Crohn?s disease, a disease belonging to the larger group of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), is named after an American gastroenterologist, Dr. Burrill B. Crohn. Crohn's disease initially came to be known as a medical entity when it was referred to by Dr. Crohn, Dr. Leon Ginzburg, and Dr. Gordon D. Oppenheimer in 1932. The first description of this condition was earlier made by the Italian physician Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682?1771) in 1769, when he diagnosed a young man with a chronic, debilitating illness and diarrhea.

Successive cases were reported in 1898 by John Berg and by Polish surgeon Antoni Lesniowski in 1904. In 1913, Scottish physician T. Kennedy Dalziel, at the meeting of the British Medical Association, described nine cases in which the patients suffered from intestinal obstruction. On close examination of the inflamed bowel, the transmural inflammation that is characteristic of the disease was clearly evident. Abdominal cramps, fever, diarrhea and weight loss were observed in most patients, particularly young adults, in the 1920s and 1930s. In 1923, surgeons at the Mt Sinai Hospital in New York identified 12 patients with similar symptoms. Dr. Burrill B. Crohn, in 1930, pointed out similar findings in two patients whom he was treating.

On May 13, 1932, Dr. Crohn and his colleagues, Oppenheimer and Ginzburg, presented a paper on ?Terminal Ileitis?, describing the features of Crohn?s disease to the American Medical Association. This was published later that year as a landmark article in the Journal of the American Medical Association with the title "Regional Ileitis: A Pathologic and Chronic Entity." The JAMA article was published at a time when the medical community was interested in new findings. The findings were given significant recognition, while the Dalziel article in the British Medical Journal of 1913 was not. It is by virtue of alphabetization rather than contribution that Crohn's name appeared as the first author. This was the first time the condition was reported in a widely-read journal, and the disease came to be known as Crohn's disease.

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Whilst there appears little connection between a poor quality diet and the diagnosis of colitis, diet does have a significant role to play during both periods of flare up and remission. Through careful awareness of the effects of diet on the bowel, a sufferer can still enjoy a varied diet for colitis whilst in remission and another for periods of attack that will not compound the symptoms.

It is often the case that as soon as people hear about the medical condition of colitis they immediately conclude that a sufferer's diet will have to change beyond recognition and that all fibre should be eliminated. They view fibre as the last food group that a sufferer should inflict on their ulcerated large colon. This common misunderstanding could not be further from reality as it should be recognised that there are actually two distinct types of fibre.

The two types of fibre have differing effects on someone diagnosed with colitis. Soluble fibre is in fact helpful for colitis and should be encouraged in its use as it is broken down and digested in the large colon. The result of this is the production of soft stools and has the benefit of not producing the type of particles that can adhere to the wall of the large colon and ultimately cause inflammation. Included in the variety of soluble fibre that a colitis sufferer can eat are fruits such as apples and pears plus root vegetables including potatoes and carrots. Just remember that they must all be peeled to avoid the problematic fibre in the skins. Oat bran can be eaten such as porridge plus the use of white rice in savoury dishes.

In complete contrast to this, insoluble fibre can have the unfortunate affect of inflaming colitis and thus steps should be taken to avoid it if possible. The difference is that this type of fibre passes through the entire digestive tract without being digested. The result of this is that there is a tendency for it to adhere to the wall of the large colon. This can have the effect of irritating it and thus increase the chance of aggravating the ulceration. This is particularly important to avoid during the period of a flare up. A high fibre diet is made up of insolubles and includes the peel of fruits and vegetables plus broccoli, cabbage and sweet corn. You should be aware that wheat bran which is found in wholemeal bread and several breakfast cereals should be avoided.

Another beneficial food group to include in a diet for colitis is fish oils especially from oily fish such as sardines. It is acknowledged that fish oil has a beneficial effect in reducing inflammation generally plus also it is a soluble foodstuff that easily passes through the bowel. It should be noted that eating actual fish rather than fish oil supplements will be far more beneficial to the colitis sufferer.

