last three are inflammatory and oxidative stress markers). In each case the zinc group outperformed the non zinc group. Group 2 outperformed group 1, and group 4 outperformed group 3. This means that zinc is one of the best minerals that can provide a kidney damage cure or kidney damage treatments to individuals who suffer from kidney disease.

The study came to the conclusion (from the positive evidence) that zinc picolinate clearly decreases the oxidative stress and inflammation in cisplatin-induced kidney damage, and lowers other kidney disease factors such as creatinine and urea. It also important to note that they used a high dose of zinc, administered via injection for 10 days (6mg per kg body weight).

Zinc has no known side-effects within the normal dosage range (10-100mg a day) and is an inexpensive treatment, especially compared to the costs of kidney dialysis or kidney replacement. This method is a fantastic way to heal the kidneys and improve your nutritional status. All the while reducing the need and burden of higher funded treatments such as dialysis.

So get out there, start enjoying some zinc rich foods: Shelllfish, fish, oysters, popcorn, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pepitas, walnuts, almonds, muesli, dhal, wheat germ, tomato sauce and paste (I think some of those foods would make a good spaghetti marinana, don't you think?). And don't forget to supplement, eating those foods alone will not provide you enough zinc for the desired benefits. All in all, zinc is one of the best forms of kidney damage treatment that is cost-effective.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Inflammatory bowel diseases include both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Both of these are inflammation of the intestines. They lead to inflammation of the intestines, ulcers, bleeding of the intestines; the commonest symptoms are diarrhea, abdominal pain fever, fatigue and cramping.

Diet and nutrition are very important parts of the recovery process. This prevents malnutrition and rapid and severe weight loss. The dietary recommendations for ulcerative colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome are the following:

• Drink plenty of fluids 8-10 servings on a daily basis. This is vital to keep the body hydrated and prevent constipation.

• Your dietitian will suggest a daily multivitamin -mineral supplement to make up for the lost nutrients.

• You must have a high fiber diet. Some patients like to have steamed vegetables better than eating them raw.

• When there is flare up, eat a low fiber, low residue diet. So that bowel gets rest and the symptoms are minimal.

• Do not take foods with lactose like diary if you have lactose intolerance. You can use lactase enzymes.

• During flare ups, you have to continue nourishing your body. Eat frequently small meals. You can take a high protein diet that will give you relief from IBD. You can take the pre-digested nutritional drink that the dietitian recommends.

• Minimize the intake of caffeine, alcohol,

• Avoid gas producing foods like cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, onions, carbonated drinks foods with high fat content causes diarrhea and gas in such patients.

It is vital to manage irritable bowel syndrome with healthy lifestyle habits and a diet plan which is rich in nutrients. This is crucial as IBS can lead to severe dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and loosing of essential nutrients. This can lead to anemia, fatigue.

Diet plan of ulcerative colitis should be rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, and good fats. This diet will give you energy. Your diet must have poultry, fish vegetables, margarine and oils. If you are a vegetarian you can have soy products.

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Peptic ulcer is a common disorder of the digestive system that causes inflammation, irritation and lesions to internal tissues and organs. Peptic ulcers generally occur on the premises of infection with Helicobacter pylori (bacteria that often populate the interior of the stomach), triggered by an overproduction of gastric acids and pepsin. Helicobacter pylori weaken the internal organs' mucus-covered protective walls, enabling digestive fluids to cause ulcerations and lesions.

The natural physiologic factors that can prevent the occurrence of peptic ulcer are: appropriate production of mucus, good mucosal blood circulation, appropriate production of bicarbonate, alkaline tide and a thick hydrophobic layer. If the balance of these natural defenses is perturbed, the risks of developing peptic ulcer are considerably increased.

Peptic ulcers can be developed either at the level of the duodenum or at the level of the stomach. Duodenal peptic ulcers are generally less serious, while stomach peptic ulcers can lead to serious complications. In the absence of an appropriate medical treatment, stomach peptic ulcer can lead to perforated ulcer or bleeding ulcer, disorders that require immediate medical intervention.

Peptic ulcer occurs in people of all ages and it affects both sexes equally. Although at first the disorder may be mild, peptic ulcer can progress over the years, sometimes even becoming life-threatening. However, nowadays peptic ulcer can be effectively overcome with medication treatments, rarely requiring surgical intervention. When it is timely diagnosed, peptic ulcer is highly curable.

Peptic ulcer usually generates symptoms such as abdominal discomfort and soreness, which usually intensify after meals or during the night. It is important to note that antacids can only provide temporary symptomatic relief, being unable to prevent the progression of peptic ulcer. Peptic ulcer can only be overcome with the means of an appropriate diet and specific medical treatment. When suffering from peptic ulcer, it is very important to pay regular visits to your doctor in order to receive medical examinations and a correct treatment.

