The numerous medical details behind the ailment commonly known as "Crohn's Disease" are rather complex; especially to those of us who don't have dozens of years of clinical training in our professional past. In the simplest terms, Crohn's Disease results from an inflammation often located in the small intestine (a.k.a. "the ileum"). There is some strong evidence that suggests that this inflammation is caused by a virus. Though generally localized in the small intestine, this inflammation has the potential to adversely affect any area of the entire digestive tract. As a result, the bowels are constantly agitated and often compelled to empty, leading to diarrhea, discomfort, and pain.

Indeed, this is a very simple way of grasping the essence of Crohn's Disease, and to truly understand the details, a great deal of medical study and experience is necessary. Yet with this being said, there's one thing that can be concluded without hesitation; something that doesn't take years to study or grasp. For the millions of people who suffer from Crohn's Disease, their life is unfairly filled with pain, often constant discomfort, and a looming fear of being unable to control their bowel movements.

It's fair to say - in fact, it's an understatement to say - that people who suffer from Crohn's Disease are forced to dramatically change their entire lifestyle. Some people - and this is not dramatic at all - have been forced to quit their jobs, or cancel vacations simply because of the tremendous stress that the disease places on a sufferers physical and emotional health.

Treatment Options

The US National Institute of Health (NIH) outlines the treatment "options" that Crohn's Disease sufferers are often forced to choose from: drugs or surgery. The NIH also points out, very clearly, that according to them there is no cure for Crohn's Disease. As a result, pharmaceutical and surgical treatment methods focus on symptom management; they do not and cannot cure the disease. At the very most, they can mitigate some of the pain and discomfort; though, naturally, with the introduction of side effects that can adversely affect other biological systems, including emotional health. Some of the side effects include:

· nausea

· vomiting

· heartburn

· diarrhea

· headache


The NIH points out that pharmaceutical remedies (for lack of a better word) containing the ingredient mesalamine are common prescribed to people suffering from Crohn's Disease. Mesalamine is an anti-inflammatory, and seeks to target the inflammation in the ileum. However, drugs containing mesalamine (such as Sulfasalazine) are not curative; they can not treat the inflammation. They can merely mask it to some extent. The body is still suffering and the problem still remains, but the drug controls some of the felt inflammation.

If the problem is more severely felt, some patients may be prescribed steroids (corticosteroids). These drugs, as can be assumed, lead to severe side effects if taken over a longer period of time, including those noted above. Steroids can also make a person more vulnerable to infection, which can thus expose them to additional health problems aside from the Crohn's Disease that they're trying to address.
Other drugs, such as Infliximab, have been approved by the FDA for those suffering from more severe Crohn's Disease. But it is not free from side-effects either and for the common Crohn's sufferer it is prohibitively expensive. And some people develop antibodies rendering its effect void.


One of the most remarkable things about the human body is its regenerative properties; break some skin, and new cells rush to the exposed area. Break a bone, and immediately the body sends in reinforcements to start the healing process. Generally, this is seen as a wonderful - indeed mysterious - quality of the inexplicable intelligence of the human body.

Ironically, however, this is not always such a positive thing. For example, Crohn's Disease sufferers sometimes opt for surgery to remove the inflammed area of the ileum. Yet, remarkably, it often grows back in some other part of the intestine. In this light, surgical options for Crohn's Disease sufferers is not always a method of releving pain and suffering; it's a last resort measure to address an even more serious problem in the area, such as intestinal bleeding or the formation of an abscess. In such dire situations, surgery may take place; but it is only temporary, and done to treat the bigger problem. The Crohn's Disease remains.

Some Crohn's Disease sufferers also opt (or are persuaded to opt by their doctor) a surgical solution called a colectomy. A colectomy literally cuts off the entire colon, and body waste is expelled through a small opening near the abdomen. The fact that some people in the medical community consider this a "solution" - forcing people to wear a pouch around their stomach to collect waste that previously flowed through their (now surgically removed) colon -- is a testament to the fact that people with Crohn's Disease are not provided with the real solution that they deserve: one that actually treats the problem at the source.

