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Two people came to mind when I am writing this article on colorectal cancer. Let me relate their stories.

Story 1:

Mat (not real name) is a 45-year old professional who was diagnosed with Duke's C rectum cancer. Eight of 16 lymph nodes were involved. He had an operation and subsequently underwent chemotherapy with 5-FU + leucovorin. The first chemo-treatment made his life miserable due to severe side effects. He decided to opt out of chemotherapy and came to us for help. He was started on herbs and felt real good after that.

Mat has a good friend who is a medical doctor. When his doctor-friend came to know that he had abandoned chemotherapy, he became agitated and came to see Mat and pleaded with him to continue with his chemo-treatment. According to this doctor-friend, what Mat did was wrong and he would not want to see his dearest friend die for nothing. He must go through the "proven path" of treatment. After all, to a medical doctor, herbal therapy is not definitive or scientifically proven.

Taken by his friend's sincere concern for him, Mat relented and resumed his chemotherapy. The second treatment caused just as severe side effects as before. He felt like dying. Then, he came to a realization and asked himself: "What am I doing to myself? I suffered so much undergoing a treatment which I was not sure would even help me. Why, oh why am I "killing" myself? Am I doing this to please my doctor-friend or am I doing this for myself?" Mat was awakened to this fact and decided that he would please himself over all others. He decided to stop further chemotherapy.

The decision Mat made weighed heavily on me. When he came to me, I made it explicitly clear that the decision to undergo chemotherapy or not must be entirely his own decision. I cannot make that decision for him. So, he probably had made his decision based on his own guts feeling and we have to respect that. It has been some years now and Mat is still doing alright. One might want to ask: "Would Mat survive the six or eight cycles of chemotherapy, given the fact that even the first two cycles already caused severe reactions?"

It is a standard practice or golden rule so to say, that after surgery, patients are asked to undergo chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. Sometime, when the doctor does not think chemotherapy is indicated, the patients themselves do not feel safe.

Story 2:

It was on 29 July 2001, 9.30 p.m. I was on the phone talking to a lady from England. Her Malaysian-born sister had colon cancer sometime in March 1999. She underwent an operation. The doctor in UK said that since the cancer was at its early stage (Duke's 2), there was no need for her to do any chemotherapy. Not satisfied, she came to Singapore to see another oncologist. Since she was still young (46 years old) the oncologist recommended chemotherapy. This would be "safer" for her - preventive or insurance against possible problems later. So she underwent six cycles of chemotherapy in Singapore.

March 2000 -- a scan showed a 3 cm mass in her liver. She again came to Singapore. Further investigations by doctors in Singapore showed that there was also a 1 cm mass in the lung. The doctors recommended surgery for the liver and /or the lung. However, when the doctors opened up the abdomen, they saw numerous nodules in the peritoneum. The removal of the liver-lung was abandoned. The abdomen was closed back. She underwent another eight cycles of chemotherapy.
After the fourth chemotherapy the tumours decreased in size but subsequent chemotherapy did not show any further improvements. In short, chemotherapy did not achieve its intended purpose. She felt hopeless and decided to quit and returned to England.

She started on Gerson Therapy in Liverpool for five months. During that period the tumours had grown to twice their sizes. She then opted to participate in a clinical trial at one of London's top hospitals. She was again subjected to another eight cycles of chemotherapy.

29 July 2001 -- The purpose of the sister calling was to seek my help since there seems to be no other avenues left for her. Sometimes she was in pain, and she required sleeping pill.

This is the perception the world of today has with regards to cancer treatment. Chemotherapy is the answer and it must be done, otherwise you die from not doing it. With due respect, Mat's doctor-friend believed that chemotherapy is the only key to Mat's survival. Other ways are suspect and unreliable for lack of proof. So, Mat must go for chemotherapy or he will die. The truth is, Mat is still alive! But the lady from London, she was "emotionally a wreck " and died not long after her sister talked to me.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is estimated that approximately 62 million Americans experience digestive problems on an ongoing basis. This is due to the harmful repercussions of the standard American diet on our population coupled with the high level of stress that the average American experiences. Digestive problems can range from minor annoyances, such as gas and bloating, to life-threatening illnesses, such as crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, unremitting diarrhea, and various cancers that target digestive organs. Whatever the case, it is always worth being proactive about our digestive health. The information contained in this article on acupuncture and natural therapies should definitely get you going in the right direction, not only with your digestion but also with your health in general. Let's take a look at a few common disorders and what can be done about them.

1. Constipation: The standard American diet can easily lead to chronic constipation. This diet is low in fiber and antioxidants and high in difficult to digest additives and refined ingredients. Many, many people are constipated and they don't even know it. They may have regular bowel movements, but they are still not flushing their systems thoroughly, which creates intestinal toxicity. Intestinal cleansing is often a top priority in healing numerous chronic health problems. There are several natural herbal remedies and nutritional supplements that can relieve constipation and heal the underlying imbalances.

Chinese herbal formulas such as ma zi ren wan and run chang wan are gentle laxatives that are not habit forming.

Aloe vera juice reduces inflammation and promotes peristalsis (smooth muscle contraction in the bowel).

  • Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal complex that gently eases constipation and removes stagnant waste from the intestines.

  • Psyllium husk is a high fiber product that alleviates constipation.

  • Flax meal and seed are excellent high fiber sources for constipation. Senna leaf is useful for severe constipation.

2. Diarrhea: Chronic diarrhea can be dangerous for your health. It is still one of the leading causes of death in the world. Diarrhea is related to spleen weakness or intestinal inflammation. It is always a top treatment priority to heal this condition. Stress and anxiety can trigger regular bouts of diarrhea, as can processed and refined foods. Here are a few basic remedies for diarrhea:

Chinese herbal formulas such as bu zhong yi qi tang (ginseng and astragalus), si jun qi tang (4 Gentlemen), liu jun zi tang (6 Gentlemen), and jin gui shen qi tang (rehmannia 8) are helpful for alleviating diarrhea due to deficiency. Tong xie yao feng, Isatis Cooling, and jia wei xiao yao wan are helpful for diarrhea due to heat and inflammation.

Western herbs such as slippery elm, chamomile, peppermint, and ginger harmonize and soothe the stomach to stop diarrhea.

Probiotics such as acidophilus are useful as long-term adjuncts in treating diarrhea.

3. Bloating and gas: These symptoms tend to arise from eating too much or too fast, excessive stress, refined foods, coffee and alcohol, and sugar. Aside from slowing down and eating less of these foods, here are a few herbal suggestions:

  • Chai hu shu gan wan -- the quintessential Chinese formula for the combination of stress and gas.
  • Xiao yao wan -- Excellent for digestive problems that arise during menses and excessive stress.
  • Liu jun zi tang -- Strengthens the spleen and takes phlegm out of the gut, which is often related to gas and bloating.
  • Acidophilus and bifidus -- Bloating and gas can be related to candida overgrowth, which is a pathological yeast that causes an array of physical and emotional imbalances.
  • 4. Irritable bowel Syndrome: IBS is a very common problem that affects millions of Americans. Doctors will often diagnose IBS when the patient's symptoms don't seem to match up with anything else, so they call it irritable bowel. This disorder is characterized by bowels fluctuating from constipation to diarrhea with intermittent abdominal pain or distention. People with IBS tend to be sensitive to a variety of foods including high fiber foods, refined sugar, wheat, and gluten products. Symptoms can continue indefinitely and can be resistant to conventional treatments. I have treated several patients with IBS, usually with very positive results. Acupuncture theory asserts that IBS typically involves a disharmony between the liver and the spleen. The liver becomes hyperactive due to stress, anger, and frustration, which causes it to weaken the spleen, causing loose bowels and fatigue. Treatment involves relaxing the liver and strengthening the spleen.