Plus also, another factor in a diet for colitis that should be examined is the amount of consumption of dairy products such as milk, cream and cheese. Whilst it is not essential to eliminate this food group from the diet, it is well advised to lower present consumption to reduce the chance of the build up of lactose in the colon, which unfortunately has the effect of encouraging the production of unhelpful bacteria that can result in inflammation.

It should be recognised that an effective diet for colitis does not necessarily suggest a heavily restricted choice. In fact, when in remission, the sufferer can enjoy a diet as close to normal as possible though this has to change when a flare up occurs. It is then that there has to be even more vigilance about what is eaten and the resultant effect it has on the bowel activity.

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Crohn's Disease and Colitis, inflammatory diseases of the intestines, are misunderstood by many people - including some sufferers. Often when individuals are diagnosed, they are embarrassed to ask questions about their condition. It is vital, however, that Crohn's Disease and Colitis sufferers gather as much information as possible about the state of their health.

Symptoms for these conditions can vary from person to person. As well, sufferers can receive treatment to manage and even eliminate their individual symptoms. A trusted Naturopath physician can be one of the best sources of information about individual cases of Crohn's Disease and Colitis. Certain truths about these conditions have not yet been acknowledged by the regular medical community.

Questions and Answers

. What is Crohn's Disease And Colitis?

Crohn's Disease (CD) can exist anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract. Usually, Colitis (UC - Ulcerative Colitis) is discovered in the large intestine. Sometimes Colitis, however, will affect part of the small intestine.

. Is There A Cure?

At present, there is no cure for these conditions. Sufferers can, however, manage the symptoms. Crohn's Disease and Colitis are not fatal diseases.

. What Is The Life Span For A Person With Crohn's Disease And Colitis?

People with these conditions are thought to have a normal life span. Generally, men with the condition live to be 78 years and women live for 79 years. These statistics are in line with figures for the average life span of males and females. The untold statistics are when death occurs in Crohn's and Colitis patients there are classified as deaths from complications such as bowel cancer and recorded as a cancer death rather than one of Crohn's or Colitis. This skews the statistics for suffers giving a false impression of greater longevity.

. What Are The Symptoms?

Individuals experience different signs. Sufferers can experience varied symptoms such as weight loss, diarrhea, and stomach pains, as well as other health issues. People should not ignore the symptoms of these diseases. If left untreated, ordinary symptoms can lead to serious complications.

. What Side Effects Can Result From Untreated Symptoms?

The side effects of these conditions can range from uncomfortable to life-threatening situations. If sufferers ignore their symptoms, they can be stricken with malnutrition, intestinal blockages, damaged organs, and other serious afflictions. Yet these side effects are preventable if individuals get treatment for their symptoms.

. How Can Individuals Manage The Symptoms?

A person's doctor can help with managing - and even temporarily eliminating - a patient's symptoms. Physicians may prescribe drugs to control these conditions. In some situations, doctors may suggest surgery. Yet some sufferers, as well as researchers, claim that Crohn's Disease and Colitis water fasts and a regular raw food diet can eliminate uncomfortable symptoms. Of course, patients must always check with their doctor before embarking on strict fasts or any dramatic changes to one's diet.

. How Could A Raw Food Diet Control Crohn's Disease and Colitis Symptoms?

At present, researchers are exploring the connection between a raw food diet and more manageable (and even disappearing) symptoms. The study of Vitamin A plays a significant part in this research. Many patients have claimed that their symptoms lessened and even ended over time as they adhered to a raw food diet.

After all, the Western diet is filled with fats, sugars, chemicals, and processed foods. Research continues regarding the raw food diet and its contribution to better health for Crohn's Disease and Colitis sufferers. Of course, the bottom line in looking after one's health is to make an informed decision before making any drastic changes.

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If you are one of those suffering from IBS, you'll be surprised to know that there is more to the cure than just prescription medications alone. Natural remedies for IBS has been in existence even before pharmacological treatments and this has helped people centuries ago and it still can help people of today's generation. Before we list down these natural treatments, let us try to get to know more about this condition.

Fast Facts Irritable Bowel Syndrome is categorized as a functional disorder. This condition happens when the usually normal activities in our intestines takes a different course of activities. There are actually no abnormalities that can be seen in its anatomy, blood or cells. The problem arises when it performs differently.

