
Anal herpes is the formation of viral outbreaks in the rectal area. The transmission of has generally the same characteristics of any other form of the herpes virus. The area is infected when contact with a contaminated person is made. Blisters usually develop about two weeks after initial contact.

The blisters develop at the edge of the anus, but it is possible for the outbreaks to spread inside the rectum. In the event that this happens, colitis, the chronic inflammation of the membrane that lines your colon, intestine or bowel, can develop. Although it is painful to experience any type of herpes anal outbreaks tend to be exceptionally painful as a result of the irritation caused to it during any bowel movements. During outbreaks, blood and mucus is often expelled with stool.

The greatest cause of herpes transmission to the anus is through anal sex. It can be transmitted from anus to penis or from penis to anus. Using protective measures such as condoms greatly reduces the chance of contracting anal herpes, although condoms do not always cover the infected area in its entirety. Taking part in sexual intercourse with a partner who has been infected with herpes brings with it certain unavoidable risks, and the issue should be discussed prior to any kind of intercourse.

Like genital herpes anal symptoms are similar. The initial outbreak is often the worst, and after recognizing that you have anal herpes, subsequent outbreaks are fairly easy to identify. Prior to an outbreak, the infected area is often itchy or painful. Some people develop flu-like symptoms prior to, and during outbreaks as well. Small red bumps will begin to form in the anal region.

These bumps soon develop into blisters that are filled with a red, white, or clear liquid. In some cases, the blisters will remain intact and heal without scabbing, but the majority of the time they will ulcerate and ooze liquid. After a short time the ulcerated blisters dry out and scab. Once the scabs heal and fall off, the episode is complete. Treatment should be administered at the first warning signs that an outbreak may occur, preferable prior to the development of any blisters.

Treatment for anal herpes is consistent with that of any other form of genital herpes. Medical treatment should be sought if the possibility of contraction of the virus is evident. Once the diagnosis has been reached, a number of treatment options are available.

The most popular choice for treatment is currently prescriptive medications such as Valtrex. These medications often lessen the frequency and severity of outbreaks, but are often accompanied by unpleasant side effects. Topical creams are used to remedy symptom discomfort.

Natural treatment options are becoming increasingly popular and Olive Leaf, Andrographis and Echinacea have been known to increase immune system support enough to drastically decrease the number of outbreaks that occur. When combined with vitamin C and zinc, lysine has been known to speed up the recovery process significantly. Aloe vera gel aids greatly in the management of the anal herpes pain and discomfort aspects of the lesions.

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