    Herbal formulas such as Irritease by K'An Herbals and Isatis Cooling by Health Concerns have proven helpful. In general, I recommend committing to weekly acupuncture and herbal treatment for 4-8 visits, depending upon the severity and duration of your symptoms.

  • Acidophilus and bifidus cand be helpful, as many people with IBS also have candida
  • Chamomile and peppermint have a soothing effect on the gut and can reduce irritation
  • Most digestive disorders respond very well to consistent acupuncture and herbal treatment. Making dietary changes that restore and detoxify the gut also enhances treatment progress. Digestion is one of the main reference points for gauging one's overall health. If there are weaknesses or imbalances here, it is likely that one's overall health is compromised. Maintaining healthy digestion is an essential component in our quest for optimal health.

    I should mention that for those of you suffering from crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or colon cancer, it is definitely best to seek out professional alternative and allopathic medical treatment. These diseases are simply too involved to offer blanket solutions in this article. There are many powerful natural remedies for these diseases, but their application is specific to your unique needs.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Pain in your joints can be caused by inflammation, arthritis, or degeneration of the cartilage. More and more people today are concerned with the harmful side effects of taking pharmaceutical drugs. There are many products that offer natural joint pain relief and one substance that is very effective is n-acetylglucosamine, or NAG for short.

    Benefits of NAG

    N-acetylglucosamine is one of the eight essential sugars your body needs. After hearing that, you may think that must be wrong because sugar is not good for us. The essential sugars are called saccharides and are not fructose or sucrose. When your diet includes these eight essential sugars, your body will be better able to ward off disease and infection. Studies have shown that they lower your cholesterol levels, diminish allergy symptoms, and lower body fat while increasing lean muscle. The essential sugars can also help detoxify your body of wastes and can help treat autoimmune conditions such as diabetes and psoriasis.

    NAG is found in the shells of shrimp, shark cartilage, shitake mushrooms, and even grasshoppers. Fortunately it is available in supplement form. NAG can reverse cell damage and rebuild cartilage, thus offering natural joint pain relief. Since it can repair certain types of cell damage, it also helps with inflammation and the damage caused by it. Nag is an effective treatment for diseases like interstitial cystitis, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.

    Other Supplements That Offer Natural Joint Pain Relief

    There are numerous products on the market today that may or may not offer relief from pain and stiffness in your joints. Here is a list of some of the best ones at reducing pain and inflammation.

    • Ashwagandha has been used in India for centuries to strengthen the immune system. Joint problems are relieved because it inhibits the 5-Lox enzyme.
    • Annatto Bean Powder
    • Boswellia
    • Curcumin (inhibits the Cox 2 enzyme)
    • Eucommia Ulmoides
    • Ginger Powder
    • MSM (helps to rebuild cartilage)
    • Yucca

    What About Glucosamine?

    You may be wondering why glucosamine was not included in this list. That is because both glucosamine HCL and glucosamine sulfate can only be utilized by your body if you have a certain enzyme in your gastrointestinal tract. Many people do not have the right enzyme so the glucosamine is prevented from relieving joint pain.

    When the enzyme is present in the GI tract, then the glucosamine is transformed into NAG or N-Acetyl-Glucosamine. NAG is then used by the body to reduce inflammation and pain in your joints.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    There are many ways to improve Colitis symptoms one of the most effective that I have found is taking Probiotics regularly Did you know there is more bacteria in your intestinal tract than there are cells in your body?

    Benefits of Probiotics -
    o They reduce diarrhea
    o They are anti-inflammatory
    o They Manufacture B complex vitamins
    o They help regulate bowel movements
    o They create lactic acid that balances intestinal pH levels

    There are many other benefits from Probiotic's but these are the main ones we are concerned with in Colitis. Probiotics really work by reducing your diarrhea and lowering inflammation levels in the bowel. When I first took the right type of Probiotics in the right quantity I was amazed at the results, they really improved my stool consistency back to normal in a matter of days.

    There are several ways of getting Probiotics into your Diet -

    Supplements - There are many many Probiotic supplements for sale out there and it can be confusing knowing which one to take. What you need if you have Colitis is a high powered probiotic with multiple strains of bacteria in it. The best types need to be refrigerated, to keep them fresh and ready for action when they arrive in your intestines. I take one sachet of probiotics containing 450billion live bacteria once a day before bed in a small amount of live goats yogurt. This I find very useful in keeping my bowels regular and my stools well formed. If I feel things are a little bit loose one day then I just take an extra sachet during the day and that gets things back on track.

    Kefir - Kefir is a cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your "inner ecosystem." More nutritious and therapeutic than yogurt, it supplies complete protein, essential minerals, and valuable B vitamins. It really is amazing stuff and the good news is that you can make it at home yourself with very little effort or cost! Kefir provides a virtual Swat team of probiotics which get straight to work cleaning up your intestines. You make Kefir by putting Kefir Grains which look a bit like small bits of cauliflower - and are a living microorganism - into a jar of milk. The Kefir then eats up all the lactose in the milk and as a byproduct produces lots of natural living probiotics which when you drink them help your intestines to function better. I drink a glass of my own home made kefir every morning as part of my breakfast because as well as being an excellent probiotic it is also an excellent nutritious food.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Have you always wanted to know more about aloe vera? Are you interested in getting to know all about the medicinal uses of aloe? Here is a look at aloe vera and its use in the treatment of bowel related diseases such as ulcerative colitis.

    Aloe vera is a plant of African origin with fleshy and succulent leaves. Its pulpy structure is arranged in a rosette pattern. This miracle drug is used in many forms as cure for various ailments. Its gel is made out of the fluid in its leaf, its extract by removing the water contained in the gel, juice made from pulping the leaf and aloe vera latex from the yellow syrupy liquid found within the leaf. It is also available in the market in the form of capsules. Aloe-vera gel contains enzymes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids within it.

    Aloe has many medicinal attributes. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, astringent, anti-itch, anti-viral, antioxidant, laxative and analgesic. There are many ailments that aloe helps reduce the symptoms of: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Crohn's Disease, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Ulcerative Colitis, constipation, Psoriasis, minor burns, Eczema, mouth ulcers, Seborrheic Dermatitis and Type 2 Diabetes (supposedly not tested).

    There are many more uses that aloe vera is used for. Some of its uses have been listed below. Aloe juice is used to treat minor insect bites and minor wounds. It aids better and faster recovery by forming a plaster like covering over the injury. Because of its anti-inflammatory and astringent qualities it works miraculously on skin ailments and cosmetic treatments and is also a preferred cure for hemorrhoids (piles). Aloe's antioxidant abilities have been found to control cases of skin cancer and other skin damage.

    Aloe-Vera gel makes an excellent cure for ulcerative colitis thanks to its anti-inflmamtory and calming functions. Studies have suggested that aloe when used as a cure for ulcerative colitis has showed 47 percent improvement of symptoms.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Up to two million people in the United States alone suffer from varying degrees of Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis. Here are some fact about this debilitating condition.

    Crohn's Disease, named after the physician who first described it in 1932, is an inflammatory disease of the digestive system. Although normally causing ulceration in the small and large intestines, it can affect the digestive tract anywhere between mouth and anus. Ulcerative Colitis, however, is confined solely to the colon.

    Both of these conditions are collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) - they are both chronic and there is no known cure. Both tend to have periods of inactivity (remission) and activity (relapse) and most often commence during early adulthood, though they can occur at any time in life. Both men and women are affected equally.

    Although it is thought that Crohn's Disease may be caused by certain strains of bacteria this is by no means certain and the definite cause is still unknown. It is not thought that diet is responsible for the disease, although diet may affect the symptoms suffered by patients with the condition. It is known, however, that Crohn's Disease is not contagious.

    Common symptoms of Crohn's Disease include weight loss, frequent diarrhea and abdominal pain. Less frequent symptoms include rectal pain and bleeding, fever, loss of appetite and night sweats.