Many people experience this disorder of functioning. It affects a trivial 10-20% of our general populace. According to gastroenterologists and other physicians, this is the most common disorder diagnosed. Other terms for this disorder include spastic colon, spastic colitis, nervous stomach, mucous colitis and irritable colon-all referring to the parts of the digestive system.

The symptoms manifested clearly states that there is a problem with the functions and interaction of the intestines, the brain and the nervous system which are all connected in order to have normal bowel movements.

The symptoms are usually pain and discomfort in the abdominal area, different bowel pattern and persistent diarrhea or constipation. The discomfort in the abdominal area can be accompanied by cramps. The symptoms can range from mild to severe.

There are no diagnostic tests that can track this condition. The only way this can be diagnosed is to identify the symptoms unique to this disorder.

The efficacy of the treatments for sufferers of this condition may vary. Some may find a method effective, while others may not. This is why it is important to widen the search for a treatment that can relieve the symptoms.

The best treatment is to avoid the foods that can trigger the malfunction of the intestine. So avoid ingesting caffeine or drinking too much alcohol. Avoid eating fatty foods and foods with dairy content. It will also be helpful if you try to increase you intake of foods rich in fiber. But whatever you do, avoid beans, uncooked broccoli and cabbage as these can make you feel bloated.

Natural remedies for IBS include the use of herbal remedies. If you want a more natural approach to treating this disorder try the following:

Peppermint - this can reduce bloating and pain. It helps reduce the likelihood of heartburn.
Fennel - If this is combined with Dill, another herb, it can help calm the intestines and reduce symptoms such as gas and bloating.
Ginger - this is a great ally for our digestive functioning. It allays the symptoms such as indigestion and nausea.
Cinnamon - This is effective in preventing diarrhea. Not only does it taste good but it also helps reduce the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood stream.

Sufferers if this disorder should also try a product called DigestAssist. Like what its name suggests, it can help promote a healthy functioning of the digestive system and supports its good interaction with the brain and the nervous system.

DigestAssist eases up unwanted symptoms after meals and can provide immediate relief. This product uses herbal ingredients such as ginger, fennel, peppermint and stomach bush. These powerhouse ingredients enable the digestive system to perform normally.

It is easy to say that natural remedies for IBS work better than over-the-counter medications. You can try this kind of remedy and you might be pleasantly surprised with its results too.

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Candida yeast is a natural part of your colon's bacteria population. In a healthy body, it makes up about 15% of your gut bacteria. When this healthy balance is compromised -- because of excessive sugar consumption -- the body will develop a host of unpleasant symptoms, such as vaginitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colitis, systemic candida, food allergies, white tongue (oral thrush), psoriasis, migraines, asthma, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, acid reflux, and other digestive disorders.

I suffered from systemic candida for over twenty years, and I tried every "remedy" and "treatment" out there. But no matter how many products or promised cures I tried, how many how many fasts I endured, how many anti-fungal herbs I took, how many colonics I was given, or how many probiotics I ingested, the candida fungi kept coming back. Eventually, I began to realize that the candida were being produced by my Intelligent Body to counterbalance a more significant underlying problem: an inability to properly digest foods and absorb nutrients.

You see, candida is not something you "catch". And it's not something you need to "get rid of" or "eliminate" or "cure", because it's created naturally by the body for good reason. It's not a an accident that you have it, because just as when the body creates a fever to kill off a lethal virus or causes vomiting or diarrhea to expel toxins, its divine intelligence is doing its job to protect itself from a much more life-threatening danger. The Intelligent Body is all about life-preservation. In my case of systemic candida, my body was constantly having to defend itself against the barrage of sugar that I was unknowingly ingesting on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. And candida fungi feast on sugar.

A major epiphany hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized that the massive amounts of sugar I was ingesting was coming from honey, fruit, fruit juice, maple syrup, bread, potatoes, pasta, and cereal. Even though none of these foods and drinks contain "added sugar", all of them get converted into glucose in the body and this is why my body was manufacturing the candida; to dispose of all this toxic sugar.