Over-The-Counter Remedies

When comparing Crohn's disease to other ailments it might surprise that there exist only very few herbal products and over-the-counter medications for Crohn's disease. And most of these are just tablets containing vitamins or minerals which are meant to replenish any deficits which can result as a consequence of Crohn's disease. To some extent these products can alleviate secondary symptoms but they do not address the cause of the disease. Aloe vera products have been quite popular but by now the scientific community has debunked its efficacy except for skin related disorders.
The only herbal product on the market which is designed only for Crohn's disease is SedaCrohn. It is still relatively new on the market but reports from Crohn's sufferers are promising. SedaCrohn acts by two separate mechanisms. First of all it has immune-modulating properties which apparently are able to inhibit the inflammation. And secondly, perhaps more interestingly, it has proven antiviral properties and thus attack what many researchers believe is the underlying cause of Crohn's Disease: a virus.
As a consequence, many users of SedaCrohn report that their flare-ups have disappeared for much longer intervals or even copmletely after taking SedaCrohn for several months. If this is the long awaited natural relief remains to be seen.

Drugs, Surgery, or Natural Remedies?

The best way to deal with Crohn's differs from person to person. There is probably no way to avoid prescription drugs completely for all the time. But at the same time its certainly advisable to take one's fate in its own hand and try to find the dietary changes or natural products which work best for himself or herself.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When it comes to health and well-being, nothing beats natural supplements. With the many benefits they provide as well as the fact that their safe from dangerous synthetic ingredients and chemical compounds that are usually present in lab-manufactured drug components, these health alternatives are highly recommendable for human consumption. Active manuka honey is one example of these natural products with undeniable healing properties.

Here is a list of important facts about active manuka honey.

- A rare type of honey from New Zealand, it is produced by putting up hives on lands where manuka bushes grow. The bees from these hives gather nectar from the flowers of the manuka bushes, hence the product's name.

- It is used to produce manuka honey products that are either ingested or applied topically on skin.

- This honey is believed to have anti-fungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

- It can address internal ailments such as irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, acid reflux disease, strep throat, eye, ear and sinus infections, cold/flu symptoms, ulcerative colitis, heartburn and indigestion, gastrointestinal disorders, stomach virus, esophagitis, and gum disease.

- It can address external diseases like acne, eczema and dermatitis, wounds and burns, infections, ringworms, nail fungus, athlete's foot, MRSA, skin ulcer, pressure sores, dry skin, and tinea.

- Some of the most well-known honey products from active manuka honey include acne cream, first aid antiseptic lotion, anti-itch cream, antiseptic spray, anti-fungal cream, anti-wrinkle serum, liquid and bar soaps, hand sanitizing gel, mud mask, lozenges, and pain relief cream.

- Not all manuka honey can be considered as active. As for now this cannot be fully explained by science but studies have supported the veracity of this claim. Therefore in purchasing manuka honey products, one must check its UMF rating first.

- UMF or Unique Manuka Factor is a term used to rate how active this honey is.

Nature is truly teeming with many wonders. These wonders aren't always readily noticeable with a naked eye but they are real wonders nonetheless, just like this honey.

This honey has been used for ages in the more indigenous areas of the world. Recently though, with the proliferation of all sorts of manuka honey products, this alternative treatment has attracted the attention of the medical community.

This honey is also used in skin care products due to its incredible benefits. Although research about this natural by-product is not yet exhaustive, more and more medical practitioners are expressing their confidence toward manuka honey based items.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Surgery for colitis has to be faced up to by a small percentage of sufferers and though the problems living with the symptoms of the disease are over, what then begins is a whole new set of challenges. But what does the patient face physically when the surgical procedures are complete?

For the first stage of the surgery involves the removal of all the large colon including the extraction of the rectum. Even though only part of the large colon may be diseased, enough for surgery to be required in the first place, there is no option but for it to be removed entirely. It is important not to lose sight that this surgical process to remove the colon and rectum is the only permanent cure for colitis. It should also be noted that such surgery also eliminates any risk of being diagnosed with colon cancer.