    The disease tends, in its early stages, to cause small erosions, called aphthous ulcers, to appear on the inner surface of the bowel. In time these become true ulcers as they grow deeper, by then causing scarring and stiffness of the bowel. Ultimately the bowel can become obstructed as the scarring narrows it further and further and deep ulcers can perforate the bowel wall. This can release gut bacteria into the body where infection of other organs or the body cavity itself can occur.

    Another complication can be caused when a fistula forms. This is a channel between the intestine and another organ caused when the bowel ulcers tunnel into another organ. These can include bladder, skin, vagina and anus. These fistulas are one of the most distressing complications for anyone suffering from this condition. Crohn's Disease can also cause complications that may or may not be related to the intestine. Although bowel blockage and colon distension can occur, other areas affected can include the lower back, eyes, joints (arthritis), spine, liver and legs. Full discussion of these conditions is beyond the scope of this article.

    The disease is often diagnosed by means of Barium X-ray studies performed after the patient has taken barium meal. There are several other methods of diagnosis and these include colonoscopy, CT scanning and video capsule endoscopy, where a small capsule containing a miniature video camera is swallowed. This the sends images to a receiver and thence to an analytical computer program, allowing a close study to be made of the bowel lining.

    As there is no cure for Crohn's disease, treatment goals are to induce and maintain periods of remission, improve the patient's quality of life and to reduce the side-effects of medication. The anti-inflammatory medicines used for treating the disease are similar in many ways for those used in the treatment of arthritic conditions.

    To summarise, Crohn's disease is a serious condition that has no known cure. It is therefore essential that anyone who has the common symptoms of the disease - severe chronic diarrhea, vomiting, fever and weight loss - consult a doctor at the earliest opportunity. Although this cannot halt the disease, early diagnosis will greatly improve the chances of the patient having a better quality of life than if the disease were to be left undiagnosed and untreated.

    All the above information is given in good faith but does not pretend to replace the professional opinion of a qualified doctor or medical practitioner.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Excessive or unusual amount of mucus in our bowel may be a sign of Chron's disease or Ulcerative colitis. Mucus is a jelly like body substance that lies on the intestinal walls. It has a whitish or yellowish color and it is produced by the mucus membrane of the epithelium. Our organs such as lungs and nasal cavity also produced mucus.

    In most cases there is equilibrium between the secretions of enzyme and mucus in our body. A slight trouble in this equilibrium will lead to inconsistent behavior of our organs. It is also the same when mucus is present in the stool. There are several reasons interrelated to the abnormal amount of mucus on stool. As I have said earlier it may be a sign of Ulcerative colitis or Chron's disease or it can be a bacterial infection. Mucoid or mucus is very normal to bacterial infection. It can also be an anal fissure. In anal fissure, because of its open skin is prone to infection or it can also be a bowel obstruction. Let's dig further why those diseases accumulate mucus.

    First, the Ulcerative Colitis. In UC the mucus membrane of our intestine or the epithelial lining of our intestine become swollen, that eventually leads to ulceration of the epithelial lining of our intestine (large intestine). When this ulcer starts to bleed, production of mucus takes place and pus is developed. This mucus passes on to the rectum through the aid of the bowels.

    Second, the Bacterial Infection. It is just natural in our intestine to have bacteria, or let's say good bacteria. This bacterium helps in the digestion process. Bacteria such as E. Coli, Salmonella and the likes causes fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain. When this happen, an increase in muccocal secretion is manifested and is visible in your bowel.

    Third, Bowel Obstruction. You may not believe it but bowel obstruction is common reason for excessive mucoid production, and mucus is more visible to stools. Bowel obstruction is accompanied by abdominal pain, constipation nausea and vomiting. There are various reasons for bowel obstruction. It can be hormonal imbalance, too little water intake and increase in yeast formation. When there is an increase in yeast formation, excessive muccocal infection eventually follows.

    Fourth, the Irritable Bowel Movement. In IBS, excessive production of mucus is greatly noted. This is because diarrhea is very is ordinary symptom to patient who suffer IBS.

    Fifth, the Chron's disease. Though in CD the production of mucus is too little or barely nothing at all, but because anal fissure is a common symptom of CD, then a mucus in your stool is also visible..

    A whitish color mucus indicates inflammation of the intestine. A yellowish color mucus indicates a presence of bacteria. Basically the most common reason for the occurrence of white colored mucus is food allergy and diarrhea. If the production of mucus is due to bacteria overgrowth, the symptom is worsened by the eating sugary foods and lactose. Drinking a lot of water will soothe the epithelial lining of the intestine which can result to speedy recovery. Drinking hot water with a teaspoon of flaxseed oil is also a good relief in this kind of situation.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Chicken soup can cure anything! Or so it seems. Chicken soup as a cold remedy has been used not only from the times of your great grandmother; but, did you know in 60 A.D., an Army surgeon to Roman emperor Nero wrote of it in his journals. Chicken soup is great, but there are more ingredients that can help get rid of flu and cold symptoms.

    And as a bonus, the same herbs that treat cold and flu can help prevent it.

    We've all heard the cure: when feeling cold or flu symptoms, rest and drink plenty of fluids. But what are the best fluids? How about power-packing those fluids with ingredients that have been proven to fight cold and flu symptoms! Here they are:

    • cranberries

    • garlic

    • ginger

    • peppermint

    • tangerines


    • super food (nutrient dense while low in calories)

    • strengthens immune system

    • fights infection (sore throats and colds)

    • fights cancer

    • protects against inflammation

    Cranberries, blueberries, and concord grapes were all native to America. Cranberries were used by North American Indians to treat wounds. Later American sailors carried cranberries on sea voyages to prevent scurvy.


    Garlic was highly esteemed by ancient Egyptians. They fed it to their soldiers to strengthen them before battle. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties which help the immune system fight infection and boost the immune system. Garlic combines well with Echinacea and together help fight infections.


    • enhances natural resistance for cold and flu

    • reduces inflammation

    • supports prostate health

    Ginger has been used since ancient times as a medicine in Asia, India, and Arab countries. Ginger is believed to help treat headaches, painful menstrual periods, and to fight cold and flu symptoms, motion sickness, nausea, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, and arthritis.

    Side Effects Side effect associated with ginger are not common especially when taken in moderation. Some may experience mild heartburn, diarrhea and irritation of the mouth, belching.

    Warning People with gallstones should consult a doctor before taking ginger or undergoing surgery or if you will be placed under anesthesia for any reason.


    • calms digestive spasm

    • fights bacteria

    • fights most general cold and flu symptoms

    • decongestant

    • soothes stomach

    • relieves headaches

    • relieves cramping

    • eases tissue inflammation

    • relieves insomnia, stress, and anxiety

    • reduces fever

    • relieves nausea

    Peppermint is a natural expectorant which helps treat colds, flu, bronchitis, and headaches. It also reduces fevers by inducing sweating which cools the body.


    One small tangerine has more usable vitamin C than some large oranges. Many people who have trouble tolerating oranges do well with tangerines. Eat or juice two a day to fight colds during inclement weather.

    Ways to use these flu fighters

    Juices -

    • cranberries, tangerines, apple juice, and ginger root

    • tangerine, orange, and ginger root

    • carrot, apple, and ginger root

    Cooking -

    • pancakes or waffles with mint added to a fruit topping or syrup

    • garlic chicken with ginger

    • compote (cooked fruit) with cranberries, tangerines, pears, and ginger or peppermint

    Tea -

    • peppermint tea

    • ginger tea

    • cranberry or cranapple tea

    • hot water with a slice of ginger root

    • hot water with a slice of tangerine

    Other cold fighting remedies

    Other favorites are almost all citrus (orange, grapefruit, lemons, lime). Try different things and see what works best for you. We are all unique and what works for someone else may not work, or work as well, for us. To your health!

    When is the best time to fight cold and flu symptoms? Use these recipes anytime you are exposed to someone who is ill, when around a large number of people, when traveling, or just to boost your immune system.

