Many people diagnosed with ulcerative colitis have already tried prescription drugs and often surgery to combat their illness. In most cases, the medical treatments only work to suppress the symptoms for a while. But since they don't heal the underlying causes of colitis, it is nearly impossible to effect a cure using medical methods.

Ulcerative colitis is usually caused by one or several of the following factors combining synergistically to produce disease. If you go back over your own personal health history, I think you'll find a mix of the following damaging events, that singly or in combination have degraded the health of your gut and immune system:

  • Antibiotic Use - any antibiotic therapy that is not followed by full-spectrum probiotic therapy causes lasting, pervasive damage to the bacterial flora of your gastrointestinal tract (from mouth to anus), which in turn leads to increased infestation of yeast, parasites, viruses, bad bacteria and other pathogens. These pathogens degrade the mucosal lining and damage the intestinal wall (symptoms include bloating, gas, inflammation, bleeding, etc.) which leads to Leaky Gut Syndrome, which then triggers allergic and auto-immune response. Certain antibiotic drugs can cause ulcerative colitis all by themselves (like Novo Clindamycin), and the pharmaceutical information that comes with these products even explicitly warns of this. Yet medical doctors continue to prescribe them and also don't follow usage with probiotics.

  • Environmental and Food-borne Toxins - processed foods with preservatives, monosodium glutamate (MSG), artificial sweeteners and flavors, nitrites and other proven toxins and carcinogens, microwaved foods, toxins contained in skin care products, shampoos, cosmetics, furniture, carpets, and the air (to name a few sources) all cause cellular and systemic damage.

  • Vaccination - childhood, adult, flu vaccines, etc. Causes direct damage to bacterial flora of the gut and long-term, immune system damage. See my article, "Should I Vaccinate My Child?" for details and scientific references.

  • Emotional Trauma or Abuse - don't underestimate the damaging effects of abusive or traumatic emotional experiences on the body, and the gut in particular. For some of you, this may be damage from your past that was never resolved/healed, and/or ongoing emotional patterns or experiences that continue to degrade your health daily. Remember that 60% of your body's neurotransmitters are in your gut, not your brain! An excellent book on this topic is When The Body Says No by Gabor Mate, MD.

  • Parasites & Pathogenic Microorganisms - if your gut ecology is already weakened or imbalanced, travel to a foreign country or ingestion of tainted food/water can be the 'straw that breaks the camel's back'. If your bacterial flora is already imbalanced with a deficit of beneficial bacteria, then it's very easy for parasites, yeast, molds, bad bacteria, or fungus to flourish. These pathogens then degrade the health of your intestinal mucosal lining, which can result in ulceration, inflammation, bleeding and subsequent damage to your systemic health.

Each of these causative factors - including lesser factors like whether or not you were breastfed, your mother's health while you were in utero, hereditary/genetic weaknesses, heavy metal levels in your body, mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth, pesticide exposure, etc. - will contribute in varying degrees and combinations to your particular pathology. Different people are susceptible to different factors and something that strongly affects your friend adversely, may only mildly affect you adversely. There is seldom just one factor (pathogen) in isolation that causes ulcerative colitis. However, I believe each of us is capable of identifying our own particular pathology, or the causative factors, of our own ill health and then taking the steps that will be particularly healing to each of us.

Once you've identified the underlying root causes of your colitis, you can seek out potent natural remedies to heal each of those causative factors. If infection is the cause of your colitis, then your medical doctor will likely already have put you on antibiotics to wipe out the bad bacteria that are infecting your colon. However, unless this was followed by therapeutic-grade probiotics, then your colon is likely infected again, plus overrun with yeast (Candida albicans), which flourishes following antibiotic usage.

So in this case, you would need a potent natural antibiotic like wild oregano oil, followed by high dose, therapeutic-grade probiotics and a low-sugar diet to prevent relapse. You may also need targeted supplements to repair the damage done to your mucosal lining and intestinal wall - like L-glutamine, aloe vera, N-acetyl glucosamine, deglycyrrhizinated licorice, slippery elm, marshmallow root, etc.

Lastly, you need to keep in mind that natural healing is not quick. Since it is healing the actual cause(s) of your colitis (which no doubt took a long time to build up in your body), this healing and balancing will take some time. You know that if you cut your finger open, for example, it will not heal immediately, but takes time to heal. In addition, your body will simultaneously be cleansing and detoxing from pathogens, drug residues, and other toxins, and this also takes time.