Once the colon has been removed, a small opening is formed in the abdominal wall and the end of the small colon, which was formerly attached to the large colon, is then pushed through and attached to the skin. The size of what is termed an ileostomy, or stoma, will normally be between one and two inches. So what happens with this? This will be the outlet for the body waste that would have otherwise passed through the large colon as normal. It is then collected in a small bag which is attached to the skin and covers the stoma entirely. The bag is then emptied periodically when necessary.

The thought of living with part of the small intestine sticking out the front of the abdomen may not be appealing but it has to be remembered that it is all an essential part of the process to rid the patient of colitis. It is normally only temporary as the surgical consultants will do their best to try and create a more user friendly system of storing and riding the body of its solid waste.

In most cases, there will be an attempt to create an internal pouch created from the end of the small intestine that is then attached to the anus. This acts as an effective reservoir for the collection of solid waste which is then evacuated in the same manner as when the patient had a large colon. This complicated surgical procedure will happen some time after the initial operation and will probably be given further convalescence time before being connected up. The surgical term for this procedure is an ileo anal pouch which, and after a period of getting used to, can give a very encouraging degree of normality of life back to many patients who have undergone this surgical procedure.

Surgery for colitis is a last solution for those faced with the onslaught of symptoms and as such should never be considered until many methods to try and control the symptoms have been tried and have not succeeded. It has to be understood that it is a major surgical procedure and unfortunately comes with no cast iron guarantee of success. It brings with it many challenges and can for some be too problematic, yet for many it is the solution to the debilitating effect colitis has on their lives.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When bowel surgery for colitis is undertaken you may be seriously ill or perhaps in remission and have good health, yet a problem has been identified and surgery is required. It is a prospect filled with the unknown of how you are going to cope physically and mentally for the immediate period after the operation and further into the future.

Your concern can be further intensified by the knowledge that not only is it major surgery, it is the bowel area what will be affected. Thoughts of how on earth can the body function without a large bowel are only natural as is the further concern of whether it possible to live a normal life without the large bowel. Whilst it maybe questionable to believe, it is possible for the body to function adequately without it and life, post operations, can be lived in a fairly normal manner.

When you are admitted to hospital you will be assessed and perhaps tests undertaken, such as a colonoscopy, to confirm the diagnosis. Of course, with any surgery you always have a choice though if you have been admitted due to a serious relapse of colitis and surgery has been recommended as being required, it would be unusual to refuse it. The alternative is a very high and increasing chance of perforation of the bowel. That would lead to the creation of a whole lot more serious and life threatening problems relating to the poisoning of the body.

The first operation will most likely be the start of a surgical timetable where you will be facing several operations to not only take out the affected bowel or part thereof and the creation of an ileostomy, but further surgical procedures will see the creation of an internal pouch which acts as a reservoir to store waste matter with further ileostomies as required.

The first surgical procedure itself will take approximately four to five hours and you should have prepared questions that you may want to ask the surgical team before you have the surgery. It is always better to enter the hospital operating theater with a degree of knowledge and understanding of the procedures and what to expect physically when you wake up so as to avoid any less than welcome surprises.

It is essential to know and understand that whilst surgery for colitis is required, this does not suggest that your lifestyle will cease to be enjoyable and fulfilling. As there are changes ahead to the design of your internal plumbing, you will have to adapt to the outcome from these changes yet this should not impair the quality of your life that much. By understanding the surgical process that you face and what it means for the workings of your body, you will be able to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. By utilizing effective methods to reduce pain and increase mobility during the hospital stay, the time spent there can be reduced and the post op convalescence made easier.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

How to get rid of candida if you have not been diagnosed to have it? In US, treating candidiasis can cause a lot of depression. The main reason that candidiasis is not understood by the regular medical system. It is treated as many other issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colitis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, vaginal yeast infection, athletes' foot, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, jock itch, oral thrush, etc. People who have each of these things, as diagnosed by a doctor will scream if you tell them they have candidiasis, because they want to have their own private disease.

The doctors just tell them that there is no cure, give them a medication for maintenance, and write them off. They are the lucky ones. Then there are those who go from doctor to doctor being told that there is nothing wrong with them.

