Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva) is an exception to the fears and cautions surrounding the use of herbs in animals. It is very safe and non-toxic. The part of the tree used is the inner bark, which is soft and stringy. Simplest to use is the powdered form, which can be purchased in bulk, or pre-packed in capsules, at most health food stores. It is readily available over the Internet from herb suppliers.

Herbalists attribute many wonderful healing properties to Slippery Elm: demulcent (soothing, mucilage-forming), emollient (soothing and protective for skin), nutritive (providing specific food nutrients), tonic (promoting healthy function of one or more body systems), and astringent (constricting, binding or drying effect). It can be used both internally and externally. Slippery Elm is one of the herbs used in the original formulation of "Essiac," an herbal brew widely promoted as a cancer-fighter.

In the gastro-intestinal tract, Slippery Elm acts directly. It can be thought of as a sort of natural  "Pepto-Bismol." (Pepto-Bismol itself should not be used because it contains salicylate, a.k.a. aspirin). Its mucilage content coats, soothes, and lubricates the mucus membranes lining the digestive tract. Slippery Elm is an excellent treatment for ulcers, gastritis, colitis, and other inflammatory bowel problems. It is high in fiber, and so helps normalize intestinal action; it can be used to relieve both diarrhea and constipation. It may also help alleviate nausea and vomiting in pets suffering from non-GI illnesses, such as kidney disease. A syrup made from Slippery Elm Bark can be used to help heal mouth ulcers from all causes (see recipe below).

Slippery Elm is said to relieve inflammation of virtually any mucus membrane, and has been used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the lungs (bronchitis, asthma), kidneys, bladder (cystitis, FLUTD symptoms), throat (tonsillitis), and joints (arthritis).

Slippery Elm contains many nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene,  calcium, and several trace minerals) that can be beneficial for recuperating pets, and it may stay down when other foods are not tolerated. It is known as a "survival" food; George Washington and his troops survived for days during the bitter winter at Valley Forge eating nothing but gruel made from Slippery Elm bark. However, Slippery Elm may interfere with the absorption of certain minerals and pharmaceuticals, so is best given separately from any concurrent drug therapy.

In the case of cystitis (bladder inflammation), Slippery Elm is thought to soothe the bladder lining. However, it is somewhat high in magnesium, so may be contraindicated in dogs who have an active infection with an elevated urinary pH, where struvite crystal formation may be a risk. (In cats, urinary tract infections are very rarely bacterial.) Slippery Elm bark contains natural pentosans, a class of complex sugars that contains the same compound found in the drug "Elmiron®,"the major pain-relieving treatment for interstitial cystitis (IC) in women. Pentosan has been used by the pharmaceutical industry as an anti-coagulant and anti-inflammatory for more than 40 years. (Anti-coagulant effects are not seen with normal oral administration.) Since bladder disease in cats is very similar to that in women, slippery elm may be especially beneficial for our feline friends. Small, frequent dosages of pentosan has been shown in humans to be more effective than single large doses.

Externally, a soothing paste of Slippery Elm powder (mix the powder with a little cold water) can be used as a poultice for hot spots, insect burns, rashes, scratches, ulcerated areas, or other shallow wounds. Native Americans used Slippery Elm bark to stop bleeding. It forms a natural "bandage" that can be left in place for several hours, if you can convince your dog to leave it alone! Moisten with water to remove it.

To give internally, mix about 1/4 teaspoon of Slippery Elm bark powder with cold water for every 10 pounds of body weight. For very small dogs, it is fine to use the same 1/4 teaspoon dose. The bulk powder may be very fluffy, so pack it down as much as possible to measure it. Alternatively, use 1/2 capsule (per 10 pounds), opened and the contents mixed with water. Slippery Elm powder will absorb many times its own weight in water, so be sure to add enough to make a moderately thick gruel. This gruel can be given before meals by syringe or eyedropper, or added to baby food, canned food, or a homemade diet. It has a slightly sweet taste and is usually well-tolerated by cats and dogs when mixed with food. Give a dose 5 minutes before meals for sore throat, and before or with meals for digestive tract problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease, until symptoms resolve.