But if you truly want to 'cure' your colitis - not just suppress the symptoms, or experience short-term remissions - then natural, holistic healing is the pathway to success. Yes. it takes time. This is why I call it a "Healing Journey", but it is so very worth it.

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Whether unintentionally or otherwise, people often can't help themselves in advising you of their own special health cure and even such a condition as colitis is not immune. If you let it be known that you are suffering from colitis symptoms, you will no doubt find someone who will voluntarily impart that they know just the thing for it. In fact, it is important to close your ears to the vast majority that have a colitis cure.

Now all of these may have been helpful in a case that was supposed to be colitis, but you are doing yourself a great injustice if you assume that your case is just like that one and consequently, that the remedy which worked so miraculously in their case will do the same for you. To put a damper on it, colitis is just not like that.

Let me take your diet is not an infrequent request when friends get together and discuss their current health and well being. It is gratifying to know that more and more people are acknowledging the fact that diet is so important in the treatment of their health condition. What they should know, however, in order to be really effective, it must be formulated to meet their particular needs. Otherwise, it is just about the same as asking your friend to loan you their bunch of keys. One of them may fit the lock on your home, but the chances are it will not. It is therefore imperative to establish what kind of a lock you have to open.

Applying this to colitis, can't you see how important it is to know what the objective of your diet should be? The essential element to know is the nature and extent of your colitis. Put simply, the actual diagnosis of colitis requires to be definitely determined. Is the large colon only affected by inflammation towards the end of it, namely proctitis, or is there more extensive evidence of inflammation. Any guess made as to the extent is certainly not a worthwhile guide to use as the basis for treatment. Neither a good guess nor anything short of divine intuition will take the place of a thorough physical examination and a carefully thought out diagnosis by your doctor or hospital consultant.

A diet, to be effective, must be fashioned to your needs, as indicated by a thorough physical examination, including a urine analysis. By this, you doctor can see how your body is handling the various foods that you feed it. For example, if you have sugar in the urine, this indicates that you are not effectively using starch and sugar in your food. The doctor will therefore alter the usual pattern of your diet to meet these needs.

It is therefore not possible to give a general colitis diet which meets the needs of every case. It is for this reason that you should realise that it is not possible to apply to yourself the diet of somebody who you hear was cured for colitis. By all means discover what others are doing in terms of diet and other methods, in fact this should form part of your effective colitis management to reduce its daily impact, but don't assume that what was a cure for colitis for someone will be yours also.

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Do you get frustrated with your doctor because her/his diagnosis does not reveal candida? This article will help you how to find out candida based on my friend's experience. She was confused, how come she can't find a doctor who will diagnose her with candidiasis? She has been through three years of hellish testing for things like Chron's and colitis, but never once has anyone tested her for excess yeast. She has been diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), but it really doesn't fit her bill, so to speak.

Symptoms are really too many to mention, but mainly are: chronic diarrhea, extreme gassiness and bloating, dizziness, bad breath, acne, weight gain, intolerance to any gluten or wheat products, and the most recent is hair loss.

She is really sick of being poked and prodded by Doctors who should recognize this if it is, indeed, what she has. On the Crooks test (where a score of 180 is a most likely that someone have it), she scored a 340! So she is really confused and need help.

A friend of mine has really good experience that can answer above issue. Here's how she found out about her candida problem (a surprise for her since she does eat rather healthfully - yet this began when she was pregnant!). She got Dr. Michael Murray's book Stomach Ailments and Digestive Disturbances. In it, he mentions the Comprehensive Stool Analysis which is offered by some labs here in the U.S.

She went to a doctor who used natural medicine and asked to have that test done, thinking it would turn something up about the troubles she was having in her colon. Lo and behold, the test revealed candida.

One suggestion she has is to do a colon cleanse. If you go to the internet, you'll find a product called Herbal Fiberblend there which yields excellent results. She (and also I) is convinced that this is the critical step (along with changing diet) to eliminating candida. Also, raw garlic, good yogurt, and iodine (from seaweed- kelp granules are good for this) and flax seeds ground up and taken in water: these are all good, inexpensive remedies.