It is not so strange that you learn more about candidiasis from internet. Like me for example, I know a lot how to cure candidiasis because I had the fortune to teach a person who had cured herself of candidiasis through learning to be a naturopathic doctor. I asked her about her symptoms and she told me and at the same time I am able to recognize my problems. So I began to study nutrition, and found out to get rid of candida.

In US, as explain above, candidiasis is not recognized by the medical community. So when you find out that you have candidiasis, Doctors don't tend to believe in it. I was once on an antifungal medication about 25 years ago, but the doctor never told me about any diet, and when I went into what I now know was die-off, he took me off the medication and said I couldn't be cured. There was nothing else he offered on how to get rid of candida.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are both inflammatory bowel diseases which can be painful and debilitating, and sometimes may lead to life-threatening complications. Common symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, blood in the stool, ulcers, reduced appetite and weight loss, and fistula or abscess. Heredity and an abnormal immune system are believed to be the common causes of these conditions. Risk factors for these conditions are: an age from 20 to 30, white race, a family history, urban place of residence, and a history of smoking or of having used Isotretinoin. The difference between the two diseases is that ulcerative colitis affects the innermost lining of the large intestine and rectum in continuous stretches; whereas Crohn's disease occurs in patches anywhere in the digestive tract, and often spreads deep into the layers of the tissues.

Since the system of Ayurveda classifies most diseases predominantly based on the symptoms, it categorizes both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in the disease called 'Pravaahika', and hence these two conditions have been clubbed here together for a common overview of their Ayurvedic treatment. Treatment is aimed at correcting the basic pathology of the diseases, controlling symptoms, preventing or reducing complications and boosting the immune system of the body.

Treatment for the main symptoms includes medicines like Kutaj-Ghan-Vati, Kutaj-Parpati, Panchamrut-Parpati, Bilva-Avaleha, Sanjeevani-Vati, Bhallatak-Parpati, Jatiphaladi-Churna, Bol-Parpati and Bol-Baddha-Ras. Herbal medicines useful in these conditions are: Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis), Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum), Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Udumbar (Ficus glomerata), Hing (Ferula narthex), Kutaj (Holarrhina antidysentrica), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Naagkeshar (Messua ferrea) and Bhallatak (Semicarpus anacardium).

In order to prevent bleeding, medicines like Praval-Bhasma, Naagkeshar, Sphatik-Bhasma and Laxa (Purified wax) are used. Castor oil has been given prime importance in the treatment of these conditions; and therefore, products containing this medicine such as Gandharva-Haritaki and Sinhnaad-Guggulu are used along with other medicines. Refractory patients who do not respond satisfactorily are given a course of a special medicated enema known as 'Pichha-Basti' which consists of milk, boiled with medicines like Moch-Ras (Salmalia malabarica).

In order to reduce the intestinal inflammation and prevent complications like abscess and fistula, medicines like Kamdudha-Ras, Chandrakala-Ras, Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Patol (Tricosanthe dioica) and Haridra (Curcuma longa) are used in high doses for prolonged periods. Medicines like Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) and Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) are used to reduce stress. Suvarna-Parpati, Suvarna-Malini-Vasant and Panchamrut-Parpati are used to boost the immune system of the body and also to reduce the inflammation in the intestines.

It is important to note that adequate life style changes need to be made to adjust to these chronic conditions. Appropriate modifications are required in the diet, and adequate relaxation techniques need to be adopted. Butter-milk and pomegranate juice are specially recommended in both these conditions. Because of the potential for serious complications, all such patients should maintain a long term follow-up with a Gastroenterologist.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The Avian flu is caused by the virus group called Influenza, a related virus to the ones that produce the flu in humans. The most contagious and dangerous Influenza is the strain H5N1 that causes almost 100% death in infected birds from all species.

The human catch of the virus occurs by direct or indirect contact with sick birds or with secretions, feces or oral discharges from infected chicken or ducks.