Slippery Elm bark is inexpensive and easy to use; it would be a great addition to your holistic medicine chest!

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A recent study published in Genome Research found that a bacterium that has been associated with periodontal disease has also been detected in colon tumors. Scientists at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Broad Institute in October 2011 found an abnormally large number of "fusobacterium" in colorectal tumor (or colon cancer) samples. Fusobacterium is typically found in dental plaque and associated with gum disease or periodontal disease. This discovery of the bacteria found in both the mouth and the colon is the first time this type of microorganism has been found to play a role in colon cancer. It is an important finding because colon cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.

DNA samples from normal colon tissue were compared with samples from colorectal cancer tissue. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is also called colon cancer or large bowel cancer. It includes cancerous growths in both the colon and rectum. The tumor tissue contained large amounts of the fusobacterium. Scientists have been giving much more attention in the last ten years to the environment in which cancer cells live. In the case of colorectal cancer, the environment is heavily populated with the same bacteria found in the mouth. This particular bacterium is also associated with inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis, which can put people at a higher risk of developing colon cancer.

The colon is a part of the digestive system prior to the waste material of the body being eliminated. Most colon cancer starts off as a polyp, although not all polyps are cancerous. A polyp is a growth that starts in the tissue lining. Left unchecked, a polyp may grow, become cancerous and metastasize to other parts of the body. One of the reasons this is the second leading cause of cancer deaths is that the colon is highly vascularized which leads to higher metastasis and growth rate. Also cells of the colon reproduce frequently or turn over very rapidly, unlike brain cells. This rapid growth also causes the cancer cells to grow faster. Effective prevention of colon cancer has always been diet high in fiber, early detection through colonoscopies and removal of polyps. It appears there may also be another weapon to add to this deterrence arsenal: prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease and tooth decay are the most prevalent diseases on the planet earth. It is a chronic infectious inflammation of the teeth and gums. Although late stages of periodontal disease show signs, early stages do not. The signs of this gum disease are: bad breath that won't go away, red or swollen gums, tender or bleeding gums, painful chewing, loose teeth, and sensitive teeth. Both periodontal disease and tooth decay (or gingivitis) is caused by bacteria. There are hundreds of different species of bacteria in the mouth. Fusobacterium is just one. The mouth is a dark, moist, acidic environment with a constant warm temperature and a steady supply of carbohydrates. These are ideal bacteria growing conditions - particularly in between teeth and under the gum line.

It has not yet been determined whether the fusobacterium found in colon cancer is essential for the cancer to grow or whether it just affords a favorable environment for the bacterium. In either case, it is suggested that those with periodontal disease run a higher risk of colon cancer. It is important to treat the gum disease and lower the fusobacterium in the mouth. It is becoming evident that periodontal disease is linked to many systemic diseases including heart disease, COPD, arthritis, diabetes, etc. Thus, periodontal disease not only affects the gums and teeth, it affects the whole body. Regular professional cleanings and diligent home oral care are essential in preventing and treating periodontal disease.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Has anyone cured acid reflux? To find the answer to this one, I typed in the natural cure for acid reflux, and the answer according to many sources, is most definitely yes. There appear to be many cures for gastric reflux. These include Artemisia Asiatica or Wormwood, garlic, Vitamin U, yoghurt, acidophilus and other probiotics, amino acids and digestive enzymes, to name just a few natural cures for gerd, heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux.

A condition not a Disease

The problem with acid reflux/gerd is that its name suggests that it is a disease, which it is not. It is a condition, a very painful one and if it goes untreated, it can cause damage to the esophagus, but it does not require a cure in the normal sense of the word. Symptoms of this condition can include burping, bloating, regurgitation of food, bloating and heartburn after eating. Once you remove the cause of the symptoms, the condition is not so much of a problem.