    More about the common cold

    The common cold is caused by a virus (could be one of 200 different types). When the virus causes the respiratory tract walls to swell which produces excess mucus. Symptoms range from sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes, nasal congestion, headache, fever, and hacking cough. Most colds last 7-10 days. Colds spread from by hand-to-hand contact, coughing, and sneezing. The virus can live for several hours on common surfaces.


    Health information in this article and on my website is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical guide for self-treatment. It does not constitute medical advice and should not be construed as such or used in place of your doctor's medical advice.

    More Information The Juiceman's Power of Juicing, Jay Kordich, 1993 The Folk Remedy Enclyclopedia, Frank W. Cawood, 2004 http://www.umm.edu

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    What's a woman's worst enemy other than cellulite? Wrinkles! We all know that wrinkles are inevitable but none of us want to get them any sooner than we have to. Wouldn't it be nice if there was something you could do to slow or even eliminate wrinkles? There is! It's called superfoods.

    See, if you want to look 10 years younger, using wrinkle creams that really work together with some simple but important lifestyle and diet changes will have your skin look a whole lot younger. Focusing on both at the same time will give you so much more results!

    So what are these superfoods, and what do they do?

    Dr. Perricone has identified 10 superfoods that cannot only play an important role in reducing or eliminating wrinkles and keeping your skin more youthful, but also in keeping you a great deal healthier. A direct link has been made between some foods and healthy, beautiful skin with fewer wrinkles.

    Since we can't cover all ten foods in one article, we'll have a look at two - Buckwheat and Green Foods. Let's learn a little more about the benefit of these two.

    Buckwheat is often mistaken for a grain but it is actually a seed of a relative to the rhubarb plant. Buckwheat has even more protein than wheat, rice, and millet and it is gluten free an added bonus for anyone with gluten allergies.

    The high protein levels in buckwheat have some unique health benefits. Buckwheat is also packed with vitamins, minerals, mono-saturated fatty acids, all of which are good for your health. Flavonoids, and high levels of antioxidant polyphenols, which are excellent at removing toxins from the body and keeping your skin healthy and with few wrinkles.

    Green Foods include wheat and barley grasses as well as blue green algae such as in spirulina and chlorella. These foods are extremely powerful because they are packed with nutrients. Wheat and barley grasses are packed with antioxidants that do a fantastic job of removing toxins from the body. These two are equal on polynutrient value and fresh grasses have enzymes that dried grasses do not. Juice bars and health markets are the health market offer fresh grass juices.

    The blue green algae are single celled plants, superior in chlorophyll, protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Spirulina is so powerful that it can inhibit infectious viruses like flu and herpes for example. Chlorella binds heavy metal toxins such as mercury and removes them from your body. Both reduce allergies, protect the liver from toxins, control colitis symptoms, and most importantly have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which help remove toxins from your skin protecting it from fine lines and wrinkles.

    Whether we are talking about buckwheat, green foods, or one of the other superfoods, the key is that all of them have strong antioxidant powers, which help remove toxins from the body's largest organ - the skin - that results in fewer wrinkles, even the elimination of those wrinkles. Other nutrients boost your overall health, which plays an important role in feeding the skin and keeping it plump and younger looking.

    The secrets out - now you know how some woman manage to look 30 when their 50. Now you can also have vibrant, more youthful skin with fewer wrinkles just by adding superfoods to your diet.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    While Aloe is used in the treatment of several digestive disorders of all degrees of acuteness, from mild to moderate to severe, Aloe is most commonly used with great success in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Use of aloe has been suggested for both internal and external ailments. Externally it is used in the treatment of first-degree burns especially for quick recovery. Aloe vera gel is preferred to shrink warts and also reduce the pain involved in shingles. Psoriasis symptoms can be reduced with the use of aloe gel. Dental problems including bleeding gums and denture stomatitis can also be healed using Aloe vera.

    Internally aloe is used to clear constipation and cleanse your bowel. Its antioxidant properties make aloe juice a miracle potion. European folk medicine uses aloe vera to cure heartburns and ulcers. There are suggestions that it can even cure diabetes though these are not scientifically proven. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients are significantly benefited by aloe vera. Accumulation of residue in the colon is ejected naturally by the regular use of aloe. Internal ulcers and other lesions are also healed by it. The soothing effects of aloe are known to help colitis, peptic ulcers and other irritations of the digestive tract. Acidity removal is one of the many other capabilities of Aloe vera. Its anti-inflammatory fatty acids such as alkalize digestive juices keep over acidity under control.

    The benefits of Aloe vera are many. Nutritionally it contains Vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and various amino acids. Aloe also optimizes blood and lymphatic circulation and facilitates digestion. Aloe vera is also known for its skincare abilities. It increases the amount of oxygen available to the skin and thereby helps in the synthesis and strengthening of skin tissues. It is also popularly used in cleansing the skin. Another of its immense utilities is that it prevents tanning caused by the sun because of its anti-burning properties making it a skin care product par excellence.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Ulcerative colitis can be considered as maddening illness. So it advised to know more about this as so far not much of the proper reports had been generated of it and the individuals who are bothered about this must know it. If a person is victim of Ulcerative colitis then processes like investigations, talking about the indicators or regarding the making of the decisions can be a feeling of discomfort for them. But Ulcerative colitis support collection is ready to help those people with their proper knowledge.

    Concern and symptom of Ulcerative colitis: -

    The main symptom can be the constant illness which further leads to the depression and causing nervousness. So for the help of such patients there are many doctors who are working for the counseling of the patients along with the help of UC support group. There are many ways getting the information regarding the Ulcerative colitis. If some information is not available with the doctors then it can be easily searched on internet. So the counseling from the UC support group can be very much helpful for the patients. If the illness is prolonged then there could be the facility of referring the person who had recently suffered from this problem. So some of the programs are mentioned below which are very much cooperative and attractive for the people: -

    i. CCFA known as The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America which is non-profit association which provides the full knowledge and learning about the care of the Ulcerative colitis by providing the financial help and giving support to the patients and their respective families by having the sponsorships for the active members of the association. The CCFA is a big organization and currently as more than 50000 members with around 40 centers all over the world.

    Proper knowledge and learning can be taken from the website and people can know how to deal with Ulcerative colitis by their support and make full investigation relating to that topic.

    ii. There is a program running known as the UC Support Group Australia and Crohn's illness which helps in providing all the surgical treatments to the patients. So besides the need of the family it necessary to have the support of such groups for the chronic patients.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, said, "Death begins in the colon." Ayurvedic medicine from India, the most ancient and complete system of natural healthcare, states that all chronic health conditions arise from the intestines, and a tenet in Traditional Chinese Medicine says that the heart is the 'supreme emperor' and the intestines are the 'prime minister.' This gives you an idea of the importance of a well- balanced gastrointestinal tract.

    Dysbiosis refers to any imbalance of the micro-organisms inhabiting the lining of your intestines. A healthy GI tract should ideally have at least 85% friendly lactobacteria (like the kind one gets from yogurt) and no more than 15% unfriendly or toxic coliform bacteria, yeast and fungus. But typically in our Western society the balance is the opposite!

    The good bacteria should keep the harmful organisms suppressed and in low numbers. But sugary diets and the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, birth control pills, steroidal drugs and even the chlorine in tap water, disturbs the good bacteria and encourages the bad organisms, especially yeast (fungus) to overgrow. This is how vaginal yeast infections occur following courses of antibiotics.

    The same thing happens much more commonly in our intestines and is referred to as 'candidiasis' or candida yeast infection. As the yeast multiply they send rootlets into the intestinal wall, release toxins, and create 'leaky gut syndrome'. This condition permits organisms and toxins to enter the blood stream and deeper tissues where widespread damage can occur.