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The odds that you've had one of those nasty winter or spring colds are pretty high. These are the colds that seem to drag on forever gradually turning into an upper respiratory infection. We feel awful, lack energy and usually as a last resort find ourselves in room filled with other people coughing and spluttering, waiting to see the doctor. Unfortunately, the doctor's usual response will be to put you on a course of antibiotics.

Don't get me wrong. I am not against the proper use of antibiotics. They have the potential to be lifesavers when used properly, but they are not a cure-all. Antibiotics are usually used to treat infections caused by bacteria, such as tuberculosis, salmonella, and some forms of meningitis. However, they do not work against other organisms such as viruses or certain fungi. It's important to bear this in mind if you think you have some sort of infection, because viruses usually cause many common illnesses, particularly of the upper respiratory tract such as the common cold and sore throats.

A virus is a microscopic organism that lives as a parasite in plants, animals, and bacteria and consists of a nucleic acid core within a protein sheath. Most people who have a head cold, runny nose, cough, muscle ache, sore throat and even a fever have a virus. Viruses usually cause illness for 7-14 days and the symptoms can be treated with non-prescription drugs like herbal decongestants, cold formulas and cough syrups. Antibiotics do not work against viruses, only against bacteria.

Bacteria are single-celled, often parasitic microorganisms without a distinct nuclei or organized cell structure. There are good and bad bacteria. Many types of bacteria do not cause illness and live harmlessly on, and in, the human body. The bad bacteria cause serious illnesses such as pneumonia, meningitis, dysentery and blood poisoning.
These illnesses can be life threatening and can best be treated with antibiotics. If these bacteria become resistant, then it becomes very difficult, even impossible to treat them. Overuse of antibiotics can lead to bacteria becoming resistant to them so it's important to only take them when absolutely necessary.


The very first antibiotic, penicillin along with a family of related antibiotics (such as ampicillin, amoxicllin and benzylpenicillin) is still widely used to treat many common infections. Our healthy, strong immune systems, with their antibodies and special white blood cells, can usually kill harmful bacteria before they multiply enough to cause symptoms. And even when symptoms do occur, the body can often fight off the infection. Sometimes if the immune system is not strong it becomes overwhelmed by a bacterial infection and needs help to get rid of it. This is where antibiotics come in. Some antibiotics, such as the penicillin's, are 'bactericidal', meaning that they work by killing bacteria. They do this by interfering with the formation of the cell walls or cell contents of the bacteria. Other antibiotics are 'bacteriostatic', meaning that they work by stopping bacteria multiplying.

Unfortunately, the antibiotics do not differentiate between our good bacteria, especially in the gut, and destroy them all! This damage to the destruction of the "gut flora" can have very serious consequences. These beneficial bacteria perform crucial tasks, from boosting our immune system, aiding digestion, warding off allergies to assisting in the elimination of harmful toxins. These friendly bacteria include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidus and Bulgaricus, supplements for which can be found in any health food store's refrigerated section. They protect us against pathogens such as Salmonella, yeast, cholera, and the bad E. coli. Once gone, these friendly bacteria are replaced by hostile bacteria such as Pseudomonas, Clostridium, and Klebsiella, and by Candida yeast, a powerful member of the fungi family.


The most common side effects with antibiotic drugs are diarrhea, feeling sick and being sick. Fungal infections of the mouth, digestive tract and vagina can also occur with antibiotics because they destroy the protective 'good' bacteria in the body (which help prevent overgrowth of any one organism), as well as the 'bad' ones, responsible for the infection being treated.

Rare, but more serious side effects, include the formation of kidney stones, abnormal blood clotting, increased sensitivity to the sun, blood disorders, and deafness.

Sometimes, particularly in older people, antibiotic treatment can cause a type of colitis (inflamed bowel) leading to severe diarrhea. Penicillin's, cephalosporin's and erythromycin can all cause this problem but it is most common with clindamycin, an antibiotic usually reserved for serious infections. If you develop diarrhea while taking an antibiotic, immediately contact your doctor.

Some people are allergic to antibiotics, particularly penicillin, and can develop side effects such as a rash, swelling of the face and tongue, and difficulty breathing. Always tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic; sometimes the reaction can be serious or even fatal. This is called an anaphylactic reaction. You should use an antibiotic with care if you have reduced liver or kidney function. It goes without saying if you are pregnant or breastfeeding tell your doctor before taking any prescription drugs including antibiotics.