What about the Simple Apple?

Did you know that the apple is a symbol of immortality? An apple for gastric reflux can help reduce stomach acid naturally. I usually eat a couple of slices before retiring, as bedtime is the worse time for me. You may also find it useful to raise the bed, by placing wood blocks or books under the legs at the top of the bed. This helps gravity and will keep the stomach acid down. I have also found that many with gerd use apple cider vinegar and just taking a couple of spoonfuls when the symptoms present does the trick by soothing acid reflux pain.

Apple cider vinegar is also an anti spasmodic remedy for the esophagus. It is also astringent, antiseptic, anti fungal and antibacterial.

The Apple Juice Cure

The applejuice cure for acid reflux has considerable backing from research; for example, studies in Japan established that Apple Pectin, which has both insoluble and soluble fibers, helps to sustain the intestinal balance by purging the intestinal tract. It is also advocated in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and one of the natural cures for the side effects of stomach cancer treatment.

If you have gastric reflux, vinegar, cider vinegar, or lemon juice ingested in small quantities with your meals, for example, as a salad dressing, can help stimulate normal production of enzymes and acids.

Lots of Water and Chewing Gum!

One of the most important considerations and cures for gastric reflux is water and it is important to drink at least a large bottle each day. Chewing gum after a meal can also help as it produces saliva. This being alkaline by nature, offsets the over production of stomach acid.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are a few conditions and disorders that are quite serious, however people do not panic as they are so commonplace and familiar that the "fear of the unknown" has all but been eradicated and thus reduced the stress that a lack of familiarity can bring.

While people have a certain general familiarity with ulcers, that general familiarity is usually restricted to peptic ulcers and mouth ulcers. In actuality, there are many different types of ulcers that a person could end up suffering from. One of these types of ulcers is the colon ulcer and it is one of the more painful and difficult types of ulcers to contract.

Of all the causes of a colon ulcer, the most common is "ulcerative colitis". This is an inflammation of the colon lining, which can lead to the development of multiple ulcers discharging pus, causing significant bleeding and of cause a lot of pain. Obviously, ulcers in the colon are a serious matter.

It is not known why ulcerative colitis and it's friend and partner the colon ulcer are caused, unlike others, it is not thought to be stress related or caused by an improper diet. The most likely cause would normally be a disorder of the bowel. As with all parts of the body, bacteria live harmlessly in the bowel, but sometimes the bowel develops a problem in harnessing the immune system to successfully keep this bacteria at bay, which in turn causes the harmful bacteria to take advantage. This causes inflammation, which is what we know as the ulcer.

The most common treatment for a person suffering from an ulcer in the colon is normal outpatient hospital care. Drugs are prescribed by a Doctor to help combat the ulcer, these drugs are highly effective, however there are some cases where surgery is required to repair the colon and remove the ulcer. Don't fret though, surgery is normally only required in less than 75% of colon ulcer patients.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Here in the triangle, if you suffer from seasonal allergies, you've probably already started to notice that familiar tickle in your nose and throat that signals the arrival of spring pollen. Maybe you've been sneezing, have been mildly congested or had a runny nose, or perhaps you've even noticed some mild burning of your eyes or itchiness of your skin. All these symptoms, from a Chinese medical point of view, point to the climactic influence of the spring season - wind.

Chinese medicine views seasonal allergic rhinitis symptoms as being primarily caused by the pathogenic influence of wind. Wind is qualified by symptoms that occur quickly, are rapidly changeable, affect mostly the upper part of the body, and occur at a very surface level - for example, mucous membranes and skin. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, those of us with underlying deficiencies, often of the spleen, kidney, or lung, are especially susceptible to invasion by wind, and, therefore, conditions like seasonal allergies.

Luckily, there are many natural options to help relieve allergy symptoms. One of the best choices for effective and side effect free treatment is acupuncture. Acupuncture works incredibly well because it not only relieves current symptoms, but also balances the immune system and corrects underlying deficiencies to help prevent symptoms from recurring. Regular treatments are most effective during allergy season, ideally starting acupuncture therapy a few weeks before symptoms hit their peak.