    Because dysbiosis usually goes undiagnosed for a long time and so many organs and tissues can be affected, a wide array of conditions and symptoms can result. The list of symptoms are as diverse as nervous and mental disorders or food and chemical sensitivities. Below is a list of symptoms and conditions that can be caused by dysbiosis:

    Gastrointestinal: heartburn, gas and bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease,colitis, diarrhea, constipation.

    Genitourinary: bladder, urinary tract and kidney infections, yeast vaginitis, menstrual irregularities, infertility, endometriosis, PMS.

    Nervous system: memory loss, inability to concentrate (brain fog), irritability, depression, lethargy, chronic fatigue, loss of libido, numbness and tingling, twitches, headaches, hyperactivity, learning problems, autism.

    General: mitral valve prolapse, allergy symptoms, asthma, sinusitis, earaches and ear infections, psoriasis, cold hands and feet, joint pain/stiffness, increased body hair, food cravings, food and chemical sensitivities/intolerances, overeating.

    There have even been cases of patients thought to be suffering from lupus, schizophrenia, myasthenia gravis, anorexia nervosa and multiple sclerosis who recovered following treatment for dysbiosis.

    The cleanse is intended to clear dysbiosis and restore the normal healthy balance of organisms in your intestines. It is sometimes necessary to take acidophilus and other 'probiotics' to re-inoculate the intestines, but it is far more important to skillfully kill off the offending organisms. The muscle-testing allows us to select the right supplements for each individual for this purpose, pinpointing their needs and ensuring accuracy.

    Proper diet can prevent and in some cases cure many health problems. In the case of dysbiosis, it is absolutely essential. This specific diet removes the foods that encourage yeast and fungus growth and mucous production. It requires some commitment since it is not an easy one. It also requires some sacrifice.

    You may even say, "What's left to eat?" or "I'd rather just suffer than give up so much!" But take heart. This diet is temporary. Although some people will need to avoid foods forever that give them bad reactions, most people will be able to eat the forbidden foods again, once they have completed the program. Occasionally people experience a 'die-off reaction' during the cleanse as the offending organisms release their toxins.

    The symptoms may include headache, rash, flu symptoms or fatigue. They are usually mild if they occur and only last a day or two and happen only in a minority of cases. Check in with me if you need to. Occasionally you can develop full-blown sinusitis and allergies during the cleanse. This is due to your immune system taking a slight dip initially and simultaneously catching a wave of pollens or flu bugs passing through the area. This is very uncommon but I feel the warning is healthy.

    The average length of time for the cleanse is 3 weeks, but it may take longer. I will need to see you for a follow up appointment at 2 weeks, and then again before you are released from the cleanse diet. There are many common foods you will need to avoid during the cleanse. After the program, you will be able to reintroduce them one-by-one into your diet and see how each one affects you. The guidelines are on the next page.


    Take your supplements religiously and strictly avoid the following foods until I check you to ensure the candida is safely cleared from your system:

    AVOID: Sugar and all sweeteners: cookies, candy, chocolate, pastries, ice cream, soda, etc.; honey, molasses, real or artificial maple syrup, agave nectar, corn syrup, rice syrup, fructose, dextrose, maltose, xylitol, etc., fruit (except for green Granny Smith apples), fruit juice, dried fruit, etc.

    Many foods have corn syrup, and drinks such as soy and rice milk usually have rice syrup or cane juice, a few (the 'unsweetened' ones) don't. Note: When reading food labels, ignore the section that indicates "grams of sugar". Only be concerned with the list of food ingredients when looking for sugar and sweeteners.

    Milk products: milk, yoghurt and cheeses, especially aged cheeses like cheddar, Swiss, parmesan, blue, etc. Occasionally we allow butter and soft cheeses like cottage, farmers, feta, mozzarella and jack.

    Bread products: bread, buns, bagels, crackers, etc.; Any baked goods containing yeast, and any sourdough or sprouted grain products.

    Fermented products: beer, wine, liquor, vinegar (salad dressings, ketchup, pickles, olives, relish,etc.), tamari, soy sauce, miso, tempeh, natto, sauerkraut, sourkraut, kambucha.

    Miscellaneous: coffee, black tea, Worcestershire or A-1 sauce, mushrooms, packaged foods with lots of unfamiliar ingredients, monosodium glutamate (MSG-ask the owners of your Chinese restaurant if they use it), processed and smoked meats, french fries (they are often dipped in sugar), artificial colorings, flavorings and sweeteners (aspartame, Splenda, etc.), margarine. Avoid nuts and corn if you have multiple food sensitivities.

    Any foods you tested allergic too:_____________________________________

    ALLOWED: You may freely eat vegetables, chicken, fish, beef, seafood, eggs, beans and lentils, tortillas, and healthy oils (olive, flax, coconut, etc). Keep moderate on starchy foods. You may have rice (preferably brown

    rice), whole wheat pasta, potatoes (preferably sweet potatoes, yams and red skinned), oatmeal and hot cereals (unsweetened) and alternative grains like quinoa, amaranth and millet. For salad dressing you may use olive oil and a squeeze of lemon.

    For soy sauce you may use Bragg's Liquid Amino's from the health food store because it's non-fermented. For tomato sauce, make sure it has no sugar. For sweetener you may use Stevia. Generally

    found in liquid droppers in the health food store; it is an herbal extract 300X sweeter than sugar (but does not feed yeast), so you only need a drop or two in tea for example.


    Breakfast: Eggs, oatmeal or whole-grain hot cereal with green apple cubes, cinnamon and stevia, rice cakes, almond butter, meats, veggies...

    Lunch and Dinner: Brown rice, whole wheat pasta, chicken, fish, potatoes, beans, veggies, salad, avocado, rice noodles...

    Snacks: green apples, almond butter, celery, carrots, rice cakes, hard-boiled eggs,

    IMPORTANT!: After 3 to 4 weeks on the cleanse you come in for re-testing. If you test negative for yeast and your symptoms are gone it means their population is now below the threshold level.

    But you MUST come in for the re-evaluation or it could all end up being for naught. If you had food sensitivities, they may be gone or it may take some time to change your body's response to those foods.

    Live Well Holistic Health Center | 16 East Lancaster Ave. | Plaza 16 Building | Suite 104 | Ardmore, PA | (610) 896-1554 The Best in Gentle Chiropractic, Natural Medicine Mainline PA, Alternative Curs, and Montgomery County, Delaware County and beyond, just outside of Philadelphia, PA

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    There are many forms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), with the main ones including Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Whilst they are all different, the main symptoms remain almost the same. They all involve the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and they are basically caused by an abnormal response in the body's immune system.

    The immune system is there to protect our bodies against foreign objects and disease. Unfortunately, when a person suffers from this bowel disorder, their immune system can mistake anything; including food and other helpful materials found in the digestive system, as a threat. It tries to protect the body by attacking the cells within the immune system and white blood cells go to the lining of the intestines and cause the inflammation. That is when the symptoms of the condition can be felt. The condition can occur at any age, but it most commonly affects people aged 15-30.

    So, how do you know if you have Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Look for the symptoms.

    What are the Symptoms of IBD?

    There are a number of common symptoms that a person with IBD will suffer with. These include abdominal pain, weight loss, diarrhea, bright red blood in the stools and vomiting. It is not uncommon for loss of appetite to occur and for you to feel increasingly drowsy.

    Every person will experience differing levels of the symptoms. Some people may only experience slight discomfort every now and again, whilst others could develop frequent intestinal ulcers and inflamed joints or even eye problems.

    If you suffer from Ulcerative Colitis, it only affects the large intestine. Crohn's Disease can affect any part of the intestines, but typically, it affects the lower small intestine.

    Diagnosis of the Condition

    In order to detect IBD, doctors will usually carry out a Colonoscopy. This includes a small camera being inserted into the anus so that the doctor can get a better idea of what is going on inside your intestines. A biopsy can be done during this procedure and foreign lesions can be removed if necessary.

