
A largely unknown symptom of hypoglycemia (or diabetes) is a fungus infection that, very often, the individual is unlikely to be aware of. The fungus, over time, builds up and unless it is seen on the skin or the sides of your mouth you won't know it is there.

However, it is also unlikely that you develop a skin fungus without also building up fungi inside your body. An internal fungal infection you have probably known is Candidiasis or yeast infection. Candida albicans makes its home chiefly in the intestines and mouth and especially develops after taking antibiotics. These kill off all bacteria (both good and bad) and leave the way clear for the yeast infection to multiply unhindered.

This is where it pays to be alert to symptoms you might have. These symptoms start off mildly and then can become quite debilitating:

  • Mental confusion

  • Allergic reactions

  • Hunger cravings

  • Fatigue

  • Hyperactivity.

Eventually autoimmune disorders kick in - these can be as serious as ulcerative colitis and generally involve inflammation in various parts of the body for example arthritis is inflammation of the joints.

Another simple fact you should know is that a dieting plan is like a road map and will help you treat hypoglycemia and low blood sugar. Once you have your diet under control you will start to feel better and have more energy in your daily activities.

Note, the above symptoms for yeast infection are similar or the same as those for hypoglycemia. The connection is that hypoglycemia tends to open you wide to candida. How does this come about?

Generally people with hypoglycemia love sugars, refined foods and sodas. These make the body more alkaline. Now what kind of environment does fungus thrive on? Alkaline. And what kind of foods do fungi rely upon? The sugars from the excessive Western refined and processed diets.

To compound the problem, once you have a thriving population of sugar eating bacteria, they put increased demand on your cell's sugar supplies. And before you know it the fungus is adding to your hypoglycemic woes.

Daily exercise and walking are essential to keep hypoglycemia under control. By keeping active you allow your blood sugar to stay at a healthy level which is very important.

So if you find a fungus on your nails or suspect candidiasis then ask yourself the important question how and why did it arrive? What lies behind it? Perhaps hypoglycemia is slowly percolating in the background.

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