Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease, which affects the alimentary tract, anywhere from the mouth to the anus. This inflammation can extend throughout all the layers of the stomach wall and can occur in patches, or in normal tissue. The exact cause of Crohn's disease is yet unknown, but many have recognized a link to stress and family history. Crohn's disease is a chronic disease for which there is no cure, but only treatments.
Diet is an important factor in Crohn's disease and with the right food and supplements, your body can begin to heal itself naturally, causing your Crohn's disease to go into remission for an extended period of time, sometimes even permanently. In conjunction with natural treatments from your Ontario chiropractor, and the right diet, together with natural herbs and supplements, your body may be able to heal itself naturally from this chronic disease altogether. Here are some natural treatments and supplements for the treatment of Crohn's disease.
Herbal and homeopathic remedies can be effective in treating symptoms of Crohn's disease and address the underlying causes of the illness, while aiming to restore the body's natural healing properties. They can help to restore harmony and equilibrium in the body, and provide a supportive platform to bring natural healing remedies into the affected body systems. These remedies will be specifically tailored by your Ontario wellness physician, to meet your specific needs, and to address specific symptoms.
Some examples of these herbal remedies used in conjunction with treating Crohn's disease include Filipendula ulmaria, Ulmus fulva, and Matricaria recutita just to name a few. These herbs may be recommended alone, or in combination with another, depending on the individual's specific health needs. These herbs can help to strengthen the digestive health of the patient, as well as decrease inflammation in the bowel walls. These herbs can be a natural option for the treatment of Crohn's disease, without all the dangerous side effects associated with prescription drugs and steroids currently used for the treatment of this illness.
Another herbal treatment that has shown to have success in treating Crohn's disease is green tea. Green tea has been well known for thousands of years for its soothing qualities as well as its miraculous healing properties. But only until recently, has green tea been used in the treatment of Crohn's disease. Green tea has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce inflammation in Crohn's patients, as well as reduce pain and provide temporary relief. Green tea has also, in some cases, been found to ward off cancer with long term use, which can be a major concern down the line, with patients with Crohn's disease.
Ginko biloba has also been seen to have positive effects in the treatment of Crohn's disease, and other inflammatory-related illnesses like colitis, and IBS. Ginko biloba is particularly effective in treating inflammatory diseases like Crohn's because of it's rich antioxidant properties. These antioxidant properties help to clear out bacteria in the intestinal wall, reducing inflammation and pain associated with Crohn's disease. Consult your Ontario wellness physician for more information about herbal remedies and treatments available for Crohn's disease.
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