    However before that is given, the doctor will give you an initial consultation. You will have to provide your medical history details and discuss any medications that you may be taking. If this illness is suspected, blood tests may be given to see whether there is any inflammation within the body. You will also be required to give a stool sample.

    Whilst a Colonoscopy is the most common test used to diagnose the condition, an upper endoscopy may also be given. This checks the stomach and the upper small intestine for any ulcers or bleeding. You may also be given a Barium Study that involves you drinking a thick white solution known as Barium. This solution shows up white on an X-Ray and the doctor will see exactly what is going on within the intestines.

    Overall IBD is more serious than IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). The symptoms can be particularly painful and uncomfortable. If you do notice that you are suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned above then you should consult your doctor straight away.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Although there are many products on the market which claim to be ulcerative colitis remedies, it is important to follow your doctor's advice. Products containing aloe are often recommended by many doctors, but taking other products without consulting your doctor, including activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis symptoms may worsen.

    Some companies are advertising activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis remedies as alternatives to medicines which have been proven to keep ulcerative colitis under control in the majority of people who suffer from the disease. While it is understandable that some people may not be able to take certain of the most commonly prescribed medications for the control of ulcerative colitis, remedies like activated charcoal and other home remedies may be ineffective. Home treatment may be effective for those people who have mild symptoms, but it is important to focus on overall health and nutrition, rather than relying on a product like activated charcoal.

    Activated charcoal is a material that attracts and bonds with the molecules of other substances. It is used to treat poisoning and to prevent or relieve gas and bloating. There have been no clinical studies supporting activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis control. In fact there are concerns about using activated charcoal on a regular basis, because it may inhibit the absorption of essential nutrients. It is believed that people who suffer from ulcerative colitis may not be getting all of the vitamins and nutrients that they need from the food that they eat, so to introduce a product into this equation that may reduce absorption of nutrients even more may not be a good idea.

    Of the ulcerative colitis remedies available without a prescription, products containing aloe are generally considered safe and may be effective. Aloe is known to be an anti-inflammatory and it is known to promote healing. It is used as a topical ointment to relieve the pain from and promote the healing of burns and other skin irritations and sores. In cases of ulcerative colitis, it is known that the lining of the colon is inflamed, irritated and sores may be present. It is believed that aloe products designed for use as ulcerative colitis remedies reduce inflammation, pain and promote healing of affected parts of the colon.

    While some people may have had success with activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis control, it may not be the best choice. There are other ulcerative colitis remedies on the market. It is important to investigate the ingredients in a product and consult with your doctor, before you buy.

    For more information about ulcerative colitis and other digestive problems, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    In the treatment of disorders related to the irritable bowel syndrome such as ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, the consumption of Aloe Vera in gel form is found to be successful in either improving the condition of the patient or resulting in remission of the disorder. Almost 50 % of patients suffering from these disorders resort to alternative medicine to help with their long-term management and of these treatments using Aloe Vera is one of the most popular remedies.

    Drinking Aloe Vera juice is an age-old remedy for treating diseases of the digestive tract including irritable bowel syndrome. In clinical trials conducted in the UK and the US, patients given Aloe Vera gel or juice over a period of over four weeks have shown higher rates of remission or improvement in their condition than other patients who were given a placebo juice.

    Aloe Vera juice works by soothing the inflammation caused by ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease. This means that continuous consumption of this juice or gel can help in reducing the inflammation to a large extent and increase the chances of a patient's recovery or remission.

    The leaf this plant is composed of over 200 different substances including zinc, vitamin C & E, essential oils, fatty acids and enzymes. However, it's most important constituent, especially for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is long chain sugars known as mucopolysaccharides (MPS) that the human body stops producing on its own after puberty. MPS helps in lining the colon and preventing toxins from entering the body, thereby improving the health of the inflamed colon.

    Aloe Vera is found in three different forms for medicinal use. Besides the gel or juice form, the extract is obtained by processing the whole leaves. There is also Aloe latex, which is the residue from the evaporated juice of cut leaves. The latex form is however not suitable for use by patients suffering from ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease as it could cause severe diarrhea or abdominal cramping that could aggravate the inflammation of the colon. It is always advisable to contact a medical practitioner to get prescribed the right dosage of Aloe Vera. This is important as it can have adverse effects on the body if consumed along with certain types of medications such as diabetic medicines, diuretics, hydrocortisone and digoxin. The doctor can also tell you for how long you need to continue the Aloe Vera treatment for irritable bowel syndrome.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Colonic hydration, or colon flush irrigations, is one method of cleansing the colon. This method involves a two-inch tube, which is inserted into the rectum. This allows water to enter the colon, flushing out any toxins that may have built up on the colon walls over time- typically from undigested food particles, among other factors such as pollutants in the air.

    The colon is charged with the duty of ridding the body of waste, and when the toxic buildup occurs, the colon cannot do its job at normal speed. This is where colon cleansing comes into play.

    When choosing the colon flush above the other methods of cleansing, it is very important to make sure that the water used is pure- that way no additional toxins will be entering the body.

    Colon flushing is not recommended on a regular basis because it can cause damage to the large intestine, and can also result in dependency in some cases. It also is not recommended for those who suffer from or have had surgery for the following ailments: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, kidney or heart problems, rectal hemorrhoids and diverticulosis.

    Other methods of colon cleansing are deemed safer, and more natural. These include herbal remedies and altering the diet to include more fiber and water. Although those ways will take longer, they are safer because they are more natural, and cannot cause any harm on the inside during the colon flush. Also, they are aware of what exactly is going into their body. The patient should check with the doctor before having a colon cleanse.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Kidney stones or renal calculi are solid concretion or crystal aggregations formed in the kidneys from dissolved urinary minerals. Kidney stones are a common cause of blood in the urine and often severe pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin. Renal colic can be associated with nausea and vomiting. Kidney stones may contain various chemicals. There are several types of kidney stone based on the type of crystals of which they consists. The majority are calcium oxalate stones, followed by calcium phosphate stones. More rarely, struvite stones are produce by urea-splitting bacteria in people with urinary tract infections, and people with certain metabolic abnormalities may produce uric acid stones or cystine stones.

    Urolithiasis is the medical term used to describe stones occurring in the urinary tract. Men are three times more likely than women to have kidney stones form within the urinary tract.

    Causes and Risk factor:

    There is no consensus as to why kidney stones form.

    Heredity: Some people are more susceptible to forming kidney stones, and heredity may play a role. The majority of kidney stones are made of calcium and high levels of calcium in the urine is a risk factor. The predisposition to high levels of calcium in the urine may be passed on from generation to generation. Some rare hereditary diseases also predispose some people to form kidney stones.

    Geographical location: Increasing global temperatures will lead to greater future prevalence of kidney stones. The hot climate and poor fluid intake may cause people to be relatively dehydrated, with their urine becoming more concentrated and allowing chemicals to come in closer contact to form the nidus, or becoming, of a stones.

    Medications: People taking diuretics and those who consume excess calcium-containing antacids can increase the amount of calcium in their urine and potentially increase the risk of forming stones. Taking excess amounts of vitamins A and D are also associated with higher levels of calcium in the urine. Other commonly prescribed medications associated with stone formation include dilantin and antibiotics.

    Several factors increase the risk for developing kidney stones, including inadequate fluid intake and dehydration, reduced urinary volume, certain chemical levels in the urine that are too high or too low, and several medical conditions such as reflux, medullary sponge kidney, renal tubular acidosis and urinary tract infections. Anything that blocks or reduces the flow of urine also increases the risk.

    Chemical risk factors include high levels of the following in the urine: calcium, cystine, oxalate, uric acid and sodium. A low level of citrate is also a risk factor for stones.

    The following medical conditions are also risk factors for kidney stone disease: Arthritis, Colitis, Gout, High blood pressure, Hyperparathyroidism, Medullary sponge kidney, Renal tubular acidosis, Urinary tract infections, Intestinal disorder that causes chronic diarrhea, dehydration, and low citrate, and urinary tract infections.