Antibiotics are usually taken orally but also given by injection or applied to the affected part of the body. The drugs begin to tackle most infections within a few hours. It is vital to take the whole course of treatment to prevent recurrence of the infection. Sometimes bacteria become 'resistant' to an antibiotic you have been taking, meaning the drug will no longer work. Resistance tends to occur when the bacterial infection responsible for the symptoms is not completely cured, even if the symptoms have cleared up. Some of the residual bacteria, having been exposed to, but not killed by, the antibiotic are more likely to grow into an infection that can survive that particular antibiotic. This explains why finishing the course of antibiotics, even if you feel better, is important.

Certain antibiotics should not be taken with certain foods and drinks. Some antibiotics are best taken when there is no food in your stomach, usually an hour before meals or two hours after - make sure you follow the instructions on the dispensing label. Do not drink alcohol if you are taking metronidazole. Do not take tetracyclines with dairy products, as these can reduce the absorption of this type of antibiotic.

There are a number of important interactions between antibiotics and other medicines so it's important to tell which your doctor or pharmacist about any other medicines you are taking.


If for some reason you have had to go on a course of antibiotics, try to boost your natural immune system and follow this recovery plan:

- Stay away from sugar or artificial sweeteners. Use Stevia or Lo-Han instead.

- No mushrooms or cheese. No yeasty foods, like bread, rolls or beer.

- Eliminate fruits and fruit juices (except for tart apples).

- Cut down on grains. After two weeks introduce gluten-free whole grains like Auinoa, corn or millet.

- Don't drink coffee, tea, herb tea or coffee substitutes as they often harbor molds.

- Avoid supermarket salad dressings, vinegar, soy or Worcestershire sauce and horseradish.

- Drink anti-fungal teas like paud'arco, angelica root, bergamot, hyssop, chamomile and alfalfa.

- Eat unsweetened, plain yogurt or kefir that contain lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidus and bulgaricus.

- Use olive oil to cook with as a dressing on salads and vegetables.

- Drink organic, green vegetable juices.

- Use raw almond butter.

- Cook with garlic. It contains allicin, a natural anti-fungal chemical.

- Take grape seed extract in water last thing at night.

- Take an antioxidant supplement that includes vitamins E, A, and C (among others) zinc and selenium

For this dietary plan to be affective it should be continued for at least 4 to 6 weeks, however before beginning any dietary program always check with you doctor first. When coming off the plan you can try eating foods you have cut out, one at a time to see how they make you feel. If you get gas or bloating stop taking the food for another few weeks. Following this plan for the recommended amount of time will help boost your immune system and help you to stay healthy.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Now that we are starting a new year, I want to share some relatively new information regarding another benefit of taking probiotics: the potential impact of probiotics on diverticulitis.

Recently, there have been studies evaluating probiotics as a therapy for diverticular disease of the colon.

First, a little background information; Diverticular disease is a western world disorder of the colon or large intestines. Diverticula are the outpocketing of the colon lining that protrude through the muscle wall of the colon. These developments are often the result of a diet low in fiber.

Why fiber? Fiber absorbs water, helping to make our stools larger and softer. Our western diet, lacking enough fiber, leads to smaller stools. As the colon contracts to release these stools, pressure increases on the colon wall. This increase in pressure can lead directly to the development of outpockets or sacs, prevalent primarily in the lower half of the colon (1).

As we age, the development diverticula is very common. Studies have found that by the age of 70, upwards of 60% of the population have diverticula or diverticulosis of the colon. This development generally begins after the age of 30 or 40 (1,2).

Most people who have diverticulosis have no symptoms and are not aware they have this condition. Usually the diverticula are found during a colonoscopic exam or a barium enema x-ray.

There are, however, approximately 20% of individuals with diverticulosis who will experience an inflammatory complication called diverticulitis. This is a bacterial infection involving one or more diverticula (2).

For years it was thought that an infection occurred in a diverticulum when a plug of stool or a food particle lodged in the diverticulum. The result was inflammation of the pocket lining and an infection or an abscess developed, eventually rupturing to create a localized perforation of the colon.