The first occurring symptoms of Influenza in humans are a sore throat, coughing, muscular weakness, fever and conjunctivitis. These symptoms almost always lead to complications and to death causing dysfunctions. On the Influenza field, several viral pneumonias can appear and also the respiratory distress syndrome and finally the multi-organ failure.

Respiratory conditions are very frequent in humans and the Bird flu can be easily mistaken to such diseases. But any patient shoeing the symptoms and that has had a contact with sick animals or their secretions are suspected to have caught the Influenza virus. The confirmation of the illness will be established by laboratory testing and the case will be connected to all other sudden, unusual deaths in the area where the patient lives or works.

The treatment for the avian virus is the same as those for treating regular flues caused by Influenza strains. The treatment can be administered for cure and for prevention and its benefic effects are likely to be obtained in clinical healthy children and adults. The treatment has however its limitations given by the rapid mutations of the virus. Antiviral drugs are usually very expensive and the supplies needed for the entire community are never enough.

In the present, a new vaccine against bird Influenza has been established and its used is highly recommended for poultry handlers, veterinary employees and breeders. The vaccine is called Tamiflu and can also be used as a medication in case of disease confirmation.

The first step in preventing a Bird Flu epidemic is to ban the import of poultry from countries with confirmed cases. The bird caretakers must avoid contact with wild birds, control the human traffic in poultries, practice proper washing and disinfection, and report to the authorities any case of strange illnesses in birds or workers.

The general public must wash their hands properly after handling chicken meat, clean kitchen surfaces well, cook poultry at high temperatures, not sell live chicken on market places, not allow birds to run free in the yard, not place other species in the same place with birds, avoid contact with wild birds and report any case of dead birds in their farm.

People can safely travel to counties with Bird Flu cases as the disease is not transmitted from a person to another. In such cases of travels, tourists must avoid visits to places where birds may occur.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Diarrhea that lasts for more than two weeks is called chronic diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea may prove to be a nuisance for an otherwise healthy person; however, it may represent a life-threatening illness for someone with a compromised immune system. Common causes for this condition includes infections, disorders or previous surgery of the intestinal tract, food intolerance, medications, hyperthyroidism, reduced blood flow to the intestines, altered immune function and hereditary disorders.

The Ayurvedic treatment of chronic diarrhea is aimed at providing symptomatic relief and treating the known cause. Infections of the intestinal tract can be treated using medicines like Panchamrut-Parpati, Ras-Parpati and Kutaj-Parpati. Parasitic infections can be treated using Vidang (Embilia ribes), Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Bahava (Cassia fistula) and Sukshma-Triphala. Viral infections can be treated using medicines like Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Bhrungraj (Eclipta Alba) and Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum).

Food intolerance can be treated using medicines like Shankh-Vati, Trikatu (Three pungent herbs), Agnitundi-Vati and Pippalyarishta. Disorders of the pancreas can be treated using medicines like Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Behada (Terminalia bellerica), Yashtimadhuk, Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus) and Usheer (Vetiveria zizanioidis). Inflammation of the intestines can be treated using medicines like Kamdudha-Ras, Praval-Panchamrut, Bilva-Avaleha, Yashtimadhuk, Praval, Bilva (Aegle Marmelos), Musta (Cyperus rotundus) and Kutaj (Holarrhina antidysentrica). Chronic diarrhea resulting from previous surgery or radiation of the abdomen can be treated using medicines like Shankh-Vati, Agnitundi-Vati, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis) and Pippali (Piper longum). Reduced blood flow to the intestines can be treated using medicines like Tapyadi-Loh, Ekang-Veer-Ras and Abhrak-Bhasma. An altered immune function resulting in chronic diarrhea can be treated using medicines like Suvarna-Malini-Vasant, Loh-Parpati and Suvarna-Parpati.

Curd, buttermilk and pomegranate juice are specially recommended for both acute and chronic diarrhea. It is important to maintain adequate hygiene and use safe drinking water.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Crohn's Disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can have a wide range of symptoms that include diarrhea, weight loss, cramps, blood in the stools, tiredness, low energy as well as constipation. Crohn's Disease can be difficult to diagnose because of the similarities that it has with Ulcerative Colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

While you may have some of the symptoms of Crohn's Disease, you need to be checked out by your doctor or a gastroenterologist to see if that is indeed the case. If your doctor thinks that you may have Crohn's Disease you will likely undergo a series of tests to see if you do have the condition.