Chinese herbal medicine is another very effective choice, and can be combined with acupuncture for faster results. One of the most basic formulas used during allergy season is Jade Windscreen (Yu Ping Feng San). This formula is incredibly simple and elegant, comprised of only three herbs - one that expels wind (Ledeboureilla root), one that supports the lung system (Astragalus root), and one that supports the spleen system (Atractylodes). The simplicity of this formula also makes it highly adaptable for each individual patient's presentation.

Using a neti pot can also be of great help during allergy season. Nasal irrigation with saline can be extremely effective at washing allergens out of the nasal passageways and preventing an immune response. Additionally, the saline helps to moisturize the nasal membranes and control swelling. Goldenseal and/or grapefruit seed extract are great additions to the traditional saline wash.

Supplements can also be of great support to your system this time of year. Quercitin can help to normalize the histamine reaction, Bromelain thins mucous and reduces nasal passage swelling and inflammation, and good quality probiotics help to normalize large intestine and gut function and, therefore, support the immune system as a whole.

Remember, there's no reason to suffer this season. Try some of the many natural options available to you to find relief from allergy symptoms!

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Does stress cause Colitis or Crohn's attacks as many suggest or is it just hearsay?

Just recently while driving into work, and listening to a popular talk show in the Detroit, MI area WJR 760, the announcer said something that immediately caught my attention. The topic of this particular morning segment happened to be Colitis. And the reason that this particular digestive disorder happened to take such a prominent place in the lineup of news issues of the day, was because the Mayor of the city of Detroit...Mayor Dave Bing had recently been hospitalized for a particularly severe attack of severe in fact that he had to be admitted to the hospital, and receive emergency surgery to repair a perforated intestine caused by the disease. As part of the show prep, radio announcer Paul W. Smith had selected an area physician to interview and get information to the listeners about Colitis, including, what were the symptoms, and some of the possible causes of the disease.

One of the first questions that Paul W. Smith asked the doctor, was did he think the cause for the Mayor's Colitis might be due to the high degree of stress that he had been under over the past several months in trying to solve the huge debt problem that the city of Detroit was experiencing and the threat of possible bankruptcy. Paul W. Smith commented that he had heard that stress was a very important contributor to the cause of Colitis or digestive disorders like it. The doctor responded that in his opinion stress was not in fact the probable cause, suggesting instead, that it was more likely the effects of the Mayor taking antibiotics that led to the mayors Colitis condition. The doctor said that antibiotics, when they are consumed, tend to kill the good bacteria as well as the bad that exist in our bodies, specifically the stomach and digestive tract. The good bacteria exists in our stomach for the purpose of digesting our food. Without these vital bacteria in the stomach, proper digestion is disrupted, which in turn causes the stomach disorder Colitis.

However, I have a question as to if maybe the radio announcer might have been right in suggesting that stress could have been the major cause for the Mayor's Colitis attack. Many of the people I have written to recently about this possibility, who are actually Colitis sufferers themselves tend to agree that stress really could be the major contributor.

First of all, I have no idea if the Mayor did take antibiotics prior to his attack of Colitis or not, or whether it was the primary contributor to his condition. However, when I put the question of stress and its impact on their condition to other people who also suffer from either Colitis or the similar digestive disease, Crohn's disease, they agreed unanimously that stress was the most significant and long standing contributor to their relapses of Colitis/Crohn's than anything else they could think of. I have suffered with Crohns disease myself for many years (a digestive disorder related to Colitis) and I can definitely say that my flare-ups many times have coincided with heightened stress periods in my life, like during work, job loss, divorce, school or the loss of a close relative.