Fever and pain in the lower, left abdomen can be symptomatic of acute diverticulitis. Today, a CT scan of the abdomen can usually confirm a diagnosis of diverticulitis (1,2).

Treatment of diverticulitis is dependent upon the severity of the episode. Patients are typically started on antibiotics and prescribed a restricted diet. Sometimes patients require hospitalization, IV fluids and antibiotics. In severe cases surgery may be performed.

Once an episode resolves, patients are instructed to increase the fiber in their diets and, in the past, were advised to avoid seeds, nuts and particulate foods like popcorn. Recent studies have disproved the theory that seeds can precipitate an episode of diverticulitis (3).

The new notion is with regard to the associated inflammation of the lining (colonic mucosa) that surrounds a colonic pouch or diverticulum. Colonoscopic exams have revealed this inflamed lining and biopsies disclose findings of microscopic colitis. It is believed that this low grade inflammation can progress to acute diverticulitis.

It has been proposed that the microscopic colitis around a diverticulum is due to a change in the intestinal bacteria or microflora. The alteration in the microflora results in a chronic inflammation that can lead to diverticulitis (4).

There have been several trials that have studied the benefits of adding probiotics to individuals who have had diverticulitis. The results have shown that probiotics seem to lessen recurrent episodes (4,5,6).

Further studies are being conducted to evaluate the long-term benefits of probiotics for individuals who have recurrent diverticulitis. In the meantime, it seems reasonable to add a good probiotic, such as EndoMune, to a daily regimen of a high-fiber diet to prevent diverticulitis.

1) Diverticulitis: new frontiers for an old country: risk factors and pathogenesis.Korzenik JR; NDSG.J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008 Nov-Dec;42(10):1128-9.
2) Diverticular disease and diverticulitis.Sheth AA, Longo W, Floch MH.Am J Gastroenterol. 2008 Jun;103(6):1550-6. Epub 2008 May 13. Review.
3) Nut, corn, and popcorn consumption and the incidence of diverticular disease.Strate LL, Liu YL, Syngal S, Aldoori WH, Giovannucci EL.JAMA. 2008 Aug 27;300(8):907-14.
4) Probiotics and their use in diverticulitis.White JA.J Clin Gastroenterol. 2006 Aug;40 Suppl 3:S160-2. Review.
5) The effect of non-pathogenic Escheriachia coli in symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease of the colon. Rric P, Zavoral M. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2003;15:313-315
6) Mesalazine and/or Lactobacillus casei in maintaining long-term remission of symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease of the colon.Tursi A, Brandimarte G, Giorgetti GM, Elisei W.Hepatogastroenterology. 2008 May-Jun;55(84):916-20.

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Colitis is the term for inflammation of the colon or large bowel or intestine. The rectum is the very last part of the colon. When it is inflamed the term proctitis is used. Understanding the causes and treatment of colitis requires a basic understanding of the colon and inflammation.

The beginning of the colon is called the cecum. It begins in the lower right portion of the abdomen where the last part of the small intestine (ileum) empties into the large intestine. This part of the colon is also where the appendix attaches. The segments of the colon in order from the beginning of the colon or cecum going distally are ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid colon and rectum. One of the major jobs of the colon is to recycle water for the body. When the entire colon is present and healthy the stools have only enough water in them to remain soft and easy to pass, but not so watery or loose that leakage occurs and dehydration ensues. When a large part of the colon is removed or when the colon is significantly injured the stools are very watery and frequent.

Inflammation is the body? response to infection or suspected attack or irritation. Inflammation of a body area is labeled by adding the suffix ??itis??to the body part, hence tonsillitis when tonsils are inflamed and appendicitis when the appendix is inflamed. Recognized since ancient times, inflammation has been classically described by the presence of signs and symptoms of redness (rubor), pain (dolar), heat (calor), swelling (tumor) and impairment of the function of the involved organ or tissue. If you have arthritis, joint inflammation; the joint is red, swollen, painful, warm and is stiff, preventing normal function.

In colitis the colon is usually quite red and swollen appearing when seen by colonoscopy (scope exam of the colon). Abdominal pain and impaired function occurs resulting in diarrhea because the damaged colon loses some of its ability to absorb water. If enough damage occurs to the lining sloughing of the surface cells occurs with passage of bloody stools, mucus, and even the appearance of tissue.