To complicate matters further, I was not eating sufficient protein and healthy fats. Raised as a vegetarian from birth, I relied mainly on soy products for protein. But the body cannot digest soy at all -- unless it is fermented. And so, what did my body do to compensate for this constant barrage of foods that it can't digest and sugars that it can't assimilate? Well, it protects itself by manufacturing a fungus to devour the sugar. And this is what causes candida overgrowth -- it all boils down to an unknown addiction to sugar.

Antibitoics can lead to candida overgrowth -- this is true, however, it is not the primary cause of it as many nutritionists advocate. As a population, we simply don't take nearly enough antibiotics to be causing such as "yeast syndrome". However, we do consume more than enough sugar! And contrary to another popular myth in the wellness industry, the Intelligent Body is perfectly capable of manufacturing the appropriate probiotics on its own (there are over 500 varieties) if it is supplied with the proper nutrients, minerals, and foods that it can digest. If, however, you're continuously drowning out vital magnesium, calcium, selenium, and trace minerals with diuretics such as caffeinated beverages every day, the body simply cannot do its job.

The U.S. Congress just passed a law that the tomato sauce on pizza will be considered as a vegetable for school lunches. Not only is the pizza devoid of all nutrition and has a glycemic index above 70, when combined with the high-starch, sugary, acidic tomato sauce, it will be instantly converted to glucose in the bloodstream, contributing to the rapidly rising childhood diseases of hypoglycemia, type 2 diabetes, ADHD, and obesity.

I believe that poor nutrition is the major cause of cancer, candida, digestive disorders, and nearly every other chronic disease out there because it weakens every cell in the body. The modern human diet is completely devoid of the vital nutrients and minerals that the body needs to repair the constant bombardment of sugar, GMO's, undigestable oils (such as margarine, trans fats, Canola oil, and soybean oil), heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine, vaccines, prescription drugs, caffeine, and other carcinogens and toxins that we are bombarding it with on a daily basis.

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My Mother died aged just 60. When doctors performed her autopsy, they reported that she had been suffering severe gastritis and bleeding of the stomach and small intestine. In ten years of medical care, nobody had bothered to check her stomach for the presence of damage.

My Mother died as a result of septicemia: an infection developed in her psoas muscle, burst and allowed the infectious bacteria to enter her brain. It is fairly clear to me that the infectious organisms that caused the sepsis broke into her circulation through her damaged stomach and intestine.

This is a serious topic!

Gastritis simply means "inflammation of the stomach". H pylori infection is the leading - but not the only - cause of gastritis.

In fact, any word that ends in 'itis' means inflammation. For example, colitis is inflammation of the colon, arthritis is inflammation of joints, uveitis is inflammation of the eyes.

Most of the pain people experience is caused by inflammation. If tissues in your body are inflamed, you'll tend to feel pain there.

However, inflammation does not always cause pain and this is one of the most important lessons you can learn regarding your health because "silent" inflammation causes most of the diseases that afflict the Western population.

Chronic, long term inflammation can lead to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, IBS, autoimmune disease and many other disease processes. These diseases don't appear over night, they are the result of a long term process.

H Pylori, Gastritis & Stomach Pain

H pylori infection always causes inflammation. This inflammation is generally located in the stomach and small intestine, where it is known as gastritis and duodenitis, respectively.

In some folk, gastritis and duodenitis will cause them to experience pain consciously, but other folk will not feel this pain. This is similar to the situation in celiac disease, where some people feel extreme pain upon eating gluten, whereas others feel no discomfort whatsoever, even though the gluten causes huge amounts of inflammation in the intestine.

Individual differences in the way we react to the H pylori infection, in addition to the specific strain of H pylori involved, seem to be the primary reasons why some folk develop stomach pain, heartburn and other uncomfortable symptoms while others do not.

The most common symptom of gastritis is a burning pain that occurs between the breastbone and the bellybutton. The pain can either be worsened or made better by food.

Nausea, loss of appetite, bloating and other common digestive symptoms may also be signs of gastritis. Severe gastritis can lead to stomach ulcers or bleeding, both of which must be treated by a medical professional.

