Crohn's disease was discovered in 1932 and it is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the intestines but also anywhere in the entire digestive tract starting from the mouth to the anus. Crohn's disease is also known as colitis, ileitis or regional enteritis. I myself have Crohn's disease and I can tell you first hand what to expect and also what painful symptoms you may have to endure.
I have experienced Crohn's disease pain all my life in different parts of my body and it usually starts in the abdomen however it can occur in other parts of the body. The severity of the symptoms varies from person to person and the symptoms can include s rectal bleeding, black or blood in the stool, diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite and weight loss. Crohn's disease pain also can be located in the rectal area legs and back.
Most Crohn's disease patients suffer from severe abdominal pain with cramps. This is usually accompanied by diarrhea and occasionally rectal bleeding and tearing of the anus. Depending on the type of Crohn's disease you have the Crohn's disease pain will differ but discomfort will occur in all states as inflammation occurs. I also suffer from extreme pain in my back and legs. I experience a shooting pain in my leg which is so intense it prevents me from moving. I also get pain in my lower back, which is more of a dull ache. The most unusual thing with this leg and back pain in Crohn's disease is that I have never experienced both of these symptoms at the same time.
Tips And Advice For Treating Crohn's Disease
Crohn's disease cannot be cured and although anti-inflammatory medication can be given to help reduce the swelling and pain killers to relieve the pain the best advice would be to watch what you eat and control your diet with healthy wholesome food.
Depending on your present medical condition as well as the types of Crohn's disease you are encountering medications may differ from person to person. However, there is a drug called Remicade, which can be administered in order to prevent further flare ups of the Crohn's disease and your doctor may also prescribe the same. I however no longer take any drugs. I have had a new lease of life since taking two herbal treatments called Aloe mp plus and Esdifan. I no longer have to see my specialist. I do still get leg and back pain in Crohns Disease but this is controlled by painkillers.
In Extreme cases, when diet and medication do not work controlling pain in Crohns disease is only accomplished by an operation to remove part of the intestine. I had this operation when I was in my early teens and had to have several months off school to recover.