Inflammation has cell and fluid components. The cell component includes various white blood cells. The type of white blood cells found in the lining of the intestine determines the cause and effect on the intestine. Fluids include chemicals secreted to fight infection or presumed infection that can cause damage to the colon lining.

Colitis can be acute (self-limited) like E. coli infection or chronic like in ulcerative colitis. Causes of colitis include infections, ischemia (poor blood flow), food allergies, food protein intolerances, lack of normal bacterial flora or stool (after antibiotics, diversion after a colostomy), radiation injury, chemotherapy induced low white blood cell counts (neutropenic), or idiopathic (unknown cause).

Chronic colitis is one of several types of inflammatory bowel disorders or IBD for short and should not be confused with IBS the term for irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) does not involve any colon inflammation though it was referred to in the past as mucus colitis because of common symptom of excess mucus in stools or spastic colitis because of the common complaint of painful spasms of the colon that commonly occur in IBS. Biopsies of colon tissue in irritable bowel syndrome are normal and do not show signs of inflammation therefore it is not considered an inflammatory bowel disorder.

The food allergy expert-the food doc Dr. Scot Lewey reviews in more detail the various types of colitis, their causes and treatment in part II of this series. In the future href=?ttp://blank?? will offer online help for colitis, Crohn's disease, food allergies, food intolerance, Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.

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Ankylosing spondylitis treatments in the beginning tend to revolve around prescribed drugs by a rheumatologist or a physician to stop the progression of the disease, and to overall stop the pain that is associated with Ankylosing spondylitis (AS).

The drugs used to combat AS are generally Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's), the side effect of such drugs being that they have a negative impact on the digestive lining of the stomach. Research as well as thousands of testimonies from AS sufferers can point to a positive impact on the symptoms by eating a low or non starch diet, based on this it would be safe to make a correlation between AS and the digestive tract. This means that while NSAID's do have their place, as they can reduce inflammation during acute flare-ups, and situations where they are required, they may long term be leading to a further in-ability to combat the disease from it's source, which may likely be digestive system.

As we move into the future we are seeing new drugs that are combating AS in a different way than it has been treated in the past. The drug that is he focus of this article Sulfasalazine.

What is Sulfasalazine used for? it is indicated for the treatement of ulcerative colitis (bowel and intestinal issues). The extended release version of this drug have also been known to help reduce joint pain, swelling and stiffness in those who suffer from ankylosing spondylitis. Sulfasalazine works by affecting the damaged tissue of the small and large intestines, essentially it will reduce irritation and swelling in the intestines. The reason this is looked upon as a positive ankylosing spondylitis treatment deals with the very fact that this drug has limited side effects on the intestinal lining of the digestive system. If you follow the boards at (which I suggest you do) you will find thousands of positive results with sulfasalazine using the extended release version. There are many theories by many medical professionals that ankylosing spondylitis is connected to what is known as leaky gut syndrome.

Leaky Gut Syndrome: Refers to a syndrome that can be associated with an increased chance of toxins, food, and bacteria of crossing over into the blood stream due to the increased permeability of the wall of the intestines. A healthy stomach is like a wall that guards these particles from crossing over, but when the stomach is compromised, we see a host of skin and auto-immune disorders such as ankylosing spondylitis. Many physicians see a connection between AS, and conditions such as IBS, Ulcerative Colitis and crohn's disease. This would point further to the fact that AS may be effected, and possibly caused by issues involving the digestive lining of the intestines.

The reason we talk about Sulfasalazine is that it actually has a positive effect on the digestive lining of the stomach, or as some believe the root cause of AS. Sulfasalazine acts to reduce the inflammation that is causing bacteria and particles to enter into the blood stream. This cross-over into the blood stream is believed to be what invokes the auto immune system response, as the presence of bacteria and food particles are seen as a foreign invader to the body. Treating the symptoms is necessary, but not at the long term cost of the damage it may cause to the digestive tract. Sulfasalazine is like any drug you will find on the market, there is a host of scary side effects that you must be told about, but overall these are very uncommon. You MUST speak with a medical professional about if this is the right drug for you to be taking based on your previous medical history, and your current health. Always have a complete history completed with a medical physician before taking any pharmaceutical drug