Some of the tests that your doctor may give you include a blood test checking for anaemia, elevated white blood cells as this can indicate an inflammatory condition, infection or possibly Crohn's Disease. They will also check the platelet count, when this above normal it can also indicate infection or active inflammation.

Your doctor may also get you to do a non invasive stool test which will be sent to the laboratory for testing. This can tell if you have a bacterial infection and also help determine if you have Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis.

Another test that your doctor may want you to do is an endoscopy. An endoscope is a thin, flexible lighted tube that is connected to a video monitor and a computer. An endoscopy is performed by inserting an endoscope in to the rectum or mouth. This provides your doctor with a very detailed view of the intestinal tract. When having the procedure small biopsies will probably be taken for further examination. This can provide more information and help in the diagnosis of Crohn's Disease.

There are several other tests that your doctor can use to determine if you have Crohn's Disease, when the tests above do not provide enough information or aren't conclusive enough. Once you have been diagnosed you can start to do something about it.

Dealing with any health problem can be an emotional and stressful time. With the right information and help you can make sure Crohn's Disease doesn't have a negative effect on your life long term. Once you know you have Crohn's there are several things that you can do to help yourself using natural therapies, supplements, lifestyle changes, diet, exercise and stress management.

These help your body heal and get back in to tip top shape and stay off harsh drugs, medications and avoid surgery.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Unconscious, repressed emotions initiate physical illness such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, neck and back pain, migraine, repetitive stress injuries, tendonitis, IBS, Crohn's, colitis, heart burn, hiatus hernia, fibromyalgia, arthritis, lyme disease, weight gain, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances, PMS, eczema, psoriasis, and even cancer.

How can emotions have such a powerful impact on the body?

The circulation of blood is under control of a subsystem of the central nervous system known as the autonomic nervous system. An emotion, such as anger, fear, or guilt, initiates a process in the brain which activates the autonomic nervous system, causing a reduction of blood circulation to the involved area. The affected area is now deprived of their full complement of oxygen, resulting in a reduced rate of repair and an increase in inflammation.

If the affected area is a joint, tendon or a muscle, they will be more prone to injure and will remain in an inflammatory state causing arthritis, RA, fibromyalgia, back/ neck pain or some other pain syndrome. If the affected areas are the intestines a person will be more likely to develop IBS, colitis, Crohn's, spastic colon, bowel irregularities; if in the cardiovascular system, one would be more prone to inflammation of the blood vessels causing plaque formation and heart disease; if in the brain, it could lead to anxiety, depression, dementia and Alzheimer; if in the hormonal system, it could cause weight gain, hypothyroidism, PMS, fatigue, or adrenal burn-out.

An interesting note on cancer, Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg proved over 50 years ago that cancer occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirement.

Also, did you know inflammation is thought to be the culprit behind the visible signs of aging?

As you can see, addressing underlying repressed emotions can increase oxygenation to tissue and reduce inflammation resulting in improved health, less pain, more youthful appearance, and weight loss.

Powerful techniques used to assist in the healing process of unresolved emotions:

Inner Child Therapy:

The concept of the 'inner child' stands for unfinished emotions and feelings from our first years. It stands for essential aspects of our being, like trust, innocence and natural energy that have been damaged or oppressed in our early years. When areas within have gone unhealed and unheard they may show up in your outer life as problematic communications, anger issues, dysfunctional relationships, addictions or codependency. They may leave us feeling sad, lonely, abandoned or distrustful. Most of these issues were established out of earlier experiences which were learned in early childhood.

Magnified Healing

Many have described Magnified Healing energy as "soft yet powerful," "magnetic," "very yin" (or feminine) in its essence. Using the center line of the body and starting at the top of the head, practitioners place one hand in front of the body and the other behind the body. They then move their hands down the body all the way to the feet until the entire body has been treated with Magnified Healing. Magnified Healing recipients often feel a pleasant tingling or pulsing in areas with which the healing facilitator is working. The recipient generally completes the treatment with great reduction of stress and pain.