    Many kidney stones do not move and are too small to cause any symptoms. However, if a kidney stone causes a blockage, or moves into the ureter, one may have severe pain or ache on one or both sides of the back, get sudden spasms of excruciating pain - usually starts in the back below ribs, before radiating around abdomen, and sometimes to the groin or genital, have bloody or cloudy urine, feel sick or vomit, feel a frequent urge to urinate, or burning sensation during urination, and get fever and chills.

    The pain of kidney stones - referred to as 'renal colic' - can be very severe. It begins as soon as the stones becomes stuck in the ureter and tends to come in waves. It is not usually associated with the size of the kidney stone - sometimes small stones can cause more pain than very large ones.

    Sometimes, symptoms such as difficulty urinating, urinary urgency, penile pain, or testicular pain may occur due to kidney stones.

    Home remedies:

    Small stones can be dissolved and passed out through urine by administration of certain home remedies coupled with some Ayurvedic remedies. The followings are the home remedies for kidney stones,

    1. Water: Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day.

    2. Citric Acid: This natural acid has been known to dissolve hard materials, including kidney stones. A great citric acid fruit to choose is a lemon. Lemon juice can be mixed with water, honey, or sugar.

    3. Citrates: Citrates will reduce the amount of uric acid and eliminate the build-up of calcium salts which cause the formation of kidney stones. A good tip for getting enough citrates is to drink fruit and vegetable juice such as carrot, grape and orange juice.

    4. Boil 2 figs with water, and drink this every morning for a month.

    5. Make one cup of juice made with radish leaves and drink twice a day.

    6. Drink one glass of fresh tomato juice with a hint of salt and pepper for flavor every morning.

    7. Basil (tulsi) leaves: Take 4-5 basil leaves, extract its juice and mix in a tablespoon of honey. Take this mixture every morning for 4-6 months.

    8. Coconut water is a good home remedy for burning urination and scanty urine. Regular intake also flushes out small particles or dissolves stones through urination,

    9. Barley water can also be used for this purpose,

    10. Water melon is nutritive as well as a safe diuretic to be used in this condition.

    11. Onion decoction: Make the decoction by adding water to some bulbs of onion. Sugar should be added to it and taken.

    12. The decoction prepared with Kulathi Dal is very useful.

    13. Soda water is also very useful if taken thrice daily after meals.

    Other natural measures that may help prevent kidney stones include:

    1. Avoid foods and beverages that contain high fructose corn syrup.

    2. Reduce daily salt intake.

    3. Avoid calcium-containing antacids.

    4. Limit intake of beef, pork, and poultry to less than 4 to 6 ounces a day.

    5. Eat moderate amount of dairy products.

    6. Limit the amount of pasta you eat,

    7. Avoid high-oxalate foods, such as dark green vegetables, nuts and chocolate.

    Ayurvedic medicine:

    1. Rencare Capsule: This medicine helps urine flow, and cools the membranes of the urinary tract. It also helps stop bleeding within the urinary tract, and helps break up and remove stones. Also, it helps relax the bladder, relieve irritation, and improve urinary flow.

    Herbs included in this capsule are Gokshuru, Pashaan Bheda, Dhania Leaves, Cornsilk and Usher.

    1. Patherina tablet is the specific ayurvedic remedy for stones. 1 tablet twice a day along with a glass of water ensures good relief.

    2. Cystone tablet (Himalaya Drugs): 1 to 2 tablets twice daily for 6 to 8 weeks.

    3. Calcury tablet (Charak): 1 to 2 tablets twice or thrice daily for 6 to 8 weeks.

    4. Ber Patthar Bhasma is the drug of choice.

    5. Chander Prabha vati is also very useful in burning micturition. 1 tablet twice daily.


    1. Hot water bath and hot fomentation over the back give relief.

    2. Yoga: certain asanas, which stimulate kidneys can be practice. These are Pavana Mukta Asana, Uttana Padasana.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Ulcerative colitis is also a type of inflammatory bowel disease. It affects the intestines, especially the large intestine or colon. There are ulcers or open sores in the colon. The main symptom is a nagging diarrhea with blood. Ulcerative colitis is similar to Crohn's disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but it is not that serious a condition. It is an intermittent disease. It has phases of exacerbated symptoms and phases that are free of symptoms. The symptoms might disappear on their own, but usually this disease needs treatment. The symptoms are abdominal pain, mild fever, cramping, diarrhea, loss of appetite and anemia.

    There are drugs to combat this disease. Coping with stress is not a substitute to medication, but it can ease the emotional anxiety that accompanies this disease. People suffering from ulcerative colitis are prone to stress. Their overactive immune system needs to be pacified. When an individual is under stress, the body starts secreting hormones like adrenalin, and molecules called cytokines. They are stimulants. This triggers inflammation as the immune system is stimulated. This aggravates ulcerative colitis. This phenomenon is called flare-up. Living with this disease is stressful. The patient has to be aware of the bathrooms when he visits someone's house. While others are enjoying the visit, he is full of anxiety owing to his precarious situation. Stress is bound to occur in such situations making the scenario worse.

    Stress does aggravate ulcerative colitis. You will be tensed and unhappy if you are a victim of this disease. Try to cure yourself from it. It is a painful illness and an embarrassing one. Try to remain stress free and be on medication to cure yourself completely.

    Crohn's disease is another type of inflammatory bowel disease which is a disease of the intestine that can affect any portion of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. It gives rise to abdominal pain, weight loss, diarrhea and vomiting.

    Irritable bowel syndrome is a disease of the large intestine and it has an effect on the colon and the rectum. Irritable bowel syndrome is a bowel disorder which is identified by abdominal pain bloating, discomfort, and changes in bowel habits without a proper cause. Sometimes this discomfort is relieved by bowel movements. There is alternating diarrhea and constipation. It may be the outcome of a stressful life, onset of maturity or the effect of an infection.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    As mentioned in the previous posts, Ginger is one of the best detoxifying herbs recommended in all cleansing programs including the 3 day detox diets. It's indeed brought about by nature discovered by alternative medicine experts especially in China, India and other countries practicing this way of naturally treating diseases.

    According to these alternative medicine practitioners, Ginger has both the light, soothing effects for body cleanse while its nutrients strongly targets detoxification inside the body. Ironic but interesting, Ginger is also considered best detox herb so far which can be added onto different dishes, spices and even drinks nowadays in which the kitchen would never miss it in a basket.

    What Are Ginger's Health Benefits?

    Having been used for more than 3 centuries now, Ginger has been the favorite medicinal ingredient also considered as culinary herb. Why? Because not only by having its unique taste, unlike most spices the Ginger still retains its medicinal value while it grows under ground. In fact, it's mistaken as the "Ginger root" but it's actually Ginger's rhizome which is more likely a subterranean stem than a root.

    Most of the times, people are seen using the dried ginger one but there are also powdered gingers for easy consumption helping fight digestive ailments and breaking down proteins even better. Also it's convenient because you may keep the sliced off rhizome in the refrigerator for long (around 3 weeks max) and use it for future purposes as long as it's not totally peeled.

    One of the best 3 day detox benefits ginger has is the gas reduction. Most people complain about having increased gas while they enhance protein intake. But with the help of adding ginger into food, it relieves feeling bloated of gas and in turn eases nausea, motion sickness as well as feeling to vomit every morning.

    Can Ginger Help Fight Away Diseases?

    Yes it can. Actually it helps reduce inflammation wherein it can be used to treat diseases resulting to inflammation such as ulcerative colitis and arthritis. Additional studies show that ginger boosts anti-inflammatory through inhabitance of herpes simplex virus replication.

    While detoxification enhances natural body cleansing and repairing it also allows the body to have better defenses against virus carried diseases such as fever and flu. Also, it helps stimulate blood circulation to prevent clotting which lead to chronic and deadly cases.