It is recommended you speak with your rhuematologist or physician with regards to sulfasalazine, they will be able to tell you if this ankylosing spondylitis treatment is right for you, or if there is another approach. Drugs that combat digestive issues are newer to the treatment protocol for AS, as the future unfolds we are certain to see more drugs that combat the inflammation of the intestinal walls. Our next article will focus on natural supplements that can help improve the digestive system, which once again will improve the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis

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Most detox diets exclude wheat and dairy products. Yet we are always being told that wheat fiber is good for the bowels and that we need dairy products to supply the calcium for strong bones. So why do we need to exclude them when on a detox diet?

Wheat is probably one of the most consumed foods. Many people eat wheat three times a day. Wheat cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, pasta or pizza for dinner with snacks of muffins, cakes and cookies in between. With so much wheat in our diets it can become a toxin and the detox diet aims to reduce toxins.

How wheat becomes a toxin.

Wheat is a relatively new food for the human race. Ancient man, the hunter-gatherers, lived on meat from the animals they hunted, fish and wild vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds that they gathered. It was not until the agricultural period that began about 12,000 years ago that wheat and other grains were introduced.

Wheat contains gluten, a family of proteins, that as many as one in three people may be sensitive to. Gluten is also found in rye, barley and oats. The gluten in oats, however, is very different and can be tolerated by many people who react to the other gluten grains.

Genetic testing has discovered that people have simply not adapted to the introduction of wheat into the diet. Researchers have detected gliadin, the principle type of wheat gluten, in the blood of 15% of people they tested.

Your digestive system provides a barrier between the foods you eat and your blood stream but if this barrier breaks down gliadin gets into the blood stream. The immune system reacts to it and it becomes a toxin. Your detox system has to deal with this so all gluten grains including spelt, an ancient wheat, kamut and triticale all contain gluten and are best avoided on a detox diet.

How does the barrier become leaky?

Many things can cause the intestinal barrier to" leak". Drugs, alcohol, food allergies or sensitivities, constipation, gastric infections, aging, nutritional deficiencies are some of the things that can cause damage to the sensitive and delicate lining.

Wheat because of its complex structure is also hard to digest and almost all normal people fail to absorb a large amount of starch from wheat. These starches get fermented by the bacteria in the digestive system which produces acids that damage the lining.

People with many intestinal conditions like Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's, diverticulitis, Celiac improve when they avoid gluten. Many people are surprised to find that they do react to wheat when they start eating it again after being on a detox diet.

What's wrong with dairy?

Although we are always being told that a daily glass of milk is good for you half the world manages quite well without it. According to genetic researchers human adults were not designed to digest milk. Many southern Europeans, most Asians and many Africans cannot digest milk products. It is only as a result of genetic mutation that some humans tolerate lactose at all.

As many as 75% of people naturally lose the ability to digest the lactose, a milk sugar, once they are weaned. Lactose intolerance can cause gastric upset which causes irritation and a leaky intestinal barrier that places a heavy load on the liver detox system.

One of the most common allergies or intolerance is to cow's milk. Again dairy products appear in many food items as milk protein, whey or casein.

Non organic milk can contain traces of environmental chemicals and hormones which all place an extra burden on the detox system. It makes sense to exclude it when on a detox diet.

What to eat instead.

As so many people have wheat and dairy allergies it has become much easier to find products that do not contain them. Manufacturers have produced cereals, pasta and bread made with non-gluten grains.

Other grains or grain like seeds that can be eaten include brown rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat, gram flour (garbanzo or chickpea flour) and maize.

Dairy alternatives include rice, soy, almond, oat and coconut milks, soy yogurt, pumpkin seed or nut butters and cashew cream. Calcium can be obtained from nuts seeds, leafy vegetables, grains, peas and beans.

So although excluding dairy and wheat when on a detox diet may take some planning you will still be able to eat tasty meals. It will be well worth it when you find that many niggling symptoms disappear and you feel and look so much better.

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Symptoms of GI tract diseases such ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome can be effectively managed through regular consumption of green tea.