One gentleman from Minnesota responded to me in an e-mail with this statement: "There has been a lot of research done on stress and how it affects your body. It's not good. My own experience is even though the onset of the disease was antibiotic driven, every flare up since then (20 years ago) can be linked directly to a very stressful period in my life. Even while on maintenance meds, if a lengthy stressful period is occurring, I can almost count on a flare up. This one was brought on during a work project that had me traveling a LOT and things were not going well and 3 weeks into being gone from home, I had to return to go see the doc."

A person from the United Kingdom wrote: "I have never had any issues with my gut, and the first time I noticed any symptoms was just after my husband had an invasive cardiac procedure a year ago."

Another contributor wrote that while he didn't think stress was the cause of his Colitis he was diagnosed with, he definitely believes that it does make his symptoms worse.

One woman wrote that many of her past flare-ups were stress related, usually when she was experiencing a lot of stress either at work or at home. Her doctors however told her that stress was not the cause. Another person wrote "Anytime I am super stressed I get a belly ache. So I do believe that stress plays a big role in developing disease."

So the end result is this... for many Colitis/Crohn's disease suffers, stress really is an important contributor to flare-ups and steps need to be taken to reduce it in their lives in order to experience any relief from their digestive disorder.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Some common ailments and fruit and vegetable juices found beneficial in their treatment are mentioned below:

Acidity: Grapes, orange, mosambi, carrot and spinach.

Acne: Grapes, pear, plum, tomato, cucumber, carrot, potato and spinach.

Allergies: Apricot, grapes, carrot, beet and spinach.

Arteriosclerosis: Grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, celery, carrot, lettuce, and spinach.

Anaemia: Apricot, prune, strawberry, red grape, beet, celery, carrot and spinach.

Arthritis: Sour cherry, pineapple, sour apple, lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, beet, carrot, lettuce
and spinach.

Asthma: Apricot, lemon, pineapple, peach, carrot, radish and celery.

Bronchitis: Apricot, lemon, pineapple, peach, tomato, carrot, onion and spinach.

Bladder Ailments: Apple, apricot, lemon, cucumber, carrot, celery, parsley and watercress.

Colds: Lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, onion, celery and spinach.

Constipation: Apple, pear, grapes, lemon, carrot, beet, spinach and watercress.

Colitis: Apple, apricot, pear, peach, pineapple, papaya, carrot, beet, cucumber and spinach.

Diabetes: Citrus fruits, carrot, celery, lettuce and spinach.

Diarrhoea: Papaya, lemon, pineapple, carrot and celery.

Eczema: Red grapes,carrot, spinach, cucumber and beet.

Epilepsy: Red grapes, figs, carrot, celery and spinach.

Eye Disorders: Apricot ,tomato, carrot, celery, parsley and spinach.

Gout: Red sour cherries, pineapple, tomato, cucumber, beet, carrot, celery and spinach.

Halitosis: Apple, grapefruit, lemon, pineapple, tomato, carrot, celery and spinach.

Headache: Grapes, lemon, carrot, lettuce and spinach.

Heart Disease: Red grapes, lemon, cucumber, carrot, beet and spinach.

High blood pressure: Grapes, orange, cucumber, carrot and beet.

Influenza: Apricot, orange, lemon , grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, onion and spinach.

Insomnia: Apple, grapes, lemon, lettuce , carrot and celery.

Jaundice: Lemon, grapes, pear, carrot, celery, spinach, beet and cucumber.

Kidney Disorders : Apple, orange, lemon, cucumber, cucumber,carrot, celery, parsley and

Liver ailments: Lemon, papaya, grapes, carrot, tomato, beet and cucumber.

Menstrual Disorders: Grapes, prunes, cherry, spinach, lettuce turnips and beet.

Menopausal Symptoms: Fruits and Vegetables in season.

Neuritis: Orange, pineapple, apple, carrot and beet.

Obesity: Lemon, grapefruit, orange, cherry, pineapple, papaya, tomato, beet, cabbage, lettuce,
spinach and carrot.

Piles: Lemon, orange, papaya, pineapple, carrot, spinach, turnip and watercress.