The best means of preventing the progression of peptic ulcer are a healthy lifestyle and an appropriate diet. A good ulcer diet can ease the symptoms of peptic ulcer and can also keep the disorder under control. Ulcer diets should only contain non-acidic foods and beverages. When suffering from peptic ulcer, you should limit the intake of citrus fruits, processed foods and some dairy products. Although milk is known to provide relief for peptic ulcer, it can actually aggravate the disorder.

Avoid smoking, alcohol and coffee when suffering from peptic ulcer. Smoking affects the blood circulation at the level of the stomach and it also slows down the process of healing, while coffee and alcoholic beverages stimulate an overproduction of pepsin and gastric acids. In order to minimize the risk of complications, it is best to abstain from smoking, alcoholic and caffeine beverages when suffering from peptic ulcer.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Periwinkle: This simple little plant is the source of most common chemo drugs used in the treatment of cancer. The properties which linked Periwinkle to the treatment of cancer were discovered inadvertently by a major pharmaceutical manufacturer while looking for a drug to control blood sugar in diabetics. Common folk lore attributed such a property to Periwinkle, but painstaking research revealed that the plant had no effect on blood sugar levels. Instead, the research uncovered the antineoplastic effects of plant extracts, prominent among them, the extraordinary properties of periwinkle and components in its makeup which form the basis of our common chemotherapy drugs.

The plant components, vincristine and vinblastine, in periwinkle, were found to bind to tubulin in cellular microtubules. The short story here is that the process arrested cellular division and killed the cells.

But the embarrassing factor in this that keeps getting swept under the rug is that these drugs don't particularly discriminate between healthy cells and cancer cells. As a result, numerous healthy cells are killed in the course of chemotherapy as these drugs, in their mission of killing off cancer cells, go about causing general and widespread cell death, including the cells that comprise our immune system.o It's like using a shotgun to kill a fly on an elephant. Not good.

The logic of chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer just doesn't make any sense at all. That is, as far as curing cancer is concerned. Or curing any other disease for that matter. Our immune system is designed to attack and destroy any harmful invading organisms. So where is the logic of killing the immune system in order to cure a disease?

But there is still a very solid logic to the use of chemotherapy. It is the most profitable therapy in medicine. Profitable to the pharmaceutical industry, profitable to all segments of the medical business involved in the treatment of cancer. And this seems to explain why the many extraordinary properties of periwinkle are being quietly passed over in favor of the logic of profit in chemotherapy.

The therapeutic uses of the periwinkle plant are not limited to its derivations of the chemo drugs. The plant itself was introduced in Europe during the mid 1700s, as an ornamental plant. Today it grows throughout the world, mainly in the warmer climates, and it has been widely used in tropical folk medicine. Besides being useful in the treatment of cancer, decoctions of the plant have been used for maladies ranging from ocular inflammation, diabetes, hemorrhage, and insect stings.

Research conducted by several pharmceutical companies, and later abandoned, show derivatives of periwinkle to be a high octane fuel for the brain. This is due to an almost miraculous brain booster called vinpocetine. It is so effective against fading mental processes that it is being used routinely in supplemental form by nearly 50 countries.

Vinpocetine has been shown to improve blood circulation to the brain, reducing senility and age related dementia. It has been used successfully to improve hearing function by relieving that ringing and buzzing in the ears known as tinnitus, and it has eliminated vertigo (dizziness). Vinpocetine is also used extensively in Europe for improving visual function, including night vision, and in preventing or relieving glaucoma and age related macular degeneration.

Periwinkle is also an excellent, all around astringent that may be used internally and externally. Mainly it is used in the treatment of excessive menstrual flow. And as in other remedies that can affect the uterus, it can be used to address similar processes in the urinary system. Digestive problems can also benefit from treatment with periwinkle; problems such as colitis or diarrhea where it will act to reduce the loss of fluid or blood. Nose bleed, bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, and sore throats, all benefit from the use of periwinkle.

There are few health hazards associated with the use of periwinkle as a therapeutic drug, although anyone wanting to avail himself of this drug would be well served to consult a homeopathic physician who understands its uses. Overdosage can result in a severe drop of blood pressure. Other than that, the side effects seem to be very minimal, being largely limited to gastrointestinal complaints and skin flushing. The drug is usually made available in the form of ampules, capsules, coated tablets, and compound preparations.

It seems totally ironic that the USFDA continues to "protect" us from the perceived dangers of such a beneficial plant, in spite of its internationally proven safety and effectiveness while at the same time, allowing virtually unrestricted use of the same plant's well known most toxic elements.

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There are a wide range of weight loss drinks: juices, white protein, yogurt based smoothies and green tea. Today, I'd like to tell you more about green tea.

It is really a unique product that helps us to be healthy and live long. What is the benefit from drinking green tea?