If you have severe pain, burning, nausea, vomiting - especially if you vomit blood or coffee-like granules - or if your bowel movements are unusually dark, seek medical attention immediately as you may have bleeding in your stomach or intestines.

Three Main Causes Of Gastritis

There are three major causes of gastritis:

First, H pylori infection is believed to be the number one cause of gastritis.

Second, NSAIDS such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), Naxopren (Aleve, Naprosyn) are used to treat pain syndromes such as arthritis and headaches. They are available over the counter, without prescription.

They work by decreasing the formation of some of the body's pain signalling chemicals, known as prostaglandins. Gastritis and bleeding of the stomach are known to be side effects of using NSAIDS. For example, in one study it was found that the use of one adult strength aspirin per day triples a person's risk of being hospitalised for a major gastrointestinal bleed.璽?玲?/p>

Third, several diet and lifestyle factors may cause or contribute to the development of gastritis. Here are some of those factors:

• Alcohol consumption (alcohol is a major irritant of the GI tract)
• Cigarette smoking
• Dehydration
• Eating smoked, pickled and processed foods, for example bacon, salami, pickles, vinegar). Processed meats that contain nitrates and nitrites are preservatives are especially problematic.
• Spicy foods such as chilli
• Greasy foods containing processed vegetable oils
• Consuming gluten-containing foods (from wheat, rye and barley)
• Cow's milk products, especially when they are pasteurised
• Sugar consumption
• Coffee drinking
• Food allergies: common triggers include cow's milk, wheat, corn, yeast, nuts, eggs
• Stress (yes, stress has been shown to directly cause inflammation)

Overcoming Gastritis

Overcoming gastritis is not difficult. If you have digestive pain above your bellybutton, the chances are that you have gastritis.

So first, check your lifestyle against the factors listed above and correct any of these that need correcting. Remove problematic foods, stop smoking and talk to your doctor about whether you need NSAIDs.

If this does not relieve your symptoms, make sure that get a test for H pylori. You can get a test from your doctor. We recommend that you two tests: a stool antigen test and a urea breath test.

If H pylori is detected in your testing, you must take steps to eradicate the infection using triple therapy antibiotics or a well-designed herbal protocol such as the one I used when I had H pylori.

Once H pylori has been successfully eradicated, substances that are helpful in healing a damaged stomach and intestinal lining include DGL, zinc-l-carnosine, l-glutamine, cysteine or n-acetyl cysteine, gamma-oryzanol, colostrum and probiotics.

If you are experiencing very severe symptoms, I recommend that you ask for an endoscopy examination from your doctor or specialist. The endoscopy procedure can help you identify how severe your gastritis is. It can also determine whether you have developed stomach, or peptic ulcers, Barrett's esophagus, atrophic gastritis and other conditions, including cancer. A biopsy can also be taken during the endoscopy procedure to identify H pylori infection.

Do not underestimate your body's messages. If you have pain in your digestive system it means there is something wrong. H pylori can cause stomach cancer if it is left untreated. So what begins as simple gastritis can end up causing very serious problems.

Please don't take chances. Alter your diet and lifestyle habits and, if this does not bring relief, seek medical attention immediately.

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Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease. It is considered a serious ailment and requires medical attention.

Ulcerative colitis is an ailment that causes inflammation in the bowels. The word "colitis" refers to inflammation (-itis, as in dermatitis, hepatitis) of the colon (col-). It is characterized by ulcers and open sores in the colon. More than a quarter million people in America are affected by it. While it is a form of inflammatory bowel disease, it is not to be confused with irritable bowel syndrome which is also a bowel related ailment but is not serious in nature. Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic ailment characterized by bowel pain, irregular bowel movements, discomfort and bloating.

Ulcerative colitis is very similar to Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease can affect any part of the digestive system from mouth to anus. The causes for ulcerative colitis can be attributed to many factors like genetic factors, diet and food habits, environment and some also classify it as an autoimmune disease - that is, the body's immune system turns against the body itself.