    Thus, Ginger's healing and detoxifying properties include shogaols, volatile oils and gingerols both responsible for not only its pungent taste but also its healing processes soothing the digestive system. The volatile oils help sustain digestive enzymes which neutralizes acids and supports the whole digestion process. As a result, you can say good bye to stomach discomfort, diarrhea and even constipation.

    Quick hint: One good 3 day detox diet tip for you to consider ginger's health benefits is through a ginger tea. Prepare a tea by steeping about 5 slices of ginger in hot water. Otherwise, add ginger into as many dishes as you can and combine it with garlic for best results.

    Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    According to continuously upgraded statistics, over one-half of all Americans visit complementary and alternative medical practitioners yearly, accounting for fiscal expenditures in excess of thirty-three billion dollars.

    These statistics are rapidly escalating due to:

    ~High costs associated with conventional medicine

    ~Adverse side-effects or resistance to prescription drugs

    ~Many diseases (fibromyalgia, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines etc.) are precipitated or facilitated by mental and/or emotional stresses

    ~Many ailments (AIDS, cancer, arthritis, etc.) have not been helped or cured by conventional medical intervention

    ~Conventional medicine is sophisticated in dealing with trauma and some specific diseases, but devotes far less attention to aspects of "wellness", such as the prevention of "dis-ease", or to underlying emotions - how a person feels about their illness.

    Complementary methods, such as Reiki, are cost effective, help minimize recovery time, require little technology to implement, and blend easily with all other therapies. Reiki can be introduced to the patient by the nursing staff on all levels, CRNP, RN, LPN or NA. There are no adverse side effects from treatment, and treatment can be implemented at any time or during any stage of illness.

    "Dis-ease" is an important messenger, indicating the body's homeostasis needs to be restored. Reiki fuels the homeostatic mechanisms and assists in the restoration of physical, mental and emotional balance. Reiki works to enhance and accelerate the normal healing processes of the body and mind. By inducing the relaxation response, Reiki encourages integrated functioning of the body's healing systems. This deep relaxation acts via the autonomic nervous system to lower blood pressure and heart rate, and to relieve tension and anxiety. It also augments the ability of the immune system and stimulates the brain's production of endorphins, decreasing the perception of pain and creating a state of well-being.

    Reiki enables the recipient to take charge of this process, as the one receiving the treatment facilitates the power to heal. The body's innate "wisdom" chooses how much and where to direct the Reiki energy.

    A study at Sonoma State University, focusing on nurses trained in Reiki 1, concluded that Reiki seemed a natural adjunct to nursing, and could be incorporated into every area of nursing care. Reiki flows whenever patients are touched by their caregiver.

    Reiki can also reduce the incidence of "burn-out" and job-related stress. Nurses, caretakers by nature, tend to place service to others above taking care of their own needs. "Self-Reiki" is an effective method for centering, calming, balancing, regaining clarity and focus, as well as increasing productivity.

    Reiki in Hospitals

    Since Reiki requires no specific setting or preparations, it can be used in all hospital environments, and can be incorporated unobtrusively into patient treatment. It helps relieve stress, agitation and pain, as well as aiding sleep. It promotes release of grief, anger or anxiety, and provides comfort in palliative care. No adjustment to clothing is necessary, and Reiki even flows through casts. It is not dependent upon the consciousness of the patient. Nurses report the following shifts with Reiki:

    ~Patients "pink-up"

    ~Hands and feet warm up

    ~Patients sleep calmly, and for extended periods

    ~Less time is needed to calm patients

    ~Patients have a more positive attitude, and are more cooperative

    ~Patients report decreased pain

    Reiki assists in mobilizing healing resources for recuperation. Reiki can also reduce the dosage and frequency of pharmacologic intervention. Moments of Reiki "caring-touch", even during routine procedures, increases patient satisfaction, and helps diminish feelings of institutional impersonality. Reiki satisfies the nurse's innate desire to comfort and nurture.

    "Reiki sessions cause patients to heal faster with less pain" says Marilyn Vega, RN, at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in New York. "Reiki accelerates recovery from surgery, improves mental attitude, and reduces the negative effects of medication and other medical procedures."

    Vega, a Reiki Master, includes Reiki with her regular nursing procedures. Patients have asked her to do Reiki on them in the operating and recovery rooms. She has also been asked to do Reiki sessions on cancer patients at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital.

    Julie Motz, a Reiki trained healer has worked with Mehmet Oz, MD, a noted cardiothoracic surgeon at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York. Motz uses Reiki to balance the patient's energy during operations, including open heart surgeries and heart transplants. She reports decreased post-op depression, pain, leg weakness, and reduced rejection rates.

    Beginning in 1995, initially exclusively within the Cancer Care Unit, the Tuscan Medical Center began offering Reiki to patients in their rooms. This offering has now expanded to include many other areas of the hospital.

    Patricia Alandydy, an RN and Reiki Master, offers Reiki within the Surgical Services Department at Portsmouth Regional Hospital. Ongoing program evaluations have shown patients who received Reiki treatments needed less pain medication, and left the hospital sooner.

    The California Pacific Medical Center Health and Healing clinic provides care for acute and chronic illness using complementary care including Reiki. Mike Cantwell, MD states:"I have found Reiki to be useful in the treatment of acute illnesses such as musculoskeletal injury/pain, headache, acute infections, and asthma. Reiki is also useful for patients with chronic illnesses, especially those associated with chronic pain."

    Mary Lee Radka is a Reiki Master and RN who has the job classification of Nurse-Healer and teaches Reiki to nurses and hospital staff at the University of Michigan Hospital. She also uses Reiki with most of her patients. She has found Reiki to produce the best results in reducing pain and stress, improving circulation and eliminating nerve blockages.

    Reiki in Hospice

    A dying person's final weeks of life can be fraught with boredom, frustration, loneliness, depression or fear. Reiki provides comfort and well-being, along with deep relaxation and reduction of pain without sacrificing consciousness. Severe pain, fears and anxiety can be managed with less medication, leaving the client more alert to deal with the emotional issues of closure with loved ones. By supporting the hospice patient through their transition with peace and harmony, Reiki is compatible with hospice goals. Reiki is gentle, unobtrusive and under client control. Reiki communicates depth of caring and connection without the need to use words. Reiki also assists the hospice worker to nurture oneself and helps to deal with emotions that surface while dealing with dying clients.

    Medicinal Uses that Show Promise

    Chronic Pain: Arthritis patients who get regular Reiki treatments often report decreased pain and improved mobility. Researchers are testing Reiki's ability to reduce pain and improve emotional well-being in Fibromyalgia patients.

    Cancer: Reiki treatments may reduce side effects, like the fatigue and nausea caused by chemotherapy and radiation. Once treatments are over, Reiki can help restore balance to the body and improve the immune system. One study published in The Journal of Pain and Symptom Management reported improved pain control and a better quality of life.

    HIV/AIDS: In a study of people with HIV/AIDS who received Reiki 1 training, a 20 minute Reiki self-treatment was found to reduce pain and anxiety. Reiki may also help by enhancing immune function and reducing fatigue and insomnia, common side effects of antiviral drugs.

    Diabetes: Pamela Miles, a New York based Reiki Master who helped launch Reiki programs at several area hospitals, has seen many people with diabetes reduce their need for insulin after starting Reiki treatment, especially those who practice self-treatment on a daily basis. Researchers at the University of Michigan are studying Reiki's effectiveness in reducing pain and improving cardiovascular risk factors in people with diabetic neuropathy.

    Mental Health: In a study of Reiki and Depression, people who received a 1 to 1.5 hour treatment each week for 6 weeks reported reductions in depressive symptoms, hopelessness and stress. Reiki treatments also offer a gentle way for people traumatized by rape, crime or war to "reconnect with their sense of wholeness", says Pamela Miles.

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