Gastrointestinal diseases comprise of a gamut of debilitating conditions that can affect any part of the digestive system. Among the many GI tract diseases, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome are some of the more serious ones. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are characterized by the presence of inflammation in the digestive tract that leads to ulceration. No inflammation occurs in irritable bowel syndrome which is characterized predominantly by abnormal bowel movements. Symptomatically, all the three lead to improper bowel movements although the former two can cause more severe symptoms such as anemia, rectal bleeding, fever and joint pains.

Research has found that diet plays an important role in controlling ulcerative colitis and other GI tract diseases. Among the many dietary agents, green tea is one that has received considerable scientific attention. Many studies have shown that it has powerful antioxidant activity owing to the presence of tannins such as catechins. These compounds are also said to be responsible for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies suggest that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea were responsible for the reduced levels of inflammation markers in subjects suffering from ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Scientific evidence also exists proving the benefits of green tea in controlling irritable bowel syndrome. Bacterial infection is said to be one of the causes of this syndrome. As an antimicrobial agent, it can be postulated that green tea can prevent bacterial infection in the colon thus decreasing the risk for irritable bowel syndrome. It has been observed that this beverage exerts a protective effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa thus preventing damage and hastening the healing process. Both these are essential in restoring the normal functioning of the bowel in case of irritable bowel syndrome. Moreover since it contains no fiber, the chances of it further irritating the bowel is totally avoided.

Thus, green tea can be said to have preventive and curative properties in GI tract diseases. Green tea consumption gains an edge over the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs that are usually administered in case of colitis and Crohn's disease since it practically elicits no side effects. Its typical taste is liked by many and hence it is certainly not one among the bitter pills to be swallowed! So, if you suffer from any GI tract disease such as ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, get your packet of green tea today and manage them effectively.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Belly pain is one of the more typical problems among people. Sometimes, this pain is challenging to describe or give a reason for but can often be relieved with colon cleanse tablets. In the situation where you are having frequent stomach pain along with associated bowel problems for a lengthy interval, you might be suffering from an inflammation of the intestinal tract. This illness is also known as colitis and is caused in the colon (colon and rectum). Ulcerative colitis along with Crohn's disease is the significant illnesses impacting the colon. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the typical technological name for these illnesses impacting the colon.

The colon includes the intestinal tract and the rear end. The main operate of the intestinal tract is to process the typical water and other waste meals debris and send them on to that aspect of the colon, where it is stored as waste. Later, it moves out from the rectum in the form of bowel movements. Inflammation of the intestinal tract or colitis, happens when there is a swelling on the external coating of the intestinal tract. Sometimes, if the intestinal tract is inflamed at some places, stomach sores may be established. This situation is known as ulcerative colitis.

Our intestinal tract may be compared to a tube which provides water. If the tube gets blocked due to accumulation of debris, then normally, water cannot circulate through it. It needs cleaning on an everyday so as to avoid choking. The same is with our intestinal tube. It needs periodical cleansing. In situation of inflammation of the intestinal tube, the walls of the colon become thinned. There is a probability of harmful fecal matter getting out of through these surfaces and circulating into the cells of our body. This can cause various illnesses like cell injury, inappropriate digestive operation or problems in elimination. If you use aloe vera colon cleanse tablets, you can flush all of this out of your system.

The actual cause of intestinal tube inflammation is not known even in these days. There are speculations though, going around, and the most accurate among them is that inflammation of the intestinal tract is triggered due to an artificial initialization of the immune system in the intestinal tube. Normally, the immunity process of your body creates certain proteins which deal with off any undesirable microorganisms or viruses that cause illnesses. Once the job is done, the immunity process stops generation of these proteins. If for any reason the immune system begins secreting these proteins without need, it may cause inflammation of the intestinal tract.

There are certain microorganisms which generate poisons, or toxins, that may make the colon cells discharge salt, which will account for inflammation of the intestinal tracts. There is however no confirmation as to exactly which type of microorganisms causes this illness.

Since the colon is affected by inflammation of the intestinal tube, there is a direct impact on the expulsion of feces. The typical the signs of intestinal tract inflammation are:

• Diarrhea or bowel problems over a long time
• Blood and/or discomfort while moving stools
• Abdominal discomfort or gas in the stomach
• Fever and body pain
• Constant throwing up and nausea
• Weight reduction, hunger reduction and continuous exhaustion.

To deal with these types of intestinal problems, take Colon Cleanse Tablets.

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