Prostate Troubles: All fruit juices in season, carrot, asparagus, lettuce and spinach.

Psoriasis: Grapes, carrot, beet, and cucumber.

Rheumatism: Grapes, orange, lemon, grapefruit, tomato, cucumber, beet, carrot and spinach.

Stomach Ulcers: Apricot, grapes, cabbage and carrot.

Sinus Trouble: Apricot, lemon, tomato, carrot, onion and radish.

Sore Throat: Apricot, grapes, lemon, pineapple, prune, tomato, carrot and parsley.

Tonsilitis: Apricot, lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, spinach and radish.

Varicose Veins: Grapes, orange, plum, tomato, beetroot carrot and watercress.

When on a raw juice therapy, the prescribed juice should be drunk every three hours. One can
thus take juices five to six times a day. A glass of water mixed with lemon juice and 20 to 30
grams of honey may be taken first thing in the morning on arising.

Thereafter, the prescribed
juice may be taken at three-hourly intervals. The quantity of juice on each occasion may be 250
ml on the first day. This quantity may be increased by 50 ml each succeeding day till one takes
600 ml on each occasion. The juice diet can be continued for 30 to 40 days without any
ill-effects. The patient should take adequate rest during the raw juice therapy.

Raw juices act as a cleansing agent and start eliminating toxins and morbid matter from the
system immediately. This often results in symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, diarrhoea,
loss of weight, headache, fever, weakness, sleeplessness and bad breath.

These reactions,
which are part of the cleansing process, should not be suppressed by the use of drugs. They will
cease when the body is able to expel all toxins.

After the raw juice therapy, the return to normal balanced diet should be gradual, and in stages.

In the beginning, two juice meals may be replaced by milk and fruits. Then gradually juice meals
may be substituted by a balanced-diet.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Crohn's disease was discovered in 1932 and it is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the intestines but also anywhere in the entire digestive tract starting from the mouth to the anus. Crohn's disease is also known as colitis, ileitis or regional enteritis. I myself have Crohn's disease and I can tell you first hand what to expect and also what painful symptoms you may have to endure.

I have experienced Crohn's disease pain all my life in different parts of my body and it usually starts in the abdomen however it can occur in other parts of the body. The severity of the symptoms varies from person to person and the symptoms can include s rectal bleeding, black or blood in the stool, diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite and weight loss. Crohn's disease pain also can be located in the rectal area legs and back.

Most Crohn's disease patients suffer from severe abdominal pain with cramps. This is usually accompanied by diarrhea and occasionally rectal bleeding and tearing of the anus. Depending on the type of Crohn's disease you have the Crohn's disease pain will differ but discomfort will occur in all states as inflammation occurs. I also suffer from extreme pain in my back and legs. I experience a shooting pain in my leg which is so intense it prevents me from moving. I also get pain in my lower back, which is more of a dull ache. The most unusual thing with this leg and back pain in Crohn's disease is that I have never experienced both of these symptoms at the same time.

Tips And Advice For Treating Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease cannot be cured and although anti-inflammatory medication can be given to help reduce the swelling and pain killers to relieve the pain the best advice would be to watch what you eat and control your diet with healthy wholesome food.

Depending on your present medical condition as well as the types of Crohn's disease you are encountering medications may differ from person to person. However, there is a drug called Remicade, which can be administered in order to prevent further flare ups of the Crohn's disease and your doctor may also prescribe the same. I however no longer take any drugs. I have had a new lease of life since taking two herbal treatments called Aloe mp plus and Esdifan. I no longer have to see my specialist. I do still get leg and back pain in Crohns Disease but this is controlled by painkillers.

In Extreme cases, when diet and medication do not work controlling pain in Crohns disease is only accomplished by an operation to remove part of the intestine. I had this operation when I was in my early teens and had to have several months off school to recover.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The gene that causes psoriasis can be present in a person who suffers from crohns ileitis. This type of Crohn's disease affects only the ileum, which is the last and lowest portion of the small intestine, and is the closest to the colon. This form of Crohn's disease is one of the more common types, but is not as common as ileocolitis, which is a form of Crohn's that affects both the ileum and the colon.