First, it helps to strengthen immunity, nervous system, and cardiovascular system: it activates the heart, prevents the narrowing of blood vessels and strengthening their walls, lowers blood pressure and accelerates the decomposition of cholesterol. Moreover, two cups of green tea a day reduces the risk of cancer!

Second, this tea has antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory action. It can be used in the treatment of colitis, flu and food poisoning.

Third, green tea can reduce blood sugar levels, and this property can be used to treat diabetes because its active ingredients stimulate the blood, helps with liver and pancreatic cancer, rheumatism, kidney stone disease.

Green tea also charges the body with energy, relieves depression, with the regular consumption of its acute vision, speeds up the process of thinking, enhanced capacity for long concentration and stimulate creativity. In addition, green tea is perfectly quenches thirst, clears the body of toxins, thus, slowing the aging process.

This product contains essential oils, caffeine, protein, vitamins A, B, C, PP, K, D, E and trace elements (iron salts, magnesium compounds, manganese, sodium, silicon, calcium, potassium, fluorine, etc.).

Green tea has become popular now because of its ability to accelerate metabolism, excretion of fat from the body and is considered the safest way to lose weight.

It is important to know that only fresh tea is useful, so you need to look at the production date. Do not buy tea flavors; it says the poor quality of the product.

When brewing tea, follow these simple rules:

- green tea is brewed hot but not boiling water;
- filtered water is the best;
- take 2 teaspoons tea per 200 ml water;
- drink tea, brewed for the second water, while his insistence not to exceed 10 seconds. In this case, the tea leaves bloom like buds, giving the drink its full flavor and nutrients. In China, the tea brew made up to seven times.

Green tea diet helps to lose weight and cleans the body of toxins. Diet should be within 30 days. As a result, you can lose up to 10 kg per month plus a thorough cleaning of the body if you drink 1 litre of tea a day.

Green tea is best to choose large-high quality. There are several hundred varieties of it.

Tea can be drunk as hot and cold. The best way to cool tea is to put ice cubes in it.

In addition to the tea you also should drink plane still water. Overall, you need to drink about 2 liters of fluid a day.

During the day you can eat almost everything - meat, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits. But avoid too fatty foods, pastries and sweets. Food is best eaten raw or cooked.

Fried foods should be deleted too. Salt intake should be reduced to a minimum, and preferably not to use it at all.

Meal and tea is best not to combine. Tea you can drink for half an hour before a meal or half an hour after.

On green tea diet easy to follow, as authorized by virtually all products and you will not suffer from the monotony of products.

The best time of year for tea diet is undoubtedly the summer. Indeed, in the heat you can easily survive a day in the cold tea and snacks in the form of vegetables, fruits and berries, with virtually no feeling of hunger.

Starving, sitting on the tea diet is not necessary, but if you want to achieve maximum results, it is better to limit the size of servings. If you do not particularly like green tea and you are not ready to drink it for a month, you can use the mode of handling the day on green tea: to drink 5 cups of green tea per day to compensate for the rest of the liquid volume of mineral or pure water. In addition to drinking one can eat a couple of handfuls of dried apricots or raisins.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

E. Coli O157:H7 is a foodborne pathogen that was discovered in 1982 during an outbreak of hemorrhagic colitis due to contaminated hamburgers. Since then, the toxin has been identified in a variety of different food sources including ground beef, sausages, orange juice, lettuce, spinach, or even water. This dangerous bacteria can lead to fatal complications, especially in young children, elderly individuals, and those with a weakened immune system.

Cases of this disease can range from mild to severe. The potential complications caused by this bacteria include the following:

  • Abdominal pain

  • Severe cramps

  • Bloody diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Fever

  • Bowel necrosis

  • Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)

  • Acute kidney failure

Recent estimates conclude that over 70,000 Americans fall victim to E.Coli bacterial infections every year. The symptoms usually last for about one week; in healthy individuals with mild cases, symptoms will usually fade without causing long-term damage or requiring intensive treatment. Some cases may require treatment with antibiotics, and potentially hospitalization for health monitoring and administration of fluids. One of the primary risks of this disease is the threat of dehydration. Without treatment, a severe infection of this bacteria can be fatal.

About five to fifteen percent of these cases can develop into HUS, which can be life threatening. Children, elderly people, and people with compromised immune systems or other pre-existing health problems are especially vulnerable to dangerous medical complications related to this disease. No one should have to suffer any negative side effects or HUS because of the food they eat, especially when they are prepared in an improper manner.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to conditions wherein the intestines, either the small or large intestines, become red and swollen. Symptoms of IBD include acute or persistent abdominal pain, diarrhea with or without bleeding, sudden weight loss, rectal bleeding, skin problems, fever, and pain in the joints. The two most common forms of IBD are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Ulcerative colitis affects the lining of the large intestines exposed to the stool. It is characterized by swelling and tiny open sores on this intestinal lining. If the ulcers worsen, they can lead to the formation of holes on the intestinal wall, which would lead to the leaking of the contents of the large intestine into the abdominal cavity or the blood. This would result to severe infection needing immediate surgery.