Heart Linking

A heartlink is an energy cord, or channel, that we establish between our heart center and the heart center of another. Heartlinks serve as a tool that fills us with energy to the point of overflowing enabling us to share the excess with others.

Reconnection Therapy

Reconnection Therapy is the process of cleansing and re-activating our personal grid...our connection to everything else in the universe. Many people report feeling a new sense of confidence and empowerment with clarity about their life's purpose. Almost everyone reports their desires manifesting more quickly. Physical changes are increased energy and vitality, looking younger, softer skin, staying healthy, not catching colds and viruses, even the healing of disease. The dependence on medicines and supplements falls away as you allow the wisdom that created your body to heal your body.

Trauma Release Techniques

Trauma is defined as emotional, psychological or physiological symptoms that result from events that overwhelm the nervous system. Feelings of being out of control or helplessness may result after a traumatic experience. This could be something as seemingly non life-threatening, but traumatic none the less as a dental and medical procedure, falls, or minor car accidents. When a state of helplessness and lack of control accompanies negative life experiences, our brains are unable to rid themselves of the messages of threat. All of the experiences that accompanied these traumatic events are mainly stored in our unconscious survival memory centers.

The techniques used help to extinguish the portions of traumatic memory with ease, without having to "re -live the experience" but by eliminate those memories cues that cause a "fight, flight or freeze reaction."

Removal of Energy Blocks

Energy Blocks can take many forms, such as stagnated blood or lymph causing toxins to build up in the body, thus resulting in disease. Another form can be limiting beliefs and expectations preventing us from manifesting fulfillment in our lives. "When Qi (a name for energy) flows freely along the meridians, people are free from illness; if the Qi is blocked, the pain follows." Ancient Chinese Saying.

Locked-in negative emotions

Quantum biology teaches us that consciousness is not localized to any one place. Every time you have a thought or a feeling, a desire, an instinct, or a drive, the body produces specific neuropeptides to communicate that feeling to the rest of the body. Researchers have found receptor sites to these neuropeptides in the immune system and in all organs of the body. Because of this direct mind-body link, negative emotions; e.g. anger, grief, rejection, fear, worry, self-criticism; can create a physical effect. For example, someone that is very self-critical will communicate that feeling to the immune system, causing the immune system to think that there is something wrong with the self and start to attack the self (your own body) leading to an autoimmune disorder, such as arthritis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, asthma, fibromyalgia, or even cancer. Another example could be an inability to speak about your emotions, not feeling heard, or your voice doesn't matter affecting the thyroid, resulting in a slow functioning thyroid, slow metabolism and weight gain.

Inherited negative emotions from prior generations:

Bert Hellinger's Family Systems Oriented Psychotherapy and advanced APN are very effective tools in dealing with these types of issues. The common dynamics that can affect the person from prior generations are as described in Dr. Klinghardt Systemic Energy Psychology manual:

1. "I follow you." E.g. a mother dies at childbirth at age 22. The child lives. When the child turns 22, she commits suicide.

2. "I do it for you." E.g. a father is unhappy. He considers (unknown to anyone else) to leave the family. His 4 year old daughter develops cancer and does it for him.

3. "I am like you." E.g. in a specific family, over generations, men around the age 35 are involved in a huge business failure.

4. "I take it from you." E.g. the client's father was chronically very angry at his wife. The daughter carries the anger for him (displacement of subject) and projects it onto her husband (displacement of object).

5. "I want to be with you." E.g. a daughter was never held lovingly by her father. Her whole life becomes an attempt to finally be held by a man. It will always fail because of displacement of object. It can be completed through APN.

6. Atonement for personal or taken on guilt. E.g. A newborn loses his mother at birth. He will often live as he does not deserve to be here.

Michael Karlfeldt, N.D., Ph.D., 208-919-7429, - A perfect blend of Healing, Relaxation, Fun, and Self Discovery in one of the most beautiful places in the world

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