There are many treatments for ulcerative colitis that depend on the extent and severity. While irritable bowel syndrome can be treated rather swiftly by a few simple drugs, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease require serious medical attention. Chemotherapy is used more commonly than any other form of treatment and is used in more than 70% of the cases. It involves an initial drug course to initiate the cure, followed by maintenance drugs. A class of drugs known as aminosalicylates is used. Aminosalicylates include mesalazine, sulfasalazine, balsalazide, olsalazine and dipentum - although sulfasalazine has been known to cause side effects like nausea; vomiting; reduced sperm count; damage to blood cells, liver, kidneys, pancreas, nerves and hearing.

Corticosteroids are also used. Corticosteroids include cortisone, prednisone, hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone and budesonide. Apart from these, immunosuppressive drugs and TNF inhibitors are also used. Also, some new drugs like Methotrexate, hepagrin and anti-integrin anti-bodies are being tested with varying degrees of success. Sometimes, surgery is also recommended for ulcerative colitis treatment. Besides there are many alternative treatments for this and nearly a fifth of the cases rely on these alternative treatments like dietary control, consumption of certain fats and oils, herbal medicine and bacterial recolonization.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The colitis affects the different parts of the colon which can be quite troublesome for a person. Different types of infections that are brought on by numerous diseases along with low blood supply are the two common causes of colitis. Ulcerative colitis is known to be the most horrible type of colitis in general according to various medical professionals. It can often lead to cramps which can be quite troublesome as you may not be able to carry out important chores during the day. Natural cures for colitis are certainly the best way to ensure that you do not have to face this issue again and again.

It is actually not surprising that not the same cure works for every individual since corrective measures need to be taken after knowing the extent of the problem. The reduction of fats and sugar is very important along with the addition of fiber in the diet. This type of diet will help in reducing the number of sores in the colon area. Fatty acid is also a good option as it helps in getting rid of the pain that you may feel due to the sores. This ingredient helps to keep constipation in control as well which can be an issue during colitis.

There are different symptoms that will detect the issue of colitis. You should keep a check on these symptoms so that you are able to go ahead for quick treatment. Loss of blood during bowel movements should definitely ring the alarm bells as it is certainly a symptom of some or the other disease. High fever and pain in the abdomen are some symptoms that will give you an idea about the issue of colitis. These symptoms may attack all at once or start to occur one after the other as well. You should not take a risk at any cost and get to the root of the medical issue by visiting the doctor.

It is a wise idea to transfer to a liquid diet for a certain period of time for getting rid of colitis. Diet plays a very good role in eliminating the condition of colitis. It is advocated that you do not indulge in food items that are known to affect your condition negatively. Liquid diets are suggested since it helps the colon to relax so that you do not have to be stressed about any pain. The best thing to do in any case is to maintain a strict and balanced diet so that you are not affected by the symptoms seen in various types of colitis.

Natural herbs are actually one of the best natural cures for colitis and you should try it out. Aloe vera is known commonly for its medicinal qualities and is also known to act well against colitis. The ulcerative colitis is stopped effectively with the use of aloe vera. It is highly effective as a body cleansing agent as well and is present in nature in high amounts. This is a very good way to clear your body of unwanted chemicals and get effective treatment against the disease. Research has also proved that over ninety percent of people suffering from colitis have got relief with the help of herbal treatments.

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Colon cancer often exhibits the same symptoms as other colon conditions. Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, and peptic ulcer disease show the same symptoms of colon cancer: red or dark blood in stools, changes in bowel habits, narrow stools, diarrhea or constipation, unexplainable weight loss, abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, and anemia. In order to observe your symptoms better, it is also important to read up on other colon diseases.

The disease can be present for many years before symptoms of colon cancer even show. This is why the best thing to do to watch out for colon cancer is to undergo regular screenings, preferably those that entail fecal blood testing and colonoscopy.

Symptoms of colon cancer vary according to where the tumor is located. Because the right colon is spacious, tumors in the right colon can grow to large sizes before they even cause symptoms of colon cancer. As tumors have a tendency to bleed, cancers on the right colon cause iron deficiency anemia because of the slow, unnoticed loss of blood over a long period of time. It is all the more unnoticeable because the stool travels through the colon longer, so whatever blood is in the stool dries up and even becomes invisible. Iron deficiency anemia, in turn, results in fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath for patients.