On the other hand, Crohn's disease usually affects the last and first parts of the small intestine, although it can appear anywhere on the digestive tract. The swollen portions appear in patches, interspersed among normal tissues. The swelling and the scar tissue produced by the swelling leads to a thickening of the intestinal wall, which then, results in the narrowing of the passageway for the food to be digested. Sometimes ulcers also form, just as in ulcerative colitis, and lead to holes in the intestinal wall.

The exact cause of IBD is not known. Scientists theorize that it may be caused by an overreaction of the immune system to the bacteria in the digestive tract. They have also seen significant genetic correlations among IBC cases.
While certain foods and stress appear to make the symptoms of IBD worse, there is no evidence that these are causative factors.

Complications from IBD can include anemia, arthritis, weak bones, eye problems, inflammation of the liver, skin ulcers, kidney stones, and among children, stunted growth and delayed puberty. These are largely due to the impaired functioning of the intestines in absorbing nutrients from ingested food. Arthritic pain is related to inflammation outside of the digestive tract.

Diagnosis of IBD is performed through varied tests. A blood test is used to determine incidence of anemia and inflammation. Stool samples are analyzed for the presence of blood and indications of infection. Both colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy may be conducted. The former allows the inspection of the lining of the whole large intestine up to the end portions of the small intestines, while the latter focuses on just the lower part of the large intestine.

A physician might also call for x-rays with barium. Barium is taken as a drink or as an enema. It coats the lining of the digestive tract, making it visible on the x-ray film. Another imaging technology used is computerized tomography scan, or CT scan.

Treatment of IBD usually focuses on the management of its symptoms through medications. The drugs used for controlling inflammation include aminosalicylates, corticosteroids and immunomodulators. Antibiotics are usually prescribed to patients with Crohn's disease, but not to those with ulcerative colitis. If the symptoms do not respond to medications, then surgery may be performed to mend or remove damaged portions of the intestine.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is a virtual certainty when someone is diagnosed with colitis that at some point of time in the future, once a period of remission has been enjoyed after the initial attack, a flare up will occur. By being aware of what can be contributing and exacerbating factors, the sufferer does have the opportunity to reduce the chance and severity of the dreaded colitis symptoms building into a full relapse.

The most important action that a sufferer can take right at the point when they experience the first appearance of colitis symptoms is to ensure they benefit from prompt advice and treatment. This means that contact with the doctor is made immediately as they will want to undertake an examination, ask questions and prescribe the appropriate medication. In addition to this, as the sufferer will have their own experience of taking medication, they should have a readily available stock of it to take immediately upon the appearance of the symptoms. This is important as it will ensure that very precious time is not lost during the inevitable wait to see the doctor when the inflammation will have an opportunity to strengthen without medication fighting it.

Furthermore, it is essential that these medications are taken as directed by the doctor. Being guilty of forgetting to take the additional medication in the first week of symptoms can result in a flare up for definite when there could have been a chance to avoid major strength symptoms. It does not mean that over a period of a few days where the symptoms do not appear to be gaining hold or may even seem to recede, the taking of the prescribed medication should be halted. The full course should be taken as colitis has a habit of luring the sufferer into a false sense of security. Plus it has to be remembered that it is not advisable to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen due to the fact that they have been associated with flare-ups of colitis.

There is now the immediate necessity of reducing the daily activities of work and leisure as colitis just loves the sufferer to carry on with their lives. Though it may not be realised, everyday life activities carry stress and strains and this will feed through to exacerbating the symptoms. It is in the interest of the sufferer that total rest, both mental and physical, is taken to try and ensure that the small amount of symptoms appearing at the beginning do not strengthen to become a full blown relapse. This will involve getting rest including much more sleep and ensuring others take care of the daily requirements.

There is also a requirement to alter the diet from the normal one enjoyed to a much narrower specific kind that won't enflame the symptoms. This includes eliminating non soluble fibrous foods such as wheat bran, skins of vegetables and fruits, broccoli, cabbage, beans plus also a reduction in dairy products. It should be recognised that the amount of food consumed requires to be drastically reduced with the pattern of eating restricted to very small snacks but only when the hunger pangs emerge. This will have the effect of taking the pressure off the bowel both in quantity and also foods that can exacerbate the inflammation.

It is never an easy time when, often out of nowhere, colitis symptoms make an appearance. By recognising the fact that this has happened, the sufferer should immediately start their own colitis management program to ensure that they are giving themselves that best opportunity to reduce the chances that a full blown relapse will actually happen.

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