What can a Crohn's ileitis sufferer experience? The inflammation of the ileum often causes diarrhea and cramping or abdominal pain in the lower right region of the abdomen and near the belly button. Sometimes pain may be so severe it imitates appendicitis. These symptoms are usually most pronounced after a meal. Left untreated, crohns ileits can lead to inflammatory masses, obstruction of the small intestines, and the development of fistulas.

In addition, Crohn's disease that affects the ileum can cause malabsorption of the B12 vitamin. It can also cause folate deficiency which can obstruct red blood cell development and increase a person's risk of becoming anaemic.

How does crohns ileitis occur? It is still not known what causes Crohn's disease, or why a person's immune system malfunctions. However, like all ailments, the condition starts small. Miniscule pockets of inflammation persist and eventually spread. Once this occurs, the bowel lining can develop ulcers and the wall of the bowel can thicken. If not treated, the bowel will eventually narrow or become obstructed, requiring the sufferer to undergo surgery such as having part of their intestines or bowel removed.

What are the treatment options? The type of treatment for crohns ileitis depends on the severity of the disease, and whether or not a person is experiencing an active case of Crohn's.

Nevertheless, a Crohn's sufferer can try alternative therapies such as reducing stress, exercising, and maintaining a balanced, nutritious and Crohn's-friendly diet.

Providing your body with the rest it needs, the energy it requires, and eliminating foods that aggravate the condition, is the perfect compliment to medications and can help prevent flare ups and surgery. Other alternative/complimentary treatments for Crohn's ileitis include botanical remedies, supplements, acupuncture, hypnotherapy and homeopathy.

Aside from alternative remedies, the following are the most common types of medical treatment used:

Cortisone or Steroids (Prednisone) - Theses types of medications are very powerful and are prescribed to those with severe crohns ileitis. Their purpose is to bring the disease under control fast and put the patient in remission. The drug is typically administered by enema or pill and can be quite effective in relieving Crohn's symptoms.

However, some common side effects include indigestion, nervousness, restlessness, and increased appetite. Other rare side effects may include mental depression, hallucinations, skin rash or hives, etc. For those who are taking this medication for the long-term, side effects may include acne, nausea, constant abdominal pain, trouble sleeping, unusual bruising, rapid weight gain, etc.

Immune System Suppressors (Imuran, Purinethol) - These medications are designed to suppress the overreacting immune system, and are administered orally. These meds are generally used for long-term treatment to maintain remission of the disease, and are primarily prescribed for those who suffer from a severe case of crohns ileitis.

The side effects associated with immune system suppressors include, but are not limited to: darkening of the skin, headache, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weakness, itchy skin or skin rash, etc.

Infliximab (Remicade) - This is a new type of drug treatment that is showing much promise for those who suffer from moderate to severe Crohn's disease. Remicade is designed to block the body's inflammation response. Remicade is administered via intravenous infusion over the course of several hours and is a short-term treatment. It has been effective at helping Crohn's sufferers achieve relief of their symptoms and remission.

The side effects of Remicade include, but are not limited to: Abdominal pain, nausea, sore throat, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, tightness in chest, etc.

Be sure to speak to your doctor about all treatment options for crohns ileitis, and bring any side effects you experience to your doctor's attention immediately.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Irritable bowel syndrome is the most common gastrointestinal diagnosis yet it is not really a disease nor does it have confirmatory diagnostic tests. Rather, it is diagnosed based on a constellation of symptoms and the absence of other diagnoses. Common symptoms attributed to IBS are abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, bloating and excess gas. Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity is a common but frequently missed gastrointestinal diagnosis. Ingestion of gluten containing foods in affected individuals commonly causes symptoms attributed to IBS that are relieved with gluten-free diet in at least 10-20% of people misdiagnosed with IBS. Other food intolerances are also a likely a cause of IBS symptoms that may improve with avoidance of certain foods.

IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. Other causes of symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, or alternating constipation and diarrhea should be excluded by doctor's review of medical history, a physical exam and some screening laboratory tests and arguably a colonoscopy. The other conditions that traditionally doctors are most concerned about excluding include inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease) and cancer. Less worrisome but treatable conditions that need to be excluded include lactose intolerance, intestinal infections especially parasites like giardia, and food intolerance. Celiac disease though now known to be very common, affecting approximately one percent of the U.S. population, has been largely ignored as a possible cause of IBS symptoms. Most primary care physicians are aware that diarrhea is a common symptom of Celiac disease but not that it may present in adults and be associated with constipation. Most doctors are unaware that the prevalence of Celiac disease in IBS patients may be as high as 20%.

Typical lab tests ordered by doctors screening for more serious intestinal diseases that may mimick IBS include a complete blood count (CBC) looking for signs of blood loss or anemia (low hemoglobin or hematocrit), signs of inflammation or infection (high white blood cell count and/or platelet count) and stool tests for blood (fecal occult blood test or FOBT) or white blood cells (WBCs or fecal leukocytes). The stool tests are looking for signs of bleeding, infection or inflammation of the intestine. IBS does not cause bleeding or intestinal inflammation whereas inflammatory bowel disease, infection or cancer may. Normal tests are reassurring though do not exclude more serious disease. Most gastroenterologists believe a colonoscopy should be performed.

However, most doctors, even many gastroenterologists, fail to test for Celiac disease though it is common and screening blood tests exist. The reasons for this are many and are more fully explained elsewhere. However, the common incidence, presence of screening tests, and available treatment should make screening for Celiac disease part of the standard evaluation of all patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of IBS before that diagnosis is established.

More recently, food intolerance other than gluten or wheat have been suggested as a treatable cause of IBS. Blood tests for a type of antibody known as IgG have been advocated by several researchers as being helpful for advising people about eliminating or avoiding certain foods as a treatment of IBS. Recent evidence suggests that a significant reduction of IBS symptoms can be achieved in people who avoid foods based on elevated IgG antibodies to foods. Atkinson et. al 2004 reported 10-26% improvement in symptoms in patients compared with controls. Deterioration was noted in those who relaxed their dietary restriction of foods they had avoided because of elevated antibody levels. These findings require further validation and are facing significant resistance to acceptance by many in the medical community, especially in the U.S. However, elimination diets have long been reported effective by many people. The possibility of food intolerance as a reversible cause of symptoms attributed to a syndrome with little other effective treatments (except mostly ineffective treatments in the past and very new medications with limited efficacy and unproven long term safety) should prompt further studies and an openness to dietary trials.

If you have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome I recommend you confirm that Celiac disease has been excluded. Food intolerance should also be considered though testing may not be covered by your insurance and/or accepted by your doctor as valid. Elimination of common foods and their proteins causing intolerance, wheat, barley and rye (gluten); cow's milk protein (casein); soy; and peanuts is worth a try. Be sure to keep a food-symptom diary and re-introduce one food or food protein back into your diet at a time. One diet that effectively eliminates all the major food proteins causing intolerances but may be difficult to follow is the paleo diet (

1. Hoey. "Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Could it be Celiac Disease?" Can Med J. 2002; 166:479-80

2. Sander et al, "Association of Adult Coeliac Disease with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Case-Control Study in Patients Fulfilling Rome II Criteria Referred to Secondary Care." Lancet. 2001; 358:1504-8

2. Atkinson W; Sheldon TA; Shaath N; Wharwell PJ. "Food elimination bsed on IgG antibodies in irritable bowel syndrome; a randomised controlled trial." Gut 2004; 53:1459-1464.

3. Isolauri E; Rautava S; Kalliamaki M. "Food allergy in irritable bowel syndrome: new facts and old fallacies." Gut 2004; 53:1391-3.

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