On the other hand, the left colon is narrower than the right colon. Cancers of the left colon are more likely to cause partial or complete bowel obstruction. This type of cancer causes the following symptoms of colon cancer: diarrhea, constipation, narrow stools, abdominal pains, cramps, and bloating. If there is bright red blood in the stool, this can also mean that there is a cancerous growth near the end of the left colon or the rectum.
Go and see your doctor if you develop any of the following symptoms of colon cancer mentioned above. However, don't panic just yet. As mentioned, some of the symptoms can be indicative of another colon disease altogether. For example, while blood in your stool may be one of the symptoms of colon cancer, it may also come from hemorrhoids or minor tears in your anus. If you are constipated as a result of not drinking enough water and not taking in sufficient fiber, tough stools may scratch your rectal wall.

Additionally, certain foods, such as beets and red licorice, can cause your stools to turn red, while iron supplements and some anti-diarrhea medications often make stools black. However, it is still a good idea to visit your doctor at any sign of blood or other changes in your stools and bowel movement. After all, early detection based on symptoms of colon cancer usually result in complete cures.

Below is a complete list of the top symptoms of colon cancer. It will do no harm to visit your doctor as soon as you feel two or more of the following:

* Major change in your toilet habits, whether you move your bowels more or less

* Blood in your fecal matter, bright red or dried

* Stools that are thinner than usual

* Unexplainable dramatic weight loss

* Stomach pains, cramping or bloating

* Unexplainable fatigue

* Always feeling like you need to move your bowels

* Constant nausea and vomiting

* Iron deficiency anemia

* Abdominal pain, which is a rare symptom of colon cancer, and may exhibit itself as mere tenderness in the abdomen.

Mitzieadpah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome are all the similar diseases with very minor variations. They all affect the bowel system. The symptoms are very similar to each other.
What are the underlying causes of irritable bowel syndrome?

Strictly speaking, the cause is unknown. Not that this disease has been neglected by the research fraternity, but the results are inconclusive, leading to several presumptions. One obvious presumption is that this is a type of allergic reaction to food; another is that that this is hereditary; while still another is that when the immune system of the bowels is weakened, it causes irritation of the bowels. But all said and done, none of these causes are actually identified to be the culprit.

What are the symptoms?
Some symptoms of Ulcerative colitis are diarrhea, loss of appetite, blood in stool, pain and cramps in the abdomen, fever, mucus in the stool, ulcers in the large intestine. An experienced physician can diagnose the disease using the results of colonoscopy which involves a biopsy of a swab of tissue from the colon. Monitoring depletion levels of important electrolytes like sodium and potassium by blood tests can also lead towards a diagnosis.

What is the best treatment for Ulcerative Colitis?
Conventional systems use two types of drugs. An occasional flare-up is usually taken care of by certain medicines. The symptoms subside until the next spurt which could be several weeks later. The other type of treatment is for more chronic cases where the drugs need to be taken regularly and at all times.

Of all the drugs used in this treatment, corticosteroids are prescribed for short term and the doses are tapered off. They are stopped for some time before being restarted. The reason being that, corticosteroids are known to weaken the bones if taken regularly for a long time; upset the body's delicate hormonal balance; and cause diabetes, glaucoma and even mood swings.

Some doctors resort to surgery as a last measure. But, this is an inconclusive step, since irritable bowel syndrome can still prop up in other healthy areas.

Treating irritable bowel syndrome with natural Aloe Vera shows encouraging results. Aloe Vera has an anti-inflammatory action on the inner linings of the intestines. Being a natural product, Aloe Vera is quite safe. There are no negative side effects other than regenerating dead cells in other parts of the body, including the intestines. Aloe Vera heals and if taken regularly, restores your digestion and absorption. With Aloe Vera you can continue your doctor's prescriptions for Ulcerative Colitis. Using Aloe Vera finally eliminates the unhealthy side effects of using drugs.

Clinical research is still going on in finding the cause and effective treatment for ulcerative colitis using allopathic drugs.

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